How to connect auto payment from a Sberbank card. How to set up Sberbank auto payments

Everyday worries can grab our attention so much that we can forget to put money on our phone or on the phone of our loved ones, pay utility bills on time or make the next loan payment. As a result, we or our loved ones can get into an unpleasant situation. To prevent this from happening, customers of Sberbank of Russia can use a service that allows you to automatically transfer funds for a telephone, housing and communal services or a loan in accordance with the specified parameters. This service is called Sberbank Autopayments and is available to every owner of a bank card issued by this bank.

You can use Sberbank Autopayments completely free of charge, and there is no fee for connecting the service. The convenience of this service is difficult to overestimate, because you only need to set up automatic debiting once, and after that you can forever forget about the need to remember the next payment for a phone, apartment or loan.

Types and possibilities of Sberbank Auto Payments

Currently, several types of Sberbank Autopayments are available, each of which is designed to pay for a certain type of service and has its own characteristics:

  • Sberbank auto payments for phone- the most frequently used by customers auto payment. No commission is deducted from the client's account for transferring funds, and an SMS notification is received about the fact that money has been credited to the phone's balance. You can set up automatic replenishment of the balance of several phones, for example, the balance of the phones of your loved ones.
  • Sberbank auto payments for loans received from other banks. If you took a loan from another bank, but receive a salary on a Sberbank card, or simply use a card account with Sberbank every day, then it will be convenient for you to set up an automatic regular transfer of a monthly payment to a credit account in another bank. To do this, you only need to know the full details of this account, the amount and date of payment, and specify these parameters in the process of setting up auto payment. The Sberbank commission charged for this service is 1% of the transfer amount and is limited to a maximum of 500 rubles.
  • Auto payments for utilities from Sberbank will help you pay utility bills on time. There are two options for writing off funds - for debt (according to an invoice for services) and for a fixed amount. The service is connected free of charge and has no subscription fee, and a commission from 0 to 1% is charged for paying the bill, depending on the recipient of the funds (the maximum commission cannot exceed 1000 rubles). At the same time, the size of the commission is much less than when applying for payment of utility bills to a branch of Sberbank.
  • Auto payments for cable TV and cable internet. The service is similar to Sberbank's Autopayments for housing and communal services. The size of the commission and the principles of debiting funds are the same.

    Recall that the use and connection of Sberbank Autopayment cost nothing to the client. Considering that Sberbank Online Internet banking is also connected free of charge and has no subscription fee, then Sberbank of Russia can be safely classified as one of the most inexpensive Russian banks in terms of the cost of additional services. Of the services demanded by customers on a daily basis, only Mobile Bank is paid, and you only need to pay for it 30 rubles (much cheaper than in other banks) and only with full access to the service.

  • Auto payments for traffic police fines. It would seem, how can one predict in advance the size and fact of imposing a fine for violating traffic rules? However, among Sberbank's Autopayments there is a service designed for those who regularly encounter traffic police and are forced to pay fines. After connecting this type of Autopayment, the automatic verification service of Sberbank will, without your participation, request information from the traffic police database about the need to pay a fine. If there is such a need, then you will receive an SMS notification, and you will be able to confirm the automatic debiting of the amount of the fine imposed from your card account. For the transfer of funds, a symbolic commission in the amount of 1% of the amount of the fine written off will be debited from your account.

Before applying any Sberbank Autopayment, the client must receive an SMS notification containing a warning about the fact of the upcoming debit, as well as an operation code, by sending which to number 900, the client can refuse this operation (but not from the Autopayment service, it remains connected).

How to connect Sberbank Autopayment

Sberbank customers who wish to activate the Autopayment service can choose the most convenient way for them to activate the service, depending on their location and access to services that allow them to manage additional services. In total, there are four ways to connect Sberbank Autopayments:

  1. To Sberbank Online. Perhaps the fastest and most convenient way to connect and set up the auto payment service is to use the Sberbank Online Internet bank. If you are already using this service, then go to the "My auto payments" section (it is located on the right side of the main page of the program, in the personal menu) and then follow the "Connect auto payment" link. After that, you will need to select the connected type of Sberbank Autopayment and configure the settings for automatic debiting of funds from your account. You can also reconfigure existing auto payments at any time or delete them in the same section of the Sberbank Online menu if you click on the "Manage auto payments" link. Setting up Sberbank auto payments online in the Internet bank is much more convenient than in any other way, which can be appreciated first of all by those customers who have several accounts with Sberbank or use several auto payments. In Sberbank Online, such customers will be able to select a card account from which funds will be debited for a particular auto payment, as well as quickly make all the necessary settings for each of them.

    If you have not yet connected Sberbank Internet Banking, you can learn how to do this, as well as the features and benefits of this program in a special article "Sberbank Online".

  2. In mobile banking. Users of the Mobile Bank service can also connect Sberbank Autopayments remotely by simply sending an SMS to the Mobile Bank number (900), but only for automatic replenishment of the phone balance. The SMS message must contain all the necessary parameters of the connected auto payment. If the service is activated for the same phone that is registered in the Mobile Bank, then an SMS of the type "AUTO PAYMENT 300" will connect the automatic monthly debiting of 300 rubles from your card account to the balance of this phone. But you can also make more precise settings for Autopayments via SMS. A standard message has the form "AUTO PAYMENT 9ХХХХХХХХ 300 30 1234" and is built according to the following rules:

    The word "AUTO PAYMENT" at the beginning of the message allows the system to determine which service the client wants to connect;

    9ХХХХХХХХ - phone number to which funds will be transferred;

    300 - transfer amount in rubles;

    30 - the threshold value of the phone balance, upon reaching which funds will be debited from the client's card;

    1234 - the last digits in the Sberbank card number, from the account of which funds will be debited.

    The threshold value that determines whether funds are credited to the phone balance must meet the requirements of your carrier:

    MTS allows you to set any value in the range from 30 to 10,000 rubles;
    - Beeline allows only 3 values: 30, 150 or 600 rubles;
    - Tele2 - 10.30 or 50 rubles;
    - Megafon generally deprives the client of the opportunity to choose and sets the only allowable value of the threshold amount on the balance sheet - 30 rubles (therefore, Megafon subscribers can simply not indicate any threshold in the sent SMS).

  3. Through the ATM menu, go to the Sberbank terminal. If you do not have access to Internet banking or you do not have the Mobile Bank service connected, then you can always quickly connect Sberbank Autopayments through your personal account, which you can enter through the menu of any ATM or Sberbank self-service terminal. Insert the card into the receiving device, enter the PIN code and go to the "Personal account, information and service" section. After you select the "Auto payments" menu item, all that remains is to click on the "Connect auto payments" button and, following the prompts on the screen, set up the parameters for automatic debiting of funds from your card account.
  4. Visit the bank branch in person- the most obvious and simple way. Take your passport with you and contact a Sberbank specialist at any branch, and Autopayments will be connected to your account within a few minutes.

Often, users of the service are interested in the question of how to disable Sberbank Auto Payment. The available options and the sequence of actions in your personal account (via Sberbank Online, in the menu of an ATM or terminal) will be the same as for connecting the service. The difference will be only in the penultimate step - instead of the "Enable auto payments" menu item, the client will need to select "Disable auto payments". To disable the service in the Mobile Bank - send the message "AUTO PAYMENT-" again to the system number - 900.

How Sberbank's auto payment for a phone works:

Auto payment is a system with which you can pay bills without the participation of the client. To do this, a certain scenario is compiled, and if it is necessary to pay for a particular debt or service, the required amount is debited from the account in auto mode. Such payments can be made using several methods, and they also contain several types. Let's consider in the article how to connect Autopayment from a Sberbank card and what is required for this.

How Autopay works

To start using the service, you must own a Sberbank plastic card. If you do not have it on hand, then you can get it, and the easiest way to do this is in a special bank branch.

Service registration methods

We examined Autopayment from Sberbank, what it is - we understood. It remains to find out how it works and what services you can pay for with it. So, in fact, there are three relevant methods that allow you to pay off debts or pay in advance.

Mobile bank

To order a service from your phone through this service, you need to send a message to the number 900 with the following content:


  1. 9XXXXXXXXX represents the telephone number of the subscriber specified in 10-digit format.
  2. 100 means the transfer amount. By the way, the minimum amount should be 50 rubles, the maximum amount reaches 10,000 rubles. The specific value will be set by you to choose from.
  3. The number 30 is represented by the phone account balance threshold. If it is reached, then automatic replenishment will occur.
  4. The four remaining digits indicate the last digits of the card number from which the charge is planned.

If you want to help your friends pay for services using a card in the same way, then you will need to create template solutions for other phones using a mobile bank or visiting an ATM using its interface. If you want to connect or create templates for several more phone numbers, you can always use a special self-service terminal.

Top up with an ATM

It is necessary to carry out an algorithm of actions in order to understand how to connect Sberbank Autopayment through Sberbank Online or do it using a card.

Connection via Sberbank Online

We examined what Autopayment from Sberbank is and the main ways to connect the service. There is one more method left that will allow you to carry out the procedure faster than all the previous ones. To do this, you need to connect Sberbank Online - a system that allows you to track all actions performed with your card. To connect Autopayment through this system, you will need:

  • enter the Sberbank service and select the item of your automatic payments, confirm it, press the button "Enable Auto Pay".

Select "My Auto Payments"

Main types of payments

Sberbank offers services in several directions of payments, each of which differs from the others in terms of settings and other factors.

Mobile operators and service payment

A subscriber of any operator may not worry that the funds will run out at the most inopportune moment, since automatic replenishment of the account will always be carried out when the account approaches zero. We have already considered the features of connecting this service - the minimum replenishment amount for this case is 50 rubles, the maximum value reaches 10,000 rubles.

Utilities and automatic payments

If you decide to set up Sberbank Auto Payment for utilities, you will not regret it, because you will no longer have to reach debts and stand in line for several hours. A message will be sent to your mobile phone indicating the payment. Funds will be automatically debited from the account.

Withdrawal options

  • on the basis of a debt, on an invoice issued by the housing and communal services;
  • writing off a fixed amount building, which will go away monthly.

Take into account the fact of withdrawal of commission for operations. Usually it is zero, but in rare cases it reaches 1%.

Auto payment for housing and communal services

Thus, considering the question of whether the Autopayment service from Sberbank is paid or not, it should be noted that no money is charged for it, but there may still be a commission, which depends on the direction of the transfer.

Loan repayment

If you took a loan from one of the Russian banks, but you have a plastic card from Sberbank, then it will not be a problem to set up the payment of monthly installments by debiting them from your card. It is worth connecting automatic payment and in the settings mark the account details in another banking organization.

Autopay for cable TV

This option is the most relevant, because if you do not pay off the debt in a timely manner, this threatens to turn off the service, and as a result, to unpleasant showdowns with the television organization. It is possible to repay payments related to debts or fixed amounts of funds.

Repayment of fines

If the traffic police issued a fine to you, then you can pay it off by automatic payment. Despite the fact that it is impossible to predict the possibility of the presence and size of the fine, the bank offers a service that prudent motorists can use.

Thus, the automatic payment service is relevant and offers users the opportunity to save time and nerves. By paying off all bills on time, you can avoid problems and unpleasant consequences. Considering the cost of the Sberbank Autopayment service, it can be noted that the commission does not exceed 1%, and most often it is completely equal to 0. It actually does not take time, so the service is relevant for people who are busy and work hard.

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Auto payment from Sberbank is a convenient feature that will allow you to say goodbye to the need to pay bills manually. You can set it up for almost all fixed expenses - rent, Internet, mobile communications and other expenses are under its control. But how to use it and what conditions does Sberbank offer?

This service will allow you not to worry about paying for the phone, bills and so on. The bank will do everything itself - it is only necessary that the required amount of money be on the account.

The algorithm of work differs depending on the type of auto payment. If you set automatic replenishment of a mobile phone, then in this case the operator himself will request money from the bank to his personal account. But the bank checks fines and housing and communal services itself with a certain frequency, or it pays “by the hour”, on a given day.

What can I set up auto payment for?

Sberbank has a lot of types of auto payment. In fact, you can completely protect yourself from problems with payments for the phone, the Internet, an apartment or something else. And go about your business, not remembering when it is time to deposit money for a loan or light.


Allows you to always stay in touch as long as there is money on your bank card. As a rule, replenishment occurs as follows:

  1. Less than 30 rubles remain on the phone (or a little more, depending on the client’s desire);
  2. The operator sees this and signals to the bank that it is time to pay;
  3. The bank sends a fixed amount registered by the cardholder to the subscriber's personal account;
  4. Money comes to the phone, and you can use it again.

The owner himself is free to set the amount that will be credited to the mobile account every time the amount of money on it reaches 30 rubles. Upon enrollment, you will receive an SMS-message about the transaction.

Autopay is available for all popular providers. It can be connected to Beeline, Megafon, Tele2, MTS. And you can also top up your account with Yota, Skylink, Global Sim, Rostelecom and even Viber.

Internet and TV

Sberbank is able to save the client from problems with the Internet. It often happens that a person simply forgot to pay the provider, and as a result suddenly finds himself without a connection. Autopay eliminates this problem.

How Sberbank will pay for the Internet:

  1. The bank will automatically check unpaid invoices on the date specified by the client;
  2. One day before the automatic payment is made, the account holder will be notified by SMS to the phone;
  3. A day later, the money will be debited to pay for communication;
  4. Upon completion of the operation, another SMS will be received.

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You can install any day. In this case, everything will happen automatically. And if you no longer need to pay for the Internet, it is easy to cancel the operation using an SMS message.

Attention, to cancel you will need a "Mobile Bank"! Without it, you will have to go to the Sberbank Online website and cancel the payment manually.


Loans are a sore spot for many people. Especially sometimes it is difficult to pay them on time - sometimes there is a queue, sometimes there is no time, sometimes they invite you to barbecue. But auto payment allows you not to worry about paying bills from banks - everything will happen by itself. Naturally, if there is enough money in the account.

The procedure is the same as when paying for an Internet connection. Only the bank does not check accounts based on user-specified information.

Essentially, the payment stops working as soon as the loan is paid off. But it is better to double-check after the last payment.

housing and communal services

The utility bill will not be a problem if you arrange its automatic payment through Sberbank. The institution provides two options for paying customer bills:

  1. According to the invoice;
  2. For a fixed amount.

In the first case, the payer number is required, according to which the bank will check unpaid invoices every time on the date set by the client. If they are, the institution will notify the client about the auto payment within 24 hours, and then send the money to the service provider and inform about it via SMS.

If the account holder sets a fixed amount, then every month money will simply be debited in favor of public utilities. Suitable for those who have a fixed fee for water, electricity or something else.

Attention! For each type of utility payment, be sure to set your own parameters!

It is not always possible to enable auto payment. For this, the required service provider organization must be on the list of those who cooperate with Sberbank.

traffic police fines

Sometimes you can break by accident, without even noticing it. In this case, the fine may be unknown to the culprit for a long time. And he will be penalized. If you don’t want to check the presence of fines on your own every time, you can force Sberbank to do this.

The institution will undertake the obligation, at intervals set by the client, to check on the number of his driver's license for new unpaid fines. If any are suddenly found, the bank will notify the owner, indicating the number and date of the decision, as well as the amount of the fine. A day later, the bank will pay the debt and notify the client about it.

Other services

  1. Education (schools, kindergartens, universities, etc.);
  2. Insurance;
  3. Entertainment;
  4. Leisure and travel;
  5. Charity and so on.

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At the same time, the list of services covers almost the entire financial life of a person, which he can predict with a certain frequency.

How much does the service cost

The auto payment itself is absolutely free for the client. But some of its types have a commission. As a rule, almost always it is 1%. You can find out exactly when making an automatic payment for each service.

In this case, the commission is debited not from the money sent, but additionally from the card. And it cannot exceed 500 (in some cases 1000) rubles.

Ways to connect and disconnect auto payment from Sberbank

The service is very easy to connect, and just as easy to terminate its existence. At the same time, if you suddenly need it, you can always return it. Or change without disconnecting.


Auto payment via messages can be enabled and disabled exclusively for the mobile account. Other services via SMS are not available. To connect, just send a message to number 900 with the word "Auto payment" (without quotes) and the payment amount. You can specify from 50 to 10,000 rubles.

Before sending, check the spelling of the word, because auto-correction can put an extra space.

How to turn off auto pay by phone? Send an SMS message to number 900 containing "Autopayment-" (without quotes, minus save).


To set up automatic payment, all you need to do is:

  1. Find any Sberbank ATM in the area;
  2. Insert a card into it and enter a PIN;
  3. Click on "Personal Account, Information and Service" (in some cases - "Mobile Bank");
  4. Select the item "Auto payment";
  5. And finally, click on "Connect auto payments";
  6. In a new window, configure all the settings and wait for the activation notification to your phone.

After that, you can safely forget about the connected auto payments, replenishing the card in a timely manner.

Disabling the service occurs exactly according to this algorithm up to 4 points. After that, instead of connecting, you need to select the connected auto payments and simply disable them.

Auto payments are available through an ATM only for mobile communications. Others are not yet connected.

Sberbank Online

If you need to make more than one auto payment, Sberbank Online will help you deal with this quickly and without problems. Connecting them is very easy:

After that, all auto payments can be viewed in the section "Auto payment management", and disable them there.

Smartphone app

The Sberbank Online mobile application is similar in functionality to the full-fledged computer version. To connect in it, you need to go to the "Auto payments" section and click on the big green button "Connect auto payment". And then select the required flow rate and fill in its parameters.

The "Auto payment" service in Sberbank's Mobile Bank is very convenient to use to replenish the balance of a mobile phone. Upon reaching a certain minimum threshold of money on the phone account, the Sberbank card is automatically debited for the amount specified by you in the adventure of this service to the account of the mobile phone connected to the card.

The "Auto payment" service in the Mobile Bank of Sberbank is provided free of charge, there is no subscription fee, and no commission is charged for transfers. At the moment (October 12, 2015), the "Auto payment" service can be issued to the mobile telecom operators Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), Beeline, Megafon, Tele2, etc. A detailed list of operators and all the features of this service, including payment for housing and communal services and other monthly payments you can find out on the website of Sberbank of Russia in the "Auto payment" section.

In this article, we will only consider how to enable or disable the Autopayment service for automatic top-up of a mobile phone balance and some other details.

To replenish the balance of a mobile phone, it is necessary to generate and send an SMS message in the following format to a special number of the mobile operator 900 (Sberbank):
To: 900
AUTO 300
Where 300 is the payment amount transferred from the card account to the phone account when the minimum threshold value of the phone balance is reached. The amount is indicated in rubles (min 50 rubles, max 1000 rubles per day).
You can find more information about all the limitations of the service on the website of Sberbank of Russia in the "Autopayment" section.

In response to a message about connecting/changing the service, the Bank will send an SMS message with the following content:

And after a while you will receive a message from the telecom operator. In case of successful processing of an application from Sberbank to connect the Auto payment service to this phone number, an SMS message will come from the operator with the following content: "Auto payment service successfully connected" (Beeline, Tele2 and NSS). For other telecom operators, the message may have the format of a notification that the service will be connected after the failure waiting period (MTS, Megafon, BaikalVestcom). Or a request to confirm the connection of the service (Yeniseitelecom), in which case it must be confirmed within the specified period.

To disable the service, it is necessary to generate and send to a special number of the mobile operator 900 an SMS message in the following format:

The word AUTO PAYMENT will serve as a command to disable the service of automatic replenishment of the phone balance. After the word "Autopayment" a dash is put and then (without a space or a hyphen) the rest of the details. There just wasn't enough room in the photo.
The mobile phone number is written in ten-digit format (without the eight) - 9XX1234567.
A phone number registered in the Mobile Bank or any other phone number for which an SMS template has been issued in the Mobile Bank can be specified.
1234 is the last four digits of your bank card number. The bank card number is indicated only if you have several payment cards in Sberbank.

Auto payment from Sberbank is one of the most popular services for replenishing a mobile phone account: most often, customers agree to connect it when they receive a bank card (here you can find out). The service is actually convenient, it allows you to reduce the time for regular payment of telephone bills. But many do not realize that Sberbank offers automatic payment not only for mobile phones - a large number of services can be paid for in this way. The article describes in more detail the capabilities of automatic services and the main ways to manage them.

Advantages of auto payment in Sberbank

Auto payment - is an automated system for paying an invoice according to a pre-prepared plan (for debt or a fixed amount of money). There are several types of payment purposes: replenishment of a mobile phone account, payment for the services of various organizations (utilities, security, cable television, and others), transfer of funds to pay off traffic police fines or tax arrears, repayment of loans taken from third-party banks, transfers to Russian Pension Fund.

Before debiting money from the account, the client receives a message about the future transfer (per day) and can, if necessary, refuse the payment by sending the necessary code in the response SMS. However, a transfer to a mobile phone account cannot be canceled - in this case, the client receives a notification after the transfer of money.

How to activate the Autopayment service of Sberbank

Auto payment connection depends on its type, there are 4 options in total.

1) Visiting the bank office

Suitable for any type of automatic payments: a bank employee promptly and free of charge activates the service, tells about the features and further actions. Disadvantages - you need a personal visit to the branch of Sberbank. Most often, the service will be offered during a planned replacement or registration of a new bank card.

2) Through an ATM

It makes it possible to enable automatic transfer of money to a mobile phone account, payment of fines, taxes, utilities, communication services and much more.

To connect, you need to go to the "Personal account, information and service" section, among the highlighted items, click on the auto payment link and then follow the instructions in the terminal.

3) How to connect Sberbank auto payment through Sberbank Online

The service makes it possible to connect and configure any operations in the same way as in a bank office, but you need to carry out all the manipulations yourself. In this procedure, everything is done simply, and the commission for debiting money in an application executed in this way is slightly lower.

To connect, select "My auto payments" and click the "Connect" button in the tab that opens.

After that, you need to select the required service, configure the settings, then the client receives a notification about the connection.

4) How to connect auto payment from Sberbank via phone via SMS service

Suitable only for activating auto-replenishment of the phone account. Everything happens instantly - just send an SMS with the text "AUTO PAYMENT 100" (without quotes, 100 is the amount of money to be charged) and no longer remember about manually transferring money to your mobile phone account.

How to disable Autopayment Sberbank

The simplest option to disable auto payment is to use the Sberbank Online service. The system contains the data of all active automatic services and it is possible to manage any of them. To access it, you need to go to the "My auto payments" section and click on disable.

If you want to use an ATM, then the “Personal account, information and service” item is selected, then you need to go to the automatic payments tab and turn off Sberbank’s auto payment.

The method described above is not suitable for every type of auto payment - it is really only possible to disable payment for the services of companies that are on the list.

A visit to the Sberbank office allows you to disable any automatic payments.

An SMS message with the text "AUTO PAYMENT-" disables automatic replenishment of a mobile phone account.

How to manage the AutoPay service

We have described four really working options for managing auto payments, below is information about their effectiveness.

The SMS service, which at first glance is the fastest way to activate the service for automatically transferring funds to a mobile phone account, actually has a serious drawback - there is no way to set a minimum threshold. The default amount depends directly on the specific service provider.

The ATM has more options, but they are still not enough. In addition, the convenience of carrying out this operation through the terminal screen is not the best option.

The help of Sberbank employees is good for everyone, but to receive it, you must personally visit the office, where there is a long queue.

To date, the most convenient is the management of auto payments using the Sberbank Online service. It is easy to turn them on, set them up for further offline operation and turn them off here, the possibilities are the same as in the bank, but there is time to think carefully and make a decision. If you make a mistake, any operation can be rolled back. This is what is a priority in choosing independent settings for Autopayment on the Internet.