The procedure for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital (step-by-step instructions). Documents and conditions for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital Documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

What documents must be submitted to the territorial office of the Pension Fund to repay the mortgage with maternity capital in 2018? It is no secret that a family that has taken out a mortgage loan and received a certificate for maternity capital can pay off its debt to the bank or part of it with maternity capital funds. We will tell you about the documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital in the article.

Motherboard capabilities increased

In 2018, unlike the previous year, the number of possible options for spending funds has been increased. Now maternity capital can be spent for the following purposes (Part 3, Article 7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ, Articles 2, 4 of the Federal Law of July 28, 2010 No. 241-FZ):

  • improvement of housing conditions (including repayment of mortgages and loans);
  • children's education;
  • increase in the funded part of the pension;
  • purchasing goods and services for the social adaptation of a disabled child;
  • monthly cash payments for low-income families;
  • keeping a child in a nursery or kindergarten.

For more information about possible areas for spending maternity capital, see “”.

In order to use government money, you need to collect the appropriate set of documents. What documents are needed for the Pension Fund to pay off the mortgage? Let's talk about this in detail.

Since January 1, 2007, the country has been operating a state program of assistance to families with children - maternity (family) capital. Mat capital is understood as a measure of state support for families in which a second or subsequent child was born (adopted). As part of this program, the state allocates funds to the family for certain targeted expenses, for example, to improve housing conditions or educate children.

Before you start talking about what documents are needed to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital 2018, you need to remember the need to issue a certificate for maternity capital. Without this document, no subsequent actions to receive funds from the Pension Fund are possible. Obtaining a certificate is the first necessary step to obtain financing. Only after the certificate is issued will the documents necessary to repay the mortgage with maternity capital 2018 be required.

We pay off the mortgage using matcap

Maternity capital funds can be used to improve housing conditions, including (clauses 2, 3, 15 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 No. 862, Part 1 of Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256- Federal Law):

  • acquisition or construction of housing through transactions;
  • construction and reconstruction of housing on your own, including with the involvement of contractors;
  • to pay a down payment when receiving a loan (loan) for the purpose of purchasing (constructing) housing;
  • repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest on loans and borrowings taken out for the purchase or construction of housing;
  • repayment of principal and interest on loans and borrowings taken out to repay a previously received loan or loan for the purchase (construction) of housing.

To use maternity capital to pay off a mortgage, documents are submitted to the Pension Fund (clause 13 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 No. 862):

  • contract for the purchase and sale of housing or equity participation in construction with a state registration mark;
  • passport of the certificate holder’s spouse and marriage certificate (if the spouse is indicated in the housing purchase agreement);
  • credit agreement (loan agreement) for the purchase (construction) of housing;
  • a mortgage agreement that has passed state registration (if the credit agreement (loan agreement) provides for its conclusion);
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate with information about the ownership of housing purchased or built using credit (borrowed) funds;
  • a document confirming the non-cash transfer of money under the loan agreement to a bank account;
  • a notarized written obligation of the person (persons) in whose ownership the residential premises are registered, to register the residential premises in common shared ownership with the spouse and children;
  • copy of the construction permit;
  • a certificate from the creditor about the amount of the balance of the principal debt and interest debt for using the credit (loan) or a certificate from the person selling the residential premises under an installment purchase agreement about the amount of the remaining unpaid amount under the agreement;
  • a previously concluded credit agreement (loan agreement) for the purchase (construction) of housing - in the case of using maternity capital funds to repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans and borrowings;
  • an extract from the register of members of the cooperative (a document confirming the submission of an application for admission to membership of the cooperative, or a decision on admission to membership of the cooperative) - if you are purchasing housing in a cooperative.

In general, these are the documents that must be submitted to the Pension Fund to repay a mortgage from a bank.

To date, many families throughout Russia have not only received a certificate for maternity capital, but have also taken advantage of it. In particular, over the 11 years of the program’s existence, 4.7 million people have improved their living conditions by receiving maternity capital for their second child. In turn, 410 thousand people allocated maternity capital to educate their children.

Many people are interested in how to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital from Sberbank? Families in Russia with the birth of their second or subsequent children gain the opportunity to resort to a method of state support - maternal (family) capital (MSC). One of the most used options for this measure is investing money in mortgage loans to improve the family’s living conditions. Due to the growing popularity of this type of lending, interest arises in how to repay a mortgage with maternity capital at Sberbank.

How to pay off a mortgage using matkapital

There are several ways to use MSK to pay off a loan for real estate. After registration and delivery, the certificate can be used for a down payment, as well as for early full or partial repayment of a housing loan from Sberbank.

The procedure and procedure for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital requires the collection of numerous certificates and documentation. The list of securities presented to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFRF) for the further opportunity to spend MSC varies somewhat depending on the type of loaned object and repayment option.

If at the time the right to use this measure of state support arises, the family is already paying off a housing loan, you will need to order a certificate from Sberbank about the balance of the debt and submit it to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, attaching all the required documentation, and declare your desire to transfer the money.

If you plan to spend MSC funds to make a first payment, together with the application and papers for consideration of the loan application and a certificate for maternal capital, you must present a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the remaining balance of MSC funds. This will need to be done within 90 days after Sberbank makes a decision to approve the loan, and the document itself is valid for 30 days and is submitted to the bank along with the documentation for the housing being financed.

If the PFRF application is approved, the money is transferred to an account in Sberbank. The operation takes no more than 1 month and 10 days from filing an application to claim the certificate.

An indispensable obligation for paying a mortgage with maternal capital is the condition of the location of the real estate on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the property must belong to the entire family as shared ownership, or you will need to draw up a receipt for the mandatory inclusion of the property in the common property and have it certified by a notary.

When can you pay off your mortgage with maternity capital?

Repayment of a mortgage with maternal capital in Sberbank is possible simultaneously with the birth of a second or subsequent children, since spending MSC on a down payment, early partial or full payment of a housing loan is an exceptional situation and does not oblige the child, with whose appearance the right to claim the certificate, to achieve a three-year age.

Taking into account the above information, using maternity capital to pay off a mortgage at Sberbank is one of the most affordable options for Russian families raising 2 (or more) children.

What documents are needed to repay with maternity capital?

Simultaneously with the application for intention to dispose of maternity capital funds, a package of documents is submitted to the Pension Fund. For any method of using the certificate to pay off a mortgage loan, the main list includes:

  • passport;
  • document on registration (stay or residence);
  • passport of the spouse of the certificate holder, if he (she) is a party to the transaction;
  • marriage certificate;
  • if the application is submitted by a representative - his passport, as well as a notarized power of attorney for his powers;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance for the recipient of the MSK.

In addition to the above documents for the first payment you will need:

  • a copy of the real estate purchase agreement (participation in shared construction or construction permit) issued to the recipient of the certificate;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the person’s rights to the loaned object (unless the transfer of rights is provided only after payment of the full cost) in the case of the purchase of residential premises;
  • a document confirming payment for participation in shared construction and the balance of debt;
  • loan contract;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • an obligation to register housing purchased or built with the use of MSK funds as the joint property of the entire family, written and certified by a notary.

To make an early payment using a certificate, in addition to the main list of documents, the following are provided:

  • mortgage agreement;
  • loan contract;
  • a certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the existence of ownership rights to the property of all family members for the loan facility;
  • a certificate about the amount of debt to pay mortgage interest and the amount of the principal debt;
  • a copy of the agreement for participation in shared construction or a copy of the construction permit - provided that the object has not been put into operation;
  • a document confirming the transfer of loan funds by non-cash method to an account in Sberbank opened by the recipient of the certificate or his spouse;
  • a written obligation to legally formalize residential premises purchased or built with the help of MSK funds into the joint ownership of the family (spouses and children), written and certified by a notary.

Early repayment of a mortgage at Sberbank

Early repayment of a mortgage at Sberbank is carried out upon an application containing the following information: full name of the payer, mortgage agreement number, account for debiting money, amount and date of payment. At the same time, there is no commission for early repayment, as well as a limit on its volume.

If part of the MSC has already been spent on certain needs, the remainder can be spent exclusively on payments on an existing loan. An important note would be to mention that maternity capital can only be used in its entirety to pay off the down payment of a mortgage at Sberbank in the absence of funds being written off for other expenses.

Receiving a new payment schedule or loan repayment certificate

Subject to the approval of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the application for the desire to use MSC funds and credit maternity capital, Sberbank employees draw up a new payment schedule reflecting the reduction in the monthly payment, while the duration of payment does not change in any way.

Recipients of the certificate who are ready to use it to pay off their mortgage are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to reduce the mortgage term when using MSK. It is worth noting that this opportunity appeared in Sberbank quite recently and requires a personal application to a bank branch, where you need to fill out an application, expressing a desire for partial early repayment, indicating the need to reduce the loan term and maintain the amount of the monthly payment.

In a situation where full early payment of the mortgage occurs, the payer must receive a document terminating debt obligations to Sberbank. To do this, you should contact bank employees to draw up an application, which indicates the number of the loan agreement, the date of full repayment of the loan, the number and personal signature of the applicant. Such a certificate will ensure your own peace of mind, as it documents the fulfillment of all debt obligations to the bank.

Video on how to apply for a mortgage using Maternity Capital:

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From 12/12/2007 Funds can be used to immediately buy real estate or purchase it with a housing (mortgage) loan.

When purchasing a home with a mortgage, maternity capital can be used either to pay the principal and interest. It is prohibited to use maternity capital as monthly payments. The transfer of funds to the mortgage account must be one-time.

Methods of repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

The holder of funds can pay off the mortgage in several ways (you need to choose one of them):

  1. Use the money to pay the down payment on your mortgage. Not all banks agree to this.
  2. Pay off mortgage interest, including early. The bank must be warned about this in advance.
  3. Partial payment of the loan. Then it is necessary that the mortgage be issued for the full cost of the property;

But in practice, refusals are possible, since most financial institutions do not position their mortgage “products” as a public offer. This means that the bank itself has the right to choose who to give a mortgage to and who to refuse due to various circumstances.

Basic requirements and repayment procedure

The main condition for paying a mortgage is that the money is targeted towards... The purchased housing must be located in Russia. If the prospective mortgage holder is married, his or her spouse usually becomes a co-borrower, i.e. bears, along with the main borrower, equal rights and obligations to pay for the housing loan.

The purchased apartment must be purchased in common shared ownership. The obligation to distribute shares is drawn up in writing even before the Pension Fund transfers capital funds to the bank.

After full payment of the housing loan and removal of the encumbrance on the property. If this is not done, the Pension Fund has the right to go to court and challenge the payment to the bank. The obligation to share is submitted by a notary. The costs of notary services are borne by the mortgage holder.

In 2019, as before, you can apply for the use of maternity capital funds for a mortgage: having previously concluded an agreement with the bank.

The client must:

  1. Select a property - it can be an apartment in a new building or in a secondary building; a room in a dormitory or housing that is being built under a shared participation agreement or in a housing construction cooperative.
  2. The bank must approve the property. Before this, a qualified assessment of the object will be required. Usually it is performed by an organization to which the credit institution is loyal. But the borrower is not obliged to order an assessment of the cost of housing from the organization recommended to him by the bank. A similar condition applies to insurance. It is mandatory in almost all credit institutions and is carried out, like home appraisals, at the expense of the borrower.
  3. After the bank approves the property, the seller agrees to the purchase and sale transaction, which stipulates the moment of transfer of funds.
  4. The borrower must draw up a loan and mortgage agreement, under which the property is pledged to the bank. Before transferring to collateral, the bank has the right to require the client to provide other collateral.
  5. After signing mortgage lending and purchase and sale agreements, transactions are registered in Rosreestr.
  6. Then the seller of the living space receives funds into his account by bank transfer or from a safe deposit box.
  7. After settling with the seller, the borrower must contact the Pension Fund.

The timing of contacting the Pension Fund for sending capital funds to pay for a housing loan must be agreed in advance with the bank.

Contacting the Pension Fund

The application to the Pension Fund must be submitted along with other documents. This can be done in person or through a legal representative. You also need to provide:

  • Passport or other document that certifies the identity of the applying citizen.
  • . If this has not been done, then you will first need to obtain a certificate, which is also provided to the Pension Fund.
  • Mortgage and purchase and sale agreement for housing (or projects certified by the bank, copies of agreements).
  • A certificate from the bank about the amount of debt.
  • Marriage certificate (if the applicant is legally married).
  • Birth certificates for all minors.
  • Documents of the guardian (adoptive parent).
  • A notarized obligation that the owner of the certificate will distribute the housing in shares: among himself, his spouse and children. Children's shares are determined by parents independently.

If a legal representative applies to the Pension Fund, he must confirm his authority with a notarized power of attorney.

Review and approval

The period for reviewing documents by the Pension Fund of Russia is no more than 1 month. The applicant is notified of the decision within several working days. The decision of the authority must be made in writing. If it is positive, then the Pension Fund sends the funds to the specified account of the manager of maternal capital funds, and the bank already accepts them as payment for part of the mortgage.

When the funds have arrived at the bank, they can be used to:

  • Paying off the mortgage in full is important when the loan was issued before the birth of the 2nd or next child, or when the mortgage amount was initially small.
  • Reduce the size of monthly payments (this is possible with annuity payments). The mortgage term will remain at the same level.
  • Reduce the loan payment term while maintaining the same monthly amount.

The bank must be notified in advance about the early repayment of the mortgage. After paying part of the loan with maternity capital, the debtor receives a new monthly payment schedule, pre-agreed with the credit institution.

Possibility of refusal

Pension fund must accept the application with documents and issue the applicant with a corresponding receipt. Refusal is possible in the following cases:

  • If not all necessary documents are submitted, or they are found to be unreliable.
  • If the applicant was deprived of the legal right (parental rights) to communicate and raise the child. This is only possible in court.
  • If the certificate was obtained illegally or when the purchased property violates the housing rights of children.

The refusal must be motivated and lawful. It can be appealed in court. To do this, you will need to file an administrative claim.


If a mortgage agreement is terminated early using funds from maternity capital, the borrower has the right to demand a recalculation of the cost of the mortgage and return the money spent on loan insurance. The repayment terms of the housing loan itself depend on the specific program.

Sometimes banks prohibit early repayment of a loan, including with the help of maternity capital. In exchange for this, they offer to reduce the interest rate. In order not to encounter such a surprise, you need to find out in advance the cost of the loan and the conditions for its provision. A citizen who bought a home with a mortgage also has the right to receive a tax deduction, but on the condition that he is a payer of personal income tax.

Documents to the bank

The list of required documents depends on the specific mortgage program. Typically, credit institutions require:

  1. borrower's passport;
  2. marriage certificate of the spouses;
  3. birth certificate of minor children;
  4. a certificate confirming the borrower’s employment and work experience;
  5. certificate of income (2-NFDL) or according to the bank form;
  6. title documents confirming the presence of valuable property or a passport of a reliable guarantor.

Sign directly from the bank purchase and sale agreement and mortgage transaction. The bank has the right to offer the client individual lending conditions, which depends, first of all, on the solvency of the borrower.

When registering a transaction in Rosreestr, you will need to pay the state fee for the mortgage and registration of property rights (1 thousand rubles for registering a mortgage - clause 28, part 1, article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; and 2 thousand rubles for registering property rights - clause 22 Part 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).


You can take advantage of help from the state to pay the entry fee with maternity capital. only after the baby turns 3 years old. Without waiting for the child to be three years old, capital funds can be used to pay off debt, including overdue debt, and interest. It is prohibited to pay fines, penalties, and penalties with family capital.

Having maternity capital will still require significant funds from the spouses to continue paying the mortgage. often not enough to fully repay the loan. The bank will agree to approve a loan only if the borrower has a stable income.

If at the time of repayment of the housing loan the spouses divorced, then the share will still have to be allocated, especially if the former spouse continued to pay the mortgage together. Such issues can be resolved in court.

Paying off a mortgage with maternal capital is a beneficial way for young families to quickly acquire ownership of residential premises. At the same time, in order to repay the mortgage with maternity capital, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions and become familiar with all the intricacies of this procedure. We'll talk about this below.

The right to repay the mortgage with maternal capital

The legislator determined the possibility of using maternity capital to acquire ownership of residential premises. At the same time, money can be spent not only on the purchase of residential real estate, but also its construction or the purchase of housing by taking out a mortgage loan.

It is important to emphasize that in order to protect the rights of families with two or more children, the law established the obligation of all banks that engage in mortgage lending to accept maternity capital as payment for the debt or part of it.

Repaying a mortgage with maternity capital can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. Payment of a down payment on a mortgage loan This type of service is not provided by all credit institutions. Initially, banks were reluctant to accept maternity capital as a down payment, since it was believed that such borrowers were insolvent or unreliable. But now the largest financial institutions are making concessions to potential borrowers. However, it should be said that the conditions for such mortgage loans are not very favorable for the borrowers themselves. They usually apply higher interest rates with a relatively short maximum loan term;
  2. Payment of the principal amount of the debt (the value of the funds actually received). This option is used most often and, it must be said, is beneficial for the borrower due to the fact that, as a result, the amount of the principal debt is reduced, and, therefore, interest will be charged on the remaining part, which will reduce the total amount of the overpayment;
  3. Payment of interest on the loan. In practice, this scheme occurs infrequently and is mostly beneficial to the bank, since the latter is guaranteed to receive part of the interest due to it. Although, there is some advantage for the borrower, but only if he does not plan to repay the loan early. In this case, only the principal amount will remain to be repaid and, therefore, the monthly payment will decrease. Although, you can deposit a larger amount, thereby reducing the repayment period.

Documents to be submitted to the bank

In order to close part of the mortgage debt, or pay off the remaining part of the loan in full using maternity capital, you will need to contact the bank with the following set of documents:

Don't know your rights?

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen (entitled to receive it, in accordance with the law);
  2. Certificate for receiving family (otherwise maternal) capital;
  3. Application for early repayment of a mortgage loan (standard form issued by the creditor bank).

After providing all the necessary documents, a certificate will be issued containing information about your loan, namely: the remaining amount of the principal debt, as well as the amount of interest due to the bank. In addition, at the bank you can obtain title documents for residential premises (certificate of ownership, apartment purchase and sale agreement).

With the received documents, you must contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence.

What is required to apply to the Pension Fund

You need to obtain approval from the Pension Fund to transfer funds from your maternity capital to pay off your mortgage loan. To do this, you again need to collect a package of documents. You will need:

  1. A document confirming the identity of the person entitled to receive maternity (family) capital: mother, father, guardian;
  2. Certificate for receiving maternity capital (if it is lost, you can write an application to the Pension Fund to receive a duplicate);
  3. Documents confirming your obligations to repay the mortgage loan: a mortgage loan agreement, as well as a certificate from the bank reflecting the amount of debt;
  4. Documents for the purchased apartment: certificate of ownership of the premises, as well as a purchase and sale agreement;
  5. An application on a form issued by the Pension Fund about the borrower’s desire to transfer maternity capital to pay off the mortgage debt;
  6. A notarized obligation of the borrower to register the residential premises as common shared ownership after repayment of the loan;
  7. Other documents: power of attorney (if you are acting through a representative); a court decision on the deprivation of parental rights of one of the parents, in connection with which the right to maternity capital passed to another person, death certificate (the person who has the right to maternity capital died, and his right passed to other persons); documents confirming adoption, etc.

Next Steps

After submitting the entire set of documents, you will be given a receipt for receipt of documents, which indicates the date of their receipt. Within 1 month from this date, the Pension Fund must make a decision to pay the bank funds or to refuse payment. In any case, the decision is made in writing and sent to the address of the person who applied.

If you are refused, carefully study the reasons for the refusal. If you do not agree with these reasons, you can appeal this decision to the higher authorities of the Pension Fund, or seek protection in court. It is important to note that the general period for considering citizens’ appeals is considered to be 30 calendar days, which means that no later than a month later, your appeal must be considered and a decision must be made to cancel the previous decision or agree with it.

Is the refusal legal?

The law establishes a limited range of grounds on which an applicant may be denied the transfer of maternity capital to pay a mortgage. These include:

  1. Providing an incomplete set of documents or false information;
  2. Making mistakes when drawing up an application;
  3. Deprivation of a parent's rights to a child, the appearance of which entailed the denial of the right to receive maternity capital;
  4. The applicant has committed a crime against the person of the child;
  5. If the rights of a guardian are restricted by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to use maternity capital, this right will be suspended until the restriction is lifted.

This list of grounds is exhaustive and no other reasons for refusal are legal in accordance with current legislation.

If the decision is positive

If the Pension Fund has made a positive decision to use maternity capital to pay off the mortgage, then you should contact the bank with such a decision in order to notify the credit institution of your intention. This is also necessary because most banks set minimum deadlines for providing such notifications. Usually this is 1 month.

After the Pension Fund transfers the amount of capital to the account of the credit institution, the bank may offer you one of the options for further cooperation:

  1. Reducing the overall term of the mortgage loan. It is important to emphasize that with this option, the monthly mortgage payment remains unchanged for the entire remaining period;
  2. Maintaining the loan term with a commensurate reduction in the monthly payment;
  3. Complete closure of the mortgage (if the remaining amount is sufficient for repayment).

In the first two cases, you must be provided with a new payment schedule, which will contain a monthly debt repayment plan. In the third case, it is necessary to request a certificate from the bank confirming that the debt has been fully repaid and that the bank has no claims against the borrower.

Pay attention!

  1. A certificate for receiving maternity capital is issued for an indefinite period. That is, you can actually get the amount due at any time if necessary. Moreover, if the person indicated in the certificate has lost the right to it or has died, another parent or guardian, as well as a child, in connection with whose appearance the right to receive a certificate arose before he reaches the age of 23, can use the allocated amount;
  2. You can use the maternal certificate to repay an existing mortgage loan at any time from the moment the right to receive it arises. If maternity capital is used as a down payment, then it can only be used 3 years from the date of birth (adoption) of the child;
  3. If the Pension Fund approves the transfer of maternity capital to pay off the mortgage, the money will arrive in the bank account only after 2 months;
  4. If you decide to use maternity capital as a down payment, then you need to take into account that this is only possible if you have not yet used a single ruble from the allocated amount. If part of the maternity capital has already been spent on other needs, the remainder can only be used to repay an existing loan;
  5. In addition to federal programs aimed at improving the demographic situation in the country, there are also a number of regional programs. Thus, many subjects of the federation have developed ways to support families with three or more children, usually this is the allocation of a set amount of money from the budget of a regional education, or other methods of support, in particular: preferential conditions for obtaining or registering ownership of residential premises;
  6. After closing a mortgage loan using maternity capital for these purposes, the purchased residential premises must be registered as common shared ownership for all family members;
  7. In case of early termination of the mortgage loan agreement, you have the right to recalculate and return the amount of insurance premiums that you paid but did not use;
  8. Don't forget about the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction. By confirming timely payment of the mortgage loan, you can return 13% of the amount paid
  9. Maternity capital cannot be used to pay off penalties, fines or other types of material sanctions accrued on a mortgage loan.

Quite often among Russian citizens there is the question is how to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital, after all, the state has provided an excellent opportunity to use it to purchase residential real estate. Today, more and more Russian families want to take advantage of this benefit.

In this article we will consider issues related to the intricacies of the procedure for contributing maternity capital to repay a mortgage loan.

What is maternity capital and how can it be managed?

First, let's understand the concept of maternal capital. The essence of this concept is expressed in two components:

  • As a way of government support for families with two or more children
  • Maternity capital as a way to improve the demographic situation in Russia

Considering that the state program aims to strengthen and improve the quality of life of families, the possible ways to use the amount of money allocated by the state are limited.

Maternity capital can be used in the following ways:

  1. own home
  2. Transfer the amount to the Pension Fund so that the mother’s pension will increase in the future
  3. Pay for educational services for any child in the family
  4. Pay for services or purchase means for rehabilitation and adaptation in everyday life of disabled children

As you understand, the first method is most in demand. Thus, you can legally use maternity capital funds to purchase your own home in two ways:

  • By direct purchase of real estate
  • By taking out a mortgage loan

If you opted for the second option, then the amount of maternity capital can be used to pay for an already issued housing loan (mortgage), or used as a down payment amount when concluding a transaction. You should know that you do not need to wait until your child reaches 3 years of age, since you have the right to use maternity capital funds without any problems immediately after it is received.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is established at the legislative level that family capital funds can only be used for non-cash payments - it is impossible to receive cash in your hands. The state made this decision to control the intended use of the allocated amount of money. Therefore, if you plan to use maternity capital funds when purchasing or constructing your own real estate, you need to contact the Pension Fund of Russia and write a corresponding application.

Despite the strict rules established by law, there are exceptions. For example, if a family decides to build a house according to its own design, then half of the maternity capital can be received into a current account opened in a bank even before the start of construction. To receive the second part of the family capital, you should contact the Pension Fund (this is possible no earlier than the next six months from the date of transfer of the first part of the maternity capital) with a package of documents and an application. Documents must confirm the cost of the work performed. For example, these could be certificates of work performed (erecting the walls of a building, pouring the foundation, installing a roof, etc.) and agreements with contractors.

How to obtain a certificate for the right to receive maternity capital

If you decided to use maternity capital funds to repay the mortgage loan or at your discretion, you will need to have a certificate in hand. In order to become the owner of the coveted paper, you need to visit the Russian Pension Fund, and this can be done at any time after the corresponding right has arisen. That is, you had a child or adopted him. What should you have with you?

You will need to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen. There must be a mark on citizen registration
  2. Child's birth certificate. If you are a citizen of a foreign country, then instead of the baby’s birth certificate, you can submit another document. For example, this could be a certificate that confirms that the child is a Russian citizen

Other documents - their list depends on the specifics of the specific situation:

  • The decision to adopt a child
  • If your interests are realized through a representative, you will need to have a power of attorney
  • If the mother has died, you must bring a death certificate
  • Court decision that the mother is declared dead
  • Court decision to deprive mother of parental rights

In addition, you will need to write an application for a maternity capital certificate. After this, be patient and wait - within a month your application will be considered, and the Pension Fund will decide whether to issue a certificate or refuse to issue family capital.

What to do if the certificate is lost or damaged

Anything can happen in life, and the certificate was lost, destroyed or damaged. What to do in this case? You should visit the Pension Fund again, which will give you a duplicate. If the certificate owner’s details (name, passport details) have been changed, the applicant will also need to contact the Pension Fund.

It is important to know that the certificate does not have an expiration date. It can be used throughout the life of the mother or adoptive parent. If an accident occurs and the owner of the certificate dies, then the second spouse, a child under the age of 23, or an adoptive parent have the right to use the capital.

How to pay for a mortgage loan with maternity capital

If you already have the long-awaited certificate in your hands, you, as already stated above, receive the legal right to use maternity capital to repay a mortgage loan or making a down payment. To avoid any unforeseen situations during the procedure, we suggest using the step-by-step instructions below:

1. The initial stage is to contact the financial institution that issued you a mortgage or home loan in order to obtain a certificate about the amount of interest on the loan and the remaining principal amount. In addition, you may be given a purchase and sale agreement for an apartment or a certificate of ownership (title documents) that you bought with collateral. In most cases, financial institutions do not make life difficult for borrowers when obtaining such documents, but one cannot be 100% sure that difficulties will not arise.

2. Visiting the Pension Fund to write an application for the transfer of family (maternity) capital to pay off the mortgage loan. The form will be given to you by an employee of the Pension Fund and you will not need to pay for it. You need to have the necessary package of documents with you:

  • Certificate for receiving maternity capital;
  • Passport of a Russian citizen. If you are a citizen of a foreign country and you have been granted the right to receive maternity capital, then you need to bring a passport of a foreign citizen and documents confirming your place of residence;
  • Documents that confirm the right to residential premises - a certificate of ownership of real estate that was purchased using borrowed funds from a financial institution. In addition, you will need a personal account number and an extract from the house register;
  • A statement from the applying citizen that after full repayment of the cost of real estate purchased for housing, he undertakes to register it with all family members (children, spouse) as common shared ownership. This paper must be certified by a notary;
  • If there is also a co-borrower under the loan (mortgage agreement) (for example, it could be a second spouse), then you will need the following papers:

a) copies of his documents confirming citizenship
b) identification documents (passport)
c) paper identifying the place of residence
d) document confirming relationship - marriage certificate

  • Documents indicating that the borrower has debt obligations are a mortgage agreement. You will need paper indicating the amount of debt - for this you need to get a certificate from the bank.

When the borrower collects all the necessary documents and submits them to the registrar, you must receive a receipt from him confirming the fact that the papers have been received. The receipt must indicate the date of their submission. 1 month is allocated for consideration of the application, so during this period you should receive a positive or negative (in case of refusal) response. Officials have no right to consider the application beyond this period.

3. When the officials of the Pension Fund make a decision, you will receive a corresponding notification - it will contain an answer whether you will be transferred. If you have received a positive decision, then the only thing left to do is contact the bank. You should pay attention to this important point: the funds from the Pension Fund for the loan will be transferred to the bank account only after 2 months.

4. In a situation where the monetary amount of maternity capital fully repays the remaining payment, you need to visit your credit institution to obtain a certificate confirming the payment of the debt and the absence of any claims against you. In case of partial closure of the debt, you are given the right to:

  • To reduce the term of a housing loan, subject to maintaining the initial amount of payments;
  • Or to recalculate the monthly payment.

To understand how you will make payments to a financial institution in the future, you need to visit the lender and write a corresponding application. One way or another, you should receive a new payment schedule.

If the bank refuses to repay the mortgage with maternity capital

In the event that the bank gives you a negative answer in accepting maternity capital funds as a mortgage loan, we can safely defend our legal rights. Today, at the legislative level, the state obliges absolutely all banking institutions, without exception, to accept maternity capital as payment for a mortgage loan. This applies to all banks that operate in Russia. The only difference is in one thing - how much of the debt the borrower can repay. This issue will be determined by the bank.

A number of banks give their consumers the opportunity to use maternity capital funds as a down payment. Some consumers decide to use maternity capital funds to reduce the amount of the principal debt. This is the most profitable option, since interest on the loan will already be accrued on the remaining, that is, reduced amount of debt, which will significantly reduce the overpayment. There is another option,
There is one important point - you do not have the right to use family capital funds to pay off penalties, fines or other financial sanctions on a mortgage loan.

Government subsidies and assistance to large families

Many families, in addition to maternity capital allocated at the federal level, may qualify for other subsidies. For example, most Russian regions at the local level approve their payment amounts for large families with more than two children. The amount of money is allocated, as a rule, after the birth of the third child. At the same time, the family has a wider range of possibilities where they can spend these funds. For example, a mother has the right to receive payments of a set amount in hand every month, that is, in cash. The family also has the right to purchase ownership of a vehicle.

It should be noted that sometimes programs to improve the demographic situation at the regional level exceed the federal ones in their generosity. You can become the happy owner of an amount from 100,000 rubles to 500,000! A number of Russian regions have developed special programs that guarantee repayment of the loan in full if a 3rd child is born in the family.

Therefore, before visiting the Pension Fund, take an interest and collect information regarding fertility programs that exist in your region. This needs to be done in order to “kill two birds with one stone” in one fell swoop, that is, do 2 things at once and process all the cash payments and benefits due to you. In this state of affairs, you will significantly reduce the time it takes to resolve your housing issue. The Pension Fund website contains a huge amount of information regarding this issue. In addition, you should visit the websites of regional authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.