Inventory of industrial stocks. Inventory of industrial plants and reflection of inventory results in accounting

Every business that sells or produces goods has inventories. They may increase or decrease depending on a number of factors. For example, seasonality of sales, increased production, high consumer demand, etc. Moreover, over time they can deteriorate, be lost, expire, etc. To correlate document balances with actual balances, an inventory of production inventories is carried out. Let us consider this process in more detail below.

What is Inventory Inventory

Inventory inventory is the simplest and most accessible way to control balances. Accounting compares account balances with actual warehouse balances. The process is regulated by the Federal Law “On Accounting”.

According to the law, all property of the enterprise is subject to recalculation.

Advice: it is not advisable to check all areas of the enterprise at the same time.

Therefore, the manager has the right to make a decision and check individual groups of inventories to achieve the set goal at this stage of the enterprise’s operation. This will lead to detailed study, monitoring of availability and safety.

When should you take inventory of material assets?

The frequency of inventory at the enterprise is established independently. According to current legislation, there are situations when it needs to be done.

When should an inventory be taken of inventories:

  • The property of the enterprise is leased together with the inventory;
  • An annual financial report is prepared;
  • In case of a significant change in the situation of the enterprise: liquidation or reorganization;
  • When changing the materially responsible employee for inventories;
  • When there is a change of foreman at work or a shift of more than 50% of the team;
  • Presence of theft;
  • Deterioration of property volumes or their modification.

Attention: exceptions to the inventory - fixed assets are checked no more than once every 3 years, library funds - once every 5 years (the entire list can be found in the regulations).

The process of conducting an inventory of inventories

To conduct an inspection, an order from the manager is required. He issues an order indicating the date of the inventory and the list of persons involved in the inventory. A commission is assembled with the participation of the person financially responsible for the property being inspected. Before starting, he provides a receipt indicating the balances, that all goods have been entered and receipt documents have been submitted to the accounting department.

Attention: the inventory process is not limited to just recalculating inventories.

Material assets are recalculated during inventory taking. The balances of documents are checked against their availability as of a certain date. If necessary, in addition to recalculation, weighing and volume measurement are carried out. Reconciliation takes place in the order in which they are located in the room.

In addition to recalculating the inventory, the documentation is checked:

  • Primary accounting documents;
  • Documents on regrading;
  • Documents on the write-off of damaged goods or defects;
  • Documents on shortages;
  • Documents on surplus.

So, the inventories have been recalculated, the documents have been checked, the next step is to check everything related to the location and availability of stocks.

Inventory inventory is accompanied by checking:

  • Carrying out inventory accounting;
  • External condition of the warehouse and surrounding warehouse facilities;
  • How is the preservation of the mineral reserves carried out?
  • Conducting a timely inventory of inventories;
  • Checking the issuance of special clothing, footwear and food for company employees;
  • Verifying the accuracy of previous inventory counts;
  • Checking justified write-offs of goods;
  • Activities to standardize the costs of inventories.

Upon completion of the inspection, the commission draws up an inventory of goods and materials (INV-3 form). On its basis, a comparison sheet is drawn up.

For each individual type of product, the following information is entered:

  • Type of product;
  • Product group;
  • Actual quantity;
  • Unit of measurement;
  • Other necessary information (numbers, articles).

The final stage of inventory counting

As a result of checking material assets, inventory reports are drawn up. The results are recorded there.

Identified deficiencies as a result of the inventory:

  • Comparison of figures from accounting data with actual balances;
  • Identification of surpluses that should be included in accounting;
  • Shortage of inventories, which leads to write-off in accounting;
  • Identification of misgrading for certain types of goods.

Inventory accounting entries

  • Account 94 - “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”;
  • Account 10 – “Materials”;
  • Account 91 – “Other income and expenses”;
  • Account 99 – “Profits and losses”;
  • Account 20 – “Main proceedings”;
  • Sch.73/2 – “Calculations for compensation of material damage”;
  • Account 70 – “Settlements with personnel for wages”;
  • Account 50 – “Cashier”;
  • Account 51 - “Current account”.

As a result of the inventory, shortages and discrepancies with accounting data and actual availability were identified.

Postings are made:

  • The surplus goes to the financial results: Dt10-Kt91;
  • Identification of shortages of materials and equipment based on the results of the inspection: Dt94-Kt10;
  • In case of natural disasters, the shortage is written off as losses: Dt99-Kt94;
  • VAT is written off for shortages of MPZ: Dt94-Kt19;
  • Write-offs of inventories for reasons of natural loss within the normal range: Dt20-Kt94;
  • Write-offs of inventories for reasons of natural loss above the norm for an employee financially responsible by order of the director: Dt73/2-Kt94;
  • Based on the write-off from the financially responsible person, funds are withheld from his salary: Dt70-Kt73/2, or the financially responsible person deposits funds into the cash desk: Dt50-Kt73/2 or to the organization’s current account Dt51-Kt73/2.

Advice: the option of depositing funds into the cash register or into a current account by a financially responsible person for a shortage of food supplies, in practice, is less common than withholding funds from his salary.

Let's summarize. Each enterprise has its own inventory of goods. When they are received on the balance sheet of the enterprise, they are accounted for by the storekeeper or accountant. Over time, natural loss, wear and tear, natural disasters, theft, re-grading and a number of other actions occur, leading to differences in actual and document balances. To eliminate the imbalance, an inventory is carried out.

Inventory of inventories is regulated by the Federal Law “On Accounting”. According to it, it is allowed to inspect any area of ​​​​the property and liabilities of the enterprise. In practice, it is advisable to carry out inventory for a separate category of goods. The frequency of inspection depends on the order of the manager and is not established by law. In some cases, the inventory process is mandatory.

By order of the head, a commission is assembled. She checks the balances in warehouses and enters them into the inventory act. On its basis, shortages and misgrading are identified and balances according to documents and actual ones are compared. Next, the accounting department makes the corresponding entries.

Inventories are the working capital of an organization, the characteristic feature of which is that they completely transfer their value to the product of labor in one production cycle.

In accordance with PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories” (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06/09/2001 No. 44N), the following assets belong to the inventory:

  • used as raw materials, materials, in the production of products, works, provision of services;
  • intended for sale;
  • used for the management needs of the organization.

The accounting unit of inventories is chosen by the organization independently, depending on the nature of inventories, the procedure for their acquisition and use. An inventory unit can be a product number, a batch, or a homogeneous group. Inventory and equipment are accepted for accounting at actual cost. The actual cost of inventories is determined differently, depending on the source of receipt of inventories.

The actual cost of inventories purchased for a fee is the amount of actual acquisition costs excluding VAT. The actual costs of purchasing inventories include:

  • amounts paid in accordance with the contract to suppliers;
  • amounts paid for information, consulting and intermediary services;
  • customs duties;
  • non-refundable taxes paid in connection with the purchase of materials;
  • costs for the procurement and delivery of inventories to the place of their use, including insurance costs, and accrued interest on loans provided by suppliers, if they are involved in the acquisition of these inventories;
  • costs of bringing MPZ to a state in which they are suitable for use.

In accordance with the Guidelines for accounting for inventories, costs directly related to the procurement process and delivery of materials to the organization form the so-called transportation and procurement costs. Transportation and procurement costs include:

  • expenses for loading materials into vehicles and their transportation, payable by the buyer under the contract in excess of the price of these materials;
  • expenses for the maintenance of the procurement and storage apparatus of the organization, including the cost of remuneration of the organization’s employees directly involved in the procurement, acceptance, storage and release of purchased materials, employees of special procurement offices, warehouses and agencies organized in places of procurement (purchase) of materials, employees directly those engaged in the preparation (purchase) of materials and their delivery (accompaniment) to the organization, deductions for the social needs of these employees;
  • expenses for the maintenance of special procurement points, warehouses and agencies organized in procurement areas (except for labor costs with deductions for social needs);
  • markups (surcharges), commissions (cost of services) paid to supply, foreign trade and other intermediary organizations;
  • fees for storage of materials at places of purchase, at railway stations, piers, and ports;
  • interest payments for granted loans and borrowings related to the acquisition of materials before they are accepted for accounting;
  • travel expenses for direct procurement of materials;
  • the cost of losses on delivered materials in transit (shortages, damage) within the limits of the amounts stipulated by the supply agreement;
  • other expenses.

Costs of bringing materials to a state in which they are suitable for use for the purposes envisaged by the organization, include the organization’s costs for processing, processing, refining and improving the technical characteristics of purchased materials that are not related to the production process. The specified work can be performed both by the purchasing organization’s own resources and by third-party organizations. When such work is performed by third parties, the delivery costs include the cost of the work performed and the costs of transportation to the place of work and back, loading and unloading, performed by third parties.

The actual cost of inventories, in which they are accepted for accounting, is not subject to change, except in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Attention should be paid to the fact that the actual cost of materials includes accrued interest on commercial loans and borrowed funds. Moreover, only those accrued before the materials were accepted for accounting can be included in the actual cost. Interest accrued after the materials are accepted for accounting, according to clause 11 of PBU 10/99 “Expenses of the organization,” are included in the other expenses of the organization.

The assessment of materials, the cost of which is expressed in foreign currency upon acquisition, is carried out in Russian rubles by recalculation at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation valid on the date of acceptance of the values ​​for accounting.

The actual cost of inventories contributed to the contribution to the authorized capital is determined based on their monetary value, agreed upon by the founders.

The actual cost of materials manufactured by the organization itself is determined based on the actual costs associated with their production.

The actual cost of inventories received under a gift agreement or free of charge, as well as those remaining from the disposal of fixed assets and other property, is determined based on their current market value as of the date of acceptance for accounting.

The actual cost of inventories received under contracts providing for the fulfillment of obligations in non-monetary means is recognized as the cost of assets transferred or to be transferred.

In current accounting (in a warehouse), material assets are accounted for at a conditional accounting price, which is the purchase price or the standard (planned) cost of purchase.

Material assets used by the enterprise are classified into the following types: raw materials, basic materials, auxiliary materials, purchased semi-finished products, packaging materials, fuel, spare parts and other assets.

To account for materials, account 10 “Materials” is used, an active, balance sheet account, to which the following sub-accounts are opened:

  1. "Raw materials and supplies."
  2. “Purchased semi-finished products and components, structures and parts.”
  3. "Fuel".
  4. "Containers and packaging materials."
  5. "Spare parts".
  6. "Other materials".
  7. “Materials transferred for processing to third parties.”
  8. "Construction Materials".
  9. "Inventory and household supplies."
  10. "Special equipment and clothing in the warehouse."
  11. “Special equipment and protective clothing in operation.”

Raw materials and basic materials form the material basis of manufactured products, works and services.

Raw materials are typically products from agriculture and extractive industries.

Auxiliary materials help bring manufactured products to finished products in accordance with established specifications and standards.

Purchased semi-finished products and components, structures and parts are raw materials and materials that have undergone certain stages of processing, but are not classified as finished products.

Containers and packaging materials are a type of inventory intended for packaging, transportation and storage of products.

Fuel and spare parts are valuables used in generating heat, repairing fixed assets, and consumed by own vehicles.

Building materials are used directly in the process of construction and installation work, manufacturing of building parts and structures.

Special equipment and special clothing. In accordance with the Guidelines for accounting of special tools, special devices, special equipment and special clothing (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated December 26, 2002 No. 135N), special equipment includes:

  • special tools and devices - technical means that have individual properties and are designed to provide conditions for the production of specific types of products and services;
  • special equipment - means of labor repeatedly used in production, which provide conditions for performing specific (non-standard) technological operations;
  • workwear - personal protective equipment for workers.

The composition of special tools and special devices includes: tools, dies, molds, molds, rolling rolls, pattern equipment, chill molds, flasks, etc.

Special equipment includes:

  • special technological equipment (metalworking, forging, thermal, welding, etc.);
  • control and testing apparatus and equipment (stands, consoles, mock-ups of finished products, testing facilities) intended for adjustments, tests of specific products and their delivery to the customer;
  • reactor equipment;
  • decontamination equipment, etc.

The special clothing includes:

Special clothing, special shoes and safety equipment (overalls, suits, jackets, dressing gowns, short fur coats, various shoes, mittens, goggles, helmets, gas masks, etc.).

According to the accounting policy of the organization, the following materials can be taken into account: inventory, tools, household supplies and other means of labor.

Analytical accounting of material assets is organized by storage locations (warehouses, storerooms) in the context of item numbers, which are assigned to materials according to the nomenclature developed at the enterprise.

Analytical accounting is carried out on materials accounting cards (form No. 17).

11.2. Documentation of the movement of MPZ

Operations for the movement of inventories are documented with a variety of primary documents, the main ones of which are approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a.

The receipt of materials at the enterprise's warehouse is formalized by a receipt order (form M-4), which reflects the name of the material, the quantity received, the conditional price, and the purchase price. It is drawn up by the financially responsible person on the day the valuables are received at the warehouse in one copy, and then transferred to the accounting department along with shipping documents.

If there are discrepancies between the actual quantity and the data specified in the supplier's invoice, a Materials Acceptance Certificate (form M-7) is drawn up. The act is a legal basis for filing claims against the supplier or sender. The act is drawn up in two copies by members of the selection committee with the obligatory participation of the financially responsible person and the supplier’s representative.

In cases of delivery of materials by own vehicles, the basis for their receipt is the consignment note.

The return of material assets from production to the warehouse as unused is issued with an Internal Movement Invoice (forms M-13 and M-14).

The release of material assets for the production of products, works, and services is carried out on the basis of limit cards (Form M-8) and invoice requirements (Form M-11).

Limit cards (form M-8) indicate:

  • name of materials subject to release;
  • vacation limit;
  • actual vacation against the established limit;
  • vacation date;
  • the balance of the unused limit.

Limit and intake cards are issued in two copies: the first - to the department using the material, the second - to the warehouse. When releasing materials from the warehouse, the department representative signs a copy of the warehouse limit card, and the storekeeper signs a copy of the department limit card.

The sale of material assets is formalized by an invoice for the release of materials to the third party (form M-15). At the end of the month, documents documenting the movement of materials are submitted to the accounting department for accounting verification and processing.

In cases where standard documents are not available, the enterprise is given the right to independently develop receipt and expenditure documents while maintaining the required details in them.

11.3. Organization of materials accounting in warehouses

Accounting for materials in warehouses is carried out by the warehouse manager (storekeeper), with whom an agreement has been concluded on financial responsibility for the valuables entrusted to him.

A storekeeper is hired in agreement with the chief accountant and is released from his position only after a complete inventory of inventory items and their transfer according to an act approved by the head of the organization.

In warehouses (storerooms), quantitative (varietal) accounting of materials is carried out in the context of types of materials and item numbers. Accounting is carried out on materials accounting cards (form M-17), the main details of which are:

  • name of the material;
  • its item number;
  • location (rack, shelf);
  • unit of measurement;
  • price (registration price).

On cards, records are kept in natural units of measurement. A feature of maintaining warehouse accounting cards is compliance with the following rule - determining a new balance of material after each operation of their movement.

In warehouses, materials are accounted for using the operational balance method. Its essence is that every 5-10 days an accounting employee checks the entries on the materials accounting cards, confirming the results of the check with his signature. On the 1st day of each month, the storekeeper draws up a balance book and submits it to the accounting department for verification and taxation. In accounting, the balance book data is verified with the material flow statement compiled in the accounting department. If discrepancies are identified, records are double-checked until an inventory is taken.

11.4. Accounting for materials in accounting

Depending on the provisions adopted in the Accounting Policy, accounting of materials in the accounting department can be organized according to one of the following options.

In the first accounting option, account 10 “Materials” generates the actual cost of purchased materials excluding VAT.

Settlements with suppliers for supplied values ​​are recorded in account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”.

Based on primary documents (receipt orders, supplier invoices, invoices, advance reports on travel expenses of persons involved in the direct acquisition of material assets, bank account statements), the following accounting entry is drawn up for the cost of materials received:

Dt sch. 10 "Materials"

Dt sch. 19 "VAT"

K-t sch. 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”

K-t sch. 51 "Current account".

Based on the fact that in current accounting materials are taken into account at book prices (standard or planned cost), the accounting department reflects on account 10 “Materials” the cost of materials at book prices and deviations of the actual cost of materials from their cost at book prices. This necessitates the distribution of deviations of the actual cost from the accounting price between the balances of materials in warehouses and those spent on the production of products, works and services.

The distribution is made according to the average percentage of deviations, the size of which is determined as follows:

Where By- percentage of deviations;

Onm- deviation of the actual cost of materials from their cost at accounting prices at the beginning of the month, thousand rubles;

Ohm- deviation of the actual cost of materials purchased per month from their cost at discount prices, thousand rubles;

Mnm- cost of materials at the beginning of the month at accounting prices, thousand rubles;

Mm- cost of materials at accounting prices received per month, thousand rubles.

The amount of deviations related to the balance of materials in warehouses is determined as the product of the percentage of deviations by the balance of materials at the end of the month at a conditional price, i.e.

Where Co- the amount of deviations for the balance of materials, thousand rubles;

Mkm- cost of materials at the end of the month at accounting prices, thousand rubles.

The amount of deviations related to the amount of materials spent during the reporting month Ср is determined as the product of the percentage of deviations Po by the cost of materials spent during the reporting month at the accounting price, i.e.

Where Wed- the amount of deviations for materials spent per month, thousand rubles;

Mr- materials consumed per month at the accounting price, thousand rubles.

The calculation of the distribution of deviations is carried out in the statement in the context of types and groups of values. The order of distribution of deviations of the actual cost of materials from their cost at accounting prices is shown in table. 11.1.

Table 11.1

Calculation of deviations of the actual cost of materials from their cost at accounting prices



At the discount price, thousand rubles.

Deviation from the book price , thousand rubles

Actual cost , thousand rubles

Remaining materials at the beginning of the month

Received during the reporting month

Total with remainder

Average percentage of deviations

Used in a month

Balance of materials at the end of the month (item 3 - item 4)

The following accounting entry is made for the cost of materials spent on production:

Dt sch. 20, 23, 25, 26

K-t sch. 10 "Materials".

The assessment of materials spent on the production of products, works and services is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • at the cost of each unit;
  • at average cost;
  • at the cost of the first in time acquisition of inventories (FIFO method);
  • at the cost of the most recent acquisition of inventories (LIFO method).

In the second accounting option, all actual costs for the procurement of materials are taken into account on account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of materials”. The debit of this account reflects the actual costs associated with the purchase of materials, excluding VAT, from the credit of different accounts: 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”, 51 “Current account”. The credit of account 15 reflects the standard (planned) cost of purchased and capitalized materials, written off to the debit of account 10 “Materials”. Deviations in the actual cost of materials from their cost at accounting prices are written off to the debit of account 16 “Deviations in the cost of materials.”

The deviations in the cost of materials taken into account on account 16 at the end of the month are subject to distribution between the balances of materials in warehouses and the cost of materials spent on the production of products, works and services in the current month.

The distribution of deviations is carried out similarly to the procedure set out when organizing the accounting of materials according to the first option.

In this case, the following entries are made in the accounts:

  1. For the amount of actual costs for the acquisition (procurement) of materials:
  2. Dt sch. 15 “Procurement and acquisition of materials”

    Dt sch. 19 "VAT"

    K-t sch. 60, 71, 50, 51.

  3. For the cost of materials capitalized in the assessment at standard (planned) cost according to primary documents:
  4. Dt sch. 10 “Materials” - standard (planned) cost of materials

    Dt sch. 16 “Deviations in the cost of materials” - for the amount of deviations in the actual cost

    K-t sch. 15 “Procurement and acquisition of materials” - for the amount of actual costs for the acquisition of materials.

  5. For the cost of materials assessed at standard (planned) cost, spent on the production of products, works and services according to primary documents:
  6. Dt sch. 20, 23, 25, 26

    K-t sch. 10 "Materials".

  7. For the amount of deviations related to the cost of materials consumed according to accounting calculations:
  8. Dt sch. 20, 23, 25, 26

    K-t sch. 16 “Deviations in the cost of materials.”

  9. For the cost of paid supplier invoices according to the bank statement:

Dt sch. 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

K-t sch. 51 "Current account".

In cases where special tools, special devices, special equipment (special equipment) and special clothing are taken into account as part of material resources, their accounting is organized as follows.

These funds can be acquired by the organization from other persons, including through purchase, donation, receipt as a contribution to the authorized capital, or produced by the organization itself.

Special equipment and protective clothing that are owned by an organization, as well as under economic control or operational management, can be accepted for accounting at actual cost, i.e. in the amount of actual costs of acquisition or procurement without VAT.

The receipt of these funds is reflected by the entry:

Dt sch. 10/10 “Special equipment and workwear in the warehouse”

Dt sch. 19 "VAT"

K-t sch. 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

K-t sch. 75 “Settlements with founders”

K-t sch. 98 “Deferred income”.

The transfer of special equipment into operation is carried out on the basis of requirements and is reflected by the entry:

Dt sch. 10/11 “Special equipment and protective clothing in operation”

K-t sch. 10/10 “Special equipment and workwear in the warehouse.”

If the useful life of special equipment exceeds 12 months, then its cost is repaid in one of the following ways:

  • in a linear way;
  • proportional to the volume of products produced.

An entry is made for the cost of written-off special equipment:

Dt sch. 25, 26

The cost of workwear is repaid according to industry standards approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 1998 No. 51. The following entry is made:

Dt sch. 26 “General business expenses”

K-t sch. 10/11 “Special equipment and protective clothing in operation.”

The under-depreciated cost of special equipment is written off to other expenses of the organization by writing:

K-t sch. 10/11 “Special equipment and protective clothing in operation.”

Expenses for the repair of special equipment and clothing are included in the costs of ordinary activities.

Special equipment and clothing that do not belong to the organization, but are in its use or disposal, are accounted for on off-balance sheet accounts in the assessment provided for in the contract, or in the assessment agreed with their owner.

Accounting for disposal of materials. Disposal of materials occurs in the following cases:

  • when released for the production of products, works and services;
  • when sold externally;
  • when contributing to the authorized capital;
  • when transferred under a gift agreement;
  • when transferred under a barter agreement.

Let us consider the procedure for recording each case of disposal of materials in the accounts.

Primary documents on the consumption of materials for the production of products, works and services in the accounting department are subject to accounting verification and processing. Based on these primary documents, a development table for the use of materials by cost areas is compiled. This records the following:

Dt sch. 20, 23, 25, 26

K-t sch. 10 "Materials".

As mentioned earlier, the assessment of materials used for production is based on the cost reflected in the organization’s Accounting Policy.

Sales of materials to third parties are formalized by an order, invoice and invoice. In this case, based on the primary documents, the following entries are made:

  1. For the actual cost of materials sold:
  2. Dt sch. 91/2 “Other income and expenses”

    K-t sch. 10 "Materials".

  3. For the amount of the invoice presented to the buyer:
  4. Dt sch. 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”

    K-t sch. 91/1 “Other income and expenses”

  5. For the amount of VAT due to the budget:

By comparing credit and debit entries in account 91 “Other income and expenses”, the financial result of the sale of materials is determined, which is reflected in the entry:

D-t.91/9 “Balance of other income and expenses”

The gratuitous transfer of materials is documented in an act. Materials are written off at actual cost. The following entries are made:

For the actual cost of materials donated:

Dt. 91/2 “Other income and expenses”

K-t sch. 10 "Materials".

Free transfer of material is subject to value added tax in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, since in this case there is a transfer of ownership of goods, work performed and services provided.

An entry is made for the amount of VAT due to the budget:

Dt. 91/2 “Other income and expenses”

K-t sch. 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees.”

The result of the free transfer of materials is written off to the financial result of the organization:

Dt. 99 “Profits and losses”

K-t sch. 91/9 “Balance of other income and expenses.”

Contributions to the authorized capital of another organization are assessed at the value agreed upon by the founders, unless a different assessment procedure is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Contributions to the authorized capital are considered as financial investments.

The following entries are made:

Dt sch. 58 “Financial investments”

K-t sch. 91 “Other income and expenses”

The disposal of materials in connection with the contribution to the authorized capital is reflected by the entry:

Dt sch. 91 “Other income and expenses”

K-t sch. 10 "Materials".

The financial result from investments made is reflected by the entry:

Dt sch. 91/9 “Balance of other income and expenses”

K-t sch. 99 "Profits and losses."

11.5. Inventory of inventories and reflection of its results on accounting accounts

In order to ensure the reliability of accounting and reporting data, enterprises conduct an inventory of material assets at least once a year and no earlier than the first of October.

The inventory is carried out by a commission appointed by order of the head of the organization, in the presence of the financially responsible person, from whom a receipt has been received stating that all valuables have been capitalized and the documents have been submitted to the accounting department. Warehouses are sealed before inventory.

Material assets received at the warehouse and issued from the warehouse during the inventory period are subject to registration in a special statement under the heading “Received (issued) from the warehouse during the inventory period.”

Inventory is carried out by weighing, measuring, measuring material assets for each storage location. Identified values ​​are entered into an inventory list, according to which matching statements are compiled.

As a result of the inventory, the following can be identified:

  1. Surplus valuables that are subject to capitalization and assessed at market value. This records the following:
  2. Dt sch. 10 "Materials"

  3. Shortage of material assets, which is written off to account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to assets.” The shortage of materials within the limits of natural loss norms is written off as expenses by writing:

Dt sch. 25.26

K-t sch. 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables.”

Shortages due to the fault of a financially responsible person are written off from account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” to the debit of account 73/2 “Calculations for compensation of material damage.”

Compensation for the shortage by the financially responsible person is carried out at market prices. In this case, the difference between the cost of materials at market prices and their actual cost until reimbursement is taken into account in account 9 8/4 “The difference between the amount to be recovered from the guilty parties and the book value for shortages of valuables.”

For the amount of the difference to be reimbursed by the financially responsible person, account 73/2 “Calculations for compensation of material damage” is debited and account 9 8/4 “The difference between the amount to be recovered from the guilty parties and the book value for shortages of valuables” is credited.

When compensating for the shortfall, the guilty party makes the following entries:

  1. Dt sch. 50 "Cashier"
  2. K-t sch. 73/2 “Calculations for compensation for material damage.”

  3. Dt sch. 9 8/4 “The difference between the amount to be recovered from the guilty parties and the book value for shortages of valuables”

K-t sch. 91/1 “Other income and expenses.”

Typical accounting entries for materials accounting are presented in table. 11.2.

Table 11.2

Typical accounting entries for accounting for materials in organizations


Valuable inventories refer to the organization's working capital, a characteristic feature of which is that they completely transfer their value to the product of labor in one production cycle.

Synthetic inventory accounting is carried out on account 10 “Materials” at actual cost, and analytical accounting is organized on warehouse accounting cards for each type, type, grade of material in natural units of measurement on warehouse accounting cards. An organization can account for materials using accounts 15, 16 and 10 or using only account 10 “Materials”. The accounting policy of the organization determines the assessment of inventories spent on production (FIFO, LIFO, weighted average price method). VAT paid to the supplier is not included in the actual cost of materials, but is fully presented to the budget for reimbursement, subject to the following conditions:

  • material assets received (capitalized);
  • VAT is highlighted in payment documents;
  • there is an invoice.

In order to ensure the reliability of accounting and reporting data, an inventory of inventories is carried out. Identified surpluses are attributed to the financial results of the organization, and shortages are taken into account in account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables.” Shortages are written off taking into account the reasons for their occurrence.

Self-test questions

  1. Define the organization's inventory.
  2. What values ​​relate to the organization's RPM?
  3. What values ​​relate to the organization's special equipment?
  4. In what assessment are inventories reflected in the balance sheet and in current accounting?
  5. What costs are included in the actual cost of inventory?
  6. What methods of assessing inventories are used when determining the cost of materials consumed for the production of products, works and services?
  7. How are the deviations of the actual cost of materials from their cost at the book price distributed?
  8. What is the procedure for conducting an inventory of inventories?
  9. How are the inventory results of inventories reflected in the accounts?
  10. At what cost is the materially responsible person compensated for the shortage of materials?


  1. Federal Law “On Accounting” dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ.
  2. Regulations on maintaining accounting and financial statements in the Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 24, 2000 No. 31n.
  3. Accounting Regulations “Accounting Policy of the Organization” (PBU1/98): Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 30, 1999 No. 107n.
  4. Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Inventories” (PBU5/01): Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06/09/2001 No. 44n.
  5. Accounting Regulations “Income of the Organization” (PBU9/99): Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001 No. 27n.
  6. Accounting Regulations “Organization Expenses” (PBU10/99): Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001 No. 27n.
  7. Accounting Regulations “Accounting for assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency” (PBU3/2006) dated November 27, 2006 No. 154n.
  8. Guidelines for accounting of inventories: Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n, taking into account changes and additions dated April 23, 2002 No. 33n.
  9. Erofeeva V.A., Klushantseva G.V., Kemter V.B. Accounting with elements of taxation. St. Petersburg: Legal Center Press, 2004.
  10. Kondrakov N. P. Accounting. M.: INFRA-M, 2005.

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Inventories are assets that can be used by an organization in its own production or resold to third-party companies. Thus, materials and materials include semi-finished products, components, building materials, various containers, etc.

Why do we need an inventory of inventories? Carrying out an inventory allows you to establish the actual presence of inventories at the enterprise and monitor their intended use in production. Checking this category of property has its own characteristics.

Carrying out an inventory of inventories

“Methodological instructions for inventory” were approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 No. 49 (as amended on November 8, 2010). Before conducting an inventory, an administrative document (order or instruction from the manager) is issued. The standard form of order INV-22 “On carrying out an inventory” (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 88 dated August 18, 1998) can be used as a sample. The order approves the composition of the inventory commission, the timing of the inspection, and the type of property being inspected.

For the commission to work productively, it must be provided with all the necessary resources and equipment. The actual presence of inventories is checked by a commission in the presence of a responsible person (for example, a warehouse manager, storekeeper, etc.) and financially responsible persons (from whom receipts are taken stating that they have transferred all documents to the accounting department, and the valuables have been capitalized or written off).

Inventory inventory is a check of the actual availability of valuables, documentation for them, and reconciliation with accounting records. Therefore, the commission that conducts the inventory must personally weigh, measure or recalculate the inventory using the continuous method. You cannot enter data into documents from the words of materially responsible persons - the information they provide about the actual availability of the inventories may be unreliable.

Inventories are entered into inventory records for each item (name) separately, indicating the quantity, group of inventories, articles and other necessary information.

If the inventory of inventories continues for several days, then at the end of each day, until it is completed, the warehouse where the inventory is carried out must be sealed. When there are several warehouses, the inspection is carried out for each of them sequentially, and, moving to the next room, the commission seals the already inspected storage location. The lack of access of unauthorized persons to the site until the end of the inspection guarantees the reliability of the information received and the absence of the possibility of making corrections to the documents. It is important to carefully store inventories where inventory data is entered - not to leave them in places accessible not only to the inventory commission.

Acceptance of inventories arriving at the warehouse during inspection must occur in the presence of the inventory commission. Received valuables are included in a separate inventory “Inventory received during inventory” and arrive upon completion of the inspection. The release of inventories from the warehouse is possible only during a long period of inventory, in the presence of a commission, with the permission (written) of the manager and chief accountant. Released valuables are also recorded in a separate inventory.

The results of the inventory of inventories must be documented in documents that are approved for these purposes in the company’s accounting policies. Information about the actual availability of inventories is entered into inventory lists or inventory reports (drawn up in duplicate). In this case, it is not necessary to use only unified forms (INV) - document forms can be developed and approved by the enterprise independently.

If, as a result of the inventory of inventories, discrepancies between the data (surpluses or shortages) are revealed, they should be entered into matching statements, taking into account possible misgrading. Identified shortages are written off as of the date of inventory inventory as production costs (taking into account the norms of natural loss), and surpluses are credited.

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2.2 Accounting for inventory results


List of used literature


To assess the real financial condition of an organization, it is necessary to have reliable data about all the property at its disposal: availability, quantity, condition in which this property is located, and the correctness of its value. This real state must be compared with accounting data. This process of checking assets and liabilities is called an inventory.

Inventory is a control function of accounting that allows you to identify cases of unjustified reduction of the company's capital invested in various types of property (assets). Inventory is a mechanism to ensure the accuracy of accounting. Accounting and reporting may be correct on paper, but their accuracy can only be determined through inventory.

Legislation provides organizations with ample opportunities to use inventory as an effective mechanism for regulating and monitoring the procedure for maintaining accounting records of the financial and economic activities of an organization in order to prepare reliable information about its financial position in the financial statements. Each organization is obliged to conduct an inventory of its property before the start of drawing up annual reports - this obligation is established by Article 11 of the Law “On Accounting”:

During the inventory, the actual presence of the relevant objects is revealed, which is compared with the data of the accounting registers;

The cases, timing and procedure for conducting an inventory, as well as the list of objects subject to inventory, are determined by the economic entity, with the exception of the mandatory inventory;

Mandatory inventory is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, federal and industry standards;

Discrepancies identified during the inventory between the actual availability of objects and the data of the accounting registers are subject to registration in accounting in the reporting period to which the date as of which the inventory was carried out relates.

Material reserves are the basis of the economic activity of any enterprise. That is why inventory accounting, the main objectives of which are control over safety, identification of actual costs, monitoring compliance with consumption standards and the correct distribution of costs among costing items, as well as rational assessment of inventory, is one of the conditions for ensuring the life of any enterprise, ensuring consistency and continuity of reproduction. It should also be noted that operations with inventories are accompanied by an increased risk of abuse on the part of both officials and materially responsible persons, since they have high liquidity.

All of the above determines the relevance of the chosen topic of the final qualifying work.

The purpose of the final work is to collect and summarize materials on the topic “Procedure and accounting for inventory of material stocks using the example of LLC PO Sviyaga.”

Based on this goal, we set the following tasks:

- give the concept of material reserves as part of inventories;

Study the specifics and procedure for conducting an inventory of material reserves;

Consider the procedure for conducting an inventory of material reserves in LLC PO Sviyaga;

Study the documentation of the inventory of material supplies;

Get acquainted with the results of the physical inventory.

The object of the study is LLC PA "Sviyaga".

LLC "PO Sviyaga" was registered in May 2012. at the address: 422570, Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district, Verkhniy Uslon village, st. Solnechnaya, 22. The amount of authorized capital is 10,000 rubles. Participants are individuals. The main activity is retail trade in food products, including drinks, and tobacco products, incl. retail sale of alcoholic products (OKVED 52.11). LLC "PO Sviyaga" is, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a commercial organization whose main purpose is to make a profit.

The subject of the study is the procedure and accounting of inventory in LLC PO Sviyaga.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the recommendations obtained can be used by the chief accountant of the enterprise under study when conducting an inventory.

The theoretical basis of this study is regulatory documents, textbooks on accounting and taxation, as well as articles in specialized journals.

1. The economic essence of inventory of material stocks

1.1 Material inventories as part of inventories

inventory material stock

The main regulatory document regulating the accounting of inventories (MPI) is PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories”. In accordance with PBU, the assets of an organization are classified as material and production assets if the following conditions are met:

Assets are used in the production of products, performance of work, provision as raw materials or supplies;

The sale of assets is expected;

Must be used for management needs.

Inventories include:


Finished products;

Materials include raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, purchased semi-finished products and components, fuel, containers, spare parts, construction and other materials. In the process of economic activity, materials are used in different ways:

They are completely consumed in production and constitute the material basis of products (raw materials and materials);

Change their shape (for example, lubricants, varnishes and paints);

Included in products without changes (for example, spare parts);

Contribute to production (special clothing, special tools and devices).

Raw materials and basic materials are the material basis of manufactured products (works, services). Auxiliary materials are necessary to improve the consumer properties of products, maintenance and care of work tools. But this division into basic and auxiliary materials is quite arbitrary and is determined by the technological features of production.

Purchased semi-finished products and components have passed certain stages of production and are intended for the manufacture of products; they are components of manufactured products. Returnable waste is the result of the technological process (shavings, sawdust, pipe cuttings, etc.). Fuel and packaging also belong to auxiliary materials, but are classified as a separate group due to the nature of their use and special role in production. Spare parts are used to repair fixed assets and maintain them in working condition.

Special tools, special equipment and special clothing have unique qualities and are designed to provide conditions for the production of specific types of products (tools, dies, molds and others). Accounting options are available for them at the enterprise's discretion:

As part of inventories;

As part of fixed assets.

The choice of accounting option must be provided for in the accounting policy.

In accordance with the Law “On Accounting”, business transactions can be documented using primary accounting documents independently developed by the organization. But, as a rule, business entities continue to use the forms of primary accounting documentation previously developed by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. In particular, the receipt of materials into the organization is documented by the following primary accounting documents:

Powers of attorney of form No. M-2 and M-2a, issued for authorized representatives of the organization upon receipt of material assets, issued by the supplier according to the order, invoice, contract, order;

Receipt order form No. M-4, drawn up in one copy by the financially responsible person on the day the valuables arrive at the warehouse;

Act on acceptance of materials form No. M-7 in case of quantitative, qualitative discrepancies, discrepancies in assortment with the data of the supplier’s accompanying documents, as well as when accepting materials received by the organization without documents.

The consumption of materials in production, as a rule, is carried out on the basis of the following primary accounting documents:

Limit-fence cards form No. M-8;

Requirements-invoice form No. M-11.

Limit and intake cards are intended for the supply of materials that are systematically consumed for the manufacture of products, works, services, as well as monitoring compliance with limits (standard consumption). Invoice requirements are used to account for the movement of materials within an organization between structural units or financially responsible persons.

There are two ways to form the actual cost of materials:

At the actual cost of their acquisition;

At discounted prices.

To account for materials, the Chart of Accounts for accounting financial and economic activities of organizations provides the following accounts:

Account 10 “Materials”;

Account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”;

Account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets”.

Subaccounts can be opened for account 10 “Materials”.

Subaccount 10-1 takes into account raw materials and basic materials included in the manufactured products; auxiliary materials used in the production of products. Subaccount 10-2 takes into account purchased semi-finished products and finished components used to complete products. Subaccount 10-3 takes into account petroleum products and lubricants, solid and gaseous fuels. Subaccount 10-4 takes into account containers of all types. Subaccount 10-5 takes into account spare parts for the repair of machines, equipment and vehicles, as well as car tires. Subaccount 10-6 takes into account production waste, irreparable defects and other similar materials. Subaccount 10-7 takes into account materials transferred for processing to third parties, the cost of which will be taken into account as part of the cost of production of finished products. Subaccount 10-8 takes into account materials for construction and installation work. Subaccount 10-9 takes into account inventory, tools, and household supplies. Subaccounts 10-10 and 10-11 take into account special equipment and special clothing in the warehouse and in operation.

Analytical accounting for account 10 is carried out by storage locations of materials and their individual names (types, grades, sizes, etc.).

Accounting for materials at actual cost is carried out using only account 10. If materials are accounted for at accounting prices, then accounts 15 and 16 are used.

The method of accounting for materials at actual purchase prices means that all costs to be included in the cost of materials are reflected immediately on account 10. Failure to timely determine whether costs belong to a particular batch of materials will not allow these costs to be subsequently taken into account in the actual cost of materials. Therefore, if the organization did not immediately reflect the costs associated with the acquisition of a particular batch of materials as part of their cost (at the time of their receipt), then after accepting the inventory for accounting, and even more so after releasing them into production, it will be able to take into account these costs only by assigning them to expense accounts. In addition, this method is the most labor-intensive and can be used in organizations with a small product range or a high level of accounting automation.

When there is a large range of materials, the method of accounting for materials at accounting prices is used. It is this that allows you to take into account the constant changes in contract prices, transportation costs, delivery conditions, etc. with minimal labor costs.

Discount prices are prices that remain unchanged over a certain period. When applying this method, the purchase price of materials and the costs associated with their acquisition are recorded in the debit of account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”, and then, at accounting prices, are written off in the debit of account 10 “Materials”. The difference between the actual cost of materials and their cost in accounting prices is reflected in the correspondence of accounts 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” and 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets” (Table 1).

Table 1

Accounting entries on accounts 10, 15 and 16 (using conditional examples)

Business transactions


Amount in rub.


Materials received from supplier

Consignment note, documents for transportation costs

Materials purchased by accountable persons

Consignment note, sales receipt attached to the advance report

Materials are accepted for accounting at accounting prices

Receipt order

The excess of the actual cost of materials over the book price is written off

Accounting certificate

Write-off of materials for distribution costs at accounting prices


Write-off of price deviations for materials consumed

Accounting certificate

Write-off of materials is also carried out at accounting prices with adjustments made at the end of the period and bringing the cost of written-off materials to the actual cost:

If accounting prices are less than the actual cost, on account 16 positive differences are formed between the actual cost of materials and accounting prices, which are debited to the cost accounting accounts (Dt 20 Kt 16);

If accounting prices exceed the actual cost, negative differences are formed on account 16 between the actual cost of materials and accounting prices, which are debited to the cost accounting accounts with a negative entry.

In any of these two options, materials are written off to production at actual cost. Deviations for certain types of materials are made in proportion to the book value of materials, based on the ratio of the balance of the deviation at the beginning of the month and current deviations to the sum of the balance of materials at the beginning of the month and materials received during the month at book value. The resulting value gives the percentage that should be used when writing off the variance to increase the accounting value of materials consumed. The proportion of deviations can be rounded to whole units, that is, without decimal places. The possibility of using rounding should be fixed in the accounting policy of the organization.

When applying accounting prices using accounting accounts 15 and 16, the reflection of material balances in the balance sheet is carried out taking into account these accounts. That is, the balance sheet reflects the actual cost of remaining materials, regardless of whether they are accounted for at actual cost or at accounting prices.

In the annual financial statements, information about the material resources available to the organization is reflected in the item “Inventories” of Section II “Current Assets” of the asset of the Balance Sheet according to accounting data (Table 2).

table 2

The procedure for reflecting inventories in reporting (using a conditional example)

When evaluating inventories when they are released into production or otherwise disposed of, an organization can choose one of three methods:

Estimation at cost of each unit;

Estimation based on average cost;

Valuation using the FIFO method - at the cost of the first purchases.

The valuation method must be fixed in the accounting policy.

A typical example of valuation at the cost of each unit is the accounting of precious metals and precious stones, i.e. values, the accounting of which must be carried out according to special rules.

The average cost is calculated taking into account the balance of inventory at the beginning of the month and receipts for the month.

When valuing using the FIFO method, inventory that was received first is written off first.

Thus, materials are part of inventories. Materials include raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, purchased semi-finished products and components, fuel, containers, spare parts, construction and other materials. To account for business transactions with materials, accounts 10, 14, 15 and 16 are used. In the financial statements, materials are reflected as part of inventories.

1.2 Concept, types and timing of inventory taking

The book value of materials at the end of the reporting period is reflected in the balance sheet as assets in the line “Inventories”. To generate complete and reliable information about the property status of the organization, and the state of inventories in particular, an inventory should be carried out before preparing reports.

Inventory is an accounting method that allows you to ensure that accounting data on property and liabilities corresponds to their actual state. This definition allows us to understand the essence of accounting, which consists not only of compiling an inventory, but also of confirming accounting data. Moreover, inventory in accounting is not only a means of control, but also a way of recording facts of economic life that cannot be recorded through documentation, since the consequences of such facts of the economic life of an organization such as theft, natural loss, re-grading can only be established through inventory.

So, we can state that today inventory is no longer just compiling an inventory, but the most important control and measurement procedure that allows you to clarify and sometimes establish an assessment of the facts of economic life that have occurred.

The obligation to carry out inventories by all legal entities is established by the Law “On Accounting”.

Carrying out an inventory is mandatory in the following cases:

When transferring property for rent, purchasing or selling property, during the reorganization of a state or municipal unitary enterprise;

Before preparing annual financial statements;

When replacing materially responsible persons;

If cases of theft, abuse or damage to property are detected at the enterprise;

In the event of a natural disaster, fire or other emergency due to extreme conditions;

Upon reorganization or liquidation of a legal entity;

And also in other cases provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Business entities must inventory property and liabilities, monitor and document their presence, condition and valuation.

According to the Methodological Instructions for Inventorying Property and Financial Obligations, the organization must have a permanent inventory commission, and if there is a large volume of work, it also creates working inventory commissions to simultaneously carry out an inventory of property and financial obligations. Usually it includes representatives of the administration, accounting workers, as well as other specialists (engineers, economists, technicians, etc.). In addition, representatives of the organization’s internal audit service and independent audit organizations can be included in the inventory commission.

When conducting an inventory of materials, it should be borne in mind that its results can be considered reliable only if the established procedure is followed.

Inventory results may not be recognized if:

The order to conduct an inventory was incorrectly executed (for example, the composition of the commission, the timing of the inventory, the list of inventory items were not indicated);

The presence of at least one member of the commission during the inventory is not documented; for example, his signature is missing in the inventory list.

Inventory results can also be challenged in the absence of:

Visas of the chairman of the commission on incoming and outgoing documents;

Receipts from financially responsible persons regarding the submission of receipts and expenditure documents to the accounting department. It is impossible to make a claim to the financially responsible person based on the inventory results if his signature is not on the last page of the inventory.

There is a possibility of unauthorized corrections of inventory results if:

The results are not summarized on each page of the inventory;

There are blank lines in the inventory;

Access to inventory records was not blocked during the absence of the inventory commission.

If erroneous information is included in the inventory records, they must be corrected sequentially in all copies by crossing out the incorrect entries and putting in the correct ones. Corrections are signed by all members of the inventory commission and financially responsible persons.

Other errors that are most often encountered when conducting an inventory and reflecting its results include the following:

Inventory is not carried out for all specified groups of property and liabilities. In particular, an inventory of materials held in safekeeping is not carried out;

Comparison statements are not prepared when discrepancies are identified during the inventory;

Inventory lists, acts and matching statements do not comply with the unified forms, as well as the forms approved by the head of the organization for types of property and liabilities for which unified forms are not provided;

The composition of the inventory commission does not coincide with the composition approved by the head;

The inventory commission does not include a representative of the owner of materials that do not belong to the organization by right of ownership;

Representatives of third-party organizations do not have properly executed powers of attorney for the right to participate in the inventory;

The actual inventory period is not sufficient to verify the actual availability of materials.

To monitor the reliability of data on materials, a selective inspection, recalculation, comparison and comparison of various supporting documents for objects whose size is significant can be carried out.

Sources of information may also be:

Primary accounting documents;

Accounting registers;

Litigation and claim cases, etc.

When taking inventory of materials, the following errors may be made:

Information is entered into inventory records from the words of financially responsible persons without the procedure of counting, weighing, measuring;

Inventory is not carried out sequentially at the places of storage of materials located in different isolated premises of one financially responsible person;

There are no agreements and transfer acts for materials held in temporary custody by the organization; their records are not kept separately from their own materials;

There are no special passports for valuables that contain precious metals or stones.

Based on the results of the inventory, all measures must be taken to correct and supplement accounting records in such a way as to obtain affirmative answers on the following points:

The materials exist and belong to the organization on the inventory date;

There are no unaccounted materials;

The cost of materials is documented.

Typical errors when reflecting inventory results in accounting and reporting include:

Damaged materials that can be used or sold to third parties are not capitalized;

Inventory results are not reflected in accounting in a timely manner (in subsequent periods);

Surpluses and shortages are recognized for transactions not reflected in previous periods;

Permanent differences are not reflected in the accounting if the employer refuses to collect the amount of damage from the guilty party;

Misgrading was incorrectly recognized. When re-grading, the shortage can be covered by surpluses of similar material assets. Offsetting surpluses and shortages during regrading is possible if they arose in one audited period, with one financially responsible person and for one name of material assets.

It should be noted that not mandatory inventories are considered as an element of accounting policy, but inventories carried out on the initiative of the company itself. Moreover, in its regulatory document the organization must provide at least the following information:

Number of inventories in the reporting year;

Dates of audits;

List of activities to prepare for the inventory;

List of property and liabilities that must be inventoried;

List of documents recording the results of the inventory;

Algorithm for reflecting inventory results in accounting.

The procedure for conducting proactive audits is influenced by:

Enterprise size;

Availability and number of separate divisions;

The number of activities carried out by the organization;

Volume of inventory property;

Level of accounting automation.

In a small enterprise with one type of activity, the number of proactive inventories may be minimal.

In addition to the classification according to the mandatory criterion, there are other classifications of inventories (Table 3).

Thus, inventories carried out by decision of the organization can be either planned or unscheduled. A planned inventory is a check carried out within a time frame approved by the head of the organization. For example, an inventory carried out before drawing up an annual report is classified as planned. Unscheduled inventories are carried out suddenly, outside the approved schedule. Moreover, financially responsible persons are not warned in advance during an unscheduled inventory. In fact, conducting such inspections is used by enterprises as a form of additional control over the safety of certain types of property of the organization.

Table 3

Types of physical inventories


Inventory type

Distinctive features of inventory

According to the obligatory


Carried out without fail in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation


Carried out by decision of the manager

By frequency


Carried out within the time limits established by the inventory procedure


Carried out by decision of the head of the organization outside the approved plan to ensure additional control over the safety of material reserves, or the need for it is provided for by law

By coverage

All types of material reserves are subject to inventory


One or more types of inventories are subject to verification

By method


Consists of directly observing materials and determining their quantity by counting, weighing, measuring, etc.


Consists of checking documentary evidence of the availability of materials

Inventory can be either complete or selective. If conducting a full inventory involves checking all inventory objects, then a selective inventory involves checking one or more. When conducting a natural inventory, the actual presence of inventory objects is established by counting, measuring, weighing, and so on. When conducting a documentary inventory, an audit of documentary evidence of the availability of property is carried out.

The timing of the inventory before the preparation of annual financial statements is established by the head of the enterprise. As a rule, economic entities conduct it at the end of the year. But some enterprises carry it out earlier, immediately after October 1, since its results should be entered into accounting before the end of the year. This opportunity is provided by the “Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation”, according to which, if the inventory was carried out after October 1 of the reporting year, then it is no longer necessary to carry it out a second time before preparing the annual financial statements.

Thus, the main objectives of the physical inventory are:

Identification of the actual availability of material reserves of the enterprise;

Comparison of the actual availability of inventories with accounting data;

Identification of inventories that are not suitable for further use, preparation of documents for their markdown or write-off;

Identification of those responsible in the event of detection of shortages, surpluses, or damage to inventories.

Material inventories can be mandatory or proactive. The procedure for conducting proactive inventories must be enshrined in the accounting policy. When taking inventory of materials, the established procedure must be followed.

1.3 The main stages of conducting an inventory of inventories

The inventory of material reserves is carried out in several stages (Table 4).

Each stage must be documented with appropriate documents. Despite the fact that from January 1, 2013 the new law “On Accounting” allowed economic entities to independently create and approve forms of primary accounting documentation; the vast majority of organizations when conducting inventory use unified forms approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

Table 4

Stages of inventory counting

Inventory stages


Preparation of inventories for inventory;

Preparation of documents necessary for conducting an inventory;

Issuing an order to conduct an inventory;

Formation of a list of employees for inventory;

Determining the timing and types of inventories;

Printing out inventory lists of material assets separately for each financially responsible person.


Checking the actual availability of inventories


Identification of discrepancies in accounting with actual balances;

Determining the reasons for identified discrepancies


Registration of inventory results;

Making corrections to accounting records;

Bringing perpetrators to justice

Some primary unified documents for recording inventory results are listed in Table 5.

Table 5

Primary documents for recording the results of physical inventory counting

Form name

Inventory label

Inventory list of inventory items

Inventory report of shipped inventory items

Inventory list of inventory items accepted

for safekeeping

Collation statement

Order (decree, order) to conduct an inventory

Logbook for monitoring the implementation of orders (decrees, instructions) on inventory

Act on the control check of the correctness of the inventory

Logbook of control checks of the correctness of the inventory

Record sheet of results identified by inventory

Before starting the inventory, the inventory commission must obtain the latest receipts and expenditure documents, reports on the movement of material assets. All received documents are endorsed by the chairman of the commission. Financially responsible persons provide receipts that at the beginning of the inventory they submitted to the accounting department or handed over to the commission all expenditure and receipt documents for the property, and also that all valuables received under their responsibility were capitalized, and those disposed of were written off as expenses . Similar receipts are also given by persons to whom accountable amounts were issued for the purchase of materials or a power of attorney to receive it. The second stage is not started until the first stage is documented.

In inventory, it is very important to follow the procedure, since shortages identified as a result of it entail sanctions for financially responsible persons. Therefore, the results of the inventory often depend on how the materially responsible persons prepare for the inventory. This means that all capitalized materials must be in the warehouse, materially responsible persons must sign on the title page of the inventory list and be familiar with the order for the inventory. Before starting the inventory, liability agreements and their validity periods should also be checked.

The second stage is the inventory itself. The actual availability of material reserves is established by recalculation, weighing or re-measuring. Information about the actual availability of material reserves is entered into inventory records, drawn up in two copies. Information about discovered material assets that are not suitable for further use is entered into the relevant acts.

When using automated accounting, an inventory of form No. INV-3 is generated for the inventory commission with columns one through nine already filled in. Based on the results of the inventory, members of the commission enter in the tenth column information about the actual quantity of materials being inventoried. Material assets discovered during the audit that are not reflected in the accounting records are also included in the inventory.

According to the rules, you cannot leave blank lines; blank lines on the last pages must be crossed out. Inventory lists are signed by all members of the inventory commission and materially responsible persons. At the end of the inventory, financially responsible persons give a receipt confirming that:

The inventory was carried out in their presence;

There are no complaints against the commission members;

All materials listed in the inventory list were accepted for responsible storage.

At the third stage, inventory data is compared with accounting data and discrepancies in accounting with actual balances are identified. The reasons for discrepancies are identified, and the movement of values ​​over the period since the previous inventory can be checked. Identified deviations are reflected in the comparison sheets. Separate matching statements are compiled for material assets that do not belong to the organization, but are listed in the accounting records (those in custody, rented, received for processing). The matching statement is drawn up in two copies by the accountant, one of which is kept in the accounting department, the second is transferred to the financially responsible person(s).

At the fourth stage, the results obtained are formalized. Documents for recording the results of inspections are drawn up with the participation of members of inventory commissions and financially responsible persons. At this stage, accounting data is brought into line with inventory results. The perpetrators are identified and brought to administrative or financial responsibility.

The results of the inventory are necessarily reflected in the accounting and financial statements of the month in which the audit was completed, the results of the annual inventory are reflected in the annual accounting report.

The list of main works carried out during the inventory of materials is given in Table 6.

Table 6

Drawing up an order (instruction) to conduct an inventory of valuables and handing it over to the chairman of the commission. Conducting briefings for commission members

Inventory notification to financially responsible persons

Sealing utility rooms and other places where valuables are stored

Getting the latest material report

Subscription to include all expenditure and receipt documents in the report

Checking the submitted material report and documents attached to it

Endorsement of all documents attached to the material report

Checking the measuring instruments used by the commission

Preparation of materials for inventory: grouping and selecting them by article, name, price, issuing labels for each type of product

Recalculation and re-measuring of materials

Recording data on the balance of material assets in the inventory list

A signature stating that all valuables named in the inventory have been verified in kind by the commission

Determining preliminary inventory results

Submission of inventory records to the accounting department

Checking material documents and the report of the financially responsible person in the accounting department

Checking inventory materials in the accounting department

Drawing up a comparison sheet for materials

Reflection of data in the comparison sheet of materials inventory results

Determining final inventory results

Review of inventory results

Thus, materials are part of inventories. In order to confirm the reliability of accounting and reporting data regarding the reflection of material inventories, organizations are required to conduct inventories. Inventory can be mandatory or proactive. The procedure for conducting proactive inventories must be approved by the accounting policy of the organization. In order to conduct an inventory of materials, an inventory commission must be created in the organization. All stages of the inventory must be documented. The results of the inventory must be reflected in the accounting records.

2. The current practice of conducting and accounting for inventory of material reserves in LLC PO Sviyaga

2.1 Procedure for conducting an inventory of material reserves

Accounting and tax accounting at PA Sviyaga LLC is carried out in accordance with the accounting policies adopted by the organization.

The accounting policy of the organization approves:

Working chart of accounts;

Forms of primary accounting documents;

The procedure for conducting an inventory of assets and liabilities;

Methods for assessing assets and liabilities;

Document flow rules and technology for processing accounting information;

The procedure for controlling business transactions.

The Procedure for conducting an inventory of assets and liabilities, approved by the accounting policy of the organization, provides for a planned annual inventory in the period from October 1 to October 10 of the current year. The availability of inventories, cash, settlements and obligations is checked annually. Inventory of fixed assets is carried out once every three years.

In addition to the planned inventory, PA Sviyaga LLC provides for the following:

Unscheduled (sudden) inventories - used for additional control over the safety of certain types of property of the organization by decision of the director;

Selective inventories - in cases of detection of violations of the procedure and timing of the inventory, as well as in cases of establishing facts of write-off of material assets due to illegal transactions or incorrectly executed documents.

The organization annually approves the composition of the permanent inventory commission. In accordance with the developed and approved Regulations on the Inventory Commission, it is endowed with fairly broad powers.

Inventory commission:

Checks the legality of contracts concluded on behalf of the organization, transactions made, and settlements with counterparties;

Analyzes the compliance of accounting and statistical records with existing regulations;

Checks compliance with established norms and standards in financial and economic activities;

Analyzes the financial position of the organization;

Identifies reserves for improving the economic situation and develops recommendations for government bodies;

Evaluates the correctness of the preparation of the organization’s financial statements, reporting documentation for tax and statistical authorities;

Checks the legality of decisions made by the director and their compliance with the organization’s charter.

When conducting inspections, members of the inventory commission are required to study all documents and materials related to the subject of the inspection.

Verification programs and special methods and techniques of the inventory commission include: inventory, documentary verification (complete and selective), counter verification of documents, expert assessment, written explanations of corrections, oral explanations, analysis and conclusions. At the beginning of the calendar year, the inventory commission approves the annual work schedule. The schedule determines the frequency and nature of inspections. In particular, the general inventory plan may include the following inspection objects:

Analysis of the results of the previous inventory and verification of the implementation of its decisions on comments and violations identified as a result of its implementation;


Checks carried out by the inventory commission can be either random or covering the entire activity of the organization. All work carried out by the inventory commission must be carefully documented, and the conclusions of the inventory commission must be based on the principles of sufficiency and credibility of evidence, as well as confirmation that the inventory was carried out as such.

Thus, the functions of the inventory commission are not limited to conducting an inventory; in fact, these are the functions of the audit commission.

An analysis of the internal control system in the organization shows that in LLC PO Sviyaga, insufficient attention is paid to inventory accounting. This may be due to the specific nature of the food retail organization, the main focus of which is inventory. In my opinion, insufficient control over the safety of material reserves, in particular trade equipment and supplies, office equipment, dishes and workwear, cleaning and detergents, increases the risk of abuse by employees.

For example, a grocery store cannot do without regular cleaning of sales and utility rooms, warehouses and refrigerators, and other premises. When cleaning retail spaces, the following types are distinguished:

Routine cleaning during the working day;

Daily cleaning after store closing;


Therefore, the frequency of maintenance work plays an important role in developing standards for material consumption. The organization must approve the “Norms for writing off inventories.” The document can be in the form of tables that indicate the consumption rates of washing, cleaning and other materials for a certain type of work. Cleaning supplies must be provided to employees strictly according to the norm.

In fact, the standards have not been approved; all purchased cleaning materials are immediately issued to employees and written off as expenses, so an inventory of these materials is not actually carried out. At PO Sviyaga LLC, control over the purchase and consumption of cleaning products is carried out by the deputy director for economic affairs, but despite the fact that he is in charge of a small warehouse for storing household goods and equipment, there are no stocks of detergents in the organization.

The peculiarity of the inventory of material stocks in a store is the fact that there are assets intended for long-term use (for example, dishes, sanitary clothing, trade equipment and other property), written off from the organization’s balance sheet, but continuing to be used. This property must be under control along with the property that is stored in the store’s warehouse and must be accounted for in off-balance sheet accounts of material assets.

Why is this necessary? The fact is that organizations determine their need for certain types of material assets independently. At the same time, the validity of the acquisition of assets and their decommissioning (including the property listed above) can be confirmed by the data of the inventory carried out (in particular, the reflection in the inventory sheets of information about the loss of inventory items of their consumer qualities, cases of theft, damage to valuables, etc. .d.). LLC PO Sviyaga does not maintain off-balance sheet accounting of such valuables.

An example is the inventory of materials in one of the departments of the store - the buffet (sales of hot and cold drinks, baked goods), carried out as part of the annual inventory on October 1, 2014. Before the start of the inspection, the inventory commission received the latest incoming and outgoing documents at the time of inventory. The chairman of the commission endorsed all incoming and outgoing documents.

The financially responsible person for material assets located in the department is the head of the department. She gave a receipt stating that by the beginning of the inventory, all expenditure and receipt documents had been submitted to the accounting department or transferred to the commission, all valuables received under her responsibility were capitalized, and those disposed of were written off as expenses. The actual presence of valuables was verified with her participation.

Inventory lists were printed in two copies, into which the inventory commission entered data on the actual balances of valuables in the department. According to accounting data, the department listed only dishes that were moved according to the demand-invoice and continued to be listed in account 10 “Materials”, but already under the report of the head of the department. All available trade inventory, as well as trade equipment and sanitary clothing, were not included in the accounting data, as they were written off at once upon receipt.

Taking inventory of materials in a buffet actually consisted of counting the available utensils. At the same time, valuables that were not suitable for further use were determined - those with chips, cracks, etc. Inventory records were filled out with a ballpoint pen clearly and clearly, without blots or erasures. The names of inventoried values ​​and objects, their quantity were indicated in the inventories according to the nomenclature and in the units of measurement adopted in accounting. On each page of the inventory, the serial numbers of material assets and the total amount in physical terms were indicated in words. On the last page of the inventory, a note was made about checking prices, taxation and calculating the results, signed by the persons who carried out this check. The inventories were signed by all members of the inventory commission and the financially responsible person. At the end of the inventory, the financially responsible person gave a receipt confirming that the commission had checked the property in its presence and that there were no claims against the commission members.

Based on the results of the inventory, the following items were identified in the department that were unsuitable for further use:

Earthenware - worth 820 rubles;

Glassware - worth 758 rubles;

Metal utensils - in the amount of 302 rubles.

In accordance with the accounting policy of Sviyaga PA LLC, the amount of losses within the limits established by law must be written off as production and distribution costs, and the remaining amount must be recovered from the financially responsible person. The organization applies write-off standards established by the USSR Ministry of Trade in 1982. as a percentage of revenue:

Porcelain and earthenware -0.40%;

High-grade glassware -0.30%;

Metal utensils -0.06%;

Stainless steel cutlery -0.04%.

For the period since the last inventory (4th quarter of 2013 and 9 months of 2014), the buffet's revenue amounted to 373,544 rubles. The identified shortage of materials in the buffet in the form of utensils unsuitable for further use is reflected in Table 7.

Table 7

Shortage (damage) of material assets in the buffet

The inventory on the organization's off-balance sheet account also includes commercial equipment and office equipment. Based on the results of the annual inventory in 2014. a shortage of office equipment was discovered. Instead of the “Brother” printer, which is listed in the accounting department at a cost of 15,190 rubles, according to accounting data. In fact, the organization used a printer of a different brand, produced in 2010. An investigation was conducted into this fact.

It was found out that the printer received under invoice No. 543 dated November 15, 2013 was capitalized in the accounting records. from NPO Computer LLC. According to the documents, the printer was not handed over either for operation or to the financially responsible person. In fact, it was transferred to the chief accountant of the store, who left the organization. Thus, a shortage and surplus of office equipment were simultaneously identified (Table 8). The identified printer, actually used in the organization, was valued by the inventory commission at 4,000 rubles.

Table 8

Office equipment inventory results

The annual inventory of 2014, carried out under account 10 “Materials”, did not reveal any surplus or shortage. At the same time, the organization actually uses inventory and household supplies, the cost of which in accounting was written off at the time of their transfer to operation. The discrepancy between actual data and accounting data using the example of accounting is reflected in Table 9.

Table 9

Inventory results of inventory and household supplies

Thus, LLC PA Sviyaga does not keep records of these assets. At the same time, the current accounting legislation obliges the business entity to ensure the safety and organize proper control over the presence and movement of assets, the cost of which does not exceed the limit established for fixed assets and which were written off as expenses on the date of commissioning. The legislation does not regulate the procedure for accounting for low-value fixed assets. The option of their accounting should be considered in the accounting policy of the organization.

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To ensure the reliability of accounting and reporting data, organizations are required to conduct an inventory of inventories, during which their availability, condition and valuation are checked and documented. The procedure and timing of the inventory is determined by the manager, except for cases when the inventory is mandatory:

  • when transferring property for rent, redemption, sale;
  • before preparing annual financial statements;
  • when changing financially responsible persons;
  • when facts of theft, abuse or damage to property are revealed;
  • in the event of a natural disaster, fire or other emergency situations caused by extreme conditions;
  • during reorganization or liquidation of an enterprise.

The inventory is carried out by an inventory commission appointed by the head of the organization. The commission includes representatives of the organization’s administration, accounting employees, and other specialists (lawyers, engineers, economists, etc.). The commission may include representatives of the organization’s internal audit service and independent audit organizations.

Before the start of the inventory, employees responsible for the safety of valuables give receipts stating that all incoming inventories have been capitalized, and those that have been disposed of have been written off as expenses, and the primary documents for them have been submitted to the accounting department.

The results of the inventory are reflected in the inventory list of inventory items (form No. INV-3). The commission records the actual availability in the warehouse of each item of valuables by type, grade, group and item number, by the number of corresponding units of measurement and amount.

On each page and at the end of the inventory list, the number of serial numbers, the total number of units of actually installed materials and the amount of their assessment are indicated. The actual balances for each item of value are recorded in the inventory after appropriate weighing, measuring, and counting. For materials stored in bulk, the physical weight (volume) is determined by measurement and technical calculations. Acts of measurement, technical calculations and statements of plumb lines are attached to the inventory list.

In all such operations carried out by members of the inventory commission, the presence of financially responsible persons is mandatory. Compliance with this condition allows us to subsequently eliminate possible controversial issues between them.

On the last page of the inventory list, the chairman and members of the commission put their signatures, the financially responsible person also puts his signature, thereby confirming his agreement with the results of the inventory.

The inventory list (form No. INV-3) is drawn up in two copies, one of which is transferred to the accounting department, and the other remains with the financially responsible person(s). After checking the data and calculations, the accountant signs the inventory list. For inventories that are on the way on the day of inventory, the commission draws up an inventory report of inventory items that are in transit (form M INV-6) in two copies according to the documents submitted to the commission. One copy of the act remains with her, the other is transferred to the accounting department.

In the inventory list of inventory items nailed for safekeeping (form No. INV-5), entries are made by responsible persons of the inventory commission on the basis of verification and recalculation in kind of production inventories held for safekeeping for each item. The procedure for its registration is the same as the inventory list according to f. No. INV-3. The inventory is compiled in two copies, signed by members of the inventory commission and the financially responsible person(s), one of them is transferred to the accounting department, and the second remains with the financially responsible person(s).

For values ​​for which discrepancies are identified, a matching statement is drawn up in the accounting department (form No. INV-19). On the second page of the statement, where for each item of materials the inventory results are shown by quantity and amount (surplus, shortage), information is also provided on how these discrepancies are adjusted. This data is certified by the signature of an accountant. On the third page, the regrading by quantity and amount is indicated in terms of surpluses included in covering shortages, and shortages covered by surpluses. Information about capitalized surpluses is also provided here, indicating to which account they were capitalized, and the final shortage is indicated. This page is signed by the financially responsible person.

In any case, discrepancies between actual availability and accounting data must be explained in writing by the financially responsible person. Based on the information provided by the commission, the manager makes the final decision on the results of the inventory.

Accounting for shortages and losses is organized on the account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”.

The debit of account 94 reflects the cost of missing inventory items.

On the credit of account 94 - write-off of amounts of shortages and losses of valuables from the account of material assets, production costs, sales expenses, to the debit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations” (sub-account “Settlements for compensation of material damage”) or to account 91 "Other income and expenses."

In the credit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” amounts are reflected in the amounts and values ​​accepted for accounting as the debit of the specified account. Therefore, at the end of the reporting period the account has a balance.

The procedure for reflecting inventory results on accounting accounts is presented in the table.

Main correspondence on account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”
Contents of operationsDebitCredit
Shortage identified94 10(16)
The shortage was written off within the limits of natural loss20, 23, 25, 26,44 94
The shortage in excess of the norms of natural loss is attributed to the perpetrators73-2 94
The difference between the recovered value of missing material assets and the amount of shortage at which they are registered is reflected73-2 98
Debt for shortfalls is repaid50, 70 73-2
The difference is written off from deferred income to the organization’s income98 91-1
The shortfall in excess of the norms of natural loss is written off in the absence of guilty persons (or if the recovery is refused by the court)91-2 94
Unaccounted materials identified during inventory were capitalized10 91-1

Synthetic accounting register - journal order No. 10, 10/1.

Analytical accounting register - a statement of shortages and damage.

When an organization uses an automated form of accounting using the 1C: Enterprise software product, the registers of synthetic accounting are the turnover of account 94 (General Ledger), analysis of account 94, balance sheet, etc. The registers of analytical accounting are the turnover balance sheet for account 94, account card 94, etc.