How to distribute your salary over a month - recommendations. How to distribute a personal budget or the jug method Mistakes in distributing family finances

A family is a state in miniature: it has a head, an adviser, “ subsidized population", income and expense items. Planning, distribution and sequestration ( familiar words?) family budget is an important task. How to save and save without going on a starvation diet? — Create a table for recording funds received by the family and review the structure of payments.

  • Money– one of the greatest instruments created by man. They can buy freedom, experience, entertainment and everything that makes life more comfortable. But they can be squandered, spent in an unknown direction and senselessly squandered.

Legendary American actor of the early twentieth century Will Rogers said:

“Too many people spend money on things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like.”

Has your income been less than your expenses over the past few months? Yes? Then you are not alone, but in a big company. The problem is that this is not a very good company. Debts, loans, penalties and late payments are growing like a snowball... it's time to jump out of the sinking boat!

Why do you need to keep a family budget?

“Money is just a tool. They will take you where you want, but will not replace you as a driver,” Russian-born writer who emigrated to the States, Ayn Rand learned from her own experience the need to plan and budget her own finances.

Unconvincing? Here three good reasons start planning your family budget:

  1. Calculating a family budget will help you figure out long-term goals and work in a given direction. If you drift aimlessly, throwing money at every attractive item, how will you be able to save and go on a long-awaited vacation, buy a car or make a down payment on a mortgage?
  2. Family budget expenses table sheds light on spontaneous spending and forces you to reconsider your purchasing habits. Do you really need 50 pairs of black high heels? Planning a family budget forces you to set priorities and refocus on achieving your goals.
  3. Illness, divorce or job loss can lead to a serious financial crisis. Emergencies happen at the most inopportune times. This is why everyone needs an emergency fund. The structure of the family budget necessarily includes the column “ saving“- a financial cushion that will help you stay afloat for three to six months.

How to properly distribute the family budget

A few rules of thumb for family budget planning that we will present here can serve as a rough guide for making decisions. Everyone's situation is different and constantly changing, but the basic principles are a good starting point.

Rule 50/20/30

Elizabeth and Amelia Warren, authors of the book " All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan" (in translation " Your Whole Wealth: The Ultimate Money Plan for Life") describe a simple but effective way to create a budget.

Instead of breaking down a family's expenses into 20 different categories, they recommend dividing the budget structure into three main components:

  • 50% of income should cover basic expenses, such as paying housing, taxes and buying groceries;
  • 30% – optional expenses: entertainment, going to a cafe, cinema, etc.;
  • 20% goes to pay off loans and debts, and is also set aside as a reserve.

80/20 rule

Step 2: determine the income and expenses of the family budget

It's time to look at the structure of the family budget. Start by making a list of all sources of income: wages, alimony, pensions, part-time jobs and other options for bringing money into the family.

Expenses include everything you spend money on.

Divide your expenses into fixed and variable payments. Fill in the fields for variable and fixed expenses in the table for maintaining a family budget, based on your own experience. Detailed instructions for working with the excel file are in the next chapter.

When distributing the budget, it is necessary to take into account the size of the family, living conditions and the desires of all members of the “unit of society”. A short list of categories is already included in the example table. Consider the categories of expenses that will be needed to further detail the structure.

Income structure

As a rule, the income column includes:

  • salary of the head of the family (indicated “husband”);
  • salary of the general adviser (“wife”);
  • interest on deposits;
  • pension;
  • social benefits;
  • part-time jobs (private lessons, for example).

Expense column

Expenses are divided into constant, that is, unchangeable: fixed tax payments; home, car and health insurance; constant amounts for Internet and TV. This also includes those 10–20% that need to be set aside for unforeseen cases and “rainy days.”

Variable expenses column:

  • products;
  • medical service;
  • spending on a car;
  • cloth;
  • payment for gas, electricity, water;
  • personal expenses of spouses (entered and planned separately);
  • seasonal spending on gifts;
  • contributions to school and kindergarten;
  • entertainment;
  • expenses for children.

Depending on your desire, you can supplement, specify the list or shorten it by enlarging and combining expense items.

Step 3: Track your spending throughout the month

It is unlikely that it will be possible to draw up a family budget table now; you need to find out where and in what proportions the money goes. This will take one to two months. In a ready-made excel spreadsheet that you can download for free, start adding expenses, gradually adjusting the categories " for yourself».

Below you will find detailed explanations for this document, since this Excel includes several interrelated tables.

  • The purpose of this step is to get a clear picture of your financial situation, clearly see the cost structure and, at the next stage, adjust the budget.

Step 4: Separate Needs from Wants

When people start recording their spending, they discover that a lot of money " flies away"for completely unnecessary things. Impulse, unplanned expenses seriously hit your pocket if your income level is not so high that a couple or two thousand go unnoticed.

Refuse to purchase until you are sure that the item is absolutely necessary for you. Wait a few weeks. If it turns out that you really cannot live without the desired item, then it is indeed a necessary expenditure.

A little advice: Put your credit and debit cards aside. Use cash to learn how to save. It is psychologically easier to part with virtual amounts than to count out pieces of paper.

How to properly plan a family budget in a table

Now you know what is really happening with your money.

Look at the categories of expenses you want to cut and make your own plan using a free excel spreadsheet.

Many people don't like the word " budget”, because they believe that these are restrictions, deprivations and lack of entertainment. Relax, a personalized spending plan will allow you to live within your means, avoid stress and sleep better rather than worrying about how to get out of debt.

“An annual income of £20 and an annual expenditure of £19.06 leads to happiness. An income of 20 pounds and an expense of 20.6 leads to suffering,” Charles Dickens’ brilliant note reveals the basic law of planning.

Enter your prepared family budget into the table

You have set goals, determined income and expenses, decided how much you will save monthly for emergencies andlearned the difference between needs and wants. Take another look at the budget sheet in the spreadsheet and fill in the blank columns.

A budget is not a static figure fixed once and for all. If necessary, you can always adjust it. For example, you planned to spend 15 thousand monthly on groceries, but after a couple of months you noticed that you only spend 14 thousand. Make additions to the table - redirect the saved amount to the “savings” column.

How to plan a budget with irregular income

Not everyone has a permanent job with regular paychecks. This doesn't mean you can't create a budget; but this means you have to plan in more detail.

  • One strategy is to calculate the average income over the past few years and focus on this figure.
  • Second way- determine a stable salary from your own income - what you will live on, and save the excess into an insurance account. In lean months, the account balance will decrease by exactly the missing amount. But your “salary” will remain the same.
  • Third planning option– maintain two budget tables in parallel: for “ good" And " bad» months. It's a little more complicated, but nothing is impossible. The danger that awaits you along this path: people spend and take out loans, waiting for income from the best months. If the “black streak” drags on a little, the credit funnel will eat up both current and future income.

Below you will find solutions on how to distribute the family budget according to the table.

After we have decided on the main goals, let's try to distribute the family budget for the month, indicate current income and expenses in the table, in order to manage funds wisely, to be able to save for main goals, without missing out on current and everyday needs.

Open the second sheet " Budget"and fill in the fields of monthly income, annual income, and the program will calculate the results itself, example:

In columns " variable expenses" And " fixed costs» Enter estimated numbers. Add new items where " other", in place of unnecessary names, enter your own:

Now go to the tab of the month from which you decided to start saving and planning family expenses. On the left you will find columns in which you need to record the date of purchase, select a category from the drop-down list and make a note.

  • Additional notes are very convenient to refresh your memory if necessary and clarify exactly what the money was spent on.

Simply delete the data entered in the table as an example and enter your own:

To account for expenses and income by month, we suggest looking at the table on the third sheet in our Excel " This year", this table is filled in automatically based on your expenses and income, sums up and gives an idea of ​​your progress:

And on the right there will be a separate table that will automatically summarize all expenses for the year:

Nothing complicated. Even if you have never tried to master working with Excel tables, selecting the desired cell and entering the numbers is all that is required.

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Why did you decide to record expenses and income?

    Manage money wisely * 17%, 1585 votes

    I want to save money 13%, 1260 votes

    To control where the funds go 13%, 1210 votes

    Due to a financial crisis in order to properly set priorities * 9%, 834 vote

    I would like to learn how to spend money 7%, 615 votes

    More than half of the above.. * 6%, 611 votes

    Managing my budget, looking for optimization options * 5%, 512 votes

    I want to buy an apartment * 4%, 416 votes

    I want to become financially independent * 3%, 310 votes

    Planning family life with a young man * 3%, 276 votes

    I want to feel confident in the future * 2%, 182 vote

    I want to achieve my goals as quickly as possible * 1%, 141 voice

    I want to know how much I spend 1%, 115 votes

    Started studying financial literacy * 1%, 88 votes

    Practical work in economics * 1%, 82 vote

    To control income, plan expenses and set financial goals. * 1%, 74 vote

    To know what and where the funds go * 1%, 65 votes

    I want to get out of housing and communal services debts! And you put it off! The pennies are growing like mushrooms! * 1%, 49 votes

    To pay off debts * 0%, 42 vote

    I was asked to make a spending plan in social studies. * 0%, 38 votes

    Assigned in social studies * 0%, 38 votes

    This article helped me find the data I needed for the assignment. * 0%, 28 votes

    We want to save money for a wedding with a young man * 0%, 28 votes

Determining a salary for a specific employee and distributing salary and bonus funds among team members is an extremely delicate issue. A mistake here can lead to a decrease in labor efficiency, loss of valuable employees, or even a real revolution in the company. What should you pay attention to when dividing the salary pie?

There are different approaches

In principle, there are several basic approaches to calculating wages:

  1. Tariff schedule. This is a method in which a specialist in a certain position receives a certain rate. Being an achievement of the Soviet system, this approach, even with some inherent shortcomings, can still be used effectively, especially in large industries, in construction, i.e. in enterprises where a fairly large number of workers work and their functions are well regulated. Tariffing, as a rule, is tied to the qualifications of the employee.
  2. Determination of salary according to the value of a specialist on the labor market. The employer studies the supply of necessary specialists on the market depending on the required competencies, and based on this data forms a salary offer.
  3. Grading. Salary is determined depending on the assessment of the employee’s performance according to certain criteria. The criteria can be the level of responsibility, required qualifications, significance for the enterprise, etc. With this approach, each position in the enterprise is assessed according to the established criteria. Each assessment point is assigned a certain monetary equivalent. Thus, the total assessment will be the amount of wages.

The grading system allows for situations that are unusual for us, for example, when a specialist engineer will receive more than the head of his own department or department. After all, the work of the entire company will depend on the work of this particular person. Grading technology can be implemented only by systemic companies with a high level of formalization of business processes.

In any case, all models for determining wages are tied to labor cost indicators in regional labor markets. If we suddenly have 100 thousand professors, their salaries will obviously fall, and if the number of janitors throughout Ukraine is reduced to 1 thousand, then their salaries, of course, will increase sharply.

The salary of a specialist should primarily depend on his achievements, the degree of his influence on the business, the uniqueness of the tasks he performs or his role in the company, as well as on qualifications and professional skills. In addition, it would not hurt to have a benchmark (definition of a standard) on the market - what compensation is offered to such specialists.

This sweet word "premium"

Salary is often divided into several parts - stable and bonus. There are also certain principles in the distribution of these parts. For example, if the bonus part is less than 25% of the stable salary, then it has a very weak motivating effect. Non-systematic bonuses of 15% (for example, on New Year's Eve) are usually not considered by employees as an incentive. And bonuses in the amount of 5% of the salary can even cause irritation among the team - they say, “Thank you for that, greedy people.”

The normal bonus fund for white collar workers is from 30% to 50% of the salary, for blue collar workers - from 25% to 30% of the salary, and for people who directly bring money into the company (for example, company executives, heads of sales departments ) bonuses can be as large as possible, up to 100% of the salary.

It should be noted that bonuses in the amount of more than 30% of the salary of the working class can cause a feeling of strong anxiety and a sense of instability, since this category of workers thinks approximately in the following stereotype: “I have done a certain job - pay me the money due.” Accordingly, destroying this stereotype is too risky because it causes anxiety, mistrust in people, and may even irritate them, which does not at all contribute to high labor productivity. If such bonuses are paid systematically and are rarely reduced, then employees begin to consider them as wages, and the reduction of bonuses as a process of taking away their wages.

When deciding on a bonus, it is important to evaluate the reason for the increase - why is it necessary? These are over-achievement, discrepancy with market compensation, or annual indexation (if this is for all employees).

Let me return again to the topic of achievements and exceeding set goals - this is the only normal criterion for awards. It’s not for nothing that Americans call this approach meritocracy. Neither the level of the position nor the length of tenure in it can be an assessment, since in the current conditions of our and the world economy and business rules, this is no longer applicable.

Bonuses should obviously be related to the performance of staff, in which case they will perform a motivating function. Otherwise, they will be perceived as random payments - “lucky” or “unlucky”.

The same applies to material punishments for poor work - if they do not strictly follow the misconduct, they lose all motivational meaning, turning into an accident in the eyes of the employee. Here it should be recalled that in Ukrainian legislation there are no “fines” regarding wages, and only the bonus part can be changed.

Transparency and fairness

Management decisions about who in the company should raise salaries or give bonuses, and who should not, should be as transparent as possible, since employees’ lack of understanding of the principle of distribution of funds threatens the emergence of personal conflicts and an unhealthy climate in the team.

Approval of salary levels and bonus funds should presuppose a certain “fairness” in the relationship between the hierarchies of people and departments within a particular organization. Violation of this balance of “fair” distribution can lead to a serious deterioration in the climate in the team and severe demotivation of employees. And although companies often try to hide the salaries of their colleagues from employees, in fact, almost no one succeeds in doing this.

He notes that if there is a shortage of premium budget, it is necessary to identify key positions for the business and, first of all, support them. On the other hand, this can lead to the business's dependence on these specialists, and this is a clear lack of management, because such employees can, in the end, blackmail the company's management, demanding an unreasonable salary increase. Therefore, the normal practice of the HR service is to create a company personnel reserve, from which, at the right time, any (ideally) specialist can be replaced. This allows you to base your assessment of a specialist’s work on clear criteria for the effectiveness of his activities, and not on his authority.

In order to prevent a situation where a valuable employee becomes an extortionist, experts advise trying to make the process of “dividing” salaries and bonuses as formal as possible and not changing salaries from month to month because they were “asked for” or “the quarter was good”, and employees Ask the question more often: “What have you done for the company?”

There's still a week until payday, but you have no money at all and you don't understand where you spent it? This is a signal that you are managing your finances incorrectly. The editors of TAM.BY tell you how you can manage your income.

Divide the money correctly. Try the 50/30/20 rule. It states that 50% of your monthly income should be spent on necessary expenses: rent or mortgage, food, utility bills, transportation and other important things. You need to save 20% at the beginning of each month. With the remaining 30% you can have fun - go shopping, go to a restaurant, or a beauty salon.

Of course, the percentages may differ: for some, half of their earnings are spent just on renting an apartment. But aim to save 20% every month.

Create an emergency fund. 10% of the funds that you have set aside will go towards creating a “safety cushion”. Ideally, it should be such that in an emergency situation (dismissal, illness), you can maintain the standard of living that was before for up to 6 months. This money cannot be used to go on vacation or buy someone a gift. The only situation in which they can be used is if something really serious has happened.

Set clear financial goals. Write down what you are saving money for, indicating a time frame. For example, you want to go on vacation to Italy, buy a laptop or make repairs. Determine how much it will cost and when you plan to achieve the result. If you don’t set specific guidelines, there is a high chance that you will take money from your nest egg for current expenses.

Keep track of your income and expenses daily. Enter information about all expenses into a special application or write it down in a notepad. At the end of the month, you will identify the main “stealers” of finances and understand what you can give up.

Don't spend more if your income has increased. Many people, when their salary increases, seek to reward themselves and buy more things than before, and these things tend to be more expensive. “Don’t I deserve this?” - they reason. The trap is that they remain in the same place as before: they seem to earn more, but at the end of the month their accounts are zero.

Make a shopping list and eat before you go to the store. This will help you avoid impulsive purchases and not fall for promotional offers. Take advantage of discounts if they are really profitable. For example, the option 1+1=3 makes sense if three of you are buying things. Otherwise, you buy, albeit at a discount, two extra things that you don’t need.

Allow yourself small expenses. Most often we are talking about spontaneous purchases that damage the budget because you don’t notice them. The idea is to officially give yourself permission to overspend and add it to your plan. Then they will become part of your controllable budget.

Review your nutritional principles. It's hardly worth saving on food - rotten vegetables won't do any good. But you should analyze what you buy most often. Identify items you're willing to give up (like chips and soda) and those you're willing to splurge on (good meat or quality coffee). Think about which products can be replaced with cheaper alternatives. Perhaps you are buying this chocolate only because of the promoted brand, and not because of the fantastic taste. Give preference to seasonal vegetables and fruits and purchase fewer processed foods.

Save on utility bills. Install water and electricity meters, turn off the water when brushing your teeth, use energy-saving light bulbs.

Visit your doctors regularly. Do not neglect preventive visits - it is better to go to the dentist once today than to treat complex diseases and spend a lot of money tomorrow.

Don't go shopping when you're depressed. Sometimes you can and should make yourself happy with your purchases, but not if you buy things and then don’t use them. To avoid buying unnecessary clothes, try taking a photo in the fitting room and leaving the store. You will return there tomorrow, having previously considered whether a new thing is needed.

Get rid of loans and be careful with installment cards. If you are a responsible person and control your spending, installment cards can help out when you need to urgently buy something expensive. But you should remember that you will have to pay high interest rates for late card payments, and correctly assess your strengths.

The main task when drawing up a personal budget is not just to balance debits with credits, but to wisely distribute expenses so that in the last week before payday you don’t have to borrow or live from hand to mouth.

You can plan your budget in special or any tables - the principle is the same.

As a rule, the main part of the salary is paid not on the first day of the month, but on the 5th, 10th or 15th. Therefore, it will be more convenient to plan a budget not for a calendar month, but for the period from paycheck to paycheck, for example, from March 10 to April 9.


First, you need to record all financial receipts in order to understand how much you have. All sources of income should be taken into account: salary, bonus, part-time work, money from renting out an apartment, and so on. If your income is unstable, it makes sense to form a budget when you know exactly how much you have, for example, on the day the money is received on the card.


The items of expenditure that cannot be avoided should be entered first. This list will look something like this:

  1. Groceries (including lunches at work if you eat in the canteen).
  2. Communal payments.
  3. Directions
  4. Mobile connection.
  5. Internet.
  6. Household chemicals.

Naturally, the list of mandatory payments will be different for each person and each family. Tolls may be replaced by gasoline costs. People with chronic diseases will take into account the costs of medicines. The same list will include loan payments, kindergarten fees, and so on. At the same time, the traditional trip to the cinema on Saturdays and similar expense items are not mandatory.

Make it a rule to put money into a “stabilization fund” every month. This can be a fixed amount or a percentage of income.

The amount remaining after deducting mandatory expenses can be dealt with in two ways:

  1. You allocate money for entertainment, clothing and various amenities.
  2. You divide the remaining amount by the number of days in the month.

With the first method, everything is clear: you determine that you will spend 3,000 rubles on cinema, the same amount on clothes, and so on. The second method is worth considering in more detail.

Let's say you have 15,500 rubles left, and there are 31 days in the month. This means that you can spend 500 rubles daily. At the same time, mandatory expenses are already taken into account in the budget, so this money is intended only for pleasant expenses or force majeure circumstances. Accordingly, if you spend more than this amount per day, then you will go into the red, and at the end of the month you will have to tighten your belt. If you don’t spend anything, then within two weeks you’ll save up 7,000 rubles, which you can spend on something big.

The money remaining at the end of the financial period can be spent or put aside. The first way is pleasant, the second is rational.

How to plan a budget for the year

The annual financial plan will need regular adjustments both in terms of expenses and income, so all columns in it need to be created in duplicate: a forecast and an actual indicator.


If you have a regular income

With a fixed amount of earnings, you simply enter salary and other stable income into the income section. The only thing that will interrupt the usual course of things is vacation pay. Usually, before a vacation, they give you money for the days during which you will rest, but then you will miss a certain amount in your salary. But in general, at the forecasting stage, especially if you are drawing up a budget for the first time, it will be enough to use only the salary amount for all months.

If you have inconsistent income

If income is irregular, there are three ways to forecast income:

1. You are sure that you will receive a monthly amount sufficient to live on, although you do not know its exact amount.

Calculate your average income and use it for calculations. If you earn more than the predicted amount in any month, move the excess to the piggy bank. You will get into it if you earn less than average.

2. You don’t have a regular income and you’re not sure what you will have.

It is better to take the minimum income as a basis for calculations. In this case, budget planning will become a task with an asterisk, but there will be no financial surprises.

3. Part of your income is stable, but the exact amount of earnings is difficult to predict.

For example, you receive a fixed salary, and the availability of a bonus depends on many factors. Then it’s worth planning your budget so that a stable income covers all your primary needs, and you’ll spend on the rest depending on the situation.

Don't forget to take into account the income that you receive irregularly: a quarterly bonus (once every three months), a tax deduction return (once a year), and so on.

For example, let's take a situation where the majority of income is stable - this is salary. The minimum premium is 3,000 rubles, and we will use this figure in the forecast. We also note that for the anniversary in August they should give at least 20,000 rubles: parents promised 15,000, friends will probably give at least 5,000.


When planning expenses, write down mandatory expenses in the month columns: food, utilities, travel, mobile communications, household chemicals, and so on. Please note that in winter utility bills are higher due to heating, and for mobile communications, for example, in May you will spend more because you are going on vacation. These changes must be included in the budget.

So, in the example you can see that the heating season ended in March, so the last increased payment for housing and communal services is scheduled for April. Vacation in May is also reflected. A budget maker is planning to go to visit her grandmother for three weeks. The tickets have already been purchased, so there is no point in taking this expense into account. Housing and communal services are considered according to standards and will not change.

At the same time, our hero will not spend money on travel for three weeks. And he cut his food costs in half: for a week he will eat at home, and will also take on part of the food costs from his grandmother.

The next step is to record obligatory but irregular expenses. Let's say in May you need to pay taxes for your apartment and car, in May you have a vacation, in August you have an anniversary, and in December your gym membership ends. Separately, consider the need to buy gifts for the holidays.

Large expenses can be planned in two ways:

  1. Find the entire amount from your monthly budget.
  2. Divide it over several months.

The hero of the example used the first method to plan expenses for the anniversary and the second - for compulsory motor liability insurance.

All that remains is to take into account the savings in the budget and calculate the balance. In the example for entertainment, according to the forecast, 8,020 rubles remain (258.7 rubles per day).

Budget adjustment

Every month, after receiving income from all sources, the budget will have to be adjusted to determine the amount that is actually on hand. As information becomes available, it is also worth considering changes in costs.

The person in the example received more than he expected.

He also spent a little less on food and mobile communications, and a little more on housing and utilities. As a result, after all the mandatory deductions, he is left with 12,535 rubles (404.3 rubles per day), which is almost twice as much as the previous result.

It is worth remembering that even if you have been extremely disciplined in adhering to a financial plan, drawn up taking into account all the details, circumstances can seriously adjust the budget. Losing a job, getting promoted, and having a child will all require major changes to your financial strategy. But even a poorly drawn up budget is better than no budget at all.

This article is part of the Big Lifehacker Challenge. We came up with it to give you the motivation to finally change your life.

If you want to become the best version of yourself, join the Big Challenge, complete tasks and receive gifts. Every month we give away an iPhone XR, and we’ll also give away a trip to Thailand for two.

Millionaires also think about how and what to save money on, but how to learn to save money with a small salary, After all, the incomes of the ordinary population are practically not growing, unlike prices in stores.

In most of the regions of our homeland, the wages of the vast majority of people do not exceed 15,000 - 20,000 rubles, which, you see, is an extremely small amount for the comfortable living of one person, not to mention families with small children. In this regard, the question arises as to whether how to save money with a small salary, how in such conditions to save for a large purchase or your own home?

How to learn to save money with a small salary

The first thing you must remember before embarking on the path of saving is that proper saving is not a violation of your needs and not a direct road to poverty, but, on the contrary, a competent setting of life priorities, which in turn allows you to come to a rational use of funds.

There is a high probability that by learning to use your money rationally and save even with a small salary, you will not only raise your status, but will also be able to give up bad habits faster and easier, become healthier and freer.

An excellent motivator for anyone who doesn’t know how to save on a small salary, but really wants to learn it, will be setting some important goal in life, which will encourage rational spending of the family budget.

How you can save money today

  • expenses for goods from the “I want” section;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • telephone communications (especially mobile);
  • travel expenses;
  • communal payments;
  • Food;
  • wardrobe items;
  • household chemicals;
  • present.

What do you need to do to learn how to save on a small income?

To learn how to save, you should conduct a thorough analysis of your budget expenses and eliminate or minimize the most expensive expenses. To do this, for at least one month, write down all your expenses in a table on your computer, your phone, a notepad, or in any other way convenient for you. This will clearly demonstrate what it will look like table:

Date spent Sum What was the money spent on? Special marks
01.11.2020 100 rub. fare
13 rub. buying bread Necessarily
38 rub. buying sugar
320 rub. pack of coffee
200 rub. phone balance replenishment Necessarily
68 rub. buying chocolate
02.11.2020 50 rub. fare Necessarily
60 rub. buying water Necessarily
320 rub. buying your favorite hair shampoo
40 rub. buying toilet paper Necessarily
03.11.2020 50 rub. fare
60 rub. buying a pack of rice Necessarily
35 . buying a pack of pasta Necessarily

In the column " Special marks» You should note the reason why you made this purchase. For example, your character trait of “buying everything in reserve” or “I’ve run out of shampoo” or “I want expensive shampoo” pushed you to purchase another bottle of shampoo. Depending on what you specify, the need for such a purchase in a certain period of time will depend. To learn how to save, and even save with a small salary, you should monitor your expenses daily.

It’s trivial, but you will be very surprised when you look where your every ruble went over the last month if you write everything down!

So, when you have written down your daily expenses for the month, made a note next to each expense from the budget, it is time to analyze the collected information and summarize.

Having calculated the total amount of money spent on items considered priority and necessary for purchase, you should reduce it somewhat. This can be done by purchasing goods in stores with lower prices ( what do you buy) prices or goods on promotions.

Further, the usual expenses for replenishing the balance of a mobile phone, which turn out to be simply huge in a month, can also be reduced. Of course, in the age of modern technology it is impossible to completely abandon mobile communications, but minimizing expenses is quite possible. First of all, think about changing your tariff plan to a more profitable one for you, or purchase SIM cards from several operators in order to make cheaper calls to those with whom you communicate most. As a result, you can reduce expenses by at least 30%, and save the remaining funds even with a small income.

Utility bills can also be reduced. To do this, you just need to remember the need to save, and also that in this way you will have “extra” money.

So, be sure to turn off the lights when leaving the room, use energy-saving light bulbs in lighting fixtures, use a regular enamel kettle instead of an electric kettle, or even pour water into a thermos. We also spend very large quantities of water and most often in vain.

Water may not flow in vain while you brush your teeth. Yes, it’s a small thing, but in a year of a simple habit you can save on something significant.

Saving on food without harming health and variety is also possible:

  • cook your own food rather than buying ready-made food;
  • eat only at home or home-cooked food;
  • buy goods in different stores at better prices, and not in one, where certain goods may cost less, and some that you need specifically are several times more expensive than in competing stores.

Many of those who do not know how to save with a small salary spend most of their money on things from the “I want” category, and when they come home they cannot explain their purchase and its necessity. Before you buy anything, think carefully about your purchase and weigh all its pros and cons, imagine that you have already bought it and what you will do with it, will your life change for the better?


If you analyze the reviews, as well as the opinions of those who are trying to learn how to live within their means and at the same time not infringe on their interests in any way, we can come to the conclusion that the important point is to find out how to learn how to save on a small salary , it is considered mandatory to have " reserve funds».

It is necessary to create a reserve after your next salary, setting aside 5-10% of your monthly income in a secluded place. This will be the so-called “Emergency Reserve”, which can protect you in case of unforeseen circumstances. If you did not use the reserve this month, then do not rush to write it down as income for the next calendar period: add 5-10% of your new earnings to the existing amount and you will see that in six months or a year you will be able to afford the purchase of an expensive things you need, or you can make cosmetic repairs that you have long dreamed of.

11 ways to save on a small salary

If you still don’t know how to learn how to save money with a small salary, then it’s time to use the tips that were formulated quite a long time ago and have successfully stood the test of time.

Method 1. Competently setting financial priorities

Monthly financial costs primarily depend on the lifestyle of a particular person. Thus, young people who are just embarking on the path of independent living often do not think about what to save on and live, succumbing to momentary weaknesses and temptations. This, of course, leads to unnecessary expenses and holes in the monthly budget and you have to think about the wrong things. how to learn to save on a small salary, but about how to live without money until your next salary.

All our financial costs can be divided into three groups: urgent, not very urgent and those that can be excluded.

  • Urgent payments include utility payments, purchases of food, clothing, as well as payment of debt obligations (loans, installments), if any.
  • Things that can wait include a holiday abroad or a birthday celebration.
  • Expenses that can be completely excluded from the budget include going to restaurants, buying new equipment if the old one still works great, but is not considered modern, going to entertainment and entertainment venues, etc.

Your monthly expenses will depend on how correctly you set your life priorities. Of course, a young man should not completely exclude the entertainment sector from his life, but, you see, you can go to a club to relax not every day, but once or twice a month.

Method 2. Accounting for income and expenses

The greatest motivator for action will not be an analysis of a specific situation: to go or not to go to a cafe today, but to count the money spent on such trips over the month. After all, until you see your expenses in numbers, you will not be able to manage them.

As the world-famous Anthony Robbinson said: “What cannot be measured, cannot be managed.”

According to experts who analyzed the expenses of Russians, according to statistics, about 95% of people spend the most money on payday.

Method 3. No loans and installments!

Those who live “on credit” will never learn to save and use their budget rationally.

Lack of loans is the key to a successful life.

Of course, today banks offer quite tempting conditions for almost interest-free loans, which, with a minimum of initial payments, allow you to purchase expensive things that, for the majority, are also completely unnecessary or are far from essential.

If you already have a loan, then the time has come to reconsider its terms: perhaps it will be more profitable to take a loan from another bank on more favorable terms and repay the original one at their expense. If you plan to take out a loan in the near future and there is no escape from it, then consider options for longer-term loan obligations: this way, the monthly payment will be an order of magnitude smaller, which will reduce costs.

Method 4. Avoid unnecessary purchases

People have long had a rule: “Don’t go to the store hungry.”

It is not unfounded, because according to statistics, when we are hungry, we make more unnecessary purchases. When going to the store, make a list of necessary purchases and try not to go beyond it. Also, avoid going to big stores after work. Another rule for going to the store is to avoid large amounts of cash in your wallet: take as much as you approximately need for what you indicated on the list.

Method 5. Piggy bank

A piggy bank may seem to be a relic of the past, but in fact it is an important thing for those who are learning to save their budget. Throw change from your wallet into the piggy bank, change from the store, for which, it would seem, you can’t buy anything, and at the end of the year, look at the amount that you managed to save and even accumulate. Believe me, it will turn out to be quite impressive.

Method 6. Don’t trust promotions and sales

All promotions and sales are a well-planned marketing ploy. According to statistics, more than 90% of people buy things they don’t need at sales. Buy only those items on sales that you buy on regular days, and in the same quantities. For example, you buy a pack of butter once a week, and the store has big sales. You don’t need to buy everything, buy the same pack of butter, only now it will cost a little less. If you buy products along the way that you wouldn't normally buy, your savings will be an additional expense.

Method 7. No bad habits

Bad habits are far from cheap hobbies. In fact, why should we spend our hard-earned money on something that also ruins our health? Give up bad habits and you will not only save your budget, but also improve your body’s health. For example: buying a bottle of beer and a pack of cigarettes a day reduces your budget by 50-80 rubles. With such expenses, you can save up for a good laptop in a year!

Method 8. Bank deposits

A bank deposit is another good way not only to save, but also to increase your capital. To invest your funds, analyze all banking institutions and their offers, and then choose the most profitable option.

Method 9. Counters

Spend some money and install meters for water, electricity, and gas in your home. This will significantly reduce utility costs.

Method 10. Cards for discounts, coupons

Never refuse to issue discount and discount cards. After all, even if you don’t need household appliances in the near future, then a card with a discount on them will be useful to your friend or relative, who in return will be able to give you, say, a discount on furniture.

Method 11. Communication and Internet costs

As already mentioned, our modern life is impossible without these pleasant and convenient services, but we often use tariffs that we do not 100% use. So what prevents us from connecting to the tariff that will be more affordable in terms of costs, and at the same time will not in any way affect the use? Sometimes we connect services that we don’t use, and sometimes the operators themselves impose this on us, without even notifying us of changes in the terms of the contract.

  1. pay for purchases only in cash, because in this case you see the money you are giving away, and it is much more difficult to part with it;
  2. replenish your deposit monthly or deposit money into an account specially created for this;
  3. spend your money more economically on entertainment, spend more time with your family and loved ones;
  4. do not believe advertising videos and brochures from the mailbox, because this is how they try to tempt you into extra spending and unnecessary purchases;
  5. Go to the store only with a shopping list. It would also be a good idea to make a list of long-term purchases (equipment, furniture, etc.). Over time, you will analyze your list and perhaps realize that there are some things you no longer need;
  6. cook and eat only at home, because snacks in cafes and restaurants are an unaffordable luxury for those who do not know how to save money on a small salary;
  7. After receiving your salary, try to distribute your income. If this is difficult for you, then get envelopes with the inscriptions “Utilities”, “Food”, “Loans”, etc.;
  8. plan and spend together and be sure to discuss all expenses and purchases for the week with your family;
  9. keep records of income and expenses according to the table given above as an example or using special applications;
  10. initial expenses - payment of utility bills and loans. Only after this, distribute the remaining funds in proportion to the remaining days in the month;
  11. give up paid hobbies. For example, a trip to the gym or fitness center can be replaced with home exercises with a video lesson or a jog in the morning;
  12. make gifts with your own hands, because they are much more pleasant to receive, and in this case the costs are minimal;
  13. give up fashionable branded clothing and shoes in favor of their analogues.

To sum up everything written, we can come to the conclusion that you can save and save even with a small salary. In order to improve your standard of living and not live from paycheck to paycheck, thinking about whether to buy a loaf of bread or a bottle of milk, you don’t need to perform any feats, you just need to take a rational and balanced approach to issues of new acquisitions.

As many people who have amassed a huge financial fortune say: “Material wealth is not monthly earnings in the millions, but just the ability to competently and correctly manage your funds. This is the only way you will come to a better life and higher income.”

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