How to reflect sick leave in 1s 8.2. How can I print a sick leave certificate?

Temporary disability benefits can be paid both at the expense of the employer and at the expense of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. The amount of the calculated benefit depends on the employee’s length of service, the amount of his salary, and the start date of sick leave. In addition, do not forget about the increase in the minimum wage from July 1. In the article, 1C experts give examples of calculating temporary disability benefits and their reflection in the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program, edition 3, for the most common cases in practice.

A sick leave certificate is an important document. It confirms the legality of the employee’s absence from work and serves as the basis for calculating and paying benefits.

In addition to earnings for the previous two years, the calculation of benefits is affected by the length of service and the date of onset of illness.

Calculation of benefits...

...depending on insurance experience

In accordance with Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 255-FZ), in most cases the amount of disability benefits depends on the length of service:
  • from 8 years and more - a benefit is paid in the amount of 100% of average earnings;
  • from 5 to 8 years - 80% of average earnings;
  • up to 5 years - 60% of average earnings.
The percentage of average earnings for calculating benefits is taken into account in the following situations
  • own illness (other than occupational illness); injury (except for injury associated with an industrial accident); quarantine; prosthetics for medical reasons; follow-up treatment in sanatorium-resort institutions immediately after hospitalization (Part 1, Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ);
  • caring for a sick child on an outpatient basis and in a hospital (clauses 1, 2, part 3, article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ);
  • outpatient care for an adult family member (Part 4, Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ).
In some cases, benefits are paid in the amount of 100% of average earnings, regardless of length of service. This:
  • maternity benefit (Article 11 of Law No. 255-FZ);
  • occupational disease or accident at work (Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ).
If an employee who resigned from the organization developed a personal illness or injury within 30 calendar days from the date of dismissal, then, on the basis of Part 2 of Article 7 of Law No. 125-FZ, a benefit is paid in the amount of 60% of average earnings, regardless of length of service.

Rules for calculating and confirming experience to determine the amount of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 02/06/2007 No. 91 (as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 09/11/2009 No. 740n) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

Paragraph 21 of the Rules states that periods of work (service, activity) are calculated on a calendar basis based on full months (30 days) and a full year (12 months). In this case, every 30 days of these periods are converted into full months, and every 12 months of these periods are converted into full years. This does not mean that the entire period must be converted into days, and then divided by 30 and 12. It is necessary to select complete calendar periods: years, months, and convert the remainder into months at the rate of 30 days per month.

Example 1. Calculation of length of service for a period

Let's calculate the length of service for the period 09/14/2015-03/16/2016.

If you simply divide the number of days for the entire period of 185 by 30, you get 6 months and 5 days of experience.

But according to the Rules, you must first take into account full calendar periods: 5 full months - from October 2015 to February 2016. Next, the 17 days of September 2015 are summed up with the 16 days of March 2016. According to the rules, 33 days are 1 month (30 days) and 3 days. Thus, the total length of service is 6 months and 3 days. This is exactly how the length of service in the program is calculated.

Sometimes the documents confirming the experience do not indicate exact dates. Paragraph 27 of the Rules establishes that if only years are indicated without indicating exact dates, the date is taken to be July 1 of the corresponding year, and if the day of the month is not indicated, then the 15th day of the corresponding month is taken as such. This means that these are the dates that need to be indicated in the program. In the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program, the length of service is indicated on the card Employee link Labor activity.

Insurance experience for calculating sick leave consists of periods during which a person was insured against temporary disability and non-insurance periods.

Insurance periods include periods of work of the insured person under an employment contract, state civil or municipal service and periods of other activities during which the citizen was subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity (Part 1 of Article 16 of Law No. 255- Federal Law).

Non-insurance periods are periods of military service, as well as other service provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, turnover control bodies narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families,” which the employee underwent from 01/01/2007.

Let us recall that the allocation of non-insurance periods is associated with differences in the procedure for financing the payment of temporary disability benefits. The presence of non-insurance periods may affect the percentage of average earnings used to calculate benefits.

For example, without non-insurance periods, the length of service is 7 years. The benefit is calculated at 80% of average earnings. But if you add 2 more non-insurance years, then 100% of average earnings are already taken into account when calculating benefits.

In general, sick leave expenses (with the exception of the first three days in case of illness or injury to an employee) are reimbursed from the funds of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. The difference in the amount of benefits arising in connection with non-insurance periods is additionally financed from the federal budget (through interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget provided to the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for these purposes).

When filling out data on length of service in the program and on the certificate of incapacity for work, the following must be taken into account. The “Insurance length” field of the certificate of incapacity for work (section “To be filled in by the employer”) is the full length of service, which is taken into account when calculating sick leave. This field corresponds to the Length of Experience program field for sick leave payments, taking into account non-insurance periods. In the field “including non-insurance periods” of the certificate of incapacity, you need to highlight only the length of non-insurance periods.

At the same time, in the Insurance length of service field for payment of sick leave in the program, you must indicate the length of service without non-insurance periods.

Example 2. Filling out data on length of service on a sick leave form and in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program

The length of service for paying sick leave, taking into account non-insurance periods (“Insurance period” - in the certificate of incapacity for work) 01/01/2006 - 05/31/2016 is 10 years 5 months. Moreover, the employee was in service from 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2014. The non-insurance period begins from 01/01/2007 and lasts until 12/31/2014, i.e. it is 8 years.

On the form, in the “Insurance period” field, 10 years 5 months are indicated and the non-insurance period is highlighted, including 8 years (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Fragment of a certificate of incapacity for work

In the program, in the Employee's card, in the field Length of service for payment of sick leave, taking into account non-insurance periods, 10 years 5 months are indicated, and in the field Insurance length of service for payment of sick leave, you must indicate length of service without non-insurance periods, i.e. 2 years and 5 months (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Information about work experience

For an employee, it makes no difference whether there are non-insurance periods in his work experience, but for the Social Insurance Fund this is important.

Example 3. Calculation of disability benefits in the presence of non-insurance periods

Disability benefits were provided from 06/01/2016 to 06/18/2016. The employee has a length of service for paying sick leave, taking into account non-insurance periods of 10 years 5 months, including a non-insurance period of 8 years.

When filling out the Sick Leave document, on the Payment tab, select the Apply benefits flag and select Payments in connection with the inclusion of non-insurance periods in the insurance period. The Payment percentage field was automatically set to 100%, because the total experience is more than 8 years. But in the field Percentage of payment without benefits is 60%, because without benefits the length of service is only 2 years and 5 months, which is less than 5 years. The difference between total length of service and length of service without benefits is paid from the federal budget minus the first three days paid by the employer.

On the Accrued tab (Fig. 3), the sick leave accrual is calculated for a total amount of 13,767.15 rubles, including at the expense of the federal budget - 5,506.80 rubles.

In the 4-FSS report, expenses from the federal budget are allocated automatically.

Rice. 3. Accruals for sick leave, taking into account non-insurance periods

...depending on the date of onset of the disease

Throughout 2016, the maximum average daily earnings for all cases except maternity leave is 1,772.6 rubles. When calculating the average daily earnings in 2016, you need to take into account all earnings for 2014, from which insurance premiums were transferred, but not more than 624,000 rubles, and all earnings for 2015, from which insurance premiums were transferred, but not more than 670,000 rubles. Average daily earnings are obtained by dividing the sum of these limited earnings for 2 years by 730. In some cases, the amount of benefits is affected by the minimum wage, and it changed during 2016.

From 01/01/2016 the minimum wage is equal to 6,204 rubles per month (Article 1 of the Federal Law dated 12/14/2015 No. 376-FZ), and from 07/01/2016 the Federal Law of 06/02/2016 No. 164-FZ is set at 7,500 rubles per month . It is necessary to take into account changes in the minimum wage

from 07/01/2016, if the employee…

… average earnings for the previous two years are below the minimum wage

If the average employee’s earnings calculated for 2014 and 2015 (calculated for a full calendar month) are below the minimum wage, then the benefit is calculated based on the minimum wage. If the date of onset of the disease falls on the period from 01/01/2016 to 06/30/2016, then the minimum average daily earnings calculated from the minimum wage is 203 rubles. 97 kopecks (RUB 6,204 x 24) / 730 = RUB 203.97). For illnesses occurring starting from 07/01/2016, the minimum average daily earnings is 246 rubles. 58 kopecks (RUB 7,500 x 24) / 730 = RUB 246.58).

Example 4. Calculation of benefits from the minimum wage due to low earnings

Employee N.I. Rostova presented to the accounting department a sick leave certificate for caring for a child under 7 years old on an outpatient basis for 1 day on 07/15/2016. The employee's length of service on the day of illness was 2 years (less than 5 years, but more than six months). N.I. Rostova has been working part-time since November 2015. Her earnings for 2015 amounted to 50,000 rubles. Certificates from previous places of employment were not provided.

The actual average daily earnings were:
RUB 50,000.00 / 730 = 68.49 rub.

The minimum average daily earnings from the minimum wage, taking into account part-time work, was: 246.58 rubles. x 0.5 = 123.29 rubles, which is more than actual. The benefit is calculated from the minimum wage of 123.29 rubles. taking into account experience. The experience is less than five years, so 60% is taken into account to calculate the benefit: 123.29 rubles. x 60% = 73.97 rub.

Please note that the start date of the disability is important in this case. The disease occurred in July, so the minimum wage was 7,500 rubles. If the onset date of the illness was before July 1, 2016, and the illness continued in July, then a minimum wage of 6,204 rubles would be used.

... less than six months of experience

If the employee’s length of service is less than six months, then the disability and maternity benefits cannot exceed the minimum wage for each calendar month.

Example 5. Limitation of benefits to the minimum wage due to short work experience

Employee D.V. Borovoy began working on 04/01/2016 full-time at an enterprise in an area without a regional coefficient (RK). A certificate of earnings from a previous employer in 2015 confirms the amount of 500,000 rubles.

Sick leave was provided for 2 days: 06/30/2016-07/01/2017.

On the day of the onset of illness, the length of service is less than six months and the amount of benefit is limited not by the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums, but by the maximum amount of daily benefit calculated from the minimum wage.

The actual average daily earnings were: RUB 500,000. / 730 = 684.93 rub. The experience is less than five years, so the average daily earnings are limited to 60% and equal to 684.93 rubles. x 60% = 410.96 rub. But since the length of service is less than six months, it is limited to the maximum daily benefit in June: 6,204 rubles. / 30 = 206.80 rubles, and in July 7,500 rubles. / 31 = 241.94 rub.

Thus, for 2 days, a benefit of 206.80 rubles was accrued. + 241.94 rub. = 448.74 rub. (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Sick leave accruals from the minimum wage

note, maternity benefits are accrued in advance and if the employee went on maternity leave before July 1 and before the new minimum wage was approved. Moreover, if the vacation continues after July 1, then the amount of the benefit must be recalculated taking into account the new minimum wage and the difference must be paid.

The need for recalculation arises if maternity benefits are limited to the maximum amount of daily benefits similar to Example 5 due to the fact that the employee’s length of service was less than six months. To perform recalculation in the program, you need to open a previously created and paid document Sick leave. By button To correct create a new document. In it on the bookmark Recalculation of the previous period previously accrued amounts are reversed, and on the tab Accrued (details) new charges are displayed. As a result, the new document shows the difference, in this case the amount of additional payment.

... violation of the regime

If an employee violates the regime prescribed by the attending physician without good reason or if the incapacity for work occurs due to alcohol or drug intoxication, then the calculation is made in the same way as in the second case.

This case differs from the previous one in that in case of violation of the regime, benefits based on the minimum wage are accrued starting from the day of the noted violation, and before that - according to the general rules, taking into account the actual average earnings.

The 1C: Accounting 8.3 program, edition 3.0, allows an accountant to calculate temporary disability benefits to employees, which we usually call “sick leave”. In this instruction, we will look step by step at how to correctly conduct it, calculate it and calculate it.

Previously in (see Main / Settings / Accounting parameters) it is necessary to enable the ability to record vacations, sick leave and executive documents.

Now in the accrual journal - in the same place where documents for monthly payroll are created, you can create a “Sick Leave” document.

Creating a new sick leave in 1C 8.3 Accounting

In the header of the document, you should select the accrual month, registration date, and employee.

On the “Main” tab indicate:

  • Sheet number disability.
  • If given sick leave - continuation of the previous one, check the appropriate box and select the required document using the link.
  • Cause of disability. Selected from the list proposed by the program - disease or injury; maternity leave, etc.
  • Period of release from work. Dates are indicated according to the sick leave certificate.
  • If there is a record of violation of the regime on the sick leave, this program document should indicate benefit reduction date.
  • Payment percentage. By default the program sets 60.00. The percentage can be changed if necessary.
  • Amounts of accrued benefits and average earnings. They have already been calculated and filled out based on the data available in the program about the employee’s earnings in the previous two years. According to current legislation, if the reason for sick leave was an illness or injury of an employee (except for injuries at work), the program pays for the first three days of incapacity at the expense of the employer, and for the remaining days - at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

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If there is no data on earnings in the program, the benefit is automatically calculated “at the minimum.” If necessary, an employee’s income for previous years can be specified manually by clicking on the “Change” link (next to the amount of average earnings).

In the form that opens, we see fields for entering monthly earnings for the two previous calendar years. The accountant can fill out these amounts both on the basis of his own data (if the employee was working in the organization at that time, but there was no accounting in 1C yet), and on the basis of the provided certificate of earnings from the previous employer. The 1C Accounting program will automatically calculate the amount of average daily earnings, which will be transferred to the sick leave by clicking “OK”.

The type of benefit limitation must be indicated on the “Additional” tab of the sick leave certificate. By default, the limit is set to the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums; options are also available “in the amount of MMOT” or according to the maximum amount of the monthly insurance payment.

Here, if necessary, you can indicate the regional coefficient (in format 1.XX) and the benefits applied.

The “Accruals” tab displays accruals, their results and period. Amounts are available for manual modification; in this case, the edited result will be displayed on the “Main” tab.

When posting, “Sick Leave” performs movements on accounting accounts, or postings. The program assigns the amount of the benefit at the expense of the employer to the same accounting account as the salary of this employee (according to the existing settings), in correspondence with the account loan. 70. The amount of the benefit at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund is debited to account 69.01 “Social insurance payments”.

Reflection of sick leave in payroll

This is of great concern to subscribers and readers of our site. In their questions and suggestions, they repeatedly ask the question of calculating and accruing sick leave in the 1C program version 8.2.

Let us turn to the consideration of the stated topic using the example of calculating and accruing sick leave for an employee of the already known to us demonstration company Dobro LLC in the 1SBAccounting configuration for Ukraine 8.2.

First, we must check the directory “Plans for types of calculations” to see if it contains the type of accrual corresponding to sick leave. To do this, open 1C in mode 1:Enterprise and select the main menu item “Operations”, the button “Plans for types of calculations”. In the window that opens, select “Basic accruals of organizations.”

The directory that opens contains, as we remember, the types of accruals of organizations. In this case, we are interested in the elements responsible for sick leave sheets. Indeed, there are “doctors for entrepreneurship” and “doctors for social insurance”. We will use the first ones, so we will open the card of this element by double-clicking on the line.

In the element “medicine for business” we fill in all the details as shown in the figure. This filling is quite sufficient for the most general case of accruing sick leave.

It is necessary to fill in both the data on the “General” tab and the data on the “Base for calculations” tab.

After filling out the details and checking their accuracy, close the card and directory. After this, open the journal of payroll documents. Next, we create and fill out a new document, similar to what was discussed in or in.

Naturally, after the salary was calculated, as in the case of vacation pay, sick pay was not automatically calculated. Let's add this view manually. We will enter the sick leave period, accrual type, base period, etc. We will definitely correct the changed base period back to the values ​​corresponding to the month. Let's enter the amount; for example, let's take 125 UAH.

It is imperative to sequentially refill and recalculate the data on the remaining required tabs (“Contributions”, “Personal Income Tax”, “Payroll Contributions”) for this employee, in the same way as the parameters were calculated on the first tab. To do this, you need to select a tab, select an employee if the work is done with a payroll, and click “Fill”, then “Fill by employee”, then “Calculate” - “Calculate by employee”.

After checking the correctness of the calculated and filled in data, be sure to create transactions on the tab of the same name.

Click “Write” and “OK” and post the document. The accrual of sick leave and the calculation of related contributions and taxes are now completed. Next, you must make the payment using the “Salary Payable” document indicating the relevant types of payments.

If you have any difficulties, we will definitely help.

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In today’s material we will look in detail at how to accrue, post and pay out hospital funds in a software product called “1C 8.3 3.0”. In addition, we will tell you the entire procedure for changing (adjusting) incorrectly accrued amounts.

In order to reflect the fact of incapacity for work, the above-mentioned software product provides a document called “Sick Leave”.

How to enter a certificate of incapacity for work in the 1C 8.3 software product?

To find it, you need to go to the menu called “Salary”, then click on the link named “Sick Leave”.

As a result, a window with a list of documents will open. In this window, press the key named “Create”. Next, a window should open for a new document that needs to be filled out. Those fields that must be filled out will be underlined with a red dotted line. First you need to fill out “Organization” and select “Employee”.

As a result of selecting an employee, the system must check the length of service. In this case, it turned out that the employee’s seniority was empty. The software product gave us warnings and suggested links to correct this situation.

screen 1
After establishing the length of service, we continue to fill out the document. In our case, there are still 2 unfilled fields that must be filled in: “Exemption from work” and “Reason of disability.” We select the reason from the list provided, for example, “Disease or injury.” And then we set the period when the employee was released from work.

Immediately after completing the period of absence, the document will be calculated. By default, the 1C Salary and Personnel Management software product is created in such a way that calculations are carried out automatically when fields that are significant for calculation are filled in or changed. From time to time this is not very convenient (on weak personal computers you will feel “slowdown”). Therefore, this function can simply be disabled.

It is possible to implement the above in the settings of the software product. After that, go to the menu called “Settings”, click on the link named “Payroll calculation” and uncheck the box named “Perform automatic recalculation of documents when editing them”:

From now on, when editing any information that affects the calculation, the button called “Recalculate”, which is located on the right, will be painted yellow, and to calculate (recalculate) you must click it:

In the document called “1C ZUP”, by default it is assumed that payment of sick leave funds will be made with wages, but it is possible to note something else: during the interpayment period or in advance.

In the case of maternity leave, the software product allows you to free the rate for the period of absence of an employee of the enterprise. This is possible if staffing is carried out in the system.

As a result, the document is calculated. A green marker called “Change / view data” along with certain fields makes it possible to view the amount being generated in a given field, or even change it.

Once done, go to the tab called “Payment”.

Here it is possible to set additional conditions that will affect sick leave payment.

For example, change the interval for assigning assistance payments (for example, a certain part of the sick leave fell on vacation), change the percentage of payment, limit or remove restrictions on assistance, change the percentage of payment. Initially, these indicators are established when filling out a field named “Cause of disability,” etc.

The tab named “Accruals” reflects the final result of the document calculation, that is, the amount of accruals.

Adjustment of sick leave from the previous period

A situation may also occur when a document was entered incorrectly or untimely into 1C ZUP 8.3. Therefore, in this case there is a need for adjustment.

If an error was found during a period when the month has not yet been closed, then you can simply make the necessary changes to it, re-post it and list it.

If the month in which the document was generated is already closed, then this document cannot simply be changed, since this will lead to a discrepancy between the payment and accrual amounts. In this case, there is a link at the bottom of the document called “Correct”. By clicking on this link, a new document will be created that records the corrections in the current, that is, unclosed period, and the original document is reversed.

If it is necessary to completely cancel all movements of the closed period and transfer them to the next month, there is a link named “reversed”. Clicking on it will lead to the formation of a document with the name “Reversal of Accruals”.

How can I print a sick leave certificate?

As a result of the end of the calculation, the document is posted, and after that the following printed forms are available on the key named “Print”:

Calculation of average earnings;

Calculation of benefits for the certificate of incapacity for work;

Detailed calculation of charges.

Hello, dear blog readers. I have to prepare this material with a slight fever and an unpleasant cough, so today we’ll talk about reflection temporary disability benefits in the 1C Salary and Personnel Management program. There is a specialized document for this purpose -. By the way, recently a separate document for calculating sick leave appeared in the 1C Enterprise Accounting configuration. You can read about this in the article How to calculate sick leave in 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0.

Well, in today’s publication we will look at the features of working with a document "Sick leave accrual" in the configuration of ZUP 2.5 and the general theoretical basis for calculating payments for sick leave. In this article I will also touch on a number of topics directly related to the calculation of sick leave:

  • Using a document “Absenteeism in the organization” to reflect not yet confirmed absence due to illness,
  • Setting up automatic filling of experience;
  • Entering information about earnings from previous employers to correctly calculate average earnings (document “ Certificates from other policyholders about earnings").

To begin with, I would like to highlight basic moments that you need to know and remember when calculating payments for temporary disability:

  • Billing period(the period based on the results of which sick leave is calculated) includes two calendar years that precede the accounting year (in which we count sick leave);
  • If the employee in the previous two calendar years generally had no income or the average monthly earnings turned out to be less than the minimum wage, then the average earnings are equal to the minimum wage;
  • Average daily earnings = amount of accruals employee for the previous two calendar years (and which are included in the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund) divided on 730;
  • First 3 days Temporary disability benefits are paid at the expense of the employer, subsequent ones at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund;
  • To calculate temporary disability benefits earnings from all employers are taken into account, for which the employee worked for two base calendar years. To do this, the employee must provide the appropriate certificate to the current employer.


  • Calendar years, based on the results of which sick leave is calculated for the employee, can be replaced. This is possible if the employee was on maternity leave and/or child care leave in one or two of these calendar years. At the request of the employee, one or both years may be replaced, provided that this will entail an increase in the amount of benefits;
  • The maximum amount of earnings on which the benefit is calculated is limited and cannot exceed the following amounts:
    • 2014 – 624,000 rubles;
    • 2013 – 568,000 rubles;
    • 2012 – 512,000 rubles;
    • 2011 – 463,000 rubles;
    • 2010 – 415,000 rubles;
    • 2009 – 415,000 rubles.

Calculation features when an employee is employed by several employers:

  • If the employee has been employed for the previous two calendar years from the same employers, as at the time of calculating sick leave, the benefit is calculated separately for all places of work. In this case, the limit on the amount of annual earnings is taken into account for each employer separately;
  • If the employee has been busy for the previous two years at another employer(s), the employee must choose which of his current employers he will receive benefits from due to temporary disability, i.e. earnings from all employers are taken into account within the limits mentioned earlier;
  • If the previous two years the employee worked as from current employers and from others, then the employee can choose any of the above calculation schemes.

Finally, the most interesting thing in theory is procedure for calculating temporary disability benefits. So, let's look:

  1. Average daily earnings = the amount of earnings for the previous 2 calendar years / 730
  2. Don't forget about the maximum base of accounting earnings.
  3. Amount of daily benefit = Average daily earnings * Percentage(set depending on length of service and reasons for disability);
  4. Amount of benefit = Amount of daily benefit * Number of days(period of incapacity for work).

Features of calculating temporary disability benefits in 1C ZUP

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

So, the settlement document "Accrual for sick leave" must be entered after the employee submits a certificate of incapacity for work to the accounting department. If at the time of calculation of wages the employee is on sick leave and has not yet provided a certificate of incapacity for work, then the calculator must use another document "Absenteeism from the organization". Thus, when calculating the salary, sick days will be superseded, and the salary will be calculated in proportion to the days worked. In the example, we will consider just such a situation using these two documents.

Let an employee of Sidorovo be sick from March 28 to April 14, 2014. Around April 8 or 9, the accountant begins to calculate the salary for March 2014.

I would like to note right away that this should be done before calculating the main part of the salary with a document “Payroll for employees of the organization.”

In the document "Absenteeism in the organization" you should select the accrual month March 2014. In the tabular part of the document, add a line and select employee Sidorova. As the type of absenteeism we choose "Unexplained Absence" since officially we do not yet have documents confirming the disease. Well, we will indicate the period from March 28 to April 14. The program will offer to split the lines in the document monthly and you should agree with this proposal.

After this, we will calculate the planned accruals using the document "Payroll". Read more about calculating planned accruals in the article. The salary will be calculated in proportion to the days worked, from which days of absence were excluded. See picture.

On April 14, the employee decides to stop being sick and returns to work with a certificate of incapacity for work, which he brings to the accounting department. After this, the calculator already has every right to use the document "Sick leave accrual." This document can be accessed from the tab "Payroll calculation" program desktop (link in the middle column).

The following fields must be filled in the document:

  • Month of accrual - April 2014 - the March salary has already been calculated, so sick leave will fall into the April salary;
  • Employee – Sidorova;
  • Cause of disability – (01, 02, 10, 11) Illness or injury (except for work-related injuries);
  • “Start date of incapacity for work” and “Exemption from work from ... to ...”;
  • Experience – the percentage of sick leave payment depends on this field.

How to set up automatic filling of experience

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

I have already noted earlier that one of the parameters that directly affects the calculation of benefits is length of service. Before calculating sick leave, you must enter information about the employee’s length of service. To do this, you need to open Sidorov in the “Employees” directory and follow the link “in more detail about the individual” to go to the individual. face. And open the form there by clicking on the button "Labor activity". In this form, you need to add a line in the “General Experience” tabular section. To do this, right-click on the area of ​​this tabular part and in the context menu that opens, click on “Add”. Set the “Type of experience” “Insurance period for payment of sick leave” and indicate the date from which to count the length of service (for example, the date of admission to this organization), and the number of years, months and days of service that the employee had on this date.

The document will be calculated according to the minimum wage, since the database does not contain information about the employee’s earnings in the previous two calendar years. Calculated as follows:

2,629.44 = 5,554 (minimum wage) * 24 (2 years) / 730 * 18 (days of disability) * 80% (percentage depending on length of service)

How to enter information about earnings from previous employers

After calculating the document, a message was displayed “No income data was found for the specified accounting years!”

This message appeared because the employee was hired by this organization in 2014, and in 2013 and 2012 he worked in another organization. In order to enter information about earnings, you should use a specialized document “Certificates of other policyholders on earnings”. The link to the document is on the tab "Payroll calculation" desktop program in the section “see. Also". In the document you must indicate the employee and enter the previous organization, and in the tabular section indicate earnings for 2012 and 2013.

It is worth noting that the employee’s salary for these two years was recorded in this program, so of course there is no need to enter this document. The salary will be taken into account automatically.

Don't forget to post the document. After this, we will return to the sick leave calculation document. Check the box in the document “take into account the checkbox of previous policyholders” and click “Calculate” again.

7,574.76 = 384,000 (income for 2 years) / 730 * 18 (days of disability) * 0.8 (percentage depending on length of service)

Document "Sick leave accrual" also contains another tab “Calculation of sick leave”, which contains information about calculating the average. In fact, with automatic calculation there is no need to edit the data on this tab. But for general development, let’s see what it is.

Pay attention to the red lines in this tabular section. These lines cancel the information entered by the document "Absenteeism in Organizations."

Now let’s select the “Personal Income Tax” tab, where you can see the amounts of calculated personal income tax.

And one more tab “Calculation of average earnings”. On it we will see the same information about earnings that we entered into the document “Certificates of other policyholders on earnings.”

Reports of the document “Accrual on sick leave”

The “Sick Leave Accrual” document contains a number of printed forms. You can open them by clicking the “Print” button located in the lower right corner of the form. The most commonly used form “Calculation of average earnings since 2011.”

That's all for today! Stay safe and see you again on the blog pages. New interesting materials will be coming soon.

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