How to find out in which bank an account is opened. How to find out if you have an account with Sberbank

Search for accounts. How to find a bank account/deposit?

Sometimes individuals require information about the presence of accounts/deposits opened in a bank or a certificate about open accounts and the movement of funds on them. People may have many reasons for searching for accounts or obtaining information on accounts, and the motives for searching can also be different. So, the search for accounts may be caused by the following circumstances:

  • Due to the loss of documents on the registered deposit.

  • To return funds transferred from the account (to present it to the court).

  • To check the availability of deposits from deceased relatives.

  • In order to confirm the existence of an old account (current or already closed)

  • To check the movement of money on a previously closed account.

  • A simple desire to check the availability of accounts with close relatives (husband, wife, children, parents).

  • Search for accounts of the parent who owes money to the child by item, etc.

If you are sure that the account you are looking for exists (or existed), then finding an account in the desired or even any bank is not difficult, but... subject to one condition. Information by the bank will be issued only taking into account compliance with Part 2 of Article 857 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 1996 N 14-FZ and Article 26 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated December 2, 1990 N 395-1, which set out the principles of compliance with “Bank Secrecy” "

The principle of banking secrecy guarantees the secrecy of transactions, accounts and deposits of bank clients. This is how it is stated in Article 26 of the Federal Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-1:
Certificates on accounts and deposits of individuals are issued by the credit institution to them, to the courts, to the enforcement authorities of judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials, to the organization performing the functions of compulsory deposit insurance, upon the occurrence of insured events provided for by the federal law on insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation, and with the consent of the head of the investigative body - to the preliminary investigation bodies in cases under their investigation. Etc.

Certificates on accounts and deposits in the event of the death of their owners are issued by the credit organization to the persons indicated by the owner of the account or deposit in the testamentary disposition made by the credit organization, notary offices for inheritance cases in their proceedings regarding the deposits of deceased depositors, and in relation to the accounts of foreign citizens - to consular offices foreign countries

Who has the right to search for accounts/deposits?

So, based on the above excerpt from the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, it becomes clear that the search for accounts/deposits can only be carried out by the following individuals:

  • account/account holders or deposit/deposit holders;

  • an authorized representative of the account/deposit owner (if there is a power of attorney);

  • legal representative of the account/deposit owner (parent, guardian of a minor account/deposit owner; representative by court decision, etc.);

  • heir of the account/deposit owner (only in relation to accounts formalized by a will);

  • an authorized representative of the heir of the account/deposit owner (in relation to bequeathed accounts);

  • legal representative of the heir of the account/deposit owner.

In other cases, to find a bank account you will need a court decision or a notary's opinion. After the appropriate decision is made, the following structures are engaged in searching for accounts and sending requests:

  • Notary – if a deceased relative, whose inheritance you have the right to claim by law, has unclaimed bank accounts.

  • Bailiffs - if during a divorce one of the spouses claims half of the money of the second, which is stored in bank accounts/deposits.

  • Bailiffs - if the due child support is not paid on time, and the husband avoids transferring it, constantly changing his place of work and accounts to which the salary is transferred. Etc.

How do you search for bank accounts/deposits?

To search for bank accounts/deposits, in most cases the client will need:

  1. Visit the bank branch where the account is (presumably) opened.

  2. Present your passport and explain to the operator the essence of the problem.

  3. Write an application or fill out a standard request form addressed to the head of the bank or branch of the bank where the account was allegedly opened.

  4. If the search is carried out on behalf of the account owner, the owner’s power of attorney for the right to search the deposit/account on his behalf is presented (a copy is attached to the request)

  5. If the search is carried out by the heir on the basis of a will, the will and the death certificate of the account owner are attached.

Searching for bank accounts is usually free of charge. The period for providing a certificate of open accounts should be up to 30 calendar days, but sometimes for good reasons it can take a longer period.

The prepared account statement is transmitted to the client in the following ways:

  1. In person when visiting the bank (the call may come from the bank’s Call Center).

  2. By registered mail via Russian Post.

  3. To the client's personal email address.

If accounts are found and you are due to receive funds from them, then the bank will definitely carry out an additional double-check of all the documents presented, and only then will the issue be issued.

How to find out the current account of an organization by TIN if the company refuses to provide details upon request? You will learn from our article how to obtain information about a company’s current account number and which categories of legal entities and individuals have the right to access such information.

How to find out where an organization's current account is opened?

Provisions of paragraph 4 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law “On Societies...” dated 02/08/1998 No. 14 grants organizations the right to open a current account intended for carrying out a variety of financial transactions. You can find out information about an organization's current account by requesting its details. As a rule, entrepreneurs do not hide such information and willingly provide it to all interested parties. You can also find a current account number on the Internet by creating a search query with the name of the organization and the TIN assigned to it (many companies have official websites, on the corresponding pages of which their contacts and details are indicated).

If for some reason an organization refuses to respond to a request for a current account number, you can find it out yourself. However, this is quite difficult to do, since the organizations in which it is stored do not have the right to provide such information to everyone.

How to find an organization's current account by TIN via the Internet?

In the process of searching for how to find out the current account of an organization, it is easy to stumble upon sites that are supposedly ready to provide for a moderate (or not very) fee an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which, according to them, contains all the information the user is interested in, including the bank account number enterprises. However, you should not believe such promises.

Don't know your rights?

Firstly, you can order such a document completely free of charge on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia - to do this, just go to the page Secondly, it will not be possible to find the information of interest in it: the extract from the register of legal entities simply does not contain information about the company’s current account number.

It will also not be possible to obtain the information of interest by submitting a direct request to the tax office, Pension Fund or bank, since the listed organizations cannot provide such information at the request of legal entities and individuals. Only a person who has a writ of execution can legally obtain account numbers upon request.

How to find out the current account of an LLC using the TIN if there is a writ of execution?

If the claimant has rights in relation to the property of the enterprise, provided that enforcement proceedings are being carried out against it, you can find out the current account number by sending an official appeal to the authorized body in which such information is stored.

According to paragraph 8 of Art. 69 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 2007 No. 229, a claimant who has a writ of execution, the deadline for presentation of which has not expired, can independently contact the tax authority, bank or other credit institution with a request to provide information about the debtor. The list of such information, in accordance with paragraph 9 of the same article, includes, among other things, information on the numbers of current accounts opened by the bank (or banks) for a given enterprise, the amount of funds stored on them, and transactions carried out with them.

Such information has confidential status, therefore a request for its receipt must be formed in accordance with the requirements set out in clause 4 of the order of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation “On approval...” dated 03.03.2003 No. BG-3-28/96. According to the provisions of this document, such a request must be made on the prescribed form and sent to the department by post, through telecommunication channels (subject to certification with an electronic signature), by courier or by hand.

Thus, the only legal possibility of finding out the account number in the absence of information about the company’s current account in open sources is to use the powers associated with the applicant’s possession of a writ of execution. If enforcement proceedings are being carried out against the company, the claimant may send a request for confidential information (which includes the current bank account number) to the tax service, bank or other credit institution.

Latest questions on the topic: " "

How can I find out in which bank my father’s account was opened?

How to find out in which bank an account is opened? my father died and didn’t have time to tell me, if you can tell me please,

How to find out if you have an account with Sberbank

Lawyer: Yulia Tushkanova

online now

You need to enter into an inheritance after your deceased father. Since you are the heir of the first stage. Contact a notary and write an application for entering into an inheritance. And then the notary will make inquiries to banks in order to find out what amounts were contained in the accounts of your father. Receive money from the accounts of the deceased You won’t be able to give birth to your father without entering into an inheritance.


Is it possible to find out which banks and how many accounts are open in my name?

Hello. Is it possible to find out which banks and how many accounts are open in my name through the government services portal? As I understand it, the tax office will provide information, but I live in Moscow, I am registered in the Tver region and I won’t be able to get there now. Please tell me if this or that option is possible and what to do.

Levon, Moscow

How to find out if you have an account with Sberbank

Lawyer: Vadim Linnankivi

online now

In your situation, the tax office at your place of residence, having received your request, will be obliged to make an interdepartmental request and provide you with the necessary information. You can apply both with the help of State Services and with the help of a written appeal, to which the government body is obliged to respond in a timely manner.

How can I find out whether banks have accounts or savings cards?

Hello, is it possible to find out if I have bank accounts or savings cards in banks? The point is this. I know for sure that they left an inheritance, but where and how in which bank, based on the outcome, I didn’t have to know the circumstances. Suppose, using my passport data, I can find out which specific bank I have a card at?

Iskander, Moscow

How to find out if you have an account with Sberbank

Alexander, good evening! You will have to personally, with your passport, contact all banks with a request to provide information about the availability of accounts in these banks open in your name. Since we have a secret of deposits, no one can find out except the owner himself. This can be done at the request of judicial or investigative authorities.

The bank can close a current account unilaterally if it has not been used for a long time. Article 859 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Termination of a bank account agreement” establishes:

1. The bank account agreement is terminated at the request of the client at any time.

1.1. Unless otherwise provided by the agreement, if there are no funds in the client’s account and no transactions on this account within two years, the bank has the right to refuse to fulfill the bank account agreement by warning the client about this in writing. The bank account agreement is considered terminated after two months from the date the bank sent such a warning, if funds have not been received to the client’s account within this period.

1.2. The bank has the right to terminate the bank account agreement in cases established by law, with mandatory written notification to the client. The bank account agreement is considered terminated upon expiration of sixty days from the date the bank sends the client a notice of termination of the bank account agreement.

From the day the bank sends the client a notice of termination of the bank account agreement until the day on which the agreement is considered terminated, the bank has no right to carry out operations on the client’s bank account, with the exception of operations for calculating interest in accordance with the bank account agreement, for transferring obligatory payments to the budget and transactions provided for in paragraph 3 of this article.
2. At the request of the bank, the bank account agreement may be terminated by the court in the following cases:

when the amount of funds stored in the client’s account is below the minimum amount provided for by banking rules or agreement, unless such amount is restored within a month from the date the bank warned about this;
in the absence of transactions on this account during the year, unless otherwise provided by the agreement.
3. The balance of funds in the account is issued to the client or, at his instructions, is transferred to another account no later than seven days after receiving the corresponding written application from the client.
If the client fails to appear to receive the balance of funds in the account within sixty days from the date the bank sent the client a notice of termination of the bank account agreement or the bank fails to receive the client’s instructions to transfer the amount of the balance of funds to another account within the specified period, the bank is obliged to credit the funds to a special account with the Bank of Russia, the procedure for opening and maintaining which, as well as the procedure for crediting and returning funds from which is established by the Bank of Russia.
4. Termination of the bank account agreement is the basis for closing the client’s account.

Regards, Tatiana.