Useful information. The need to obtain a permit for the construction of a warehouse How to obtain a permit for the construction of a hangar warehouse

Art. 51 clause 17 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation:

17. The issuance of a construction permit is not required in the following cases:

1) construction of a garage on a land plot provided to an individual for purposes not related to business activities, or construction on a land plot provided for gardening or dacha farming;

2) construction, reconstruction of objects that are not capital construction objects (kiosks, sheds and others);

3) construction of buildings and structures for auxiliary use on the land plot;

4) changes to capital construction projects and (or) their parts, if such changes do not affect the structural and other characteristics of their reliability and safety and do not exceed the maximum parameters of permitted construction and reconstruction established by town planning regulations;

4.1) major repairs of capital construction projects;

4.2) construction, reconstruction of boreholes provided for by a technical project for the development of mineral deposits or other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil areas prepared, agreed upon and approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on subsoil;

5) other cases, if in accordance with this Code, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities, obtaining a construction permit is not required.

Art. 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation:

– a capital construction facility - a building, structure, structure, objects whose construction has not been completed (hereinafter referred to as unfinished construction objects), with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and other similar structures.

Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Immovable and movable things

1. Immovable things (real estate, real estate) include land plots, subsoil plots and everything that is firmly connected to the land, that is objects whose movement without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible, including buildings, structures, unfinished construction projects. Immovable property also includes aircraft and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, and space objects subject to state registration. The law may classify other property as immovable property. 2. Things not related to real estate, including money and securities, are recognized as movable property. Registration of rights to movable things is not required, except in cases specified in the law.

Based on the above legal framework, when constructing a hangar that is a collapsible structure (in most cases we are talking about arched hangars) without a foundation, or with a lightweight foundation on piles, permission for its (hangar) construction is not required.

What kind of foundation is needed for tent hangars?

Regarding this issue, the Buyer of the structure must first decide whether the structure will be stationary (permanent) or temporary (mobile). If the structure is still temporary, that is, it is expected to be subsequently dismantled and moved to a new location, then you can do without preparing the foundations by installing the hangar on the ground, asphalt, road slabs, foundation blocks, fill, etc.

If stationary operation of the hangar is planned, then it is better to prepare a foundation base, but unlike foundations for heavier structures, foundations for tent hangars are less massive, based on the plan of the hangar’s support plates with the calculated loads on each support (which we provide) and the geology of the soil .

Do I need permission to build tent hangars?

Here you need to determine for yourself how the construction will be carried out as a temporary building, that is, an object of movable property, or as a permanent structure, that is, a real estate object.

Based on the fact that our tent hangars consist of prefabricated metal elements, and all connections are bolted, moving the hangar without disproportionate damage is perhaps one of the main criteria for determining the temporary nature of the structure.

However, if it is necessary to carry out the construction as a real estate object, then obtaining a construction permit, as well as coordination of project stages, passing a mandatory state examination (in cases where the structure is more than 1,500 sq.m.), as well as its subsequent registration are required.

Are tent hangars designed for snow and wind loads?

Naturally, during the design process, the climatic loads of the region where the hangar is installed are calculated, and depending on the snow and wind loads, our design department selects the pitch of the arches, the cross-section and thickness of the pipes. Also, upon completion of shipment, along with a passport for our hangars and certificates for all materials used, we provide a load calculation (DCS).

How to protect a structure from vandalism?

In fact, protecting a hangar from vandalism is quite simple - it is to ensure the security of the facility. Well, but seriously, in cold-design structures the side walls of the structure are sheathed with corrugated sheets; in insulated structures, hangar walls are usually sheathed with sandwich panels.

Which awning is better, European, Asian or domestic?

The task of any awning covering is to protect its base. According to all technical indicators of awning materials of the same density, such as: thread thickness, tensile strength, adhesion, almost all materials are the same. The task of any PVC is to protect its base from destruction, the basis of the material, just as its light resistance is protected by a layer of varnish. Thus, the best awning material is where there is a layer of varnish, and even better if the awning material has a double-sided varnish coating. Double-sided varnish coating of awning materials is found, as a rule, in awning materials of the G1 flammability group from European manufacturers. Such materials have a service life of 20 years or more and greater light resistance. The service life of materials with a one-sided varnish coating is 12 years or more.

The choice of awning material in a particular hangar depends on the purpose of the structure and the client’s budget.

Is the awning frost-resistant?

Almost all awning materials we use have frost resistance down to -50C, there are special materials with frost resistance up to -55C. That is, when the tents are stretched over the hangar, they are not afraid of frost. However, installation of awning coverings, as a rule, is carried out at a temperature of -15C. Thus, the information that tent hangars are not installed in winter is also a misconception.

How to protect the hangar frame from corrosion?

If your budget allows, then treating the hangar frame with “hot-dip galvanizing” will ideally protect the frame from corrosion.

Our company selects paint and varnish materials and the degree of metal purification depending on the purpose of the hangar and the operating environment in accordance with the requirements of SP 28.13330.2012.2012. (SNiP 2.03.11-85).

Is it possible to heat tent hangars?

Yes, it can be heated, you can consider purchasing a “semi-insulated” hangar - a two-layer tent shell with an air gap, in this case for a hangar with an area of ​​1,500 sq.m. to maintain a temperature of +15C, a power of 200 kW will be required, or consider purchasing a hangar with a two-layer tent shell with insulation, in this case, depending on the thickness of the insulation, the heat loss of the hangar will decrease and to maintain a hangar of 1500 sq.m. temperature +17C, a power of 100 kW will be sufficient. The heating system of hangars depends on the heat sources that you have, this can be air-gas heating, infrared heaters, a system for pumping warm air from hot water, pellet boilers, and so on.

What is the construction lead time?

If the client chooses a previously produced design, the production time for any design is no more than 3 weeks. The average hangar production time is 30 calendar days. Construction area up to 1000 sq.m. installed in 10 days, 1,500 sq.m. – 14 days, from 2000 sq.m. from 20 days.

Is it possible to install a beam crane on tent hangars?

Yes, it is possible, but only if the hangar is designed in advance for the installation of a crane beam with a particular load capacity. In our practice, in a hangar for the repair and maintenance of large mining equipment, we implemented a tent hangar with a suspended crane beam with a lifting capacity of 10 tons.

Granting a permit allowing the construction of a hangar is possible only after the completion of the approval procedure for the completed set of design documentation. The commissioning of a building into operational mode is also preceded by a number of additional approval procedures from authorized authorities.

Coordinating the construction of a hangar planned for construction is a rather lengthy undertaking, since the initiator of the work will have to take part in a huge number of bureaucratic delays. Most people who have not previously encountered such procedures perceive coordination as a difficult and illogical phenomenon. None of the approval stages is complete without communication with representatives of regulatory authorities.

Unscrupulous contractors try in every possible way to shift the burden of approval onto the customer himself, thereby creating additional difficulties for him.

Features of design coordination

For all objects located on the territory of our country, uniform standards have been adopted for the implementation of events subject to approval. Subjects can only slightly expand the list of documentation that is required by the authorized body to consider the problem on its merits. In the standard case, the set of papers required to be provided includes:

  • Specifications that allow you to justify the feasibility of erecting a building in a specified location;
  • title documentation in the name of the applicant;
  • a set of project files;
  • application from the developer, duly completed.

If the area of ​​the future structure is less than 1500 sq.m., then there is no need to organize state examination.

The enterprise is the owner of a certain territory on which the management plans to build a new metal hangar for storing product units prepared for sale. The hangar must have a collapsible design. In such a situation, is a permit required to begin construction activities?

Russian legislative norms in the urban planning sector indicate the need to consider a construction permit as a form reflecting full compliance of the content of the design documentation with current standards. The presence of the appropriate form indicates the legality of construction activities or procedures organized by the developer for the reconstruction of a capital structure, or the organization of major repairs of buildings. Exceptions are provided only for individual cases.

Also, legislative norms indicate an urgent need for the developer to obtain a permit form when the repair and construction procedures planned by him may affect the reliability of the building, the safety of people nearby, and the durability of the structure.

In what cases does the issuance completely lose its relevance? We are talking about situations where the structure belongs to real estate, or its existence is temporary.

In Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the concept of real estate and movable property is given, from which applicants can base their further actions. Any structure that has a close relationship with the territory located underneath it can be classified as real estate. This concept also applies to the entire list of objects, the movement of which without causing disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible. For such buildings, the provision of a building permit is a mandatory step. Its organization must take place in accordance with current Russian urban planning standards.

Courts follow a similar approach when determining whether a particular building belongs to the category of movable or immovable property. Representatives of judicial authorities are especially careful to check whether a building has the characteristic features of a permanent or temporary structure. The court has sufficient jurisdiction to determine the physical and legal relationship of a building with the territory it occupies.

Most cases from judicial practice allow us to draw an unambiguous conclusion that metal hangars should be considered as real estate. The judges are based on the presence of the characteristic features of a permanent structure:

  • arrangement on a strip foundation with a concrete floor and metal openings;
  • the presence of walls, ceilings and roofs made of galvanized metal sheets;
  • availability of a technical passport indicating the possibility of organizing electric lighting.

To correctly answer the question, the characteristics of real estate are subjected to a comprehensive study. This allows you to identify:

  • the presence or absence of a close relationship between the building and the ground located underneath it;
  • the intended purpose of the future hangar;
  • the presence or absence of a foundation for the building, whether the foundation belongs to a certain type;
  • the presence of main walls and ceilings;
  • presence of communication inputs.

In addition to the above parameters, other technical characteristics of the structure intended to be created are analyzed. A large-scale approach to the issue of auditing a building makes it possible to obtain an adequate answer to the question posed.

Magazine "Real Estate and Investments. Legal Regulation"

Legal regulation of the construction of temporary and auxiliary facilities, as well as the construction of unauthorized buildings

Emelyanov A.S., Spetsstroyservis-R LLC

Modern Russian legislation, while quite fully regulating legal relations in the field of construction activities in the form of normative establishment of various requirements for the construction of real estate, nevertheless, in some cases, provides for a simplified procedure for the construction of structures: in particular, without the need to obtain a construction permit, carry out state examination of design documentation.

And if a legislative simplification of the procedure for legalizing country real estate used for the purposes of gardening and personal farming (the so-called dacha amnesty) has appeared relatively recently, then the simplified procedure for the construction of real estate for other purposes has been known to Russian law for quite a long time.

The relations regarding the subsequent recognition of ownership of constructed objects very closely intersect with the above-mentioned legal relations for construction, which is reflected and discussed in this article.

Let's try to figure out in what cases entrepreneurs and legal entities can take advantage of this simplified procedure for legalizing their buildings and structures.

According to paragraph 17 of Art. 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (GrK RF) no building permits required in particular in the following cases:

  • construction of facilities, that are not objects of capital construction (kiosks, canopies, etc.);
  • construction of buildings and structures on a land plot auxiliary use.

According to paragraph 10 of Art. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a capital construction object (CCF) is a building, structure, structure, as well as objects of unfinished construction, excluding temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and other similar structures.

Thus, the legislator does not classify temporary buildings of various kinds as OKS, for which the issuance of construction permits is not required. Construction permits are not required for the construction of structures or buildings for auxiliary use, which, however, following the meaning of the law, can be considered as OKS if at the same time they do not represent temporary buildings.

A significant legal difference between temporary buildings and auxiliary structures is that temporary buildings, due to their design features and based on existing judicial practice, are not subsequently recognized as real estate, i.e. it will be impossible to register ownership of them.

Based on para. 1 clause 1 art. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a thing can be classified as immovable if it has a strong connection with the land and it is impossible to move it without disproportionate damage to its purpose. Also, strength and non-consumability are indicated as necessary characteristics of real estate in the theory of civil law. In this regard, temporary portable structures of a prefabricated type (tents, kiosks, pavilions, etc.) are logically excluded from the composition of real estate.

The above legal definitions of real estate, enshrined in legislation, are currently the main criteria for recognizing objects as such in court.

In addition, the characteristics inherent to real estate and associated with continuity with the ground include such characteristic features as the presence of a foundation and the impossibility of separating an object from the foundation without causing significant damage to it, the presence of various communications in it: gas, electricity, water and etc., quite high cost (temporary buildings, on the contrary, do not have foundations, they are basically prefabricated structures that can be moved to any other place without much damage to them; as a rule, less money is spent on their construction a lot of money and time).

Meanwhile, the existence of such a generally evaluative algorithm and the absence of any legislative codification of a specific list of objects that should be classified as real estate often results in both state registration as real estate of structures that are not such, and an unlawful refusal to register real real estate objects property, which in the future can lead to legal disputes in which the court sorts out the essence of the existing relations and establishes whether this or that object belongs to the RCS (real estate) or not and whether the ownership of it is subject to registration.

In this regard, when deciding whether to classify a particular object as real estate, it can be recommended to adhere to the following rule: a building or structure can be classified as real estate only if their movement is impossible without disproportionate damage to them.

Considering the issue of temporary buildings, we can conclude that the legislator classifies all public buildings as real estate, and temporary buildings that are not public buildings will be movable things, i.e. it is assumed that they can be moved without any damage to their purpose and intended use.

Thus, clause 1.1 of GrN 81-05-01-2001 includes temporary buildings and structures that are specially erected or adapted for the construction period: production, warehouse, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures necessary for construction and installation work and servicing construction workers .

In clause 1.2 of the Regulations on the placement of temporary buildings that are not capital construction projects on the territory of the city of Yaroslavl, temporary buildings that are not OKS also include buildings (structures) that are not related to real estate objects: sites equipped with a canopy for waiting for passengers of public transport, with a kiosk (stop complex), areas for learning to drive vehicles, temporary parking lots and parking lots, temporary trade and service facilities. Temporary buildings also include antenna and mast structures for cellular communications.

The classification of specific buildings as temporary in the event of a trial is made by the court, based on the existing legislative and theoretical-practical characteristics of real estate. In particular, in its arbitration appeal court indicated that despite the fact that currently no regulatory act fully defines a “temporary structure”, this does not mean that because of this it is impossible to classify this or that structure as temporary structures, based on the general requirements of the law, and the mere presence of central heating and water supply in a structure cannot yet indicate that such a structure is an immovable thing.

The Federal Arbitration Court also produced an additional, in comparison with the legislative, list of objects that cannot be classified as OKS (real estate) and which are temporary buildings. In this ruling, the court indicated, with reference to paragraph 1 of Art. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, that the creation of all kinds of easily erected structures, light prefabricated structures indicates the absence of a strong connection of such objects with the ground and the possibility of moving them without compromising their purpose, and therefore these objects are non-permanent structures and cannot be classified as real estate : including objects that do not have a foundation, with walls and ceilings made of metal structures, shopping arcades... From all this, the court concludes that ownership of these objects is not subject to state registration in accordance with Art. 131 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, since they are not real estate objects, because are buildings that are not related to capital construction projects, and are also objects of auxiliary use.

Thus, the legislation and existing judicial practice put a de facto equal sign between a real estate object and a public building, and temporary buildings are not classified as one of this category of objects as not having the necessary characteristics. Accordingly, the ownership of temporary buildings as movable things is not subject to state registration, and in the case of filing documents for registration of such buildings, the registering authorities must refuse to accept documents on the specified basis.

However, the mere receipt by a person of a certificate of ownership of an object does not automatically lead to the court recognizing this object as real estate in the absence of the necessary documents confirming the classification of the object as real estate - the allocation of the corresponding plot for capital construction, etc. In this regard, it follows distinguish between a trade pavilion as a public space and a temporary pavilion that is not real estate.

In another case, the court considered that a shopping pavilion is an immovable object (OKS) on the basis that it was agreed upon and built by a legal entity precisely as a capital construction object with registration and approval required in accordance with the law, despite the fact that the municipal authority authorities insisted that a legal entity does not have the right to build a permanent building.

In a different situation, the court, having established that the disputed structure - a prefabricated trade pavilion does not meet the criteria established by regulatory legal acts for classifying the object as real estate, since it is a non-stationary, temporary structure that did not receive a construction permit in connection with this and was erected on land for short-term lease, declared the state registration of ownership of this object illegal. And the conclusion of the State Unitary Enterprise Central Research Institute of Building Structures, available in the case materials, according to which the disputed structure was permanent and not temporary, did not affect the said court decision.

If, from the documents issued by the authorized body carrying out technical registration, it follows that the object has signs indicating that it is firmly connected to the ground, i.e. is an object, the movement of which without disproportionate damage to its purpose is impossible, then the registering authority carries out state registration of the right to such an object. Therefore, when it follows from the case materials that the will of the local government body was actually aimed at creating a real estate object, despite the fact that the specified object is called in the documents a temporary trade and exhibition pavilion, the court recognizes such an object as real estate.

Unlike temporary buildings, recognition of an object as an auxiliary structure cannot automatically lead to a refusal to recognize this object as real estate (RMP): being an auxiliary structure and not being a temporary structure, the object will simultaneously be real estate, i.e. ownership of it will be subject to state registration.

What does the legislation classify as auxiliary structures, which, however, are also not required to obtain a building permit?

According to GOST 27751-88 “Reliability of building structures and foundations,” buildings and structures for auxiliary use should be understood as structures of a reduced level of responsibility. These include greenhouses, greenhouses, summer pavilions, small warehouses and similar structures. Of course, such structures can be not only temporary, but also stationary (immovable): for example, a warehouse fundamentally built to serve a shopping complex or a holiday home.

Of Soviet legislation, paragraph 20 of the Letter of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR dated 03/09/1977 No. 15-1-103, which stated that non-residential civil buildings also include capital non-residential buildings, is of interest. auxiliary purpose, For example: the structure of a bathhouse, laundry, catering unit, garage, etc., located on the land plot of a special-purpose building(hospitals, sanatoriums, dispensaries, etc.). As we can see, this contained an approximate list of auxiliary structures, although for some reason they were simultaneously classified by the legislator as capital (whether this concept meant a full-fledged OKS or the legislator really meant an auxiliary structure in their modern interpretation is not entirely clear from the above normative act of the Soviet period due to the lack of a specific definition of these terms in it).

In accordance with clause 6 of the Explanations on the application of the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regarding the implementation of state construction supervision, the criterion for classifying buildings and structures as auxiliary is the presence on the land plot in question of a main building, structure or structure, in relation to which the new building or structure performs auxiliary or service function. Such structures include mobile prefabricated and container buildings and warehouses, garages, checkpoints for protecting objects and other similar structures. That is, this list of auxiliary structures contains both clearly temporary objects and stationary ones.

In this regard, the position of Gosstroy is also interesting, on whose website at one time it was explained that, for example, a swimming pool next to a country house or dacha will be an auxiliary structure, but a swimming pool built for sports and entertainment purposes as an independent structure is considered an auxiliary building. appointment cannot apply.

At the same time, taking into account such evaluative concepts in various regulations, a person, in the event of controversial situations, must provide strong evidence that the constructed structure is of an auxiliary nature: for example, an enterprise explained in court that on the territory of the agricultural complex it built a feed warehouse on the site of an existing one and a new one. rendering the same warehouse unusable, classifying it as an auxiliary building for livestock farms, and therefore did not receive any permits for its construction. Meanwhile, the court did not agree with this point of view, indicating in its ruling the following: since, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
the creation of structures on the site of demolished capital construction projects also refers to construction, and there is no evidence that the constructed warehouse belongs to auxiliary buildings in the case materials, then the conclusion that the enterprise did not require permits for the construction of this warehouse is unfounded in this situation and, accordingly , the construction of such a facility is illegal.

It should be especially noted that it is important for the construction subject not to make a mistake when classifying a property to one or another of these categories, since such an error may subsequently lead to the fact that the subject will be sure that he does not need to obtain permission for the construction of real estate, having considered it for an object of an auxiliary nature, which is fraught with the impossibility of making purchase and sale transactions with such an object and its demolition as an unauthorized building and within the framework of Art. 222 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

However, here it must be borne in mind that, within the meaning of this article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, only OKS (real estate) can be recognized as unauthorized buildings, and temporary buildings will not be considered unauthorized buildings, from which it follows that if the disputed object is not real estate (it is collapsible structure), then it cannot be demolished in accordance with the provisions of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, i.e. at the expense of the person who built it.

Thus, the court found that a gas station, which is a real estate object (capital construction), was illegally built on a land plot allocated on a lease basis for the construction of a temporary non-capital gas station, and therefore the constructed facility constitutes an unauthorized construction, the ownership of which is not arises because it is not the object of civil rights and, therefore, its purchase and sale and registration of ownership of it will be illegal.

As for the issue of bringing to administrative responsibility for the lack of necessary permits during the construction of objects, in order to lawfully bring a person to it, the supervisory authority must find out what kind of permission the person brought to such responsibility needed to obtain: for the construction of a separately constructed building or for a complex buildings under construction at the same address. If such circumstances are not adequately taken into account when imposing an administrative penalty, then bringing a person to justice may subsequently be recognized as illegal. Accordingly, if it turns out that the object for the construction of which a person was held administratively liable for construction without permission will be a temporary or auxiliary structure, then such liability of the person will be unlawful.


1. Resolution of the mayor of Yaroslavl dated May 15, 2007 No. 1519 “On the placement in the city of Yaroslavl of temporary buildings that are not objects of capital construction” (together with the “Regulation on the placement of temporary buildings that are not objects of capital construction on the territory of the city of Yaroslavl”) .

2. Resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated March 2, 2009 No. 09AP-2171/2009-AK in case No. A40-74887/08-153-625.

3. Resolution of the Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated January 29, 2009 in case No. A60-19089/2008.

4. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated February 13, 2008 No. KG-A41/159-08 in case No. A41-K1-2108/07.

5. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated October 4, 2005 No. KG-A41/9448-05.

6. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated July 26, 2007, July 27, 2007 No. KG-A40/7019-07-P in case No. A40-22340/06-50-178.

7. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated July 5, 2006 No. KG-A40/5041-06 in case No. A40-50476/05-50-462.

8. Resolution of the Eighteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated March 12, 2009 No. 18AP-1499/2009 in case No. A07-15333/2008.

9. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated December 26, 2006 in case No. A05-10593/2006-29.

10. Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2009 No. VAS-3873/09 in case No. A14-6848/2007-263/32.

11. Resolution of the Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated January 12, 2009 in case No. A41-K1-13135/07.

12. Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated June 8, 2009 No. VAS-6731/09 in case No. A76-25766/2007-4-677/150.

13. Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated August 27, 2008 No. KA-A40/7698-08 in case No. A40-17171/08-79-213.

EMELYANOV Alexander Sergeevich. Experience in legal work - since 2001. Legal consultant of Spetsstroyservis-R LLC.

Arched hangars, construction of hangars. Peculiarities.

The main feature of this construction of hangars there will be high speed. That is, frameless construction technology can significantly increase the speed of work. In addition, the absence of labor-intensive work and supporting metal structures in the construction arched hangars ensures ease of construction in any conditions. It is also worth highlighting the technological process, which involves construction of frameless hangars with minimal participation of equipment and qualified personnel due to production automation.

Hangars price. Arched hangars.

This issue will be no less important for the customer than product quality. In particular, prefabricated structures and arched hangars will be less expensive than standard designs by half. That is, when choosing a reliable prefabricated hangar the client saves costs twice as early as at the construction stage, and also saves during operation due to minimal maintenance requirements.

Please note that the cost arched hangar will depend on its internal area. The calculation is carried out based on the actual space used, which is carefully calculated and indicated in the project. At the same time, cost savings are based on several points at once - no need to form a foundation, minimal load on supporting structures, as well as a significant expansion of internal space due to the exclusion of additional elements for strengthening in construction prefabricated building .

Choosing prefabricated hangars , the client gets the opportunity to install the structure in a minimum time due to ready-made sets of structures.

Separately, we should highlight the possibility of installing this type non-constructed buildings in difficult climatic conditions. Our arched hangars provide for prolonged precipitation, large amounts of snow or heavy rain. In any of these situations, the structure will not be damaged and will keep transport, grain or any other things inside frameless hangar . Moreover, construction is possible even in those areas where the use of heavy equipment is not possible.

Arched hangars. Models of frameless hangars.

Our company offers to choose prefabricated building , which will be an ideal option in each specific case. First of all, the length arched hangar is not limited by anything other than the imagination or desire of our clients. That is, you can form a structure of any length. The width is selected depending on the type of structure. You can create a hangar up to 21 meters wide even in difficult operating conditions.

All types of models and designs arched hangars are distinguished by high quality and durability. We suggest using prefabricated buildings , which will be truly the best option for storing equipment, grain, or even raising livestock. You choose the option yourself collapsible hangar , which will satisfy all requirements.

It is important to emphasize that we have already developed and implemented many unique projects that allow you to immediately formulate a task and create arched hangar for the workshop, perform construction of frameless warehouses or other options for prefabricated buildings. You can explore the entire range of products, as well as supplement ready-made projects with your wishes and requirements.

When choosing a separate project, our experts recommend paying attention to factors such as dimensions, insulation or design arched hangar. Accordingly, we will help you choose prefabricated building, which will be ideal for your purposes and easy to operate in a specific climate zone.

Prefabricated collapsible hangar price from 2100 rub/m2 .

Arched hangar, which has the greatest security. Resistance to severe climatic conditions is ensured by the thoughtful design of the hangar (thickness and slope of the walls, steel coating, and so on). Givenprefabricated building can be used as a warehouse, workshop, garage box, storage or other purposes.

Prefabricated collapsible hangar price from 2650 rub/m2 .

Represents a high-riseframeless hangar with maximum usable area. An arched hangar can be used in any field of activity and for any purpose.

. S

Frameless hangar can be up to 15 meters wide and used as a farm, warehouse or storage. A special feature of the design is the absence of internal jumpers, trusses or columns, which ensures comfortable use of the usable area.

Hangars construction of prefabricated collapsible hangars.

The company "super HANGAR" is the official distributor With boron collapsible hangars , produced using Canadian technology.

Innovative Canadian technology construction of hangars allows you to achieve stability, strength and durability of the structure with minimal labor costs. It only takes a few days to complete the installation. frameless hangars , which can stand for an unlimited amount of time with virtually no need for additional care measures.

This technique is the result of more than 60 years of development, which made it possible to create the optimal technology for performing construction of hangars in any conditions.

Hangars. Construction of frameless hangars. Installation.

Among the features that characterize construction of hangars , we can highlight the simplicity of the work process. In particular, such work includes only three main stages:

Production - All parts of the structure are manufactured at the factory and are immediately ready for installation on site.

Delivery - Transportation of parts of the structure is carried out by any transport of the customer’s choosing.

Assembly - All parts of the structure are quickly assembled due to a well-thought-out system. The technology can be compared to assembling a regular construction set with huge dimensions of each part.

Features of the material - In production prefabricated hangars they use structural steel with class 1 coating. In addition, when , the base material is coated with zinc, which also increases the service life and improves its characteristics.

In particular, the material arched hangars has the following properties: minimal exposure to moisture, which eliminates corrosion processes during operation; resistance to mechanical stress due to the strength of the material; no deformation when exposed to temperature; fire safety - the material is not flammable; safe for human use; no release of harmful substances when heated or other negative factors.

Of course, these are not all the features of using structural steel in the formation prefabricated hangars various types of purposes. In order to clarify more detailed characteristics of the material, you can contact the service managers, who will provide a complete description of each type of hangar.

Installation of an arched hangar- First of all, construction of arched hangars will not require heavy equipment or a large staff of specialists. Well-thought-out technology involves the participation of a limited number of professionals and an automated process, which also eliminates errors or flaws in the construction of the structure.

Construction of arched hangars, prefabricated and dismountable. Main stages.

Formation of the foundation - This is the initial stage, which requires the creation of a foundation - preparation of the site and foundation for construction of arched hangars and structures. A strip foundation is used, which allows the structure to be firmly secured and stable.

Assembly - It should be emphasized that construction of arched hangars has a specific methodology; each kit comes with detailed assembly instructions. This assembly method eliminates welding and damage to the material structure. All structural parts are assembled using bolted connections.

Moreover, during the assembly stage arched hangar Additional gaskets are used to increase strength and resistance to moisture or precipitation. Gaskets also provide better protection for storage of equipment, grain or materials.

Installation - It is important to emphasize that the assembly of all parts prefabricated hangar carried out on a flat area, and only then is it fastened and the arches are transferred to the foundation. That is, the structure of the arches is transferred and secured with anchors to the foundation, ensuring high quality installation and strength arched hangar.

Length selection - Note that construction of arched hangars can be made in various sizes, and the length of the structure is chosen by the customer himself. At the same time, it is formed by installing a certain number of arched structures. That is, the number of arches that will be installed will determine the length of the structure itself.

Building broach - This stage requires strong fastening of all bolts to connect the arches to the foundation. Accordingly, at this stage the structure is secured, but without installing the ends.

D additional equipment and hangar ends - This stage will be the final one. Ends, additional equipment ordered by the client, as well as gates, ventilation or doors and windows are installed.

Special panels can be installed to transmit light or other parts of the structure, which can be studied in the catalog.

The construction of any buildings requires obtaining permits, but in the case of modular buildings, this stage allows you to get by with slightly less paperwork, which means it significantly saves your time and, more importantly, money. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? Let's quickly figure out where these benefits come from and how you can take advantage of them. As in everything related to construction activities, here we will need the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Let's start with it.

Benefits of modular construction

The construction of mobile buildings does not require state examination (this is true for any buildings whose area does not exceed 1500 sq. m). To build a building on any site, documents confirming ownership of it are required. According to the Civil Code (Article 263, paragraph 1), the owner can carry out construction, reconstruction, or demolition of buildings on his site (he can also give permission to other persons for such work).

It is worth considering that there are restrictions on the use of the site. Land legislation divides lands into categories according to their intended use. Violation of this clause entails unpleasant consequences for the owner. Capital buildings are permitted to be erected only if a building permit is available. Modular buildings that do not have a foundation and do not require the construction of enclosing and load-bearing structures do not belong to the category of permanent buildings. According to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Article 51, clause 17), there is no need to obtain a permit for such construction.

Mandatory minimum documents

One of the main documents is the architectural project. Design begins if the customer has the legal right to develop this particular site (ownership rights or permits from the owner).

All documents (building plan, architectural solution, design plan for reinforced concrete and metal structures) must be drawn up taking into account the legislation and engineering and technical requirements in force in the Russian Federation.

The production of a prefabricated structure begins after the following package of documents has been collected:

  • Certificate of right to use the site;
  • Draft draft;
  • Project approval - permitting documents are issued by authorities supervising compliance with standards (environmental, fire, sanitary);
  • Architectural solution (AR);
  • Technical conditions for making engineering connections;
  • Projects for reinforced concrete and metal structures (KZh and KM).

Specifications requiring approval by the relevant authorities (at the regional level):

  • Conducting communication systems (cold and hot water supply, electricity, gas, sewerage, heating);
  • Creation of reclamation systems;
  • Landscaping of the area adjacent to the construction and removal of waste from the territory.

Authorities to contact:

  • Sanitary epidemiology;
  • Fire Safety Inspectorate;
  • Supervision of AR (architectural solution);
  • Geodesy Service.

Components for modular buildings are manufactured in accordance with the architectural design. The basis is projects on CM and QOL.

Our modular technologies

We apply the most modern approaches in the field of construction of prefabricated structures. We offer both ready-made solutions and develop individual projects.