Hillary Clinton's illness. What is wrong with Hillary Clinton and how can the illness affect her chances? Voters' attitudes toward sick candidates and presidents

Hillary Clinton, who is running for president of the United States, appears to be seriously ill. And both physically and psychologically. This is evidenced by numerous videos of her speeches, which fully confirm the unsatisfactory condition of the potential head of the White House.

Not long ago, American journalist Paul Joseph Watson published a video entitled “The Truth about Hillary Clinton’s Crazy Behavior,” where he examined in detail the not always adequate behavior of the US presidential candidate.

In general, Hillary Clinton, with her unblinking, chilling gaze, wooden laugh and complete lack of human emotions, makes a terrible impression. In her speeches, she hardly hides the fact that she is going to start a war somewhere far from America, preferably with Russia, because without a major nuclear war involving Europe, Russia and China, the American elite cannot survive. The country is in debt like silk. The machine prints empty green pieces of paper without stopping, but this cannot continue indefinitely. War and the subsequent reset of everything, including American debts, is the only way out of the situation.

Hillary is the worst thing a woman can become. Her election campaign is rolling like a tank, crushing her opponents and fabricating statistics from opinion polls. There is no doubt that the voting figures will also be falsified. The elite is firmly dragging the evil grandmother to the presidency, and it seems that nothing can stop the catastrophe.

And this is where divine providence comes into play. Hilary suddenly begins to crumble before our eyes.

One thing the elite did not take into account was the physical condition of the US presidential candidate. Hillary Clinton now resembles an old rag doll stuffed with sawdust. No matter how much you inject her with hormones, dietary supplements, no matter how much you pour liters of vitamins into her (or even something worse), but the years and the stroke she suffered take their toll. Finding herself under hundreds of cameras during her speeches and public appearances, Hillary exhibits strange, disgusting symptoms of unknown diseases. Believers see clear signs of possession. And of course, not the slightest detail escapes the attention of her opponents. There is only one verdict - the patient needs peace, a hospital, a bed in a mental hospital, but not the presidential chair.

It's not just old age. It seems that only a shell of her is alive, and her mind is inserted from the side. It's like she's under hypnosis. She is led, controlled, manipulated, processed. Just to drag the old trough to the White House, just to hold out for another three months without attacks of epilepsy in front of voters. And then it won’t matter anymore.

So, let's look at the symptoms.

A fall. Loss of balance. In 2012, she had a stroke, but it is unclear whether she had a stroke and fell, or fell and this triggered the stroke:

Sudden convulsions. At first it looked like a joke and Hillary smiled like a crazy clown. But she was asked serious questions. There was no point in shaking your head comically. At the end of the attack, Hillary, regardless of the topic of conversation, suddenly said: “Guys, you should definitely try this iced tea. So tasty". And she went:

Just the other day, hearing the screams of Protestants, Hillary suddenly fell into a stupor, fixing her gaze on one point. Immediately a mysterious black man (personal doctor? manipulator? psychologist?) jumped up to her. He droned monotonously in his ear: “Keep talking... You can handle it... We’re not going anywhere...”. She woke up as if from the touch of a magic wand and began to scream in her rough voice, “Okay! Let's move on!! Ha-ha-ha!” and echoed the words of the command: “We will continue to talk!”:

Nobody knows who this man is, but he is not an intelligence agent or a bodyguard. He accompanies Hillary everywhere, and even carries a special syringe ready to inject her with whatever she needs in case of a seizure.


In addition, bloggers note that in many photographs of Hillary Clinton, a urinal attached to her leg is visible under her clothes. Many photographs appeared on social networks intended to confirm this thesis. “Does the thickening seen on the presidential candidate’s leg look like a catheter reservoir?” bloggers ask.

After the fall Hillary Clinton to faint health statusThe US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party raises serious concerns among Americans. While experts debate how much this will affect the further course of the campaign, voters have questions about Clinton's real capabilities. Will she be able to cope with the responsibilities of the presidency if she wins? How long will she withstand such a load? What's going on with her?

In general, there are more and more claims against the Clinton campaign every day. For example, a few days ago it turned out that Google was playing in favor of the Democratic candidate. Experts believe that the company influences the course of the election campaign through search queries. Analysts have noticed that auto-suggestions that appear when you enter “Hillary Clinton...” are extremely positive in nature and are more popular search queries. This is evidenced by the search results in other unbiased search engines Yahoo and Bing, where in the first place are the queries “Hillary Clinton is a liar”, “Hillary Clinton is a criminal”. On Google, the first items on the list are “Hillary Clinton wins” and “Hillary Clinton is great.”

Her state of health raises more questions than answers. The candidate's campaign headquarters for not promptly providing, as stated, truthful information about Clinton's well-being after the incident during mourning events dedicated to the anniversary of 9/11.

Her representatives promised to release additional medical information about Hillary's condition within a week.

What is Clinton's illness?

The lack of information about Clinton's health caused a wave of rumors and speculation that appeared long before the incident. For example, in February she was choking during a severe coughing attack, and a doctor was constantly on duty next to her with an injection. At the same time, no serious information was received from headquarters.

At the end of July, while talking to reporters, her face twitched, after which Trump supporters diagnosed her with epilepsy.

Clinton herself constantly jokes with journalists, offering to check her pulse to prove that she is alive. However, after she fainted at a memorial event for 9/11, she couldn't just laugh it off. Her attending physician Lisa Bardak announced that the Democratic candidate has pneumonia, so the next two-week “tour” around the country is cancelled. This may well cost Clinton not only sponsorship money, but also votes.

Meanwhile, debates continue online about what exactly is wrong with Hillary. In some frames she faints, in others you can clearly see the difficulty with which she climbs several steps on the stairs.

Based on several videos and Clinton’s “medical history” that was leaked online, experts have put forward several versions. One of them - venous thrombosis, which her therapist talked about.

She also fainted and hit her head on the sidewalk in 2012. As a result of this, according to experts, she could develop dementia, which is also reported in a “case report” published online. With this diagnosis, a person experiences blackouts, memory loss, uncontrollable seizures, as well as degradation of speech, ability to navigate, count, cognition and reason. Another syndrome could have developed due to the fall - dysphasia. This disease negatively affects the perception of language.

Along with dementia, dysphasia, and epilepsy, there are speculations about a possible stroke, heart attack, Parkinson's disease, and even the death of a presidential candidate.

It even got to the point that some social media users said, for example, that instead of Clinton at the 9/11 events there was her double.

However, according to some experts, all the symptoms observed in Hillary may be evidence of nervous overstrain due to the election campaign.

However, the Clinton campaign prefers not to tell the truth and worry about the real state of health 68 year old grandmothers, and look for the guilty on the side. Traditionally, there were accusations against the Kremlin and Trump. Yes, American scientist Bennett Omalu tweeted that Hillary Clinton may have been poisoned and Putin or Trump were to blame.

One way or another, if Clinton becomes president, she will not have fewer stressful situations and “insidious enemies.” This means that the question quite logically arises whether she will cope with presidential duties.

However, before thinking about the future presidency, you need to answer the main question - can she become one?

Pity or rationality: how will Clinton's illness affect her ratings?

There is no consensus among experts about how this whole “case history” will affect Hillary’s chances in the presidential race. According to a former US Senate foreign policy analyst James Jatras, the Clinton campaign is doing everything to present her ailments in the most favorable light.

I don't think people will be told the truth. And questions about her possible illnesses are portrayed as almost part of a conspiracy theory. A kind of cocoon was woven around Clinton so that even from friendly media there would not be any inconvenient questions that could cast doubt on the official version of what was happening.

James Jatras

Clinton herself is not inclined to transparency and tries to keep everything secret. However, in this case, this could also negatively affect its rating.

However, a number of media outlets and experts claim that her illness could become a trump card in the elections, despite the financial losses due to her inability to travel around the states. For example, senior editor of Business Insider Josh Barro suggests that the episode at the funeral events could be an additional argument for improving Clinton's image, as she continues to work despite pneumonia. Famous comedian Patton Oswalt also supported the Democratic candidate on his Twitter, noting that “psychotic, dissociative narcissism with a lack of empathy is worse than pneumonia” - referring to Trump, of course.

In his opinion, even being terminally ill, Clinton will not give up the presidential race. And if she comes to power, “brain short circuits” are unlikely to force her to make decisions that are uncharacteristic for her.

In addition, Tim Kaine, who will take her place in an emergency, is approximately identical to her in all political parameters. He is also a centrist and democrat who has served at many levels of government for decades and has experience in shaping both domestic and foreign policy. From here, the author of the article concludes that if a voter casts his vote for Clinton based on political preferences, then her health is not a problem.

For them, this may become a “doctor’s matter.” Not voters. As it turns out, it’s not enough to elect Hillary Clinton as president; she still needs to be cured. The media, interrupting each other, replicate data from the ex-Secretary of State’s medical record. And they grab their heads. Her head. There's dementia there. Acquired dementia, decreased cognitive activity with loss of previously acquired knowledge and skills. “The patient comes back again, stating complications after a concussion that occurred in early December 2012. She has increased memory loss, uncontrollable convulsions, and blackouts. The patient has already been diagnosed with complex partial seizures,” Fox News channel quotes an excerpt from supposedly Clinton's medical history.

And even though the recording was made two years ago, even now it seems to many that everything fits according to the signs. Yes, with such a background, you need to go not to the White House, but to the “yellow” house, opponents of the democratic candidate are proud of their foresight. They immediately pointed out her sore spot. The machinations of competitors can also be seen in this leak. If only because this is not the original medical book, but a fragment not certified by anyone. Besides, he somehow confirms the rumors too suspiciously. However, it is a well-known fact that in 2012, Hillary, after severe poisoning, lost consciousness and hit her head when falling.

This did not necessarily lead to complications. But you can’t fool the symptoms. Memory impairment. In the spring, she said that the United States had not lost a single person in Libya. Although it was only a militant attack on the consulate that killed four. Violation of criticism and inability to make realistic plans. Well, here, at least every day, record the deterioration. From the latter - a promise to open three times more jobs than Trump. Violation of constructive activity. This, however, was discovered by her back in the State Department. But, judging by her inclinations, everything remained with her. Personal changes. She once admitted that she doesn’t sweat because she is a robot assembled in a garage. No one even smiled at the joke.

At the same time, she was caught more than once for very strange manifestations. She barked, as it seemed to her, very cleverly copying the Republicans. It seemed appropriate, but much longer than was appropriate. Sometimes she went into convulsions. Also in order to impress with their ability to respond to the challenges of our time. However, from the outside it looked like an extremely painful reaction. Especially, without sound, in the “no comments” section. In general, “he either cried, or laughed, or bristled like a hedgehog.” On top of that, there is also a terrible cough at meetings with voters. Seizures almost disrupt the event. And during one of her speeches, Clinton seemed to be seized with panic; she could not start for a long time until her bodyguards came to the rescue. A week ago, the media circulated a photo in which she, with difficulty and with the help of several men, climbs the stairs.

All this can probably be attributed to nerves, fatigue, stress. But the most important symptom cannot be hidden. She already thinks that the President of the United States. And this cannot be cured. Be that as it may, the participation of such a candidate is actually a new story for the States. It’s just possible that it’s a medical history. Clinton herself is still silent. Probably, her headquarters have not yet decided how to involve Putin in such a delicate matter. Maybe blame him for bringing him to this state. Although in the pre-election sense it is very promising. Hillary links Trump's success to the fact that he is supposedly crazy. Now there are suspicions that he is far from her in this too.

Mikhail Weller learned about Hillary Clinton’s terrible illness - she’s just a walking biorobot. The criminal gang behind her hopes that Hillary will somehow limp through the election, and after that they will pull the strings as they please. It just turns out a little confusing - either Hillary is very sick, or incredibly criminal, even Weller will get confused here.

Fortunately, I can tell you everything about the terrible illness that befell Clinton. You just have to start a little further away.

Some time ago, US presidential candidates came out with economic programs. We put them side by side, and what do we see? Trump is against trade unions and free trade, and Clinton is against trade unions. Clinton promises to give discounts on kindergarten fees in the form of tax breaks, and Trump promises the same thing, only his tax breaks are structured differently. Trump talks about the deterioration of American infrastructure - you give new roads and bridges, and Clinton has a detailed plan for investing in exactly the same facilities.

What's the difference?

Oops-pa-pa. Trump promises to cut taxes - a variety of them - on inheritance, on corporations, and the top income tax bracket. But Clinton promises to raise taxes - on the ultra-rich, on multimillionaires, on those with an income of more than $5 million a year. The first $5 million is the same as before, and on everything beyond that there is an additional 4% tax. Can you imagine the horror? Only a crazy person would suggest something SO unfair. Is it possible to live decently on $5 million a year? How can one withstand the insane 4% tax on sweet amounts above the meager limit? After all, it is in addition to existing taxes!

It's either Trump's business. NThe inheritance tax, which Trump proposes to abolish, is now taken only from those who inherited more than $5 million. They take 40% of everything above $5 million per heir. About 5,000 people pay such a tax in a typical year, and this is the neediest part of the US population.

Trump has not explained where he will get the extra money for day care and roads, or what he will cut from existing spending to find money for his tax cuts. Trump has the same spending priorities. And he will take the money for these expenses there - from the ultra-rich. Why - yes, because no one else has it. It’s just that Clinton is going to take them with taxes, and Trump is going to take them into debt, into national debt. Without being embarrassed by the fact that paying interest on the debt is the second largest budget item after military spending. And yes, he will also increase military spending.

That's the whole disease. It is estimated that if Clinton's amendments pass, multimillionaires will pay $900 billion more in taxes over the next 10 years. Do you think they dream about this? Would you like to donate your hard-earned billions to some bridges?

Not at all. Of course, Clinton's plan may not pass even if she is elected, but why take the risk. And the Internet is filled with lists of people in whose murder Clinton personally participated, covering up her husband's sexual perversions. And if you are too smart and don’t believe in mountains of corpses, then they will tell you about a walking biorobot or, at worst, scary tales of a private e-mail server. You see, $900 billion is not enough money to risk.

Clinton's fatal illness is as old as time, and is called " reckless desire to tax the ultra-rich"The course of this disease is difficult and does not always end well. But the endless increase in national debt, as Trump implicitly suggests, is also hardly very wise. Or is there another solution?

Why is it important? Because in Russia, supposedly, there are almost no taxes on the rich at all. According to Federal Law 78-FZ of 01/07/2005, the inheritance tax was abolished. Taxes on personal income in Russia are a ridiculous 13%. Corporate taxes are reduced to zero by using offshore companies. However, the state in Russia spends a LOT, that is, the money comes from somewhere. The rich pay almost no taxes in Russia. Guess who pays them here? And why is the Russian government so close to thugs? But the main thing is that everyone here is happy and laughing - this is something scumbags don’t even dream of.

Rumor has it that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, has serious health problems... A new black swan?

Hilary's strange behavior during the election campaign makes us think about the options for the finale of the US presidential race.

“Lately she has had seizures several times, which manifest themselves as seizures on camera.”

“Recall that in January 2013, CNN reported that Secretary of State Clinton was treated with blood thinners in a New York hospital in order to dissolve a blood clot in her head. Then the doctors were confident that her health would be fully restored. Clinton was admitted to a New York hospital on Sunday because of a blood clot that was discovered during testing related to a concussion she suffered earlier, her spokesman Philippe Reines said. The blood clot was located in a vein between the brain and skull behind Clinton's right ear and did not cause any stroke or neurological damage, her doctors said in a statement.

“Questions about Hilary’s health have become relevant again, especially after the photo where she had difficulty climbing the stairs.”

“This has led to further speculation regarding the identity of the man, allegedly a Secret Service employee, whom many have already dubbed tamer, a man who is supposedly her personal doctor.”

“Here Mike Cernovich points out: Tamer Hilary before he became a member of the Secret Service in ordinary clothes, while all SS officers wear suits.”

“We saw this “doctor” at Hilary’s last performance when she got “stuck.”

Further, Cernovich points out that this is not an ordinary SS agent - Hilary's tamer, seems to be carrying a pen with Diazepam."

“The device is an auto-injector of Diazepam, used for acute recurrent attacks. Diazepam is one of the medications for patients who suffer from recurrent seizures."

A narcissistic old showman and an evil, depraved old woman are fighting for the presidency of the United States. A cheerful autumn is guaranteed!... Who else needs American stocks?


Diazepam- a drug from the benzodiazepine group, which is widely used in medical practice. The drug has a sedative, hypnotic, anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant (relaxes muscles) and amnestic effect. Enhances the effect of sleeping pills, narcotics, neuroleptics, analgesics, and alcohol. Taking diazepam for a long time can lead to dependence on the drug.

Diazepam is on the WHO Essential Medicines List, which defines the minimum set of medicines required in the healthcare system. The drug is used, in particular, to treat anxiety, insomnia, epileptic seizures, muscle spasms, and alcohol dependence. In preparation for some medical procedures, such as endoscopy, diazepam is used to sedate the patient or to provide anesthesia.

Since August 1, 2013, diazepam has been included in List III of psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation and in respect of which certain control measures may be excluded. Previously, it was included in the list of potent substances.

Diazepam is prescribed for various neuropsychic diseases: neuroses, psychopathy, as well as neurosis-like and psychopath-like conditions, schizophrenia, organic brain lesions, including cerebrovascular diseases, somatic diseases accompanied by signs of emotional stress, anxiety, fear, increased irritability, senesto-hypochondriacal, obsessive and phobic disorders, and sleep disorders. It is also used to relieve psychomotor agitation and anxious agitation in these diseases.

In pediatric psychoneurological practice, diazepam is prescribed for neurotic and neurosis-like conditions, accompanied by the above phenomena, as well as headaches, enuresis, mood and behavior disorders.

Diazepam is used for epilepsy to treat convulsive paroxysms, mental equivalents, and to relieve status epilepticus. Due to its muscle relaxant effect, the drug is also used for various spastic conditions.

Diazepam is prescribed in combination with other drugs to treat withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism.

In anesthesiological practice it is used for preoperative preparation of patients.

In dermatological practice it is used for itchy dermatoses.

The drug reduces the nocturnal secretion of gastric juice, which can play an important role when prescribing it as a sedative and hypnotic to patients with gastric ulcers

The drug also has an antiarrhythmic effect.

Diazepam is used for premedication and ataralgesia before endoscopy and surgery in combination with analgesics and other neurotropic drugs.

Diazepam is an integral part of the sleeping pill reladorm (see Cyclobarbital).