Features of using the "client-bank" and "Internet banking" systems in the enterprise. Technologies of non-cash electronic payments based on the “Client-Bank” technology. What operations does the client bank system allow?

Client-bank system(Client-Bank Interface) is a software and hardware complex created for the purpose of promptly maintaining clients’ bank accounts and exchanging technological information.

The “client-bank” system is a form of banking services for clients, based on the use of information technologies that provide clients with the opportunity to remotely receive financial information and management (remote banking).

The client-bank system arose in the early 80s. due to the intensification of competition between Western European banks and soon spread widely in the USA and other countries under the name “home banking”.

The client-bank system connects the client’s personal computer (installed at home or in the office) with a powerful banking computer (server) or host node. As a result (except for cash transactions) can be carried out daily and around the clock. Using the system allows the client to manage a current account, deposit, budget payments, payment and savings accounts. In remote access mode, the client can receive the account balance for the current day, a report on the movement of funds for a certain period, transfer funds from account to account, pay (including in advance) for the services of various companies (for example, card payment systems), perform.

The client-bank system is a component of automation programs and a source of income to or internal. The system consists of two software systems: a client one, which is hosted by the client, and a banking one, which is hosted by the bank, is an integral part of the bank’s automation system and must ensure continuous protection of the client’s electronic payment documents when they are processed in this system. The legal basis for the client’s work using the “client-bank” system and the processing of his electronic documents by the bank is an agreement between him and the bank, which defines the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties.

Using the “client-bank” system allows you to:

  1. introduction, adjustment and printing of settlement documents by the client;
  2. continuous protection against modification of the client’s electronic documents from the moment they are generated in electronic form until the moment they are processed by the operator of the banking institution;
  3. delivery of client documents to the bank via telecommunication channels in encrypted form using certified security means;
  4. receiving from the bank complete information about the status of the account (account statements, current operational account balances and other information provided by the bank);
  5. maintaining databases of settlement documents that were processed using the “client-bank” system, and the status of the client’s account based on information provided by the banking institution during the day;
  6. performing automatic assurance about the status of the client’s account and the status of processing settlement documents, etc.

The client-bank system allows you to maintain such payment documents as, as well as use. A payment notification to a bank client for settlements in electronic systems of the “client-bank” type is carried out on the basis of an electronic settlement document, which contains the established details and information about the transfer of client funds. When using the client-bank system, the client must comply with all bank requirements regarding the security of processing electronic payment documents.

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    System "Client-Bank"– a software package that allows the client to make transactions on the account, exchange documents and information with the bank without visiting the office of the credit institution. Information is exchanged via telephone and computer.

    The convenient “Client-Bank” system can save representatives of the organization from trips to the bank almost completely. For example, let’s consider “SBank.ru Business” - the system of Sudostroitelny Bank, which in the summer of 2011 occupied first place in the user rating of remote banking of the information agency Banki.ru.

    First of all, SBank.ru Business has several levels of protection. Firstly, the user logs into the corresponding section of the site using his username and password. Secondly, the system uses a digital signature. All data is transmitted in encrypted form.

    The main page contains complete information about the current status of all accounts opened with the bank, including current accounts, deposits placed, and loans received. By going through the menu items, you get access to statements for each of these items separately. For example, what plastic cards were issued to the organization, how much money was placed on deposit, under what conditions, until what date, the schedule of upcoming loan payments. Here you can online receive a statement of your current account and plastic card for any specified date or for a certain period.

    The top menu allows you to go to other sections. The first of them is for performing operations, for example preparing a payment order to a bank. Moreover, the recipient’s details are saved once and for all, that is, they can then be reused at any time. Payments are made not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency.

    Conversion operations are also carried out from this section. Conveniently, all data on primary documents can be downloaded from the 1C accounting program. And the statements received as a result of the transactions performed are transferred back directly to the organization’s accounting department.

    The next tab is for salary calculations. Data about employees and accruals is collected in one place. All this is grouped into payrolls. In addition, there is a separate section for exchanging messages with the bank and receiving information.

    But this is not the only solution. There are systems that do not work through a web interface, but as separate programs that communicate with the bank server.

    The feasibility of using a remote account access system is determined, as a rule, by the number of transactions of the organization. Remote access to an account is an additional bank service that is paid separately. In addition, if a bank account is already open, then it is worthwhile to first evaluate the Client-Bank system, get acquainted with reviews, and perhaps communicate with those who are already working with it, before subscribing to this additional service. Because the systems are very different.

    The “Client-Bank” system is understood as a software package used by clients of a commercial bank for remote interaction with the bank’s BIS and automation of document flow between the bank and its clients. The main purpose of systems of this type is to reduce the number of client visits to the bank’s office and formalize the process of exchanging documents, and, therefore, facilitate accounting for both the client and the bank.

    Using this system, a bank client (organization or individual) can manage their accounts opened with this bank, maintain document flow, conduct financial transactions and receive the required set of information. In fact, the process of interaction between a bank and its client is partially transferred from the bank’s office to the client’s office.

    The “Client-Bank” system ensures that the client prepares payment documents of various types, “packages” them if necessary and sends them to the bank, as well as receiving account statements and payment registers from the bank. The “Client-Bank” system in the bank is connected with the block of operational and accounting work ( BackOffice ), which ensures the passage (execution) of payments and the generation of the necessary output (resulting) documentation. Payment documents and requests to the bank can be generated in the automated workplace of the client enterprise, then these documents must be signed with the client’s electronic digital signature. In addition, the system provides for the client to receive various reference information (for example, a reference book for banks, a currency classifier, reference books on currency control, etc.).

    Organizing work with clients using the Client-Bank technology has its advantages and disadvantages. For a commercial bank, these advantages are as follows:

    · reduction in operating costs, since a bank employee no longer spends time receiving and processing paper client documents;

    · unification of document flow, since the bank can supply the client with reference books that facilitate the entry and subsequent processing of documents;

    · gaining competitive advantages by providing a more diverse range of services to clients;

    · making a profit by providing additional services to customers.

    But the implementation of the “Client-Bank” system also has its drawbacks, which include additional costs for the acquisition or development of the system, as well as increased costs for maintaining the banking information system, ensuring communication channels and the security of data transmitted through them.

    For a bank client, the following advantages of using the Client-Bank system can be identified:

    · carrying out calculations and accessing accounts from your workplace, which leads to significant time savings;

    · choosing a bank regardless of territorial characteristics, i.e. the main criterion for choosing a bank may be its stable position and/or favorable service rates;

    · prompt receipt of various additional reference information from the bank;

    · convenience of drawing up payment documents, combined with a reduction in the level of errors in the process of document preparation.

    The downside of using the system for a bank client is the cost of implementing the system and retraining personnel, and then the regular costs of paying for using the system.

    Using the Client-Bank system, a commercial bank can remotely provide the following services:

    · opening accounts in various currencies (settlement, current, deposit);

    · obtaining information about the current status of the client’s payment document accounts;

    · receiving an account statement for any period;

    · preparation of payment documents (payments for goods and services supplied, payment of interest on a loan, payments to the budget, etc.);

    · carrying out conversion transactions (purchase/sale of currency);

    · obtaining reference information from the bank (directories for filling out payment documents and directories about the services provided and tariffs for banking services);

    · checking the status of card accounts of current and credit bank cards;

    · other operations (for example, preparing documents for a loan or producing a plastic card).

    For each type of document (payment order, application for currency transfer, payment request, etc.) the Client-Bank system must provide logic for entering fields and importing information, control of filling out documents, control of acceptance, protection and transfer of documents, as well as their execution and notification of execution.

    Every document in the system must be signed and encrypted. The entire process of passing a document must be available for control and management by the bank client. In addition, the system must maintain a complete archive of documents, as well as have a clear mechanism for processing errors that arise during the passage of documents: be it errors during data transmission via communication channels or errors when filling out a document, identified as a result of logical control in the bank. It is also desirable to provide users of the system (the bank and its clients) with the opportunity to introduce new types of documents into the Client-Bank system.

    The “Client-Bank” system consists of two mandatory parts: the banking, or server, part and the client part, i.e. client's workplace. The communication subsystem (the third necessary element) is either supplied by the developer along with the Client-Bank system, or purchased by the bank and its clients separately.

    The banking part of the “Client-Bank” system, in principle, should automatically (without the participation of a bank operator) perform all actions for receiving and processing documents. This part can be organized in the form of an automated workstation and be part of the bank's BIS, or it can be a separate subsystem and communicate with the BIS of operational and accounting work through intermediate document storage. It is important to note here that although customer documents are received by the bank in electronic form, in the BIS of operational and accounting work these documents go through all the stages of processing characteristic of these types of documents. In practice, this means that the formation of an accounting entry (and the corresponding internal bank document) requires, albeit minimal, but still the participation of a bank employee. This is due to the mandatory requirement for each internal bank document to have a responsible executor. Therefore, it is theoretically and practically possible to build a fully automatic (without the participation of bank personnel) technology for processing client payment documents, but in reality it is prohibited by Russian accounting standards in credit institutions.

    Also, the banking part of the system must be equipped with a data transmission device for communication with communication channels (the transport part of the system). Functionally, the banking part of the “Client-Bank” system provides:

    · receiving information from the client;

    · verification of the client’s electronic signature;

    · bank client authentication;

    · decoding of received information;

    · transfer of payment documents to the bank’s operational and accounting information system;

    · accepting requests and generating responses to the client;

    · generating a request to various bank ISs in accordance with the request received from the client;

    · generating a response message to the client;

    · encryption of outgoing information;

    · transfer of information to clients.

    There are differences in the requirements of the bank and its clients for the Client-Bank systems. For the bank, the most important thing is the security of the system from unauthorized access and ease of implementation. For the client, the ease of operation and functional completeness of the system are of greatest importance.

    To ensure the normal functioning of the client part of the system, the presence of both a hardware platform that ensures the operation of the software module and a data transmission device together with a communication channel is required; It is also necessary to be able to connect cryptography software and/or hardware to the system.

    The program installed on the client (client part) is designed to perform the following set of functions:

    · generation of payment documents and other messages to the bank;

    · applying an electronic signature to generated documents;

    · encryption of documents and messages;

    · forwarding payment documents and messages to the bank;

    · receiving information from the bank;

    · processing of information received from the bank.

    With the growing number of clients working using the Client-Bank technology, there is a need to take into account the specifics of the work of each bank client and its document flow. In this regard, a commercial bank faces the question of system scalability. At the same time, certain requirements arise for both the banking and client parts of the system. The client part should be built on a modular basis and be customized to any mechanism for working with clients. And the banking part must support the processes of creating new clients, as well as their modifications.

    The development of the Client-Bank system is not limited to only increasing the types of documents supported. The most common additional objects used during system operation are directories and mail messages. Thus, for a bank client, the greatest interest is in regularly receiving from the bank updates to the directory of Bank Identification Codes (BIC), exchange rates, a list of new services and bank tariffs.

    Considering the communication part of the “Client-Bank” system, it should be noted that data transfer devices between the bank and the client can be almost arbitrary. The choice of such a device in each specific case is individual and depends on the availability of existing communication channels. The determining role when choosing a communication channel is played by its throughput, availability, simplicity and cost of operation. There are two main types of communication channels used in the Client-Bank systems: dial-up and leased lines.

    Dial-up lines mean thatTo exchange information, the city telephone network and terminal-type telecommunications support (which includes, for example, a modem) are used. The advantage of such communication channels is their low cost. However, this solution is acceptable only for a small number of clients, since it requires a large amount of work performed by the operator at the bank. In addition, this method does not always provide a high level of communication.

    The highlighted lines mean thatcommunication is organized using copper or fiber optic cable . This method is characterized by high communication quality, but also high cost. This solution is most effective for the bank and its client in case of high traffic with a large number of remote clients.

    The choice of organizing a client’s work with a commercial bank depends on many factors, which include:

    · remoteness of the client from the bank office;

    · availability of communication channels and their capacity;

    · ease of use of the client part of the system.

    According to the Internet Finance agency (www.ifin.ru), by July 2003, about 150 Russian commercial banks provide their clients with the opportunity to remotely manage their accounts via the Internet. At the same time, some commercial banks developed Client-Bank systems on their own, but the majority implemented ready-made software solutions from various development companies. Leaders in the number of banks that purchased systems in the summer of 2003. there were companies specializing in the production of such systems: BSS (Bank's Software Sysytems), BIFIT, INIST (see Fig. 2.1).

    Figure 2.1. Diagram of distribution of Internet banking systems

    among Russian banks (compiled based on data www. ifin. ru)

    By its structure, the Client-Bank system is a distributed data processing system. Based on this, there are two approaches to building such systems: based on the information technology of the “thick client” and based on the “thin client”. Telephone banking can be considered a separate direction in the architecture of the Client-Bank systems, i.e. manage your account and receive reference information using your phone. In this case, the client part of the system is a telephone with a tone mode. The banking part of the system is supplemented with special technical means for generating and providing information to the client in audio form. A somewhat archaic, but still a type of telephone banking, can be considered voice control of an account over the phone. In this case, the bank usually organizes a separate division called call - a center, which consists of operators who answer customer calls by telephone and issue them certificates or receive verbal orders to make payments from the account. Nowadays call -centers are organized mainly as support services (“hotline”) and consulting clients on the services provided by the bank.

    Bank-client program is a modern system for accessing organization accounts and managing accounts via the Internet. From this article you will learn what it is bank-client program, as well as its functions, advantages and disadvantages.

    What is a client bank and how to work in it?

    The client bank is a remote banking service (RBS) system designed for remote payments and other banking operations, control of the current account in real time by exchanging information with the bank server via the Internet.

    System characteristics:

    • It is a program installed on the client's PC.
    • Bank documents (payments, statements) are stored on the user’s computer
    • Can work offline. The client bank allows you to generate new documents offline, use export and import capabilities, create new documents, and download old statements. However, the client bank does not allow sending payments or downloading new statements, since this requires a connection with the bank’s server.

    What is the difference between Internet banking and client banking (their advantages and disadvantages)?

    A client-bank in the classical sense is a set of methods for remote banking services, accessed through the user’s PC. The bank provides the client with the necessary software, technical and methodological support.

    However, depending on the method of network communications, there are 2 types of remote banking services: “thick” client (bank-client, or client-bank program) and “thin” client (Internet banking).

    The main difference in the operation of the two remote access systems is that Internet banking works entirely via the Internet via a browser (all information about the bank account is located on the bank server), while the client bank (thick client) works through a program installed on user's computer. This leads to other differences between the systems, their pros and cons in relation to each specific user:

    1. Working with documents outside the Internet.

    Available for the bank-client program, not available for Internet banking.

    1. Accessibility from multiple devices.

    To simultaneously access data via Internet banking, you only need a specially configured browser. To access the client bank, you need to install the program on each computer.

    1. Data storage, information protection.

    Data in the Internet banking system is stored on the bank’s server; when using the bank-client program, it is stored on the user’s computer, therefore, in the bank-client system, information about accounts is subject to greater danger. If the computer with the system of the Internet banking user fails, he can simply reinstall the browser or log into the online bank from another device, while the user of the client bank may lose some of the information about the account, and this data will have to restore.

    1. Advanced features.

    As a rule, the bank-client system provides more options, for example, viewing the history of document status changes and others. Also, an important advantage for some organizations will be the ability of the service system to interact with various accounting services and programs (for the client bank they are usually wider).

    Depending on the required operating parameters, an organization can choose one or another option for remote banking services or use both systems together.

    Bank-client or Client-bank - which is correct?

    As we have already found out, client-bank is a generalized concept that combines the bank-client and Internet banking (Internet client) systems. An Internet system operating through a special banking program can be called both a bank-client and a client-bank. However, in banking service agreements, the term “client-bank” is usually used.

    How to install a client bank?

    The program is installed as follows:

    1. First, you need to check whether the user’s equipment meets the technical requirements of the system being installed.
    2. Bank software is installed.
    3. A key generator program is installed, and a generation request is sent to the bank.
    4. Through a browser window, the user enters the bank's program. Login and password are in the package of bank documents. An electronic key is inserted into the USB port.
    5. The bank issues key certificates within a few days. The user needs to log into the system, print out the document in two copies, and take it to the bank.
    6. After a few days, the key certificates become available to the user, and the system is ready for use.

    It is worth keeping in mind that this diagram is approximate, since each bank sets its own technical requirements and tools for using the system.

    An accountant (necessarily a confident PC user) installs the system and works with it, as a rule, independently using detailed instructions from the supplier bank, but in some cases the help of specialists may be needed.

    How to use the client bank (instructions, operating procedure in the system)?

    So, How same work in the client-bank program ? Work in the client-bank system occurs using a computer connected (or having access) to the Internet. To work in the Internet banking system, a browser (usually Internet Explorer) is installed on the PC, which is configured according to the instructions of the supplier bank, and a data encryption program (CryptoPro or another). The bank page is launched in the browser, from which the current account data is accessed. Also, for access you need a personal login and password and an eToken electronic USB key, issued by the bank upon registration. eToken is a secure storage medium that looks similar to a USB flash drive.


    Client-bank is a very convenient way of banking services for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. There are 2 types of remote banking system: bank-client and online bank, both have their advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of Internet banking is the ability to work on the bank’s server without the threat of data loss; the main disadvantage is the lack of opportunities for offline work. Unlike online banking, the client bank allows you to perform part of the work without an Internet connection, but there is a risk of partial loss of account information due to a technical failure.