Summary of an excursion to the bank for children. Lesson-excursion to the bank “The house where money lives!” Scenario of an excursion to a bank for schoolchildren

Methodological development
Introductory tour to the bank.
Introduce children to new words found in modern life and explain their meaning.
Give an idea of ​​the bank's work.
Using visual material (bank card), give children an idea of ​​how to use virtual money.
New words:
A bank employee
Bank card
Bank machine
Bank account
Non-cash money

Visual material:
Bank card
ATMs The teacher instructs students of the Young Economist association on safety precautions, compliance with traffic rules and behavior during the excursion.
Generalization of knowledge during the conversation:
Teacher: Guys, what is the name of the science that studies money?
Students: Numismatics.
Teacher: And the place where the money is kept?
Students: Bank.
Teacher: What banks are located in our village?
Students: Sberbank, Moscow Industrial Bank, Post Bank, RosselkhozBank.
Teacher: Well done. Why do people go to the bank?
Students: Pay payments, receive a pension, withdraw money from a card, pay a loan...
Teacher: What differences do banks have?
Educational: Emblems.
The students approached a large building with a sign on which “Sberbank” was written in green letters.

The teachers entered the spacious hall of Sberbank. During this excursion, the head of the bank introduces the children to the life of the bank from the inside, with its structure and key functions.
Supervisor: To get in line, you first need to go to a special machine and take a ticket with a number. Take your ticket and sit in a chair in the waiting room. After some time, your coupon number will appear on the display.

Educational: What professions are there in the bank?
Supervisor: Cashiers sit in closed booths. They work with cash. In the operating room there are consultants serving private, that is, individuals. In addition to the operating room, there are departments for working with legal entities. The bank has other premises where employees of different specialties work.
Teacher: Guys, what if you and I don’t have cash? How and with what you can pay receipts or top up your phone account.
Educational: Plastic cards, using ATMs.

Supervisor: Irina Vitalievna told the guys about the 24-hour zone. Visitors can use the ATM service at any convenient time. ATMs allow you to withdraw money, or vice versa, top up your account, and receive a bank statement. All operations can be carried out using a plastic card. Irina Vitalievna introduced students to plastic cards. They are all the same size. On the front side we indicate the owner's first and last name and card number. On the reverse side there is a special place where the owner puts his signature. There is also the most important thing - a magnetic strip on which information about the card and bank account is written in encoded form. When the card is inserted into an ATM or special electronic device, this information is read and all monetary transactions are completed very quickly. Irina Vitalievna showed the children how to insert a card into a special ATM window and explained how to choose this or that operation.

Supervisor: All operations in the bank are carried out if clients have an identification document - a passport. The students saw in action devices that check the authenticity of banknotes and citizens’ documents.

Educational: When we grow up, we will become a Sberbanker.
Teacher: The trainees realized that people of different professions work in the bank. Their work is not boring at all. I think that the knowledge that they acquired by looking into the savings bank will be useful to them more than once in the future, because it is difficult to imagine a modern person without a bank...
Now, whenever teachers see the Sberbank emblem, they say: “This is our bank.”

Natalya Khlamova

Target: Provide initial knowledge about bank(bank accepts money for safekeeping, issues money for investors, provides borrowed money); about the existence of state and commercial banks, about the mint, about currency

Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules; expand knowledge about passenger transport, about special sites - places where public transport stops; about the rules of boarding and disembarking from public transport

Preliminary Job:

Consideration of banknotes of various countries

Move excursions:

Guys, today we are going on an excursion to an unusual place. This is the house where money lives.

(The teacher and the children leave the kindergarten territory and follow the route).

The teacher brings the children to the stop and positions them so that they do not interfere to those around:

Why do you think we knew that the bus stop was here?

There is a sign here.

That's right, people are waiting for the bus at the bus stop. They are standing on the sidewalk. You cannot go out onto the roadway, otherwise you may get hit by a car. The bus is arriving. He stops and the doors open. Everyone is rushing to the bus. Adults, children and the elderly can enter through the front doors. Everyone enters without jostling and calmly.

In public transport, passengers must also follow special rules. Who knows which ones?

You must behave calmly on buses, trams, and trolleybuses. Speak in a quiet voice, give way to elders. You can't lean out of the window.

Boarding and disembarking of passengers is permitted only at stops.

(The teacher and the children approach the building Jar, enter the premises).

We continue the tour and find ourselves in an unusual place. This is a special house where money lives. Did you guess it?

- Bank.

Where do they make it? money?

Children's answers.

- Money"born" at the mint - a special factory for the production of money. There is such a plant in St. Petersburg - they produce (minted and printed) banknotes. Then money goes to the bank. The bank accepts money for safekeeping, issues money for investors, provides borrowed money. IN bank we bring money, paying different services: rent for an apartment, kindergarten and more. Yes, people really need money, no wonder They say: “They fight with Altyn, trade with Altyn, and grieve without Altyn”.

Children, why do you think? It's better to keep money in a bank?

Children's answers.

First of all, it's reliable. It is protected by special security, secondly, in the savings bank bank will not be deceived and will pay what they promised money.

There are different ones in the city banks: state - they belong to the state and commercial - they are created by enterprises or firms. The main man in bank - banker. They still work there employees: cashiers and controllers. IN live in a bank not only our Russian money - rubles, but also theirs brothers: marks, francs, dollars, hryvnia. How can they be called in one word?

Currency is the monetary unit of any country.

Think about why this is so They say:

1. An agreement is more valuable than money.

2. Not easy make money, but easy to live.

3. Borrowing is sweet, repaying is bitter.

4. The debt is not great, but it does not require lying.

Children's answers.

So our excursion has come to an end. You learned a lot of new and interesting things. What's happened bank? Where is the best place to store money? Why? Where do they make it? money? What's happened "currency"?

Tatiana Osipova
Lesson summary “Excursion to the bank” for older adults

Abstract« Excursion to the bank»

(senior preschool age)

Made up:

Osipova Tatyana Sergeevna,

senior teacher

Smt. Industrial. 2018

Abstract« Excursion to the bank»

(senior mixed age group. 5-7 years)

cognitive area

Target: introducing children to work jar.



1. give children a basic understanding of work jar, about employees jar.

2. introduce children to new words that are found in modern life, explain their meaning,

3. show children how to use bank card, savings book, you can use virtual money.


1. Consolidate knowledge about the rules of conduct on a bus when crossing the road.

2. Clarify and consolidate previously acquired knowledge about banknotes.

3. Continue to improve children’s dialogical speech


1. Foster responsibility, independence, and the ability to follow the rules of behavior in public places and transport.

Vocabulary work.

Vocabulary enrichment: bank card, Bank employee, operator, ATM, loan, consultant.

Activating the dictionary: money, banknotes,

Preliminary work: Conversation “What is money for?”, examination of the money of Russian and other states, educational class"Introducing Coins", conversation "Why do you need to save money", "Where does the money come from", reading a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha", watching a cartoon "How the old man was selling a cow» , come to an agreement with bank about the time of the excursion.

Methods and techniques: conversation, story, explanation, instructions, questions for children, observation, showing visual material, encouragement

Materials and equipment: Bank card, passbook, equipment jar: ATM, bank counters, cabins, etc.

Integration of areas: social-communicative, speech, physical.

Excursion progress:

Introductory part. Educator: “Guys, let’s remember why people need money?”

Children: “With money you can buy food, clothes, toys, pay for an apartment, buy a ticket on the bus.” Educator: “Where do people get money?”

Children's answers: “They work at work and earn money, they sell something and get money for it. You can also save them,” etc.

Educator: “Today you and I will go to tour of the house where the money lives. And this house is called - bank. Has anyone been to the bank? (children's answers). Tell us what your parents did there. (children's answers.). We are with you until bank let's go by bus. Let's remember the rules of conduct on the road and on the bus."

Children: “A pedestrian must walk on the sidewalk, and where there is no sidewalk, he must walk along the side of the road towards moving traffic. You can’t shout or talk loudly on the bus, if there are empty seats, you have to sit down, you can’t disturb other passengers,” etc.

(We get dressed, go to the stop, position ourselves so as not to disturb passengers.).

Educator: “Guys, where do you think we’ve come to?”

Children: "To the stop".

Educator: “Why do you think this is a stop?”

Children: “Because there is a sign here

"bus stop".

Educator: "Let's remember the rules of behavior on the bus".

Children's answers.

We eat with the children on the bus to the stop. We get off the bus and remember the rules for crossing the street. We approach the building jar.

Main part: Educator: “We approached the building with you jar. How many of you have ever come here with your parents? Why did your parents come here? (children's answers). Remember, we told you that money "born" at a special factory - a mint. There is only one such plant in our country. From this plant money goes to bank where they are stored. Bank- This is a place to store money. People, they are called depositors, who store in bank your money, bank I am ready to return the money at any request. These people have bank cards(show the card, they are small in size and easy to store. Each bank your cards. Let's go with you to bank

Let's go to bank, in the foyer. where are they standing ATMs. Emphasize on ATM.

Educator: “What do you think these are and what are they standing here for?”

We watch with children how people approach ATMs and withdraw money. Children come to the conclusion that they are needed in order to withdraw money.

Educator: “Yes, that’s right, these cars are called ATMs. With the help of this bank card at an ATM you can take your money. Each card has its own password and code. And another person will no longer be able to withdraw money from your account. And also such ATMs They are available in some large stores, at the post office, in the hospital - wherever it is convenient for people to withdraw money. See how using banking cards, you can withdraw money from your account. (Show the children how money is withdrawn from the card). I'm approaching ATM, I insert the card into a special hole, enter the card password, enter the amount and receive the money. You can also do it through ATM pay for purchases in the store, pay for the phone and much more. Now let's go into the building itself jar

We enter the hall jar.

Educator: "In room jar There are a few halls: in one room there are counters, workers sit behind them jar(operators approached by visitors with coupons. Passbooks are accepted here, like this (showing the book). A savings book is like a small book, this book cannot be inserted into ATM, it is accepted by operators. You can also withdraw money from it or pay for something.”

We move to another room, where loans are processed.

Educator: “Look what you see here?”

Children: “Here the hall is divided into booths. There are tables and workers sit at them. jar. People come up to them and sit at these tables."

Educator: “They work here consultants. When people don't have enough money to buy something, For example: apartment, furniture, car, they turn to bank, And bank lends them money. This is called a loan. Consultants help people fill out documents to get this money (loan). People then repay this debt in parts.”

While the teacher is telling the story, the children watch the work consultant, operator.

Educator: “Look, except bank workers, V there are still security guards at the bank who protect bank. Why do we need bank guards, How do you think?"

Children's answers.

Educator: "The guards are protecting bank so that bad people don’t come in and steal anything.”

Final part: Educator: “Ours has come to an end excursion. Tell me, guys, what new things did you learn, what did you like most?”

Children's answers.

Educator: "What's happened bank and what is it for?

Children: « Bank is home where the money is kept. IN bank you can keep money, you can borrow money if you need to buy something.”

Educator: “People, what professions work in bank

Children's answers.

Educator: “How can you get your money? (bank card, savings book). And if suddenly I don’t have enough money to buy, where can I get it? (you can contact the bank and the bank will give a loan) . Well done, you learned a lot today about bank. We'll play a game tonight « bank» And now we are returning to kindergarten.”

We go to the bus stop and return to the kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of the educational activity “Excursion to the tundra” for children of senior preschool age Goal and objectives: to cultivate a love of nature, a caring attitude towards the environment; learn to identify tree names by leaves; expand.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Bank". Target. To develop in children the ability to play the role-playing game “Bank” Tasks. Develop and enrich.

Lesson summary “12 months” for older children Correctional educational tasks Develop skills in phonemic analysis and synthesis. Development of correct oral exhalation. Development.

Summary of the lesson-walk “Excursion along the ecological trail” with older children Purpose: To introduce children to a type of walk - a tour around the territory of the kindergarten, along an ecological trail. Formation of knowledge about.

This methodological development of the excursion is intended for children of senior preschool age. The excursion is designed for a group of fifteen children. In the methodological development, children get acquainted with the modern banking system in an accessible form.





Methodological development of an excursion with children of the senior group on the topic

“This is such a bank”

Kukushkina Irina Vladimirovna

GBDOU kindergarten No. 11 Petrodvortsovo district of St. Petersburg



This is such a bank.


Introductory tour to the bank.


  • Introduce children to new words found in modern life and explain their meaning
  • Give an idea of ​​the bank's work
  • Using visual material (bank card, savings book), give children an idea of ​​how to use virtual money

New words:


A bank employee

Bank card

Bank machine

Bank account


virtual money

Visual material:

Bank card


Preliminary work:

Story by T.V. Grekova

On Monday Sasha came to school sad. At recess, Zoya and Andryusha asked what happened. Sasha said that he was very offended by his older brother, Artemka.

- Can't be! - Andryusha exclaimed. – Artemka is kind and fair.

- No, I offended you! – Sasha shouted. The boy was annoyed that his friends did not believe him.

“Okay, don’t get excited, it’s better to tell everything in order,” Zoya asked.

“It happened on Friday,” Sasha began. “Mom gave Artemka a bank card so that he could pay for his section himself. A bank card is a shiny plastic rectangle that you can use to pay in stores or with which you can withdraw money from an ATM.

“I know, and my parents have bank cards,” Andryusha interrupted.

- And mine too, what’s wrong with that? – Zoya was surprised. – Many people use them now.

- Listen to me! – Sasha exclaimed. – To withdraw money from such a card, you need to know its password - PIN code. Artemka let me see his card, we went to the ATM together and checked how it worked. But he flatly refused to tell me his PIN code. He said it was a secret. And this is very disappointing. You see, we used to share all our secrets with him, I was the first to tell him that I accidentally broke my mother’s cup when this happened, and he secretly told me which girl in the class he liked. And now he doesn't trust me. Why?

The guys didn’t have time to finish speaking when the bell rang and the friends ran to class.

After lessons, on the way home, Artemka said to Sasha:

– You know, your friends, Andryusha and Zoya, told me that you are offended by me. Come with me.

And they went to the bank.

– Look carefully, Sasha, at the man at the ATM. He stood so that no one could see which buttons he pressed on the panel, and the people in line stood a little further away from him. Why do you think?

“The man doesn’t want anyone to see the PIN code he’s typing,” Sasha guessed. - Oh, look, the woman even covers the numbers with her hand!

“That’s right,” said Artemka, “because there are thieves who can find out your PIN code and steal your bank card.” And that’s why you shouldn’t tell anyone your PIN code, even in secret, you need to learn it, and keep a piece of paper with the PIN code written down in a safe place just in case.

“That is, the pin code is a secret for everyone,” Sasha clarified.

“That’s right,” Artemka confirmed. – And when you have a bank card, you will also have your own secret. But I hope that these are the only secrets we will have from each other, okay?

“Of course,” Sasha smiled.

Educator: This is such a modern fairy tale. We were interested in fairy tales about Cinderella and Puss in Boots, but fairy tales about bank cards and virtual money are appearing. Today we will go to the bank, but not to admire the bank building, but to see what it looks like inside. We will try to show how a bank machine works and how to use a bank card, and at the same time we will find out what savings books are for. These are not books to read to children at night.

Walking progress:

Educator: We approached the bank building. You probably came here with your parents to withdraw or deposit money (children's answers)

There are many ways to save money. You can simply hide it somewhere in your room, bury it in the garden, or ask a friend to keep your money so you don’t spend it. But none of these methods can be considered truly reliable. In a room, money can get lost among things, especially if you don’t tidy it up often. Your dog, thinking that you are burying a bone in the garden, may dig up your treasure. And a friend can treat your money as if it were his own and spend it all.

A bank is a place to store money. The bank holds your money and is ready to return it to you whenever you need it.

Here's how it works. You instruct the bank to keep money in your personal account. The account has a number, i.e. name from numbers. Each person's savings are kept in a separate account.

But you know that big money is not kept in the bank. The bank contains only the money that accumulates during the day. This money can be given to a person if it is not too much. But in order to get a large amount, you just need to order, and after a week you can come up and receive it.

Now we will try to withdraw money from the account. Here, look, there is a bank machine. A special person fills this machine with money, and people with bank cards withdraw their money. I insert my card into the machine, enter the PIN code, and the machine gives me the required amount. Or you can use a savings book. But then you need to submit your book at the window and the person at the window, if you have a passport and book, will give you money. This is how a bank works. And there is no need to hide or bury money in the city. A bank is a little like a library, only the library stores books, and the bank stores money. We had such an unusual excursion, during which we learned a little about the life of adults.