What is an investment group? Investment companies: how to choose and check a company? Open investment companies: types

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Investing is in all cases a partnership. Therefore, one of the key tasks of an entrepreneur who wants to ensure the growth of his own investments is to find a reliable investment company with which he can build cooperation in a particular area of ​​business. In what areas of financial activity may an entrepreneur have the greatest need to enter into an agreement with an investment company? How to choose a reliable partner, taking into account the characteristics of a specific business area?

What are investment companies?

Choosing the right investment company means understanding, first of all, what such an organization is and for what purpose you need to contact it.

The term “investment company” can refer to organizations that operate in the following areas:

Investing in various business projects.

The activities of such an investment company will thus be associated with various financial investments, most often carried out in the format:

  • direct investment;
  • portfolio investment.

An investment company that directly participates in the activities of financed projects in one way or another acquires the ability to make key decisions related to the development of the project. As a rule, through the purchase of a controlling stake in the enterprise. In this case, the investor can earn money through a wide range of business management tools - from increasing the capitalization of assets to building useful business connections, which can subsequently bring benefits.

Portfolio investing involves the purchase of a share, usually in a smaller amount, and a much more limited participation of the investor in the activities of the financed business. The investor in this case makes money through the subsequent capitalization of the company and the growth in the value of its assets (securities).

Brokerage trading - providing various services in this direction.

Here the investment company most often acts as:

  • intermediary in trading activities (providing trading platforms for the use of an entrepreneur, acting as his authorized representative in certain legal relations);
  • a consultant who helps the entrepreneur, under certain conditions, choose the most profitable deals;
  • co-investor or agent of other investors - assisting the entrepreneur in financing his activities that are related to trade.

Capital (investment) management.

Here, the investment company acts rather as an investment object - receiving financial assets from other investors for trust management. However, its main task is to subsequently extract profit from the capital received, and therefore the function of the investment subject still remains with the management company.

All 3 types of investment companies play an important role in the national economies of most countries of the world. An entrepreneur who wants to build a successful business or increase existing capital may experience the same need to turn to each of these types of organizations.

Of course, we have considered a far from complete list of possible interpretations of the concept of “investment company,” but they can rightfully be considered among the most common. The term in question is extremely comprehensive and can correspond to a wide variety of types of business entities.

Let us now study how an entrepreneur can choose a reliable partner in the field of investment - based on the criteria reflected in the rating of investment companies and on other public data.

An investment company as a classic investor: how to choose a partner?

The activity of an investment firm as a classic investor - an entity that invests its own capital in other businesses - can be carried out in different forms. Among the most common types of such firms is a venture capital fund.

The main criteria that you can focus on when choosing such a fund as a financial partner include:

  1. duration of activity in the market - Russian, international (the results of the fund’s work during crisis periods can be especially indicative);
  2. financial indicators (capitalization of the fund itself, the projects it finances);
  3. information on investment results - based on the example of major projects;
  4. expert reviews published in thematic media, transcripts of conferences and business meetings.

The largest venture funds in Russia, which can rightfully be considered reliable and competent partners in the field of investment, are Runa Capital, Almaz Capital, Life.SREDA, Leta Capital, ru-Net Holdings. These corporations operate in a variety of segments, but their common line of business is information technology.

The activities of venture funds involve financing, as a rule, young innovative investment projects - startups with a high risk of bankruptcy, and at the same time promising from the point of view of subsequent capitalization - in case of successful development of a market niche. It happens that one successful project in which a venture fund took part pays off a dozen unprofitable ones. This is what many modern venture investors are designed to do.

An entrepreneur who wants to receive financing from a venture fund must first of all be interested in:

  • manufacturability of the proposed solution;
  • prospects for market expansion of such a solution;
  • the feasibility of implementing the solution within the target market niche;
  • own competence, level of team training;
  • the elaboration of the startup’s business model as a whole.

As a rule, venture funds evaluate business ideas proposed to them on their merits, trying to avoid formalities. But in some cases, the correct presentation of the project plays no less a role than the essence of the innovative concept.

It happens that venture funds themselves find out about promising startups and approach them on their own initiative. In this case, the parties will have to work out in detail the terms of cooperation and the role of the investor in business management.

It may be limited to only portfolio participation, or it may involve the most active involvement of financiers in the development of a young business.

Investment broker company: choosing a reliable counterparty

An entrepreneur who wants to make money by trading securities will go to another investor who provides brokerage (and related) services. An entrepreneur will expect competent assistance from a partner in conducting a wide range of transactions on the stock market and other platforms, which involve making a profit by investing capital in various valuable assets.

Brokers appeared as a result of the growing need among investors, first of all, for reliable intermediaries that give the investor the opportunity to trade using effective and safe instruments. But how can you check the reliability of an investment company when it comes to brokerage services? As in any other area of ​​partnership, the best way here is to try cooperation with different suppliers in practice. But if this is not possible, then you can try to assess the prospects of partnership with selected brokers based on various public information. For example, those that reflect:

  • convenience of opening an account (the ability to open an account online or through a nearby partner is appreciated, so that there is no need to travel to the other end of the city or to another city at all);
  • conditions and efficiency of depositing and withdrawing funds;
  • level of access to various markets and trading platforms (the more there are, the more diversified trade can be);
  • the opportunity to receive consultations and training (the level of both paid and free services for solving such problems is assessed);
  • convenience of software (and other tools for remote account management - for example, a telephone account management system) from the broker;
  • level of customer support.

The most famous and reliable Russian brokers include:

  1. "Finam";
  2. Renaissance Broker;
  3. BC "Region";
  4. IC "Veles Capital";
  5. KIT Finance.

The leading Russian banking brands - Sberbank, VTB-24, Alfabank, Promsvyazbank - also have excellent positions in terms of brokerage services. In many cases, it is possible to contact them by visiting familiar bank offices. There you can conclude an agreement on brokerage services, and, if necessary, terminate it.

The largest brands in the brokerage industry tend to have large networks of regional representatives. It will not be difficult for an interested investor to find the broker’s closest partner, get advice from him and conclude an agreement.

By choosing a reliable broker who has extensive experience in the Russian market, an entrepreneur can be confident in the safety of his own capital - both existing and earned during trading activities, and can count on the use of technologically advanced and effective investment tools.

A large broker will minimize any legal difficulties in using an investment account - for example, if it comes to purchasing foreign assets. It is in the interests of a large broker to retain the client, and he will try to do this by constantly improving his work.

Investment management company: criteria for choosing a partner

Another type of investment company is an organization that takes capital into trust management in order to ensure its growth (and earn money on interest and other terms of cooperation of the investor).

A management investment company is an economic entity that has resources at its disposal for financial investments in a wide range of assets. Among the most common are the assets of mutual investment funds. Their advantage lies in diversified sources of capital growth. If there are drawdowns in the capitalization of one segment, there are options to detect segments where securities are actively growing in price.

Of course, finding profitable segments is not an easy task, requiring a high level of competence of the management company’s experts. How to choose a reliable partner among a large number of players in this market segment? The main criteria that can be taken into account in this case include:

The amount of equity capital of the investment company.

Obviously, the higher this indicator, the more reliable the business, the more actively other investors and owners invest in it.

Volume of net assets.

Likewise, the larger it is, the more stable the company is, the more solvent it is in relations with its creditors and counterparties.

Common criteria for financial market players:

  • duration of presence on the market, experience in overcoming crises;

Investment companies are a rather unusual type of income for our country and they, like other investment instruments, are often equated due to lack of education to who knows what - pyramids, dubious schemes and scammers.

In fact, investment companies have nothing in common with dishonest organizations and formations; they even exist within the framework of the law and are controlled by the relevant authorities. In this article I will tell you how to choose a company and where to invest money.

What does an investment company do?

So, you have a certain amount of money and there is no desire to accumulate it in a stocking, but you don’t have the time/effort/knowledge to make the money work, for example, by investing in a business or trading on the stock exchange. For such cases, there are investment companies that will take on the entire burden of investment operations, and will only provide you with an excellent opportunity to enjoy profits. Sounds tempting? It only sounds like it to you, but many have tried out investment companies from their own experience and appreciated their advantages while you were thinking about where to invest your money.

An investment company is an organization that invests funds in profitable assets with the aim of increasing them. In this case, the money can be either the property of the company itself or private, taken over for management. The company can deal in securities, bonds, shares, as well as private equity funds.

In one of the blog articles, I talked about such a tool for making money as an investment fund, which is very similar to an investment company. At the same time, the companies have a significant feature - while mutual investment funds act only as trustees, investment companies are legally registered and operate under strict regulation by law. In addition, they have the appropriate licenses to engage in brokerage and dealer operations.

All investment companies can be divided into the following categories:

  • Closed companies - do not accept investor funds and operate only with their own money or borrowed bank funds;
  • Open companies – accept funds from private investors for trust management.

Financial analytics

When investing in certain assets, investment companies are simply obliged to analyze many factors - otherwise the success of transactions will be extremely doubtful. Therefore, in large companies there are entire departments specializing in financial analysis, and in more modest organizations this role is performed by one qualified specialist - a financial analyst. The essence of the analysis is to study market conditions, the price dynamics of a certain asset, draw up plans and forecasts, monitor exchange rates and even the political situation in the world - that is, study everything that a priori can affect the price of something and allow you to make a forecast for the expected profit .

Market research

To understand what you should invest in, you need to know supply and demand in a given market and be able to predict their dynamics. Therefore, investment projects, without fail, conduct market research, the results of which will make it possible to determine the feasibility of investments and how much income can be obtained from a particular activity.


Many companies choose brokerage operations as a key area of ​​their activity. It must be said that not everyone can become a participant in the securities market, but only those who have a license to do so. Therefore, private investors cannot just start trading on the stock exchange overnight, but this is possible if they use the services of brokers. Brokerage companies are a kind of intermediaries between the market and the investor, who will take a small percentage of commissions for their services.

Mergers and acquisitions of companies

A separate source of income for investment companies is mergers and acquisitions – that is, the acquisition by one company of the share capital of another. It is well known that the acquisition of a company by another organization occurs to unite common interests and form a larger and more influential market player. Investment companies acquire others for the purpose of subsequent resale - as a rule, during a merger, the price of the company's share capital is significantly lower, which means that by selling it in parts, you can make a profit.

The success of your investment can entirely depend on how carefully you choose an investment company. The public continues to view any investment as a scam that, behind beautiful stories about making money without effort, hides the intention of emptying your pockets. Of course, there are swindlers and swindlers among investment companies, but you shouldn’t see this path in black terms. There are a large number of companies that have been operating on the market for decades and consistently generate income for their investors, and there are also new promising companies that operate according to the letter of the law.

Rating of the company and participation in forums (competitions)

A good investment company strives to develop, gain authority, and loudly declares itself. If it is public, then you will definitely see various reports and certificates of participation in forums, conferences, and competitions. Such organizations invest money in their development, and they will not, sacrificing their reputation and developments, embezzle investors’ money. Investment companies that do not announce their existence and operate quietly should be viewed with suspicion.

Agreement with investor

Having given money to an investment company, you must understand that your relationship must be documented in some way - otherwise, the organizers may say that they did not see any of your money, and you will not prove anything to anyone. Therefore, you can sleep peacefully only if you have entered into a formal contract with the company, and not just checked a box confirming an electronic offer.

According to established tradition, I offer you a rating of investment instruments that I talk about in my articles. It presents only those investment companies that, in my opinion, are reliable, have been working in this area for a sufficient amount of time and have earned a good reputation. The rating will be updated from time to time, so be sure to follow the changes and don’t miss the opportunity to make a profit.

Investment companies are one of the tools that allow you to increase your money. It is quite reliable in terms of non-trading risks, compared to the risk that venture funds bear, for example, since the activities of companies are regulated by law and they can conclude a real contract with you. Be vigilant when choosing an organization and be guided by common sense, and not by the thirst for profit, and then your cooperation with the company will be long and your investment successful.

From an organizational point of view, the investment market, like the financial market, is a set of institutions that are endowed with certain functions. An investment company is just one of those financial institutions that perform certain operations using specific financial instruments.

But what exactly these tools and operations are, let’s try to figure it out in this article.

Basics of activity

In general, if we briefly characterize the main activities of an investment company, we can say that it is engaged in attracting, placing and managing securities. For a broader idea and understanding of the features of their work, a diagram is presented below and the main principles are highlighted.

Scheme of work

Based on the above, the activities of an investment company can be represented schematically, as shown in the photo below.

The following key areas of activity of companies on the Russian market can be identified:

  • preparation of the issue of new securities (hereinafter referred to as the Central Bank) with preliminary determination of conditions;
  • for the purpose of their further sale to investors;
  • guaranteeing investors placement of the Central Bank;
  • support of the Central Bank exchange rate in the secondary market;
  • evaluation of issued securities;
  • investor portfolio management taking on the role.

Main principle

The company's investment activity is, of course, a combination of all those areas mentioned earlier, but there are also principles on which their work is based.

The main principle is that the investment company, taking on the role of a professional manager of its own portfolio, as well as the securities portfolios of investors, strives for the main goal - generating its own income and providing profits to its clients.

How is this principle implemented in practice? By issuing its own securities, the company sells them to individual investors. With the funds raised, it buys securities of other issuers (enterprises, corporations, etc.) and through this provides its investors (clients) with profit/income.

Achieving the above goal can also be achieved in another way. The company attracts funds from individual investors, then pools them for further investment in specific large projects and programs. Doesn't remind you of anything? Yes, yes, these are well-known mutual funds.

Due to such investments in large projects, the company provides its clients with stable profits. But we must not forget that profit is achieved not only through investing in large projects, but also through competent management. Management consists in investing funds in different securities and thereby reducing risks. They decrease due to the fact that the fall in the price of some securities is covered by the fact that the price of others rises.

In addition to commissions for providing the services of a financial manager for its clients, dealer and brokerage services can be a source of income for investment funds.

In conclusion…

Let us highlight the main nuances that an investor should pay attention to when choosing an investment company: availability of a license, experience in the market, who are the partners and clients, a significant amount of own funds.

Investment companies are companies engaged in investing their own or other people's money into something with the aim of further increasing it.

All investment companies can be divided into two types: closed companies and open ones (for private investors).

Closed-end investment companies- these are those that do not accept money from private investors. These companies work only with their own money or money borrowed from the bank. In short, they are not involved in trust management and we are not interested in them as investors.

Open investment companies- these are companies that accept investments from private investors for trust management, i.e. you can give (entrust) your money to this company, and they will manage it, investing it somewhere, with the aim of further increasing it and making a profit on your money (currency market, stock market, business, etc.).

Open investment companies that provide trust management services- these are exactly the companies that we, as private investors, are most interested in, and with which we can and should work, since it is thanks to such companies that an investor can create for himself an unlimited number of sources of passive income and get more free time in his life .

The monthly profitability that you can receive in investment companies can range from 1% per month to 100% per month. It depends on what type of company you choose and how much risk you are willing to take. Typically, the higher the return, the higher the risk.

Types of open-end investment companies

All open investment companies that provide trust management services can be divided into 3 main types:

Real remote control- these are companies that actually manage your money. They can confirm their trading or any other activity with facts - reports, monitoring of trading accounts or direct display of accounts.

In such companies, in 90% of cases, the investor receives the real profit that their money earned.

- these are companies that only talk about how they manage your money, but their words are in no way supported by real facts that cannot be faked. Very often, such companies falsify documents, reports, staymen, etc. Their task is to make you believe that they are serious guys and should be trusted.

In such companies, in 80% of cases, profits are accrued to investors due to the influx of new investments from other investors. As a rule, investors' money in such companies does not work anywhere, and the profitability is simply drawn by the administrator.

Sometimes in such investment companies, part of the investor’s money is used in some activity, for example, trading on the Forex market, in order to show investors the stakes and monitoring - they say, “See! We really trade Forex! Your money is in circulation! We’re not lying to you!” 20% are in circulation and 80% are just sitting on the account. That is why I classify such companies as “Pseudo Remote Control” (hybrids, not pyramids and not Real Remote Control, but something in between).

- this is the most common type of investment company today!

As a rule, such companies do not even bother to provide investors with any evidence and facts indicating that investors’ money actually works somewhere and brings profit to their owners.

In 50% of cases, the organizers openly say that their company is a financial pyramid, and in another 50% of cases they only say that we are not a pyramid, but as a rule they do not provide any facts to confirm their words they can.

How to work with investment companies

You can and should work with all these companies (Real Remote Control, Pseudo Remote Control, Financial Pyramids), but before you start doing this, you need to understand a few very important things:

Before you learn to do anything well (drive a car, fly an airplane, build houses)
- this needs to be trained, and not just for one month.

You will not learn to fly an airplane from the 1st, 2nd, or even the 10th try, no matter how much you want it and no matter how easy it may seem to you. The probability that you will crash when trying to learn to fly an airplane on your own is 100%.

In order for you to be able to learn how to fly an airplane with the highest quality and in the shortest possible time, you need a good teacher who has flown this thing himself dozens or even hundreds of times.

It is possible that you can learn to fly an airplane on your own, but imagine what it will cost you? (time, money, accidents, aircraft repairs, etc.)

You can learn how to make money in any investment company, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a financial pyramid or a company that deals with real trust management. The essence of the work of these companies is the same, only the principles and rules of their work differ slightly.

You need to start investing your money with minimal amounts ($50-$100). At the beginning of your journey, you will definitely have losses, and you must be prepared for this. Losses of small amounts are much easier to bear than losses of large ones.

Training and working with investment companies can be compared to training and flying on an airplane.

The higher the speed of the aircraft, the:

It is more difficult to learn to fly on it;

The likelihood of an accident increases significantly;

You can reach your destination faster;

The lower the speed of the aircraft, the:

It's easier to learn how to fly it;

The likelihood of an accident is reduced significantly;

It will take you longer to reach your destination;

The situation is similar in investment companies:

The lower the profitability of the company, the:

It’s easier to learn how to work with these companies;

There is less chance that you may lose your money in the near future;

Achieving your goal will take you longer;

The higher the profitability of the company, the:

It is more difficult to learn how to work with it;

The likelihood of losing your money increases significantly;

You can achieve your goal faster;

But you need to understand, even if you make up your investment portfolio from low-risk and low-yield instruments, for example, all your money will be in different banks, then you still need to keep your finger on the pulse, because if you fall asleep during the flight at the helm, then after some time your plane will definitely crash, despite the fact that you had a minimum speed.

Conclusion? Always keep your finger on the pulse and watch where you are flying :))

Which Russian investment companies are trustworthy? Who should you not trust with money? Only a person who clearly understands that these are investment companies can deal with this. Nowadays, terminology and general information on basic concepts are available to everyone, you just need to want to understand it. There will be no exception in investment portfolio management, the main ideas through which the process is implemented, tools and features that allow you to get benefits. With careful research into an area, profits are available to anyone willing to put in the effort.

General understanding

For many citizens of our country, the investment business seems like something incomprehensible, mysterious, promising, but dangerously reeking of deception. What are these investment companies? What do they do and how do they make their profit? It is necessary to understand that on the market there are simultaneously both scammers posing as reliable companies and organizations that are truly trustworthy. The following material is dedicated specifically to real companies offering investment services to users through specialized legal tools.

Investment companies are enterprises whose activities are fully controlled by the current legislation of our state. Profits can be made by those who have correctly selected an intermediary who is reliable and able to survive in the market even in a difficult economic situation.

How it works?

If a citizen has a certain amount of free finance, he has the right to use it wisely, to his own benefit. You can put money in the bank, but the interest will be small. You can invest in real estate if the volume allows it. Another option is investment companies. They are much more profitable than stockings and home jars, and also more convenient than most banking structures, since they promise greater profitability if the counterparty was chosen successfully.

Investment companies are firms engaged in the same sector of the economy. They are engaged in investment operations, receiving resources for this from the population. The company takes a certain remuneration for its services, the owner of the money receives a percentage of the profit from the amount, everyone leaves happy or continues productive cooperation. Investment companies are legal entities that invest funds received from individuals into assets with high returns. The main idea of ​​entrepreneurship is to increase existing volumes by choosing promising areas for investing money. Some investment companies build a business using their own funds and client funds, while others work only on what they receive from the public. The company provides services through securities, shares, and bonds. You can partner with a private equity firm that offers access to a private equity fund.

Funds and firms

The logic of the work of investment funds and companies offering services in this area is quite similar. Both options provide the opportunity to make a decent profit if you choose a reliable partner. It must be remembered that a mutual fund is a trust management, and an investment firm is a legal entity registered in accordance with all the rules established by law. The activities of a large investment company are subject to legal norms and are constantly monitored by responsible government authorities. To open such a company, you must first obtain a license. A modern company engaged in investment activities, in order to legally conduct its activities, receives permission to act as a broker or dealer.


Investment firms are usually divided into groups:

  • closed;
  • open.

The former promote investment projects, but do not accept money from investors. For operations, own resources or those received from the bank under a credit program are used. The second type of firms cooperates with individuals, receiving funds from the public according to the rule of trust management.

Analytics as a basis for work

Not everyone will be a source of decent income. When money is invested in some potentially attractive program, a special firm dedicated to this issue first collects analytics on a number of aspects. Without this event, success will be too low and no one will make a profit. Reliable, large financial and investment companies necessarily have an analytical department in their structure, but small organizations have at least one specialist responsible for compiling market analytics.

Analysis of the state of the country's economy as a whole, individual projects in particular, is a study of market conditions and the dynamics of the value of an attractive asset. Forecasts and plans are drawn up, exchange rates and the situation in the country's politics are controlled. In short, it is necessary to keep control over all factors that can affect the price of an asset. If the analysis shows that the investment will be promising, the investment company begins to work with the project it likes. In most modern companies, a user, planning to invest money in an organization, sees which projects its analysts consider promising.

Attention to the market

Investment companies constantly “keep their finger on the pulse” because knowledge of demand is the main information tool on the basis of which it is possible to predict the dynamics of a project. Each potential investment object is checked, researched and analyzed. The collected data helps assess the feasibility of cooperation, as well as select the optimal interaction mechanism.

Brokers are market leaders

Modern Russian investment companies for the most part prefer to obtain broker status in order to legally carry out relevant transactions. This requires preliminary registration of a specialized license, which is not issued to everyone: you need to meet the conditions prescribed by law. A private individual cannot trade on the stock exchange whenever he pleases; if he is interested in such an area of ​​activity, he directly contacts a broker, which is an investment company with a certain area of ​​specialization. A broker is an intermediary between a private investor and the international market. Of course, the services are not free - usually it is a few percent, although most modern organizations offer fairly favorable conditions and a small commission.

Select: why is it important to choose correctly?

The success of a private investor is directly determined by how responsibly a person approached the selection of an intermediary, and how reliable an organization he chose to work together with. The success of investing is important because it determines not only the present, but also the future of money. In our country there is quite strong inflation, which does not allow one to keep one’s savings in a bank - finances depreciate faster than interest increases, and in fact, investing becomes the only possible method of preserving and increasing one’s property. This means you can’t trust just anyone.

Investments: deceived or not?

Many are convinced that all modern investment organizations are deceptions, defrauding money from honest people. The population has been taught by the bitter experience of financial pyramids, which have occurred in our economy more than once or twice. And there are now scammers pretending to be reliable investment companies. Usually they are quite simple to identify - they offer significantly more profitable services than the market average return. It is necessary to understand that no one in this world gives out money for nothing, and offers that stand out from the ordinary most likely contain a catch.

By carefully examining each option and checking the legal information on the investment proposal, an individual can protect himself from deception. It is necessary to understand that not all investment projects are fraud. Many companies strictly follow established legal standards.

How to find an intermediary?

In the financial market of specialized services there are a lot of legal entities offering the services of mutual funds or investment companies. It is not easy to choose the best option for yourself among them. Many organizations are ready to offer good profits only to clients who immediately provide very large sums of money for management, but not every citizen has the opportunity to become such an important player.

You can start searching at any time - you just need to have access to the World Wide Web. When considering offers, you need to analyze not only the tempting promises of huge interest, but also all the conditions for their provision - the invested amounts, terms, guarantees. Investment companies have their own representative offices on the Internet, even if they are small organizations, and they post all official information on the work process on the website. This allows you to choose the best option for yourself by impartially and leisurely studying the data.

Current documentation

If you cannot find the date of creation, contact details, legal address and statutory documents on the company’s website, it is strictly not recommended to trust such a company, no matter how tempting its offers. Any self-respecting organization, trying to gain the trust of a client, discloses all official data about its form of activity and the tools it uses.

For the first time, investment companies in Russia began operating in 1992. If an organization claims that it has been offering a corresponding range of services on the market for longer, they are probably scammers, swindlers; under no circumstances should you contact them. It is also important to examine all documents posted on the site for logic, consistency, and accuracy of information. If there is an assumption that this is fake documentation, then there is no need to start cooperation - it can lead to unpredictable results. If you have doubts about an organization that has numerous positive reviews on the Internet, you need to think twice about whether to contact it - the responses are not always honest and legal.

And our name is legion

The most preferable option is to work with a large company that has already managed to attract numerous private investors. The more such clients, the larger the organization’s assets, the more investment tools it can use to its benefit. But a company with a small clientele, even under good conditions, can cause loss of money - there is too great a risk that in a difficult economic environment the organization simply will not be able to survive in the chosen market sector. At the same time, you need to understand: long-established, reliable companies will never offer the same profitable options as beginners who are forced to fight with all their might for every client. It is not for nothing that it is customary to say that only those who take risks drink champagne.

The investment business is the most obvious reflection of folk wisdom.

Check reliability

Before concluding an agreement, it is worth finding out what financial instruments the investment company you like uses. It wouldn’t hurt to compare with the list of what more well-known, larger competitors practice. Another important point is the financial tools for depositing and withdrawing funds, as well as the timing of transactions.