The deposit account is used for. Which bank to choose

When opening a deposit account with a bank, the client independently chooses the conditions from the possible range of services offered. During the entire period of placement of funds, certain interest is accrued in accordance with predetermined conditions. Deposit accounts can be opened not only by individuals, but also by legal entities.

Deposit amounts are not limited, but there are, as a rule, minimum deposit amounts. You can open such an account at any time. The main conditions of the deposit are considered to be a strictly fixed period of storage of funds and the impossibility of using funds by the client until the expiration of the agreement with the bank. At the same time, you can regularly withdraw or accumulate interest. Funds placed on a deposit account are returned in full after a predetermined date.

Types of deposit accounts

All types of deposit accounts can be divided into two main categories - with the terms of the program "on demand" and "urgent". Each type of deposit has its own distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages. All the nuances, as a rule, are prescribed in the contract with the bank. Before signing such documents, it is better to immediately carefully study all the conditions, and if necessary, get additional advice from employees.

If you have savings and want to increase your income, then opening a “term” deposit account may be the best option. In this case, you should pay special attention to the main condition - you will not be able to withdraw funds within a predetermined period. It is convenient to use such an account if you are sure that you will not need funds in the near future.

Deposit accounts "on demand" have more flexible terms, but interest rates on them, as a rule, are lower than those of urgent ones. In this case, you place funds on your account and can withdraw them in whole or in part before the term specified in the agreement.

Features of deposit accounts

You can open a deposit account using any currency that the bank has in circulation. In addition, each depositor is provided with a deposit insurance service, which implies the reimbursement of the entire amount of the deposit in the event of bankruptcy of the organization.

Interest earned from a deposit account is taxable. This rule is established and regulated by the current legislation. When withdrawing funds, 13% is withheld. Interest accrual, depending on the chosen program, can be carried out monthly, quarterly or with capitalization, when the accrued funds are included in the total amount of the deposit account.

Chapter 5. Opening accounts for deposits (deposits)

5.1. To open an account for a natural person - a citizen of the Russian Federation on a deposit in a bank, the following is submitted:

b) certificate of registration with the tax authority (if any).

If the bank deposit agreement provides for the possibility of transferring funds from the deposit account, a card is presented. At the same time, documents confirming the authority of the persons indicated in the card to dispose of the funds on the deposit account (if such authority is transferred to third parties) are submitted. If the agreement provides for the certification of the rights to dispose of funds on the deposit account by third parties using an analogue of a handwritten signature, documents confirming the authority of persons entitled to use an analogue of a handwritten signature are submitted.

In cases where, in order to open a deposit account, a bank has identified a client - an individual in the manner prescribed by paragraph 5.8 of Article 7 of Federal Law N 115-FZ, the documents provided for in subparagraphs "a" and "b" of this paragraph are not submitted.

5.2. To open a deposit account for an individual - a foreign citizen or stateless person, the documents specified in clause 5.1 of this Instruction, as well as a migration card and (or) a document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (residence) in the Russian Federation , if their presence is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. Opening a deposit account for a legal entity established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out if the bank, in accordance with clause 1.2 of this Instruction, has information on the state registration of the legal entity, as well as information on registration with the tax authority.

5.4. In order to open a deposit account for a legal entity established in accordance with the laws of a foreign state and located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, documents confirming the legal status of this legal entity under the legislation of the country in whose territory this legal entity was created are submitted to the bank, in particular , documents confirming its state registration, and in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, also a certificate of registration with a tax authority.

(see text in previous edition)

5.5. To open a deposit account for an individual entrepreneur, a document proving the identity of an individual is submitted to the bank.

(see text in previous edition)

5.5.1. To open an individual who is engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a deposit account with a bank is submitted:

a) an identity document of an individual;

b) certificate of registration with the tax authority.

The notary additionally submits a document confirming the empowerment of the notary (appointment to a position), issued by the justice authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The lawyer additionally submits a document certifying the registration of the lawyer in the register of lawyers, as well as a document confirming the establishment of a lawyer's office.

5.6. To open a deposit account for an individual entrepreneur or an individual engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, who are foreign citizens, to a bank in addition to the documents specified in

A deposit is money in the currency of the Russian Federation or a foreign currency placed on a repayable basis by individuals for the purpose of keeping and receiving income, on the basis of a bank deposit agreement or a bank account agreement, including capitalized (accrued) interest on the deposit amount.

Income on the deposit is paid in cash in the form of interest. The deposit is returned to the depositor at his first request in the manner prescribed for this type of deposit by federal law and the relevant agreement.

Deposits can be accepted by banks that have an appropriate license issued by the Bank of Russia and participate in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals in banks. Participation in the deposit insurance system in accordance with Federal Law No. No. 177-FZ "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation" is mandatory for all banks.

Bank depositors can be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons, in addition, minors aged 14 to 18 years have the right to independently, without the consent of parents, adoptive parents and trustees, make deposits in credit institutions and dispose of them.

Depositors can have an unlimited number of deposits in one or more banks and manage their deposits, as well as receive income and make non-cash payments in accordance with the deposit agreement.

Bank agreement with a depositor

Upon receipt of funds in a deposit or a deposit, an agreement is concluded with the depositor. The contract is drawn up in writing in two copies, one of which is issued to the client. Depending on the term of the agreements, the amount of deposits and the conditions for their return, the bank may differentiate its interest rates.

At the same time, it must indicate and agree on the procedure for paying interest on the deposit (with capitalization, without capitalization) and terms (day, month, quarter, year.). In the absence of these conditions in the contract, interest is paid quarterly, and unpaid interest increases the amount of the deposit (capitalization), on which interest is then charged.

Cash in a deposit or deposit can be accepted on the terms of issuing a deposit on first demand (demand deposit) or on the terms of returning the deposit after the expiration of a period specified by the agreement (term deposit). However, under a bank deposit agreement of any kind, the bank is obliged to issue the deposit amount or part of it at the first request of the depositor. Moreover, this rule is imperative, i.e. the condition of the agreement on the citizen's waiver of the right to receive a deposit on first demand is void.

The conclusion of a bank deposit agreement with a citizen and the deposit of funds by him may be certified by a savings book. A savings book is one of the forms of a bank deposit agreement. The peculiarity of making a deposit in the form of a savings book is, first of all, that this form is typical for the relationship between a depositor - a citizen and a bank. A savings book can be either registered or bearer, and the bearer savings book is a security. Both types of savings books must contain information about the bank and the state of the deposit. A nominal savings book, in essence, is a document certifying the conclusion of a bank deposit agreement and the making of funds in deposits.

The absence of a personalized savings book when the client appears at the bank is not an obstacle to the disposal of the deposit, since legal obligations between the depositor and the bank arise from the bank deposit agreement signed by the parties. A personalized savings book, in case of its loss or damage, can be replaced by the depositor upon his application. A bearer savings book is a security, a document certifying property rights, the implementation or transfer of which is possible only with its bearer (Article 142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
A bearer savings book should not only formalize the deposit of funds by a citizen to a deposit account in a bank, but also certify all his rights as a depositor. Therefore, no document other than a bearer savings book can serve as a basis for a bank to issue a deposit, pay interest, and execute other orders of the depositor. Replacement of the savings book to the bearer in case of its loss by the bank is not performed. Since the savings book is with the depositor, the data on the deposit indicated in it may not reflect the true state of the deposit (for example, in the case of replenishment of the deposit by a third party, interest accrual, etc.).

In the event that entries are made in the personal account that are not in the savings book, when the depositor visits the bank, corresponding entries are made in his deposit book. Entries in the savings book reflect all incoming and outgoing transactions on the deposit (deposit), after each entry the balance of the deposit is displayed.
All entries in the savings book are certified by authorized employees of the bank. The data reflected in the savings book are the basis for settlements between the bank and the depositor, unless otherwise proven.
A personal account is opened for each depositor for each type of deposit. When making transactions on the deposit account, it is mandatory to verify the compliance of signatures on documents on the account with the sample signature of the depositor.

accounting entries

Accounting for deposits of individuals is kept on passive account 423 "Deposits and other attracted funds of individuals". In the context of this account, balance sheets of the second order are maintained according to the terms of raising funds:

  • poste restante;
  • for up to 30 days;
  • for a period of 31 to 90 days;
  • for a period of 91 to 180 days;
  • for a period of 181 to 1 year;
  • for a period of 1 to 3 years;
  • for a period of more than 3 years.

Opening a deposit account for an individual is made by posting:

  • Dt 20202 "Cash desk of credit organizations"
  • Kt 423 "Deposits and other attracted funds of individuals" - for the amount of the deposit received at the bank's cash desk.

The return of the deposit amount is made by reverse posting:

  • Dt 423 "Deposits and other attracted funds of individuals"
  • Kt 20202 "Cash desk of credit organizations" - for the amount of the deposit paid from the bank's cash desk.

When the deposit is returned, all interest accrued up to that moment is paid.

In cases where a term or other deposit, other than a demand deposit, is returned to the depositor at his request before the expiration of the term or before the occurrence of other circumstances specified in the bank deposit agreement, interest on the deposit is paid in the amount corresponding to the amount of interest paid by the bank on demand deposits, or the bank has the right to stipulate in the agreement a reduced interest rate on early withdrawn deposits.

The Bank is obliged to accrue interest on the deposit amount, the amount and calculation procedure of which are determined in the agreement on the relevant deposit. If there is no condition in the agreement on the amount of interest paid, the bank is obliged to pay interest in the amount of the bank interest rate (refinancing rate) on the date of payment (clause 1 of article 838 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The Bank may provide in the agreement for the right to unilaterally change the interest rate on demand deposits. In this case, in the event of a decrease in the amount of interest, the new amount of interest is applied to deposits made by the depositor after a month from the date of notification, unless otherwise provided by the agreement. The form of the message is not regulated. These may be announcements in the media or in the bank, etc. The method of notifying the depositor may be specified in the agreement.

For deposits made by individuals, on the terms of its issuance after a certain period or upon the occurrence of circumstances stipulated by the agreement, that is, “term deposits”, the amount of interest on the deposit determined by the bank deposit agreement cannot be unilaterally reduced by the bank, unless otherwise provided by law .

Interest on the amount of a bank deposit is accrued from the day following the day it is received by the bank, until the day preceding its return to the depositor or its debiting from the depositor's account for other reasons (clause 1 of article 839 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Unless otherwise provided by the bank deposit agreement, interest on the amount of the bank deposit is paid to the depositor at his request at the end of each quarter separately from the amount of the deposit, and interest not claimed within this period increases the amount of the deposit on which interest is accrued.

Accrued interest shall be reflected in the bank's accounting records at least once a month and no later than the last working day of the reporting month. Interest on attracted and placed funds is accrued by the bank on the balance of the debt on the principal debt recorded on the corresponding personal account at the beginning of the business day.

At the same time, interest accrued for the last calendar days of the reporting month falling on non-working days must be reflected in the relevant accounting accounts in the bank's balance sheet on the first day of the month following the reporting month.

Accounting entries for the reflection on the relevant separate personal accounts of the amounts due for payment (receipt) of interest must be made either on the last business day of the reporting month (in this case, interest for the last weekend of the reporting month is accrued on the balance of the corresponding account at the end of the last business day of the reporting month ), or on the first business day of the month following the reporting one (immediately when forming the balance sheet on the 1st day of the month following the reporting one). The choice of the day on which the relevant accounting entries are made is determined in accordance with the Bank's Accounting Policy adopted by the bank.

Current interest accrued and paid on deposits within one month is documented by postings:

  • Dt 70606 "Expenses"
  • Kt 423 "Deposits and other attracted funds of individuals" - for the amount of interest paid, adding to the principal amount of the deposit;
  • Kt 20202 "Cash desk of credit institutions", 20207 "Cash in operating cash desks located outside the premises of credit institutions - when interest is paid through the cash desk.

Reflection of accrued interest in the event that the start date of the interest accrual period and the date of payment of accrued interest fall on different months or if interest is not included in the deposit, is documented by posting:

  • Dt 70606 "Expenses"
  • Kt 47411 "Accrued interest on deposits" - for the amount of accrued interest.

The actual payment by the bank-borrower of interest without violating the terms is accompanied by records:

  • Dt 47411 "Accrued interest on deposits"
  • Kt 423 “Deposits and other attracted funds of individuals” - crediting accrued interest to accounts for accounting for deposits of individuals.
  • Dt 423 "Deposits and other attracted funds of individuals"
  • Kt 20202 "Cash desk of credit institutions", 20207 "Cash in operating cash desks located outside the premises of banks" - cash payment through the bank's cash desk.

If the interest rate accrued on deposits and deposits (with the exception of fixed-term pension deposits made for a period of at least six months) exceeds the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia, and on deposits in foreign currency - 9%, then the excess amount is subject to income tax individuals. The tax rate for resident individuals is 35%, for non-residents - 30%.

The obligation of the bank to withhold personal income tax from the amounts of accrued interest on deposits does not arise until the moment the individual applies for the deposit for the first time. The date of receipt of income in a calendar year is the date of payment of income (including advance payments) to an individual, or the date of transfer of income to an individual.

Today, the phrase "deposit account" is difficult to surprise anyone. Numerous experts and financial analysts vying with each other advise placing money in large and reliable banks. And by and large they are right, because investing all the savings in high-yield aggressive instruments is too risky. Despite the wide distribution of the service, a number of important nuances of using a deposit account always remain behind the scenes. This article will discuss some important rules for using the deposit and its main functions.

Deposit account

Funds are placed in a deposit account for a specific period of time at a certain percentage. The main difference from the use of an ordinary account is the amount of the interest rate, as well as the presence of the term of the deposit, which is fixed in advance.

As part of the provision of the service, an agreement is concluded between the bank and the owner of the deposit account, according to which the depositor undertakes to withdraw the funds entrusted to the financial institution at a strictly agreed time. Predetermined terms provide the bank with some stability in the placement of attracted funds, therefore, higher interest rates are offered on such deposits.

Deposit account in Sberbank

Interest rates on deposits in Sberbank are not the highest in the country, but the level of confidence in this financial institution is one of the highest. Despite the bank's good ratings, only deposits of up to 700,000 rubles are protected by the state. For this reason, bankers use a higher rate to attract customers with large deposits.

With the range of financial services at Sberbank, everything is in order. The placement of free funds is available not only in rubles, euros or dollars, but also in Swiss francs, pounds sterling, Japanese yens and even Canadian dollars. At will, the client chooses additional options in the form of the possibility of withdrawing invested funds on demand, partial withdrawal or maximizing the level of profitability.

Deposit accounts of individuals

All deposits of individuals are conditionally divided into two large categories: on demand and urgent. The last group is distinguished by a longer shelf life, more often from a year or more. When drawing up an agreement for such, it is rather problematic to withdraw funds ahead of time. Demand deposits are offered at a lower interest rate, since partial or full withdrawals are possible at any time. Deposits are a popular and widespread financial service among residents of most post-Soviet states. The main mistake that investors often make is to conclude an agreement with a new and far from the most reliable bank in their country.

Deposit account of the organization

Legal entities also often make deposits of fairly large amounts in order to receive passive income in the form of accrued interest. As a rule, various companies and enterprises place their funds released for a certain period in commercial banks.

Most of the offers of banks addressed to legal entities are time deposits for a specific period with a fixed interest rate. Such deposits may be irrevocable or revocable, depending on the willingness or unwillingness of the management of the depositing company to claim the invested amount ahead of time.

Deposit account operations

The term "deposit operations" should be understood as the actions of banks aimed at raising funds from individuals or legal entities that act as potential bank customers opening term deposits or demand deposits. It is noteworthy that any enterprise, regardless of the legal form, as well as an individual, can act as the subject of a deposit transaction. The object of the deposit operation is the funds deposited into the bank account. As a rule, such operations are carried out within the framework of tasks, forms, as well as stages of regulation and planning of banking activities, which are established in advance.

Advice from When a legal entity has free funds that cannot be directed to specific purposes in the short term, they are almost instantly transferred to a deposit. The main reason is commercial benefit and protection of money from depreciation. If the majority of the inhabitants of our country act in this way, the well-being of the population will increase significantly, and the domestic economy will be thoroughly strengthened.

Citizens who have reached the age of majority have the right to open bank accounts. Depending on the conditions and purposes, it can be current, settlement or deposit. Unlike the other two types, a deposit account allows you not only to keep money in the bank, but also to receive income from this in the form of interest.

Deposit account: essence, features

A deposit account means a cash deposit from which the depositor cannot withdraw funds for a certain period of time. The client's money can be used by the bank for its own needs, but after the expiration of the period specified in the agreement, it must be returned to the depositor. A feature of the deposit account is the accrual of interest for the storage of funds.

Each deposit account has its own designation. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the use of digital marking of such accounts. In other countries, the practice of designating deposits using not only numbers, but also letters has been adopted. Thus, there are two definitions of what a deposit account means. Firstly, this is the cash deposit itself, and secondly, the twenty-digit number of this deposit.

Before opening an account, a special agreement is signed between the client of a financial institution and the bank. Under its terms, the client does not have the right to withdraw funds from the account for a certain period of time. Deposit accounts are beneficial to both parties to the agreement. The bank receives additional funds that can be used for financial transactions, and the client receives a guarantee of safe storage of his money and income from them.

In most cases, the interest rate is fixed. Interest on the deposit can be paid every month or at the end of its validity period (these conditions are prescribed in the agreement). Typically, the interest rate exceeds the current inflation rate, which allows you not only to save money, but also to increase their amount. The larger the contribution, the higher the final income from it. There are two main types of deposit accounts:

  1. Urgent. The depositor cannot withdraw the money until the full expiration of the contract. The deposit is kept in the bank from one to several years (depending on the selected conditions).
  2. Poste restante. If desired, the depositor can close the deposit and withdraw funds at any time. The interest rate in this case is lower than with a term deposit.

After opening a deposit account, the client does not have the right to use the funds stored on it to make money transfers, make purchases and payments, pay for services. These restrictions are rewarded with the profit generated from the calculation of the interest rate.

Opening a deposit

A bank deposit account is a very specific product. The conditions put forward by the financial institution limit its functionality. Therefore, it is advisable to open a deposit for:

  1. Protection of savings from inflation. An interest rate that exceeds the inflation rate allows you to maintain the real value of savings after the deposit expires.
  2. Receiving profit from investment activities. For the use of client funds, the bank charges interest on the deposit. They allow not only to compensate for inflation, but also to make a profit.
  3. Accumulation of funds. The impossibility of using the money stored in the deposit account guarantees their safety.

The algorithm for opening a deposit account is as follows:

  1. Selection of suitable conditions (as a rule, banks offer several types of deposits with different conditions for storing funds).
  2. Visiting the office of a financial institution.
  3. Signing of a special agreement.

At the end of the agreement (in the case of a term deposit), the client will be able to receive his funds and interest on them. To do this, you need to come to a bank branch and write an application for closing the deposit and the account in which the funds were kept. It is important to pick up the money on time, otherwise the contract will be extended for the period specified in it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other banking products, a deposit has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of this method of storing money is the possibility of obtaining passive income.. The only thing the client needs to do is to invest and wait for the contract to expire. In addition, the following positive aspects of this method of storing money can be distinguished:

  1. Reliable protection of funds. The money saved in such an account can only be lost in the event of the bankruptcy of the financial institution. But all deposits are insured, so even in this case, the client will not lose all his funds.
  2. The deposit gives the client the opportunity to maintain purchasing power in the long term by leveling the influence of inflationary processes and changes in exchange rates.
  3. Acting as a simple and understandable investment instrument for the population, the deposit is an affordable way of investing funds for citizens.

Among the disadvantages are:

  1. Impossibility of premature termination of the contract(excluding demand deposits). Money cannot be withdrawn even in case of a critical situation.
  2. Incomplete compensation of large deposits in case of bankruptcy. The state guarantees a 100% return of the deposit amount in the event of a forced closure of a financial institution, but not more than seven hundred thousand rubles. The remaining funds will not be refunded.
  3. Low profitability in case of a small deposit amount. A good profit can only be obtained by making large investments.

Thus, the deposit is different from other banking products. The invested funds cannot be withdrawn before the expiration of a certain period (with the exception of demand deposits), but they accrue an interest rate. That's what a bank account is. It gives an individual the opportunity to save their funds in the long term. In addition, a good interest rate, a guarantee of saving money, simplicity and ease of opening make a deposit account a good way to invest funds. But to get a large income, the amount of the deposit must be quite large.