What is the refinancing of a mortgage loan in Sberbank. How to apply for mortgage refinancing

Mortgage refinancing at Sberbank is one of the hottest services right now, as many mortgage borrowers seek to improve their lending terms, which are less attractive and cost-effective than those currently on the market. And this is not surprising. A couple of years ago, when the country experienced a financial crisis, many lenders set a fairly high rate on all loan products. Now everything has stabilized, the loan portfolio of financial institutions has expanded significantly, and conditions have improved, including in terms of lowering the interest rate.

Mortgage refinancing: essence, principles of work

A mortgage is a loan secured by real estate. Yes exactly. Many people think that mortgages are exclusively home loans aimed at making housing affordable. But it's not. This type of loan can be issued both for the purpose of acquiring an apartment, and for the purpose of obtaining money against the security of an existing real estate object. Regardless of the purpose, the mortgage is currently subject to refinancing.

Refinancing, in turn, is the process of assigning the right to claim debt from one creditor to another or issuing a new loan to pay off an existing one. As a rule, the second option is acceptable for the population, when they independently apply to the bank, where favorable conditions apply.

At the same time, not everyone knows that refinancing can be of two types:

  1. External, when a loan issued in another financial institution is subject to on-lending;
  2. Internal, when the bank provides its own client with a new loan on more attractive terms than the current one.

It should be noted that this type of on-lending as internal is used very rarely. In the Russian financial services market, external refinancing is more popular, which Sberbank is engaged in.

At the same time, it is advisable to carry it out only when it allows:

  • Get a lower total cost of the loan itself;
  • Allows you to reduce the amount of monthly payments on existing debt;
  • Get more attractive credit terms.

It is possible to achieve this goal by providing a lower interest rate or an extended loan term from the bank.

But there is one very important point here: not everyone can benefit from such a service, since it will not be available or appropriate for everyone.

Regardless of where the client is going to refinance, including at Sberbank, it is necessary to pay attention to the validity of the current loan agreement signed with another mortgage bank. It should allow early repayment of the loan without applying penalties to the borrower. If such a clause is in the contract, then you need to feel free to contact Sberbank and arrange the service. If the document states that early repayment is impossible, or it is possible, but only with the application of sanctions, then it is necessary to calculate the amount of such sanctions.

In most cases, the size of the sanctions will exceed the benefit from the loan renewal, or at best will not be much less than the benefit. In this case, it is better not to issue refinancing.

What to look for:

  1. There should be no debt on the mortgage in accordance with the appendix to the loan agreement “Mortgage repayment schedule”, that is, the entire amount that must be paid to the bank on the current date must be repaid in full: both the loan body and the interest rate are repaid ;
  2. There must be no delinquency on the current loan. If the money was not paid in full or not in accordance with the payment schedule, if there were delays, then it is impossible to qualify for refinancing;
  3. The mortgage loan must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of signing the contract;
  4. Mortgage debt does not have to be restructured throughout its life;
  5. Until the end of the contract must be at least 180 days.

These are the main requirements put forward by Sberbank for a mortgage taken from another bank. If the borrower does not meet at least one criterion, then he will not be able to become a participant in the refinancing program.

A unique opportunity in terms of mortgage terms is that you can refinance a mortgage at Sberbank under the program for creating a refinanced portfolio: it can include not only mortgages, but also other loans held by the debtor. In total, up to 5 financial products can be included in the portfolio, but one of the elements must be a mortgage. It is necessary.

If a person wants to refinance a loan without a mortgage, then he can become a member of another program. But not mortgages.

At the moment, Sberbank offers such conditions under which the loan will be issued on a new basis absolutely free of charge, there will be no one-time commissions, monthly commissions, and all Internet banking, for example, SMS informing, online banking, etc. will also be provided to the client absolutely free of charge.

Regarding the interest rate, it is set as a range and may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the client. The interest rate also depends on the amount of refinancing issued, on the loan term, on whether the client agrees to voluntary insurance or not. As of the current date, the interest rate is between 10 and 12% per annum. But for the absence of voluntary insurance, the rate rises by 1% per annum.

According to the feedback of Sberbank clients, it is known that the refinancing interest rate also depends on whether the mortgage agreement has already been registered in favor of the bank or not. If yes, then the rate decreases, if not, then it increases by 0.5-1%, that is, the percentage is floating, not fixed.

Speaking about the amount of the loan, there is also a scale according to which the borrower can be given this or that amount. For example, for those borrowers who include only mortgages in their portfolio, the amount will be from 500 thousand to 5 million rubles. If additional consumer loans are included in the loan portfolio, then the amount will increase to a maximum of 6.5 million rubles. But at the same time, there is a limitation: out of the maximum amount of 6.5 million rubles, only 1.5 million can be used to refinance other loans, and 5 million will be directed to a mortgage taken from Sberbank or other banks.

The loan term is up to 30 years and this is the main advantage - the long-term nature of the mortgage. The maximum among all existing on the market.

In order to receive funds and use the service, it is also necessary to collect a package of documents necessary for the bank.

A package of documents for refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank:

  • Application for the service (issued at the bank);
  • Passports of all who will participate in the mortgage agreement or those who are already participating;
  • Certificates of the place of registration of the applicant;
  • Documents confirming the level of income of the borrower;
  • Documents confirming the person's work experience: a copy of the work book certified at the place of work, an employment contract, etc.;
  • Certificates from banks issuing loans, copies of loan agreements, which will provide an opportunity for a Sberbank employee to obtain information about the date of conclusion of the agreement, its number, details, total repayment amount, debt, etc. As a rule, the bank has the opportunity to independently verify the information in the database on the basis of a copy of the loan agreement. But sometimes confirmation from the lender may be required;
  • Documents for collateral property - an apartment (required after the approval of the application).

Also, in order for the client to accept the documents and start considering the application, it is necessary that the applicant meets the minimum standard requirements put forward to the client.

At the moment the requirements are as follows:

  1. Be a citizen of the Russian Federation and have a passport;
  2. Be at least 21 years of age, and at the time of the last payment on the loan must be no more than 75 years old. That is, if a client takes a mortgage for up to 30 years, then he cannot be more than 45 years old;
  3. In total, over the past 5 years, a person must have a total work experience of more than 1 year, and also at the last place of work must work for at least six months.

By the way, with regard to Sberbank, according to the current conditions of the institution, co-borrowers, to whom the same requirements are put forward, can also be involved in mortgage refinancing. A spouse is always a co-borrower under a mortgage agreement without fail.

Also, not everyone knows, but when refinancing both in Sberbank and in another financial institution, not a single client receives money in hand. Such a program is targeted, so the funds are immediately transferred to other creditors to pay off the existing debt.

It is on these principles and conditions that you can refinance a mortgage at Sberbank, including not only mortgages, but also other loans in the loan package. The conditions are favorable and quite acceptable, although it is necessary to assess all the risks in the implementation of the on-lending procedure, since it may simply not be profitable.

Loan currency
Russian rubles
Minimum loan amount
from 300 000 rubles
Maximum loan amount

Must not exceed the smaller of:

80% of the value of the property indicated in the appraisal report
- the amount of the balance of the principal debt and current interest on refinanced loans, as well as the amount requested by the borrower or co-borrowers for the purpose of personal consumption

Maximum amounts for various loan purposes:

  • To pay off a mortgage in another bank:
    - up to 7,000,000 rubles - for Moscow and the Moscow region;
    - up to 5,000,000 rubles - for other regions.
  • To repay other loans:
    1,500,000 rubles
  • For the purpose of personal consumption:
    1,000,000 rubles
Credit term
from 1 year to 30 years
Commission for issuing a loan
Refinanced loans

With one loan "Refinancing secured by real estate" you can refinance:
- One mortgage loan provided by another credit institution for the following purposes:

  1. Acquisition/construction of a residential property
  2. Acquisition / construction of a residential property and its overhaul / payment for other inseparable improvements

Up to five different loans:

  • Consumer loans provided by another credit institution
  • Car loans provided by another credit institution
  • Credit cards, debit bank cards with overdraft permission provided by another credit institution
  • Consumer and car loans provided by Sberbank

Mortgage loan refinancing is mandatory for obtaining a loan under the “Refinancing secured by real estate” product.

Commission for issuing a loan
Loan security

Pledge of the property:

  • residential premises (apartment, including in a residential building consisting of one or more block sections - "town house")
  • House
  • room
  • part of an apartment or residential building, consisting of one or more isolated rooms (including a part of a block-built residential building - a "town house")
  • dwelling with the land on which it is located

If the property is purchased with a refinanced mortgage, it may be encumbered with a mortgage in favor of the primary lender. This encumbrance is removed after the refinancing of the mortgage loan is repaid, after which the property is pledged to the Bank.

If the funds of a refinanced mortgage loan were not used in the acquisition of a real estate object, then such an object must be free from encumbrance with the rights of third parties / be under arrest (prohibition).

Voluntary life and health insurance of the borrower in accordance with the requirements of the Bank.
Age at the time of the loan

at least 21 years old

Age at the time of repayment of the loan under the agreement
Work experience

at least 6 months at the current place of work and at least 1 year of total experience for the last 5 years**

Attracting co-borrowers The Borrower/Title Co-borrower must be a borrower/one of the co-borrowers for Refinanced Home Loan Refinanced Loans (only if he is the spouse of the Refinanced Home Loan Borrower). If there are conditions in the loan documents for a refinanced housing loan, according to which all actions related to its execution, receipt, support are assigned to a specific co-borrower, this individual must act as the Borrower/Title Co-borrower.
The requirements for the Co-Borrower(s) are similar to those for the Borrower.
The spouse of the Title Co-borrower is not included in the Co-borrowers only in the following cases:
  • the presence of a valid marriage contract establishing the regime of separate ownership of the property of the spouses, including in relation to real estate,
  • the absence of the spouse (s) of the Title co-borrower of the citizenship of the Russian Federation.
CitizenshipRussian Federation

The spouse of the title co-borrower is a co-borrower without fail, regardless of his/her solvency and age***.

* The loan repayment period fully falls on the working or retirement age of the borrower / each of the solvent co-borrowers.

** This requirement does not apply to clients receiving salaries to an account with Sberbank.

*** Except in cases where there is a valid marriage contract.

To consider a loan application, you need:

  • Passport of the borrower/co-borrower with a registration mark;
  • A document confirming registration at the place of stay (if there is a temporary registration);
  • Documents confirming the financial condition and employment of the borrower/co-borrower/guarantor

  • - loan agreement number

    - amount and currency of the loan
    - interest rate
    - monthly payment

    This information must be confirmed by submitting any of the following documents to the bank: loan agreement, payment schedule, notification of the full cost of the loan, a document confirming the change in the details of the Primary Lender.

  • For each refinanced loan, information must be provided:
    - loan agreement number
    - date of conclusion of the loan agreement
    - validity period of the loan agreement and/or loan repayment period
    - amount and currency of the loan
    - interest rate
    - monthly payment
    - payment details of the Primary Lender (including account details for repayment of the Refinanced Loan)

    To confirm the specified information, it is necessary to provide the bank with any other document: a loan agreement, a payment schedule, a notice of the full cost of the loan, a certificate / statement on the balance of the debt confirming the change in the details of the primary creditor.

The Bank reserves the right, during the consideration of the loan application, to additionally request from the client information about the refinanced loan:

  • on the balance of the loan debt on the Refinanced Loan with accrued interest
  • on the presence/absence of current arrears and arrears during the last 12 months

Such information must be confirmed by a document from the creditor bank for the refinanced loan (certificate, extract or other document). The information must be current as of the date of submission to Sberbank.

About details for repayment of refinanced loans:

Payment details, which will be used to send the amount to repay the loan in another bank, must be provided when submitting to the bank primary package of documents. If these details will change during the period between the submission of the application and the issuance of a loan by the Bank, the loan will not be issued and the loan application will need to be resubmitted with new details.

If refinanced the loan was transferred/sold to another bank(another organization: e.g. in AHML), That when applying it is necessary to provide the Bank with a document confirming the change in the details for repaying the refinanced loan.

Documents that can be provided after the approval of the loan application:

  • Documents on the provided collateral (may be provided within 90 calendar days from the date of the Bank's decision to issue a loan)

If you partially repaid a refinanced housing loan using maternity (family) capital or maternity capital was used to purchase real estate pledged to the Bank, you need to obtain consent from the guardianship and guardianship authorities to pledge real estate (based on paragraph 3 of article 6 of the Federal Law -102 "On mortgage (mortgage of real estate)".

The loan is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation in the branches of Sberbank of Russia:

  • at the place of registration of the borrower and co-borrower;
  • at the place of accreditation of the company-employer of the borrower/co-borrower;

Loan application processing time

No more than 8 business days.

The procedure for granting a loan

At the same time.

Loan repayment procedure

Monthly annuity (equal) payments.

Partial or full early repayment of the loan

It is carried out according to an application containing the date of early repayment, the amount and the account from which the funds will be transferred. The date of early repayment indicated in the application must fall exclusively on a working day.
The minimum amount of early repayment of the loan is unlimited.
There is no fee for early redemption.

Penalty for late loan repayment

Penalty* for late repayment of the loan corresponds to the key rate of the Bank of Russia, effective on the date of conclusion of the Agreement, from the amount of overdue payment for the period of delay from the date following the date of the fulfillment of the obligation established by the Agreement, to the date of repayment of the Overdue Debt under the Agreement (inclusive).

*Under loan agreements concluded from July 24, 2016 to

Take advantage of real estate insurance programs (within the framework of a mortgage), as well as the life and health of the borrower at IC Sberbank Insurance LLC and IC Sberbank Life Insurance LLC - 100% subsidiaries of Sberbank PJSC:

  • Simple, convenient and fast design. For example, when renewing an insurance contract, you do not need to transfer a copy of it to Sberbank yourself, the documents are sent automatically
  • The possibility of resolving the issue online: from signing an insurance contract to settling losses in an insured event
  • The terms and conditions of the insurance programs comply with the Requirements for the Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Insurance Services under Sberbank Loan Products 1
  • Insurance tariff / cost of insurance when prolonging the insurance contract for the second and subsequent years is 10% lower
  • In the event of an insured event, you can contact any branch of Sberbank, regardless of where the contract was drawn up
  • You can issue a policy in a few minutes on the DomClick website, on the website of insurance companies - LLC IC Sberbank Insurance and LLC IC Sberbank Life Insurance, or at any branch of Sberbank.

Life and health insurance under the Protected Borrower program 2

What is included in the program?

Insurance is carried out in case of:

  • Death of the Insured Person
  • Establishing a disability or group for the Insured Person

What are you getting?

  • Reduction of the Sberbank mortgage rate to the established level under the "protected loan" condition;
  • The insurance tariff is determined individually depending on the gender and age of the client.


Mortgage insurance 3

What is included in the program?

Insurance of the pledged property (except for the land plot) against the risks of death, damage.

Additional benefits:

  • 1 month of validity of the insurance contract additionally when issued at Sberbank branches

Detailed terms and conditions of insurance can be found on the website.

1 Mandatory requirements of the Bank to insurance companies and conditions for the provision of property insurance services

2 The insurance service is provided by IC Sberbank Life Insurance LLC. The license for the insurance of SZh No. 3692 (type of activity - voluntary life insurance) was issued by the Bank of Russia for an indefinite period. PSRN 1037700051146, www.sberbank-insurance.ru Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 31G. Office hours: Monday - Friday from 08.00 to 20.00 Moscow time

3 Real estate (mortgage) insurance. The insurance service is provided by IC Sberbank Insurance LLC. License of the Bank of Russia to carry out voluntary property insurance SI No. 4331, issued on 08/05/2015 for an indefinite period. PSRN 1147746683479, www.sberbankins.ru Address: 115093, Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, house 7, tel. 8 800 555 555 7, Working hours Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 19:00 Moscow time.

Refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank is a profitable deal that allows you to pay off old debts and get a new service on better terms. The financial institution issues a mortgage loan to individuals at 9.5% per annum, for a period of up to 30 years and in the amount of up to one million rubles. To verify the relevance of the transaction, you can use the online calculator on the official website of the credit institution. But more about everything.

What are the advantages of refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank in 2018?

The advantages of refinancing a mortgage loan at Sberbank are obvious:

  • The ability to reduce the amount of payments on loans to the optimal level.
  • Consolidation of several loans in one service.
  • No need to collect certificates on the balance of the debt in other financial institutions.
  • Obtaining additional funds for solving other problems (except for paying off the old loan).
  • Decrease in total loan repayments.
  • Personal approach to the consideration of a loan application.
  • No need to provide permission from the primary lender to obtain a mortgage loan.
  • No commission payments.

How to refinance a mortgage at Sberbank?

To refinance a mortgage loan, the following steps are provided:

  • Client consulting.
  • Obtaining information on refinanced loans.
  • Application acceptance.
  • Approval of the application for the client (takes up to two to four days).
  • Collection of documents in relation to the object of the transaction.
  • Acceptance of papers on real estate. It is allowed to provide documents within a period of up to two months from the moment the credit institution makes a decision to grant a loan.
  • Approval of the object (may take up to five days), after which the date of the transaction is set and the mortgage agreement is signed. The registration period is at least a month.
  • Registration of a mortgage agreement, a loan is issued, and the money received is transferred to pay off old debts. Certificates from financial institutions on the repayment of loans must be submitted to the new bank within 45 days from the date of the loan.
  • As soon as the repayment is documented, the bank lowers the interest rate.

Before refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank, it is advisable to check with the financial institution about the specifics of the procedure and the list of papers. Remember that until the fact of repayment of the old debt is confirmed and the security is transferred to Sberbank, the interest rate will be higher.

Is it possible to refinance a mortgage in Sberbank?

When asked whether it is possible to refinance a mortgage loan at Sberbank, experts answer in the affirmative. Moreover, many recommend using the service of a banking institution, because interest rates are lower than they were 3-5 years ago, and this is an opportunity to reduce the monthly payment and overall savings.

The maximum loan amount depends on the purpose of obtaining funds:

  • Payment of a mortgage in another credit organization - up to 7 million rubles.
  • Money for personal purposes - up to 1 million rubles.
  • Funds for repayment of other loans - up to 1.5 million rubles.

The loan is issued for a period of up to 30 years. At the same time, it is allowed to refinance a loan for the purchase or overhaul of real estate, as well as for repaying five different loans - consumer loans, car loans, credit card debts and others.

Borrower health and life insurance is voluntary, but the interest rate depends on the availability of such an option. The following real estate can act as collateral - a room, a residential building, an apartment, a room with a plot of land (where it is located).

What to consider?

Before you apply for on-lending at Sberbank online or by contacting a bank branch, you should study the requirements of a credit institution for borrowers. So, the age of the client should be in the range from 21 to 75 years, and the experience - from 6 months at the last place of work. Co-borrowers are allowed.

In order for the application to be considered, the following papers are required - a passport, an application, papers confirming the availability of work and financial condition, information on refinanced loans, as well as confirmation of the fact of registration. In this case, the bank may require additional information.

Now you know whether it is possible to refinance a mortgage at Sberbank, and what steps you need to go through for this.

In 2017, the owners of mortgage agreements got the opportunity to refinance them at the favorable pricing policy of Sberbank. Mortgage refinancing at Sberbank in 2017 is a measure of state support for individuals who hold ruble or foreign currency mortgage agreements. Interestingly, such a program was already launched in 2015, but was completed. In March 2017, the largest financial institution of the Russian Federation decided to renew it with new conditions: consumer and car loans were added, which significantly expands the number of potential users of the program.

What is mortgage refinancing

Refinancing is the process of taking out a new loan to pay off an old one. This is done in order to reduce the interest rate and the cost of monthly payments. Major players in the credit market offer similar services to clients of other financial institutions. The scheme of the process is simple - a new loan is taken, due to which the old one is repaid, in whole or in part. The pledge is reissued where a new contract is concluded and where the account is serviced.

Refinancing program at Sberbank

The new mortgage refinancing program at Sberbank in 2017 began to operate on April 18, 2017. It concerns currency and ruble lending and a number of other loans offered to customers of other banks. Now this is the most profitable application, the rate is 10.9%, retail - 11.65%, which is lower than that of other large financial institutions, and the interest rate does not depend on the income of the borrower. In addition, the absence of a commission is declared.

On-lending in Sberbank

Mortgage refinancing in Sberbank in 2017 assumes a rate of 10.9 percent per annum, in addition, it is additionally proposed to refinance mortgages in Sberbank in 2017 up to 5 contracts in other areas per person (auto, credit and debit cards, consumer). Mandatory condition: among them one must be a mortgage. Among the advantages, one can note the possibility of consolidation (general payment), the absence of claims on debt balances in other organizations.

Refinancing mortgages of other banks

Refinancing of a mortgage loan in Sberbank of clients of other banks also falls into this program. The goal is to significantly reduce monthly payments. The pledge agreement is subject to the refinancing of the Sberbank mortgage, while the property is re-registered to the credit institution where the agreement is concluded. It is better to do this quickly, because while the collateral is registered elsewhere, an increased interest rate applies. The minimum amount is 500 thousand rubles, the term is up to 30 years.

General requirements for borrowers:

  • Age - from 21 years old, at the end of payments - 75 years old;
  • Work experience from six months in one place and 1 year of total experience for 5 years;
  • The borrower must be such under all agreements that are refinanced, and his spouse becomes a co-borrower, except for those who receive a salary on a Sberbank debit card or have a deposit.

Refinancing foreign currency mortgages in rubles

The on-lending program for foreign currency mortgage agreements began to operate in 2015 after a sharp rise in the exchange rate of the euro and the dollar against the ruble. In fact, all holders of foreign currency mortgage agreements had to pay 2 times more. At that time, Sberbank established a preferential rate at which foreign currency was converted into rubles. Now the situation has become more stable, but the program is still operating.

Mortgage refinancing rates

In the case of refinancing mortgages of other banks, a rate of 10.9% per annum is offered. When joining loans from other banks (consumer, auto, cards), the rate rises to 11.65. In this case, customers of the bank itself are offered 11.15%. The client can receive a certain amount in cash, then the rate will be 11.65%. The exact amount of payments can be calculated on the calculator on the bank's website.

There are surcharges to the basic rate of 1%:

  • until the previous mortgage loan is repaid;
  • until the registration of the mortgage agreement has been made and the sale and purchase agreement has not been concluded;
  • until other loans that need to be refinanced are closed;
  • if the borrower has refused the voluntary health and life insurance offered by the lender.

There are a large number of banks in the Russian Federation that offer customers to arrange a mortgage refinancing service. One of the most popular is Sberbank.

If you refinance a loan in this bank, you can get a significant benefit for yourself. The main thing in this case is to comply with all the requirements of Sberbank and fulfill all their conditions.

Mortgage refinancing is a loan with favorable interest in order to repay a loan in a bank that has high interest rates.

Such a process often resembles a refinancing procedure, which makes it easier and faster to repay a previously opened loan.

Refinancing will be profitable only when the difference between interest rates in banks is more than 2%.

  1. Loan terms may be longer 30 years.
  2. A new loan is issued in rubles.
  3. This refinancing makes it possible to repay mortgages and other consumer loans, which are combined into one.
  4. Depending on the purpose of the loan, customers have the opportunity to receive interest in the amount of 9,5% .
  5. There are no loan fees.
  6. Citizens do not need to obtain approval from another bank for refinancing. The main thing in this case is the desire of the borrower to change the bank.
  7. Each application of a citizen is considered individually.
  8. If information about the loan is contained in the BKI, and it is indicated correctly, then there is no need to bring a certificate of debt balances.
  9. Borrowers can arrange refinancing along with other loans. Everything will be repaid within the framework of one loan. Mortgage repayment is a prerequisite for refinancing.
  10. Customers have the opportunity to independently calculate the exact amount of payments using a loan calculator on the bank's website.

Conditions for refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank (DomClick project of Sberbank)

The client can request from the bank an amount not exceeding 80% of the price of housing purchased with a mortgage.

This value should not be more than the balance of the loan debt. The minimum amount for on-lending at the bank is 500 thousand rubles. Clients can count on 5 million rubles to pay off their mortgage, 1.5 million rubles to pay for cards and other loans, and 1 million rubles for personal purposes.

Sberbank requires customers to voluntarily insure their lives and health. If citizens do not wish to do this, the bank charges them 1% of the rate.

What Sberbank offers to individuals under the refinancing program

  • combine several loans into one and transfer everything to Sberbank;
  • reduce debt burden by reducing the amount of monthly payments;
  • get service convenience, since now borrowers will need to pay only one payment;
  • issue an additional 1 million rubles for your needs at a mortgage rate, which is much more economical than a consumer loan;
  • carry out on-lending even without the consent of the first creditor;
  • change the loan from foreign currency to Russian rubles.

Refinancing should be carried out only after the return of personal income tax on the deduction for the apartment and after the return of interest on the mortgage.

Otherwise, customers will have trouble with the tax office. Most of all, this applies to those cases when the client refinances the mortgage along with other loans.

Sberbank enables citizens to refinance mortgages and other loans in various banking institutions.

With the help of the Refinancing program, clients can count on refinancing one mortgage loan and up to 5 other loans:

  • consumer credit;
  • car loan;
  • credit card;
  • overdraft cards.

Sberbank allows you to issue on-lending not only on the security of an apartment. You can also provide a suburban area with a house.

Requirements and conditions for refinancing

Sberbank has special lending conditions under which mortgage refinancing is carried out. If you clearly comply with them, then you can get a profitable refinancing without large overpayments.

The main requirements for collateral are:

  1. The property must be fully built. If there are no documents on the right of ownership on hand, then it is impossible to refinance.
  2. The apartment must be pledged by another bank. After the full repayment of the debt within 2 months, the property must be transferred to Sberbank.
  3. If citizens have other real estate that is not encumbered, then customers can give it as collateral to Sberbank in order to refinance the mortgage. This issue will be relevant if the paid facility is not yet fully built and put into operation.

The main loan requirements are:

  1. No loan arrears in the last year. The bank allows refinancing if the delay was for a period of 3 to 5 days.
  2. Issuance of a loan for more than 6 months at the time of application.
  3. More than 3 months remain until the loan is repaid.
  4. If customers wish to refinance a loan issued by Sberbank, then borrowers need to apply with documents to the regional office.

Citizens who meet the requirements of:

  • have the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • are aged 21-75 years;
  • have more than six months of work experience at the last place of work;

The second spouse, when drawing up a loan agreement, must become a co-borrower, unless other clauses were specified in their marriage agreement.

Refinancing foreign currency mortgages in rubles

The program for on-lending foreign currency mortgage agreements began to operate in 2015, when there was a sharp jump in the exchange rate of dollars and euros. In those days, bank customers had to overpay twice as much. Later, Sberbank established a preferential rate at which dollars and euros in mortgage agreements were converted into the national currency. Now the situation in the country has returned to normal, but this program continues to operate.

How to refinance a mortgage?

In order to refinance a mortgage, customers are required to submit the following list of documents to the bank:

  • application of the established form;
  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • certificate as confirmation of registration;
  • papers that confirm the solvency of borrowers (a copy of the work book, a certificate from the employer);
  • after the approval of the application, documents from the pledgor must come within 2 months.

Consideration of the application by the bank is carried out within two days. Upon receipt of approval, an agreement is signed between the parties, and the money is transferred to the settlement account of another bank.

Benefits of refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank

Why can they refuse to refinance?

Many banks often meet the needs of clients who wish to refinance. But there are situations when borrowers may be refused in obtaining funds.

What reasons can be:

  1. Refinancing cannot occur if a person has a criminal record or a damaged credit history.
  2. The borrower may be denied refinancing if six months have not passed since the loan was issued.
  3. Refinancing is not carried out if the borrower has a decrease in income or additional dependents.
  4. If a person has moved to a new job and has a short work experience on it.

Additional Information

Customers have the opportunity to repay their loan ahead of schedule by submitting an application to the bank.

  • There are no additional payments or penalties in this case. If borrowers delay payments, then on the basis of the agreement they will be charged a penalty of 20% per year. It will be calculated every day until full repayment.
  • You can apply to the bank at the address of your registration or at the place of registration of the company in which the borrower works. Consideration of the application lasts 2 days, but sometimes this period can be extended for up to 6 days.

Sberbank is a profitable credit institution for obtaining loans. That is why many citizens choose this bank for mortgage refinancing.

Summing up

In conclusion, several main conclusions can be drawn:

  1. If properly carried out on-lending, the borrower can solve many of his problems. Increasing the loan period allows you to reduce monthly payments.
  2. The convenience of refinancing lies in the fact that customers can change the currency and interest rate on the loan.
  3. Citizens who have several loans or their material wealth has recently been reduced, refinancing will be an excellent opportunity to repay all payments on time so as not to become a debtor.

Now many banks offer refinancing services, but Sberbank has the lowest interest rates and loyal conditions.

The process of registration and consideration of the application is carried out in the shortest possible time, which is very convenient.