How to calculate sick leave from your salary. How are sick leave calculated? What determines sick leave accruals? When will sick leave be paid and who will do it?

All employees go on sick leave from time to time. Some do it for health reasons, while others do so in order to care for a sick child. The topic of how sick leave is paid and calculated worries a large number of people.


Regulatory acts regulate various areas of activity. Including what is the procedure for paying sick leave. It has changed several times over the past ten years. In addition to the payment procedure, the periods that were included in the calculation procedure also changed.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), each employee is guaranteed paid sick leave in the event of illness. The details of this payment and how the benefit itself is calculated are defined in Federal Law No. 255 and in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 375.

In what cases, according to the law, will an employer pay sick leave to its employee:

  • Employee illness.
  • Illness of a close relative who requires care.
  • Baby care.
  • Carrying out treatment in a sanatorium.
  • Carrying out prosthetics for an employee.

Who pays for sick leave?

According to legislative norms, the first three calendar days of sick leave are paid for by the employer himself, and for subsequent days the employee receives money from the Social Insurance Fund.

Also, based on the adopted laws, payment is calculated not for working days, but for calendar days. Sick leave can be received not only by ordinary employees, but also by lawyers, notaries or individual entrepreneurs. But only if they have previously made contributions to the fund. It is this body that makes the payments.

Calculation of payments

Disability benefits are paid individually for each employee. To calculate it, specialists need to know the employee’s earnings, as well as his length of service in a given workplace.

To calculate the payment, a period equal to the last two years of work is taken. When paying sick leave in 2016, the employee’s total income for the previous two years – 2014 and 2015 – will be used. These figures will include not only the salary itself, but also all bonuses paid to him, both monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual. Compensations received by the employee over the past two years will also be taken into account when calculating disability payments.

So, how is sick leave calculated? The average salary (calculation examples are presented in this section) is an important value for determining the amount of cash payments. For example, in 2014 it was 33,000 rubles, and in 2015 – 37,000 rubles. The entire amount of earnings is divided into 730 calendar days. This number cannot be changed. This is the sum of days for 2 calendar years. The result is the average daily earnings. In this case, it will be 958 rubles. We multiply this figure by the number of days of incapacity indicated on the sick leave. The amount sought will be the compensation paid.

Federal legislation also necessarily takes into account the employee’s length of service. So, if he has worked in a certain place for more than 8 years, sick leave will be paid at 100% of the amount. If the length of service is from 5 to 8 years, then compensation will be made in the amount of 80%. If the experience is less than 5 years, only 60% of the total amount is paid. If an employee is forced to resign due to illness, then sick leave is paid to him in the amount of 60%, regardless of length of service.

Payment nuances

A special point in sick pay is the maternity benefit. Sick leave payment will be calculated differently. The average salary of an employee in this case is not divided into the standard 730 days. Days of forced absences and time spent on sick leave are removed from the period being sought. This method allows you to increase your benefits.

If the employee does not have experience, then the basis for calculations becomes the currently valid minimum wage.

Sometimes a person works part-time in addition to his main job. Also, if an employee has worked in several places over the past 2 years, he can receive a payment in each of them. To do this, it is enough to issue several sick leave certificates. They are issued at the medical institution.

A person can also get sick while on vacation. Many people prefer not to advertise this fact. But the law stipulates that upon presentation of sick leave, leave is extended for the period during which the employee was on sick leave. Payments in this case are made on the usual basis.

If the treatment regimen is violated, the employer has the right to reduce the amount of disability benefits.

A person who is on a probationary period can also count on paid sick leave.

Memo to the employer

Calculation of sick leave must be made within ten days after the employee submits the document on temporary disability. Funds are paid along with your salary or advance payment.

If an employee has been working at this place recently, he should additionally provide a certificate of income for the past 2 calendar years.


Few people think about how many days of sick leave are paid per year to one employee. There are some nuances. So, if an employee falls ill while on unpaid leave, he will not receive payment. The same applies to those who are on study leave.

Sick leave will not be paid in cases where it is issued to care for a child while the employee himself was on paid leave, or if he cared for an adult relative for more than seven calendar days.

Payment of sick leave

How many days in general can you allow yourself to be sick? The question, in fact, is quite concerning for many employees who have health problems or have small children. Adults can afford to be sick no more than thirty calendar days a year. The same period is compensated in case of caring for a close adult relative. When an employee suffers a work injury or occupational disease, there are no time limits.

In any case, it should be remembered that payment is made only when the employee is accepted under an employment contract. In the case of employment under a civil contract, sick leave payment is not made.

Sick leave for child care

In the vast majority of cases, such a certificate of incapacity for work is received by the mother of a sick child. But any other family member can apply for it. According to the law, sick leave can be issued to the relative, trustee or guardian who is caring for the patient. You just need to indicate the degree of relationship in the document. But you need to remember that only people who have the right to receive a certificate of incapacity for work, that is, working under an employment contract, can apply for it.

How many days of sick leave are paid per year if it is given to a child? You are allowed to look after a sick child under 7 years of age and receive compensation for no more than sixty days a year.

It has already been said earlier how many days a year sick leave is paid. However, if the child is ill for more than the period specified by law, the mother can stay at home with him for longer. But she will not receive sick pay.

If the child's age is from 7 to 15 years, the state will pay no more than 45 days per year. As a rule, medical institutions issue sick leave for up to 15 days. As in the previous case, the state will only pay for a certain number of days, but in fact the terms are not limited. They just won't pay for them anymore.

If the child is over 15 years old, sick leave is issued for 3 calendar days. The medical commission may extend the period to 7 calendar days. How many days of sick leave are paid per year in this case? Already less. In total, all certificates of incapacity for work should not exceed 30 calendar days during the year.

Exceptions to the rules

The legislation has introduced a number of restrictions on sick leave payments for child care. They concern disabled people and children with serious illnesses.

How many days of sick leave per year is paid for a disabled person? If a disabled child is under 15 years of age, then you can care for him with a guaranteed payment of a certificate of incapacity for work up to one hundred and twenty days a year.

If a child is under 7 years old, but has been diagnosed with a serious illness (diabetes, asthma, oncology, etc.), then instead of the standard 60 days a year, the state will pay for 90 days.

If the child is under 15 years old and has HIV, then the state will pay for the entire period of stay of the mother and child in the hospital.

How many days a year is paid sick leave if a child receives a post-vaccination complication? The state makes payments for the entire duration of outpatient treatment, as well as for the duration of inpatient stay.

Payment procedure

How many days of sick leave are paid per year to an employee caring for a child has been clarified, but in what amount are the payments? In this case, there are some nuances.

If a child is being treated as an inpatient, sick leave will be paid in the same way as if the employee himself was sick. But if we are talking about outpatient treatment, then the full size can be obtained only in the first 10 days of treatment. Subsequent days are paid only 50%.

Payment terms

Sick leave is always included in the advance payment or salary. The employer has ten days to calculate the amount of payment. But there are cases when unscrupulous employers do not do this on time. An employee has the right to file a claim with the labor dispute commission, or they can also go to the prosecutor’s office, and then to the court.

In case of failure to comply with payment deadlines, the employee also has the right to compensation. It is 1/300 of the refinancing rate daily.

Special payment cases

If an employee has suffered a work injury or occupational disease, he has the right to sick pay in the amount of 100% of his earnings. Specialists indicate the code values ​​of these types of disabilities on employees’ sick leave certificates. Thus, a work injury is designated by code 04, and an occupational disease by code 07. Sick leave is paid regardless of length of service or violation of the treatment regimen. In this case, the payment is subject to income tax.

How many sick days per year does the state pay for in these cases? All days. The payment is calculated on generally accepted grounds. That is, all earnings for the last two years are taken and the average daily earnings are calculated, which will be paid in full.

Sick leave after dismissal

What if a person has health problems immediately after being fired? How many days of sick leave are paid per year in this case? Within thirty calendar days, a former employee has the right to apply to the institution from which he was dismissed to receive compensation for disability. He can receive the payment within six months after his dismissal. It will be 60%.

You will need to submit the sick leave certificate itself, the employee’s passport, and an application requesting payment of disability benefits. It will be necessary to provide a work record book or a copy thereof confirming that the employee did not have a new place of work for this period. However, the payment will be provided only if the employee himself was sick, and not his child or close relative.

Checking sick leave

Insurance companies that provide payments for disability certificates conduct inspections from time to time to identify violations. They find out whether the person is really receiving hospital treatment and check whether sick leave forms are filled out correctly.

Company accountants must know how many days a robot worker is entitled to sick leave per year, how calculations are made, and what the existing exceptions are.


Each employee carrying out his activities under an employment contract must know how many calendar days per year he can take sick leave, and how payments are calculated. Knowledge of these rules will allow any person not to limit himself, not to self-medicate to the detriment of his health, but to fully recover and take care of those closest to him.

In the article we will look at how sick leave is paid: the features of the procedure, the procedure for calculating sick leave, and we will also give a clear example. A sick leave certificate is a document issued by a specialist from a medical institution in connection with loss of ability to work due to injury or illness of the employee or his immediate family.

How sick leave is paid: features

Based on this sheet, the employer is obliged to calculate and pay benefits, and he must cover the first three days with his own funds, all subsequent days will be reimbursed by the Social Insurance Fund. This payment procedure is provided for in case of illness of the employee himself. If he is caring for a sick close relative, including a child, then the entire amount of the benefit is reimbursed by the Social Insurance Fund.

A sick leave certificate can be used for up to 6 months from the date of its discharge. If this deadline is violated, no benefits will be paid.

Having received a certificate of loss of ability to work from the employee, you should check it to ensure that the information provided is correct. There are specific requirements for filling it out, specified in the paragraphs of the Procedure for issuing sick leave. First of all, there should be no corrections or deletions. The form must be signed by a doctor, and the signature is certified by the seal of the medical institution.

This document must include correct information about:

  • The sick employee (his full name, gender, birth information);
  • A sick child, if sick leave was opened in connection with caring for him (his full name and age);
  • Place of work (company name).

The specified data must be filled out correctly; if incorrect information is provided, the employee must be sent to a medical institution to correct the document and issue a new one with the correct data.

The calculated benefit due to loss of ability to work should be assigned to the employee within 10 days from the date of presentation of the corresponding slip, and it should be handed out on the next day of salary payment. If the employer violates the deadlines, the employer has the right to demand monetary compensation for each day of delay.

Personal income tax must be withheld from the sick leave benefit and paid within the month in which the benefit itself was paid. There is no need to accrue contributions to the funds.

Procedure for calculating sick leave

In the procedure for calculating sick leave, the following values ​​should be determined:

  1. The period that will be recognized as settlement;
  2. Total income for a given period;
  3. Average earnings for 1 day;
  4. Insurance experience;
  5. % of payment in accordance with the length of experience;
  6. Number of days to pay.

Allowance = average daily salary * % of payment * number of days of sick leave

Billing period

For the calculation, 24 months are taken, that is, two calendar years (from the 1st to the 31st), preceding the year in which the ability to work was lost.

It is allowed to replace the years of the calculation period if leave in connection with pregnancy and caring for a newborn child falls within this time period. In this case, the replacement is made for those years that precede the year of departure for the specified types of leave. A change in calculation years is permissible if it causes an increase in benefits due to loss of ability to work.

If the calculation is carried out in 2016, then the total number of days in the calculation period will be 730 days.

Income for the billing period

This income will serve as the basis for calculating sick leave. To determine it, you need to add up all the payments that were made to the employee in the period recognized as the settlement period.

Payments from which the employer made social contributions are taken into account.

Moreover, the current employer must take into account not only the amounts that he himself paid, but also calculate payments from previous jobs if there is documentary evidence of such income in the form of relevant certificates. The employee needs to obtain certificates from those employers from whom he received income in the billing period and submit them to his current place of registration.

When calculating total income for 2 years, you need to take into account the maximum base established for each year. If the total income for a year exceeds the established limit for this year, then this limit must be taken into account. That is, payments in excess of the maximum base are not taken into account.

The total income for 2 years will be taken equal to 24 times the minimum wage at the time of the calculation, if, based on the results of summing up all the employee’s payments, it turns out that the resulting value is less than 24 * the minimum wage.

That is, the legislation establishes both a maximum and a minimum limit for benefits due to loss of ability to work.

If the calculation is carried out in 2016, then the maximum possible income for sick leave will be 624000 + 670000 = 1294000, and the minimum 24 * 6204 = 148896.

Average earnings per day

The formula for calculation is:

Average daily earnings = Total income for calculated per. / number of days in calc.per

Insurance experience

This length of service represents a certain time period that gives the right to receive insurance payments, including disability benefits. It includes the following time periods:

  • Carrying out functions under employment contracts;
  • State or municipal service;
  • Service in law enforcement, firefighting, military agencies;
  • For individual entrepreneurs – periods of voluntary insurance in the Social Insurance Fund when deducting contributions for oneself;
  • Other periods when social mandatory contributions were made.

The calculation must be carried out in such a way that the final value of the insurance period is expressed in full years and months. For this purpose, the calculation must be carried out as follows:

    1. The number of full years from January 1 to December 31 falling within the specified periods is considered;
    2. The number of complete months from the 1st to the 31st, which are not included in paragraph 1, is counted;
    3. The remaining days not taken into account in the first two paragraphs are counted;
    4. Days are converted to months, taking into account that every 30 days is 1 month;
    5. Any remaining days less than 30 are discarded;
    6. Months are converted to years, taking into account the fact that every 12 months is 1 year (here, the months obtained from point 4 are also taken into account);
    7. The total number of full years and months is calculated taking into account the calculations carried out above.

Sick leave percentage

Depending on the insurance period, a percentage of average earnings is set that will be used in the calculation.

In a standard situation, the following percentage dependence on length of service is applied:

If the sheet is provided due to caring for a sick child under 18 years of age outside the hospital, then the following dependency applies:

Number of sick days to be paid

The number of days that need to be paid is taken from the certificate of loss of ability to work. All specified days are taken into account, including holidays and weekends.

If an employee goes on main vacation and falls ill while on vacation, then sick leave is paid for all days of illness, and the vacation period itself is extended or postponed. This rule is valid when issuing a certificate due to an employee’s illness. If a child falls ill, then the days of sick leave for such a vacation are not paid, and the vacation period itself is not extended.

If the illness occurs during unpaid leave, child care, or educational leave, then you do not need to pay for these days. Also, sick days that fall during downtime are not paid.

There is a limit on the number of days for which benefits can be paid when caring for a child or other close relative:

Sick person Child under 7 years oldChild over 7 but under 15 years oldA child over 15 years old or another relativeDisabled child
Number of days for payment One sheet at a time No limits15 7 No limits
In a year 60 45 30 120

Formula for calculating sick leave benefits

The amount of the benefit is calculated using the following formula:

Benefit = average daily earnings * % average earnings * number of paid sick days

Example of sick leave calculation

At ABS LLC, employee Kozlov A.A., who worked in this company since March 10, 2012, fell ill, the calculation data is as follows:

  • illness period from March 9 to March 20, 2016;
  • from 05 to 10 March 2016 he was on leave without pay;
  • previous place of work – LLC “Nix” from 06/04/2009 to 02/25/2012;
  • income in 2014 – 640,000 rubles;
  • income in 2015 – 650,000 rubles.
  1. The estimated years will be 2014 and 2015, that is, 730 calendar days.
  2. Income = 624,000 + 650,000 = 1,274,000 rubles. (in 2014, income exceeded the base limit of 624,000).
  3. Average daily earnings = 1274000 / 730 = 1745.20 rubles.
  4. Experience:
  • In Nix LLC - 2 full years (2010 and 2011), 7 full months (from July to December 2009 and January 2012), 52 days (from 4 to 30 June 2009 and from 01 to 25 February 2012);
  • In ABS LLC – 3 full years (from 2013 to 2015), 11 full months (from April to December 2012 and from January to February 2016, 30 days (from 10 to 31 March 2012 and from 1 to 8 March 2016).
  • Total length of service = (2 years + 3 years) + (7 years + 11 years) + (52 days + 30 days) = 5 years. + 18 m. + 82 days. = 6 l. 8 months
  1. Percentage of average earnings for 6 years of experience. 8 months = 80%.
  2. Number of paid days = 10 (March 9 and 10 are not paid, since Kozlov was on vacation at his own expense).
  3. Benefit = 1745.20 * 10 * 80% = 13961.60 (for 3 days, 4188.48 rubles will be paid by ABS LLC; for the remaining days, 9773.12 rubles will be paid by the Social Insurance Fund).

Paying sick leave is a wide topic for discussion. And in order to illuminate it, you need to answer a number of narrower and more specific questions: who pays for sick leave, how sick leave is paid, or what are the rules for paying sick leave in 2019, as well as what are the deadlines for paying sick leave.

Who pays sick leave in 2019

In general, the employer is responsible for sick leave payments (Part 1, Article 13 of Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006). It is he who must calculate and assign benefits to the employee who has submitted a correctly executed certificate of incapacity for work, and make payments on sick leave in 2019 (clauses 11, 46 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of June 29, 2011 N 624n). And only then receive compensation from the Social Insurance Fund, except for the amount of temporary disability benefits for the first 3 days of the employee’s illness ().

How is sick leave paid in 2019 if the employer is located in the region where the Social Insurance Fund pilot project operates? In these constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the employer routinely pays sick leave for the first 3 days of an employee’s illness. The rest of the payment for sick leave in 2019 is made by the FSS department of the corresponding region: it pays benefits for the period from the 4th to the last day of illness.

The Social Insurance Fund also pays benefits for caring for a sick family member for the period from the 1st to the last day of his illness and maternity benefits (Part 1, Clause 1, Part 2, Article 3 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ , paragraph “a”, paragraph 17 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of December 23, 2009 N 1012n). In regions where the pilot project does not operate, these benefits are also fully calculated at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, but the direct payment is made by the employer.

Now let's talk about how to pay for sick leave in 2019.

How is sick leave paid in 2019?

The rules for paying sick leave in 2019 have not changed compared to those that were applied previously. That is, sick pay in 2019 is calculated based on the employee’s average earnings received, as a general rule, for 2 calendar years preceding the year of the insured event - illness, maternity leave, etc. (). At the same time, maximum sick leave payments in 2019 are limited. However, the employer has the right to pay employees not only benefits, but also an additional payment up to average earnings. Then these restrictions will not affect the income of employees.

At the same time, the minimum payment for sick leave in 2019 is also established by law. More precisely, the minimum value of average earnings, calculated on the basis of the minimum wage. It is used to calculate benefits, for example, if the employee’s average monthly income is less than the minimum wage (Part 1.1 of Article 14 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ). There are other situations in which benefits should be calculated based on the minimum wage.

If you are interested in specific numbers, namely how much is paid on sick leave since 2019, then:

  • The maximum amount of temporary disability benefits per day is RUB 2,150.68. ((RUB 755,000 + RUB 815,000) / 730 days);
  • The minimum amount of temporary disability benefits per day is 222.51 rubles. (RUB 11,280 x 24 months / 730 days x 60%). It has been used since 01/01/2019 when calculating benefits from the minimum wage and the employee’s length of service up to 5 years.

How is sick leave paid to an employee recently hired?

If an employee recently got a job with you and fell ill, then when paying for sick leave in 2019, you will have to take into account the average earnings he received from previous employers (Part 1, Article 14 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ, paragraph 6 Regulations, approved by Government Decree No. 375 dated June 15, 2007). True, you can only do this if he provides you with it from his previous place of work.

Deadlines for paying sick leave in 2019

The period for paying sick leave by the employer is determined as follows. First, the employer has 10 calendar days from the date the employee submits a certificate of incapacity for work in order to assign payment for sick leave. And the employer must make the payment for sick leave 2019 on the next day of salary payment after the award of benefits (Part 1, Article 15 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ).

How long is sick leave paid in the regions where the pilot project has been launched? If the employer submits all the necessary information for payment of benefits to the Social Insurance Fund on time (within 5 calendar days), and the Social Insurance Fund department makes a timely positive decision on the payment of sick leave, in 2019 the minimum period for payment of sick leave will be 15 calendar days (clause 3 , 9 Regulations, approved by Government Resolution No. 294 of 04/21/2011).

Let us note that it is important for employers to comply with the established deadlines for the payment of sick leave benefits in 2019, since in case of delay they will have to pay compensation to employees (Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How is sick leave paid in 2019?

The procedure for paying sick leave in 2019 remained the same. As noted, sick pay is paid along with the salary (by transfer to the employee’s bank account or by withdrawal from the cash register) after personal income tax is withheld from the benefit amount.

In every person's life there are times when he gets sick.

If a person carries out his work activity, it is extremely important for him to issue a sick leave certificate for himself in order to avoid various misunderstandings, and as a result, loss of work.

The concept of sick leave. What legislation regulates

The concept of sick leave means a document giving a person the right to receive temporary disability benefits.

As a rule, it is issued in case of various diseases, injuries, pregnancy, and so on.

The entire process of providing sick leave is clearly regulated by legislative norms, which have been changed several times over the past decade.

Yes, according to Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the state guarantees each employee payment of sick leave due to illness. The entire procedure for processing and calculating benefits is regulated by Resolution No. 375.

According to current legislation, benefits are calculated not in working days, but in calendar days.

Even individual entrepreneurs have the right to receive sick leave payments, but at the same time they had to make contributions to the fund.

In what cases can this document be issued?

Complying with current legislation, including sick leave requirements, he can be provided in such cases as:

Registration procedure

Recently, cases of forgery of sick leave certificates have become more frequent. In connection with this, some changes were made, thanks to which it was created new sample form in A4 format.

On the new sick leave contained:

The sheet itself is blue and white in color, but as for the line for entering information, it is pale yellow.

Sami rules, according to which entries are made in the form, are as follows:

  • all information on the form can be recorded directly by the health worker himself, or by the enterprise where the person carries out his work;
  • data is entered in black pen with mandatory confirmation (wet stamp);
  • all notes must be filled out in clear handwriting; errors and corrections are not acceptable;
  • if corrections are made, the sick leave certificate loses its legal force;
  • all entries must correspond to the columns, with the exception of entering information about the refusal to pay benefits;
  • most of the information (about 65%) should be in the form of codes. In this case, the decoding is on the back of the sick leave.

As for the registration itself, a sick leave certificate can only be opened at the request of the person himself, directly on the day of contacting a medical institution.

If a worker goes to the hospital at the end of the working day, sick leave has the right to be opened only from the next day. This may be due to the fact that the day worked may later be designated as sick leave, and this is a loss of money.

You can apply for sick leave from your therapist or in the department where the employee is undergoing inpatient treatment.

If the illness is not serious and the employee is being treated at home, he needs to come to his attending physician periodically for an appointment, otherwise he will be considered absent and the sick leave will be cancelled.

Payment rules

From the beginning of 2016, all payments for sick leave will be made together with wages or in the form of an advance.

This directly depends on the type of payment on the date on which the disability benefit will be calculated directly.

As soon as the company’s accounting department receives a sick leave certificate, checks immediately begin to ensure that it is correctly filled out and executed. The fact of acceptance of the sheet or refusal and further return for re-issuance directly depends on this.

The rules and procedure for calculating sick leave are discussed in the following video:

What an employee needs to know

Every employee should be aware of how the payment amount is calculated on sick leave.

For these days the company must accrue allowance in this amount, How:

  • 100% of the average salary with work experience of 8 years or more;
  • 80% with experience from 5 to 8 years;
  • 60% if the experience is less than 5 years.

What an employer needs to know

Every employer must remember that the calculation of sick leave must be carried out no later than 10 days from the date of receipt by its accounting department.

You need to know about the innovations that oblige you to pay sick leave along with your salary or advance payment.

If an employee has been working at an enterprise for less than 2 months, he must present a certificate of average earnings from his last job over the past few years.

Payment period

The period of payment for sick leave by the employer is calculated in this way. From the moment the employee provides sick leave to the enterprise, the accounting department has 10 day period to determine the amount of benefit.

After this, sick leave must be paid to the employee on the next day of payment of wages. This is clearly regulated by current legislation, in particular Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In the event that this legislation is violated, the employer will have to pay compensation to its employee, which is regulated by Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Existing restrictions

If we talk about how many times you can take paid sick leave per year, then current legislation does not provide for a limit on the number, but only on days.

In many cases this directly depends from the causes of insured events, namely:

Based on this, it follows that there are no strict restrictions in the legislation. Of course, the best option would be to avoid getting into such situations, but you need to know this.

Features for certain categories of employees

Disabled person


Recently, a foreign citizen who works in the Russian Federation has the right to issue a sick leave certificate and receive his benefits for this. However, this is only possible if the employer made contributions to the fund for this person. Otherwise, sick leave payments are not provided.


Part-time workers, like regular employees, are direct participants in pension and social insurance.

This allows them to also receive sick pay. Moreover, they have the right to apply for temporary unemployment benefits for all currently available jobs.


The only conditions for receiving sick leave in this category are the unfailing fulfillment of all requirements of the attending physician. Otherwise, the benefit will be cancelled.


Based on this, it is advisable to do everything possible to ensure that the sheet is opened on a weekday.

Possible changes and news

Since 2016, changes have come into force according to which payment for sick leave is carried out on the day of payment of wages or as an advance payment.

As for more serious changes, there are none to date and are not planned in the near future.

According to members of the Government of the Russian Federation, in this area they do not yet consider it important to change any legislation, so everything remains in the same place.

It is rare to meet a person who has never taken out a sick leave certificate in his life. However, few know all the nuances of registration and issuance of this important document. Most people only know that a doctor prescribes it when we get sick or go on maternity leave, so that we can receive temporary disability benefits during our absence from work. And that's probably all the information. Who has the right to issue sick leave and who is entitled to it? How to calculate the amount due for sick days? What will change in 2019? We'll figure out.

In fact, sick leave is just a colloquial name. The official name of the document, which is issued by a medical institution to prove that a person was not absent, but was really sick and was treated under the supervision of a doctor, is called certificate of incapacity for work.

Currently, according to the Social Insurance Fund, Russian residents issue about 40 million certificates of incapacity for work per year, and about 300 billion rubles are spent annually on their payment. A lot of money!

Sick leave in front and profile

Just a few years ago, the appearance of the sick leave was completely different - a small blue piece of paper, which was filled out by hand by the doctor himself, supporting what was written with various stamps. From July 1, 2011, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n, completely different sick leave certificates began to be issued throughout Russia - not only its appearance was updated, but also the issuance procedure.

Now the mandatory details of the certificate of incapacity for work are the Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) and the number of the pension insurance card. Entries in it are made only in Russian, in printed capital letters in black ink. In this case, you can fill out the document with a gel, capillary or fountain pen. But you can’t use a ballpoint one. But the form can be filled out using printing devices. If errors were made on the sick leave certificate, it is considered damaged and a duplicate is issued instead.

Also, sick notes indicate the number of the medical card, and much of it is generally indicated using codes.

Why know the code? What are the dangers of codes 23 and 24?

The Social Insurance Fund very carefully checks the correctness of the disability certificate. Every situation is a special case.

And in some cases, it would be useful for the patient himself to know the meaning of one or another of them and how the codes indicated in the sheet affect the amount of sick leave accrual.

Thus, sick leave code 01 can be supplemented with a code that will allow the employer to reduce the amount of compensation for sick leave.

For example, codes, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of the Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance...” dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, indicating:

  • non-compliance with the prescribed treatment regimen (code 23 in the line “Note about violation of the regimen”);
  • failure to appear for a medical examination at the specified time or missing an appointment (code 24 in the line “Note about violation of the regime”);
  • illness due to intoxication (code 021 in the “Additional code” line).

With such adjustments, of course, compensation, on completely legal grounds, is reduced to the level of the minimum monthly wage:

  • from the moment of violation under codes 23 and 24;
  • for the entire period of illness using code 021.

Thus, it turns out that deciphering the disease code on the sick leave 01, 02, 04 should be done taking into account the possible presence of the three considered codes in the document. Their presence directly affects the amount of the employer’s obligations to compensate for sick leave.

Basic codes

Code 01 on the certificate of incapacity for work means “illness”. And this is perhaps the most common case of issuing sick leave. It is important to understand that the code does not contain information about the severity of the disease, diagnosis, possibility of relapse, etc. The fact is that this information contains personal data, and decoding it violates medical confidentiality.

Code 02- “trauma”. It can be both household and industrial, and depending on this, it is paid and processed differently.

Code 03- “quarantine”. Sick leave with this code is issued quite rarely, for example, if a case of a dangerous viral disease is detected in the employee’s family.

Code 04- “an accident that occurred at work.” This code on sick leave is very disliked in enterprises, especially occupational safety departments. Filling out the certificate of incapacity for work is especially checked. The accident must be documented correctly: reports are drawn up, a commission is appointed and an investigation into the incident is initiated, and the labor inspectorate is notified.

Code 05- “pregnancy and upcoming childbirth.” A sick leave with this code is distinguished by its duration - 140 days. Such a newsletter is paid based on 100% of the average salary for the two previous years.

The following disease codes on sick leave are quite rare:

  • 06 – prosthetics in a hospital,
  • 07 – diagnostics of occupational diseases,
  • 08 - treatment in a sanatorium.

Here's a very common code: 09 . It is indicated when issuing a certificate of incapacity for work to one of the parents of a sick child or other family member.

More codes:

  • 10 - other condition (poisoning, manipulation, etc.);
  • 11 - the disease specified in paragraph 1 of the List of Socially Significant Diseases;
  • 12 - in case of illness of a child under 7 years of age included in the list of diseases;
  • 13 - disabled child;
  • 14 - in case of an illness associated with a post-vaccination complication, or in case of a malignant neoplasm in a child;
  • 15 - HIV-infected child.

Additional codes (field marked “additional code”):

  • 017 - during treatment in a specialized sanatorium;
  • 018 - for sanatorium-resort treatment in connection with an accident at work during a period of temporary incapacity for work (before referral to medical examination);
  • 019 - during treatment in a clinic of a research institution (institute) of balneology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation;
  • 020 - with additional maternity leave;
  • 021 - in case of illness or injury resulting from alcohol, drug, toxic intoxication or actions related to such intoxication.

The field marked “native connection” is filled with the following codes:

  • 38 - mother;
  • 39 - father;
  • 40 - guardian;
  • 41 - trustee;
  • 42 - another relative who is actually caring for a sick family member.

In addition, the following notes on violation of the regime are identified on the sick leave using a code:

  • 23 - failure to comply with the prescribed regimen, unauthorized leaving the hospital, traveling for treatment to another administrative region without the permission of the attending physician;
  • 24 - late attendance at a doctor’s appointment;
  • 25 - going to work without being discharged;
  • 26 - refusal to refer to a medical and social examination institution;
  • 27 - late appearance at the medical and social examination institution;
  • 28 - other violations.

The “other” field is filled in with the following codes:

  • 31 - if the citizen continues to be ill and is issued a new certificate of incapacity for work (continued);
  • 32 - when disability is established;
  • 33 - when the disability group changes;
  • 34 - in case of death;
  • 35 - in case of refusal to conduct a medical and social examination;
  • 36 - in the case when a citizen, after issuing or extending a certificate of incapacity for work, did not show up for an appointment, but at the next visit was recognized as able to work;
  • 37 - in case of referral for follow-up treatment immediately after inpatient treatment.

Who is issued a certificate of incapacity for work and who issues it?

Those who are officially employed, the employer pays contributions to the Social Insurance Fund and employees have an insurance policy of Compulsory Medical Insurance ().

By the way, until 2010, the compulsory medical insurance policy was issued only for a year. And every year it had to be re-registered. The contract for a worker was concluded with the insurance company directly by the employer, for a non-working person the Employment Center, and for a minor an educational institution. And they all chose the insurance company at their own discretion. If a citizen went to a medical institution, then without a policy he was quite legally denied free treatment. Since 2010, everything has changed. The compulsory medical insurance policy is issued without a validity period. The Russian chooses the insurance company himself, at his own discretion.

Compulsory medical insurance policy in Russia can be obtained by:

  • Russian citizen over 18 years of age;
  • Children;
  • Those who have official refugee status and the corresponding document;
  • A citizen of a foreign state who has permanent or temporary registration in Russia;
  • A stateless person;
  • Citizen without permanent residence.

And insurance companies cannot refuse a person to participate in the compulsory medical insurance program due to lack of registration, citizenship or a specific place of residence.

It is also important to know what medical services are not included in the compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • Outpatient: examinations, consultations, diagnostics;
  • Special conditions when undergoing treatment in a hospital (for example, a ward with an increased level of comfort);
  • Treatment in a sanatorium;
  • Services for anonymous requests from citizens (does not include AIDS diagnosis);
  • Cosmetology services;
  • Dental prosthetics;
  • Preventive treatment of diseases during remission;
  • Unscheduled vaccines and vaccinations;
  • Sexological pathologies.

Meanwhile, free insurance includes:

  • Emergency medical services;
  • Diagnosis and medical care at home;
  • Ambulatory treatment;
  • Diagnosis and medical care in inpatient settings;
  • Inpatient stay if the following situations occur:
  • acute diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases that require constant monitoring and control by a doctor;
  • diseases of an epidemic nature requiring isolation of the patient;
  • childbirth, abortion, fetal pathologies;
  • acute poisoning;
  • serious injuries;
  • rehabilitation after illness, requiring constant medical supervision.

On July 1, 2011, a new procedure for issuing and filling out a sick leave form began to operate in the country. In the new order of the Ministry of Health, it was stated that everyone who is insured in the compulsory social insurance system can count on paid sick leave and clarified who exactly. This:

  • working under an employment contract;
  • employees of government agencies, employees replacing them;
  • those sentenced to imprisonment who are involved in paid work;
  • clergy;
  • members of production cooperatives;
  • lawyers, individual entrepreneurs and specialists conducting private practice and paying contributions to the Social Insurance Fund;

In addition, sick leave can be received by:

  • citizens recognized as unemployed and registered with the employment service;
  • women dismissed due to the liquidation of organizations, termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur, the powers of a notary or the status of a lawyer, whose pregnancy occurred within 12 months before they were declared unemployed.
  • persons whose illness or injury occurred within 30 days from the date of cessation of work or other activity.

Example: So, the specialist quit. But within 30 days from the day he left the workplace, he falls ill. He did not find another job. What to do and what an ex-employee can claim in such a situation.

First, it is necessary that the certificate of incapacity for work be drawn up in accordance with all requirements and must be dated. Second, you should hand over your sick leave to your former employer no later than six months from the date of dismissal. The employer must accept sick leave from a former employee. And since the employment relationship has already been terminated, and he has not managed to find a new job, and has not yet registered with the employment service, he must be accrued and paid disability benefits. True, in this case the amount of accrual will already be equal to 60% of the wage fund that he previously received in this organization.

Who can't count on sick leave?

Who will have to worry about themselves? All those who work unofficially receive a salary in an envelope for the work performed and do not fall into any of the listed categories.

Citizens who have not shown signs of illness, those who are undergoing treatment and examination from military registration and enlistment offices, are in custody or arrest, are undergoing a medical examination, and are being treated for chronic ailments outside the period of exacerbation will not receive this document.

Pupils and students are not issued a sick leave certificate, but a certificate for exemption from studies, unless, of course, they are undergoing a paid internship.

And one moment. If you are ill, you must perform a number of mandatory actions: The very first thing is to come to an appointment with your local physician, who, upon confirmation of the illness, will order an examination and, if he considers that you need outpatient or inpatient treatment, will open a sick leave.

When receiving services at a private medical center, you should ask in advance whether they have the right to issue certificates of incapacity for work.

The specialists who draw up sick leave are living people and may make a mistake when drawing up the document. And this can do a bad job. The accounting department will not accept an incorrectly completed disability certificate for payment. Therefore, you should immediately check all the data indicated on the sick leave and, if you find any shortcomings, demand correction.

Timing matters

For how many days can sick leave be issued and extended?

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not specify a minimum period of sick leave, but doctors usually give three days for treatment. This period is considered to be the starting point for the ballot. After the second appointment, the doctor either closes the certificate of incapacity for work, or, if the patient still needs treatment, extends it.

Moreover, a doctor can independently extend sick leave for up to 14 days; for dentists, this period is limited to 10 days. Has the illness lasted longer than two weeks? Then the patient will need to undergo a medical commission, which will decide on the need for further treatment.

In general, after an extension, sick leave must be closed 10 months after opening. But for some serious diseases (complex fractures, injuries), the period may be 12 months. If even after this period the patient’s condition does not improve, then he is sent to a medical commission to identify signs of disability.

Suppose the patient is recognized as disabled. Then the sick leave is closed with the date when it was sent for examination. Didn't they give you a disability? Then the sick leave is extended until recovery or until a visit to the medical commission.

Special conversation

Certificate of incapacity for work issued after surgery

Surgical interventions come in varying degrees of severity, which directly affects both the recovery period and the length of sick leave. Thus, for operations on the organs of the cardiovascular system, sick leave is issued for 40–70 days, for the spine – 40–120 days, for female organs – 20–45, for the eyes – 10–50, for hernia removal – 20–45, for a heart attack - from 2 months to 90 days, for a concussion (depending on the severity) - from 10 days to 4 months. Of course, these are approximate dates; the exact period is determined by a postoperative medical and social examination.

When making a cancer diagnosis

A patient with oncology is issued a certificate of incapacity for work immediately for a period of up to 120 days. After the operation, the validity of the sick leave is extended for another 120 days without interruption. This period includes a hospital stay and a rehabilitation period. If the patient's condition is unsatisfactory, the validity of the document is extended to 12 months.

Sick leave for children's issue

Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth

The most pleasant, and therefore I don’t want to use the word “sick leave”, sick leave - for pregnancy and childbirth. It stands as a completely separate clause in the legislation. And in this case, women, expectant mothers, have the right to a paid period of 140 days on the occasion of the birth of a child. If the pregnancy is multiple and there is a significant addition to the family, then the duration of sick leave is extended to 194 days. If the birth was complicated, another 16 days are added.

Does an employee whose child is sick need sick leave?

Who should look after a sick child, dad or mom? An eternal dispute and question. The law says nothing about this. Parents who have more children can take turns taking sick leave. For example, mom will stay at home for three days, and dad for another two. In this case, the doctor must give the father an initial sheet, and not a continuation.

An example of a certificate of incapacity for work in case of illness in children (click on the picture to enlarge it)

But it is clearly stated how many days one of the parents can devote to the child’s recovery by issuing a sick leave. So, depending on the age of the children, according to the law, a specific number of paid sick days can be issued at a time:

  • up to 7 years- no limits;
  • from 7 to 15 years– up to 15 days;
  • from 15 years old– no more than 3 days, and by decision of the medical commission – no more than 7 days.


And yet, here too there are limits to what is permitted. The legislator clearly prescribed, by age and depending on the severity of the disease, restrictions on paid days when caring for a sick child during the calendar year:

  • up to 7 years– no more than 60 calendar days per year, and if a serious illness is detected (code 12) – no more than 90;
  • from 7 to 15 years- 45 days;
  • for disabled children up to 18 years old– 120 days;
  • in case of serious illnesses (codes 14. 15) - unlimited.

Just in case, we have prepared the following cheat sheet for you:

Children were sick, but at different times

A special story was when several children in the family fell ill. What do parents have the right to if, for example, there are two children of kindergarten age in a family and it so happens that they got sick at different times. The legislator has provided for everything here too. In this case, parents have the right to paid sick days in the amount of 60 days per year for each child. Were you sick at the same time? The days will still be counted separately.

Illness on vacation

The situation is unpleasant. I am glad that the legislator has provided for everything: issued sick leave during the vacation period is not only paid, but also directly affects the number of days of rest.

Since this happened, the vacationer should do everything right. The first thing that is necessary is to go to a medical facility for treatment and, of course, inform the employer about what happened. And then there are two options: the vacation can be extended or postponed to another period. This is decided by the employee himself. The basis is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as amended on December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ, Art. 124, clause 1.

The employer does not have the right to decide what to do independently without the consent of the employee.


So, at the end of both vacation and sick leave, the employee must decide what to do next. There are two options: either extend the vacation by the number of days of incapacity for work, or transfer the days of legal rest to another time. As soon as he decides, he informs the manager about his decision, and the accounting department recalculates the funds paid. True, there is one thing. Paying sick leave and extending vacation is only possible if the sick leave is issued directly to the employee. Caring for a family member is not grounds for extending vacation days.

By the way, there are no strict restrictions on how many days you can be sick during the vacation period, but it is established that outpatient treatment cannot exceed 15 calendar days. However, when these days are not enough for recovery, the medical commission has the right to increase the period of incapacity for work.

Are we writing a statement?

No. The law does not oblige a sick vacationer to write any statements. To extend the rest, the basis is a closed certificate of incapacity for work. It will be enough to discuss the vacation issue verbally with your immediate supervisor.

But, in some organizations, the employee’s written consent to extend legal rest may still be asked in order to prepare an order.

To extend vacation days due to sick leave, the employer fills out his part in the certificate of incapacity for work and submits it to the Social Insurance Fund. At the same time, makes adjustments to the time sheet and vacation schedule.

Calculation example:

Let’s say nurse Elena Perevozchikova went on vacation from March 15 to April 12. Some time later, on March 25, she fell ill and was on sick leave until April 4.

Postponement days of rest?

Why not? But then, in this case, in order to transfer the days of rest, you will definitely have to write an application, since the transfer occurs only on the basis of a written application from the vacationer.

Having received the applications, the employer, in turn, will be obliged to issue an appropriate order, on the basis of which the accounting department will recalculate previously paid funds and calculate sick leave.

In this case, it is important for the employee not to violate deadlines. He must fill out an application for transferring rest days on the day he leaves sick leave. The transfer dates can only be agreed upon verbally.

Then everything happens as usual: the employer issues an order, transmits it, along with the sick leave and the employee’s application, to the personnel department and accounting department. Next, the documents are transferred to the Social Insurance Fund for the calculation of disability benefits, and vacation pay is subject to recalculation.

By the way, if the period of incapacity for work began before the paid rest, then it should be transferred to a new period. And this is where the problem arises. Vacation pay has been accrued and paid. Vacation was provided according to the Vacation Schedule approved by the enterprise.

In such a situation, you will have to not only recalculate paid vacation pay, but also change the work time sheet and shift the rest days of other employees.

The problem, however, can be resolved by agreement of the parties.

When an employee falls ill a couple of days before the annual rest, then, by agreement with the employer, the days off from work are extended to extend the period of days off. Thus, in this case, they act in exactly the same way as in cases where an employee goes for treatment while on vacation.

The employee must write the application correctly and provide all the required information:

  • scheduled vacation period;
  • dates to which the holiday is postponed;
  • all data on the certificate of incapacity for work;
  • number of days transferred;
  • below, the date of the application.

Sick leave pay

During vacation, sick leave is paid in accordance with the general procedure. There are no special features in calculating temporary disability benefits during the employee’s annual rest period.

Caring for a sick relative

It happens in life that sick adults in the family need care. Anyone who can afford it hires a nurse. But what about those for whom this is a luxury? In fact, caring for a sick relative is taken into account in the law. And in this case, the doctor issues this version of the sick leave quite legally. However, when caring for an adult, only 7 calendar days of sick leave are paid for one case of illness. And there can be no more than 30 such days a year.

Calculation of sick leave and payment

Basic calculation rules

In order to calculate sick leave, you need to know the total length of service, the insurance period (periods when insurance premiums were paid for the employee from the wage fund), the average salary, as well as the period for which sick leave is provided. Wherein,

Insurance experience- this is the time, the period when the employer transferred insurance contributions to all extra-budgetary funds for a working employee. In our country, to determine the amount of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, the “Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period” have been approved; it is in this document, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 02/06/2007 No. 91, that the rules and procedure for calculating the insurance period are spelled out.

Let me explain right away. Insurance experience and work experience are not the same thing. But both of them affect the accrual of sick leave.

Seniority– this is the length of direct labor activity, which is carried out on the basis of an employment contract.

Let’s say Petrov will be awarded temporary disability benefits. For some time he worked for himself, being an individual entrepreneur.

It is clear that he did not have an employment contract with himself. But nevertheless, during this period he, as a responsible entrepreneur, transferred insurance premiums for himself.

And what happens. Petrov does not have an employment contract, therefore, there is no entry in the work book, but there are deductions for this period. This means that when assigning benefits, this period can be counted towards the insurance period. This is possible under one condition: our Petrov must provide certain documents, for example, this could be a certificate from the territorial branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Video: Threatened with dismissal for sick leave? What to do?

Documents confirming insurance experience

So, we found out that the main and only document that confirms periods of work is the work book. What to do if the records in the labor record were made incorrectly by HR Department specialists and inaccuracies were made, or, even worse, there are no records at all about individual periods of work. It's not that scary. There is an exit.

The following are undoubtedly accepted as confirmation of periods of work:

  • written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with labor legislation in force on the day the relevant legal relationship arose;
  • certificates issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies;
  • extracts from orders;
  • personal accounts and payroll statements.

In the absence of a work book, the time of work under the employment contract is confirmed by a written employment contract drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

By the way, the entire list of documents on the basis of which it is possible to confirm length of service for various cases can be found in the Rules for calculating and confirming insurance experience (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 91).

As for the periods of insurance coverage for sick leave. Of all, the insurance period includes:

  • periods of work under an employment contract;
  • periods of state civil or municipal service;
  • periods of other activities during which a citizen was subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.

The insurance period for sick leave is calculated as follows:

First, periods of work are calculated in calendar order based on full months (30 days) and full years (12 months). Every 30 days of these periods are converted into full months, and every 12 months of these periods are converted into full years (reason: clause 2, section III of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period).

If there are coincidences in the time of work periods included in the insurance period, then one of such periods is taken into account at the choice of the insured person, confirmed by an application in which the period selected for inclusion in the insurance period is indicated.

One more thing. If the employee was unstable, was looking for a better place of work, and naturally changed his place of work during the billing period, then in addition to the certificate of incapacity for work, he must submit certificates from previous employers about the amount of his earnings in the billing period (Part 5 of Article 13 Law N 255-FZ). And again, a certificate from the FSS will not be superfluous.

Work experience and its importance

Everything here is clear and simple. If the length of service: is:

  • 8 or more years, the employee is paid a benefit in the amount of 100% of wages (see calculation example below);
  • from 5 to 8 years – 80% of salary;
  • less than 5 years – 60% of salary;
  • An employee will definitely not receive less than 60% of average earnings, even if he has worked for only 1 year.

Sick leave payment terms

A sick leave certificate is, first of all, a document of strict financial reporting. It is on its basis that an employee living in our country receives the right to receive temporary disability benefits.

It is the sick leave that confirms that the employee was absent from work for a good reason. And after submitting the sick leave to the personnel department and accounting department of the enterprise, it is on the basis of the sick leave that compensation is awarded to the ill employee in the amount of the average daily earnings for each day of absence from work due to illness.

In this case, the first three days of sick leave are paid by the employer, and starting from the fourth and subsequent days, the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) pays.


There is a drawback to electronic sick leave. One. But perhaps the most important one is the possibility of failures and malfunctions in the system, which, however, is characteristic of any computerization process.

How to sign up for an email newsletter

To issue an electronic newsletter, the employee must contact the attending physician at a medical institution that has access to the automated system (base) of the Social Insurance Unified Insurance System and choose in which format to open a sick leave - in paper or online version.


The best and most correct certificate of incapacity for work, or as we used to say, sick leave, issued for pregnancy and childbirth, because it is not associated with the disease as such, but with a joyful event - the birth of a child.

However, a certificate of incapacity for work is also issued for another reason - illness.

And the Legislator tried to take into account all cases.

And if you or members of your family get sick, then try to consult a doctor in a timely manner and fill out a sick leave certificate, and upon recovery, again promptly submit it to the company’s accounting department for payment.

Look at the table in which we have collected all the data on how length of service affects the amount of sick leave accrual and everything will become clear to you in which case you lose and how much.

Table No. 1 The influence of length of service on the calculation of disability certificate

Reason for incapacity for work and registration of disability certificate % of payment of average daily earnings depending on length of service
Up to 5 years 5–8 years More than 8 years
Caring for a sick relative (outpatient) 60% 80% 100%
Caring for a sick child (inpatient) 60% 80% 100%
Caring for a sick child on an outpatient basis 60% for the first 10 days of illness and 50% for the next 80% - 10 days and 50% after 100% - 10 days and 50% - all subsequent days of illness
Maternity benefit 100% 100% 100%
Child care up to one and a half years old 40% 40% 40%
Injury sustained during work at work 100% 100% 100%
Within 30 days after dismissal 60% 60% 60%

It is not profitable for the family budget to be sick. Especially for those who have less than 5-8 years of experience. And drug prices are rising. And, as a rule, good medicines are not cheap. Therefore, be healthy and do not get sick.

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