Inventory in the 1C: Retail configuration. Inventory in the configuration “1C: Retail 1C Retail 2 partial inventory

To conduct an inventory in the 1C: Retail program, it is necessary to carry it out in several stages:

  1. creating an order for recounting goods;
  2. conducting a recount;
  3. posting of goods;
  4. write-off of goods.

Before you carry out an inventory, you need to set up Business Operations Analytics. We create a new object called “Capitalization by Inventory”. Next, let’s create another one – “Inventory write-off”.

Algorithm of actions in the program

  • At the next stage, we will need to create an “Order for recounting of goods” (to do this, go to the “Warehouse” menu). We form an order, enter the details into the document, as an example, select “Full inventory”.
  • When the “Order for recount of goods” is filled out, based on it we will create a document called “Recount of goods”. The details will be entered into the document automatically.
  • You can go straight to the product tab. In the table of the document, we pay attention to “Quantity”, namely: “Fact and Price”. The results can be filled out immediately: we enter the value of the actual quantity according to the accounting quantity, fill out the document and, if necessary, adjust the lines in which there are discrepancies.
  • Here you can enter prices: select all entries in the table and click “Fill in prices” - the “By type of prices” item. Next, select “Price type” from the list.
  • At the next stage, we check the discrepancies. Often, as a result of recalculation, surpluses or shortages can be discovered.

Now let’s return to “Orders for recounts of goods (inventory)”. Select the required document from the list and click the “Enter based on” button. Next, you will need to create two documents - receipt of goods and write-off of goods.

Now we need to enter the data into “Capitalization” - we enter only the price into this document. In the same way, we will fill out the document called “Write-off of goods”. At this stage, you can already check the result of the operation. “Inventory results” will allow us to see that the write-off and receipt of goods were successful.

Possible problems and their solutions

It happens that during the process of filling in prices when recalculating goods, it is not possible to enter them. The reason is that the prices were simply not set. You need to check the price setting of the item.

Also, when filling out prices in the “Product Conversion” table, all positions must be selected using the CTRL+A key combination. If this is not done, only the first position where the cursor will be filled will be filled.

In this lesson, we will deal with warehouse inventory, within the framework of which we will draw up documents for reflecting surpluses and writing off shortages of goods.

Document Conversion of goods

To carry out an inventory, you don’t need to make any additional program settings; let’s go straight to creating documents Conversion of goods(they will reflect the fact of the inventory):

In the list, we will select the desired warehouse and create a new document:

On the first tab we indicate the date, person in charge, warehouse and contractor (needed for output in printed form of the PF). If in PF Task for recounting goods we need a column with the quantity of items according to accounting data, then we establish the need Print quantity according to accounting:

The recalculation has several statuses (at this stage we leave the status In progress):

On the second tab, fill in information about the goods subject to inventory. It is most convenient to use selection to fill out the nomenclature table:

With this selection, the table of goods will include the entire product range available on stock:

With status In progress It is not possible to indicate the actual quantity of goods:

Let's carry out and print out the task for recounting goods:

This form is then passed on to employees who will count the goods in the warehouse (and record the actual quantity in this table). Then, according to this table, the results (factual quantity) are entered in recalculation, but for this you need to set the appropriate status. It is most convenient to fill in the actual quantity according to the accounting quantity and then enter deviations (surpluses and shortages):

For example, let’s enter data on the shortage and surplus:

Reflection of surplus and shortage

To reflect the fact of shortage and surplus, you need to create corresponding operations in the system; for surplus, we create Capitalization of surplus goods:

The document was filled in automatically. Pay attention to the field Price type- it is the prices of this type that will be substituted for goods as the cost of capitalization:

The second tab contains information about incoming goods:

We carry out and close.

We register the write-off of the shortage:

On the second tab, information about the goods written off as part of the shortage was filled in:

It is necessary to clarify that the capitalization and write-off of goods based on inventory results can be entered not only on the basis of the recalculation of goods, but also using warehouse receipt assistant. To demonstrate how it works, I will delete the write-off of shortages, now a message about missing warehouse acts is displayed in the list of recalculations, follow the corresponding hyperlink:

In the assistant, select the warehouse, the inventory period and the date of the acts. We also choose where to get the cost price for PF INV-3 and INV-19 (we will fill it out by type of price Purchasing):

We see that we need to write off the fan:

Now you need to assign the write-off of shortages of goods to a specific organization:

After assigning the written off goods to a specific organization, click Further:

As a result, two operations are created: write-off of shortages and inventory list (official, needed for printing INV-3 and INV-19):

Now we see that no discrepancies were identified during the recalculations, and all the necessary warehouse acts were drawn up:

Printed forms for inventory

We form the PF, INV-3 looks like this:

And INV-19 is like this:

The Pension Fund also experienced a shortage of goods Electrical cable, which was not in our documents. The fact is that I wrote off this product outside the lesson, also on the current date. And this product was included in our inventory list (it is on its basis that INV-3 and INV-19 are formed).

By default, in the reflections of surpluses and shortages, the data source for cost (in PF) is taken from the warehouse settings:

Having generated a list of goods in warehouses, we see that all operations were performed correctly:

To start an inventory, you need to create a document “Order for recount of goods” (Warehouse - Orders for recount of goods).

The following fields must be filled in the document:

  • Store - a store where an inventory is required
  • Warehouse - a warehouse in which it is necessary to carry out an inventory
  • Inventory period - for what period is the inventory carried out?
  • Organization
  • Selection - rules for selecting goods for which it is necessary to carry out an inventory are established. This can be a complete inventory or an inventory with selection, for example, by product group:

After filling in the required fields, you must post the document and enter the document “Recalculation of goods” on its basis:

The document is filled in automatically. But pay attention to the date of the document. The balance of goods in the document will appear exactly at the end of this date, even if a different period was indicated in the order for recounting goods.

Go to the “Products” tab. The bookmark was automatically filled with data about the product and balances:

To fill in prices, you need to select all lines of the document using the Ctrl + A key combination and select the “Fill in prices” command. Prices can be filled in three ways:

  • At retail prices
  • At cost
  • By type of price

The actual quantity of goods can be filled in manually or using the Fill - Fill in actual quantity according to accounting command. When you select the second option, the program will automatically enter the quantity and, if necessary, you can change it manually:

The “Deviation” column is calculated automatically as the difference between fact and accounting.

Do you have a question or need help from a consultant?

If, based on the inventory results, a product was found that was not automatically included in the “Recalculation of Goods” document, then this product must be manually added to the document using the “Add” button and the actual quantity must be filled in. In this case, the accounting quantity will not be filled in:

To make it easier to carry out inventory, you can print out a goods inventory form with an empty “Fact” column from the document “Recalculation of Goods”:

The convenience of this particular form is that if an article or code is set in the settings of printed forms (Administration - Printed forms, reports and processing - Additional column of printed forms), then in this printed form this field will be displayed:

After entering the actual data, it is necessary to post the document.

To make adjustments to the balance of goods in the warehouse based on the inventory results, you must enter the documents “Write-off of goods” and “Capitalization of goods” based on an order for the recount of goods.

A write-off of goods is created if a shortage of goods is detected (i.e. the actual quantity is less than the accounting quantity):

Goods capitalization is created if a surplus of goods is detected (i.e., the actual quantity is greater than the accounting quantity).

Each organization that has inventory in its warehouses regularly conducts inventory. In this case, deviations in the quantity of a particular item may be revealed, both upward and downward. The inventory document in , on the basis of which the data on the quantity of goods is subsequently adjusted, will allow the actual values ​​to be brought into line with those specified in the information base.

The inventory logic is the same for all versions of 1C:

    surplus goods must be capitalized;

    missing items must be written off.

The first stage of reflecting inventory results in 1C is to create and fill out a document of the same name, which contains information about existing deviations in the warehouse. Next, the goods are written off or capitalized based on the deviations found.

Filling out an inventory document in 1C: Accounting

For this operation, a separate item is provided in the program interface in the “Warehouse” section:

When you go to the section, a list of previously completed inventories opens, but we need to create a new document. This is done as standard by clicking the “Create” button:

Please pay attention to filling out the fields in the document header:

    a date must be set. The balances will be filled exactly on this date;

    You can generate a document by warehouse or by responsible person. When choosing the first method, the balances of the specified warehouse will be filled. In the second option, balances will be generated for all warehouses that are assigned to this responsible person.

Let's analyze the inventory of the warehouse. The document needs to be filled out; this is done automatically when you select a filling method from the drop-down menu of the “Fill” button:

A table will be generated with all the goods that are listed in the specified warehouse in 1C:

The table shows the item, its actual and accounting quantities. The document can be recorded and printed to be sent to the warehouse for direct inventory. A printable form is provided for this:

The form is filled out by warehouse employees, after which the actual data is entered into the corresponding column of the table:

The program itself calculates the deviation: shortages are indicated in red with a “-” sign, and surpluses are indicated in black. After filling out the column, the document is recorded and posted. Based on it, you can print the necessary paper forms:

Inventory in 1C:Accounting itself does not write off or capitalize; separate documents are provided for these operations.

Write-off of goods based on inventory in 1C: Accounting

There are two ways to write off goods based on inventory results: create a new document in the Warehouse-Inventory section, or use the “Create based on” function. The second method is simpler and faster.

May 27, 2013

During the operation of an enterprise, for various reasons, there is a need to compare the balances of goods in the warehouse and the data of the 1C 8 accounting system, and to carry out an inventory.

In this example, we will look at how to correctly carry out accounting, inventory, goods in a warehouse, what documents to use and how to draw them up correctly.

Please note that all examples and location of documents/reference books are described in the full interface of the 1C 8.2 USP program.

So the first step. We draw up the document “Inventory of goods in warehouses”.

In the document log, click the “Add” button

In the new document window, you must fill in the organization and warehouse for which we will conduct an inventory.

Also in this document there are conditions for conducting inventory.

If you need to compare the actual balances of goods in the warehouse and in the 1C program database for a certain item, set the flag "Nomenclature" and in the line we select which nomenclature we are interested in. When filling out the document, we will see the remaining product for the selected item in the database.

If you set the flag "Nomenclature group" then, by analogy, we will see the remaining goods in the selected warehouse, which are included in the product group.

Flag "Take into account series" adds another column to the tabular part, which displays the series number, if, of course, the product is accounted for by series.

If none of the flags are set, then when you press the button “Fill”/Fill according to stock balances (reg)". The tabular part of the document will be filled with the balances in the warehouse according to accounting.

After filling out the document, the tabular part includes items of the nomenclature that are listed on all accounting accounts at the selected warehouse:

In a collumn "Accounting quantity" the data was substituted according to accounting in the 1C program, and in the column "Quantity" this data has been duplicated (by default, it is assumed that the data in the warehouse and in the database are the same), but in the quantity column you need to enter the actual inventory data. And the excess or shortage will be automatically calculated in the deviation column.

When data is in a column "Quantity" filled out, you need to save the document. After saving, you can generate printed forms of the document using the button "Seal" There are two printed forms in this document.

The act of inventorying goods in a warehouse looks like this:

And the inventory list (M-21) has the following form:

Step two. If the quantity of goods in the warehouse differs from the accounting quantity in the database, then based on the document “Inventory of goods in warehouses” we generate a document "Write-off of goods", it includes those item items for which the actual balance was less than in the program base.

Document "Write-offs of goods" looks like that:

Please note that when entering on the basis, the organization, warehouse, and inventory document were automatically pulled into the “header” of the document. On the “Products” tab, only those items for which there was a shortage and in the same quantities were entered into the tabular section.

On the “Accounts” tab, fill in the details

  • "Write-off account" - 947,
  • "Expenditures"- Losses and shortages (Sat)
  • "Tax purpose of costs"- Hoz. activity.

When this document is processed, the goods will be deregistered in the 1C database.

Document postings:

Document "Write-off of goods" also has a printed form. To create it, press the button “Stamp”/Act of write-off of goods (reg.).

Step three. To capitalize surpluses identified during inventory in the warehouse, we use the document "Posting of goods". We recommend entering it also based on the document "Inventory of goods in warehouses", with this method of creating a document, all the necessary values ​​will be transferred there automatically.

When creating a document in this way, the bookmark "Goods" look like this:

All goods that were actually in excess in the warehouse were transferred here.

On the “Accounts” tab, fill in the details:

  • "Income account" - 719
  • "Tax purpose of income"- Hoz. Activity.

Document postings:

After this document has been completed, goods in the warehouse that were not included in the program will be registered. Now the quantity of goods in the accounting database and actually in the warehouse coincides. A printed form of the document is shown below.

To summarize, I would like to highlight the main thing:

  1. We create the document “Inventory of goods in warehouses” and fill in the “Quantity” column.
  2. Based on the document “Inventory of goods in warehouses”, we create two documents “Receipt of goods” and “Write-off of goods”. If you enter them based on the data, they are filled in automatically. Go to the “Accounts” tab and fill in the details with the necessary parameters.