Maternity payments to individual entrepreneurs. Sick leave and maternity leave for individual entrepreneurs

Today you won’t surprise anyone with your own business. Many women feel great in the role of individual entrepreneur. But most of them are not aware of the procedure for receiving social benefits.

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Can an individual entrepreneur receive benefits under the BiR in 2019? Women registered as individual entrepreneurs manage their profits independently.

And if contributions to the Pension Fund for calculating a pension in the future are mandatory for them, then interaction with the Social Insurance Fund is a purely voluntary matter. For this reason, the question arises: is maternity benefit available to individual entrepreneurs in 2019?

What you need to know

Financial stability is a concern for any woman planning a pregnancy. If the expectant mother is an employee, then the employer will take care of calculating benefits.

The recipient of the payments will only need to find out from the accounting department about the list of necessary documents and provide them in a timely manner.

It’s another matter when a woman comes – you have to take care of receiving payments yourself.

First of all, you should know that all payments related to pregnancy are divided into two types. Some are only available to working women, while others are entitled to any mother.

Regardless of the fact of employment, expectant mothers are entitled to a lump sum payment for the birth of a baby.

In addition, you can receive benefits up to the age of one and a half years. These social support measures are issued through the social protection authorities directly at the place of registration.

But during pregnancy and childbirth, working women are entitled to paid income. But as an individual entrepreneur, such leave is not always paid.

Basic Concepts

Maternity benefits are compensation for the temporary disability of a working woman. A pregnant employee is granted leave for a total duration of 140 days.

In case of multiple pregnancy, rest increases by 56 days. Complications during childbirth make it possible to increase the rest period after the birth of the baby by 16 days.

Maternity leave is calculated cumulatively, that is, a woman can use the allotted period in full, regardless of the time of departure.

All vacation days are subject to payment in the amount of average earnings. The payment is calculated by the employer, but is paid at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

Compulsory insurance for employed citizens provides for contributions such as compensation for temporary disability, including those related to maternity.

That is, a woman receives B&R benefits from the social fund. Being pregnant, a woman can also qualify for this benefit. But only if there are certain reasons.

Who should

Benefits from the Social Insurance Fund in connection with pregnancy and childbirth are provided to the following categories of persons:

  • working on ;
  • employees of state and municipal institutions.

Simply put, the Social Insurance Fund pays benefits to insured persons. Individual entrepreneurs are not included in the list, but this does not mean that entrepreneurs are not entitled to benefits for accounting and economics.

This is due to the fact that individual entrepreneurs are not required to pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

However, a woman entrepreneur has the right to register with the Social Insurance Fund by concluding a social insurance agreement and pay fixed payments.

If for the year preceding maternity leave the individual entrepreneur pays the contribution in full, then she is assigned a minimum amount of BIR allowance, based on.

Legal regulation

In the case of individual entrepreneurs, this calculation method is not suitable, since contributions are calculated not on income, but on the basis of the minimum wage. Accordingly, the benefit will also depend on the minimum wage.

The usual period of maternity leave is 140 days, the period increases in case of multiple or complicated pregnancies.

But regardless of the duration of the vacation, the benefit is calculated for each vacation day. The calculation is carried out using the average daily minimum wage.

That is, the minimum wage indicator valid for the accrual period must be divided by the number of days in the billing month, and then multiplied by the number of vacation days in this period.

In the same way, calculations are carried out for all months during which maternity leave lasts.

As an example, we can give a calculation when the sick leave/maternity leave of an individual entrepreneur lasts from 07/05/2017 to 11/22/2017.

The calculation procedure is as follows:

From 5.07 to 30.07 7,800 ÷ 30 × 27 = 7,020
From 1.08 to 31.08 7,800 ÷ 31 × 31 = 7,800
From 1.09 to 30.09 7,800 ÷ 30 × 30 = 7,800
From 1.10 to 31.10 7,800 ÷ 31 × 31 = 7,800
From 1.11 to 22.11 7,800 ÷ 30 × 22 = 5,720

An individual entrepreneur who voluntarily pays contributions to the Social Insurance Fund receives a child care benefit for up to 1.5 years in the amount of 40% of the minimum wage.

If care leave began after July 1, 2017, then the state will pay 3,120 rubles for each month. For your information! During the period of maternity leave, an individual entrepreneur does not pay taxes if he does not conduct business.

However, insurance premiums will have to be paid if the woman wants to receive benefits as an insured person.

Video: pregnancy benefit

An individual entrepreneur working under , has the right to receive maternity benefits twice - as an employee at the place of employment and as an individual entrepreneur. But child care benefits up to 1.5 years are paid once.

When is payment made?

Article 38 of the Constitution guarantees Russian citizens the protection of the interests of family, childhood and motherhood through the creation of social programs working in this area, one of them is maternity leave for individual entrepreneurs. One of the manifestations of the Law is the payment of sick leave associated with the birth of children. But do all citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to pay for such a document? Are there any nuances to this issue? Let's figure it out.

The concept of maternity leave and the conditions for its provision to individual entrepreneurs

In order to have complete information on this issue, you need to understand: what is a maternity leave? This wording does not exist in the Laws. They include the concept of leave related to pregnancy and childbirth, which is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation during the birth of a child.

The normal duration of this time is 140 days. But, in case of complications during childbirth or when two or more children are born, the period of sick leave increases. When adopting a baby under 3 months of age, the mother has the right to register the specified absence for a duration of 70 days. Due to this, the secrecy of the admission of children who were not born independently into the family is ensured, guaranteed by the Laws of the Russian Federation.

Sick leave is issued as a social guarantee to ensure the safety and health of children and the persons who gave birth to them, and for the period necessary for the restoration of the woman’s body after childbirth. In this regard, it is impossible for a man to issue such a document.

Payment above the indicated certificate of incapacity for work is due:

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation working under a contract.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs, in case of payment of VHI contributions to them.
  3. Persons brought to criminal liability with imprisonment.
  4. Civil servants.
  5. Members of the production cooperative.

A prerequisite for making accruals for sick leave associated with the birth or adoption of a child is the payment of certain amounts to the Social Insurance Fund

RF. For the above persons, in addition to individual entrepreneurs, transfers are made by employers or the state.

For an individual entrepreneur, the employer is himself. And if the work activity is formalized, then in order to guarantee the receipt of maternity benefits, the individual entrepreneur must enter into an agreement on voluntary health insurance with the Social Insurance Fund and make periodic cash contributions within the time limits specified by the Law.

The procedure for registration of VHI in the Social Insurance Fund and the amount of contributions

To conclude a VHI agreement, an individual entrepreneur must present to the Social Insurance Fund at the place of permanent registration, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 25, 2014 N 108n (as amended on November 27, 2017) a certain list of papers:

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. Original or copy of an identity document certified by a notary.

If the applicant provides the FSS with an original passport, in accordance with Chapter II, paragraph 13 of the above order, fund employees can certify it themselves.

The requirement to provide other documents (certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs or USRIP) is illegal. FSS officials must request them themselves from the relevant government agencies.

After three working days after the application (clause 10 of Chapter II of Order No. 108N), the fund is obliged to issue the applicant a certificate of registration under the VHI agreement in the established manner. If the entrepreneur changes place of residence, the registration period increases to five days.

After completing the registration procedure, the individual entrepreneur must deposit insurance amounts into the Social Insurance Fund in the following order [Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2009 N 790 (as amended on May 27, 2016)]:

  • in parts or at a time, but no later than December 31 of the current year;
  • by postal transfer, direct deposit of funds or by bank transfer.

The amount of insurance payments does not depend on the individual entrepreneur’s income, it is fixed and is calculated according to the following rule: by multiplying the current minimum wage by the rate of insurance premiums and by the number of months in the year.

It follows that the amount of funds paid depends only on the minimum wage established at that time, since the maximum TSV in 2019 was determined to be 2.9%. The minimum wage depends on the place of residence of the insured and is established by law.

The procedure for applying for maternity leave and the benefits provided during this time

Every woman, in order to preserve the life and health of the child, as well as to receive guarantees from the state related to her situation, when she becomes pregnant, must register with a medical institution according to her place of residence.

Maternity leave for individual entrepreneurs, like other female persons, is issued by issuing a certificate of incapacity for work within the following periods:

  1. In a normal pregnancy - at 30 weeks.
  2. For multiple births - 84 days before the expected birth.
  3. For citizens with preferential social status related to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - at 27 weeks.

This sick leave is issued by the obstetrician immediately for the full term and visits to a specialist are not required to extend it. If complications arise during childbirth, an additional certificate of incapacity for work is issued for a period of 16 days or, in cases of multiple pregnancies, for 54 calendar days.

Women employed under a contract present sick leave to their head of the organization for payment. How can I get the required maternity leave for an individual entrepreneur, since he hires himself?

To pay for a certificate of incapacity for work associated with the birth of a child, it is necessary to provide only two documents to the Social Insurance Fund at the place of permanent registration:

It is important to know that the benefit will be paid only if a VHI agreement is concluded with an individual entrepreneur in the previous year before the maternity leave. The maximum legally defined period for calculating sick leave claims is 6 months.

Maternity payments to individual entrepreneurs in 2019 will not be made immediately. After submitting documents for their accrual, the FSS, within ten days, will carry out a procedure to verify the legality of such actions and inform the applicant of its decision. If the result is positive, the entrepreneur will receive funds no later than the 26th day of the following month after the day of application. For convenience, you can open a bank account and wait for the specified amounts to arrive.

For every woman, a child is the most important thing in life. And if a mother decides to go on leave due to the birth of children and suspend the activities of her enterprise, she should know what contributions need to be paid and what does not need to be paid.

During maternity leave, individual entrepreneurs are exempt from paying insurance amounts to the Pension Fund from the time of the birth of the child. Until the birth of the baby, deductions continue in full.

To receive this benefit, the following documents are provided to the Russian Pension Fund:

  • passport of the parent applying for the deduction;
  • a copy of the declaration from the Federal Tax Service confirming the suspension of the individual entrepreneur’s activities;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • document confirming the fact of marriage.

If necessary, Pension Fund officials will supplement this list in accordance with the changed legislation.

Temporary suspension of the work of an individual entrepreneur does not exempt him from providing mandatory reports submitted to regulatory authorities within the time limits established by law. But due to the fact that the declaration will be zero, the entrepreneur will be exempt from payments, provided that he does not apply UTII.

Monetary compensation for individual entrepreneurs in connection with the birth of a child and their amounts

So, as already mentioned above, a woman entrepreneur who has in good faith made contributions to the Social Insurance Fund under a VHI agreement when going on maternity leave can plan to pay for the certificate of incapacity for work associated with the birth of children. It's easy to calculate.

For example, let’s take a female individual entrepreneur who conscientiously paid insurance premiums, lives in Moscow and is going on maternity leave from 02/10/2018 for 140 calendar days.

The maternity benefit in 2019 for individual entrepreneurs will be:

13750 rub. × 24 months : 731 days (in 2016 there were 366 days) × 140 days = 63,201.09 rubles.

Income tax is not taken from maternity leave, and the citizen will receive it in full.

For comparison, let’s calculate the insurance premiums paid by individual entrepreneurs to the Social Insurance Fund in 2017:

17561 rub. (Moscow minimum wage in 2017) × 0.029 (TSV) × 12 = 6111.23 rubles.

What other cash payments are due to an individual entrepreneur in connection with the birth of a child?

By contacting social security, an individual entrepreneur who gave birth to a baby after 02/01/2018 will receive state-guaranteed compensation:

  1. A one-time payment of 16,873.54 rubles.
  2. The fee for registration in the first trimester of pregnancy is about 633.76 rubles.

And at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence or the multifunctional center of the MFC, you can issue a certificate for receiving maternity capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles (in the event of the birth of a second child, a third, etc.).

Please note that the amounts indicated are valid as of the current date and may change due to the entry into force of new legislation. To clarify the information, you must contact the relevant organizations.

To receive this money from social security, you need to provide a set of documents, which include:

To obtain a certificate for maternity capital, a woman entrepreneur, either in person or via the Internet, must provide the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • passport or equivalent document;
  • birth certificate of all children;
  • SNILS;
  • in the case of adoption - a court decision.

This is an exhaustive list of required papers. Requiring representation from others is illegal.

Rights of individual entrepreneurs working under contract

Many women, being individual entrepreneurs, have an employment contract with third-party organizations. Moreover, one does not interfere with the other at all. This type of activity is called part-time work. In this case, there is only one limitation defined by the Law - a four-hour working day at the second place of activity.

If an employee becomes pregnant and reaches the deadline for taking sick leave due to the birth of a child, two options are possible:

  1. During the period of maternity leave, the activities of the individual entrepreneur are suspended, but the part-time job continues.
  2. Simultaneous registration of absence from both workplaces for a period determined by the laws of the Russian Federation, in order to prepare for childbirth and recovery after it.

In the first case, the right to receive maternity funds arises for the individual entrepreneur only as an entrepreneur. Monetary compensation for sick leave while continuing to work is not provided in Russia.

In another option, to formalize the maternity leave, it is necessary to write an application for leave related to the birth of a child at the second place of work. Absence must be documented. Then, being one person, the female individual entrepreneur and the employee will receive maternity benefits (subject to concluding voluntary health insurance with the Social Insurance Fund as an entrepreneur) at both places of employment, independently of each other. At the same time, the maximum amount provided by the state for paying for such sick leave is doubled.

Employers pay maternity benefits to their employees, but these costs are compensated by the Social Insurance Fund. Therefore, the optimal solution for individual entrepreneurs would be to provide a certificate of incapacity for work and other documents in order to receive maternity benefits to the fund, where the required amounts will be directly transferred in full.

Then, in order to process compensation to the Social Insurance Fund, in addition to the previously specified documents, a certificate of wages (average monthly) for the previous 2 years and confirmation of the absence of transfer of the specified amounts at the second enterprise is provided.

Leave for individual entrepreneurs to care for an infant up to one and a half years old

After the certificate of incapacity for work expires, a woman entrepreneur must decide whether or not to take out maternity leave to care for a child up to one and a half years old. To make the right decision, you need to know everything about the consequences of this step. Therefore, let's look at the situation in more detail.

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows such absence to be registered not only for the mother, but also for any close relative who is actually caring for the child. For the working population, this leave is paid. And for an individual entrepreneur to obtain the right to payments, he must first conclude an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund and transfer the insurance amounts.

Then, for the period of leave to care for a child until he reaches one and a half years old, an individual entrepreneur can apply for a benefit in the amount of 40% of the current minimum wage.

There is a legally defined minimum for such payments, and it is as of 02/01/2018: for the first child - 3795.60 rubles, for the second - 6327.57 rubles. If, as a result of the calculation, the amount is less than indicated, then it is increased to the limit.

To apply for this leave, the individual entrepreneur must present to the Social Insurance Fund:

  • application for benefits;
  • a certificate proving that the other parent did not use such a benefit;
  • birth certificate of the child (if it is the second child, then on both).

While on vacation, an individual entrepreneur has the right to the same privileges as during sick leave associated with the birth of children. The only condition is documentary evidence of the absence of work activity of an individual entrepreneur.

All the information reviewed reveals in great detail the topic of having children with a female IP. An analysis of the information received leads to a completely logical conclusion: if a businesswoman plans to have a child in the future, she needs to take care in advance of the benefits and payments provided by the state in this case, and conclude a voluntary health insurance agreement with the Social Insurance Fund.

And by making symbolic annual transfers to the specified fund, she will eventually receive good financial support at the right time.

Our state establishes benefits for young mothers. And not only for those who are employees, but also for those who have their own business. In this case, the required payments are divided into two main types:

  • one-time - issued to the mother immediately after the birth of the child;
  • regular - paid to support the child once a month for one and a half years after his birth.

A slightly different situation is established regarding the payment of maternity benefits in accordance with the current sick leave. Only those individual entrepreneurs who have a valid insurance contract with the Social Insurance Fund and who have regularly made all payments provided for by law over the past period of time will be able to claim such a benefit.

If the entrepreneur was not insured by the Social Insurance Fund

Since paying contributions to the Social Insurance Fund is not the direct responsibility of persons registered as individual entrepreneurs, maternity benefits for sick leave will not be accrued to them in all cases. However, a woman engaged in official business can count on receiving the following amounts:

  1. A one-time payment for early treatment and registration at the antenatal clinic is 615 rubles.
  2. A one-time payment immediately after the birth of a child is 16,412 rubles.
  3. Regular benefit paid once a month - 3077 rubles.
  4. The regular benefit established in the event of the birth of a second child or subsequent children is 6,154 rubles.

In relation to the first two above payments, a regional coefficient may also be established, if it is valid in a given territory of our state. In addition, the final amount of the benefit may be influenced by indexation carried out by our government, as a rule, every year.

Procedure for processing maternity payments

In order for a woman registered as an individual entrepreneur to have a legal right to receive maternity payments from the state, she must conclude a social insurance agreement at least 6 months before the expected date of going on maternity leave. Throughout this period, she must also transfer the contributions required by law. In this case, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Drawing up and submitting a written application to the local social insurance fund office.
  2. Providing the required package of documents, the contents of which are best clarified at the place of application. As a rule, it includes: passport, TIN certificate, etc.
  3. Receiving official notification that a person has been registered with the social insurance fund.
  4. Independent calculation of the exact amount of insurance premiums that will need to be paid for a certain time period.
  5. Transfer of the resulting contribution amount.

If you have questions about the package of documents, as well as other aspects of drawing up a social insurance agreement, it is always better to contact the institution that will be the second party to the above agreement. FSS employees will also help with the correct calculation of the amount that will need to be paid.

What amounts must be transferred to the Social Insurance Fund?

The final amount must be calculated immediately for the entire annual period. In this case, further payment may be different, depending on the wishes of the payer himself. For example, he can transfer the entire amount at once or divide it into several parts. It should be remembered that all debts must be repaid by December 31 of the current year.

The calculation is carried out using the standard formula:

Insurance premiums = minimum wage x2.9%x12

The minimum wage is the minimum wage established in a specific region of our state and regularly undergoes an indexation procedure. The percentage ratio of 2.9 is the current generally accepted tariff in the Social Insurance Fund. It is multiplied by the number of months in a year - 12.

If we add up all the indicators in force in 2017, it turns out that a woman registered as an individual entrepreneur will have to transfer 2,610 rubles to the Social Insurance Fund. This amount will be correct for those persons who registered immediately at the beginning of the year. In cases where the application is made later than January 1, the calculation for each applicant will be carried out on an individual basis.

Let's look at a corresponding example:

The entrepreneur has submitted the relevant documents to the Social Insurance Fund and will pay the required social contributions from July 1. Therefore, in the current year the payment period will be the remaining 6 months of the year.

The monthly payment calculation will look like this:

7800 (current minimum wage) x 0.029 = 226 rubles.

Consequently, for 6 months the insured person will be required to pay 1357 rubles (226 x 6).

Additional responsibilities of insured entrepreneurs will also include submitting regular reports on time. In accordance with current requirements, each person is required to submit a report to the fund in a special form no later than January 15 of the year following the reporting year. This document clearly reflects all amounts paid, as well as other transactions directly related to social benefits and guarantees.

What documents need to be submitted?

If an individual entrepreneur was a regular payer of social insurance payments, in order to receive maternity benefits he will need to submit:

  • written statement;
  • sick leave, duly executed and signed by an authorized person.

In relation to registration of other types of benefits, the following documents may be required:

  • a certificate from the hospital, which will confirm the fact of early registration of the pregnant woman with official registration;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • birth certificate issued and registered with the civil registry office;
  • documentary evidence of the fact that cash benefits have not previously been paid to the child’s father;
  • the person’s passport, as well as an insurance certificate.

If necessary, the authorized person may require the provision of other documents, for example, an extract from the work book, or a certificate from the passport office.

Other features of the benefit design

If a woman, despite her registered entrepreneurship, also performs professional duties at another place of work, the payment of benefits becomes the direct responsibility of her employer. That is, in fact, such a person has every right to receive benefits twice - one in the Social Insurance Fund, and the other at the place of official work.

In order for the employer to pay the benefit, the employee must write an official statement addressed to him. In this case, you should not forget to take two copies of the sick leave certificate from the medical institution. An important point is also that both of these copies must be originals - accepting copies is not acceptable.

The Social Insurance Fund can transfer benefits to the mother’s personal account or to an official account registered with the Social Insurance Fund.

The allowance for timely registration is paid along with maternity leave. As soon as the official period of maternity leave comes to an end, the accrual of child care benefits will begin immediately. These payments will continue until he turns one and a half years old.

When processing maternity payments provided for by the state, it is very important not to lose sight of the established deadlines within which the interested person must apply to a particular institution. As a rule, each such period is 6 months, for example:

  • after the birth of a child, his mother must apply to the Social Insurance Fund within six months;
  • after maternity leave has ended, the mother, also within six months, must contact the Social Insurance Fund to establish regular payments for child care.

It should also be remembered that the initiative should always come from the person interested in receiving payments. Consequently, the child’s mother must promptly visit all the necessary authorities and submit the required documents there. In addition, in the absence of a valid agreement with the Social Insurance Fund, the amounts of payments due will be very small. That is why you should take care of preparing this document in advance.

Entrepreneurs are not entitled to any maternity leave at all. Only a businessman who has joined the compulsory social insurance system has the right to count on financial support.

Attention: do not confuse voluntary insurance contributions with contributions to the Pension Fund - the businessman pays them in any case.

The issue of support for individual entrepreneurs who decide to become parents is regulated by the norms of Federal Law No. 212-FZ of July 24, 2009 “On insurance premiums”.

In case of full payment under the contract, the owner of a private business receives:

  • monthly payments for caring for a son or daughter until they are one and a half years old.

In addition, there are also benefits and subsidies depending on the region, the social status of the citizen, and his place of service.


A woman who is about to give birth will not be able to pay due attention to business for some time. Before the decree, you must contact the department of the Federal Tax Service to resolve the issue of suspension of activities.

Usually, while the entrepreneur is caring for her child, it is allowed to officially suspend the business and, accordingly, don't pay taxes.

How can an entrepreneur get maternity benefits?

In order to receive benefits from the state while caring for a newborn, a businesswoman collects the necessary papers and submits an application to the local Social Insurance Fund department to conclude a social insurance agreement.

Afterwards you will need pay dues every month until the end of the year. That is, the right to receive benefits in connection with maternity for an individual entrepreneur arises in the current year if he has fully paid insurance premiums for the previous calendar year.

The situation when a mother suspends her business in the same year in which she entered into an insurance contract, but is going on maternity leave, deserves special consideration. To get money, there is only one way out - to continue paying until the end of the term.

From the beginning of next year you need to submit an application for benefits to the Social Insurance Fund. The time to submit an application for payment is given no more than six months after the deadline.

Procedure for deduction to the Social Insurance Fund

You will need documentation to conclude an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund:

  • general passport;
  • certificate of registration as a private entrepreneur;
  • statement.

Important: working while on sick leave is prohibited. If an entrepreneur violates this rule, she will lose the right to benefits.

You can submit documents directly when visiting the Fund’s office, or you can use the services of the Multifunctional Center (My Documents).

Review of the application can take quite a long period - up to three months if any problems are discovered during the verification process.

If there are none, the decision will take up to three working days.

After registering with the Social Insurance Fund, the expectant mother must pay insurance premiums in accordance with the procedure approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 790 of October 2, 2009

Formula for calculating insurance premiums

Contributions to the Social Insurance Fund are paid according to the formula:
Minimum wage*2.9*12

Where 2.9 is the rate of contributions to the Fund, and 12 is the number of months in a year.

Below are the amounts due for deductions for the last four years:

  1. 2015 2075.82 rubles
  2. 2016 2158.99 rubles
  3. 2017 2,610 rubles
  4. 2018 3,302.07 rubles

IMPORTANT! All calculations of benefits for this category of mothers are based on, since the entrepreneur pays contributions at the minimum value

The procedure for receiving benefits from the Social Insurance Fund

To receive the payment, the expectant mother provides the following documents directly to the Social Insurance Fund:

  1. application (free form);
  2. general passport;
  3. birth certificates of all sons and daughters;
  4. a certificate from the second parent that he is not receiving benefits and he did not leave work on maternity leave.

You can apply for support for the birth of a baby within six months from the end of maternity leave;

for child care no later than the moment when the born child reaches 18 months of age.

What and in what size should the expectant mother be entitled?

  1. The maternity benefit for individual entrepreneurs in 2018 will be 35 thousand 852 rubles for a standard one hundred and forty-day vacation. If twins are born or the birth is difficult, the period of sick leave will increase, and with it the amount of maternity benefits.
  2. When registering at the antenatal clinic, the mother receives a one-time payment of 632 rubles, 76 kopecks.
  3. One-time benefit for the birth of a baby in the amount of 16,759.09 rubles. It is paid
    regardless of his social status.
  4. Cash assistance for caring for a son or daughter up to 1.5 years old.

The amount of child care benefits depends on whether the mother paid insurance contributions to the Fund or not.

In the first case, the payment amount is 40% of the mother’s average monthly income. This is a general rule. For all self-employed people, it is a forty percent share of the regional minimum earnings.

In the second case, the amount of payments will be 3120 and 6131 rubles for the first and second offspring, respectively. Moreover, this applies to all officially unemployed women, regardless of whether they entered into the voluntary insurance system or not.

If the entrepreneur has not signed an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund, she needs to contact the local social protection department.

Payment terms


The FSS branch where the individual entrepreneur transferred contributions calculates and pays benefits within 10 calendar days from the moment of receipt of all necessary documents. Money is transferred in any of the following ways:

  1. Postal transfer.
  2. Transfer to a bank account.
  3. Transfer through other organizations.

Through social security

When contacting social security authorities, the package of documents is reviewed within 10 days, the transfer is made to a bank account or by Russian Post no later than the 26th day of the month following the one in which the documents were accepted

Nuances upon receipt

It often happens that a woman runs her own business and at the same time works under a contract in another place. In fact, in this case, she works part-time.

In this case, she does not need to contact the FSS on her own. It is enough to write an application and provide sick leave to the accounting department of the company where she works.

Maternity benefits are calculated and paid for each place, and financial assistance for child care up to 1.5 years only in one place at the discretion of the parent

Possibility of refusal

When considering an application to the FSS payment may be refused in cases:

  • providing incorrect data;
  • absence of any of the documents;
  • lack of payments under the contract and its termination.

So it turns out that even owners of their own businesses are not deprived of support from the state. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement on the social insurance system and officially suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur while caring for the offspring.

Typically, entrepreneurs cannot count on receiving maternity benefits. But if an individual entrepreneur has voluntarily entered into an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund and regularly transfers insurance premiums, he has the right to receive all types of benefits for children and for other insured events. This is especially true for women who are planning to give birth to a child, although the father can also apply for some benefits. In this article we will look at how individual entrepreneurs receive child benefits.

How do individual entrepreneurs receive child benefits?

Like an ordinary individual, an individual entrepreneur has the right to child benefits. In this case, everything will depend on whether he transferred voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund or not. If the individual entrepreneur did not have voluntary insurance in the Social Insurance Fund, then he is entitled to the following types of benefits:

  • At the birth of a child in the amount of 16,350 rubles;
  • Child care in the amount of 3,120 rubles for the first child and 6,131 rubles for the second and subsequent children.

Important! If an individual entrepreneur voluntarily transferred contributions to social security, then he has the right to additional payments: maternity and child care benefits. The benefit amount is calculated based on the minimum wage, that is, the minimum amount.

Payment of voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for individual entrepreneurs

Any entrepreneur can voluntarily enter into an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund and pay contributions. In the event of an insured event, he will be able to calculate compensation. If contributions are paid on time, payments can be received for the following insured events:

  • Due to temporary disability due to illness or injury;
  • In case of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • On maternity leave.

In this case, a woman entrepreneur will be able to count on the following types of benefits:

  • According to BiR;
  • For early registration of pregnancy at the antenatal clinic;
  • One-time payment at the birth of a child;
  • Care for up to 1.5 years;
  • Due to temporary disability.

After concluding an appropriate voluntary insurance agreement with the Social Insurance Fund, the individual entrepreneur will have to submit a quarterly report to social insurance in Form 4-FSS. This can be done both in paper and electronic form. In the first case, the report must be submitted by the 20th of the month following the reporting period, and in the second case - by the 25th.

The procedure for joining voluntary insurance

In order to become a voluntary policyholder, you need to contact the Social Insurance Fund at your place of residence and submit the necessary documents. You can also apply via the Internet through the State Services portal. Required documents include:

  • application (form No. 108n);
  • IP passport;
  • certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur.

Persons engaged in specialized practice must provide supporting documentation. For example, a lawyer needs an appropriate certificate, and a notary needs a license.

Important! All photocopies of documents must be certified, and the originals will need to be provided for data verification.

5 days after contacting the FSS, the entrepreneur will be assigned an individual number, as well as a subordination code. Notification that registration has been completed by the individual entrepreneur will be sent in the appropriate notification.

Voluntary contributions of individual entrepreneurs to the Social Insurance Fund

Important! In order for an individual entrepreneur to receive benefits, he must pay voluntary contributions. Their size is determined by the formula:

DV = minimum wage x T x 12, where

DV – amount of contributions payable for the year;

Minimum wage - the size of the minimum wage is taken based on the value established at the beginning of the year;

T – contribution rate, which is equal to 2.9%.

Payments must be made by the end of the current year. This can be done in one amount, or divided into parts. An individual entrepreneur can pay contributions from his own account or through a bank.

The amount of contributions will not depend on the period in which the individual entrepreneur submitted an application for voluntary insurance. He will have to pay the fees in full by the end of the year. If the amount is not paid in full, or the payment is not paid, the individual entrepreneur will be deregistered. In this case, no fines or penalties will be charged, and all amounts paid during the year to the entrepreneur will be returned back. In this case, the individual entrepreneur will not be able to count on benefits.

This year, only those entrepreneurs who paid their insurance premiums in full last year can receive insurance benefits.

Maternity benefit for individual entrepreneurs

To receive benefits, an entrepreneur will need to contact the Social Insurance Fund and provide an application and sick leave. The application can be written in free form. The amount of payment in this case will depend on the number of days of vacation under the BiR. For a normal pregnancy and childbirth, this leave is provided for 140 days, for a multiple pregnancy - 194 days, and in the case of a complicated birth, another 16 days will be added to the sick leave. The amount of payment will be calculated based on the minimum wage established in the current period. To do this, the minimum wage is divided by the number of days in a month and multiplied by the number of days of vacation according to the BiR.

Payment upon early registration

In order to receive payment for registration in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman must contact an antenatal clinic no later than 12 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, she will be able to receive benefits in the amount of 628.47 rubles. You will need to contact the Social Insurance Fund for such a payment no later than 6 months from the end of your vacation under the BiR. As a rule, this benefit is issued together with the B&R benefit, since the certificate is issued simultaneously with the sick leave.

When contacting the FSS you will need to provide:

  • Statement;
  • IP passport;
  • Certificate from the consultation.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child individual entrepreneur

If an entrepreneur has paid voluntary insurance contributions, he will be able to receive the payment due at the birth of a child. Its size is 16,759.09 rubles. If more than one child was born, the payment will be multiplied by the number of children. In those regions of the Russian Federation where a regional coefficient has been established, the payment will be increased by this coefficient.

The benefit can be received immediately after the birth of the baby and receipt of a certificate for it. Not only the mother, but also the father can apply for such a payment. In our case, the father is an entrepreneur.

You will also need to contact the Social Insurance Fund, submit an application and the necessary documents:

  • Applicant's passport;
  • Birth certificate;
  • A certificate confirming that the second parent did not receive such benefits.

Benefit up to 1.5 years for individual entrepreneurs

The childcare benefit for a child under 1.5 years old will be paid in the amount of 40% of the minimum wage, but for the first child it should not be less than 3,142.33 rubles, and for the second and subsequent children - 6,284.65 rubles. To apply for benefits, you will need to contact the Social Insurance Fund - if the entrepreneur paid voluntary contributions, or to social security - if he did not draw up a voluntary insurance agreement.

When applying, you will need to submit the following package of documents:

  • Statement;
  • Passport;
  • Birth certificate of the child and other children;
  • A certificate from the employer confirming that the father does not receive such benefits.

You can apply for benefits not only for a born child, but also for an adopted child. In this case, you will need to confirm the fact of adoption with an appropriate document.

You can apply for benefits no later than 6 months from the date the child turns 1.5 years old. Moreover, regardless of the date of submission of the application, the benefit will be paid for the entire period from the beginning of parental leave. The benefit will be assigned within 10 days from the date of application.

What benefits are available to individual entrepreneurs without an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund?

If an entrepreneur - a future or current mother - has not entered into an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund, then she is not entitled to payment under the BiR. But she can still count on some types of benefits:

  • One-time benefit for the birth of a child;
  • Payment to women who registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Monthly care allowance for up to 1.5 years.

In this case, you will need to contact social security and submit the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • Passport;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Certificate from the registry office about the birth of a child.