Is it necessary to show insurance to the inspector? Checking the traffic insurance policy - in what cases is an insurance policy provided?

Namely: clause 2.1.1 contains the right of a traffic police officer to check, and therefore the obligation of the car owner to transfer for inspection:

  • license or other document allowing you to temporarily drive a vehicle;
  • registration documents;
  • insurance.

This is a mandatory list for everyone, regardless of the situation. In some cases, other documents may be required. That is, the answer to the question of whether the driver of the vehicle is obliged to present an insurance policy to the traffic police inspector is unambiguous. Yes, I must. Moreover, the policy must not be expired, and the person specified in it must be driving. The driver is required to present documents confirming the right to use and drive a vehicle. The insurance contains a list of persons allowed to drive a car. Therefore, the MTPL policy is required to be presented when stopped by the traffic police.

Is the driver required to present insurance to the traffic police inspector?

Electronic version Since 2017, every car owner has the opportunity to take out a compulsory car insurance policy without leaving home. This can be done on the website of any insurance company. The obligation of insurers to sell electronic options is provided for by law, but in practice it is not always possible to obtain this advanced service.

However, this is not about that now. If the car owner nevertheless exercised his legal right and bought an electronic MTPL, then what should he do when stopped by the traffic police? After all, the employee has all the legal grounds (see above) to request a paper document from the driver. The key to solving this dilemma lies in Article 32 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”. This paragraph states that when applying for an electronic version of insurance and in the event of a car being stopped by a traffic police officer, the driver is required to present a printed version of the policy.

Is the driver required to show insurance?

It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • 1 What must be presented to the traffic police inspector
  • 2 Responsibility for violating traffic rules
    • 2.1 Purchasing a new car
  • 3 Electronic version

What must be presented to the traffic police inspector All issues related to civil liability insurance are covered in the Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”. It contains the obligation to present a compulsory insurance policy in three cases:

  • in case of an accident;
  • violation of traffic rules;
  • at the time the vehicle is deregistered.

However, this contradicts the responsibilities of drivers described in the traffic rules.

Am I required to show my insurance to the traffic police officer?

Let us remind you that according to the traffic rules, every driver must be insured and have a compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance agreement (compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners). Is the driver required to present insurance 2) vehicle registration certificate. This document indicates the owner of the car, place of registration, date of issue and other information important for the traffic police officer 3) MTPL insurance policy.


This type of insurance is mandatory, so everyone who owns a car is required to have it with them. Moreover, it is obvious that the policy must be valid - the terms, you must also be included in it. Do I have to show insurance to inspectors? Good afternoon.

In accordance with clause 2.1.1 of the Traffic Rules, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993.

403 - access denied

How to present an electronic MTPL policy to a traffic police officer Before the introduction of electronic policies, each driver was required to carry an MTPL form certified by the insurer on sheet A4. After presentation, the traffic police officer checked the validity of this document and checked it with the information on the driver’s license. Now drivers are required to carry a printout of their electronic MTPL policy with them.
At the request of the traffic police officer, it will be enough to show it. In the absence of compulsory motor liability insurance or its expiration, the inspector may issue a fine in the amount of 800 rubles (removal of license plates and towing of the car were abolished in 2014). How will the inspector check e-OSAGO? The procedure for checking an electronic MTPL policy is similar to a regular policy.
If, after examining the e-OSAGO, the inspector has any questions, he can contact the IMTS or the RSA database (the latter is also available for drivers).

Presentation of an electronic insurance policy to a traffic police officer

Possible problems when using an electronic OSAGO policy During the period of creation of services, the process of obtaining and using e-OSAGO had a large number of difficulties. Thus, only some insurers had a purchase option on their website, and if they did, there were constant problems with the service. In addition, many companies deliberately prevented the introduction of such an opportunity: with online registration, it will not be possible to sell the vehicle owner insurance with a large number of additional services.

There is a constant debate on the Internet about whether a driver is required to show insurance to a police officer (since we remember that we no longer have a traffic police department in our country). The traffic rules state that the driver is obliged to provide the police upon request, but does not say in what situations the police have the right to demand to see the driver's license. In order to understand this, all you need to do is open the Law of Ukraine on MTPL insurance, which sets out in detail and clearly in which cases the driver is required to provide an MTPL insurance policy and in which cases the police have the right to demand that it be presented.

What does the law tell us?

It is a well-known fact that the driver must have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, since it is one of the mandatory documents giving the right to use the vehicle. That is, according to the Law, on the territory of Ukraine it is prohibited to use a vehicle that can be classified if it is not covered by a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy. Accordingly, the MTPL policy should always be with you when you go anywhere, as well as your license and registration certificate.

Now let’s look at when a driver is required to show his insurance to the traffic police (or rather, to the policeman). Before the advent of the police, it was common practice for the traffic police to stop motorists in order to check documents, and at the same time the availability of insurance. Often this procedure ended with a bribe, as a result of which the driver, impoverished by a hundred or two hryvnia, drove on, and the satisfied traffic cops were left to look for a new victim. Today the situation has changed radically. First of all, know that the police do not have the right to stop you just to check your documents (and the presence of an MTPL policy at the same time). It’s a different matter if there was a traffic violation - in this case, the driver must be ready to show the insurance to the policeman at the first request, since during the preparation of the report the policeman is obliged to check the availability of the MTPL insurance policy. If you do not have your MTPL policy with you, at best you will receive a verbal warning, at worst - a fine. In what other cases will you have to show the police your insurance? In addition to cases of drawing up protocols for traffic violations, the driver must show the traffic police insurance when drawing up a protocol for a traffic accident. Here you need to take into account that if the culprit of the incident (or a participant in the accident who is partially responsible for what happened) does not have an insurance policy with him, then he will have to pay not only a fine for violating traffic rules that led to the accident, but also for not having it in his hands OSAGO policy. And remember that if you simply did not take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and your actions on the road led to property damage, harm to health and moral damage to others, then all financial responsibility for compensation for this damage falls on you. shoulders.

Naturally, this does not apply to those categories of the population for whom issuing a policy is not mandatory - in this case, MTIBU assumes full responsibility for compensation for damage. Categories of the population such as combatants and disabled war veterans, as well as disabled people of the first group who personally drive a vehicle belonging to them and persons driving a car belonging to a disabled person of the first group in his presence are not required to have and provide an MTPL policy.

For all other car enthusiasts, the online service provides a wonderful opportunity at the best price, choosing among offers from leading insurance companies in Ukraine.

Every stop by a traffic police representative makes you worry, but often the inspector only wants to check the driver’s documents.

A responsible motorist will not go on the road without checking the basic package of documents, but in a hurry, you may forget to take insurance with you. But is it necessary to present the MTPL policy to the traffic police inspector at all, or is the absence of the policy in the car acceptable, and the employee’s demand is illegal?

Is it necessary to present a policy to the traffic police inspector when stopped?

As the number of policyholders who have issued electronic MTPL increases, the topic of whether a traffic police officer has the right to check insurance does not lose its relevance. This is due to some inconsistencies in the legal norms that existed until recently. To understand the situation, you need to refer to the current legislation. In particular, Federal Law No. 40 contains a direct indication of the cases in which the policy is presented to the traffic police inspector:

  1. When a traffic accident occurs.
  2. Identification of cases of violation of existing traffic rules.
  3. Upon termination of registration in relation to a specific transport unit.

Meanwhile, there is another rule, defined in the Traffic Rules, and mandatory for every driver operating a car on Russian roads. According to paragraph 2.1.1, an authorized employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate has the right to check documents, which is interpreted as the obligation of the motorist to submit the following package:

  • driver's license;
  • vehicle documentation;
  • compulsory car insurance policy.

The Rules clearly indicate the inspector’s right to demand and the driver’s obligation to present the specified list of papers.

It should be remembered that when checking compulsory motor liability insurance, the inspector will pay attention not only to its presence and reliability, but also to its validity period. The motorist who presented the insurance must be included in the list of persons allowed to drive, as well as have a valid license and be included in the policy if the car does not belong to him.

What to do if electronic compulsory motor liability insurance is issued?

With the introduction of new rules for issuing electronic auto insurance, different interpretations have emerged regarding the need to store e-OSAGO in printed form. Drivers offered to check the policy from a tablet or a photo on the phone, or look up the information in the database. Meanwhile, the parties are obliged to follow the provisions of the federal law, which requires the presentation of paper documentation for verification. In relation to an electronic policy, this means the need to store a printout of the file received from the auto insurer after completion of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

According to Art. 32 of the Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, a person must present an existing document during verification, even if it is issued electronically. To successfully complete the procedure, it is enough to have a printout.

For some time after the introduction of electronic insurance, traffic police inspectors could not require the presentation of a document, checking the data in the database, however, the federal norm clarifies the eligibility of the requirements for the availability of a paper version of e-OSAGO.

What happens if you don’t hand over your insurance to a traffic police officer?

Taking out a policy does not mean that you should not carry it with you. Every time before going on the road, drivers are required to check the availability of the basic package of documentation for the car, driver and insurance. Failure to comply with this requirement entails administrative liability with the drawing up of a protocol on the offense, in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 12.3 Code of Administrative Offences. Currently, the motorist is not subject to such penalties as confiscation of the car to an impound lot or removal of license plates, without which further operation of the vehicle is impossible.

The only measure taken against the violator is the issuance of a fine set at 500 rubles. However, for the first time, the traffic inspector may limit himself to a verbal warning and verbal obligations to the motorist to immediately take out insurance.

Sometimes, when checking documents, it turns out that the car is driven by a person who is not included in the current insurance. In this case, the state traffic inspector has the right to issue a fine to both the driver and the car owner:

  1. For providing a car to an unauthorized person without proper transfer of the right to drive and re-registration of compulsory motor liability insurance - for the owner of the vehicle.
  2. For the absence of a mandatory document on car insurance - for the driver.

The OSAGO form has long become an integral part of the mandatory package of documents that a motorist must have. Even the availability of an electronic insurance option in 2020 does not eliminate the need to print and store a paper copy.

How to enroll in a driving school?

By calling or leaving an online request, we will help you choose a group with a convenient class schedule for you.

When and what documents need to be submitted to a driving school?

a) application - to be filled out during the first lesson
b) a photocopy of the passport and identification code is given in the second lesson
c) photo 3 x 4 cm. two pieces, served in the second lesson.
d) medical certificate - doctors come to the driving school and conduct an examination on the spot.

What is the training period?

The training period is three months.

When do you need to pay for training?

The first three weeks of training are free, then payment will be made in stages.

What cars are you training on?

You can study and take exams in cars with both manual and automatic transmissions (driving school cars: MERSEDES, HYUNDAI, DAEWOO, KIA, SKODA, CHEVROIET, LADA, OPEL)

Is it possible to study and take exams without Kyiv registration?

You can conduct training and take exams at any service center, regardless of your place of registration.

Driving school "Zhaivoronok" is your reliable driving teacher on Kyiv roads

Buying a car in our time is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. But it’s not enough to buy a car, you also need to learn how to drive it competently. And at this stage, the issue of selecting a good driving school in Kyiv and, accordingly, an instructor who will help you master all the intricacies of driving a car becomes acute. What should be your top priority when choosing a driving school? The first thing is, of course, read the reviews about the school you have chosen.

There is usually plenty of such information on the Internet, unless of course the driving school has just opened and is not a dark horse. Secondly, check which fleet of vehicles the driving courses own and whether they have a training driving facility. And what training conditions are offered to you? Also a very important point is the number of hours planned by the driving school for the student’s practical training. Driving schools often provide 10 hours of driving, which at first glance seems to be enough, but in practice this is negligible and the student simply does not have time to master driving skills and subsequently has to hire an instructor for a fee.

If you are a resident of Kyiv, and you are familiar with Svyatoshinskyarea, then you're in luck. After all, it is in this area that the Zhayvoronok driving school is located. The driving school has a convenient location, namely between the Zhitomirskaya and Akademgorodok metro stations.

Thanks to this location, our driving courses will be close to people living both in the Borshchagovka area (Sofievskaya Borshchagovka), and Belichi and the Chaika residential area.

Location of Driving School classes in Kyiv

Class No. 1: st. Semashko, 9, (metro Akademgorodok)

Secondary school No. 200. Entrance from the left side of the building (from the side of building No. 24)

Class No. 2: st. Lvovskaya, 25. (metro Zhitomirskaya)

Gymnasium of Oriental Languages ​​No. 1 Entrance in the center of building No. 25

Class No. 3: Grigorovicha-Barsky street 5, (Borshchagovka)

Near the Ring Road and the bus stop. tram. No. 1

Class No. 4 Autodrom: st. Verkhovynna 44. (metro station Svyatoshin)

Territory of the gymnasium of oriental languages ​​No. 1, entrance from Verkhovinnaya street

Over 40 years of successful work, 17,000 drivers have left our walls, for whom we are not ashamed. When you come to our driving courses, be sure that upon completion you will be a good driver and will be able to avoid accidents on the road. Our professional instructors will make every effort to achieve this.

Emergency training courses

Our driving school educates drivers who are not scary to be around on the road. Unlike most driving courses, where they teach how to pass exams in the traffic police, we value our reputation and teach how to drive a car and avoid accidents on the roads. Having studied the statistics of road accidents, a disappointing conclusion was made that the largest percentage of accidents occurs among drivers whose driving experience is no more than three years.

In order to avoid students getting into such an unpleasant situation, in our driving school you will take courses on emergency training. This is a very important point for the modern driver. The quality of the roads and the skills of the drivers who surround us often leave much to be desired.

It is for this reason that it is very important to be prepared for an unpredictable situation. A professional instructor will teach you how to drive a car in an emergency situation, such as ice, as well as the correct behavior and competent control of a car when skidding and drifting off the road. With an instructor, you will learn to predict and calculate the situation on the road in advance, thanks to which you will subsequently be able to avoid an emergency situation.

It is very important to consider and understand the main causes of road accidents and analyze them with a professional instructor in a driving school, and not take them to the road, going through this school at the cost of your own car, and sometimes your health. Also, during the emergency training course, you will have the opportunity to study and work out the rules for accident-free parking and high-speed taxiing using specialized simulators.

40 hours of driving with an experienced driving school instructor

In our driving school you will receive 40 hours of driving, and this is important practice that is necessary for a novice car enthusiast. After all, for a beginner, the main thing is experience and skills that can only be acquired with practice and nothing else. An experienced instructor at our driving school will help you avoid mistakes on the road and tell you how to protect yourself from them in the future. The instructor will share not only his knowledge, but also his experience, and this will help in the future to avoid troubles on the road.

Own racing track

Another advantage of the driving school in Kyiv “Zhaivoronok” is the presence of its own racing track. Not every driving school can boast of having a high-quality racing track. If not at the racetrack, where else can you practice your driving skills? After all, many of you will be driving for the first time and will need to start with the very basics of driving, and training these skills on the city streets can be unpleasant, and in some cases even dangerous. Of course, we won’t spend all the time at the racetrack, driving will also take place on the streets of Kyiv, but this will happen after you get comfortable in the car and feel more or less confident behind the wheel. Also, thanks to the presence of a racing track at our driving school, you will not have to wait for your turn to perform a maneuver and your driving practice will be fruitful.

Driving school "Zhaivoronok" is located in the Svyatoshinsky district of Kyiv, near the Akademgorodok and Zhitomirskaya, Nivki metro stations. Thanks to this location, we are easily accessible to residents of nearby areas. Belichi, Novobelichi districts, Chaika, Svyatoshino and Borshchagovka residential areas. We will also be glad to see residents of more remote areas of Kyiv. We will help you become a really good driver. After all, we are never ashamed of our graduates. And we are calm when drivers trained by our driving school meet on the road. After all, we are confident that these people really know how to behave on the road and how to drive a car correctly and react in emergency situations.

We train drivers with whom we can ride on the same roads!

There is a constant debate on the Internet about whether a driver is required to show insurance to a police officer (since we remember that we no longer have a traffic police department in our country). The traffic rules state that the driver is obliged to provide the police upon request, but does not say in what situations the police have the right to demand to see the driver's license. In order to understand this, all you need to do is open the Law of Ukraine on MTPL insurance, which sets out in detail and clearly in which cases the driver is required to provide an MTPL insurance policy and in which cases the police have the right to demand that it be presented.

What does the law tell us?

It is a well-known fact that the driver must have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, since it is one of the mandatory documents giving the right to use the vehicle. That is, according to the Law, on the territory of Ukraine it is prohibited to use a vehicle that can be classified if it is not covered by a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy. Accordingly, the MTPL policy should always be with you when you go anywhere, as well as your license and registration certificate.

Now let’s look at when a driver is required to show his insurance to the traffic police (or rather, to the policeman). Before the advent of the police, it was common practice for the traffic police to stop motorists in order to check documents, and at the same time the availability of insurance. Often this procedure ended with a bribe, as a result of which the driver, impoverished by a hundred or two hryvnia, drove on, and the satisfied traffic cops were left to look for a new victim. Today the situation has changed radically. First of all, know that the police do not have the right to stop you just to check your documents (and the presence of an MTPL policy at the same time). It’s a different matter if there was a traffic violation - in this case, the driver must be ready to show the insurance to the policeman at the first request, since during the preparation of the report the policeman is obliged to check the availability of the MTPL insurance policy. If you do not have your MTPL policy with you, at best you will receive a verbal warning, at worst - a fine. In what other cases will you have to show the police your insurance? In addition to cases of drawing up protocols for traffic violations, the driver must show the traffic police insurance when drawing up a protocol for a traffic accident. Here you need to take into account that if the culprit of the incident (or a participant in the accident who is partially responsible for what happened) does not have an insurance policy with him, then he will have to pay not only a fine for violating traffic rules that led to the accident, but also for not having it in his hands OSAGO policy. And remember that if you simply did not take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and your actions on the road led to property damage, harm to health and moral damage to others, then all financial responsibility for compensation for this damage falls on you. shoulders.

Naturally, this does not apply to those categories of the population for whom issuing a policy is not mandatory - in this case, MTIBU assumes full responsibility for compensation for damage. Categories of the population such as combatants and disabled war veterans, as well as disabled people of the first group who personally drive a vehicle belonging to them and persons driving a car belonging to a disabled person of the first group in his presence are not required to have and provide an MTPL policy.

For all other car enthusiasts, the online service provides a wonderful opportunity at the best price, choosing among offers from leading insurance companies in Ukraine.