Where to get an insurance certificate of state pension insurance. How can an individual obtain a personal identification number and why is it needed? Documents to be received

In addition to the main document (passport), every citizen of the Russian Federation receives a number of other certificates and identifications, including a taxpayer identification number, a pension insurance certificate (that same green card), etc. Although formally these documents are not mandatory, and their absence does not deprive a person of citizenship, it is almost impossible to avoid receiving them today. If issuing a foreign passport is a purely voluntary matter, then issuing a SNILS or TIN to an individual is a planned, routine procedure.

Registration of a pension certificate, as well as its subsequent replacement, is completely free. And if it is necessary to obtain a qualified electronic digital signature in advance, then SNILS is issued on the basis of a paper, hand-filled questionnaire and an identity document. Below we will talk about three ways available to an individual to obtain a green card, as well as two special cases.

Why get SNILS?

SNILS, or insurance number of an individual personal account, is assigned to every person included in the scope of the Russian Pension Fund, regardless of age and citizenship. Based on SNILS, in the future you can either submit an application for recalculation of payments already made.

Important: unlike most other documents, SNILS is issued to an individual once and for all. The green card may be lost or destroyed, but in the future, at the request of the citizen, it will be restored with the same number. Currently, this is the only number that does not change during a person’s life.

A citizen will need a pension insurance certificate:

  • to receive social benefits;
  • for calculating old-age or disability pensions;
  • for official registration at the workplace;
  • for registration in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA), through which, in particular, work is carried out on State Services;
  • when filling out a paper or online application for a loan or microloan;
  • in some cases - as the main or second document to identify the owner.

Thus, without registration of SNILS it will not even be possible: for this you will need to register on the State Services website, and the presence of a pension certificate is an indispensable condition for creating an account in the Unified Identification of Automation.

Important: up-to-date information on the procedure and rules for assigning SNILS and issuing a green card is contained in Article 7 of Federal Law No. 27-FZ “On individual registration in the compulsory pension insurance system” of April 1, 1996.

How and where to get SNILS?

Currently, only the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can issue SNILS, regardless of where the application was sent.

Through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

To receive SNILS at the nearest branch of the Pension Fund, you must:

  1. Show up there during office hours and see a free specialist.
  2. Present a document suitable for personal identification (passport, international passport, etc.).
  3. Fill out the form ADV-1. According to accepted practice, Pension Fund employees are now doing this, simultaneously entering the recipient’s data into the system.
  4. Wait for the notification and pick up the green card.

Advice: although the legislator gives the government agency three weeks to issue a pension certificate, the process usually takes no more than seven to ten days. If, after the specified period, an individual cannot receive the document, he should apply first to the Pension Fund, and then to the prosecutor’s office or court.

Anyone can receive a SNILS from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of age and current employment. This can be done by unemployed citizens, those just getting a job, as well as schoolchildren and students.

Through MFC

The procedure for obtaining SNILS through the MFC is similar to that described above: an individual will also need to present a passport or other document to establish his identity and fill out a questionnaire in the ADV-1 form. In addition, you will need to bring with you or make a copy of your passport on the spot and attach it to the application form.

You will have to pick up the green card at the Pension Fund branch within the same time frame: from one to three weeks. Multifunctional centers do not deal with registration of SNILS, they simply redirect the documentation, so it makes sense to immediately go to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - unless, of course, it is located too far from home.

Important: if SNILS is lost or misplaced, an individual can apply for document restoration at any of the institutions mentioned above. The deadline for preparing and issuing a green card is the same three weeks from the date of submission of the application form.

Through the employer

An employer can also take on the responsibility of submitting an application for a pension certificate - of course, provided that the employee is officially employed.

In this case, the organization will need to send to the Russian Pension Fund:

  • a copy of the employee’s identity document (passport, foreign passport or other acceptable);
  • completed application form ADV-1;
  • inventory of forwarded papers.

You can send documents by registered mail, using a courier delivery company or your own courier; the main thing is that the registrar issues a receipt confirming receipt of the package of papers. It is from the date indicated in it that the countdown of the SNILS registration period begins.

Is it possible to get SNILS online?

Important: It is not possible today to receive a green pension certificate online even through the official State Services portal: an individual will certainly have to appear in person at the Pension Fund or MFC or entrust the entire process to the employer.

Obtaining SNILS in special cases

Strictly speaking, there are no special cases for issuing SNILS: the certificate is always issued in a single form and in the prescribed manner. Below we will consider the two most common situations: receiving a card by a child or a foreign national.

Per child

To obtain SNILS for a person under fourteen years of age, his parents, adoptive parents or legal representatives must come to the Pension Fund office or MFC with the following documents:

  • own passport;
  • recipient's birth certificate;
  • if necessary, a paper confirming the right to represent the interests of the child.

The green card must be ready within three weeks; If, after the specified period, the Pension Fund refuses to issue the document, the minor’s representative should submit a written application first to the body itself, and then to the prosecutor’s office and (or) court.

For a foreigner

Nationals of other countries who have lived in Russia for a long time and wish to participate in the pension insurance system can receive SNILS on a general basis by presenting a document at the Pension Fund or MFC office that allows them to uniquely identify the person and filling out a standard questionnaire or having it completed by an employee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Let's sum it up

To receive SNILS, an individual needs to go to a branch of the Pension Fund or the nearest MFC, present an identification document and fill out (either independently or with the help of a specialist) a questionnaire in the ADV-1 form. The document is issued and reissued free of charge. To receive a card to replace a lost or lost one, it is enough to repeat the described steps by sending a new application to the Pension Fund or multifunctional center.

SNILS can be issued for both Russian citizens and foreign nationals. An application for the issuance of a document can also be sent by the employer (during official employment or if the employee loses the card). The time for issuing a pension certificate should not exceed three weeks; otherwise, an individual may file a claim in court or file complaints with the prosecutor's office.

– this is the number of an individual account in the compulsory pension insurance system. It is a green plastic card with the number and personal information of the holder indicated. Now its importance has greatly increased, since it is the citizen’s identifier on the government services portal and the number of the universal electronic card with whose help they receive social security services. That is why now it is issued not only at the start of working life - parents provide even small children with a certificate. At what age you receive SNILS is not so important, but the earlier, the better.

How to get SNILS: conditions and procedure for registration

How to get SNILS? The easiest option is when you first get a job. You need to write an application form for the insured person to the accounting department. Two weeks are given to send documents for the employee to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, another three to open an individual personal account and issue a certificate.

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice on housing issues by calling the hotlines:

But where can I get SNILS for a child or an unemployed person? You will have to contact the Pension Fund at place of residence on one's own. The following documents are needed:

  1. Your passport.
  2. Birth certificate for newborn or under 14 years of age if you are registering for a child.
  3. Questionnaire form ADV-1.

The form does not have to be filled out by hand; it can also be completed on a computer. The main rule is no blots or corrections. A personal signature is required. During the day, the papers will be checked; if everything is correct, they will open an account and issue you a SNILS; if not, they will refuse registration and you will have to fill out the form again.

How to get SNILS and what documents are needed for this is of interest to many citizens. It's no secret that today SNILS is one of the most necessary documents - which means you need to receive it in a timely manner, and in case of loss, you need to issue a duplicate.

Where can I get SNILS?

Let's first deal with receiving SNILS.

SNILS is the number of a citizen’s personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system. This number is individual, belongs to a specific citizen and is assigned once and for life.

In this account, the Pension Fund stores all information regarding the citizen’s insurance experience and contributions transferred to him by the employer (or those that he transfers to himself, being, for example, an individual entrepreneur).

SNILS can be seen on the certificate of compulsory pension insurance - this is a green plastic card that is issued to a citizen after registering him with the Pension Fund.

How to get SNILS if your pension certificate is lost? If you lose your pension certificate, you only lose the document; SNILS itself remains with you for life. Therefore, do not be surprised when the received duplicate has the same number as the lost certificate.

That is registration of SNILS will not be required again - but if your personal data changes, you need to obtain a pension certificate, since if the information specified in the passport (or other identification document) and the certificate does not match, insurance premiums may not be credited to your account on time, or even completely “get lost.”

How to make SNILS?

How to apply for SNILS?

SNILS is very simple to do. To do this you need to provide the following documents:

Don't know your rights?

  • Identity document. This could be a passport, birth certificate or other document (for foreign citizens or stateless persons temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation).
  • Questionnaire of the insured person according to form ADV-1. Sample and rules for filling out the questionnaire, as well as detailed information about how to get SNILS, can be obtained from the Pension Fund unit at your place of residence. Moreover, in some regions, Pension Fund employees fill out this form independently.

If your employer submits documents for you, he is also required to:

  • inventory of transferred documents;
  • power of attorney from the head of the organization to the person who interacts with the Pension Fund on the issue of obtaining SNILS for employees;
  • a statement in which the employee signs after receiving SNILS in his hands.

Another additional requirement may be presented to a foreign citizen if the document proving his identity is in a foreign language. The Pension Fund requires a notarized translation into Russian.

Where can I get SNILS?

So, where to get SNILS?

SNILS can only be obtained from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - or rather, from the Pension Fund division at the applicant’s place of residence or at the location of the employer.

No other government agencies registration of SNILS they don't do it. You will not find this service even on the Unified Portal of State Services: despite numerous promises to citizens, this function is still not available on the site.

The impossibility of issuing a pension certificate via the Internet is explained by the fact that the document contains a lot of personal data, the processing of which can only be carried out by the Pension Fund.

Where is SNILS made?

Now let's figure it out where to apply for SNILS:

  • If you are a working citizen, then your employer must register SNILS for you.
  • If you do not work, then you need to contact the Pension Fund yourself.
  • If SNILS is needed for a child under the age of 14, then SNILS is issued by his parents or legal representatives. The presence of a child in the Pension Fund is not required.
  • If a child has reached the age of 14 years, then he/she issues SNILS independently.
  • If the child is studying at an educational institution, registration of SNILS is taken over by the administration of the educational institution.
  • Since 2014, pilot projects have appeared in some regions of the Russian Federation to conclude interdepartmental agreements on interaction between the civil registry office and the Pension Fund. The essence of the agreement is as follows: when registering a newborn, the registry office transfers all information about him to the Pension Fund for registration of SNILS.

How long does it take to make SNILS?

As a general rule, SNILS is issued no more than 1 month.

If a citizen applies to the Pension Fund independently, the document is prepared within 2 weeks; If the documents are submitted by the employer or the administration of the educational institution, the period may be extended for another 1 week.

The employer must, within 2 weeks from the date of registration of the employee under an employment or civil law contract, submit documents to the Pension Fund for registration of SNILS. But this period is not established anywhere by law, therefore the employer cannot be punished for failure to comply with it.

But! If the employer does not issue SNILS to the employee at all - and such an obligation is provided for by the Labor Code - he may be brought to administrative liability under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and will be forced to pay a fine to the state.

Despite the fact that you may not need SNILS for a long time, you still need to apply for it. The state will not charge you any state duties or other fees. Moreover, SNILS is issued for life, and re-registration may be required only if personal data changes.

Many people perceive a green pension insurance card as some kind of useless add-on to “real” documents - a passport, for example. But in the USA, a person’s insurance number is extremely important, and without the US equivalent of SNILS, it is impossible to get an official job, rent an apartment, or open a bank account. Russia is gradually moving in the same direction, albeit in zigzags. In this article we will talk about what SNILS is, what opportunities it opens up, whether it is possible to change the insurance certificate and how to get a duplicate of it if necessary.

SNILS is the Insurance Number of an Individual Personal Account. In Russia, this term refers to both the set of digits of the identification code of the insured citizen, as well as the laminated insurance certificate (so to speak, physical evidence of the existence of the account), and the actual account number to which payments are made by employers or the state throughout life. The operation of SNILS is regulated by the federal law “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation” (No. 167-FZ of December 15, 2001).

The SNILS format is as follows: 123-456-789-01 , the number is assigned using a special algorithm that excludes forgery and duplication.

The front side of the insurance certificate contains:

  • insurance number of an individual personal account;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the owner;
  • owner's gender
  • date and place of birth;
  • date of registration in the pension system of the Russian Federation (in some cases different from the actual date of receipt of the certificate).

An insurance number is assigned to a person once in a lifetime. And in the future, no matter what happens to the citizen (the last name changes, he leaves the country for several years and then returns, and so on), the identification code remains the same. Registration in the pension insurance system is mandatory both for residents of the Russian Federation and for foreigners officially working in Russia.

Why do you need SNILS

SNILS was conceived as a Russian analogue of the American social security card. It was assumed that the insurance number would become one of the main documents of a citizen, according to which they would determine where and how long the citizen worked officially, what contributions were paid for him by employers, where he currently works, as well as assign pensions, social benefits, benefits and provide other government benefits. services. However, the introduction of SNILS was somewhat ahead of its time: when green certificates appeared (in 1998, and then, in a modernized form, in 2003), the country did not yet have unified databases on public services, social security, and even social insurance archives were not fully translated into electronic form.

Since the mid-2000s, the situation began to change. Now the information compared with the insurance number of an individual personal account:

  • contains complete data on employers’ contributions (to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) for the entire period of the employee’s work experience (meaning the insurance period starting from 2002);
  • used for the formation of state registers of citizens (as part of the exchange of personal data of a citizen between various departments);
  • required for authorization on the government services portal.

It was planned that SNILS would become the basis of a project for a universal electronic card - a means of personal identification, which was going to be linked to the insurance certificate number.

UEC began to be issued on January 1, 2013. The card made it possible to log in to the State Services portal, remotely receive an electronic signature and use it to certify various documents.

It served as an identification document for a pensioner, replaced a compulsory health insurance policy, was a universal travel card, had its own and performed more than 10 other functions.

However, due to foreign policy complications, the increased threat to data confidentiality and the general high cost of the UEC project, it was terminated in December 2016.

However, the Russian government has not abandoned the idea of ​​combining all possible electronic services and identifiers within the framework of the “Electronic Passport” project, but today its implementation has also been suspended.

How to apply for SNILS

Now citizens of the Russian Federation receive an insurance certificate almost immediately after birth. To do this, the mother or father with their passport and birth certificate must visit the branch of the Pension Fund or MFC at the place of residence or actual residence (in regions where MFCs provide such services).

When applying to the Pension Fund, the insurance certificate should, according to the official website of the Pension Fund, be issued immediately if the application form has already been filled out ().

Through the MFC, registration of SNILS takes 5 days. This procedure applies to all children under 14 years of age. Teenagers over this age have the right to independently apply to the Pension Fund with their passport.

Adult citizens, as well as foreigners officially employed in Russia, can obtain SNILS in two ways:

1 Upon employment.

If an employment or civil contract is concluded with you for the provision of services/performance of work, the employer is obliged to send your data to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation no later than 14 days later. There, within 5 days, they will assign an identification number, issue an insurance certificate, send it to the employer, and he will give it to you.

2 Independently in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or in the MFC

Here the algorithm is the same as in the case of children (only you apply with one passport). After filling out the forms, you will receive SNILS from the Pension Fund immediately, and through the MFC - within 5 days. .

Another way to obtain SNILS is to issue a notarized power of attorney and provide it to your representative, who will submit documents on your behalf and receive an insurance certificate.

What happens if you don’t fill out SNILS

According to the law, obtaining an insurance number for an individual personal account is a mandatory procedure; all people officially working in the territory of the Russian Federation must be registered - both citizens of the country and foreigners.

The identification number has long been the subject of conspiracy theories on the topic “they counted us all” and “this is the number of the devil.” Therefore, a certain layer of people has formed in society who do not seek to receive SNILS (and are opposed to assigning it to their children) for ideological reasons.

What are the consequences of not having an insurance certificate?

Despite the fact that, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the attitude of state bodies towards citizens cannot be determined by the presence or absence of any documents, it is difficult in everyday life without a green laminated card.

  • Firstly, problems will inevitably arise when trying to officially find a job. The Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” obliges both the employer and the employee to register all changes in the employee’s insurance record in the state pension insurance system. Violation of this requirement results in a fine for the employer, and who would like that?
  • Since 2016, the accounting records of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs related to personnel records management have been linked to the insurance numbers of employees’ personal accounts - you simply will not be able to receive a salary if you do not have SNILS.
  • If you don’t have an insurance certificate, you won’t be able to apply for benefits or register on the State Services Portal - which means you won’t be able to put your child on the waiting list for kindergarten, you won’t be able to make an appointment remotely with a doctor, you’ll have to collect documents in paper form and bring them to each authority separately, and so on.
  • If there is no insurance number for an individual personal account, there will be big problems with restoring the insurance period and contributions to the Pension Fund in previous periods. You will have to run through the archives, look for enterprise reports and re-register your pension individually manually.
  • Often, SNILS is the second document required when applying for loans from commercial banks. But even if you are not required to present an insurance certificate, any specialist in the credit department will be alarmed by your lack of an identification number when the information about the borrower begins to be checked.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I lost my certificate?

If you lose your “green card” with SNILS, the identification number of the insured person does not go away, it is still assigned only to you, and the account still takes into account all contributions from employers and your length of service. However, there are situations when evidence is needed, so to speak, in kind.

Restoring the card is easy. If you are officially employed, come to the HR department and write an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate (the application form will be prompted by a HR employee).

If you are an individual entrepreneur, lawyer or notary, you must contact the Pension Fund yourself by filling out an application (). Unemployed citizens should follow the same algorithm. If you do not live in the region where you are permanently registered, you do not need to go anywhere - the Pension Fund accepts applications at the place of temporary registration.

There is another way. Not long ago, a service for obtaining a duplicate online was launched on the PFR website (you can submit an application through your personal account and then pick up the finished certificate at the territorial office of the PFR).

I got married and changed my last name. Will the insurance number on the certificate change, and does the green card itself need to be changed?

A personal identification number is assigned to a person once and does not change throughout his life. But the information specified in the insurance certificate must be similar to that contained in the passport.

Therefore, after changing your last name, you need to submit an application to exchange the insurance certificate to the human resources department at your place of work or to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of Russia (or to the MFC, if this service is provided in your region). The old “green card” must be attached to the application. At the same time as when issuing a new insurance certificate, you will receive a card with a changed surname.

What should I do if my last name is written incorrectly on the insurance certificate?

The accuracy of the information reflected on the insurance certificate must be checked immediately upon receipt. If you see an error, immediately notify a HR specialist or a representative of the Pension Fund. There may be two options here:

1 The spelling of your last name is incorrect in the pension insurance data system. This can cause unpleasant consequences if, for example, you restore your experience through archives manually. An incident is possible, which in bureaucratic language is called “multiple registration of an insured person” - there will be two of your personal files in the system, with different surnames. Formally, after checking your passport, you will find yourself as a person who does not have an identification number, it will be issued, and your length of service will be taken into account in two different accounts. If everything is in order with your experience, problems will come to light already at the stage of assigning a pension, when you will have to prove that, say, Ivan Petrovich Sinyakin is you, Ivan Petrovich Sidyakin.

2 For some reason, the operator entered your name incorrectly on the form when printing the insurance certificate card. In this case, the insurance pension account number assigned to you remains yours, and all accruals are made correctly. But when presenting the document, as in the first option, there will be difficulties: if the last name is not yours, then the officials will have questions.

To avoid troubles in any of the above options, immediately contact the Pension Fund using any of the methods described above. Changes will be made both to the insurance certificate itself and, if necessary, to the registration record within the same time frame in which the new certificate is issued.


SNILS or insurance number of an individual personal account is a mandatory attribute of every citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as foreigners working officially in our country. All information about the length of service and contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund that employers made for the employee throughout the latter’s career are linked to this number. Based on this information, a person is assigned a pension, benefits are paid, and so on.

Initially, it was assumed that SNILS would become the main project of a universal electronic card, as well as several others, but now its most frequent use is as an identifier when entering the State Services Portal, which allows you to use a large number of government services provided remotely.

You can obtain SNILS through your employer or at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence, as well as in many MFCs in the country. There you can restore the insurance certificate in case of loss and exchange it after changing your last name.

SNILS is assigned once in a lifetime and is valid indefinitely.

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Currently, at the legislative level in the Russian Federation it is established that all Russians must have SNILS. The document is issued at the place of current or temporary registration in the Pension Fund of Russia or MFC centers. But the interest remains relevant - is it possible to get SNILS at a location other than your place of registration?

SNILS - general information

This is a unique insurance number of an individual personal account. It is stored in the federal pension system, assigned to a specific person and transferred to third parties. A personal account is a kind of repository of information about all contributions, taxes and insurance duties that were paid for a specific citizen by the employer. Also, the document provides information certificates about the citizen’s work experience, which are necessary for further recalculation of pension payments and benefits. .

In what cases is SNILS required?

Upon official enrollment in the work headquarters, this document gives the employer the opportunity to make insurance and tax contributions for each employee to the appropriate departments. When maintaining personnel and accounting records at an enterprise, the certificate allows you to correctly display data on deductible contributions and the employee’s length of service. When making payments and fees to the Russian Pension Fund on a voluntary basis.

It is noteworthy that information about insurance premiums and the duration of an employee’s work activity is displayed on his personal account in the form of bonuses and points, which subsequently affect the amount of pension payments.

The document is required for:

  1. Opportunities for the provision of services by the state and municipalities online.
  2. Registration on the official portal of State Services (to receive services electronically).
  3. Classification of special registers of citizens entitled to claim benefits.

SNILS acts as a kind of identifying device that allows you to find out all the necessary information about a citizen in the shortest possible time.

Is it possible to get SNILS without registration?

Previously, obtaining this document was quite problematic: there were strict restrictions on categories of citizens, registration was carried out only through the employer. To date, the operation of registering SNILS has been significantly simplified. Any resident of Russia can get the coveted insurance number by personally contacting the Pension Fund departments or MFC centers. As a rule, this service is provided at the place of residence. But is it possible to apply for SNILS without registration and residence permit? This question worries many residents of the Russian Federation.

Yes, you can, registration insurance is not required. If a person who has applied for help to the Russian Pension Fund or the MFC does not have a temporary registration certificate, the certificate will be issued to him at the address where he currently resides.

SNILS will be assigned to a citizen regardless of the place and presence of registration.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to obtain SNILS at a location other than your place of registration:

  1. Contact the Russian Pension Fund department or the MF center.
  2. Leave a request to create an insurance certificate, accompanying it with the necessary documents (confirming your identity).
  3. Please wait until your application is processed.
  4. At the appointed time, come to the Pension Fund or MFC for an insurance plastic card.

A citizen can issue a personal insurance account number at the workplace; for this, the employer personally submits the relevant documents to the Pension Fund department. Do I need registration to receive SNILS? No, not needed.

We issue SNILS for a child

A person who has not reached the age of majority is provided with several ways to register an individual personal account.

First way

If a person has not reached the age of fourteen, then the algorithm for obtaining a document is as follows:

  • the parent must submit an application for the issue of an insurance certificate for the child at the local Pension Fund or MFC;
  • collect a list of documents, which includes: parental passport, child’s birth certificate;
  • come for your insurance plastic card within the specified period.

When a child has already been issued a passport and has reached the age of 14, he can write an application on his own. The principle of obtaining is the same.

Second way

This option involves submitting an application through an educational institution; all the nuances of document flow are handled by the school administration. The student is informed in advance about the documents that must be submitted to the school within the specified period. They are transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia, and then after some time they are issued a plastic card, returning the documents. In this way you can also get SNILS without registration and residence permit.

Third way

The specified card is issued directly at the registry office at the time of registration of the birth of the baby. The institution will independently send all the necessary information to the Pension Fund; parents only need to come on time to pick up the documents.

SNILS for the unemployed

The document is issued to citizens in the general manner through their official employer. Are there any nuances in preparing this document for an unemployed person? How can a non-working person obtain SNILS at a location other than his place of registration?

An unemployed citizen who is not an individual entrepreneur and does not belong to the self-employed population needs an insurance certificate. An unemployed person can use the document for the following reasons:

  • to receive pension payments and preferential disability benefits;
  • for transferring material assets to non-state pension funds for the purpose of forming funded pensions.

Applications for SNILS are drawn up according to the same scheme as for an officially employed person.

Special cases of registration

There are a number of unusual cases of registration of SNILS, for example, by power of attorney or for foreigners. Below we describe in detail the features of these procedures.

If for some reason a person cannot independently appear at the Pension Fund of Russia to apply for SNILS, he can do this through a principal. When collecting the package of necessary documents, he must attach to them a power of attorney certified by a notary. Otherwise, the receipt follows the same scenario as in standard cases.

The law does not stipulate that foreign citizens or stateless persons are required to issue a SNILS, but they can do so if they wish. A foreigner should come in person to the Pension Fund office, providing a list of required documents.

Surprisingly, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to issue a SNILS without providing a passport. Any documentary evidence that can confirm his identity will be suitable, for example, a military ID or residence permit.

We restore SNILS not at the place of registration

Is it possible to restore SNILS in another place, where you actually live, and not according to your registration? If you have lost your treasured green card in a foreign city or region, do not rush to get upset, you have equal opportunities to restore the document with the local population. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to restore a lost SNILS not at your place of registration, but in a foreign region. The same algorithm is applicable when replacing a document in another city:

  • go to the Pension Fund or MFC branch;
  • apply for a new insurance document by providing a passport or any document confirming your identity;
  • wait until your application is processed;
  • come for a new document within the specified time frame.

The procedure for restoring a lost SNILS at a location other than your place of registration differs only in that you will not be able to do this through your employer. You will have to contact the local pension fund yourself.

Where can I change SNILS

The need to replace SNILS arises in the following situations:

  • name changes;
  • change of date of birth;
  • gender change;
  • identifying an error or typo in the information specified in the insurance certificate.

It is noteworthy that you do not need to change SNILS when changing your place of residence.

Today, the replacement of SNILS is carried out either at the Pension Fund or at the MFC. Also, the employer can perform this procedure.

The mechanisms for replacing an insurance certificate through Pension Funds and Multifunctional Centers are no different. You need to come to the branch of these organizations with a package of required papers and apply for a new document. It will be ready after 10 days. It is important to remember that you are given 2 weeks to submit an application (for example, from the moment you change your last name). If you fail to submit your application within this period, you will have to pay the state fee.

Frequently asked questions:

Is it possible to change SNILS in another city? Yes, you can. The algorithm is the same as for a standard shift.

Can SNILS be changed through the State Services portal? No. The function is prohibited to protect personal data.

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