Transfer of the funded part of the pension to a non-state pension fund. How to transfer the funded part of a pension to a non-state pension fund or pension fund Transferred a pension to a non-state pension fund

Today, employers pay insurance contributions to the mandatory pension system at a rate of 22% of the employee’s wage fund. Of these, 6% of the tariff can go to the formation of pension savings, and 16% - to the formation of an insurance pension, or, at the choice of the citizen, all 22% can go to the formation of an insurance pension.

For citizens born in 1966 and older, the formation of pension savings can only occur through voluntary contributions within the framework of the State Co-financing Program for the formation of pension savings, as well as through the allocation of maternal (family) capital funds to a funded pension. If a citizen works, insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance are directed only to the formation of an insurance pension. Pension savings are also available for men born in 1953-1966 and women born in 1957-1966, in whose favor in the period from 2002 to 2004. inclusive of paid insurance contributions for a funded pension. Since 2005, these deductions have been discontinued due to changes in legislation.

If a citizen was born in 1967 or later, until December 31, 2015, he was given the opportunity to choose his own pension option in relation to his future pension savings:

  • generate only an insurance pension
  • form an insurance and funded pension at the same time

Citizens born in 1966 and older were not given a choice of pension options.

Currently, the right to choose a pension option is retained by persons born in 1967 and younger, for whom insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance are charged for the first time from January 1, 2014.

Until December 1 of the year in which the five-year period expires from the date of the first calculation of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, these citizens have the right to:

  • conclude an agreement on compulsory pension insurance and apply for transfer (early transfer) to a non-state pension fund;
  • or before December 31 of the year in which the five-year period expires from the date of the first accrual of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, apply for the choice of an investment portfolio of a management company, an expanded investment portfolio of a state management company or an investment portfolio of government securities of a state “management company.”

When changes are made to the unified register of insured persons for compulsory pension insurance or when the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation satisfies an application for the selection of an investment portfolio with the establishment of a pension provision option that provides for the allocation of 6.0 percent of the individual part of the insurance contribution tariff for the specified insured persons to finance a funded pension a pension provision option is established that provides for the allocation of insurance contributions to a funded pension.

Before the exercise of this right of choice, as well as for persons who have not exercised this right, a pension provision option is established, which provides for the allocation of the insurance premium in full to finance the insurance pension.

If, after the expiration of a five-year period from the date of the first accrual of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, these insured persons have not reached the age of 23 years, this period is extended until December 31 of the year in which the person reaches the age of 23 years (inclusive).

If a citizen has decided to refuse further formation of a funded pension, all previously generated pension savings will continue to be invested by the insurer chosen by him (PFR or NPF) and will be paid in full when the citizen applies for assignment and subsequent payment of a pension. In addition, the insured person still has the right to dispose of these pension savings and choose who to entrust their management to.

  • Important! In 2014-2021 All insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance paid by employers for their employees are used to form an insurance pension.

Regardless of the choice of pension provision option in the compulsory pension system, all citizens with pension savings have the right to entrust their management to:

  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by selecting:
    • a management company (MC), selected through a competition, with which the Pension Fund of Russia entered into an agreement on trust management of pension savings, incl. one of the investment portfolios of the state management company (GMC) - VEB.RF;
  • a non-state pension fund (NPF) operating in compulsory pension insurance.

What is the difference between a management company and a non-state pension fund? If pension savings are in trust management of a management company or state management company, then the appointment and payment of a funded pension, accounting of pension savings and the results of their investment by management companies are carried out by the Pension Fund. If pension savings are in a non-state pension fund, then the investment and accounting of pension savings funds, as well as the assignment and payment of a funded pension are carried out by the non-state pension fund chosen by the citizen.

Pension savings funds can be obtained in the form of:

One-time payment- all pension savings are paid out at once in one amount. Recipients:

  • citizens whose funded pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension, including taking into account the fixed payment, and the amount of the funded pension, calculated as of the day the funded pension was assigned;
  • citizens receiving an insurance pension for disability or loss of a breadwinner, or receiving a pension under the state pension provision, who, upon reaching the generally established retirement age, have not acquired the right to an old-age insurance pension due to the lack of the required insurance period or the required number of pension coefficients ( taking into account the transitional provisions of the pension formula ).

Urgent pension payment. Its duration is determined by the citizen himself, but it cannot be less than 10 years. Paid upon the emergence of the right to an old-age pension to persons who have formed pension savings through contributions within the framework of the State Pension Savings Program, including employer contributions, state contributions for co-financing and income from their investment, as well as from maternal (family) capital aimed at forming a future pension, and income from their investment.

Funded pension- carried out monthly and for life . Its size is calculated based on the expected payment period from 2020 - 258 months. To calculate the monthly payment amount, the total amount of pension savings accounted for in the special part of the individual personal account of the insured person, as of the day from which the payment is assigned, must be divided by 252 months.

Sometimes there is a need to move from an NPF to an NFR. To understand how to take such a step correctly, you need to understand all the nuances. If you want, you can also find instructions on our website.

A citizen can choose any management company to which he transfers his money. Such organizations are public and private. In the latter case, it is important to conclude a trust agreement with the Pension Fund. Investing savings and contributions from the employer are the main sources of income for such situations.

Reverse transition from NPF to Pension Fund: is it permissible?

Everyone has the right to refuse services, even when charges are already being generated.

Afterwards the money is sent only for the insurance pension:

  1. The money accumulated up to that moment does not disappear anywhere. They will continue to be directed to certain areas of investment. When the right to receive occurs, the citizen will receive the amount in full.
  2. Money management can be continued if the insured person wishes. The transfer is carried out in any direction - to another management company, to an insurance pension.

How to transfer savings from NPF to Pension Fund: instructions

Every citizen has the right to transfer money. But you are only allowed to exercise this right once every 12 months.

If you change insurer more often than once every five years, there is a risk of losing the investment income accumulated by the previous partner. Without loss of profit, it is allowed to change only the management company or its investment portfolio.

To exit the NPF you will need to take several steps:

  • Determining the management company where the money will be transferred. After this, they are determined with a specific investment portfolio. The official website contains a detailed list of organizations with which agreements have been concluded.
  • All that remains is to submit an application where the citizen describes his intention in detail.

Submitting an application for transfer: deadlines, methods

Document submission time – until December 31 of the current year. The transaction is usually completed from the beginning of the year after the application submission period.

Submitting applications through State Services

A citizen will need SNILS and a passport to fill out the application form on this website. Additionally, you will be asked to provide an email and mobile phone number for contact. This is usually required during registration. But it is recommended in any case to contact the Pension Fund or MFC for complete confirmation of identity. Then the site visitor will have access to all maintenance functions.

The procedure is described step by step as follows:

  1. Visit the State Services website. You will need to register or log in to your account.
  2. Go to the tab dedicated to services.
  3. Opening the “Authorities” tab.
  4. Selecting an icon representing the Pension Fund.
  5. Selecting a point for receiving and considering applications from registered persons.
  6. Go to the section related to the transfer of savings from one direction to another.
  7. On the page with a description of the service, click on the button to receive them.

An inscription will appear indicating that a qualified electronic signature will be required to certify the application. All that remains is to fill out the application itself; in most cases, personal data is entered automatically. You must indicate the current company responsible for the money. And the one where you plan to go.

When contacting in person through the MFC

A citizen must visit the institution, following the following procedure:

  • Filling out an application with all the necessary details. This applies to personal information, the current type of management and what is desired.
  • Submit documents to specialists for review.
  • Wait for the procedure to complete.

Important to remember! The financial year ends in Russia in March. Therefore, it is recommended to complete all financial transactions before this period. The same applies to applications to transfer your money from one source to another.

By mail

Here the list of documents remains the same as for previous cases. Simply, photocopies of papers are attached to the application in the letter to verify the information provided by the citizen. It is recommended to use the form of a registered letter, with acknowledgment of delivery. And a description of all applications. Then the citizen will receive notifications about what stage the consideration of papers is at. And it will be easier to control the process.

What other papers may be needed?

Apart from a passport and SNILS along with an application, no additional requirements are usually presented to citizens. Changing your opinion regarding the insurer to whom the money is entrusted is a right retained until December 31 of the current year. The rule applies to investment portfolios and management companies. When a decision is made, a new application is sent to the notification. The information most recently received from citizens is subject to consideration.

March 1 of this year– the deadline by which the consideration of applications must be completed.

  1. If the requirement is satisfied, all changes are made to the appropriate register before the end of the required period of time. The Pension Fund together with the insured person receives the message.
  2. The citizen is also informed if the final decision is negative. The agreement with the NPF remains valid, the register is not subject to any adjustments.

Obligation of NPFs to transfer savings back to the Pension Fund

After completion of the procedure, the previous contract with the NPF is considered to be terminated. The organization must decide on the transfer of money before March 31 of the year following the time of application. A maximum of a month after signing the agreement, the Pension Fund itself transfers the savings to the management company.

Here the main regulatory document is No. 75-FZ. It also describes other cases when the transfer of money is carried out by a non-state pension fund without fail, even without an application from a citizen:

  • The arbitration court declared the fund bankrupt and began bankruptcy proceedings regarding the organization.
  • Termination of the contract for mandatory pension protection, which is associated with a court hearing and a corresponding decision.
  • The Pension Fund receives a notification about the refusal of savings by the citizen.
  • The owner of the money passed away.
  • Revocation of license for financial transactions.

In case of illegal activities

In the country, non-state pension funds have recently begun to actively expand their service network. Organizations invite special agents who persuade them to send money to one or another organization.

Often citizens who have no rights to commit such actions work this way. This led to the fact that the same person entered into an agreement with several funds at once. Often the transfer of money itself is carried out without consent and legal grounds. Then the first step is to draw up a claim in writing.

Attention! If violations are detected, citizens are held administratively liable and fines are issued.

When can they refuse to transfer to another fund?

The transfer of a future pension may be refused if one of the following circumstances arises:

  1. Termination of the agreement between the management company and the Pension Fund.
  2. Acceptance of savings has been suspended by the organization itself.
  3. The investment portfolio and management company are not chosen by the citizen himself.
  4. The application procedure was violated.
  5. Filling out documents with errors and violations.

Accumulations of the deceased: features of payments

If the account holder dies, his next of kin can apply to receive the remaining funds. You must visit the Pension Fund branch at your place of registration. The documentation package for applying in this case consists of the following items:

  • Information about the bank details of the legal successor.
  • SNILS.
  • Death certificate of a relative who participated in the insurance.
  • A document confirming the degree of relationship between the participants in the procedure.
  • Identification.

The fund's staff will help you draw up an application so that there are no mistakes. The decision must be made on the seventh month following the death of the citizen. Payments are made for the 8th month, if after submitting the documents the decision is positive.

Only in a few cases can private and public companies refuse to be considered. Then the money remains as a reserve with the Pension Fund.

The decision to switch: is it worth it?

Here, each citizen decides purely individually. It all depends on what information citizens have regarding the activities of a particular company. According to statistics, income in NPFs is several times higher than in the Pension Fund. But the latter option is more reliable. State support also plays an important role.


It is recommended to contact financial specialists who provide individual consultations. They will calculate to what extent changing the management company would be advisable in a given case. Any citizen can choose an insurer whose conditions suit the current situation and financial needs. The main thing is to submit applications before December 31, so that the final decision is made no later than March-April next year. Then the transfer of savings will be completed, and the citizen will be informed about the level of possible income.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

Our lawyer can advise you free of charge - write your question in the form below.

Choosing a pension option

Until December 31, 2015, citizens born in 1967 and younger must choose a pension option for themselves - keep only the insurance part of the pension and refuse the funded one, or keep both parts of their future pension.

Retirement Options

Insurance part is the basic form of state pension provision. The pension is guaranteed, but its size depends on the situation in the country at the beginning of payments, first of all, on the ratio of the number of working citizens and pensioners and on the situation with the state budget.

Cumulative part- these are funds for mandatory pension savings, which are managed by professional market participants in the interests of the future pensioner.

Combination of savings and insurance parts allows you to create the most reliable pension option. Such a “combined” pension consists of at least two elements - budgetary and market, which helps protect potential payments from risks of various natures.

Components of the future pension of Russians



How is it formed

In monetary terms

In points, the value of which may vary depending on the number of working citizens and pensioners

Where does it come from?

As a result of investment of pension funds by professional managers

From contributions active at the time of payment of employees

What is

Funds recorded in the pensioner’s individual account in rubles

State obligation to distribute funds to future employees

How is it indexed?

Depends on portfolio profitability

Taking into account the current demographic and economic situation. In 2016, by government decision, the insurance pension will be indexed by 4%, while for 2015 inflation, according to preliminary estimates, will be 12%

Right of inheritance

You can inherit before a pension is assigned

Not inherited under any circumstances

Options for placing the funded part of the pension

How to place your funds?

Features of calculating pension savings funds,

subject to transfer upon applications for early transfer

according to applications submitted by insured persons in 2016

Both the Pension Fund of Russia and the non-state pension fund, which is part of the system of guaranteeing the rights of insured persons in the compulsory pension insurance system, can invest pension savings.

The Pension Fund invests pension savings through the state management company Vnesheconombank and private management companies, one of which a citizen can choose independently.

A change of insurer occurs only when moving from the Russian Pension Fund to a non-state pension fund, from one non-state pension fund to another, as well as from a non-state pension fund to the Russian Pension Fund. When transferring pension savings from one management company to another, there is no change of insurer - the Pension Fund of Russia remains the insurer.

You can exercise the right to change insurers annually. However, investment income is retained only if funds are transferred no more often than once every five years.

You can also change the insurer by early transfer, however, in the event of a negative investment result, this may entail a reduction in pension savings (the nominal value of insurance premiums) by the amount of the investment loss. The exception is for insured persons who have submitted an application for early transfer to the year of five-year fixation of pension savings by the current insurer.

Loss of a citizen's pension savings when filing an application for early transfer in 2016

Since what year

you form

pension savings

with your current insurer?

Positive result


Negative result


From 2011 and earlier

Loss of investment income

for 2016

Loss of pension savings equal to the investment loss for 2016

Since 2012

No loss of pension savings

Between 2013 and 2015

Loss of investment income

for 2015-2016

Loss of pension savings in the amount of loss from investment for


Since 2016

Loss of investment income

for 2016

Loss of pension savings

by the amount of loss from investment for 2016

Required documents for application

Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) Identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) Application for choosing a management company


Both the insurance and funded parts of the pension are formed from insurance contributions charged by the employer for its employees.

At the same time, contributions to the insurance part are recorded on an individual personal account with the Pension Fund in the form of pension rights guaranteed by the state and are regularly indexed by the state. But the money itself goes to pay pensions to current pensioners.

Contributions to the funded part of a pension live a different, more complex financial life. These are real funds that can be transferred to the management of a company; this company will invest in investment projects and thereby increase the amount over time. Instead of a management company, you can choose a non-state pension fund that works with several management companies, monitors the status of a citizen’s account, and reduces the risk of losses.


All pension savings of citizens generated at this moment will continue to be invested and paid in full, taking into account investment income, when citizens receive the right to retire and apply for it. The changes will affect future deductions. We are talking only about the redistribution of contributions in favor of the insurance part.


If we talk about the advantages of choosing 0 or 6 percent, then it is necessary to clarify:

The insurance part of the pension is more conservative, more guaranteed by the state, since the funds of the insurance part of the pension are annually indexed depending on the level of inflation and taking into account the growth index of the Pension Fund's income per pensioner.

The funded part is more flexible, but less protected by the state. The accumulative part of the pension is credited with investment income, which is received as a result of placing your funds in non-state pension funds or management companies. The 6% tariff is more interesting for insured persons who want to participate in the formation of their pension savings.

There is another advantage in the savings part: these funds can be inherited. In the solidarity system, where insurance premiums are located, they are not inherited.

Everyone must decide for themselves what the rate of insurance contributions for the formation of the funded part of a future pension will be. If you don’t want to think about the fate of your pension savings, don’t do anything. Then, starting from the new year, all 16% will go to the insurance portion, and this money will be managed by the state. If you want to manage part of your pension money yourself, if you are sure that you can do it better, write an application to the Russian Pension Fund or a non-state pension fund to which you are willing to entrust your savings.

If you have never submitted an application to choose a management company or to transfer to a non-state pension fund, then in order to maintain the 6 percent tariff, you should submit an application to choose a management company or a non-state pension fund. At the same time, as before, when transferring pension savings to a non-state pension fund, you need to conclude an appropriate agreement on compulsory pension insurance with the selected NPF.

For those who in previous years submitted an application at least once to choose a management company or to transfer to a non-state pension fund, and it was granted, from 2014, 6% of the tariff will continue to be transferred to the funded part of the pension.


In the event of bankruptcy of non-state pension funds, they are obliged to transfer all existing pension savings and customer registers back to Pension Fund within a month. If there are no funds and NPF are not included in the guarantee system - the Bank of Russia reimburses the money for them, but only at the nominal value of insurance premiums (without investment income).


Before signing any papers, it would be good to find out who actually came to you and what kind of documents you are being asked to sign. If a person came to your house without warning and introduced himself as an employee of the Pension Fund, ask him to show his official ID and you will find out that this is a representative non-state pension fund.

If you did sign the document and only then read it, then accordingly you will look for your pension savings in the non-state pension fund with which you signed the agreement without looking.

I would like to remind you once again that employees of the State Pension Fund do not go door to door, do not conduct any reconciliations or campaigns, and do not sign any documents.


It is generally wrong to talk about freezing pensions. The point is that during 2016 the entire amount of insurance contributions goes to the formation of an insurance pension, and the funded pension is not funded. This procedure for the formation of future pensions has been extended to the next year 2017. At the same time, all pension savings that had already been formed at the end of 2013 do not disappear or disappear anywhere. They are invested and will be paid to citizens when they reach retirement age.


You can find out where your pension savings are located through the personal account of the insured person on the Pension Fund website. In addition, you can obtain such information by personally contacting the client service of the Pension Fund management at your place of residence.


As explained by Natalya Karnozhitskaya, head of the department for organizing and accounting for the investment process of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation branch in the Belgorod region, starting from 2008, the legal successors of a deceased insured person have the right to receive his pension savings.

According to the “Rules for the payment of pension savings by the Pension Fund to the legal successors of deceased insured persons,” there are 2 ways to receive them:

Through the post office;

By transferring funds to a bank account.

When the successor chooses the method of receiving funds through Russian Post, from the amounts to be paid, deductions will be made against the postal fee for making a postal transfer (at established rates). The amount of this deduction is 2% of the payment amount.

If the payment method is chosen “by transferring funds to a bank account,” then the assignee must submit to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, along with all documents, a copy of the savings book or information about the existence of an account with bank details. When paid through a credit institution, pension savings are paid to the successor in full (without deduction of delivery costs).

I note that before the expiration of 6 months from the date of death of the insured person, legal successors have the right to change the method of receiving pension savings. To do this, you need to submit an application to the territorial office of the Pension Fund.

Non-state pension funds are distinguished by their profitability, which is why many citizens use their services. However, the NPF with which you entered into an agreement is highly likely due to the presence of great competition. After this, it is extremely difficult for investors to return their savings.

  1. All funds that you have accumulated up to this time will not be lost. They will be directed to one or another area of ​​investment. When a citizen is able to receive his savings, the funds will be paid to him in full.
  2. If the person is insured, then management of funds can continue (if desired). They can be transferred from a non-state pension fund to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or to another non-state pension fund.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make the transition

To make the transition, you just need to collect the necessary package of documents, as well as choose a convenient method for submitting them.

Reference! The transfer of savings can be carried out an unlimited number of times, but this procedure cannot be carried out more than once a year.

If you switch from one fund to another more than once every 5 years, you risk losing the income received. This situation can only be avoided if the transfer of funds is carried out between management companies.

Collection of documents

The package of required documents will depend on the method of submission:

  1. Personal appeal to the Multifunctional Center or Pension Fund - SNILS and Russian passport. If the documentation is submitted by an authorized person, a notarized power of attorney will be required.
  2. Through the State Services portal. All you need is a qualified electronic signature, since all other data is available in the user profile.
  3. By post. In this case, you only need to enclose in the letter copies of your passport and SNILS, having first certified them by a notary.

Compiling and submitting an application

An application for transfer from a NPF to a Pension Fund can be submitted in writing or through the State Services portal in electronic form.

Important! There are two types of application: the first sample implies an early transition, the second - a regular one. If you choose the first option, the savings will roll over to the next year after you submit your application. If the second one, the funds will be transferred after 5 years.

The application must include the following information:

  1. Personal data of the applicant (full name, place of residence, telephone number, etc.).
  2. Name of the recipient organization (territorial authority at the place of registration of the client).
  3. The main part indicates the purpose of the appeal. In this case, it is a return to the Pension Fund account.
  4. Final part. The applicant's signature and the date of the application are affixed.

Once the application is submitted, the pension case will begin. It is best to get a receipt from a Pension Fund or MFC employee stating that the application was submitted. This will avoid controversial situations in the future.

If you apply to the Pension Fund or MFC in person and want to save time, you can fill out the application in advance. To do this, just go to the official website of the Pension Fund and provide a sample.

Through State Services

To transfer funds from a non-state pension fund to the Pension Fund, you can use the unified state portal.

To do this, you will need to observe two important points:

  1. Have a verified account.
  2. Availability of a qualified electronic signature.


  1. Log in to State Services. To do this, you need to specify the login and password for the user’s Personal Account.
  2. Find the “Services” section, then select the “Authorities” tab.
  3. Click on “Pension Fund”.
  4. Select a service that is responsible for receiving and processing applications from insured persons.
  5. Click on the required section: “Transfer from NPF to Pension Fund”.
  6. Get acquainted with the service and click “Get”.
  7. At this stage, the user will be notified that without a qualified electronic signature, the application will not be considered. Click "Continue".
  8. Fill out the form (full name of the insured person, gender, etc.).
  9. Select a non-state pension fund whose client you are currently.
  10. Select the organization whose client you will be after transferring your savings to the Pension Fund.
  11. Please indicate the retirement savings option that appeals to you.
  12. Select the Pension Fund department that will review your application. To do this, you need to indicate your location.
  13. Click on “Proceed to sign the form.”
  14. Install the signed media on your PC if you have not already done so. The portal has detailed instructions.
  15. Your application will open in “pdf” and “xml” format.
  16. Carefully check the data you provided, and if no errors are found, then click “Sign”.

An application submitted through State Services will be reviewed within 1 day.

Personal visit to the MFC

If you are making a transition from a non-state pension fund to a private financial firm through the Multifunctional Center, then the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Wait for your turn and go to the window.
  2. Hand over the collected documentation (SNILS and passport) to the employee.
  3. Fill out the application according to the established form.

When contacting the MFC, you can receive a refusal only in one case - an incomplete package of papers was provided.

Sending a transfer application by mail

If you are sending your application by mail, please attach photocopies of your passport and notarized. It is best to send a certified letter with notification to know whether the submitted papers have been considered.

Within what time frame are NPFs required to complete the transfer?

When the application is submitted to the appropriate authority, you must wait for a decision. It will be announced before March 31 of the year when the funds are to be transferred. You need to be prepared for the fact that the transfer from the NPF to the Pension Fund may be refused.

Attention! If the application is approved, the funds will be transferred to the management company’s account.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for cases when The NPF is obliged to transfer funds without fail:

  1. According to the court ruling, the fund was declared bankrupt.
  2. The contract for mandatory pension protection was declared invalid.
  3. The citizen abandoned his savings by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund.
  4. The owner of the savings died.

If a non-state pension fund decides to terminate a contract with a client, the latter must be notified of this in writing. In addition, citizens must receive an extract from their personal account so that the accumulated funds are transferred to the Pension Fund. When the money arrives in the personal account of the Pension Fund of Russia, the organization must notify the citizen about this.

If a non-state pension fund’s license is revoked, the citizen will not need to transfer savings to the Pension Fund. This responsibility falls on the shoulders of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The amount transferred by the employer will be credited to your personal account.

Can they refuse to transfer?

The pension may not be transferred if at least one of the following circumstances occurs:

  1. The contract between the Pension Fund and the management company was terminated.
  2. The organization has suspended accepting savings.
  3. The citizen did not select a management company and investment portfolio.
  4. Errors were found in the submitted application.

If a citizen considers the refusal to be unfounded or unlawful, then he can draw up a complaint and submit it to a higher authority. All necessary documents must be attached to the application, including a notice of refusal.

When the complaint is sent to a higher office of the Pension Fund, you must wait 30 calendar days. Only after this period has passed will the decision made be announced.


It is quite possible to move from a non-state pension fund to a Pension Fund. To do this, you need to collect the necessary documentation and submit it either through a personal application or through the State Services portal.

An applicant may be denied transfer for some reasons. If a citizen considers this to be unlawful, he can file a complaint.

Useful video

The video contains important information from an expert on the topic of the article:

For 17 years now, part of your future pension has been managed by management companies and non-state pension funds.

Alexey Kashnikov

worked in NPF, sued NPF

Their work determines how much the amount of savings will increase and what the pension will be. To influence the size of your pension, you can choose who manages your contributions. For this purpose there are private management companies and non-state pension funds.

I worked as an agent for non-state pension funds for five years and transferred my savings to different funds several times. I’ll tell you what to pay attention to if you decide to choose or change NPF.

What was the author smoking?

Editorial T-J made every effort to make the compulsory pension insurance system understandable to the reader. But some nuances of the pension system are difficult to present briefly and clearly. Pension reforms are carried out almost every year and confuse even specialists.

Once, while working at a non-state pension fund, I was unable to understand another pension law. I went to my local pension fund office and asked the staff to explain some details. They laughed in my face: “We don’t understand this ourselves! It will be visible there..."

Therefore, I warn you: you need to tighten up in places.

It also cannot be said that smoking is harmful to health and limits your social circle, which has a detrimental effect on your career. Contact a non-state pension fund to manage your pension, and see a doctor to quit smoking.


In the last century, our country had a distribution pension system: contributions were taken from workers and divided among pensioners. Everything was fine as long as many people worked and there were several able-bodied people per retiree. Statistics show that in 1970 there were 2.5 workers per retiree.

By the beginning of the 2000s, this ratio had changed. In 2005, the ratio of workers to retirees was 1.7:1. Now the ratio is 1.12:1. And in 2025 it will be 1.04:1. That is, approximately the same number of people will work as receive pensions. Understanding what awaits us, the state organized pension reform.

One solution to the problem is in the distribution and storage system. Contributions are still taken from workers, but now this amount is divided into two parts. One part is distributed among current pensioners, and the other part is retained by the employee so that he receives it when a pension is assigned.

While money accumulates, prices in the country rise and inflation gradually eats up savings. To compensate for inflation, funds must work and generate income. The state took care of this and appointed special companies to manage pension funds. Now every future pensioner has the right to choose who will invest his future pension.

Readers born in 1966 and older!

The article is not entirely relevant for you - the compulsory pension insurance system fully applies to persons born in 1967 and younger. But you still have a small funded pension, and you can also choose a non-state pension fund to form an additional, non-state pension. We'll tell you about this too.

If you are so knowledgeable about investments that you know how to choose a management company and investment portfolio, tell us about it in the comments. For others, it’s easier to choose NPF as their insurer and leave the rest to professionals.

It is impossible to make a fatal mistake when choosing a non-state pension fund. The funds operate according to uniform rules, their activities are regulated by several federal laws, and all undergo licensing and inspections by the Central Bank. But we will still tell you about some criteria for a suitable NPF.


Check whether the fund participates in the system of guaranteeing the rights of insured persons. By analogy with bank deposits, funded pensions in such funds are insured by the Deposit Insurance Agency. Even if the fund goes bust, your money will not be affected.

Some NPFs have class B ratings, for example BBB− or BBB+. This means a moderate level of reliability. Most funds received class A ratings, indicating high reliability. Now the best NPFs have the highest ratings - AAA.

Another important indicator is the life of the fund. The first NPF appeared in our country in 1990. Until 2005, they were only involved in additional pension provision: they formed a second pension.

If the fund arose before 2005, it means that its creators did not intend to simply make money on pension reform. The longer the period of operation of a non-state pension fund, the greater the experience, the more stable the organizational structure, and the higher the readiness for crises. (This is in my opinion. This is how we all live in Russia - a country where everything is possible.)

The stability of the fund is indirectly indicated by the number of insured persons and the amount of pension savings. If a fund has less than a million clients, it is either a newcomer to the market or an industry fund working with one large enterprise or group of companies.

Currently, the NPF market is undergoing a process of consolidation of players, and small funds are constantly merging or being absorbed. So, if you choose a small fund, be prepared to constantly change names and addresses. Data on the number of clients and the volume of pension savings are posted on specialized websites.


Many sites publish data on the profitability of non-state pension funds. In general, they are all reliable, but there is a nuance: any profitability rating is compiled on one or more grounds, and their various combinations allow you to bring the desired fund to first place. Compilers of performance ratings don't have to fudge the numbers to push their favorite fund to the top.

For example, in terms of profitability for the last year, fund “A” will be in first place, in terms of average return over the last 10 years - fund “B”, and in terms of accumulated return for the same period - fund “C”, because fund “B” is working only 7 years old.

The non-state pension fund where I worked also once compiled a profitability rating in which it took first place: for this it was necessary to select the 20 largest funds and take indicators for 3 years only among them.

Therefore, when they tell you about profitability, specify for what period. The fund's performance can be judged by its return for at least 5 years: if on average it is close to 10% per annum, this is a good indicator.


Test the selected non-state pension fund for customer focus. See if it’s easy to find the information you need on the site, find out if you will have a personal account and what information you can get there, call the hotline and see how quickly they answer the phone.

It is convenient when a non-state pension fund has a branch or representative office in your city. For example, when I had to sue my NPF, I spent a lot of time finding grounds for filing a claim at my place of residence. If the fund had a branch, the claim would have been accepted immediately.

At the NPF branch you can submit an application for inheritance or payment of a pension, and in case of a conflict, you can come to the insurer’s office and raise a row. Without a representative office, all this can also be done, but by mail or via the Internet.

Early transition

You can change insurers annually, but if you do this more than once every five years, you will lose all the investment income that has accumulated while you were in your current fund.

This happened to me when I was deceived into transferring to another fund. In 2015, I entered into an agreement with NPF. At that time, there was 43,000 RUR in the savings account. For two years, my non-state pension fund invested money, and I received income. When the scammers transferred me to a new NPF in 2017, everything I earned was burned, and the original 43,000 RUR remained in the account. Over these two years I lost 3700 RUR.

The lost money could work for the entire time remaining until retirement. Over 30 years, with a return of 10%, the initial amount increases 16 times.

Therefore, before choosing an NPF, check who your current insurer is and how long they have had your money. You can check it on the government services website; you need the service “Notification of the status of a personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.” In the statement you will see deductions for your pension, as well as the date when the contract with the insurer came into force. You will be able to choose a new fund without losses only after five years.

How to transfer money

If there is a branch of your NPF in the city, you just need to come there with your passport and SNILS. Specialists will help you prepare the necessary documents.

Usually agents look for you and offer you to choose your fund. Therefore, you don’t have to go anywhere at all, but check whether the proposed NPF meets your criteria. Or choose a fund and make an application through their website.

To transfer money to a non-state pension fund, you will sign several documents:

  1. Agreement on compulsory pension insurance. There will be three copies of the agreement in total, each of which you will sign in at least two places.
  2. Transfer Applications. Usually, just in case, clients are given two statements to sign at once: on the transfer from the Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund and on the transfer from the Non-State Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund.
  3. Consent to the processing of personal data.

The agreement will not come into force immediately, but next year, from January 1 to April 1. If you sign a contract today, you still have time before the end of the year to change your mind. The NPF will begin working with your money only in 2019.

Second pension

Above we talked about how to receive a pension from the state. But you can also create an additional, non-state pension for yourself. Until 2005, NPFs did just that.

For example, all Russian Railways employees


  1. The funded pension is managed by two insurers: Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund. If you do nothing, the money will remain with the Pension Fund and VEB Management Company will invest it.
  2. When choosing a non-state pension fund, make sure that your savings are insured.
  3. A good NPF gives a yield of 10% per annum.
  4. It is convenient when the fund has a branch in your city.
  5. The size of the fund is an additional indicator of reliability. Large funds have more than a million clients.
  6. Test your future fund for customer focus. A good NPF will provide all the information on the website and answer questions via the hotline.
  7. To transfer money to a non-state pension fund, go to a branch of the fund or invite an agent to your home. Prepare your passport and SNILS.
  8. If you change NPF more than once every five years, you will lose investment income.
  9. In addition to the state pension, the NPF will help with saving for an additional pension.