Profession insurance agent. Job Description of an Insurance Agent What an Insurance Agent Should Be Like

One of the most common questions that people write to us in the comments or by email is “about compulsory motor liability insurance and other insurance products?”, referring to the activities of an insurance agent.

So today we will figure it out:

  • how to become an agent from one or a broker from several insurance companies,
  • who can become an insurance agent and who can become an insurance broker,
  • how to become an insurance agent for car insurance (MTPL, CASCO),
  • how much can you earn from this?

First things first...

Here are 9 steps on how to become an agent or broker

  1. Select one or more insurance companies you want to work with,
  2. Contact insurance companies. You can call them or come to the central office. You will be scheduled for an interview and given a list of documents to submit to the security service,
  3. Provide copies of your passport, SNILS, special candidate questionnaire and other documents required by the company,
  4. Prepare information about yourself, your experience in insurance, your existing customer base and your other advantages as a partner. The insurance company will evaluate how suitable you are for it,
  5. Carefully fill out the application form for a candidate for insurance agents (brokers), you will be assessed on it, and the security service will also check the information you provide,
  6. Wait for the interview time. Show your best side! Be prepared for questions about your experience!
  7. If you passed the interview, if the security service allowed you to work, wait for the preparation of an agreement stating that you are now an insurance agent of this company,
  8. Follow these steps for each insurance company you want to work with.
  9. You can start your activities!
  10. It will be useful to learn how to find clients and sales technologies. Typically, this is not taught by insurance companies. It is understood that if you want to become an agent or broker, then you have many clients, and you also know how to effectively sell insurance.

How to become an insurance broker or insurance agent through franchising

Is it possible to shorten the steps and make everything simpler? Yes, there is a ready-made solution! You can open a ready-made insurance business under a franchise!

A franchise is the transfer of a ready-made and established business model, as well as assistance in its implementation, management of this business and the right to use a well-known brand. In other words, instead of trying to figure out what works and how, wasting time and losing profits, you can use a ready-made highly profitable business and start earning good money in the shortest possible time.

You can take advantage of car insurance and open your own insurance business using an already proven business model. Let's figure out what a franchise is.

Details can be found by leaving a request:

Is there any prospect of being an insurance agent or broker?

It is worth noting that quite a lot of people are wondering how to become an agent of an insurance company, but, unfortunately, there are not many experienced specialists who can talk in clear language about the pitfalls and important nuances of the activities of insurance agents and its prospects. Learn how to become a good, successful or even better insurance agent!

As Oleg Sysuev, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Insurance OJSC, explained in his latest interview: “Working as an agent today is one of the most promising areas of small business in Russia. The insurance market will develop, and all market participants, including insurance company agents, will find a worthy place in it.”

Let’s just add that you can be an insurance agent at home, that is, work from home! Or combine it with other work or study.

Earnings of insurance agents and insurance brokers

Let's take a look at how much insurance agents and brokers earn. On average, representatives of insurance companies earn 100% from one OSAGO policy, 25% from one CASCO policy, 35% from property and health insurance policies. Is this a lot or a little?

For example, you bought a CASCO policy for 50,000 rubles, respectively, your earnings will be 12,500 rubles (50 tr * 25% = 12.5 tr). If you bought property insurance for 50,000 rubles, then you earned 17,500 rubles. Agree, this can be a good income! And these are far from the most expensive insurance products that individuals and especially companies buy.

Who can be an insurance agent or insurance broker?

Any individual over 18 years of age can become an agent. A higher or specialized education is not necessary for this. To be an insurance broker, in accordance with the law, you must have a brokerage license. Therefore, following practical experience, it is easier to have several contracts with insurance companies and from several insurers.

Auto insurance and other insurance agent

But it’s not enough to just say to yourself: “I want to be an insurance agent.” It is necessary to clearly and specifically define the path of your professional growth.

Before becoming an insurance agent or broker, decide: do you want to become an insurance agent for compulsory motor vehicle insurance (auto insurance) and not sell other types? If this is the case, then it is worth signing agency agreements with the best auto insurance companies. Why? By becoming an MTPL insurance agent, you will be able to provide a choice of the best insurance companies, for example, working as a broker, and this will be convenient for your clients! If you decide to be a life insurance agent, then similarly, your clients will love a professional in a narrow segment. Nobody likes amateurs - “know-it-alls”.

How to become an agent of an insurance company under MTPL? The procedure is similar to the standard procedure - see the beginning of the article.

Rosgosstrakh and other companies for an insurance agent

In addition to the above, decide for yourself: Do you want to become an agent of RosGosStrakh (RGS), RESO Garantiya, VSK, Soglasiya, Sogaz, Alfastrakhovaniye, Ingosstrakh and/or other insurance companies, that is, to be a universal insurance broker? Or take out policies only from one or two partner companies, being an agent?

Simple principle: sell 1-2 types of insurance from all insurance companies OR sell all types of insurance from 1-2 insurers. You can, of course, sell all types of insurance in all insurance companies (and many do this because it is profitable), but this approach has its own tricks and laws.

Want to learn more about the insurance business?

Sign up and become a million-dollar agent!

Questions about becoming an insurance broker or insurance agent? Ask them in the comments below!


Do you want to get a ready-made insurance business? will help you open an insurance company from scratch in 30 days!

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for an insurance agent, sample 2019/2020. A person with secondary vocational education and special training according to an established program can be appointed to this position without presenting work experience requirements. Do not forget, each instruction of the insurance agent is issued in hand against a signature.

Typical information about the knowledge that an insurance agent should have is presented. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is part of the huge library of our website, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. An insurance agent belongs to the category of employees.

2. A person who has secondary vocational education and special training according to an established program without presenting requirements for work experience is accepted as an insurance agent.

3. An insurance agent is hired and dismissed by the _________ organization (director, manager) upon the recommendation of __________. (job title)

4. The insurance agent must know:

— regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and documents regulating the activities of insurance authorities;

— types of insurance services and conditions of various types of insurance;

— legal framework for the development of insurance activities, taking into account regional specific conditions;

— the current system of social guarantees;

— methods for determining the degree of risk when concluding contracts for insurance services and assessing the damage caused;

— fundamentals of a market economy;

— fundamentals of psychology and labor organization;

— the procedure for concluding and executing contracts for insurance services;

— domestic and foreign experience in organizing insurance for the population and business entities;

— basics of labor legislation;

— rules and regulations of labor protection.

5. In his activities, the insurance agent is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

— Charter (regulations) of the organization,

- orders and instructions of the __________ organization, (general director, director, manager)

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The insurance agent reports directly to: _________. (job title)

7. During the absence of an insurance agent (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed __________ (position) of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, obligations and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of an insurance agent

Insurance agent:

1. Carry out operations for concluding property and personal insurance contracts.

2. Studies regional conditions and demand for certain insurance services.

3. Analyzes the composition of the regional contingent of potential clients, serves individuals and legal entities representing institutions, organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership.

4. Conducts reasoned conversations with potential and regular clients in order to interest them in concluding or renewing insurance contracts (life and health, movable and immovable property, business and commercial activities, etc.).

5. In the process of working with clients, conducts observation, evaluates the characteristics of perception, memory, attention, motivation of behavior and ensures mutual understanding when concluding contracts for insurance services.

6. Establishes the criteria and degree of risk when concluding contracts for insurance services, taking into account the state of health, age, gender, education, length of work, level of financial security and other subjective qualities characterizing the client.

7. Concludes and draws up insurance contracts, regulates the relationship between the policyholder and the insurer, ensures their implementation, and accepts insurance premiums.

8. Ensures the correct calculation of insurance premiums, execution of insurance documents and their safety.

9. Contributes to the formation of interest and demand for the insurance services provided, taking into account the need to strengthen material and moral support for various segments of the population, as well as the increasing risk associated with competition, bankruptcy, unemployment and other socio-economic processes occurring in modern conditions.

10. Provides assistance to clients in obtaining comprehensive information about insurance conditions.

11. Carries out work to identify and record potential policyholders and insurance objects, provides an assessment of the cost of insurance objects.

12. During the validity period of concluded contracts, maintains contact with individuals and legal entities who have entered into contractual relations for insurance services.

13. In the event of damage to the insured, it assesses and determines its size, taking into account the criteria and degree of risk.

14. Considers complaints and claims received from clients on controversial issues of calculation and payment of insurance premiums, payment of insurance compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event in accordance with the terms of the contract.

15. Establishes the causes of violations of insurance contracts and takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.

16. Explores undeveloped types of insurance services and prospects for their development in order to apply them in their practice and in the creation of insurance bodies and services.

17. Timely and in accordance with established requirements draws up the necessary documentation, keeps records and ensures the storage of documents related to the conclusion of insurance contracts.

18. Interacts with other insurance agents.

3. Rights of an insurance agent

The insurance agent has the right:

1. Submit proposals for management’s consideration:

— to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction,

- on encouraging distinguished employees subordinate to him,

— on bringing to material and disciplinary liability workers who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Liability of the insurance agent

The insurance agent is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of an insurance agent - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of an insurance agent, rights of an insurance agent, responsibilities of an insurance agent.

Tags for the material: job description of an insurance agent, job description of an insurance agent at Rosgosstrakh.

Before you find out the answer to the question “how to become a successful insurance agent?”, you need to understand what this profession means. So, an insurance agent is a person who represents his insurance company and concludes insurance contracts with legal entities and individuals.

As a rule, the company itself trains its agents, but this does not mean that self-education in this case is not necessary. On the contrary, advance self-study can lead a person to success and acquire a job that brings not only good profit, but also satisfaction.

Insurance Agent Education

To become successful in your chosen profession, it is recommended to have theoretical knowledge in the field of insurance. A higher sociological, psychological or economic education is preferred, as well as at least some experience working with people. Although companies are engaged in training future employees, it should be taken into account that not everyone can master voluminous material in a short time, so you need to have an initial foundation of knowledge of the relevant topic.

Beginners attend educational courses individually or collectively, spending a period of time from several weeks to several months, paid or free of charge - this depends on the chosen place of work.

Qualities of an insurance company agent

In today's reality, a successful agent seems to be a young, energetic person who has literacy, good upbringing and experience in various fields. There are a number of significant features that a good insurance agent must have:

  1. Strategic thinking. The agent must have an understanding of where he will look for clients, how he will do this, how he will plan and organize his activities, with the help of which he will minimize possible risk to maximize the final results.
  2. Marketing knowledge. Competence in this area will allow a person to most clearly and clearly convey to clients all the undeniable advantages of working with his insurance company and not another. Also, the agent should try to build long-term cooperation, retaining his clients for as long as possible, thus having a good base from which to work.
  3. Availability of communication skills. If an agent does not know how to communicate with people, then he can forget about a successful career. After all, this quality is one of the key ones. The employee needs to speak with the client individually, in a language that he understands, using terms correctly, finding approaches to different people. Along with persistence and persuasiveness, you must have the ability to listen. It would be a good idea to create a good reputation for yourself, to have as many friends and acquaintances as possible, being a friendly, charming and intelligent person to everyone. You can create your own personal website or blog. An agent must have a good understanding of psychology in order to successfully convince clients that he is right.
  4. Fast reaction. An insurance company employee needs to easily adapt to the needs of people, evaluate the characteristics of ongoing transactions, and offer only mutually beneficial conditions. An agent also needs to become confident, purposeful, and decisive.

Responsibilities of an insurance company agent

For a successful career, any agent must strictly fulfill his duties:

  • look for clients;
  • always prepare for the visit;
  • identify significant customer needs;
  • competently justify your services;
  • conclude insurance contracts;
  • Ensure regular contact with clients.

Working as an insurance agent is not at all easy. This profession is definitely not suitable for closed and lazy people. But if a person has a strong desire to work hard, develop, and improve on the path to a brilliant career, then success can be achieved in a short time.

What skills, knowledge and personal qualities do you think a successful insurance agent should have? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience, in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

Throughout history, humanity has tried to develop effective mechanisms for creating and using the necessary reserves in case of unexpected disasters and losses. The realization that overcoming damage is only possible through joint efforts led to the formation of solidarity systems for the accumulation of material and financial resources.

This is how the insurance institution arose, which in the modern market acquired not only an economic, but also a social function. A person who devotes himself to the insurance business takes on an important social mission. Therefore, the profession of an insurance agent deserves special respect.

Main tasks and types of insurance

For successful activity in a particular economic sphere, it is necessary to understand the general principles of its functioning and knowledge of the main functions performed. Insurance accumulates financial resources in order to effectively use them to solve the following important tasks:

  1. Compensation for damage caused by unfavorable events.
  2. Providing regular insurance assistance when a person reaches a certain age or loses his ability to work (pension provision).
  3. Providing medical care.
  4. Saving and investing accumulated funds.

Insurance can be personal or property, voluntary or compulsory. Its objects are human life and health, civil liability, property and material assets. This diversity determines the formation of relevant industries and systems of insurance activities.

Successful work as an insurance agent in each of them requires possession of a certain set of professional knowledge and skills.

Who provides insurance services?

Insurance is the subject of government regulation and is based on the norms of financial and civil law. In accordance with the law, insurance activities are carried out by insurance companies or societies that operate on the basis of special licenses.

These can be public or private companies operating both at the local, federal and even international level. They can specialize in providing individual insurance services or cover several segments of the insurance market.

Based on the size of assets and authorized capital, large, medium and small insurance companies are distinguished. Thus, a powerful, dynamically developing system of insurance market participants with a developed network of horizontal and vertical connections is formed.

In this structure, the profession of an insurance agent is considered as the most widely in demand. It offers the opportunity for career growth and implementation in projects of various sizes and financial volumes.

Who is an insurance agent

An insurance agent can be an individual or legal entity who, on a contractual basis, represents an insurance company, performing actions in accordance with its authority.

An insurance agent acts on behalf of and on behalf of the insurance company. He sells its products, concludes contracts, draws up the necessary documents, accepts insurance premiums, and also pays insurance compensation within the established limits.

Before you understand how to become an insurance agent, it will not hurt to know that most of them in Russia are individuals. The most common practice of forming agent networks is concluding civil contracts with agents.

At the same time, insurance agents have the opportunity to enter into separate contracts with various insurance companies and, thus, provide a larger range of insurance services.

In addition, this expands the opportunities for agents to earn additional income. It is also practiced to work as an insurance agent under an employment contract. Let's figure it out further.


The profession of insurance agent is included in the All-Russian Classification of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes. An agent hired under an employment contract is paid a salary for performing functional duties.

The total amount of payment is determined by the company itself, depending on its capabilities and qualifications of the specialist. Of course, if we are talking about a large international organization, then the salary can be quite high. But at the same time, appropriate requirements are put forward for the employee’s competencies, education and work experience.

Working as a free agent

An agent, having concluded a civil contract, acts as an intermediary between the provider and recipient of insurance services. In this sense, the activities of insurance agents contain a significant component of the work of an entrepreneur. In fact, the agent independently finds clients, studies their needs, and offers optimal insurance protection solutions.

He prepares and concludes contracts with policyholders, accompanies and services their implementation. The agent's interest is to receive a commission from insurance premiums under contracts that he has concluded with policyholders. The amount of this remuneration and the procedure for financial settlements are determined by the terms of the agreement concluded with the company.

This scheme encourages the agent to earn more money through active promotion of the insurer’s products on the market and the development of new types of insurance services.

What you need to know and be able to do

A successful insurance company agent is, first of all, a competent specialist who has comprehensive knowledge about the insurance product being promoted and the methods of insurance protection. But when working with clients, requirements for personal qualities come to the fore.

The most important thing is the ability to build trusting contact with a potential policyholder. The client must trust the company and to a large extent this depends on its representative.

The agent must demonstrate goodwill and attention, have a winning appearance, show patience and a willingness to resolve conflict situations.

Equally important qualities are planning skills, desire to learn, perseverance and energy. And for work to bring material and moral satisfaction, you must have an interest in insurance as a profession and a desire to work and earn money.

How to learn the basics of insurance

Insurance agents are trained in courses of varying lengths or in schools created by insurance companies. Training can be full-time or part-time. The educational process uses modern teaching technologies. It includes trainings and business games. Virtual classes, webinars, and educational videos are widely used.

For example, the initial training of agents at the Rosgosstrakh company is carried out according to a separate training system, which is called the Insurance Agent School. All employees of the organization’s sales departments, without exception, must undergo training.

During the classes, students learn basic skills in working with clients and study the company's insurance products. After studying at school, in the process of working, an insurance agent of Rosgosstrakh has the opportunity to improve his skills in relevant courses and master the features of managing an insurance business.

Where to begin

So, after getting an initial idea about the profession of an insurance agent, assessing all the pros and cons, the question is “how to become an insurance agent?” gained the power necessary to bring it to life.

To begin with, it is advisable to decide on the choice of the company in which you would like to work. It would be wise for a beginner to contact organizations that have a long-standing positive reputation in the insurance market and provide the opportunity to receive initial training.

In addition, it is advisable to pay attention to how the company builds relationships with its agents. For example, the largest insurance company Rosgosstrakh specifically emphasizes the importance of cooperation with 65,000 agents who represent it in all regions of Russia. All conditions have been created for them to have a successful start in the insurance market.

What affects an agent's earnings?

The conditions for the agent to receive a commission are determined by the contract with the insurance company. At the same time, there are objective reasons that influence the amount of possible earnings. First of all, this is the region in which the agent works, since the level of income of the population affects its ability to save additional funds, including for insurance needs. For example, an insurance agent at Rosgosstrakh may earn up to 80,000 rubles in the capital region, while in the country the amount of income can range from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles.

All other things being equal, the amount of income of an insurance agent depends on how competently he can plan and organize his activities. Will he be able to form an adequate portfolio of proposals? How effectively does he organize the attraction of clients and further interaction with them?

The modern world forces us to constantly change, master new types of activities and specialties. The profession of an insurance agent provides people who choose it with the opportunity not only to earn money, but also to reveal their entrepreneurial potential, gain a wide range of useful and pleasant acquaintances, constantly keep up with the times, and, most importantly, benefit people.

An insurance agent is a representative of an insurance company engaged in the direct sale of its products - insurance. The professionalism of the insurance agent and the persuasiveness of his presentation determine which insurance company a potential client will choose.

An insurance agent is not a person who goes door to door collecting money from people by offering an insurance policy in return.

An insurance agent is someone who helps clients make their choice by carefully studying their needs and offering the most optimal option. This is a friend of the client, communication with whom usually takes place over a cup of tea.

The responsibilities of an insurance agent are not limited to knowledge of insurance products, payment technologies and claims settlement. Rather, this is the minimum that he must master perfectly. But showing interest in the client’s personal life, unobtrusively and tactfully entering his personal space - these are the “subtle” tools that make an ordinary specialist a real professional. After all, insurance is always a hidden, one might say, intimate part of a client’s life, and therefore building human contact is quite difficult - but very important. The client must trust not only the company whose insurance policy he is buying, but first of all, the person who sold it.

What qualities are important for an insurance agent?

Today, the appearance of the agent has undergone significant changes compared to how he appeared twenty, ten, or even five years ago. Today, an insurance agent is, as a rule, an energetic young man, educated, well-mannered, competent, with knowledge and skills in a variety of fields. Speaking about the qualities that an insurance agent should have, we can highlight several of the most significant ones.

First of all, the agent must have strategic thinking - in order to understand where and how to look for clients, be able to plan and organize his activities, anticipate possible risks (for example, a client often buys insurance in order to be guaranteed to earn money by deceiving the insurance company in the future) and take action to reduce them.

It is also important for an agent to have marketing knowledge - it allows them to clearly and clearly convey to the client the benefits of working with the agent, and not with the company’s office.

And the ability to build long-term relationships allows you to retain customers year after year, thereby creating a loyal base.

A key quality for an insurance agent is communication skills. It is impossible to do without communication skills - the entire work of an agent is built on them: he must be able to speak with each client in his language and in terms of his benefits, be able to find an approach to any person, be persistent and persuasive, listen and hear the client. In the West, there is even an archetype of the “insurance agent”: this is a person whom the whole area knows. And who himself is friends with all the neighbors - charming, friendly, “his guy.” And this image did not arise by chance. To work effectively, an insurance agent must, in addition to everything, have the skills of a psychologist in order to understand what points to click on in order to convince the client to purchase insurance.

Speed ​​of response is an equally important quality for an insurance agent - he must navigate the client’s needs in order to assess the parameters of the upcoming transaction and offer the most favorable conditions (for both the client and the company).

Of course, determination, dedication, perseverance, energy and self-confidence are also important for an insurance agent. In addition, an insurance agent must strive for self-development, learn effective sales techniques, and the ability to learn from even a bad deal. All these features determine the professionalism and quality of the agent’s work.

Insurance agent functionality

The agent is a full-fledged participant in the insurance market - he concludes contracts for insurance of property and individuals, analyzes the demand and regional conditions for certain insurance products (including researching new types of insurance services and prospects for their development), analyzes the composition of potential clients, and regulates relationships between the policyholder and the insurer, helps clients obtain comprehensive information on the terms of insurance, provides guarantees for the correct completion of documents and maintains contact with policyholders throughout the duration of the contract.

The insurance agent is responsible for maintaining all insurance documentation - both new and old clients. If an insured event occurs, the agent interacts with the insurance company’s payment service and, in the event of a refusal, tries to “soften the corners”, regulating the possible escalation of the conflict. The agent thus represents the interests of the client at all levels of business processes.

Daily routine of an insurance agent

Probably, independence and freedom in organizing your working day is one of the most attractive aspects of working as an insurance agent. No one can tell the agent when or where he should be. He is no longer just an employee, he is his own boss. Of course, in this case, the agent still has a contractual relationship with the company, rights and obligations remain, but at the same time, he himself can decide what to do and how, and whether to do it at all. In fact, he becomes an individual entrepreneur.

However, a good agent always adapts to his clientele first. If it is convenient for the client to meet on the weekend at his country house, then the agent is forced to exchange his country (or any other) vacation for work with a potential policyholder. He must also be prepared for unexpected changes in the client’s personal plans and significant travel time. If an agent works with legal entities, they have to adapt to their work rhythm, which means that the working day may end quite late.

In practice, an insurance agent does not start work when he wants, but in accordance with a plan that includes such items as: searching for clients, telephone calls, personal meetings, self-study (it is necessary to study the basics and new trends of the insurance market in order to confidently respond to all customer questions and correctly formulate their needs). In many ways, what an agent does today determines his future tomorrow, and therefore the working day of a sought-after insurance agent is scheduled almost to the minute, and free time is reserved for unexpected calls or unforeseen meetings with clients.