10 centers of the world economy. The main centers of the world economy

The main centers of the world economy. Brazil. Share of the main centers of the world economy in world GDP. Mexico.

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“Geography of Industry” - Employs over 500 million people. 3. 1) coal 2) iron ore 3) metallurgical 4) production of railway rolling stock 5) shipbuilding 6) textile. Old ones. Industry groups. Geography lesson in 10th grade. 2. Industry is the first leading branch of material production. Karezina Nina Valentinovna.

“Geography of STR” - LAT. Equipment and technology. Accelerated transformations. Industry groupings. The science. International division of labor. North Uniqueness. Training. International economic integration. Character traits. Modern world economy and international division of labor. America -LAI. International economic groupings.

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"Globalization" - Africa. Schemes of the structure of society Examples of countries Globalization Differentiation Integration. The periphery is pre-industrial countries. Semi-periphery - industrial island. Russia. Oceania. Core. semi-periphery - occupies an intermediate position between the core and the periphery. Globalization. In the core there are such developed countries as: Japan.

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“Geography of the world economy” - The work was carried out by the geography teacher of the State Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 530 Pukhova S.B. World market of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Social and economic geography of the world, grade 10. Basic models of the world economy: Table of contents. Three-member model of the world economy. General geography of the world economy. We are studying the world economy.

There are a total of 16 presentations in the topic

The most important economic and financial center of Great Britain and Europe. One of the global cities, competing with New York for the title of the world's leading financial center. London's economy took a leading position in Europe before other European cities and underwent rapid development after the end of World War II. The largest industry in London is financial transactions and financial transactions. The City of London is home to many banks, brokerage houses, insurance, legal and accounting firms.

2. New York

The most important economic center of the United States and the whole world. Financial organizations such as Citigroup, J.P. have chosen New York as their headquarters. Morgan Chase & Co., American International Group, Goldman Sachs Group, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and others. In addition, the city is home to the headquarters of many large non-financial corporations, including Verizon Communications, Pfizer, Alcoa, News Corp., Colgate-Palmolive and others. The city is home to such exchanges as the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, American Stock Exchange, and New York Mercantile Exchange. The New York financial industry is centered on Wall Street in lower Manhattan.

3. Singapore

Singapore's economy is a developed market system. It depends on the export of products, especially in such areas as consumer electronics, information technology, pharmaceuticals and financial services. Transnational corporations play an important role in the country's economy. Singapore's economy is one of the most open and corruption-free economies. The country maintains stable prices, and its GDP per capita is one of the highest in the world. Singapore is considered one of the “East Asian Tigers” for its rapid economic growth to the level of developed countries.

4. Hong Kong

Hong Kong's economy owes its current state largely to the territory's favorable geographical location and the peculiarities of its historical development. Being the largest financial center in Asia and the most important trade and transport hub of Southern China, Hong Kong plays a significant role in the country's foreign economic relations. The Hong Kong economy is characterized by a high level of investment protection, as well as minimal restrictions on trade and the movement of capital. It is a developed financial market in the world and has a favorable business environment.

This is one of the most economically developed agglomerations in the world. Tokyo is a major international financial center and the headquarters of some of the world's largest investment banks and insurance companies, and also serves as a hub for the transportation, publishing and broadcasting industries in Japan. During the centralized growth of the Japanese economy after World War II, many large companies moved their headquarters from cities such as Osaka (the historical financial capital) to Tokyo. The Tokyo Stock Exchange of Japan is the largest stock exchange, as well as the second largest in the world by market capitalization and the fourth largest share of turnover.

6. San Francisco

The basis of San Francisco's economy is tourism. Thanks to the city's portrayal in films, music and popular culture, San Francisco is recognized throughout the world. This is the city where Tony Bennett left his heart, where Franklin Stroud, known as the "Birdcatcher", spent many years in prison, and Rice-a-Roni became a favorite food of the population. The Moscone Center area has a large infrastructure of restaurants and hotels. San Francisco is one of the top ten convention and conference destinations in North America.

The California Gold Rush pushed San Francisco to develop its banking system, and the city is now the main financial center on the West Coast.

The most important sectors of Boston's urban economy are financial, banking and insurance. Thus, the headquarters of Fidelity Investments, Sovereign Bank and State Street Corporation are located in Boston. The city is also one of the largest publishing centers in the United States, with publishing houses such as Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Bedford-St. Martin's and Beacon Press. Tourism also makes a significant contribution to the development of the city. Boston is home to the oldest continuously operating shipyard and fishing port in the Western Hemisphere. Boston is one of the world's largest educational centers. One of the world leaders in biotechnology, microelectronics and the creation of new materials.

The third largest city in the United States (after New York and Los Angeles), the second most important financial center in the country (after New York) and the largest transport hub in North America. Chicago is home to one of the 12 US Federal Reserve Banks, the largest exchanges are the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, united in the CME Group, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, the Chicago Stock Exchange, and OneChicago. The Chicago Loop is the business center of Chicago, the second largest in the United States after Manhattan. It houses stock exchanges and the headquarters of such well-known companies as United Airlines, Chase Bank, Boeing and others.

Switzerland's largest financial center: home to the headquarters of insurance companies and banks, including the international UBS and Credit Suisse, the Swiss stock exchange and one of the headquarters of the Swiss central bank.
The city is home to the headquarters of Barry Callebaut, one of the world's leading chocolate producers. This makes Zurich one of the world's major financial centers. Large scientific center. In 2011, Zurich ranked second in the world in terms of quality of life, and in 2012 it was recognized as the most expensive city in the world.

10. Washington

The headquarters of such corporations as Microsoft (headquartered in Redmond, near Seattle), Starbucks, Amazon.com, PACCAR and Valve are located here. Boeing has manufacturing facilities in Everett. Washington State has the most regressive tax system in the United States. The state also has no corporate income tax. Here, in the period 1989-2007, there was the Icos corporation, known in the biotechnology market. The largest automaker is Kenworth.

The world economy is a generalized concept that covers the relationships between the economies of the world. Its subjects are units that are capable of managing capital, finance, labor resources, and information on a global scale.

How does the world economic system work?

One can imagine a huge enterprise that operates not in a separate state, but above it, covering several countries. Such entities include: national economies, transnational corporations (TNCs), regional integration associations, united economic organizations.

Rice. 1. The main trade relations of the world

The main centers of the world economy (there are about 20 of them) are industrial states with rapid economic growth rates. Three largest centers can be distinguished: the USA, Japan, and Foreign Europe.

Definitions of a country's participation in the international economy

In order to assess the importance of the national economy of a particular region for the world economy, the main indicators of the country’s participation in the international division of labor are used.

The main parameter is gross domestic product (GDP).

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Gross domestic product is a measure of the total value of all goods and services produced in all spheres within the territory of a given state.

The meaning of TNCs

The main role of TNCs is the distribution of production factors (capital, labor resources, information, finance) between states. By settling in the country, corporations provide people with jobs, pour in investments, and promote scientific development.

Fig.2. Location of Nokia branches and head office on the map

On the other hand, MNCs have enormous power and strength. They greatly influence politics and actually govern in countries with underdeveloped economies, dictating their terms.

Rice. 3. Some multinational corporations

TNCs are classified according to several criteria:

  • Country of origin. As a rule, the main office is located in this state.
  • By field of activity. The most common: electronics, communications, food, drinks, cosmetics.
  • Size of foreign assets. The typology is divided into the largest (from 10 billion dollars), large (from 5 to 10 billion dollars), medium (from 2 to 5 billion dollars) and small (up to 2 billion dollars).

What have we learned?

In total, 251 countries participating in international integration can be identified. Exactly as many states were registered in 2017 and each is involved in the global process of economic activity. The largest TNCs in the world can influence not only economic, but also political processes

Task No. 3. Choose the correct concept.

Task No. 3. Which countries are indicated by numbers on the map. Write them in the table, signing the capital:

Task No. 4. What is the world population? - 7000154627 people

Consider the diagram “Share of economically developed countries (EDCs) and developing countries (DCs) in the world population”, which column shows the share of economically developed countries and which developing ones.

Task No. 5. Choose the correct concept.

Concept Definition
- - a settlement where most of the residents are employed in industry and the service sector.
- - the process of increasing the role of cities in the development of society, increasing the share of the urban population.
- - the process of growth and development of the suburban area of ​​large cities.
- - rapid growth of the urban population, unaccompanied by an increase in the number of jobs, which leads to the emergence of undeveloped urban outskirts.
- - a settlement where the majority of residents are employed in agriculture.
- - a compact grouping of settlements around a large city, united by industrial and cultural ties.
- - spread of urban forms and living conditions to rural settlements. Migration of urban population to rural areas.
- - the largest form of settlement, formed when a large number of neighboring agglomerations grow together.

Task No. 6. Enter in the column opposite the name of the megalopolis what large agglomerations are part of it and in which country it is located.

Task No. 7. Sign 10 centers of the world economy.

Task No. 8. Here is a chart showing the share of the 10 leading countries in global industrial production. Which countries does each column correspond to?

Goal of the work:

Exercise 1



Foreign Europe

North America



NIS Asia




Gulf countries


Practical work No. 11 in geography, grade 10 "Compilation of characteristics of the main centers of the modern world economy"

Goal of the work: developing the skills to compile characteristics of the centers of the world economy using atlas maps.

Exercise 1 : Using Appendix 1, plot the ten main centers of the world economy on an outline map of the world.

Ten main centers of the world economy Appendix 1.



Foreign Europe

North America



NIS Asia




Gulf countries


Task 2: on International economic groupings of countries of the world"

2. 1. On the outline map of the world, mark in red the states that are part of the European Union (EU). Countries: Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg. Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland. Greece. Spain, Portugal. Austria, Sweden, Finland.

2. 2. On the outline map of Overseas Asia, indicate in yellow the states that are part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines. Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar. Cambodia

2. 3. On an outline map of the world, indicate in blue the states that are part of the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA). Countries: USA, Canada, Mexico.

2. 4. On the outline map of the world, indicate in green the states that are part of

Latin American Integration Association (LAI). Countries:Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia. Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador.

2. 5. On the outline map of the world, mark in orange the states that are part of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Countries: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait,

O A E, Qatar - in southwest Asia. Indonesia in Southeast Asia. Algeria, Libya, Nigeria in Africa. Venezuela in South America.