Increase in salaries for civil servants by 4. Latest news on the issue of salary payments to civil servants of the Russian Federation

Over the past year, the increase in salaries for Russian civil servants at the federal level amounted to 0.2%. However, their number has not changed since the end of 2015 and amounts to 39,700 people. Rosstat published the latest news on the volume of staff and salary increases for civil servants. The data presented shows that in government agencies the monthly salary at the beginning of 2016 was 111,300 rubles.

Of course, average indicators often do not correspond to reality, and even the latest increase in salaries for civil servants in most departments did not allow them to increase payments to the declared level. More than half, or rather 56.9% of employees from 41 federal services in Moscow, including ministries and agencies, receive an average salary of 78,600 rubles. For example,

  • the average figure of Rosrezerv is 56,000,
  • Rosimushchestvo – 60 100,
  • Rosaviatsia – 60,500,
  • and the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services - 67,900 rubles.

Salaries of federal civil servants

The high average was influenced by such departments as the Accounts Chamber with a salary of 187,600 rubles, the Federal Treasury - 165,700, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with an average salary of 148,200, and finance - 130,900 rubles. Also, the average salary of 120,700 rubles is registered in Spetsstroy. The government apparatus receives 231,700 rubles, the presidential administration apparatus - 217,100, the Federation Council - 173,900, and the State Duma - 136,900 rubles.

If we do not consider the highest paid positions of the Federation Council, the State Duma and the government and presidential administration, we can say that the increase in salaries for civil servants in 2016 raised the average level by 3.7%, allowing the average salary to reach 79,900 rubles. At the same time, the listed employees began to receive less by 13.9%. At the same time, the increase in salaries for civil servants led to an increase in the number of civil service employees. According to Rosstat, as of the end of the first half of 2016, vacancies were filled by 87%, compared to 84.2% in the summer of 2015.

Increase in salaries for civil servants

Several factors influence whether increasing salaries for civil servants in relatively low-paid positions will be an effective tool for further motivation. For example, Vladimir Putin recently approved a law increasing the retirement age for civil service workers - from 60 to 65 years for men and from 55 to 63 years for women. In accordance with the reforms, the minimum length of service to receive a pension will be increased from 15 to 20 years by 2027. At the same time, a significant increase in salaries for federal civil servants is not expected in the coming years.

Indexation of civil servants' salaries

As in 2015, wages for civil servants were not indexed in 2016. Amendments to freeze the salaries of civil servants, judges and the military were signed by Vladimir Putin at the end of last year. Also, the indexation of salaries of civil servants, the latest news about the freezing of which is set out in the Presidential Decree, will not be carried out due to the suspension of the provisions of 24 relevant laws. The decision was made taking into account the unfavorable economic situation. On the other hand, Dmitry Medvedev in 2016 signed an order to reduce the number of civil servants by 10% of the total number, by optimizing places in the central offices and territorial ministries.

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Recent news indicates a revival of the domestic economy, which may resume increasing salaries of civil servants as early as 2018. Previously, the authorities were forced to impose a moratorium on the annual indexation of wages in response to the negative consequences of the crisis. The final decision and format of the increase will depend on macroeconomic dynamics.

Expected salary increase in 2018: latest news for civil servants

The fall in oil prices and the subsequent economic crisis forced officials to optimize government spending. As a result, in 2015, the level of salaries of civil servants, which had previously been annually indexed according to the inflation index, was frozen. The moratorium on indexation will remain until the end of this year, but the authorities may reconsider this decision next year.

During the crisis, officials were forced to save on their own expenses. Including a 10% reduction in government funding. In addition, the salaries of representatives of the government apparatus and the presidential administration were cut by 10%.

The improvement of the macroeconomic situation in 2017 returned the issue of increasing civil servants’ salaries to the agenda already in 2018. At the same time, the authorities are considering several options for final indexation, which differ in the scale of the increase in wages. In particular, the government may cancel the link between civil servants’ salaries and last year’s inflation rate.

Hopes for a bright future

Increase in oil prices to 50-55 dollars per barrel. allowed the government to stabilize budget revenues. In particular, representatives of the Ministry of Finance expect to reduce the budget deficit to 2% by the end of 2017. As a result, the government receives additional financial resources, which can be used to increase wages.

According to Vladimir Putin’s instructions, the government will study the issue of wage indexation for those categories of public sector employees that were not included in the May decrees. Already in 2018, the turn may reach civil servants, experts admit. However, the authorities have not yet decided on the final format for adjusting the wages of employees of various categories.

Last fall, the Ministry of Finance prepared a bill that proposes to abolish the annual indexation of civil servants' salaries according to the level of inflation. In times of crisis, authorities must take into account the real state of the budget. Representatives of the department proposed to resolve the issue of future wage increases for employees exclusively within the framework of the budget process. However, this initiative did not find support in the State Duma.

Another alternative to resolving this issue is to return to increasing wages within the framework of last year’s inflation. In this case, in February next year, civil servants will receive a 4% increase in wages (inflation forecast for 2017). At the same time, indexation will not take into account inflation indicators of previous years, when the moratorium was in effect.

In addition, the authorities were considering the option of full indexation of salaries taking into account the total inflation rate. As a result, in 2019, wages for civil servants could be increased by 38% at once, but the government considers such a scenario unlikely.

The final format for increasing civil servants' salaries will depend on economic factors, experts emphasize. The financial capabilities of the government are determined by the dynamics of prices for “black gold”.

Uncertainty factor

An optimistic forecast for next year assumes a further rise in oil prices, accelerated GDP growth and a reduction in the budget deficit. In addition, by the end of 2017, inflation will slow down to 4%, which will significantly reduce the cost of future wage indexation.

As a result, the authorities will be able to refuse to extend the moratorium and resume a gradual increase in wages. However, it will be very problematic to win back inflation over the three years when the moratorium was in effect. Such a salary increase would be an excessive burden on the budget, which remains vulnerable to external factors.

A new collapse in oil prices will be a challenge for the domestic budget. In this case, officials will have to resume optimizing expenses, which could lead to an extension of the moratorium on wage indexation. Another negative factor that could lead to a deterioration in the economic situation is the growth of geopolitical tensions. As a result, the domestic economy may face new sanctions, which will have negative consequences.

The most likely scenario is the indexation of wages next year by 4%. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance allows the abolition of annual indexation, proposing to discuss a possible increase in wages as part of the budget process.

The decline in incomes of people in the public service is associated not only with the budget deficit. The implementation of planned administrative reforms announced by Putin was postponed until the next presidential term. Reform is in full swing only in the government apparatus, the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service - the salaries of civil servants of these departments will be calculated according to the new rules, and in 2018 their size will increase.

Contract system and staff reductions

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection plans to amend the existing law on civil service in the Russian Federation and link earnings to the effectiveness of the work performed by the employee. In other words, remuneration for work will directly depend on productivity - how much you work, how much you receive. The implementation of the contract system should occur at the beginning of next year, immediately after the release of the relevant document.

The contract will be a regular employment agreement, which clearly states productivity criteria, authority and final indicators. The amount of salary, including allowances and bonuses, depends on what the latter become. This contract implies not only effective work, but also an increase in the salary rate. The government considers such a move to be the only acceptable and correct decision in conditions of economic instability.

There is no doubt that the transition to the new system will entail staff reductions - this is also the government’s goal and will allow the elimination of duplicative functions of government agencies. Often Russian employees are not interested in the results of their work, because in any case they are guaranteed a fixed remuneration. According to legislators, the innovation will help change the situation and ensure that wages grow in line with the pace of economic growth.

What awaits civil servants in 2018

Indexation is a necessary measure and a real chance for an employee to improve their financial situation. It is carried out annually in order to reduce losses from inflation and maintain living standards. According to the Central Bank’s forecast, inflation in the coming years will not rise above 4%, which means that salaries will be recalculated taking this indicator into account. Good news is also the availability of funds in the state treasury intended for payments to public sector employees.

Treasury officials are confident that the period of austerity is coming to an end and it will be appropriate to resume wage increases in the coming year. Doctors will receive a salary increase of 200% of the regional average, and this increase will take place in every city. Doctors from both capitals and northern regions are also included in the list. Teachers' salaries will be increased by the end of 2018, on the day of their professional holiday.

The salary increase for other categories of civil servants is still in question, but indexation by 4% in 2018 will still take place. If you believe the statements of politicians and officials, before the presidential elections all promises will be fulfilled, and the income of civil servants will certainly increase. This was confirmed by Deputy Prime Minister Golodets and Finance Minister Siluanov, although with the caveat that the increase will be “smooth” and “gradual.” According to the head of the Accounts Chamber Golikova, salaries of public sector employees will increase by the end of 2017.

The May decrees were signed by Putin to improve the well-being of workers; several years were allotted for implementation - from 2012 to 2018. The last stage is ending, and the final deadline for increasing salaries for civil servants is the second half of 2018.

News of salary increases for civil servants is of interest not only to civil servants themselves, but also to members of their families. This is absolutely natural. As you know, the public sector is a vast area for employment. Many people of various professions are employed here. According to some data, approximately 5.4 million citizens in the Russian Federation work in one or another government agency. All these people receive their wages directly from the state treasury. Despite the hard and selfless work of many civil servants, the salaries of these specialists sometimes leave much to be desired. In order to improve the quality of life and level of well-being of this category of citizens, V. Putin decided to raise salaries by another 4%.

Civil servants salary. Recent news suggests that civil servants will now be able to become a full-fledged middle class. This is especially true for those of them who work in the Moscow region.

Salaries of civil servants. Russia cannot boast of the same salaries as in Germany or the UAE, but civil servants cannot be called deprived. According to some data, the average salary of this category of citizens of the Russian Federation is at the level of 100 thousand rubles. This is quite a lot of money even for Moscow. If we talk about a person who receives such a sum monthly somewhere in the province, then this money is enough even to buy luxury goods.

Salary increase for civil servants in 2018. Latest news. The salaries of civil servants in Russia will be significantly increased in 2018. Despite the fact that the Russian economy is characterized by inflation, the upcoming increase will not be completely offset by it. The fact is that at the end of 2017, inflation should be approximately 3%, and the increase will be 4%.

Increase in salaries for civil servants

Increase in salaries for civil servants. Russia, like many other countries, highly values ​​the work of people who work for the benefit of the state. This applies not only to the military and employees of various law enforcement agencies, but also to civil servants.

That is why the indexation of salaries for civil servants in 2018 will be no less than 4%. This increase should be enough to cover inflation and slightly improve the standard of living of government department employees.

The salaries of federal civil servants in 2018 will allow them to lead a fairly free lifestyle and not deny themselves not only basic necessities, but also quite expensive products.

Increase in salaries for civil servants in 2018

Raising salaries for federal government employees has more than just one benefit. The problem is that this is also an additional burden on the budget. One former finance minister noted that the current budget cannot afford such spending.

Despite this negative point, increasing the salaries of civil servants should stimulate them to be more active and productive. It is possible that government officials will be able to develop more effective laws that will bring material profit to the country in the near future.

Latest news. The salaries of civil servants are still the subject of attacks from human rights activists. Some of them argued that service to the Fatherland is voluntary work, therefore the salaries of civil servants should be enough only for the most necessary things, however, in modern Russia, the authorities (who decide to increase or decrease salaries) obviously do not think so.

Indexation of salaries for civil servants

An increase in salaries for federal civil servants in 2018 should stimulate the purchasing power of this category of citizens, so those goods that are in demand among civil servants can bring good profits in the near future.

Of course, civil servants’ salaries will be increased in 2018 for a reason, but because their salaries have not been indexed for a long time.

Salaries of civil servants from January 1, 2018

As of January 1, 2018, all civil servants will be able to receive increased salaries, as V. Putin has already signed a decree about. This is especially true for those civil servants who previously received insufficiently high salaries. In particular, we are talking about employees of the Federal Archives.

Expenditures on material motivation of officials in 2019–2021 may exceed 630 billion rubles, follows from the draft federal budget. From 2020, it is planned to increase the permanent part of the salary of civil servants

Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

In 2019-2020, the government will sharply increase budget allocations for “material motivation” of officials, as follows from the draft federal budget, which RBC has reviewed. The document proposes to reserve 138.6 billion rubles for these purposes. in 2019 and 208.9 billion rubles. in 2020. This is, respectively, 39 billion and 109 billion rubles. more than provided for by the current budget law. In 2021, it is proposed to allocate even more for material motivation of civil servants - 284.4 billion rubles.

Including it is proposed to reserve 375 million rubles. in 2019 to stimulate federal civil servants participating in the implementation of national and federal projects. National projects (there are 12 of them) were organized within the framework of the May presidential decree on strategic objectives until 2024; 67 federal projects are planned to be approved within them.

Those 493 billion rubles that are earmarked for 2020 and 2021 are supposed to be used for “a gradual increase in the guaranteed part of the salary (the constant part of the salary. - RBC), material incentives, as well as pensions for state civil servants,” follows from the draft budget.

The struggle for the prestige of the civil service

The reserve for payments to officials in 2019-2021 is a consequence of the decree of President Vladimir Putin “On the main directions of development of the state civil service of the Russian Federation for 2016-2018” signed in August 2016. With this decree, Putin instructed the government to improve the prestige of the civil service. “Before 2019, it is necessary to complete measures to improve the system of material incentives for state civil servants, as well as the structure of their pay,” the document set a goal.

According to the government’s “road map” for the implementation of the presidential decree on the civil service, the Ministry of Labor, together with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development, in the fourth quarter of 2018 should prepare changes to legislation providing for the improvement of the system of material incentives for officials, an increase in the guaranteed part of their salary, as well as an increase in wages share determined by the efficiency of their work.

RBC sent a request to the Ministry of Labor with a request to clarify what measures the ministry proposes to improve the system of material incentives for officials. The press service of the Ministry of Labor only reported that the department was “working through the issue.”

What is the salary of civil servants made up of?

According to the law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation,” the salary of a civil servant consists of the sum of official salaries, including official salaries and salaries for class rank, and monthly and other additional payments. Additional payments can be measures of both material incentives and financial incentives. The latter include bonuses based on professional performance; bonuses based on the performance of a separate structural unit of the federal body; bonuses based on the performance of the body; promotion based on achieved performance results; provision of benefits and social guarantees based on performance results.

The idea of ​​increasing the share of civil servants’ remuneration related to the real efficiency of their work has existed for a long time, but in practice it is being implemented with difficulty, Vladimir Klimanov, head of the department of state regulation of economics at RANEPA, told RBC. “Everything that concerns the introduction of any form of increasing the efficiency of civil servants encounters resistance or negative results,” he said. However, according to him, it is now much easier to create KPIs for officials due to the fact that the national goals and strategic objectives of the country’s development until 2024 are formulated quite clearly and they can be communicated to a specific civil servant. “That is, KPIs of departments can be determined, from departments to divisions, from divisions to employees,” he explained.

According to Rosstat, the average salary of civil servants in federal bodies in 2017 was 118.8 thousand rubles. per month, but this is data only for the central offices of ministries and departments (that is, without taking into account territorial bodies). In addition, in ministries and departments there are serious differences in the salaries of management and ordinary employees, says Klimanov. According to him, the “turning point” in the level of salaries occurs at the level of deputy directors of departments and heads of departments, while middle and junior level civil servants cannot be called highly paid employees.