Mandatory privatization of apartments per year. Deadlines for housing privatization: until what year has free privatization of apartments been extended?

In January it became known that free privatization for all Russian citizens would be extended for another year - until March 1, 2017, while the authorities made it clear that they should not count on a new extension of free privatization. Read about the pros and cons of privatization, as well as what will be required to privatize housing in 2016 in our new article.

Pros and cons of privatization.

Should housing be privatized? Everyone will have to answer this question independently, because there can be many situations and in each case an individual approach is required. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of privatization.

Advantages of privatization:

  • The housing becomes your property. You can sell or donate an apartment without approval from officials.
    It is impossible to evict you from your home, only by a court decision.
  • If the house is found to be in disrepair, you must be provided with new housing or paid compensation in the amount of the market value of the apartment.
  • A privatized apartment can be bequeathed or inherited.
  • You can register new residents in an apartment without the consent of municipal authorities.

Disadvantages of privatization:

  • You are required to pay annual tax on a privatized apartment and contributions for major repairs.
  • After privatizing an apartment, you lose the right to receive compensation in case of fire, flood, gas explosion, etc.
  • The privatized apartment will be inherited by all legal heirs if there is no will.

What kind of housing cannot be privatized?

Contrary to popular belief, not every apartment can be privatized. Thus, you cannot privatize square meters that are located in a dilapidated building, dormitory or office space. However, there are exceptions - it is allowed to privatize housing that belongs to the housing stock of a state farm or enterprise in a rural area, equivalent to their housing stock.

What will happen if housing is not privatized?

According to experts, the danger of losing an apartment if privatization is rejected is minimal. If you do not privatize housing, you will be in the status of tenants with the obligation to pay for the rental of residential premises in accordance with the tariffs established by the municipality.

What documents are required for free privatization?

Please note that the list of required documents for housing privatization is not established at the federal level. The complete list of documents depends on the region in which you live. However, the documents for privatization that will be necessary in any subject of the Russian Federation can be listed:

  • application for privatization;
  • passports of all citizens who will participate in the privatization of the apartment;
  • technical and cadastral passports for the apartment;
  • social tenancy agreement or move-in order;
  • certificate F3 of registration at the place of residence;
  • an extract from the house register about the persons registered in the apartment;
  • a certificate stating that the citizen did not participate in privatization;
  • an extract from the personal account confirming the absence of debt on utility bills;
  • if only one of the family members is involved in privatization, then powers of attorney in his name will be required from each adult person registered in the apartment.

Apartments in our country have been privatized since 1992. You should not have been paying all this time to carry out this transaction, but the program was not stated to be eternal, and it may soon come to an end.

The government did not allow the completion of privatization procedures for the first time in 2007. In 2015, the government announced that the deadline would be extended for the last time and would expire on March 1, 2016. However, recent news refutes the earlier promises.

Why is it necessary to privatize housing?

In order to become the full owner of housing received under social rent, it is necessary to draw up documents on its privatization. There are a lot of rumors about this procedure and everyone makes their own decision whether it is necessary to undergo free registration of real estate ownership. On the one hand, you will be able to completely manage your living space, but on the other hand, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account. Pitfalls of taking ownership of municipal housing:

  • increase in property taxes;
  • a different calculation of utility bills (for example, a fee for the maintenance of common property may be added);
  • if the house is demolished, the opportunity to obtain a larger living space will be lost (often the owners receive only monetary compensation for the cost of the apartment);
  • privatized property can be seized, while municipal housing cannot be taken away if there are borrowed debts.

The opportunity to take ownership has many positive aspects, so more and more people are trying to go through the privatization procedure, while the state allows it to be done free of charge.

  1. After taking ownership, you will have the right to register any person in the apartment. If shares are allocated during privatization, then only the consent of other property owners must be obtained.
  2. Documents for redevelopment will be easier to complete after completing the procedure. You will only need to coordinate your actions with the Technical Inventory Bureau.
  3. If you have a debt for utilities, you will not be evicted from privatized housing. According to the law, eviction for debts on monthly payments for the maintenance of the premises is possible only from municipal housing. After you take over the property for this duty, you can only turn off communications.
  4. Living in your own home is easier, from a psychological point of view, but not only this becomes a decisive argument in favor of privatization. The main advantage of registering housing as your own is the ability to rent, donate, sell and make other transactions with apartments.

As a result, everyone living in municipal housing must decide for themselves what privatization will bring them and whether they need to go through this procedure. Many citizens of our country try to have time to participate in the free program, since after the expiration of the deadline, if necessary, privatization will have to be paid.

Why is privatization being extended?

This is not the first time that parliamentarians have extended the free housing registration program for several reasons:

  • Today, a large number of people on the waiting list live in dilapidated and dilapidated housing, awaiting a decision on resettlement;
  • citizens from annexed territories (Crimea and Sevastopol) must also have time to take advantage of privileges;
  • difficult economic situation.

Under such conditions in the country, it is unprofitable to deprive citizens of the opportunity to participate in the free privatization program. Not only could this provoke social unrest, but it would also be unfair to citizens in the first two categories:

  1. Those who are currently awaiting resettlement, according to the government, should make their choice only after receiving a new apartment.
  2. On the Crimean peninsula there is currently a campaign to inventory municipal property; those tenants whose apartments are not included in the general register are currently unable to apply for privatization.

In this regard, parliamentarians made another decision to extend the opportunity to register housing as a property free of charge. This will equalize the rights of all citizens and help solve social problems. In parallel with the work of the privatization program, government projects such as the resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing and an urgent inventory of the housing stock of the annexed territories will operate.

What could citizens expect after spring 2016?

For several years now, government officials have disagreed when considering the prospect of privatization after the term. Many advocate that the program should be closed and the possibility of providing this service on a paid basis should be considered. To do this, it is expected to assign a fee for registration of housing.

But not everyone is so categorical; at the beginning of 2016, Dmitry Medvedev made a statement that this program cannot be extended forever. If citizens cannot meet the deadlines, then it is worth making privatization free of charge permanent. This opinion was justified by the fact that after the expiration of the housing privatization period, emergency housing will not disappear and it is necessary to take into account the specific conditions in the Crimean territories.

Members of the A Just Russia party proposed to ensure that free privatization would remain in effect for at least two more years, until the beginning of March 2018. According to party representatives, this additional period will make it possible to complete the inventory on the Crimean peninsula.

In what year did the privatization of apartments and housing begin in Russia? Law“On the privatization of housing stock” ( №1541-1 ) adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation on July 4, 1991.

According to this law, with the beginning of the privatization of housing and apartments in Russia, there was a massive transfer of ownership to private individuals by the state. property and housing stock.

When privatization began, everyone citizen of the Russian Federation living in an apartment as a tenant, got the opportunity register ownership of this premises.

The regulation of the privatization process is also based on the Housing Code as amended on March 1, 2005, and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In essence, privatization is the legal transfer of state or municipal housing into private ownership. Having received the rights to a privatized apartment, a citizen can dispose of it at your own discretion, that is, to carry out any alienation transactions.

Paid or free: what's the difference?

The procedure for transferring residential premises into the ownership of a private person can be carried out free of charge or for a fee.


What is this? The property becomes property without payment to the former owner, that is, to the state, the cost of the apartment.

To carry out such a transfer, a person over 14 years of age must be willing to enter the living space, with their consent.

State bodies have no right if the apartment is not included in the list of premises not subject to privatization. Initially deadlines free privatization were limited, then repeatedly extended by the Government.

Currently, 20 percent of apartments by municipal housing tenants are not privatized. When will the privatization of apartments in Russia end? Until what date (date) has housing privatization been extended?

Once again The government has decided to extend the procedure and terms of apartment privatization extended until March 1, 2017, citing the fact that some citizens did not have time to register ownership of apartments for objective reasons.


Referred to as the process of purchasing residential premises from the state belonging to him. The redemption price is set by a specific municipal department, based on the cadastral value of the property.

As a rule, the final cost of the apartment approximately equal to the market housing costs in the region.

The terms of free privatization will be limited

When does free privatization of apartments in Russia end? Until what time is it valid? The decision on the next extension of the deadline until March 1, 2017 was made by the Government on February 29, 2016 (Federal Law No. 33). According to the Minister of Construction M. Menya, most likely this the deadline will be final.

This is already the fifth postponement of the expiration date of the law on free privatization, however, during its validity, not all willing citizens were able to exercise their right, and in most cases this happened for objective reasons. Let us remind you in what year the privatization of apartments and housing in Russia began; this is already distant 1991.

Numerous appeals from citizens forced the Government to think about another extension. Although against such actions the Ministry of Economic Development speaks. According to the ministry, free privatization leads to the disposal of residential premises from the social fund, which is necessary to provide assistance to socially vulnerable citizens.

Will the privatization of apartments be extended? On the impossibility of endlessly extending the free privatization of an apartment, Dmitry Medvedev also said at one of the meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers.

S. Razvorotneva, executive director of the NP Housing and Communal Services Control, agrees with this opinion.

She stated that in no other country in the world are there so many apartments owned by citizens.

More expedient develop a non-profit hiring program municipal housing, and also consider the possibility of subletting living space in the private sector with subsidized rent.

Reasons for extension

The authorities made this decision based on the following reasons:

  • Many citizens living were unable to exercise their right to own housing. They will be able to use it after receiving new apartments.
  • Numerous people on the waiting list will also be able to transfer ownership of their apartments after allocating them housing space from the state.
  • the question of extension also arose in connection with with the annexation of the Crimean territories to Russia and Sevastopol. Residents of these regions could not register ownership of apartments, since different laws were in force on the territory of the state.
  • the state of the housing market and the crisis situation in the Russian economy also became important factors influencing the Government’s decision. Cancellation of free privatization will provoke social tension in the country and will primarily hit socially vulnerable categories of the Russian population.

Thanks to the Government's decision, many citizens will now be able to submit documents for privatization. Queues at government agencies will decrease the process will speed up and become easier.

Developments after the end

Until what year can you privatize an apartment and housing in Russia? How long has housing privatization been extended? Since March 2017, citizens will be forced to buy apartments received from the state at market or cadastral value.

Finally order similar procedure by the Government so far not developed, as well as the procedure for calculating the cost of square meters.

There is no answer yet to the question of how the purchase of housing will take place: only by citizens living in it or through announced auctions.

To replace social tenancy agreements, as suggested by the authorities Western model will come commercial rental housing. Today in the Russian Federation, the provision of housing is indefinite; the tenant can use it for life, as well as his family members registered in the living space.

Having registered in the apartment, the tenant’s relatives become, just like him, legal residents.

This housing provision system will be replaced by temporary rental of apartments from the state. It will be impossible to register ownership of state-owned apartments.

For whom will it remain free?

As the State Duma plans, free privatization of housing will not be canceled for everyone. For certain categories of socially vulnerable citizens, the procedure will remain free.

Right to free privatization housing, will have the following persons:

  1. Orphans and children left without care.
  2. Persons who participated in privatization before reaching adulthood. Once they reach 18 years of age and receive social housing in person, they will be able to register it as their own.
  3. Military personnel and citizens who received housing under social programs.

However, list of persons who will be allowed to register ownership of housing indefinitely, not yet approved at the legislative level.

What happens if you don't make it in time?

What will happen next when the privatization of housing in Russia ends? Not all citizens have the desire to privatize an apartment, even with the prospect of canceling the free procedure. Those wishing to remain employers enough a lot of, and they are guided in this by the following motives:

  • you don’t need to pay for a state apartment, which will become quite large from this year;

  • Tenants are exempt from fees for major repairs and maintenance of housing;
  • in a municipal apartment by replacing technical equipment indoors housing and communal services are required to deal with, whereas .

More profitable live in municipal apartments single citizens who do not need to leave them as an inheritance.

Since the right to indefinite use of a municipal apartment will remain even after the abolition of free privatization.

Residential premises will not be lost by the citizen. In addition, he can register his family members in it: parents, children, spouses. These persons, in turn, will receive the right to use the premises for life and subsequently register your relatives on it.

Thus, use of the apartment will remain the right of this family until its last member leaves it. Accommodation in the apartment is not free. Those living in it obliged to pay social rent living space. And also make timely payments for housing and communal services.

A municipal apartment will not be able to be sold, donated, or inherited. For everyone registered in it, it is only a place of indefinite residence. If one of the persons registered in it decides to leave the non-privatized apartment, he loses the right to use it.

When there is not a single registered tenant left in a municipal apartment, it is returned to the state, and citizens on the waiting list for housing can be moved into it.

If you still decide to go through the housing privatization procedure, You should hurry up and submit the necessary documents soon to be on time. Will free privatization of housing be extended? Perhaps March 1, 2017 is the last date before which you can do this for free.

Privatization of living space is a rather difficult process, but it is necessary, since without it the sale, exchange or donation of apartment meters is currently not possible. Not many Russian citizens know how to properly privatize living space. Therefore, we will try to understand in more detail the following questions: where to start this procedure, what is the time frame for extending this process in Russia, what documents need to be prepared, the pros and cons of this action.

Privatization of housing after March 1, 2016 latest news

In February of this year, President of the Russian Federation V.V. approved bill No. 20 Federal Law on changes that affected two federal laws at once - “Town Planning Code” (Federal Law No. 191) and “State Registration of Real Estate Rights” (Federal Law No. 122). In addition, to the delight of many owners, free privatization of housing has been extended by the State Duma until 2018 (until March 1).

In their explanatory note, the deputies motivated the need for such an extension by the fact that a significant part of Russians are awaiting resettlement from dilapidated buildings and apartments, which were classified as dilapidated. When this law was approved, they also took into account the interests of residents who were registered as needing housing. Completion of the privatization process this year would make it impossible for these individuals to obtain ownership of an apartment on an equal basis with others.

Housing Privatization Law 2016 current version

The Law on the Privatization of the Housing Stock provides for the transfer of housing into the ownership of citizens.

Privatization of service housing after March 1, 2016

As for the law on the privatization of official housing, it has been in force in the Russian Federation for more than twenty years. And every 2–3 years it is extended, since approximately a third of apartments in Russia are still owned by the state. According to Federal Law No. 1541-1, this program was supposed to end in March of this year. But by Act No. 33-FZ of February 29, 2016, it was again extended until March 1, 2017. When the process is completed, registration with the state. housing will already be of a commercial nature and the price of government apartments will become close to the market price.

Privatization of housing where to start?

The procedure for registering ownership of living space is carried out according to the following step-by-step plan:

  • First, you need to go to the BTI at your place of residence to order those. passports for the apartment. This stage will take no more than one month, and if you’re lucky, only 2 weeks. At the same time, you can order a certificate stating that the living space has not been previously privatized.
  • Next, contact the Housing Office with an application to provide a certificate with information about all registered residents in the apartment.
  • At the next step, after collecting all the necessary documentation (the list will be given below), the applicant goes to the Housing Department, where he submits an application in the appropriate form. Employees of the government agency check the entire package of documents brought in (within up to 2 weeks), and if everything is in order, they issue a permit granting the right to register ownership of the apartment.
  • Next, all participants in the process contact the department of the Office of the local registration service to certify the rights of the owner. After two weeks, evidence of ownership of the apartment for each owner will be ready.
  • With new certificates, homeowners are required to appear again at the BTI and place their living space on those. accounting

Privatization of housing what documents are needed?

The legislation of the Russian Federation determines the following list of necessary documents to carry out this process:

  • An order or social tenancy agreement with the details of the object.
  • Identification documents - passports, birth certificates (for children living at this address).
  • Information about all residents of the apartment.
  • A document confirming that the applicant has not previously received privatized housing.
  • Cadastral passport.
  • Refusal of the right to own this property from those entities who voluntarily do not want to take part in the ownership of this living space.

When will the privatization of housing in Russia end and what will happen next?

The opportunity for residents of the Russian Federation to register ownership of a home for free will end in 2018 if the bill is not extended again, since today more than 30% of the housing stock in the country has not been privatized. What happens next after this process is completed? This issue has not yet been resolved at the legislative level. Most likely, privatization will become commercial.

Pros and cons of housing privatization

The free privatization program has been operating in Russia for more than 25 years. At the same time, the deadlines for privatization are constantly being postponed. We will look at the reasons for extending the deadline for free registration of property rights, as well as where to start the privatization of residential property in 2016 in this article.

What is privatization?

Privatization of residential property is the voluntary transfer of real estate into private ownership from a municipal or state fund. Privatization takes place in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation N1541.1. The right to register property can only be used once. When a person has taken part in the procedure at least once, then when he makes this application again, he will certainly receive a refusal.

This rule applies only to adults. Citizens who have not reached 18 years of age and become owners of an apartment under the privatization program will be able to again exercise this right after reaching adulthood.

Citizens who privatized the apartment, but after a certain time returned it back to the state(so-called deprivatization) can again privatize residential real estate.

Privatization of an apartment in 2015 took about three months, the same period will be set in 2016. Applicants often ask: “Why is it taking so long?” It takes two months to check all the documents, and another month is spent directly on the state registration procedure.

If Several hundred people participated in the free privatization program, then the process would happen much faster. But there are many more people willing.

Conditions when you can privatize an apartment:

When one or more living family members refuse to privatize the apartment, then they are obliged to officially refuse to participate in the program. Citizens who have already once participated in the privatization of housing also need to act. Only in this case will it be possible for other family members to privatize the property.

When the above-mentioned persons do not want to issue a “refusal” form, then for other citizens registered in the apartment there are two ways of further events:

  • Resolving the issue in court.

Until when has privatization been extended?

Free privatization began in 1993. And the full completion of the process was planned for 2007. Based on the results of constant extensions, the latest date was set at March 1, 2016. Initially, it was planned that free privatization would last until 2018. Privatization of an apartment after March 1, 2016, most likely, will already be paid. Therefore, citizens who have not yet managed to privatize their residential property need to hurry. Paid property registration is a fairly expensive process.

Statistics on privatization of residential real estate

We are offering to you get acquainted with the figures regarding free registration of rights for residential property:

What real estate cannot be subject to privatization?

When the apartment is included in the system of municipal and state housing stock, it is not always possible to obtain documents for registration of this property. Taking into account Law N1541.1 “On the privatization of residential property in the Russian Federation”, the following objects are not subject to privatization:

Advantages and disadvantages of privatization

Like any government program, privatization includes its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following:

  • Having become a full owner, a citizen will be able to register absolutely any person in his apartment. But the employer, as a rule, will first have to obtain the landlord’s consent to these actions.
  • It is almost impossible to take an apartment from the rightful owner. The tenant can be evicted to another premises (most often with worse living conditions) or even left without housing if, for example, he has done some things contrary to the law.
  • Then, when the citizen has become the full owner of the apartment, he will be able to dispose of it at his personal discretion, for example, sell, bequeath or lease. The employer does not have these rights.

Disadvantages include:

Stages of privatization

Procedure Registration of documents for an apartment has several stages.

Seven stages of apartment registration:

What documents are needed to privatize an apartment in 2016?

For that to privatize an apartment for free, you will need to prepare a fairly large list of documents for the social rental of residential property, namely:

Attention! In any case, you will need to prepare several copies of each document.

The state fee, taking into account 2015, for obtaining registration is 1 thousand rubles.

How to apply for privatization?

Surprisingly, but The exact document application form simply does not exist. Therefore, printing this form from the Internet will not be the best option. It is best to contact the territorial government agency where you will register for a sample.

In 2016, the required fields to fill out the application are:

Privatization of residential real estate through the court

When privatization is possible only through the court, then the first thing you need to do is file a claim. The claim review process takes approximately 2 months. If the court rules in favor of the plaintiff, then it will be possible to draw up an agreement for the privatization of the apartment and register it with Rosreestr. It is possible to privatize residential property through the court if a refusal was given in the usual way.

Grounds for privatization through the court:

Program free privatization Residential property in the Russian Federation is accessible to any person who is a citizen of the country, and it can be used, subject to certain conditions, almost without any restrictions.