Residential complex "Jubilee Quarter". Residential complex "Yubileiny Kvartal" Composition and layout

The residential complex is located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg at the intersection of two major avenues, Komendantskogo and Shuvalovsky. Despite the fact that the building density is quite high, large park areas have been preserved around the residential complex.

The residential complex is located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg at the intersection of two major avenues, Komendantskogo and Shuvalovsky. Despite the fact that the building density is quite high, large park areas have been preserved around the residential complex. The protected area of ​​the Yuntolovsky reserve in the west, the Novoorlovsky forest park and green plantings in the east.

Composition and layout

The residential complex is represented by buildings whose height varies from 16 to 25 floors. Their appearance is something that architects and builders can be proud of. Modern buildings are in no way reminiscent of the structures of the last century - this is the kingdom of metal, glass and artificial stone. The issue of comfort was not left without attention during the design: ventilated facades not only create a unique appearance of buildings, but also provide additional thermal insulation. Heat losses in winter will be significantly lower, and in summer the heat will not bother residents. The layout of the living areas was made taking into account the traditional lack of free space in bathrooms and kitchens. New housing compares favorably with apartments, where, after arranging furniture and household appliances, there is “nowhere to turn around.” Many residents will be delighted by the large loggias, for which any owner will find a suitable use. During the design process, the issues of housing operation were also deeply thought through: storage for baby strollers is provided, and a concierge service operates. New elevators were also installed in the new buildings: high-speed systems allow residents to quickly climb even to the 25th floor.

District infrastructure

The new quarter was built according to the “city within a city” principle, so it has everything necessary for a comfortable life: banks, fitness centers, parking lots, cafes, restaurants. The school for children is located just 300 meters from the residential complex, and the kindergarten is located at a distance of 400 meters. For those who want to raise their children healthy, the Gazprom sports complex will open its doors, where classes are held free of charge. A construction supermarket, which is indispensable if repairs are required, is located just a stone's throw from the residential complex. Grocery stores and pharmacies are located on the ground floors of the buildings, and a large shopping center is 500 m away. Thanks to the presence of two large transport arteries, the distance from the city center is almost imperceptible: 10 minutes on a high-quality surface is the time it takes to get there. Deeply religious people will discover a new temple located in the Novoorlovsky forest park. Modern technologies have also not bypassed the Jubilee Quarter residential complex: today there are providers (communications, TV, Internet) Electron Telecom and Avangard operating here.

Let's sum it up

Residents of the Yubileiny Quarter residential complex do not need to go anywhere to enjoy clean air, because from the windows of many apartments there is a beautiful view of the park areas. The location of the residential complex is carefully thought out: the nearest park is 400 meters away, and the entire surrounding area is landscaped. Most of the free space has been turned into a pedestrian boulevard, which will be pleasant to walk along on a warm summer evening. Those who move to the “Jubilee Quarter” should forget about problems with repairing various communications: the residential complex’s own service department maintains the uninterrupted operation of power supply, heating and water supply systems. In case of problems, qualified technicians will quickly restore everything. Modern alarm and access control systems make life here not only pleasant, but also safe. In addition, the territory is under security surveillance, which significantly reduces the risk of becoming a victim of criminals.

From Komendantsky Prospekt to Parachute Street - this is the scale of the Jubilee Quarter residential complex, which was built by the LenSpetsSmu company in a promising microdistrict between the Yuntolovsky forest park and the Shuvalovsky quarry.

The residential complex "Yubileiny Kvartal" has its own unique appearance. On this site there are 13 brick-monolithic residential sections up to 25 floors high. Each house is placed on a one-story podium-stylobate, the entrance to the entrances is from the courtyard, at the level of the third floor. The entire block is in the same color scheme - a combination of light beige and brown.

The developer delivered 6,764 comfort-class apartments without finishing. There is a kindergarten and a clinic on the territory of the Jubilee Quarter. Bank branches, restaurants, cafes, and shopping malls are located on the ground floors of residential sections.

The ecological situation in this area is controversial. Nearby are the Yuntolovsky Forest Park and a huge industrial zone stretching from Parachute Street to Kolomyaga (1.5 km).

Transport accessibility of the new building is good. Korolev and Komendantsky Avenues are coping with traffic flow successfully so far. The Komendantsky Prospekt metro station is located two kilometers from the Yubileiny Quarter.

The information on this page was updated on March 10, 2018. Source - developer’s website, official website of the Jubilee Quarter residential complex, data recorded from the words of the sales department manager.

IN Residential complex "Yubileiny Kvartal" The last two apartments from the developer remain for sale. The houses have been put into operation a long time ago. However, the complex cannot be called completely rebuilt. To the “city within a city” promised by the developer, "Jubilee Quarter" It doesn't hold up yet. The reason is the acute shortage of social infrastructure.

Several private kindergartens opened in residential buildings, but construction of municipal ones never began. Since 2012, the construction of two schools, which were to be built on Shuvalovsky Prospekt, has remained at the level of promises. The construction of one of them was included in the targeted investment program for 2015 of the St. Petersburg Construction Committee, but the object was excluded from the new AIP for 2016.

A school and two kindergartens began to be built to the north "Jubilee Quarter", within the framework of construction, but the developer of the project is currently experiencing hard times, and therefore there is no hope for the speedy commissioning of these facilities. A school and kindergarten operate near the intersection of Shuvalovsky and Komendantsky Ave., but judging by the reviews of residents "Jubilee Quarter" It is very difficult to get a place in these facilities - the competition is too high. Most people have to take their children to other neighborhoods, by car or public transport.

Bus stops are located on Korolev Ave. and st. Parachute. By buses and minibuses you can get not only to the nearest metro station “Kommendantsky Prospekt”, but also to “Pionerskaya”, “Staraya Derevnya”, “Chernaya Rechka”, “Petrogradskaya” and “Sportivnaya”. But, as expected, Kamenka will not have its own metro any time soon. The Shuvalovsky Prospekt metro station is planned to be built only by 2022 (if the deadlines are not shifted again), the Magistral No. 31 and Kamenka stations - even later.

But slight improvements are expected in terms of the environmental situation in the location. But they were also obtained through the efforts of the local residents themselves. Residents of Kolomyag and surrounding microdistricts, including "Jubilee Quarter", in the fall of 2015, after several protests, they achieved the closure of the asphalt concrete plants “ABZ-1” and “VAD”, which operated in the local industrial zone. According to the townspeople, it was these enterprises that polluted the air in the area.

Sales in Residential complex "Yubileiny Kvartal" are close to completion. Those who are looking for economy and comfort class housing in this area should also pay attention to the residential complexes “Ultra city”, “Legenda on Komendantsky, 58” and.

Updated September 09, 2014

"Jubilee Quarter" built, put into operation and practically occupied. The scandal, which centered on the new building in 2011, died down and was forgotten. Then, a couple of years ago, shareholders actively complained about the unpleasant smell of ammonia, which arose as a result of adding a special component to the sand-cement mortar. In this sense, the object GC "Etalon" was not the only housing construction project where such technology was used. Now residents are not bothered by the unpleasant smell, and, in general, there are no special complaints about the quality of construction, although there are some reviews from dissatisfied residents.

If we talk about the advantages of this residential complex, we can mention good apartments. They are modern, spacious, with a variety of layouts. In the house you can find an apartment for both a large family and a person who lives alone. The proximity of three park areas is also a plus. And of course, one cannot fail to note the presence of a metro station. “Komendantsky Prospekt” is about 2.5 kilometers away. It's not close, but if you want you can walk there, which is a big deal in residential areas.

In our opinion, this is where the advantages end. Let's talk about the cons. Continuing the transport topic, we note that the situation with ground transport in the area "Jubilee Quarter" very complex. Within the microdistrict itself there are constant traffic jams caused by the large number of cars and the narrowness of the intra-block passages. There is also an acute shortage of parking spaces, forcing people to park their cars along the roads, which narrows the already narrow roadway. Komendantsky Avenue and Korolev Ave. are overloaded during rush hours and traffic jams form here. There are no normal exits to large highways (Parachute Street and WHSD) near the residential complex. Of course, you can get to Parashutnaya through the courtyards through the narrow Glukharskaya Street, but this is not the path that is suitable for a large residential area. The lack of full access to the highways complicates the path to the ring road. In a word, the microdistrict here has room to develop.

The second disadvantage is that the areas around "Jubilee Quarter" not yet groomed. This is an area of ​​new development, vacant lots predominate here, and it will take years before everything around returns to normal residential form.

For the same reason, our own infrastructure is not yet very developed. In the neighboring blocks there are schools and kindergartens, but in fact "Jubilee Quarter" I have not succeeded in this yet. It should also be borne in mind that in this part Kamenki Housing construction is proceeding at an accelerated pace. More and more new residential complexes are being built, and, accordingly, the load on infrastructure and the transport network is increasing. There is no doubt that the plans of most developers building in Kamenka new neighborhoods, construction of their own schools and kindergartens, but, as practice shows, this is often done as a last resort, and people are forced to live for a long time waiting for the availability of accessible infrastructure. And if the situation with schools and kindergartens is still somehow being resolved, then with new hospitals and clinics the situation is much more complicated.

And, of course, an issue that cannot be ignored concerns the environmental situation. To the east "Jubilee Quarter" Behind Parachute Street there is a vast industrial zone. But that's not so bad. What’s worse is that the block, like the whole city, is forced to exist in a trail of “aroma” from the famous “northern landfill.” Neither distance nor a buffer forest area can protect you from the smell. The residents here have only one perspective. The city authorities intend to build a waste processing plant outside the ring road, and close and reclaim the existing landfill. Thus, in the future the problem will be solved. Now, in order to reduce the smell, they have begun degassing the landfill area. According to experts, this has a positive effect.

In any case, the smell problem will not be solved in one year. Whether to live here or not is something everyone chooses for themselves. Area Kamenki will be densely populated and developed in the future. As many as five metro stations are planned here. In the near future, there is only hope for the Shuvalovsky Prospekt station. It was supposed to be completed in 2015, but now the deadline has been postponed to 2016-2020. Nevertheless, work is underway, which means the station will appear sooner or later.
Competitors "Jubilee Quarter" in this part Primorsky district enough. Among those currently up for sale are: "House on Nizhne-Kamenskaya Street", , "Kamenka" and a number of others. Compared to other offers, the price of apartments in "Jubilee Quarter" is at an average level.

Only in buildings 1-5 that are already for sale there are about 3,000 apartments, not counting other premises.
Plus, all the other buildings of the Jubilee. Plus, there is a large construction project planned around. Can we assume that a separate substation will be built for us? If so, where is it, and at what stage of unpreparedness? Who can find out information about Lenenergo?
Will there be a repeat of the story with the Commandant Quarter of the Yuit company? According to the official version Yuit, the delay in the delivery of houses (almost a year!!) is due to the delay in the commissioning of a new substation.
I can't believe this entire array can be powered by a diesel generator!?

Good afternoon
I bought the 1st apartment in building No. 4, section No. 3 (8th floor), my husband and I are given a subsidy in the 4th quarter (as those on the waiting list). I called on October 20 at tel. 380-05-26, but the apartment is still not registered. And according to preliminary agreement No. 107-75A-6 dated December 19, 2009, the payment amount has been determined and we expect to repay the entire amount this year, and not in 2011. with a larger amount.
I ask you to register as soon as possible my apartment.
The Construction Committee reported on this facility (per square meters) back in December 2009. and why rush to move in now, the commission accepted the house, wait citizens another year.

The management company is terrible, they charge a lot of money for a 2-room apartment of 60.2 sq. m - 5,500 rubles per month, parking in the yard is prohibited, so that parking is bought up for 800,000 rubles, the service is terrible. the manager of the building works only rudely, something It’s impossible to find out. Anyone who hasn’t bought it yet, think 100 times, is it worth buying an apartment for not too much money?

Good evening! We have been living here in South Caucasus for a year now, just like you, we were freaking out a year ago when we received receipts for 5500. It turned out that our meter readings somehow either didn’t arrive, or we submitted them at the wrong time, well, in general , they called endlessly to find out. We went to the booze, and as a result, they gave us a recalculation, now the main thing is to give the concierge your readings on time before the 25th, and now we pay about 4,100 a month for three.

LSSmu are not to blame for the smell. My family lives in an elite house near the Komendantsky Prospect metro station, from a different company, and also tolerates odors. By the way, they are not constant, 1-2 times a month, for several hours, as if not from the trash heap, but some kind of discard. Maybe from the Nissan factory. I thought there was a cattle farm nearby.

Location and transport: very good location both in terms of transport accessibility and purely household amenities. The metro is a 5-minute walk away, and large supermarkets Okey and Rauta are nearby. At the same time, the place is quite quiet and peaceful.
Concept and architecture: the developer offers interesting apartment layouts with spacious kitchens and bathrooms. At the same time, the possibility of redevelopment is taken into account, which makes this housing complex stand out. A lot of children's playgrounds. There is underground parking.
Ecology: the housing complex was built in a green area, which speaks for itself. There are no large factories nearby that would pollute the air.
Cost: quite a good offer of comfort class will be interesting for young families. Fortunately, the cost of apartments allows.

Walking for 5 minutes means you got something wrong. That's it, there's something wrong with the metro here. It’s a very long drive to get to it, you can’t even get there in 5 minutes by car, and even longer by public transport. This, of course, does not negate its attractiveness, since there is almost impeccable infrastructure around, ranging from educational and sports institutions to various trade and services. The Primorsky district in this part is being built up at a very fast pace, complexes grow every year. I'm afraid that in 5 years it will be difficult to leave here, there are already traffic jams. I would really like to implement plans to open the metro

Parking in the courtyards of the houses Shuvalovsky 41 and Koroleva 61. The lawyer of the Managing Organization of JSC "Service-Real Estate" St. Petersburg Bogatyrsky Avenue, 2 office No. 16 Khotolev Sergey Mikhailovich at a personal reception explained to the residents of these houses that, according to the explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2017, decision of the general meeting of owners to restrict residents from using the courtyard area for parking vehicles funds is not valid, void and not subject to execution by the Managing Organization of Service-Real Estate JSC.