When can maternity capital be cancelled? When will maternity capital be cancelled? Will maternity capital be canceled?

Since the beginning of 2017, many of our readers have been asking questions about whether it is true that the maternity capital program will be canceled and when exactly will this happen? The reason for this is rumors that the president announced his intentions to stop issuing this payment to families in the future

The program is really designed for several years, or rather until the end of 2021. If a child is born before December 31 of this year, his family can expect to receive a payment. But if he is born in 2022, then the program will not apply to him.

Let us remind you that this program of state assistance to families was developed at the end of 2006, and was launched in 2007. Initially, the payment amount was 250 thousand, but every year it was indexed to the official inflation rate, with the exception of only the current year.

Today the amount of state assistance for families is where the second or subsequent child appeared (born or adopted) is 453,026 rubles. Please note that funds are issued only once per family, i.e. If you have already received MK for your 2nd child, you will not be able to receive it again at the birth of your third.

The money is provided in the form of a certificate, the right to receive it is confirmed by the Russian Pension Fund. There, in his accounts, this amount is stored, and if you want to spend your savings, you will need to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund branch.

Where can MK funds be sent:

  1. To improve living conditions, and if we are talking about getting a mortgage, then you do not need to wait until the child turns 3 years old,
  2. For the social adaptation of disabled children,
  3. To pay for the child's education,
  4. To increase the mother's future pension.

There were initiatives that concerned the possibility of using MSK to pay for a consumer loan or to buy a car, but they were never adopted. Cashing in the certificate is prohibited by Russian law; if such fraud is discovered, you will be obliged through the court to return 453 thousand rubles to the state.

But in these few years the law may change, and the period for issuing funds may be extended. For example, there was an initiative to stop issuing both in 2018 and 2025, although it was not accepted. Will the financial capital program be extended? Analysts’ opinions are divided here, because expenses in this area are very high, and the budget may not be able to bear them, although there are already significant improvements in increasing the birth rate.

In addition, now there are also alternative payments, the so-called regional maternity capital. It is quite possible that when the state MK is abolished, similar programs will appear, even more beneficial for parents

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Every year there are many different articles on the Internet about the abolition of maternity capital. But they practically don’t talk about this at the state level. To date, the issue of payment of this benefit until December 31, 2021 has been resolved, but there are several important amendments that apply to everyone eligible to receive this payment.

Here are the main laws today regulating the processes associated with the registration and issuance of maternity capital:

These are the most important regulations that regulate the possibility of receiving this benefit for another 3 years.

Information that the payment may be canceled comes from various experts who express their own opinions. Further, the media inflate this statement into an article according to which government officials declare the need to abolish the benefit.

Why can maternity capital be cancelled?

According to many experts, there are grounds for its abolition:

  1. Difficult economic situation in the country.
  2. The benefit was originally scheduled to end on January 1, 2019.
  3. The goal pursued by the state by introducing this benefit was achieved.
  4. A large number of fraudulent shifts for cashing out government money.
  5. Citizens' dissatisfaction with the ability to use money in ways other than their own.

Let us recall that the goals were the following:

  1. Increasing birth rate in the country.
  2. Solving problems with purchasing housing for young families.

If today the birth rate is indeed higher than the death rate, then the problem of buying housing in many regions is still acute. Despite numerous benefits for young families, young professionals and other categories of citizens, purchasing an apartment is quite difficult. This is also why it was decided to extend the term of maternity capital. Its use for the purchase of housing additionally stimulates the development of construction companies, which is important.

Until what year was maternity capital frozen and what does this mean?

Many people believe that a freeze is equivalent to stopping payments. However, in fact, this means the end of indexing. Federal Law No. 444 assumes no indexation until 2020. That is, the money that is in the accounts gradually depreciates as a result of inflation. By 2020, they may lose up to 15% of their real value.

That is, persons who have a certificate for maternal capital can use it at any time. To minimize losses, it is recommended to dispose of money as early as possible. To do this, you will need to provide a standard package of documents to the MFC or the Pension Fund branch:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. SNILS of the applicant and both children.
  3. Marriage and birth certificates.
  4. Capital Certificate.
  5. Statement of the established form.
  6. Details for making a transfer.

Further, depending on how exactly you plan to use the money, additional documents will be required. For example, an agreement on the provision of educational services in the Russian Federation and a license for their implementation; purchase and sale agreement and real estate documents when purchasing a home; the same + loan agreement and certificate of the remaining debt upon repayment of the mortgage. After checking all the documents, PFR specialists make a decision. If it is positive, then the money is transferred to the specified details.

Important! According to current legislation, Pension Fund employees have 30 days to consider the application. The same period is provided for transferring money. But usually the transaction is completed earlier.

Duration of maternity capital after birth

Based on Federal Law No. 256, upon receipt of a certificate, you can use it at any time until the youngest child reaches 25 years of age. If you did not manage to use the benefit before the expiration of this period, it will be canceled. Therefore, it is highly recommended to manage your money in advance.

Important! Parents often save money for their child’s education abroad. According to current legislation, family capital can only be spent within Russia. There are no fees for studying abroad.

Given the difficult economic situation in the country, there is a risk of stopping the project after 2021. It is still unknown whether payments will be made on existing certificates after this period and in what order it will be possible to submit an application for disposal of money.

According to the latest amendments to Federal Law No. 418, families can receive benefits every month from the remainder of the maternity capital until the second child reaches 1.5 years of age. This measure was made as social support for low-income families.

Important! If the children's parents are deceased, they themselves can apply to dispose of public money when they reach 18 years of age.

Possibility of program extension

At the state level, they are discussing the possibility of extending the maternity capital program until 2025. But it is not yet known whether indexing will be carried out in this case. Here are the features being discussed if this bill is adopted:

  1. Providing more targeted financial support to low-income citizens.
  2. Expanding the possibilities of using funds.
  3. Increase in the amount of financial support.

The real possibility of extending the program depends on the economic situation in the country and the state of the federal budget, so it is difficult to make forecasts now. However, many politicians who support the state economy, including Kudrin, have repeatedly stated the need to abandon maternal capital in order to solve current government problems.

It is worth understanding that in 2021 the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation will be approaching, and then new presidential elections in 2024. The abolition of benefits such as maternity capital could greatly damage the reputation of the ruling party and the current president. Therefore, the likelihood of cancellation is very low. But it is quite possible that support will not be provided en masse, but in a targeted manner. That is, they will introduce additional conditions for receiving government money at the birth of a second child.

Possible consequences of refusing maternal capital

If the law on extending maternity capital is not adopted in 2021, then there is a possibility of the following effect:

  1. Possible increase in existing benefits.
  2. Significant savings in budget funds that can be used to implement other projects.
  3. Development of the social sector, education and healthcare.

However, no one guarantees that the money saved will be used specifically for the development of existing infrastructure. There is a possibility that a new stabilization fund will be created or the funds will be spent on other government needs.

The negative effects of refusing this type of government support include:

  1. A sharp decline in the birth rate, as many families are willing to have a second child only in connection with receiving maternity capital.
  2. Decrease in the number of transactions in the real estate market. If today families with average incomes can buy housing with budget money, then if the benefit is cancelled, this will be problematic.
  3. A decrease in the pace of development of the construction industry, which will result in a decrease in the flow of money into the treasury in the form of taxes.

Important! Reorienting the program towards the poor will also significantly reduce the situation in the country. According to some expert estimates, about 30% of families with an average income will not be able to provide their children with a quality education due to high prices.

According to official statistics from the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the birth rate in the country increased by 30% due to the action of maternity capital. This program is also highly effective: the number of orphans has decreased significantly. Therefore, there is a high probability of extending this payment until 2025 in the future.

Video - Maternity capital in 2018

Maternity capital in Crimea and Sevastopol

Considering that these regions became part of the Russian Federation when the maternity capital program was in effect, it is necessary to consider some of the features of its introduction here. From January 1, 2015, benefits and preferences that exist in other regions of the Russian Federation began to apply throughout the entire Crimean Peninsula.

Until 2015, a Ukrainian measure to stimulate the birth rate was in effect in the region. Thus, families received 30,960 hryvnia for the first child, and 61,920 hryvnia for the second. Initially, residents of the peninsula faced a number of problems when applying for benefits:

  1. The need to confirm Russian citizenship for children.
  2. Presentation of a Russian passport.
  3. Lack of SNILS.
  4. Inability for single fathers to get money.

These problems have begun to be actively addressed at the state level. In this regard, the required documents were issued in the territory of Sevastopol and Crimea in an expedited manner.

The main feature of the program in this region is that it began operating only in 2015. As of the beginning of 2017, most families spent the funds received to improve their living conditions. Almost 20% of families have repaid their housing loan.

Important! At the moment, there is no regional maternity capital program in Crimea. Therefore, families can only rely on federal assistance for the birth of a second child. However, residents of Sevastopol can count on additional support from the regional budget.

Federal Law No. 256 states that a child can be born in another country, but if the mother had Russian citizenship at the time of his birth, she can apply for maternity capital registration. In this case, it is necessary that the applicant and both children have Russian citizenship at the time of applying for the certificate.

Thus, not all residents of Crimea are entitled to this benefit. If they had Ukrainian citizenship, they cannot take advantage of the benefit.

Video - Maternity capital with a mortgage: pros and cons

Why is there no regional maternity capital in Crimea?

This is due to the following:

  1. The region's treasury is currently subsidized and cannot afford additional expenses.
  2. The authorities of Crimea continue to fulfill their obligations while being part of Ukraine to pay child benefits on the basis of Law No. 36-3RK/2014.

Thus, families were not left without government support. They continue to receive part of the Ukrainian benefits and those provided for under Russian legislation.

Expert opinions on the issue of maternity capital

The amount of this benefit is 453,026 rubles in 2018. This is exactly the amount you can receive for a second child until 2021. According to some experts, this is a fairly large amount. The state budget has to set aside almost 1 trillion rubles a year to cover its social obligations.

As a result of sanctions from European countries and the United States, there are acute problems facing the economy that need to be resolved as quickly as possible. This requires money, and you can get it by abolishing maternal capital. This position is shared by politicians and many business representatives who are associated with government agencies. The policy of state austerity, which was pursued by Kudrin when he was Minister of Finance, showed good results: thanks to the money saved, the impact of the global crisis on the country's economy was reduced.

At the same time, other politicians talk about the inadmissibility of abolishing maternity capital. This will lead to a decrease in the birth rate and income in the country. The fact is that those with certificates usually spend money on housing, stimulating the development of the construction industry. When there is nothing left to spend, many construction companies may leave the market, and the income of those remaining will decline sharply. Thus, the tax base will also be reduced and the state will lose more than it will save.

Experts who support the development of the social sector of the economy talk about the need to introduce new benefits and preferences to create a good investment climate in the country.

Expert opinions on regional payments

Regional maternity capital usually involves payment for the third and subsequent children. Most experts agree that even if the federal benefit is cancelled, regional benefits will remain. They will become a factor that will serve to stimulate the birth rate. But there is a possibility that the regions will start giving money for the birth of a second child.

You can find out whether the program will be extended no earlier than 2021, and in 2020 you can find out about the possibility of indexing the amount of maternity capital. When it is carried out, there is a possibility that indexation will be increased to partially compensate for the loss of the real value of the money allocated to families under the certificate.

Every year, Russian families eagerly await the results of the revision of the bill on maternity capital, and therefore the government program is significantly extended. According to the latest data, maternity capital will be issued at the birth of a second or subsequent children until 2018, so those who are among the project participants need to hurry up and obtain a certificate today.

Regarding the subsequent extension, the opinion of deputies was divided; It is still unknown what President Putin will do. Experts point to a high probability that the program will be extended again until 2025, because the main goal that was planned to be achieved by introducing this bill back in 2007 - to increase the birth rate and significantly increase the growth of the Russian population - has not yet been achieved.

Is it possible to extend maternity capital?

The Russian parliament continues to argue over the extension of the bill on the provision of cash assistance to families who decide to give birth to a second child and subsequent children. Those who favor an extension give their reasons:

  1. Statistics show an increase in the birth rate of children, which has been noted in Russia over the past 10 years. This means that in another 10 years there is a possibility of completely forgetting about low birth rates - the population feels financial support from the state and is no longer afraid to have a second child.
  2. Maternity capital can also be used by adoptive parents of a second child, which reduces the number of orphans in orphanages. Although this practice does not happen so often, financial assistance is a good help so that childless families have the opportunity to take several little Russians from the boarding school to raise them at once.

Why can maternity capital be cancelled?

Along with the positive factors for issuing maternity capital, analysts note several important reasons that are likely to become the main ones for the repeal of the bill on maternity capital in 2018.

The advisability of suspending payments to Russian families is explained by the following factors:

  1. If in 2007 maternity capital issued at the federal level was only 200,000 rubles, then in 2017 the figure, taking into account inflation and price indexation, aid reached 453,000 rubles. Large budget expenditures entail a deficit of money in the treasury, which cannot be covered by any tax deductions, especially since in the context of the economic crisis, some leading industry enterprises have already been forced to close. That is why the suspension of the issuance of certificates confirming the possibility of receiving money at the birth of a second child may become a real salvation for restoring the solvency of the government agency.
  2. Fraudsters are not asleep either. Despite the fact that the state is doing its best to monitor fraudulent schemes, cases of receiving financial assistance still occur.
  3. The procedure for obtaining a certificate is not simple and lasts for 2 months. There are a lot of controversial points, for example, parents cannot spend funds if the child is under 3 years old, and the list of expenses is strictly regulated. Such a narrow focus entails dissatisfaction among Russians. Analysts believe that it is high time to review and change the terms of the agreement on receiving maternity capital.
  4. Particular complaints come from parents who, receiving financial assistance, are unable not only to cash out, but even to spend a non-cash form of subsidy on the rehabilitation of a child, the treatment of serious illnesses, or the purchase of drugs here and now, urgently. In such cases, the question arises: is there a need for strictly regulated targeted use of funds?

Results of the possible cancellation of maternity capital

Representatives of government agencies note the following positive and not entirely favorable consequences of the repeal of the bill on maternity capital for the country and each Russian family separately:

  1. It will be possible to save more than 100 billion rubles in the federal budget.
  2. If maternity capital is cancelled, what will happen instead? It will be possible to increase child benefits and compensation that ensure attendance at preschool education.
  3. At the same time, officials will have to work on creating other mechanisms to increase the birth rate in the country; it would not be surprising if population growth declines sharply.
  4. The Russian government will be able to revise the amount of assistance for large and low-income families, which is issued monthly.
  5. Maternity capital, one way or another, entails an increase in the cost of residential square meters - some Russians actively take advantage of the opportunity to get more money from the sale of an apartment. If Russians have less money, it will be unrealistic to pay large sums, so property owners will have to curb their appetites.

One way or another, the extension of maternity capital depends on the economic development of Russia, which is to be expected, analysts will tell you.

Will Russia come out of the crisis?

Russia is a rich country that has enough of its own natural resources and highly qualified labor force to help bring Russia out of the economic collapse that was formed not without the participation of European sanctions. Why is the country's economy developing according to a negative scenario?

  1. The raw material nature of the economy is, of course, good, but modern technologies are increasingly leading us to the innovation component, which is a clear gap in Russia. Experts say that only total modernization of the economic sphere can turn the situation in the direction desired by the government.
  2. Russia is constantly forced to fight with a number of powerful countries in the world, defending its position as a leader. All this is, of course, good, but the defense complex and its maintenance require colossal annual investments and expenses, and during the crisis such expenses have become very noticeable. Every year Russia spends $80 billion on the military industry.
  3. The closure of factories and factories continues, and not only production, but also the energy complex is suffering. The privatization of the energy complex has had its negative consequences - the state is no longer able to control energy resources, and therefore the use of electricity does not take into account national interests.
  4. The less the economy develops, the more unemployed people become, as well as people who are unable to purchase the most basic things; the purchase of apartments and other large property is out of the question. Accordingly, commodity production leaves much to be desired. Why and for whom should we supply products on a wide scale if Russians are unable to buy goods? But it is the middle class, which is becoming smaller every year, that forms the main purchasing power.
  5. In 2017, the Russian government tightened the rules for the operation of banks, which are now losing their licenses en masse. Those who remain afloat in the banking sector increase the interest on lending, for example, mortgages are issued in many lending institutions instead of the usual 31.8% at 37%.

The validity period of the Maternity Capital program has already been postponed several times. Last time maternity capital was extended until December 31, 2021 in accordance with Law 432-FZ of December 28, 2017. Also, with this law, in addition to extending the validity period of maternity capital, new ones were introduced for the second child up to 1.5 years old (popularly called “Putin’s payments”), and they also allowed the use of mat. capital for up to 3 years to pay for kindergarten. These changes took effect on January 1, 2018. As of April 2019, it is known that The Ministry of Labor plans to extend the maternity capital program until 2024 inclusive.

  • Initially, this program was planned by the country's leadership for a full ten year period- from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016.
  • However in December 2015, speaking with his annual message to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin instructed to extend the program for 2 years - until December 31, 2018.
  • The President again made a proposal to extend the state program for another 3 years - now until December 31, 2021, and came into force on January 1, 2018. In addition to the extension of maternity capital itself, additional opportunities for using the MSK certificate were also provided.

Thus: maternity capital is valid until 2021 inclusive. And there is no reason to believe that it will be completed ahead of schedule before the new deadline specified in the law!

However, even after December 31, 2021, for certificates issued for a full 15 years, the state is not going to abandon its obligations, and their use will be guaranteed in full and after 2021!

Validity period of the maternity capital program

In the question of until what year maternity capital is valid, it is necessary to distinguish between three different possible restrictions on validity period:

  • to the right, which occurs if the second (third or subsequent) child in the family was born or adopted before December 31, 2021 (this date is now given as the validity period of the entire program as a whole, which is still not entirely correct);
  • for the period of applying for a certificate, which is not limited by any special conditions by law - that is, you can apply for registration to the Pension Fund (PFR) at any time after the corresponding right arises;
  • for the period of payment of funds under the certificate, that is, the time during which it will be possible to spend the money provided by the state (conditionally unlimited; if necessary, maternity capital funds can be taken into account as part of pension savings even at the time of the mother’s old-age pension, that is, until she reaches 55 years of age or later) .

Let's look at these three aspects of the program in more detail.

At the meeting held on September 1, 2015 with party activists "United Russia" Medvedev noted that options for further stimulation of childbearing throughout the country are now being developed, but what forms they will take is still unknown. In this regard, Medvedev advised citizens who are thinking about having a second child in the family hurry up before the end of 2016 to be guaranteed to become a full participant in the program under current conditions. However then Vladimir Putin ordered to extend the program first until the end of 2018, and then until 2021 inclusive. Therefore, now there is no longer any rush to register maternity capital.

In turn, the President of Russia, who initiated the program 10 years ago, back in 2013, during his annual communication with citizens, noted the following aspects of completion and possible extension of the maternity capital program:

  • federal budget should be able to cope with payments to families with children, which is why initially only a 10-year duration of the program was established (at that moment, unlike the current economic situation, it was still possible to plan a budget for such a long period);
  • this type of material support should be extended after 2018 in one form or another, but it is worth tightening the targeted use of the payment and introducing.

Thus, the country's top leadership initially considered it necessary extend the program after 2018 due to its effectiveness. Moreover, in addition to the extension itself, since 2018, the options for using the certificate have been significantly expanded.

Deadline for obtaining a certificate for maternal capital

In Art. 5 of the law also clearly stipulates the following important point: a person entitled to register maternity capital can apply to the Pension Fund (PFR) or multifunctional center (MFC) for a certificate Anytime after the appearance of the corresponding right - that is, the deadline for receiving a certificate for maternity capital is actually not installed.

In practice this means the following:

  1. Despite the fact that the right to join the program now ends on December 31, 2021, the effect of the law itself is on this doesn't stop. Therefore, parents in whose families a second child was born before this date will be able to submit at any time convenient for them when required.
  2. If mom or dad decide to contact the Pension Fund, suppose, even 10 years after the birth of the second child, the amount of maternity capital by that time will not depreciate due to what is provided for in Art. 6 of the law to the indexing mechanism ( important: this provision is suspended until January 1, 2020 in accordance with the “law on freezing maternity capital” dated December 19, 2016 No. 444-FZ).
    • Until 2016-2019 Every year a new amount of maternity capital was obtained by multiplying the amount established for the previous year by that specified in the law on the federal budget indexation coefficient. In exactly the same order the unspent balance, if previously submitted .
    • This norm will remain in effect after December 31, 2021, however, at 2007 prices, the certificate is already . So it is better to make a decision about the time to obtain a certificate, based not on the desire to benefit sometime in the future, but based on the current need or opportunity make a profitable investment here and now.

Are there any advantages to applying for the certificate right away?

Despite the absence of a fundamental difference when to register your right to maternity capital, it is still sometimes better to apply for its registration earlier if possible(especially before the birth of the next child), and then spend the money when the opportune moment comes.

If the receipt of the certificate occurs after the birth of the third child in the family, additional difficulties:

  • in it is necessary to indicate in connection with the birth of which child the applicant wants to apply for maternity capital;
  • if at the time of submitting documents the second child is not the youngest in a family, Pension Fund employees may require a certificate on the third so that there is no possibility of infringement of his rights (in fact, maternity capital is still issued to the whole family);
  • it will be possible to challenge this decision only in court, which in general does not have great prospects, since the requirement of Pension Fund employees does not contradict the law: in paragraph 1 of Art. 3 of the law directly states that the right to maternity capital arises from the parents of the 3rd child if, for one reason or another, did not exercise this right in relation to the 2nd.

If, however, such a situation arises in practice, after registration maternity capital for the third child In order to take advantage of the money provided by the state, you will have to choose between two unpleasant options that could have been avoided:

  • wait another 3 years until it is possible to use maternity capital (that is, until the third child turns three years old);
  • use funds under the certificate only for a mortgage, which is permitted by law at any time from the moment of birth - as for repayment of principal and interest on a loan or loan, and to pay a down payment at a bank.

If there are three children in a family, but still in connection with the birth of a second child, this may be considered an attempt to infringe on the rights of the youngest of them. So for parents who are still preparing, it is better to apply for a certificate in advance, while they only have two children.

Maternity capital in Crimea and Sevastopol

In 2015 on a universal basis, as well as throughout the rest of Russia. At the same time, many large families when applying for a certificate were faced with the following problematic situation:

  • immediately after the birth of their second child, starting in 2007, Crimeans, as citizens of Ukraine, still could not obtain maternity capital according to Russian law;
  • when applying to the Pension Fund from January 1, 2015, Pension Fund employees they were denied a certificate for the second (not youngest) child.

According to sound logic, Russian legislators should consider the reason for the emergence of such a situation to be respectful for families in which a third child was already born between 2007 and 2014 inclusive - so that the parents would have the opportunity to receive a certificate “retroactively” as for the second. However, the law of this not provided.

However, you can still try to indicate in the application for the issuance of a certificate for the second child - if the Pension Fund refuses, then, as a last resort, you will then simply have to refill the form.

before he turns 25:

  • In essence, this restriction is now more relevant in relation to the older child, whose education can also be paid for using a certificate after the youngest reaches the age of three;
  • however, no one forbids parents to wait for the moment when the youngest child in the family grows up and goes to study at a university.
  • In addition, the money under the certificate can be taken into account as part of the funded pension when the Pension Fund assigns an old-age pension to the mother, that is, after she reaches retirement age for women- at 55 years of age or more (on the issue of raising the retirement age).
  • Was maternity capital extended after 2018?

    The decision to extend the program after December 31, 2018 for another 3 years adopted by the country's leadership in the form of federal law dated December 28, 2017 No. 432-FZ. Head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin believes that the country needs to continue to maintain the birth rate, and maternity capital as a stimulating measure is doing a good job - for example, over the past few years, the country as a whole has been experiencing natural population growth.

    • Topilin also focuses on impossibility of applying the criterion of need to maternity capital, which is why it would be best to extend the program under current conditions.
    • The minister explains his opinion criterion bias. After all, three years or even more often pass from the issuance of a certificate to the opportunity to use the money - that is, this is a long process, during which a family’s need for money can change several times.
    • Topilin sees great potential in the program, and he himself proposed extending the program not until 2021, but