Will maternity capital be extended? Deadlines for registration and receipt of maternity capital: latest news

Matkapital in Russia is one of the most effective mechanisms for influencing demographics. It was introduced by the state to increase the birth rate. The process was launched 12 years ago and since then cash payments have almost doubled. According to the program, maternity capital is paid to families who have had a second or more child. If a family has a first child in 2019, then young parents will receive financial assistance only until the baby is one and a half years old.

Maternity capital per child in 2019 in Russia

In Russia, maternity capital for the care and upbringing of the first child is simply called an allowance, which is paid for 1.5 years. The amount of payments does not exceed 189 thousand rubles. The mother receives material resources in the form of money, which is distributed over 18 months. It turns out that young parents are paid 10.5 thousand rubles every 30 days for the birth of a baby.

The family can use the payment to purchase everything the child needs. Officials noted that the allowance allows a mother to not go to work for a year and a half and look after her first-born. Deputies said that monthly payments in 2019 and 2020 will increase to 11 thousand rubles.

Experts are convinced that Russian women will receive help from the country at the birth of one child and can get used to the fact that they have become mothers. Throughout 2018, the amount of maternity capital per child will remain unchanged. According to the country's legislative framework, persons who formalize adoption have the right to receive one hundred percent of the maternity capital. When adopting a baby, mom or dad are entitled to receive payments. If a child is adopted who is not yet 1.5 years old, the new parent will receive 10.5 thousand rubles every month this year.

Features of receiving a new payment for 1 child

Putin only recently signed a document on the payment of maternity capital for the first child. The politician said that many Russians start families at a young age and have children while studying at universities, so they need financial support. Due to low incomes, not everyone wants to have children at the age of 20, so this payment is aimed at stimulating the birth rate in the federation.

At the same time, there are no age restrictions for receiving maternity capital for 1 child in 2018, 2019 and subsequent years in the Russian Federation. To receive over 10 thousand rubles every month, 2 conditions must be met: the baby was born on January 1, 2018; Over the past year, the family’s income did not exceed one and a half subsistence minimum (per person). The latter indicator may be different for each administrative unit.

During his speech, Vladimir Vladimirovich emphasized that the maternity capital for the birth of the first child will be equal to 10 thousand 836 rubles per month in 2019, and in 2020 it will exceed the mark of 11 thousand rubles. Families whose income part of the family budget is more than 1.5 times the subsistence level will not be able to receive material payments.

The issue of indexation of maternity capital has been raised more than once in the highest government bodies. Every year, approximately five million families with two or more children use allocated funds to purchase housing. In this situation, every extra penny counts. The Family Capital Program solves two acute problems - housing and the demographic crisis that began in the nineties.

The amount of maternity capital in 2018

Currently, 453 thousand rubles are allocated from the federal budget for each couple raising two or more children. The funds on the issued certificate are not enough to purchase, for example, a one-room apartment. Moreover, this amount is essential for making the first payment on the mortgage or for paying off the main body of the loan.

However, the fact that there are not enough maternity capital funds to purchase an apartment does not mean that there must be a lot of personal savings. After all, it all depends on the city in which housing is purchased and on the cost of the property.

Already now, potential buyers, having personal savings of one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, are becoming the owners of a 1-room apartment in the Harmony residential area, 9 km from Stavropol. Such an investment is practical and profitable for residential purposes and as an investment.

Indexation of maternity capital

The amount of maternity capital has increased by 81 percent since 2007 and today amounts to 453 thousand rubles. The change in the size of the motherboard is intended to compensate for the increase in prices for goods and services. Over the past two years, the government has decided not to index maternity capital, for which there were objective reasons. This decision was documented in Federal Law No. 444 of December 19, 2018.

Let's look at the indexation of maternity capital on the graph, or in other words, how the amount on the certificate increased over several years.

As you can see, the last three years from 2015 to 2018. the amount of maternity capital did not change. It is currently known that the indexation of maternity capital will resume in 2020, and this process has been introduced as a mandatory element of the program of the national project “Demography”. By this time, families with two or more children will receive increased payments - 470.2 thousand rubles.

The graph also clearly shows that at first indexation exceeded the inflation rate. Somewhere since 2010, the annual increase in the amount of funds on the certificate has become not as significant as before - within two to three tens of thousands of rubles.

Indexation of maternity capital after receiving monthly payments

Since 2018, families with less than 1.5 times the subsistence level per person - the minimum level of income necessary to ensure a certain standard of living in Russia - have been given the right to receive monthly payments from maternity capital. Payments are due until the child turns one and a half years old. How much money will be provided to parents depends on the region in which the couple and children live. As a general rule, the size of a one-time payment coincides with the cost of living of a child in a given region for the 2nd quarter of the previous year. Thus, in the Stavropol Territory, the cost of living per child in the second quarter of 2018 was 9,154 rubles.

It is worth remembering that the amount of the lump sum payment is constantly updated, so it is customary to write an application for the issuance of funds annually.

Many of those who take advantage of this opportunity are interested in the question of whether maternity capital is indexed after receiving lump sum payments.

According to the law, planned growth of funds is carried out regardless of the provision of payments. For example, if in 2016 a family received 25,000 in cash from maternity capital, 331 thousand rubles remained unused. This remainder is indexed. But since the indexation coefficient was 1.0 that year, there was no increase as such.

Latest news and changes

In 2018, the maternity capital program was expanded in connection with the adoption of new measures to provide assistance to families with two or more children. We invite you to find out what else has changed in the law besides the indexation of maternity capital.

Preschool education, child care and supervision

One of the areas where maternity capital funds can be invested by law is preschool education. However, before the changes were made, it was possible to pay for a kindergarten or nursery after three years from the date of birth of the second (third and subsequent) child. Now this rule has been canceled. The right to dispose of funds arises after two months from the date of its acquisition, that is, almost immediately after the birth of the baby.

In this case, placement of the child in a non-budgetary preschool educational institution is allowed. Or payment for the services of a child development center. The only thing that is important is that the organization has a document confirming the right to provide this type of service.

Mortgage on preferential terms for families with two or more children

The government allowed families with two (three or more) children born between 2018 and 2022 to take out a mortgage and pay off the debt with maternity capital. Now you don’t have to wait until your child reaches three years of age. Also, unlike other categories of borrowers, holders of maternity capital can count on a preferential interest rate of 6% per annum. When it comes to choosing housing, the government makes virtually no restrictions - you can choose secondary or primary housing, conclude a deal on shared housing, or invest in building a house. You cannot only purchase dilapidated housing, since in this case we are not talking about improving living conditions.

Even more news on the topic

Among other innovations, it is also worth noting the extension of the family capital program until December 31, 2021. This is good news for young families, and, as mentioned above, the indexation of maternity capital will resume, which means there is a greater likelihood of solving the housing issue.

Please pay attention! State support is not intended for young families whose second or subsequent child was born before January 1, 2007. Also, persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation do not qualify for the program.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

Not all certificate holders are aware of the expanded opportunities of maternity capital.

According to the law, you can spend money on improvement of living conditions, for the child’s education or for the formation of the funded part of the mother’s pension.

Let us describe each of these three points in more detail.

Investing in residential real estate:

    purchase of premises suitable for living, a house or apartment;

    construction of a cottage through the services of a contractor;

    independent construction or restoration of residential premises;

    reimbursement of construction costs or reconstruction of the appearance of a destroyed residential building;

    making a down payment on a mortgage;

    payment of the main body of the mortgage loan;

    transfer of money for the purchase of housing under an agreement of shared participation in construction;

    transfer of funds as a participant in housing, housing and construction savings cooperatives.

A prerequisite for purchasing housing is its location on the territory of the Russian Federation.


  • funds from indexed maternity capital can be used to receive educational services at an accredited institution of higher, secondary and preschool education located within the Russian Federation.

You can pay for the education of any child, including adopted ones. One condition: the child’s age should not exceed 25 years at the start of training.

Formation of the funded part of the labor pension for women:

  • all funds or part of them in the family capital can be invested in the funded part of the labor pension. The savings portion remains in the person’s account and is usually invested.

250 thousand to maternity capital - what is it?

There are often questions on forums about whether an additional payment of 250 thousand rubles is due. This topic is especially concerning due to the lack of indexation of maternity capital for the last three years. In fact, these are nothing more than rumors. There is no supporting information on this matter in official sources. It is quite possible that readers were misled or they confused the numbers, since 250 thousand rubles is the amount of maternity capital in 2007. Therefore, this information can be safely thrown out of your head.

Regional maternity capital

In addition to the federal maternity capital program, there are also family support programs at the regional level. To be more specific, only a few entities provide financial assistance to couples with children, expanding their opportunities to purchase real estate or resolve other pressing issues within the framework of the relevant legislation. In this case, the conditions for receiving benefits, the amount of funds allocated and options for investing them depend on the decision of the regional authorities.

Regarding the areas of use of funds, it should be noted that regional authorities allow the use of regional maternity capital for the rehabilitation of disabled children. For this money, you can also carry out treatment in specialized medical centers, where high-tech methods of therapy are provided.

Registration of maternity capital

So, you have a second child, which means it’s time to think about applying for a government subsidy.

What stages must you go through to receive the long-awaited benefit:

    Issue a birth or adoption certificate for a child;

    Wait until the child is granted Russian citizenship;

    Write an application to receive maternity capital and, together with the rest of the “necessary papers,” provide them to the specialists of the pension fund management;

    After waiting for a positive decision from the pension fund management specialists, receive a certificate.

After which you can think about where it is profitable to invest your money.

Let's sum it up

Currently, families with children are issued a certificate in the amount of 453 thousand rubles.

By 2020, the amount of state subsidies will increase to 470,241 rubles. In 2021, maternity capital will increase to 489,051 rubles. Indexation of maternity capital over these two years will take into account projected inflation.

After receiving lump sum payments, the balance of maternity capital is also indexed.

The options for investing funds on the certificate have been expanded, which means there are more chances to buy good housing, get a better education, transfer even more funds to the funded part of the mother’s pension, etc.

Regional maternity capital can be indexed at the discretion of local authorities.

Will be held in 2020, after which the certificate amount will increase up to 470241 rubles(this value follows from the explanatory note to the draft law on the budget of the Pension Fund for 2019). The federal program will continue until December 31, 2021(unless this period is increased in subsequent years).

The permitted ones remained the same as in 2018:

  • or ;
  • purchase of goods (services) for;

In 2019, the Pension Fund decides to issue a certificate not for 1 month, but 15 days(the corresponding law was signed by the president on October 30, 2018). Another thing is the opportunity to legally use capital to build a house on a garden plot of land.

In addition, on March 18, 2019, Law No. 37-FZ came into effect on amending the law on supporting families with children, aimed at controlling the use of maternity capital.

Will there be indexing?

In 2019, maternal (family) capital (MSC) was indexed wasn't. Although a regular increase in the amount of the certificate taking into account the rate of increase in inflation is provided for by the federal law on maternity capital (Part 2 of Article 6), due to the crisis economic situation in the country, the size of the MSC was frozen in 2016-2019.

During the period when indexation was carried out every year (from 2007 to 2015), capital increased by 81 percent - from 250 to 453 thousand rubles. The most significant increase occurred in 2009 - by 13 percent, and the minimum in 2014 is by 5 percent.

Annual indexation will be resumed from January 1, 2020. Since, according to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, inflation will increase in 2020 and 2021 by 3.8 and 4 percent accordingly, which is lower than in previous years, the amount of capital will increase at a less significant pace.

The cessation of the freeze first became known at a Government meeting in June 2017, during which Dmitry Medvedev announced the indexation of maternity capital. Then, in the fall of 2017, Vladimir Putin spoke about the extension of the federal program until December 31, 2021, the corresponding law No. 432-FZ was signed by the president on December 28, 2017.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019

In 2019, the amount of the MSK certificate is 453026 rubles. Further increases in capital will occur as follows:

  • up to 470241 rubles- in 2020;
  • up to 489051 rubles- in 2021.

These data are given in the explanatory note to draft federal law No. 556363-7 on the budget of the Pension Fund for 2019 and the planning periods 2020-2021. The size of the MC was determined based on the consumer price growth index, which in 2020-2021 will be 3,8% And 4% respectively.

On July 24, 2018, the resumption of regular indexing was confirmed by Tatyana Golikova. Speaking at a meeting of the commission on social and labor relations, the Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs noted that the annual increase in the MSC is an integral part of the Demography project.

Year Amount of maternity capital, thousand rubles Indexation, % Inflation, %
2007 250,000 - 11,9
2008 276,250 10,5 13,3
2009 312,163 13 8,8
2010 343,379 10 8,8
2011 365,698 6,5 6,1
2012 387,640 6 6,6
2013 408,961 5,5 6,5
2014 429,409 5 11,4
2015 453,026 5,5 12,9
2016 453,026 0 5,4
2017 453,026 0 2,5
2018 453,026 0 3,1
2019 453,026 0 4,3
2020 (forecast)470,241 3,8 3,8
2021 (forecast)489,051 4 4

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2019?

In 2019, no new areas for spending maternity capital were added. Certificate funds can be used for the same purposes as in 2018:

  1. Improving living conditions:
    • buying a house, apartment or room;
    • construction or reconstruction of a house.
  2. Payment for education of the child(ren):
    • training in paid educational programs;
    • payment for a hostel while studying at an educational organization;
    • payment for preschool education.
  3. Formation of a mother's funded pension.
  4. Purchasing goods for adaptation in society for disabled children.
  5. Registration monthly allowance for the second child.

You can manage maternity capital through 3 years after birth(adoption) of a child, with whose birth the right to MSC arose. However, in order to direct the certificate funds in some areas, it is not necessary to wait 3 years, among them:

  1. Paying the debt for loans or borrowings(including mortgage) for the purchase or construction of housing:
    • payment of the down payment;
    • repayment of the principal debt;
    • payment of interest.
  2. Maintenance of a child in a kindergarten or nursery (including private ones), as well as payment for other childcare services.
  3. Monthly benefit for the second child born (adopted) from January 1, 2018. Payments are assigned only to those families whose average per capita income not higher than one and a half times the subsistence level established in a specific region for the working population. The amount of the benefit is equal to the child's subsistence level (see table by region).
  4. Compensation of funds spent on the purchase of goods (payment for services) for disabled children included in the individual program of rehabilitation and adaptation (IPRA). List of goods and services for social adaptation and integration into society, for the purchase of which it is allowed to use maternity capital money, is given in the order of the Government

The maternal family capital program, with all its possible shortcomings, really works. At a minimum, it allows many families to partially resolve the issue of their own housing. In other cases, the money provided by the state for the birth of a second child helps solve other problems. Maternity capital in 2019 - what changes await the program, latest news about what the payment will be for the birth of a second child in Russia.

Will the amount of maternity capital change?

One of the sore points that relate to the topic of family capital is the amount that the state provides under this program.

After the maternity capital program appeared, its amount constantly grew. Indexations were carried out once a year, and the initial 250 thousand rubles, which were established in 2007, grew to more than 450 thousand by 2015.

The economic problems that befell Russia in 2014 forced the state to save on everything. One of the saving measures was freezing the amount of maternity capital. If in 2015 family capital was indexed, then from 2016 to 2018 there was no increase. It won't be there in 2019 either.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019 is the same - 453,026 rubles.

This news, by the way, is of interest not only to those who are planning to receive a certificate for maternal capital next year. It also affects those who already have such a certificate in their hands. Any indexation of maternity capital means indexation of the remaining funds for anyone who has such a document and some unspent money allocated by the state under this program.

The next indexation of maternal family capital is planned for 2020. Its amount will increase to 470,241 rubles.

Photo: pixabay.com

Will there be changes to the rules of the family capital program in 2019?

There are no major changes to be expected in the program; they are not planned. All relatively significant innovations came into force at the beginning of 2018. They also became a pre-election maneuver before the election of Vladimir Putin for another term. On the eve of 2019, there is no special need to “appease” people in power.

However, this does not mean that there will be no changes to the maternity capital program at all.

Firstly, an amendment to the legislation is being prepared, thanks to which the certificate will be issued faster. Today, the Pension Fund of Russia has one month at its disposal to respond to the family’s application for maternity capital. The Pension Fund of Russia may give a positive or negative answer within this period. According to the amendments, the response time will be reduced exactly by half - to 15 days.

In practice this is not always necessary. The fact is that in most cases, it is possible to dispose of maternity capital funds only when the child whose birth gave him the right to receive a certificate turns three years old. However, in some situations, the law allows you to dispose of maternal capital immediately (for example, if we are talking about a mortgage or purchasing nanny services). In such situations, gaining two weeks can be significant.

The second innovation is quite important, although it does not directly relate to maternity capital. The fact is that from the beginning of 2019 a new law on summer residents and gardeners comes into force. Under this law, gardening associations automatically become places where individual residential construction is permitted. This means that, as part of the maternal capital program, you can now purchase or build your own house on the territory of the gardening partnership.

Maternity capital in 2019 is provided in accordance with the new Federal Law No. 418. The law specifies the amount of state benefits equal to 453 thousand rubles. The funds are allocated to families with two children and parents with many children whose children were born between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2021. You can receive money from a maternity certificate for purposes established by law. The legislator regularly expands the scope of legal use of allocated funds and simplifies the scheme for obtaining material support.

Changes in 2019

One of the positive innovations is receiving monthly cash amounts until the child is 1.5 years old. It will become easier for parents financially at the initial stage of raising a child. The decision was made based on numerous requests from interested citizens, and is valid for the baby’s date of birth after 01/01/2019.

Major amendments to current provisions:

  • the upper limit for date of birth has been raised until the end of 2021;
  • the right to receive cash monthly is possible at 1.5 minimum wages per family. Money is provided for the maintenance of children under 1.5 years of age;
  • procedure for using the certificate.

Restrictions on some areas of use of parental funds have been lifted. The rights of parents have been expanded and the procedure for paying maternity capital has been simplified.

Since this year, the following opportunities have appeared:

  • preschool education from birth. For example, you can pay for nanny services that are documented;
  • Restrictions on choice and payment for school education have been lifted. If a student attends a non-state institution, this does not serve as a reason for refusing to withdraw funds.

The one-time benefit in the amount of 25 thousand rubles from the maternity certificate money has been canceled since 2019.

The certificate is issued in the amount of 453,026 rubles, the size is the same for all recipients. The surcharge for women who gave birth to children under 35 years of age has been canceled and ceased to apply. The money that can be cashed out from a certificate for a child under 1.5 years old differs in each specific case. Payments depend on the average monthly income of a family living in a particular region. For the current year, data for the 2nd quarter is taken into account. 2017. On average, the benefit amount is about 10 thousand rubles for most federal subjects.

Payments are provided to citizens who apply to the Pension Fund and confirm their rights to monthly contributions. You will need to provide income certificates for the last year, including financial income of all family members. The list of funds taken into account when assigning state support has been approved by the government. If desired, the list can be viewed at the Pension Fund office at your place of residence. Most compensation payments do not count towards the total family income.

Maternity capital: requirements for the applicant

You can contact the Pension Fund for the certificate you are owed at a convenient time before your children reach adulthood. Parents who meet the following requirements can receive government support:

  • the child was born between 2007 and 2021;
  • mother and child have Russian citizenship;
  • the family is registered in the Russian Federation.

For a monthly benefit, additional requirements will be required:

  • the second or subsequent child is under 1.5 years of age;
  • a certificate of income confirms a coefficient of 1.5 minimum wages in a given territory. Figures for the previous year are taken into account.

The listed requirements must be supported by documents; current information is accepted for verification. In doubtful situations, registration of maternity capital is postponed until the controversial issues are clarified. For example, the applicant’s passport may be expired; after restoration of its legal significance, the document is accepted for consideration.

After the birth of the child and receipt of administrative documents, the mother can contact the MFC or Pension Fund. In both cases, a package of documents is required:

  • applicant's passport;
  • certificates of all born and raised children;
  • SNILS for the whole family;
  • marriage certificate.

If we are talking about adoptive parents, then documents on adoption are attached. The father can assert his rights in cases established by law. Maternity capital is issued to the father if the mother is not alive, she is deprived of her rights or is an incapacitated citizen. Applicants can apply in person, by mail or by submitting information online through government services. After verification, you will need to come in person to the Pension Fund office at the recipient’s place of registration to receive the certificate.

Pension service employees are given three months to strictly check the submitted package of documents. A legal representative with confirmed authority may receive a certificate. If dubious information is revealed during the inspection, the applicant will be asked to clarify this point. The received certificate is a legal document of strict accountability. In case of damage or loss of a document, a duplicate is issued at the request of the owner.

Upon application of the mother, the opportunity to receive benefits from the amount of maternity capital is provided. You will need to provide a certificate of income for the previous year from the employer of the father and mother. Employees will make calculations and, based on the results, will respond to the possibility of receiving funds.

The special conditions are:

  • the age of the child up to 6 months at the time of application will allow you to receive accruals starting from the moment of birth;
  • after six months, the money is transferred from the moment the application is submitted.

This approach is due to the fact that mothers can be extremely busy in the first months after childbirth. Payments are not assigned automatically; the owner of the certificate must prove and declare her right. If it is impossible (income more than 1.5 minimum wages) or there is no desire to receive financial support immediately after childbirth, the amount provided by the certificate will remain unchanged.

What to spend maternity capital on

The rules of use remained the same, the scope of children's expenses for education and medical services expanded. The debate regarding the purchase of a family car has not received a positive solution.

The directions for using the funds were determined:

  • acquisition of living space;
  • study and educational goals;
  • rehabilitation activities for people with disabilities;
  • mother's pension.

Program participants are given the opportunity to independently choose their optimal goals. Many families spend their children's capital on purchasing an apartment or major renovation of existing space. The program provides options for purchasing capital real estate; land plots cannot be purchased with the allocated money. Maternity capital can be spent on paying off mortgage interest and the down payment on a mortgage for a new building.

There is an order: employees check the presented object and control the transaction. After concluding an agreement and registering the transaction with Rosreestr, the money is transferred to the seller. The phrase “buy/sell for maternity capital” has become familiar, the scheme has been worked out and is transparent for execution. Purchasing a mortgaged property in a new building is possible taking into account maternal funds. Most banks accommodate families with children and enter into deals to purchase capital assets.

State funds can be used to educate all children in the family. You can pay tuition fees from kindergarten to college at the request of the certificate holder. Money is transferred to the educational institution by non-cash payments upon application to the Pension Fund. Restriction: the organization must be located in the country and have the appropriate licenses. An agreement for the provision of teaching services is concluded, and after approval by the supervisory department of the Pension Fund of Russia, translations begin.

The funded pension for the mother will be increased by the amount of allocated state assistance. When retiring, a woman can count on an increase in her pension savings. Having a child with a disability, you can spend money on treatment and rehabilitation. Maternity funds are spent on any child in the family, and supporting payment documents are provided to the fund.

Receipts and checks allow you to cash out this amount from software. The rules apply to an adopted child with a disability if there are two or more children in the family. Several minors with disabilities will be able to receive individual financial assistance if there are medical indications.

Using illegal cash withdrawal methods will result in criminal prosecution. The legal scheme is the following: take out a bank loan for the purchase of living space and cover the obligations with the money of the certificate. If the loan size is equal to or less than government money, then a transparent and legal scheme will solve the family's housing problems.

Options for purchasing a property at a fictitious price are calculated by government agency employees. The woman is deprived of her certificate and held accountable. Employees have the right to monitor a suspicious transaction and go to the place of purchase. It is recommended to reconstruct the home, purchase a country house for a family vacation, or take the necessary actions. You shouldn’t go against the law, money has a purpose. You cannot legally receive cash; you should remember the requirement not to violate the order of the federal program.

How to get maternity capital in 2019?