Payments for a child in Ulan-Ude and the Republic of Buryatia. Maternal capital in the Republic of Buryatia Who is entitled to maternal family capital in Buryatia

Thanks to the program of material support for families raising two or more children, the demographic situation in the region has improved over the last ten years. One of the most important factors in increasing the birth rate is (MSC).

However, in Buryatia, along with the general state program, there is also a regional one, providing assistance to large families:

  • from the introduction of the federal maternity capital program in 2007 to 2013, the population of the region grew from 960 thousand to 971.8 thousand people;
  • after the start of regional MSC payments, the number of residents from 2013 to 2015 increased to 978.5 thousand people.

It should be noted that in general this is the first increase in population since the early 1990s, but it is not associated only with the introduction of MSC programs.

To obtain a certificate for federal maternity capital, you must contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). Republican MSK can be issued at the branch of the Social Support Center at your place of residence.

Implementation of the federal maternity capital program

As in the country as a whole, in the Republic of Buryatia the state maternity capital program has been in effect for 8 years. As of 2015, after the next indexation, maternity capital amounts to more than 453 thousand rubles.

During the entire duration of the program since 2007, the branches of the Pension Fund of the Republic issued 61 thousand certificates for maternity capital. At the beginning of 2015, at the request of families, funds had already been transferred in the total amount 14 billion 451 million rubles.

  • The most popular direction where parents transfer money received for their child is. 20 thousand families in the region used maternity capital specifically to solve the housing problem.
  • Another 18 thousand certificates were used on .
  • 1.5 thousand families decided to spend money on paying for kindergarten;
  • A total of one hundred residents transferred funds using a certificate for the mother.

Needy families who apply can use the money to any current needs. By mid-summer 2015, 3 thousand families in the region had already received payments - a total of about 62 million rubles.

Regional maternity capital in the Republic of Buryatia

The regional maternity capital program began working in the region relatively recently - in 2013. From the moment the program was introduced until the beginning of 2015, about 2 thousand families took advantage of the opportunity to receive republican capital.

The main purpose of issuing regional maternity capital in Buryatia is to solve pressing current problems. A relatively small amount is unlikely to allow you to invest in something global.

Regulatory framework and amount of maternity capital

Maternity capital for the third and subsequent children in the region is paid on the basis of Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 1810-III “ On measures of social support for large families in the Republic of Buryatia» dated 06/06/2006. Families received the right to this payment starting from January 1, 2013. The basic size of maternity capital in the region is 50,000 rubles, however, this amount is subject to indexation in accordance with the budget law adopted annually.

  • The specified amount is paid to the family after the birth third and all subsequent children(including twins).
  • Republican mother capital subject to indexation, the frequency and size of which are stipulated in the law on the regional budget.

Due to the budget deficit in 2015, indexation of maternity capital in Buryatia was not provided.

Payment form and where to apply

The main document confirming the right to a regional mat. capital in Buryatia is certificate of provision Republican maternity capital. To submit documents to receive it, you must contact social protection authorities.

Regional maternity capital money is transferred in the form of a one-time cash payment to compensate for expenses incurred in the provided areas or to pay obligations under relevant agreements with individuals and legal entities.

On the website of the Republican state institution “Center for Social Support of the Population” you can find the current addresses and telephone numbers of Social Protection Departments.

Who has the right to regional maternity capital?

Large families permanently residing in the region can receive a one-time payment. Re-registration at the place of residence must be carried out every year.

Additional terms to receive MSC:

  • Birth (adoption) third and subsequent children after 01/01/2013
  • Average per capita family income not exceeding one and a half living wages per capita. According to Decree of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia No. 227 of May 15, 2015, the average per capita living wage in the region for the first quarter of 2015 is 9,571 rubles, for minor children - 9,893 rubles.
  • The age of three children in a family does not exceed 18 years. According to the said Law No. 1810-III dated 06/06/2006, only such a family falls under the definition of a large family.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation for children and the applicant.

Maternity capital is paid to mothers who lived in the region at least a year before the baby is born.

Not only the mother can receive it, but also father, If:

  • he is the only adoptive parent;
  • the child’s mother has died or been declared missing;
  • the parent has been deprived of parental rights;
  • due to other circumstances specified in paragraph 2 of Art. 6.1 of Law No. 1810-III of 06.06.2006

Documents and required for registration

The procedure for submitting an application and the list of necessary documents to receive a regional subsidy does not coincide with the federal one. To avoid misunderstandings, it is advisable to first consult with specialists from social protection authorities by telephone.

The main list of documents that must be attached to the application:

  • applicant's passport;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • plastic card number.

In the Law on the support of large families in Buryatia, the deadline for applying for republican maternity capital after the birth of a child not clearly stated.

To be able to dispose of capital, it is also necessary to submit additional documents confirming intended use of the amount. For example, payment documents for the purchase of building materials for housing construction, which have passed the state. registration of a purchase and sale agreement for housing, a contract agreement with a construction organization, a receipt for payment for finishing materials, etc.

The procedure for disposing of funds of regional maternity capital

The opportunities for using regional maternity capital in Buryatia are quite wide and differ significantly from those provided for the federal MSC. According to republican legislation, the payment can be spent partially or completely for the following needs:

  • payment of interest on a mortgage issued before or after the birth of a third and subsequent child;
  • down payment to purchase a home or apply for a non-mortgage loan;
  • payment for current home repairs performed on your own or under a contract;
  • education of a child within the Russian Federation (the form of ownership of the educational organization is not significant);
  • treatment of the child, including transporting him to a medical facility and home and purchasing medications;
  • purchase of goods necessary for newborns (according to the established list);
  • purchasing household appliances for family needs;
  • buying a car (part of the money, in addition to financial capital, when purchasing a vehicle must be contributed by the parents);
  • purchase of farm animals.

It is allowed that the amount of maternity capital can be paid in parts for some of the listed services. The regional law also the age of the child is not specified, after which his capital can be used.


In Buryatia they operate simultaneously two programs support and encouragement of large families: federal maternity capital in the amount of 453 thousand rubles and regional capital in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

While the first can help solve global family needs (training, improving living conditions), the second is used to solve pressing security issues. To submit requests and receive funds in two cases, you need to fulfill completely different conditions; the money can also be used for completely different needs at the same time.

Regional child benefits in Buryatia are paid on the basis of need. The main goal of providing social support to families with children is to encourage the birth of as many children as possible and maintain a decent standard of living for large families.

Federal child benefits in Buryatia

Federal benefits are paid to families living throughout Russia and do not in any way affect the possibility of receiving regional payments.

Name of the benefit Sum
Maternity benefit Officially employed -100% of average salaryfor the previous 24 months (or in the amount1 minimum wage (7800 rubles), if the income was below the minimum wage, or the insurance period was less than 6 months).

Officially unemployed (registered with the Employment Center, dismissed during the previous 12 months due to the liquidation of an enterprise, termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur or bankruptcy of a company) –613 rubles 14 kopecks per month.

For students - in the amount of a scholarship.

Those who are not working are not paid.

One-time benefit for registration at a district clinic or antenatal clinic no later than 12 obstetric weeks of pregnancy 613 rubles 14 kopecks(paid to the same categories of women who receive maternity benefits).
One-time benefit for the birth of a child 16350 rubles 33 kopecks(paid for each child separately to all categories of citizens)
Monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old Officially employed and dismissed due to liquidation or bankruptcy of the company -40% of average salaryfor the previous 24 months, but not below the minimum amount and not above the maximum amount (23,089 rubles 4 kopecks).

Non-working, unemployed, students - in the minimum amount:3065 rubles 69 kopecksfor 1 child,6131 ruble 37 kopecksfor the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent children.

Monthly compensation for unemployed mothers fired while on maternity leave for up to three years due to company liquidation 50 rubles(in some regions - in the amount1 minimum wage, if the child is the third and subsequent).

Regional maternal capital in Buryatia

It is paid only to parents with many children (citizens of Russia) once in the amount of 50 thousand rubles, if the average per capita family income is less than 1.5 times the local subsistence minimum. In this case, the third child must be born or adopted later than January 1, 2013. You can spend the money immediately or in parts on:

  • purchasing everything necessary for the baby;
  • purchase of livestock for breeding;
  • purchase of household appliances;
  • purchasing a car;
  • payment for treatment of children;
  • payment for children's education in the Russian Federation;
  • down payment on a mortgage or interest on a loan;
  • renovation of an apartment or house;
  • acquisition and construction of housing.

Social support measures for large families

Support for large families in Buryatia involves the provision of the following preferences:

  • families with at least 6 children receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing (11 sq.m. per family member at the average market price);
  • low-income families with at least 5 children will be put on a waiting list for an apartment through social rent;
  • parents of triplets (or more) are paid a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment (18 sq.m. per family member at the average market price of 1 sq.m.);
  • a plot of land for individual housing construction;
  • discounted vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions and camps for children under 15 years of age;
  • enrollment in a preschool educational institution in the first place;
  • prescription medications for children under 6 years of age;
  • allowance 150 rubles every month for each child under 16 (18) years of age;
  • reimbursement of 30% of costs for housing and communal services.

Monthly allowance for children from a large family

Available in size 150 rubles(regional coefficients apply) if:

  • the average per capita family income is less than 1.5 times the monthly minimum;
  • There are three or more children in the family under the age of 16 (18).

Annual compensation payment for raising a disabled child

Conditions for providing this child benefit in Buryatia:

  • payment amount – 12 thousand rubles;
  • provided for raising children with disabilities or HIV patients;
  • children's age from one and a half to eight years (preschoolers);
  • appointed if there is no place available at a preschool educational institution;
  • several benefits are paid for several disabled children left without a place in a preschool educational institution;
  • the amount of the benefit is proportional to the number of months during which it is accrued (from the date of assignment of disability or the child turning one and a half years old to December of the current year).

Monthly allowance for the maintenance of adopted and ward children

Adoptive mothers and fathers, guardians of orphans and children without parental care have the right to receive payments for the maintenance of a child under the age of 23, subject to his full-time education (in general, until adulthood). The payment is indexed and increased by the regional coefficient. Conditions for providing funds:

  • submitting an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • refusal of regional child benefits;
  • providing a report on how money is spent every month.
Size When is it paid?
5,200 rubles For every orphan (districts: Severobaikalsky, Muisky, Bauntovsky, Severobaikalye)
4,800 rubles For every orphan from another area
4,625 rubles Reward for raising the first orphan
3,185 rubles Reward for raising the 2nd and subsequent children
RUB 1,592 50 kopecks Supplement to the benefit for placing a child under 3 years of age or a disabled person in a family
RUB 3,185 Supplement for each orphan if there are several reasons for additional payment
RUB 24,025 Supplement for raising five or more children taken into a family from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016

One-time benefit for the adoption of a child in Buryatia

Benefit in the amount 250 thousand rubles paid:

  • a family whose members have Russian citizenship;
  • when the child is adopted later than January 1, 2011;
  • for each adopted child;
  • indexed annually;
  • does not increase by the regional coefficient;
  • issued 3 years after adoption or earlier if the child turns 18 years old.

Monthly child benefits in Buryatia

The regional monthly child benefit is paid to low-income families with children under the age of 16 (or 18 if they are still in school).

This guide:

  • indexed annually;
  • increases due to regional increasing coefficients;
  • assigned to natural mothers and fathers, adoptive parents, foster parents;
  • not accrued if a benefit for the maintenance of orphans has been issued;
  • stops paying if the documents are not resubmitted after a year;
  • relies on every child.

What documents are needed to apply for regional child benefits in Buryatia

In order to receive regional payments for a child, you must contact the local department of social protection authorities, having prepared the following set of documents in advance:

Document Where to get it
In free form
Russian Federation passport (residence permit, temporary residence permit – for foreigners and refugees) Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Certificate of registration in the region of application Passport Office
Birth (adoption) certificate of the child for whom the benefit is issued Civil registry offices
Birth (adoption) certificates of other children Civil registry offices
Birth certificate of a child without records about the father or a certificate about making records about the father according to the mother (for single mothers) Civil registry offices
Certificate of marriage or divorce (if available) Civil registry offices
Certificate of family composition Passport Office
Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth (for registration of benefits for B&R) District clinic or antenatal clinic
Certificate of early registration at the antenatal clinic (for processing a one-time payment for early registration) At the gynecologist observing the pregnancy
Certificate of average earnings for the last 2 years Accounting at the place of work, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
Work book with or without employment record From last place of work
Certificate of registration not registered at the Employment Center (for unemployed people dismissed due to liquidation or bankruptcy of a company) Employment center
Certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits (unemployment benefits cannot be received simultaneously with child benefits) Employment center
Certificate stating that the second parent did not receive benefits USZN, from place of work
Certificate of a large family (for parents with many children) USZN
Certificates of monthly income of all family members (for low-income families) At the place of work, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Central Tax Service, at the place of study
Certificate of completion of studies at a school or university (for schoolchildren and students) At the place of study
Conclusion of a medical and social examination on the establishment of disability (for disabled children) ITU Bureau
Certificate of absence of a place in a preschool educational institution (to receive compensation for lack of places) Kindergarten at your place of residence
Certificate of enrollment in kindergarten and the amount of parental fees (to receive compensation for part of the parental fees) preschool educational institution
Agreement on the admission of a child to a foster family (for foster parents) Guardianship and trusteeship authorities
Death certificate or court decision declaring a person missing (for children who have lost a parent) Civil registry office, court secretary
Photocopy of bank account or passbook

More than 12 thousand families in Buryatia were able to exercise their right to receive republican maternal (family) capital in the total amount of 604.5 million rubles.

Let us recall that since 2013, the republic has introduced a new social payment to families with children - republican maternity capital in the amount of 50 thousand rubles, which is paid to families upon the birth (adoption) of a third or subsequent child (children), provided that the average per capita income of the family at the time of the child’s birth below 1.5 of the subsistence level established in the Republic of Buryatia. The right to receive capital is granted once.

In 2017, 1,759 families exercised their right to receive republican maternal (family) capital for a total amount of about 85 million rubles. It should be noted that the majority of families - 487 - used the funds to purchase building materials and repair residential premises, 342 - purchased productive animals, more than 30 families used the money to improve housing conditions - purchase or construction, as well as repay a mortgage loan. In addition, 17 families decided to purchase a vehicle, and 3 families invested the funds they were entitled to for the education and treatment of the child.

The most popular areas for using republican maternal (family) capital are the purchase of household appliances and basic necessities for a newborn child.

Latest news from Buryatia on the topic:
On the sale of republican maternal (family) capital in 2017

In Buryatia, more than 600 million rubles were paid under the Maternity Capital program- Ulan-Ude

Most families spend payments on building materials. During the program's operation in Buryatia, more than 12 thousand families were able to exercise their right to receive republican maternal (family) capital.
11:23 25.09.2017 IA Baikal-Daily



Bryansk, Ulyanova street, building 4, office 414

Maternity capital in the Republic of Buryatia


As in most Russian regions, Buryatia provides for two maternity capital programs at once - federal and regional. , introduced in 2007 on the initiative of Vladimir Putin, operates on general conditions, as in other regions of the country - a certificate in the amount of 453,026 rubles. can be obtained after the birth or adoption of the 2nd or subsequent child.

Regional maternity capital in the Republic of Buryatia

Regional maternity capital is designed for families into which he was born (adopted) third or next child after 01/01/2013 Payment amount - 50,000 rub., is not multiplied by the regional coefficient. The law provides for annual indexation of this payment, but in fact it is absent.

Regulatory documents:

  • clause 1.4 art. 6, art. 6.1, art. 6.2 of Law No. 1810-III of 07/06/2006 “On measures of social support for large families in the Republic of Buryatia”;
  • Resolution of the Government of Buryatia No. 2 of 01/04/2013 “On the Procedure for Providing Republican Maternity (Family) Capital”.

Payment financed from the republican budget. As in the case of the state program, the priority right to it is given to the mother (adoptive parent). In general, recipients of maternal capital can be:

Mandatory conditions for applying for payment:

  1. There must be a family large family, that is, to contain a minimum 3 children under 18 years old.
  2. The average per capita income per person should not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence minimum established in Buryatia. Average per capita income is calculated according to this procedure.
  3. The applicant’s residence in Buryatia is minimum 1 year before the birth or adoption of a child.
  4. Russian citizenship the applicant and/or the other parent.

Payment can be made get it only once taking into account regional programs in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. That is, if a family received regional (republican, regional) maternity capital in another region, then in Buryatia they can no longer apply for it. Such treatment may be considered fraud.

Registration procedure

The right to receive begins immediately after the birth or adoption of a child. There are no restrictions on the period of application. You need to apply for registration:

  • directly to the customer service of the Republican State Institution Center for Social Support of the Population (RGU TsSPN, contacts of local branches);
  • through the regional branch of the Multifunctional Center - MFC “My Documents” (contacts).

First you need issue a certificate, confirming the right to maternity capital (will be valid for 1 year, after the expiration of the period you can apply again). For this application is submitted(which takes 10-30 days to review) and the following documents:

  • the applicant's identity card, SNILS;
  • birth certificates of all children in the family;
  • if there are adopted children - court decisions on adoption;
  • income certificates for 3 calendar months - one month of birth and two months before birth(paragraph 2 p. 2 “Procedure for providing republican maternity capital” in Buryatia);
  • work book (for unemployed);
  • if the father (adoptive parent) applies - a certificate of the woman’s death, deprivation of parental rights, etc.;
  • documents such as a certificate of family composition, the amount of pension and unemployment benefits, information about the period of residence do not need to be submitted; the RGU TSSPN can request them independently.

To dispose of the funds, another application is submitted. It is accompanied by a certificate, passport and agreements (other documents) confirming what the money will be used for. The list of documents is given in paragraphs. 21-25 of the resolution.

What can you use it for?

The law provides wide range of possibilities for spending money. The amount can be used in whole or in parts. There are 10 possible ways to spend the payment:

  1. Purchase or construction of residential premises through any transaction provided for by law. This could be a purchase on credit (mortgage), cooperative construction, etc. But only on the condition that family funds are also involved.
  2. Home renovation.
  3. Down payment on a loan for the construction or purchase of a home.
  4. Payment of debt and interest on a housing loan received before the birth of the child.
  5. Payment for education in the Russian Federation for any child from the family.
  6. Payment for medical services for the child and payment for travel to the place of treatment.
  7. Purchasing a vehicle on the condition that the family invests their own money.
  8. Purchase of productive animals (for meat, milk, and other products).
  9. Purchasing household appliances.
  10. Purchasing essentials for a newborn (according to the approved list).

Republican maternity capital funds in Buryatia not issued in cash, but are transferred to the account of the organization or person performing the work or providing the service.

In 2013-2017 More than 12,000 families received payments; in 2017, almost 2,600 families. Of these, as of the beginning of 2018, funds were used for the following:

  • 870 - purchase of household appliances, goods for babies;
  • 490 - building materials and repairs;
  • 350 – purchase of farm animals;
  • 30 - purchase or construction of housing, mortgage;
  • 17 — buying a car;
  • 3 - treatment and education of children.

Main results of the state program of maternity capital in the Republic of Buryatia

Maternity capital in Russia operates with the goal of increasing the birth rate and providing material support to families (primarily in solving the housing issue). Over the years of the program, the population in Buryatia increased from 960 thousand to 984.9 thousand people. The number of schoolchildren has increased significantly due to children born after 2007.

How to get maternity capital in Ulan-Ude and the Republic of Buryatia in 2019? To do this, you need to meet established criteria and republican legislation, which reflects various nuances on this issue.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

In almost all regions of Russia there is not only a program for issuing federal maternity capital, but also a regional one.

The Republic of Buryatia was no exception, and since 2013, all families that meet the established criteria have every right to receive additional republican financial assistance.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember some nuances, ignorance of which often leads to denial of additional social incentives for young families.

Important aspects

Over the past few years, demographic indicators in the Republic of Buryatia have increased significantly.

This is largely due to the fact that the birth rate has increased, which was influenced by the federal and regional issuance program.

Since the introduction of the additional financial stimulus measure, between 2007 and 2019 the population increased from 950 thousand to 1 million people.

According to the latest information from the Ministry of Social Protection of the Republic of Buryatia, in the first quarter of this year alone, over 600 people were able to receive republican assistance, and the total amount of payments amounted to over 29 million rubles.

In the republic, the federal financial incentive program, as well as in the state, in general, began to operate in 2007. This was the main reason for the increase in demographic indicators in the region under consideration.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that due to the unstable financial situation, the federal one has remained unchanged for several years and amounts to 450 thousand rubles.

Over the 10 years of operation of this program, over 77 thousand families in the region were able to receive certificates, and about 60 thousand of them were able to spend the funds in full.

The most popular area for spending government assistance in 2019 is improving living conditions, in particular purchasing your own home.

Thanks to the additional financial assistance received, over 50 thousand families spent funds specifically on these needs:

Financial assistance from the local budget can be received in the form of a one-time incentive exclusively for the intended purposes, or to pay for needs under drawn up agreements not only with legal entities, but also with individuals.

For your information, financial resources from the approved regional capital can only be received in non-cash form. The transfer is carried out using the provided bank details.

What it is

Additional regional assistance has been provided to the population since January 2013.

Recipients of additional financial assistance can be families who live permanently in Ulan-Ude or Buryatia and raise 3 or more minor children.

Please note: the monthly average per capita income for each family member should not be more than 1.5 times the approved subsistence level in the region. The rule is in accordance with Republic Act No. 1810 of June 2006.

Republican capital can be spent in one or several areas, which are provided for by law:

  • spend for the purpose of educating their minor children;
  • to receive any . The list also includes travel to the place of receiving medical care;
  • for the purchase of livestock for farming;
  • for the purchase of various household appliances;
  • for the purchase of products from the list of essentials for newborns (according to the list established by republican laws);
  • improve your current living conditions, including repayment;
  • buy a family vehicle. Here you should pay attention to the fact that you must invest your own savings.

The peculiarities of using the republican program are a wide choice of spending funds. Thanks to this, families have the right to solve various life problems.

For your information, the law does not provide for the possibility of cashing out funds from maternity capital.

Who can receive

Both the mother and father of the child have the right to receive regional/republican maternity capital if:

In order to register and receive regional maternity capital, large families must comply with a certain number of conditions, namely:

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in 2019 the cost of living in the republic was set at 9 thousand 582 rubles.

Based on this, the income of each family member should not exceed 14 thousand 373 rubles per month.

Legal regulation

The main legislative act on the basis of which republican assistance is paid for the third and subsequent children is considered to be.

Families have the right to receive the required payment from January 2013. Additionally, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that families receive assistance in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

Maternity capital in Ulan-Ude and the Republic of Buryatia

In 2019, the mechanism for registering federal and republican maternity capital remained unchanged and is as follows:

  1. Formation of the grounds on which you can apply for financial assistance (birth or adoption of a third and subsequent child).
  2. Drawing up an application indicating the request and issuance of financial assistance.
  3. Collection of the established package of documents.
  4. Contacting the territorial representative office of the authorized body.
  5. Submission of collected documentation together with.

Based on the submitted documentation, the authorized body begins checking them for authenticity and makes a decision on issuing financial assistance from the regional and federal budgets.

What documents may be needed

The right to receive republican maternity capital is formed directly from the period of issuing a certificate of the opportunity to receive a subsidy.

The document is drawn up at the territorial representative office of the social protection authorities after submitting the main package of documents, the list of which includes:

  • an application drawn up according to established rules, which indicates a request to receive financial resources;
  • the applicant’s internal passport of the Russian Federation + copies of all its completed pages (the applicant’s document is sufficient);
  • original ;
  • original certificate from the employer for the last 3 months. In particular, for the month the child was born and for the previous several months;
  • originals of each minor child;
  • original document regarding the place of registration of families;
  • number in a banking institution or plastic card to which funds will be transferred;
  • documents confirming the intended use of financial assistance. It can be payment documentation for the purchase of materials, equipment, and so on.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the list of required documentation and circulation rules differ from that provided for federal maternity capital.

Application procedure

Registration and payment of the republican subsidy is carried out by territorial social support services.

When various questions arise, citizens have the right to seek preliminary consultation.

All consultations and the transfer of documents for obtaining maternity capital are carried out at the address:

Employees of the social authority are required to answer all questions of interest and accept the established package of documents.

Additionally, you need to pay attention to the fact that you can transfer documents:

  • by personal contact;
  • with the help of an authorized representative. To do this, you need to contact a notary authority for the purpose of forming;
  • by sending a registered letter from .

Please note: copies of documents must be certified by a notary.

How much is paid?

Republican legislation sets the subsidy amount at 50 thousand rubles. Additionally, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the legislation does not require annual indexation.

Video: The State Duma proposes to replace maternity capital with a monthly allowance

In order to obtain information about possible indexation, you should contact the territorial center for public protection directly.

When should I receive it?

You can receive additional social assistance immediately after you receive a certificate confirming this fact. This can be done immediately after the birth of the third and subsequent child.

In conclusion, we can say that in the Republic of Buryatia several programs for financial incentives for families continue to operate simultaneously.

Under the federal maternity capital program, you can receive assistance in the amount of 450 thousand rubles, and regional assistance - 50 thousand.