Dvorkovich ruled out a moratorium or cancellation of the Platon system. Features of working with the Platon system for foreign drivers and organizations

On changes in tariffs in the Platon truck toll collection system. From April 15, 2017 from 1.53 rubles. for 1 km it will be increased to 1.91 rubles. Initially it was planned to set the tariff at 3.06 rubles. The decision on a more gradual increase was made on March 23 at a meeting of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of road transportation.

“Platon” (from “plata” and “ton”) is a Russian system of collecting tolls from trucks with a permissible maximum weight of over 12 tons. It is designed to compensate for the damage caused by heavy trucks to federal roads. The collected funds go to the federal budget, from where they are used for repairs, road maintenance and development of transport infrastructure.

Prerequisites for creating the system

According to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, in Russia there are about 1.5 million trucks weighing more than 12 tons, which is about 3% of the total vehicle fleet. At the same time, according to research by the Federal Road Agency, 56% of the wear and tear on the surface of Russian roads is the result of the movement of trucks weighing over 12 tons. The transport tax levied on these vehicles does not compensate for the costs of road repairs.

A number of European countries, such as Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland, have systems in place to charge trucks for driving on public roads. The funds raised also go towards road repairs and construction.


On April 6, 2011, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the federal law “On Amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts.” According to the document, a Federal Road Fund was created in Russia, funds from which are allocated for road repairs and the development of road infrastructure. The creation of a system of charging trucks weighing over 12 tons for travel on federal roads was announced as one of the sources for replenishing the fund. The law introduced administrative liability for failure to pay this fee.

The procedure for collecting tolls was approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013. By its order dated August 29, 2014, a concession agreement for the creation and operation of a toll collection system was concluded between the Federal Road Agency and RT-Invest Transport Systems LLC (co-owners , as of March 2017 - Igor Rotenberg, 50%; Andrey Shipelov, 37.4%; Rostec state corporation, 12.5%).

On June 23, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that put the Platon system into effect on November 14, 2015.

Principles of system operation

As part of the Platon system, tolls are collected on all federal roads in Russia (50 thousand 774 km).

There are three payment methods:

An on-board device with a GLONASS/GPS navigation module and a cellular data transmission module can be installed on the truck free of charge. The device controls the movement of the truck and transmits coordinate data to the system. Travel money is automatically debited from the linked account of an individual or legal entity.

The driver or owner of the truck can receive a so-called route map through the Plato website or mobile application by entering data about the vehicle, the final, starting and (if desired) intermediate points of the route. The system will calculate the optimal route and the amount of toll for travel along it. After prepayment, the truck can go along the formed route, but it does not have to leave it. Control is carried out using stationary and mobile posts and control frames. In total, as of March 2017, 481 control frames have been installed and 100 mobile posts are in operation.

Since April 2016, a post-payment regime has also been introduced for trucks with a Plato on-board device and no fines or late payments for travel on federal highways.

Tariffs, fines

According to the decree of the Russian government, from November 15, 2015, the tariff is 1.53 rubles. for 1 km. It was originally planned that from March 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018, a tariff of 3.06 rubles would be in effect. for 1 km, then - 3.73 rubles. On February 29, 2016, the government postponed the indexation of the tariff to 1.53 rubles. per km. It will be valid until April 15, 2017, then it will increase to RUB 1.91.

For driving without payment (or leaving the route), the driver and owner of the truck are subject to fines. Initially it was planned that they would amount to 5 thousand rubles. for drivers, 40 thousand rubles. - for officials and individual entrepreneurs, 450 thousand rubles. - for legal entities. In case of repeated violation, the fine for owners - legal entities could reach 1 million rubles.

Shortly before the system began operating, truckers protested against Platon in a number of Russian regions. As a result, it was decided to suspend the collection of fines; on December 14, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law reducing fines for owners to 5-10 thousand rubles.

In June 2016, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law that introduced tax benefits for owners of heavy trucks registered in the Platon system: for them, until 2019, the amount of accrued transport tax will be reduced by the amount of funds paid within the system.

Results of activities

According to RT-Invest Transport Systems as of February 2017, 273.82 thousand transport companies and 798.89 thousand trucks are connected to the system. 597.3 thousand on-board devices were issued.

In total, 20.65 billion rubles have been collected using the system since the beginning of its work. (it was initially planned that collections would amount to 40 billion rubles in 2016 alone).

Funds collected through Plato are distributed among regional road projects. Thus, in July 2016, by order of the Russian government, a transfer of 3.7 billion rubles was made. The Nizhny Novgorod region received from this money. for the construction of a backup Borsky bridge across the Volga. In total, according to Rosavtodor, using the funds raised in 2016, 50 new bridges, 310 km of electric lighting lines, 151 thousand metro barriers were built, 145 traffic light facilities were installed, 25 overground or underground pedestrian crossings were built.

Owners of trucks with a maximum authorized weight exceeding 12 tons are required to pay a fee as compensation for the damage their vehicles cause to public roads. The Plato system was developed based on the “user pays” principle, according to which those who cause the greatest damage as a result of their business activities should pay for the destruction of public roads.

Protests for the abolition of Plato began immediately after the introduction of the system - in November 2015. Vehicle owners demanded the abolition of Plato for trucks. Car owners protested against fines, tariffs and the injustice (according to the strikers) of introducing an “additional tax” - after all, they already pay transport tax.

Due to mass strikes aimed at canceling Platon, and due to the unwillingness of truck owners to work according to new principles (many owners of multi-ton trucks did not have time to register and receive on-board devices), it was decided to postpone the imposition of fines for violations for six months, until May 1 2016. The amount of fines was also changed: initially it was planned that fines would be levied on all persons involved in the cargo transportation process, and the amount of the fine for the first violation would be up to 450 thousand rubles (for legal entities), and for a repeated violation up to 1 million rubles. The fines have been significantly reduced. For owners of heavy trucks, as well as for drivers of vehicles owned by foreign carriers, the same fines are now provided: for the first violation, the fine is 5,000 rubles, for a repeated violation - 10,000 rubles.

In addition to the reduction in fines, the change in tariffs of the Platon system was also good news for owners of heavy trucks. Before the launch of the system, a government decree established a temporary reduction in tariffs by 59% from what was previously envisaged - 3.73 rubles for each kilometer traveled by a vehicle on public roads. The minimum tariff was 1.5293 rubles/km. For the period from March 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018, a gradual doubling of indexation was planned, up to a payment of 3.06 rubles for each kilometer traveled, however, this indexation was postponed until 2017.

At the same time, protests and disputes around the Platon system do not subside and even lead to positive changes for heavy truck owners. Many owners of multi-ton trucks are closely monitoring the changes taking place, as reported by Plato news today. At the same time, it is clear that one cannot hope for the cancellation of “Plato”. In the near future, one can only expect increased attention from the authorities to the system, as well as an increase in both the fees themselves and the fines for free use of expensive ones.

On April 26, 2016, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2016 No. 310 came into force, according to which users of the Platon system received the right to deferred payment. Payment of the fee can be deferred by one calendar month, but if certain conditions are met: the car and the owners are registered in Russia, an on-board device is installed in the car, the owner does not have any existing fines for non-payment, and there has been no payment arrears for six months before.

In addition, on July 3, 2016, amendments were made to Article 28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which owners of heavy trucks can reduce the transport tax accrued on each multi-ton truck registered in the Platon system by the fee paid to compensate for damage caused by vehicles to roads . This procedure was introduced on January 1, 2016 and will be valid until December 31, 2018 inclusive. This, by the way, is one of the few transport tax benefits for legal entities today.

Whether “Plato” will be canceled or not, the question is rather rhetorical. According to the latest news, there is no talk of canceling Platon, despite active protests from vehicle owners. In December 2016, the results of the system’s operation were published on the official Platon website, according to which, despite widespread dissatisfaction, 87% of Russian carriers’ vehicles are already equipped with on-board devices (581 thousand on-board devices have been issued). During the work of Platon, 22.9 billion rubles were allocated for the repair of regional roads, funds were allocated for the construction and reconstruction of 31 bridges in 19 regions of the country.

Vladimir Putin made it clear that the Platon system of charging truckers will not be abolished, despite numerous and widespread protests by drivers throughout the country. As a consolation, the president promised them at the beginning of 2016 to abolish the transport tax for heavy trucks. Truckers are not happy with this, and they intend to continue protests.

During his annual press conference, President Vladimir Putin for the first time personally commented on the tense situation with truck drivers dissatisfied with the new fees for travel on federal highways for 12-ton trucks under the Platon system. Since November, thousands of truckers across Russia have united and began to oppose tolls, which, according to their arguments, will make small trucking businesses completely unprofitable and will deprive thousands of families of income.

The leaders of trade unions immediately drew attention to the fact that payment in the amount of 1.53 rubles. per kilometer (3.06 rubles from March 2016) will essentially become a third tax in addition to the existing excise taxes included in the price of gasoline and the transport tax, which are significantly higher than what car owners pay. In addition, according to trade unions, a significant increase in the cost of road carrier services will inevitably lead to an additional increase in prices in stores. As a result, a wave of mass unauthorized rallies and protests swept through the largest Russian cities, and some drivers rushed to Moscow.

"Plato" will not be canceled

In his answer to the question about the fate of Platon and truckers, Putin made it clear that there would be no abolition of the system, which some road carriers demand.

In addition, he explained the choice of contractors by the fact that they were able to bring significant investments to launch the payment collection system. Let us explain that the participants in the concession agreement for the creation of Platon, together with Rosavtodor, are RT-Invest LLC and 42-year-old businessman Igor Rotenberg, the son of a famous billionaire and longtime acquaintance of President Arkady Rotenberg. The personality of Igor Rotenberg causes particular dissatisfaction among the protesting drivers, many of whom are confident that fees from drivers will go to him personally.

All fees from the Platon system go 100% to the road fund of the Russian Federation, to the last penny. And from there, every last penny of the proceeds goes to road construction in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Second. Where does the joint venture between Russian Technologies and a private company receive funds? They receive this money from the budget directly. In my opinion, there is somewhere around 10 billion rubles. (financing for RT-Invest LLC for 2016 is planned in the amount of 10.6 billion rubles - Gazeta.Ru). For the repair of this system, for maintaining its working condition, for development. This means that everything can be verified, including by the public and the Accounts Chamber. If someone thinks that these prices are too high, let them count and present it. And it will be right. Income from Platon does not go to companies that have private investors and Russian Technologies."

Putin explained the introduction of the Platon system by the presence of “gray” work schemes among truck drivers.

“In the automotive industry, taxes are paid - partly they only pay for infrastructure, through the excise tax on gasoline, but only partly,” the president said. “And in other industries, full payment for infrastructure. Part of the cargo began to migrate to roads. A huge number of trucks appeared that negatively But they pay the same tax. Experts believe that when accelerating and braking, the impact on the roadbed of 12-ton trucks is more destructive than that of passenger cars. And we have canceled the licensing of this type of activity. In practice, a large number of taxes have appeared. the number of people who simply buy heavy trucks and use it. This is an absolutely “gray” economic scheme.

Cancel transport tax and work with patents

Following a serious reduction in fines for non-payment of fares, Putin announced another serious relief for truckers, which will be the abolition of the transport tax. Putin demanded that this be done no later than the first quarter of 2016.

“They pay for the mileage of heavy-duty vehicles in many countries of the world, in Belarus it is seven times more than what is proposed in Russia,” Putin said. “But we still talked about the fact that when switching to this system, the transport tax could be abolished,” Putin said. It was not cancelled. By the way, at the insistence of regional leaders, because the transport tax goes to the regional budgets. But for heavy trucks that have to pay for mileage, this must be done.

And I very much hope that the government will do this in the very near future, at the beginning of the year. “I hope that all these decisions that I mentioned, including on the vehicle tax, will be made by the government in the near future, no later than in the first quarter.”

The head of state also expressed hope that the government will consider changes to the patent system for heavy truck drivers.

“How can we do so as not to overburden them with fees, fees and taxes? There is a simple way - to give them the opportunity to purchase a patent, an inexpensive one. But there is a problem here. Patents are issued for a year, but there are seasonal transportation. Well, let the government think about this in advance and will do this," Putin emphasized.

It won't get any easier without transport tax

“Transport tax is 20-40 thousand rubles per year per truck, and Platon is 200-300 thousand per year,” said Valery Voitko, coordinator of the “Trucker” association, to Gazeta.Ru. “It turns out that The abolition of the transport tax does not at all compensate for the introduction of Platon. The transport tax rate for a 12-ton truck is calculated based on over 210 hp, on average, engines from 220 to 500 hp are installed on such trucks. Motors with a power of 360 are most often used. hp and 420 hp. At the same time, revenues from transport tax go to regional budgets.

These funds generally do not reach the roads, but are sent to the social sphere - salaries and benefits for public sector employees, health care costs. So think about what this situation will lead to in the regions that will lose this source of income."

Voitko assured Gazeta.Ru that his group of truckers will continue to defend their position, and drew attention to the fact that now carriers who will continue to work in the new conditions have no choice but to include the cost of transportation in the cost of products. And this has already led to an increase in prices in stores.

In turn, the leader of the interregional trade union of professional drivers, Alexander Kotov, believes that the abolition of the transport tax will still lead to a decrease in regional budget revenues that are used for road construction.

“This is a prerequisite for all regional roads to eventually become toll roads, and Platon will earn money not only on federal highways,” said Kotov. “The main income of the regions that goes to the budget for road construction is precisely the transport tax. If If we cancel it now, then there will be less money coming in. After all, you won’t be able to collect much from passenger cars. Therefore, you will have to look for either other sources of funding or introduce a fee for using federal roads for everyone.”

Driver Magomed Magomedov from Dagestan, who owns several trucks and took part in the rally from Dagestan to Moscow, told Gazeta.Ru that

for a 380 hp truck. he has to pay a tax of 14 thousand rubles every quarter. “But if I drive 100 thousand km a year, I will spend at least 300 thousand rubles,” Magomedov explained.

But we have our own customs, we need to collect money for bride price in order to marry off our daughters, I can no longer do this. And we fought for this country. The authorities will not wait for our votes anymore! But I was so proud of Putin that he took Crimea! If our activists continue their actions, then I will immediately join them and do everything that depends on me!”

The head of the Navigator-M company, Ruslan Shankin, believes that the abolition of the transport tax will help cargo carriers “like a dead poultice.”

“Here’s an example with a cargo truck with a 320 hp engine - we pay 28 thousand rubles a year for it,” Shankin told Gazeta.Ru. “It turns out that with the abolition of the transport tax, 2.3 thousand will be removed from us. rubles per month. Given that with a mileage of 15 thousand km per month, we will have to pay 40-45 thousand rubles.

It sounds loud, but in reality there is no effect."

Meanwhile, the leadership of United Russia stated that the issue of the ratio of payments to the Platon system and the amount of transport tax should be carefully worked out at the legislative level so that the regions do not lose the opportunity to repair roads in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

“The transport tax goes to regional road funds, for the restoration of regional roads. Payments under the Platon system go for the repair of federal highways. Therefore, we need to find a middle ground, an optimal solution so that the regions are not left without funds for the restoration of regional roads in the event of the abolition of the transport tax ", - the press service of United Russia quoted Sergei Neverov, Vice-Speaker of the State Duma, Secretary of the Party's General Council, as saying on Thursday.

While politicians were discussing the feasibility of "Platon", singer and leader of the group "DDT" Yuri Shevchuk arrived on Thursday at the Khimki camp of protesting truck drivers. To support the drivers, he sang several songs to them and gave them his CDs.

Owners of multi-ton trucks are required to make payments to the state budget for travel on federal highways. This innovation appeared at the end of 2015. Disputes and dissatisfaction on the part of truckers have given rise to many discussions. Even now people often wonder whether Plato was canceled or not.

Plato is a specialized system for collecting fees from freight vehicles whose permissible weight is more than 12 tons for driving on federal roads. Toll highways do not fall into this category.

When driving on such roads, the duration of the route and the cost of payment to the state budget are calculated. You can make the calculation in several ways:

  • compiling route maps;
  • automatically using specialized on-board devices.

Although the toll bill was introduced in November 2015, it became effective a little later for those traveling outside the Moscow region. The abolition of Plato is not considered by the Government as a way to resolve the unrest that has arisen on the part of truckers.

About the picket of truckers and further innovations

After the press received information about the introduction of tolls for the passage of multi-ton trucks on federal roads, many truckers went out to protest. The rally took place on November 19, 2015 throughout Russia.

The main argument of the dissatisfied truckers was that the country was not ready to introduce such a system technically and psychologically. The practice of collecting tolls came to Russia from European countries, whose level of development is much higher.

After such a negative response from cargo carriers, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation made some adjustments. Already in mid-November, it was decided to postpone until May 1, 2016 the imposition of fines for violation of obligations to compensate for damage caused by heavy trucks to federal roads.

Immediately after the appearance of the law on the Plato system, a bill was prepared providing for the abolition of fees for 3 years. The authors were representatives of the auto business, whom
won by the LDPR party.

The dissenters also cited reasons for such a measure: instability and the economic crisis have already seriously worsened the situation of all business representatives, including cargo carriers.

The moratorium bill was not adopted, but some changes were made to make life easier for truckers. The abolition of Plato today is practically impossible, because a huge amount of federal budget funds was spent on the implementation of the program.

On changing the amount of fines and tariffs

After the implementation of the Platon system, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation received many messages from cargo carriers about their unwillingness to work according to the new principles. Most companies simply did not have time to go through the procedure of registration and installation of on-board devices. That is why it was decided to postpone the imposition of fines until May 1, 2016.

The amounts of fines levied on defaulters were also changed. It was initially planned that for the first violation the car owner would have to pay 450 thousand rubles, and for repeated violations - 1 million rubles.

The amount of fines was officially reduced, which is enshrined in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. A primary violation is punishable by an obligation to pay 5 thousand rubles to the state treasury. A repeated incident implies an increase in the fine to 10 thousand rubles.

Amendments were also made regarding payment tariffs. Until February 29, 2016, the fee was 1.53 rubles for each kilometer on the federal highway. Such tariffs were valid only in the Moscow region.

Starting from March 1, 2016 until December 31, 2018, the tariff was supposed to be increased to 3.06 rubles per kilometer, but this indexation was postponed until 2017.

Read more about penalties for the absence of Plato in.