Sale of banking products and services.

And you still don’t know about the 8 stages of sales techniques, then you should be ashamed.

It’s so embarrassing that studying this article for you should rise to the level of the “Our Father” prayer. But you may have a counter-question: why do I need to know them if we sold and are selling well without them? Quite reasonable!

And really, why do you need to know them, because the less you know, the better you sleep. And it will be easier for competitors to sell their products.

What is the strength in, brother?

There is power in knowledge, friends. Strength is in understanding what separates first place from second place in a competition. Okay, stop! I went into philosophy.

Let's return to the topic “How to sell well and quickly.” To reach a new milestone, you need to use 8 stages of sales. According to the classics, we know only five stages of sales (we know, does not mean we understand):

  1. Establishing contact;
  2. Identifying needs and goals;
  3. Presentation;
  4. Work with objections;
  5. Closing the deal.

For many successful transactions, these 5 main stages are enough, but with our clients, we always recommend adding three more.

And it’s not about quantity, but about quality and increasing the efficiency of transactions. By the way, these steps are very simple; most likely you even use them unconsciously in your work:

  1. Upsell;
  2. Taking contacts/recommendations.

All these eight stages of client management are certainly classics in trading. These are the main stages of the sales process.

My goal was not to surprise you or discover America. With my material, I will sort everything out and present the most important things.

But remember, learning sales from books is the same as learning football, it is impossible. Any theory must be put into practice within 72 hours.


Strict rules

I remember the slogan of one computer game in 2000: “The main rule is no rules.” But this is not our case.

Even if we work with real people and they have seven Fridays a week, in order for everything to go smoothly for you, you need to adhere to certain sales rules:

  • Strict consistency. You move from top to bottom in stages and nothing else.
  • Don't skip steps. Each step is a lead-up to the next, so one does not exist without the other.
  • Adaptation to the client. Each sale has its own characteristics and must be taken into account.
  • Full execution. You do each stage not for show, but for the result.

All these rules are unspoken, but in my opinion very important. Now you may not attach any value to them, but all this is due to the lack of a full understanding of each stage.

By the bones and by the shelves

We constantly see examples of how the “smartest”, at their own discretion, throw out blocks from the sequence and believe that this would be more correct.

Naturally, the most uncomfortable or labor-intensive stages are eliminated.

But you and I know that each stage carries exorbitant value and must be performed correctly. Therefore, we analyze the description of each step separately and never make such misunderstandings again.

1. Establishing contact

In less advanced countries of the third world, when you go into a store or make a phone call, and there is no greeting, right from the door: “What do you need, dear?”

I hope Russia doesn’t slide to this point (although I’m sure we have this too). But still, before you start identifying the need, you need to establish contact with the client. Here are some options for stock phrases:

  1. When calling:"Good afternoon. In-scale company. My name is Nikita. I'm hearing you?"
  2. When meeting in the sales area:"Hello. My name is Nikita. If you have any questions, please contact us.”
  3. When meeting with a client:"Good morning. My name is Nikita. In-scale company. Since we have met, I understand that you have potential interest in our proposal?”

This is a very simple and primitive stage. But nevertheless, it is necessary and has its own nuances.

For example, when making an outgoing call, it is very important for us to say hello correctly, because otherwise the client will simply hang up with the words: “Another manager.”

Also, for example, in the case of sales on the sales floor, we need to show with our greeting that we are not going to “push” anything now, but are simply greeting the person.

Of course, the contact does not end there, one might even say it is just beginning, since during the entire sale we must continue to get closer to the client with every second.

But within the scope of this entire article, I will not be able to reveal all the nuances of each stage, because they will differ depending on the situation. Therefore, be sure to read our materials as well.

2. Identifying needs

“What do you need, dear?” - let’s return to this phrase and adapt it to reality.

In fact, we want to get an answer to this question in the needs identification block, but since clients are not very talkative or cannot explain what they need without clarifying questions, at this step we ask questions.

Since most craftsmen try to skip this block, I want to repeat MANY, MANY, MANY times that it is the most important.

If you correctly identify the need, then you will not have any problems with further steps, everything will go like a knife through butter, like skates on ice, like a marker on a board, like... I hope you understand me.

We ask questions to get plenty of information about the client’s “wants”. We ask not one, not two, not three questions, but four or more.

I also specifically focus on this, because one question cannot reveal everything. Therefore, for those who like ready-made solutions, I recommend asking at least 4 questions from the series:

Important. To ensure that the client responds to you compliantly, program him with the following phrase: “Joseph Batkovich, in order for me to find you the best conditions/suitable option, I will ask several clarifying questions. Fine?"

  • For what purposes are you selecting?
  • What is most important for you when choosing?
  • Do you have any color/shape/size preferences?
  • Why were you interested in this particular model?

Depending on the sales case, your questions may be either open or closed.

That's right, you didn't think so. Most people agree that you should always ask open-ended questions.

But this is not always true. For example, at the beginning of a personal conversation (at a meeting or on the sales floor), it is better to start with closed questions (the answer is “Yes” or “No”), since the client is not yet in the mood for an open and full conversation.

Important. To make this stage look lively, after some questions you need to insert your comments about the client’s answer or make mini-mini presentations about the product.

3. Presentation

You will be simply an ideal manager if you use the knowledge gained from the previous stage in this step.

Based on the information received, you need to show the best solution for the client.

Depending on the occasion, you present either one product or several of the most suitable ones. But there shouldn’t be too many of them so that the client doesn’t get confused (see video below).

To make a truly great presentation, you need to know the product well.

If you are the owner, then you will not have problems with this. In the case of employees, problems can come from all sides, so it is recommended to constantly conduct certification of product knowledge.

And by the way, where the final action will be a presentation using Elevator Pitch technology.

It would seem such a simple stage, but it requires extensive preparatory actions.

As I already said, you need to learn information about your product, you also need to take small courses in acting and public speaking, and consolidate all this by studying books on human psychology.

To help you get started, here are three very important presentation rules:

  1. Speak the client’s language, use his words, phrases, sentences. This way he will understand you better and perceive you as a “kindred soul”.
  2. Name not only properties, but also . People do not always understand what properties mean and what their actual benefits are.
  3. Use the “You-approach” (You will receive / For you / To you). More references to the client rather than yourself (I/We/Us) will be more helpful.

These rules are just three stones in the quarry. But you saw that not everything is so simple.

And yes, any presentation should be closed with a question or appeal, so as not to give the client the opportunity to retreat or seize the initiative.

Moreover, these actions can be either encouraging to close the transaction (“Let’s go to the cashier”) or simply clarifying (“What do you say?”).

4. Dealing with objections

5. Up-sell / Cross-sell

Having worked through all the objections, we have two options for events: the client, after a series of doubts and choices, agrees (almost agrees) to the purchase or it is expensive for him.

We do not consider the “Not suitable” option, since in this case you must have a lot of resources, otherwise your business is not built correctly from the very beginning.

In the case when the client is “Expensive”, and this is a fact and not a hidden objection, we offer him a more profitable option according to his budget.

And when the client has made a purchase decision, we definitely need to invite him to consider a more expensive alternative, thereby increasing the company’s profit.

Offering a cheaper alternative doesn’t require much intelligence, and besides, it’s easier to sell.

But with (translation to an expensive product) everything is much more complicated. And don’t even think about saying that you can offer a more expensive product at the presentation stage. This is also logical, but not true in all cases.

If the client initially has doubts, then we first need to generally convince him of the purchase, and only then transfer him to a more expensive product.

Indeed, in some sales, especially in cold ones, it is much more important to warm up the excitement for shopping at the start, to make sure that the client enters this state and decides that he will work with you.

And only then, when the level of trust has increased, you can show the “warm one” a solution that is more profitable for you.

6. Closing the deal

All the client’s doubts are closed and, logically, we only need to tell them where to take the money. But in reality, we see a different situation: managers are stalling for time just to avoid a refusal.

But in fact, the client is already ready and is just waiting for you to finally pull yourself together and tell him what he needs to do next.

This stage - the stage of completing the transaction - is the most inconspicuous, since it consists of several words and two options for events.

We either use a closing question or a call to action.

Depending on the context and level of trust in you as a person and a professional, you will choose what is most suitable in a particular case:

  1. Call:“Take it, you will definitely be pleased.”
  2. Call:“Give me your things, I’ll help you bring them to the checkout.”
  3. Question:“Will you pick it up yourself or will we arrange delivery?”
  4. Question:“Do you have any other questions or can I send the contract for approval?”

In our practice, we have found about 15 variants of appeals and the same number of closing questions in sales.

This is not the limit, but this list is enough in 99% of cases. And for you this means that too much creativity is not needed here.

You just need to collect a list of options that suit you and use them as needed.

The only thing I want to emphasize at the stage of closing the sale is to avoid closing questions that make the client think.

Among the most common: “Are we registering?” and “Will you take it?” The problem with such questions is that you only worsen the situation, because the client begins to think - take or take (but sometimes there are exceptions).

7. Upsell

I believe that every company should have an additional fee for upsells.

This way, employees will have a rational sense of selling even more pieces and items.

Moreover, as you already understood, it is advisable to do this when the client has already fully agreed to purchase the main product and definitely takes it.

It is precisely at this moment that you need to offer him to buy something that he will probably need.

I've seen some businesses survive solely on upsells. They sell the main solution for zero, and all the money comes from additional goods and services.

In such companies, this stage is mandatory and is punishable by dismissal. But despite all its importance, it happens unobtrusively, in one phrase and no more than 3 times per dialogue:

  1. Many of our clients take ____ to ____.
  2. Pay attention to ____, maybe this will also be relevant for you.
  3. By the way, you might have forgotten ___, I want to remind you of this.

In most cases, sellers do not upsell because they forget what they can sell for (and of course, due to the lack of additional motivation).

Therefore, in this case, we always offer different solutions: from trainings to exams. For example, for one of our clients we implemented an entire upsell table, where you can see what can be sold for each product category.

It seems that everything, you can let the client go, but “our soldier” does not give up, he alone goes to the last and takes the client’s contacts so that in the future you can contact him and bring him back for repeat sales.

This is done at the final stage, when everything has already been agreed upon and even the money has been handed over.

For what? It's simple - if he doesn't buy now, it doesn't mean that he won't buy later, when we start working with him using SMS mailings, and a dozen other marketing tools.

And immediately for those who believe that they do not have repeat sales or the client will not return, then I dare to disappoint you.

In any business there are repeat purchases, you just haven’t realized it yet. And for those who already understand this, I recommend studying or at least watching the video below to make sure that this is very important.

Well, if you don’t like the idea of ​​collecting contacts, then you can also ask who he can recommend, who might still need your services or products.

In this way, you can collect a potential base 3 times faster, and besides, a call based on a client’s recommendation is always valued more than just that.

Briefly about the main thing

Finally, we have reached the end of sales and this article, I don’t know about you, but I’m really tired of writing it.

But now I feel such satisfaction, exactly the same as a sales manager should feel after going through all 8 stages of the sales technique (+1 goodbye).

Since most likely the client, after going through this, simply will not be able to say “No” and leave.

Surely, you now have a lot of questions in your head in the style of “How not to forget all this?”, “How not to miss any of the stages?”, “How to ask the question correctly?”, “How to upsell?”, or “How to handle objections.” and not miss the client?”

I will tell you one thing - theory will not help you without practice. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, try and draw your own conclusions. We learn the same way and do not consider ourselves perfect in this matter.

The last stage of product-market adaptation is market-to-product adaptation.

Clive James

Types of sales channels for banking products

Mass sales under the “financial supermarket” scheme involve servicing a large number of clients with similar consumer preferences and conducting similar banking operations. Retail sales, as a rule, are carried out stationary and require the creation of a wide branch network. In this regard, the main risk of direct financial losses in the retail business is the failure to fill with the required volumes of banking operations the capacities that are created for this business (banking infrastructure: branches, representative offices, acquiring, registered cash desks, processing, POS terminal equipment, etc. ). If this happens, then we can talk about the weak work of the bank’s marketing services, which poorly researched market segments and were unable to stimulate demand in the volumes necessary for the retail business.

For example, to develop the card business, the annual issuance volume must be at least 1 million cards and at the same time at least 100 thousand transactions must be made on them per month. The minimum profitability threshold for express loans is at the level of 200 thousand consumers, and for the SMS banking service - 100 thousand users. Thus, the basis for obtaining sufficient income to maintain the required level of profitability in the retail banking business is turnover on customer accounts.

The main problem of retail sales is the creation of a system of high-quality cost management at all stages of the life cycle. Due to the high initial costs of creating a sales infrastructure, it is especially important for the “financial supermarket” to create accessible and cheap products. However, many retail banks are overly keen on expanding their product range, which leads to another problem: the created products do not find demand, and attempts to impose them on customers have a bad impact on the bank’s image. In the retail banking business, the sales manager needs to instill the psychology of a large supermarket salesperson. A wide range of services allows us to fully use the principle of interchangeability and complementarity.

Targeted (individual) sales under the “financial boutique” scheme involve searching for specific groups of clients and exclusive forms of service. The small number of transactions and relatively low initial costs require that sales managers focus on obtaining high margins from the sale of individual products. For example, the minimum threshold for profitability in a “financial boutique” for cash settlement services can be 15-20% of costs. The main risk of the individual form of selling is the loss of a client.

An example is the Trade Finance Bank (LLC), which positions itself as a unique institution in the financial market. The bank's mission is to increase the value of clients and the bank itself in mutually beneficial cooperation, which is expressed in the slogan “The art of increasing values.”

The main criterion for the bank's activities, which is aimed at developing various forms of service using financial boutique technology (the term Private Banking is more often used), is quality, which is achieved through uniqueness, reliability and efficiency.

Due to the growing demands of individual clients for the quality of service, banks developing a Private Banking strategy are expanding the standard range of services, which includes:

  • Personal management.
  • Service in a separate room.
  • Financial and tax consulting.
  • Access to forex transactions.
  • Opening of metal accounts.
  • More favorable rates and tariffs.
  • Real estate transactions.

Based on product characteristics, the following sales methods can be distinguished: single sales, bundling, cross-selling, cross-selling. Single sales involve selling a product of one name, for example, opening a current account or obtaining a loan. Single sales can complement an already used product list or be a separate planning object for trial sales.

The most popular strategy today is the packaging of banking products, which can be widely used both at the level of the head bank and a specific sales office. Package selling involves considering available products as individual items in a catalog of interrelated services and allows you to identify and create a set of products that would fully satisfy the client’s needs, thereby guaranteeing the best interaction with him.

The package may include seasonal products (tax payments, holiday deposits, construction loans). For example, if taxes are paid periodically, you can offer advance payment. Banks have adopted the annual introduction of seasonal deposits with a flexible interest calculation system. In case of early withdrawal of the deposit or part thereof, the interest varies depending on the period of actual presence of the funds in the deposit.

The quality of the product is directly related to the quality of service and implies, first of all, a link between customer expectations and what the bank can offer. The concept of sales effectiveness thus includes such a complex concept as a friendly relationship with the clientele, and this element can justifiably be included in product packaging technology.

In table 4.1.1 provides examples of traditional packaging of banking products for individuals at the branch level.

Package sales technology requires an appropriate professional level of competence (knowledge of the bank’s product range, the ability to present the products offered, assistance in their use), communication skills (attention, politeness, courtesy, ability to win over).

Table 4.1.1

Examples of traditional packaging of banking products for individuals at the branch level

Ability to maintain long-term communication (for some clients and types of purchased services, the period of communication is longer than for others), respect the place and hierarchical level of communication (for VIP clients, the participation of a manager is required, the provision of a more comfortable environment), the use of necessary regulatory requirements (appearance , communication with clients, etc.).

In the practice of many banks with large branches, use a method such as sales crossing.

Cross-selling is the offering of related products to the clientele. Along with this, products that have already been consumed can also be replaced, and new products can be offered in return (cross-selling). This strategy brings good profits and allows you to achieve an advantage over competitors. One of the main conditions for the success of this method is the logical construction of the product range in relation to customer requests. Products must be interesting and attractive to the client and included in a package of services that can be offered for sale at any time.

The list of related and interchangeable products for clients not yet attracted, but significant for the bank, may include those products that the current clientele does not use, but may be interested in in the future.

This strategy allows you to plan sales and make optimal use of bank resources. It also allows you to better understand consumer expectations and evaluate the market. Another important aspect of cross-selling and cross-selling is the competitive advantage that results from it. The client feels that his most diverse requests for banking products can only be satisfied in this bank. For example, if a client buys traveler's checks from a bank, he may be advised to purchase accident insurance during a trip abroad. The strategy of package and cross-selling allows you to establish stable and long-term relationships with customers and increase the share of loyal customers.

To develop and implement a strategy for gaining greater clientele trust, the bank needs to create an effective information system. The sales office must have access to all information about the client: type of relationship with the branch, number and types of products consumed, qualitative and quantitative turnover, main types of demand for banking services, etc. Having such information, it is necessary:

  • 1. group information for each client segment;
  • 2. prepare a package of products for each client for subsequent cross-selling.

Direct selling is associated with the initiative of the seller, who addresses his offer directly to the client at his location. The volume of direct sales is constantly growing and in a number of European countries already exceeds 50% of the total turnover (in Russia, according to some estimates, no more than 1%).

Direct selling is the most difficult type of selling and requires the seller to master the art of negotiation. The importance of direct sales in banking practice will increase for the following reasons:

  • 1. Expanding the network of sales points for banking products and increasing the concentration of clients who have the desire and ability to contact bank managers.
  • 2. Gradual transition from passive forms of interaction with the client to a relationship management system. The goal of such a system is not to conclude a single transaction, but to build long-term relationships with the client.
  • 3. Growing trust on the part of clients in personal management and increasing requirements for individual service.

All this requires advanced training of bank front office staff and, first of all, client managers. The scope of direct sales is large clients, individual service, complex banking products.

During the period of growth in retail lending, various types of “linked lending” are very popular, when the purchased product serves as collateral for the loan. This type of lending is called POS lending.

POS lending (POS - Point Of Sale) can be defined as a direction of the retail business of banks, providing for the issuance of loans for certain goods directly on the premises of a retail enterprise. Mobile communications and computer equipment have the largest share among high-demand goods.

Among the banks that actively worked in the POS lending market during the period of development of consumer lending, Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard, HCF Bank, OTP Bank, Rusfinance Bank stood out.

The availability of the loan (the decision regarding the execution of a linked loan is made by the bank within 15-30 minutes, and documents confirming income are not required) and the relatively small size (about 20 thousand rubles) lead to increased risks, so banks set interest rates above market rates and receive income higher than with conventional lending. This explains the intensive growth of POS lending in Russia since the mid-2000s. until 2014, when the economic downturn began.

The decline in bankers' interest in the POS loan market is quite natural. The potential of such loans is largely limited by the list of goods and services that can be sold through credit schemes. In addition, in POS lending it is extremely difficult to use various online services that are actively developing at present.

The changing economic situation and increasing instability in the banking system forced banks to reorient their sales strategies towards credit cards and the development of POS lending in online commerce. Since 2011, the credit card market in Russia began to grow rapidly. This is due to the entry into this market of the largest issuer of payment cards - Sberbank of Russia, which, in addition to overdraft cards, began issuing revolving credit cards of various payment systems. To issue them, Sberbank of Russia simplified the current procedure for issuing credit cards and introduced a scoring system.

The second direction of consumer lending, which has received dynamic development in recent years, is lending for purchases via the Internet. For a bank, a POS loan in an online store has several obvious advantages:

  • no need to maintain a staff of specialists at points of sale;
  • online store buyers are a more attractive category of borrowers;
  • huge audience of online stores.

More than half of Sberbank's retail clients are ready to recommend Sberbank to their friends and acquaintances.

The CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index), which characterizes customer satisfaction with banking services, allows you to evaluate the price-quality ratio of banking products and services in terms of meeting customer needs and requests. In Sberbank branches it is 9.1 points out of 10 possible. Sberbank’s most loyal clients are young people and representatives of the social segment: the figures for these categories are 61% and 57%, respectively. During the year, Sberbank received more than 860 thousand customer reviews. Sberbank conducts satisfaction surveys through phone calls and SMS with a request to evaluate the quality of service after a visit to a branch or a call to the contact center.

Hello, dear friends and readers of the blog about finance and cash flow. Sales stages- these are steps to successfully promoting your services or products. To successfully sell anything, you must first master sequential sales stages. Today I will talk about the work of a bank employee in terms of consulting a client who came for a loan. I think this information will be useful not only to a banker, but also to any specialist working in the service sector.

It will be interesting not only for the sales consultants themselves, but also for any person as a participant in the sales process, since the promotion of goods and services is based on psychology, knowledge of the human soul. And everyone here likes to read and talk about psychology. I will divide the information into several blocks in accordance with the steps of promotion, where I will also share my experience and observations.

Main stages of sales in a bank

These steps consist of seven stages, each of which complements each other, being a logical continuation of the previous level.
If you carry out this technique on a regular basis, you can develop the skill of successfully promoting services, which will be useful for both a novice consultant and an experienced seller. Below is a list of these stages.

  • Establishing contact.

At this stage, it is important to prepare for the client’s visit. How you meet the borrower determines how the dialogue will proceed. Agree that it is not pleasant when you come as a client and are met with indifference or ignorance. Many consultants make mistakes at this level, sending negative signals to the client. This is especially true nowadays, when competition for buyers is especially high.

The same applies to the case when the seller himself visits the client, the customer. Not only non-verbal language plays a role here, but also appearance. But if the suit can be prepared, then with psychology everything is more complicated. I confess, I myself sometimes have to make an effort to mentally prepare for a client, to create the necessary emotion in order to be convincing to the borrower.

But when it becomes a habit, people start coming to you. Agree, it's nice. Of course, if we talk about issuing loans, this may not be the best sign, since it can be understood that people can easily take out a loan through you. But politeness and goodwill are always needed. This stage lasts about a minute.

  • Identifying needs.

Here you need to ask the right questions to choose the right tariff plan or identify a potential VIP client. At this stage, you need to find out about the client’s place of work, his credit history, income level, and his goals in obtaining a loan. A bank employee must have negotiation skills in order to ask in such a way that the client does not get stressed by your questions. This step lasts 3-4 minutes on average. The beginning of this step could be something like this: “To find the right tariff plan for you, I need to ask you a few questions. Do you mind?

  • Product presentation.

A bank's front-line employee must be competent in his field: know the tariff plans, regulatory documentation and bank regulations in order to successfully talk about his bank's products and offer several options to the loan buyer. You need to show the advantages of your services in a favorable light, talk about the requirements for the borrower, and emphasize the importance of each client: “We have an individual approach to each client.” The step lasts up to 3-4 minutes.

  • Work with objections.

This is perhaps the most difficult stage of sales. Here you need to remain cool and calm and remember that every client is important to the organization. I’m not saying this for the sake of rhetoric. It is the client who brings profit to the company. This step requires you to demonstrate flexibility and knowledge of your competitors' products. One day I went to other banks to get my credit card information. Later, this knowledge came in handy when I sold cards to clients. I did this easily, because I knew the advantages of both my bank and the advantages of this product in other banks. Now the interest rate does not always play a decisive role in obtaining a loan. This stage continues from 1 minute to 3 minutes.

  • Closing the deal.

After dealing with objections, it’s time to harvest the fruits. Even if a person just came for a consultation, you need to leave such an impression so that he comes back again. At this stage, you need to summarize everything previously said, repeat the advantages of your product, and once again talk about the requirements for the borrower. This sales level lasts about a minute during your entire consultation.

  • Additional sale.

In banking, this stage is also called cross-selling, that is, the parallel sale of an additional product or service. I remember reading somewhere that at McDonald's every seller must offer something additional to what has already been purchased. Thus, the company’s income increases, and it’s not just about caring for the client. 😉 In a bank, this could be a service for paying for loans from third-party banks, transfers, deposits, which can be offered by any bank employee.

Banking sales technologies for individuals and legal entities are essentially the same, but it is more difficult for banks to work with corporate clients

Russian credit institutions are constantly improving classic and creating new banking products, services and technologies. Bankers are driven to this by high competition for clients of various levels - from the mass segment of individuals to privileged VIP-clients, from small individual entrepreneurs to large corporations. For each of these clients, banks have a package of financial offers ready. How to convey to potential clients all the information about banking opportunities without the risk of alienating them with excessive intrusiveness, what is the present and future of banking sales technologies - “KS” talked about this with banking market experts.

Sales engine

The “customer market” that is undoubtedly dominant in the banking industry allows both individuals and legal entities to biasedly choose a servicing credit institution, forcing its competitors to multiply efforts to speed up payments, reduce the cost of banking services, lower lending rates and increase interest on deposits - of course, not to your own detriment, but not with an unlimited margin.

However, all, even the most progressive, developments of bankers are doomed to lie as dead weight if they are not brought to their end user - an existing or potential client. At the dawn of the domestic banking business, it was quite possible to count on the client coming to the bank himself and gratefully accepting all the conditions offered - this was not least determined by the needs of the emerging Russian business for credit resources. However, the situation changed quite quickly, and already at the end of the last century, the supply of banking services noticeably exceeded the demand. It became obvious that simply listing even the most modern and competitive banking products in tariff collections is not capable of ensuring a massive influx of desired clientele into the bank, and the methods used to work with clients are mainly focused on individual attraction. Such methods could no longer ensure the desired growth of the banking business, obviously ensuring a loss in competition. And the task of targeted delivery of banking offers to the widest range of potential clients gradually began to take center stage in financial business development technologies.

As often happens, there was no need to reinvent the wheel - banks in most foreign countries have long gone through the stage of transition from individual customer attraction to mass attraction, having learned not only to offer their services to interested customers, but to actively promote them among potential consumers, thereby forming promising demand market. Essentially, financiers have taken centuries of experience in retail sales of consumer goods and successfully applied it to banking products. Business trainer Ekaterina Shulgina, who previously worked at Alfa-Bank, explains this by the fact that the banking market is very developed in terms of sales technologies - everything that appears in the world in the field of sales or marketing, one way or another comes to the banking sector.

Outside Russia, banking sales became so successful that by the beginning of the 21st century, this approach had already begun to reduce its effectiveness due to the depletion of the client base - almost all companies and households in developed foreign countries found themselves involved in the sphere of activity of credit institutions, using banking products to the full extent of their opportunities. Against this background, the weakly saturated Russian market promised very good prospects - and decades-old bank sales technologies were quickly adopted by domestic bankers.

Director of the retail branch of VTB Bank in Novosibirsk Elena Zaitseva highlights activities through direct and partner sales channels, understanding the latter as interaction with clients through bank partners - for example, developers, real estate agencies. According to the head of the branch, within the framework of direct sales, more than two years ago, a division was formed, the work of which is aimed at the end consumer of banking services, and employees of this department are constantly on the road, presenting banking products, communicating with potential clients at the checkpoints of “payroll” clients, visiting meetings organized in work collectives with the help of colleagues of the corporate branch. Thus, a pool of contacts and recommendations is formed for further work with a “warm base”, within which clients receive qualified advice and the opportunity to submit applications for a particular service directly at the workplace.

“Passive technologies include those associated with advertising in a variety of forms, including direct mail. Active ones are, for example, independent calls to the client. And direct sales take place during personal communication,” this is how bank sales technologies are classified Director of the Siberian territorial department of Vostochny Bank Dmitry Mayevsky. The banker also reveals in detail certain aspects of various technologies: passive sales are aimed mainly at new clients, this is not a very profitable and rather risky segment, so risks are built into the product’s performance, which is why it is often more expensive for new clients than for old ones. Active sales are mainly carried out by contact center employees - here the profitability is higher and the risks are lower, it is possible to create individual banking offers based on the client’s preferences. Direct sales, as a rule, are not particularly profitable; they are aimed more at image goals or at retaining the client, the director of the department believes.

She also spoke about the active use of various sales channels for her products. Head of Strategic Communications Department of Home Credit Bank Irene Shkarovskaya. According to her, the bank uses cross-selling technologies (including telephone) and constantly improves their efficiency.

I don't quite agree with the terminology Director for Retail Business of the Novosibirsk branch of Alfa-Bank Marina Kokoulina. She acknowledges that sales technologies are forms and tools for attracting clients, but believes that this sounds rude, since each client is unique. “Banking services are built on many factors - financial literacy, capabilities, desires to use remote channels for accessing an account, existing needs, largely determined by the lifestyle of clients,” the bank’s top manager explains his point of view.

Despite its universality, banking sales technologies applicable to all categories of clients have become most widespread in the mass segment - first for individuals and then for legal entities. Thanks to the use of modern methods of selling banking products - primarily consumer loans in the retail business - Russian credit institutions ensured explosive growth in their loan portfolio at the end of the first decade of the 2000s. However, one cannot fail to mention the evolution of technologies for making credit decisions - the traditional individual approach could no longer cope with the flow of applications from clients wishing to purchase a “credit product” that was actively sold by bank managers. As a result, a credit conveyor appeared - a technology for fast decision-making based on a standardized algorithm. Now bank loans have truly become a truly mass retail product - accessible to a wide range of consumers and creating a significant share of bank profits. According to Elena Zaitseva, the role of product sales technology in generating profits is difficult to underestimate - without established channels for selling services, banks today cannot generate an influx of new, high-quality customer flow.

Such success in working with individuals led to a further expansion of the scope of bank sales, and legal entities, primarily small businesses, began to be involved in it. “In the context of legal entities and individuals (without division by income), the technologies are essentially the same, but the complexity of the sales technology (number of questions, persuasion techniques) to legal entities is definitely higher,” says Ekaterina Shulgina, explaining this by the fact that legal entities There are more criteria for choosing a bank, and there are more transactions within the bank. In addition, legal entities hold on to their relationship with “their bank” and are not always ready to quickly change it to another bank that sells its services.

Today, small business entrepreneurs have no shortage of banking offers that they receive through a variety of channels. Only a small part of these proposals are translated into actual issuance of loans, but this is already a general problem of increased risks in the modern Russian economy.

New approaches

The introduction of modern technologies for selling banking products was a logical step in the development of the Russian banking sector, but it marked quite significant changes in the mentality of a large number of bank managers. If previously, employees of the operating room were limited to minimal communication with clients when accepting documents, now they are responsible for cross-selling products and services, often quite far removed from operational services. And not only on them. Customer focus, knowledge of banking products and services, implementation of sales plans - these are the minimum requirements for any employee of a credit institution who has at least minimal contact with clients due to the nature of his work. “Of course, this sales format required new personnel training programs from banks,” confirms Elena Zaitseva. In her opinion, a successful sales manager is one who reacts flexibly to changes and is focused on self-development and the introduction of new technologies and knowledge.

Not all managers of the “pre-sales era” adopted this approach to personnel - some of them were unable to adapt to new trends, moving to departments that were far from interacting with clients, or leaving their jobs at the bank forever.

Bank managers experience rejection of one form or another of sales, says Dmitry Mayevsky. But still, in his opinion, the last two years have taught the banking market a lot, and now everyone understands: you may not like the technology, but nothing new has yet been invented to replace it.

Despite the fact that bank sales are focused primarily on identifying and satisfying the needs of clients of credit institutions, the clients themselves have not always - at least at an early stage - welcomed the increased interest in themselves as potential buyers of banking products. “We ourselves have a mustache” - this leitmotif was often heard in the answers addressed to bank managers who honestly worked out the sales flow chart. To no lesser extent, bank employees also had to deal with claims regarding the imposition of unnecessary services. Marina Kokoulina admits: there are mistakes in bank sales, and the human factor also plays a role. However, she is convinced that everything that is intrusive and not in demand by the client cannot be sold. “This is a disastrous path, and we strive to make the world of finance more convenient and interesting,” says the director of retail business.

However, over time, the world experience of relationships between banks and their clients nevertheless took root on Russian soil - and now it is not uncommon for clients to complain about the lack of information received from a banking specialist, even to the point of reproach for the insufficiently active offer of certain banking products and services. As a result, the task of creating a market for demand for their services by credit institutions is being solved quite successfully, currently moving to the stage of using remote channels to access clients. Thus, Marina Kokoulina sees the future of digital services, when the maximum number of transactions, offers for clients, new services - everything will be through mobile devices. Irene Shkarovskaya places special emphasis on the development of online sales. According to her information, the bank sells loans to its existing clients through Internet banking completely online, and now 10% of sales are carried out through Internet banking, without the client coming to the office and contacting a courier or call center operator. Dmitry Mayevsky also talks about officeless sales. “We are already starting to implement them using tablets, and in the future the market should be able to issue a loan through a smartphone using an electronic signature,” the banker predicts.

And Elena Zaitseva, confirming the key trend in the development of sales technologies in the banking sector - sales through remote service channels (Internet, mobile banking, functionality of client-banking systems) and a functional ATM network, etc. - nevertheless notes: “We understand that they cannot 100% replace either direct or affiliate channels, just as the Internet cannot replace live human communication.”


Ekaterina Shulgina, business coach:

Speaking about the classification “active - passive sales”, I can say that both approaches are used in the banking sector. Passive sales imply, for example, responding to every comment on a social network, interesting events, releasing convenient applications or installing “Pokestops”, as in Sberbank branches - thanks to such activities, events and products, the client’s loyalty rises, and he himself comes to the bank, wanting become his client. Active sales involve direct contact with the client for the purpose of selling - this can be either a sale at a bank branch, when the client came himself with some question, or a meeting at the client’s premises - as a rule, this is a story about legal entities. Active sales technologies are also diverse - this includes cold calling technologies and the well-known SPIN (technology of leading a potential buyer to purchase a product or service).

On the other hand, we can divide sales into direct and cross-sales: in the first case, our goal is to sell the client the main product (for example, a current account), in the second, to sell an additional product that will make his service at the bank more convenient (for example, SMS- notification).

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Sales is technology. And a little luck.

Are you familiar with the situation when you spend a lot of effort and time to attract clients, conduct dozens of meetings and consultations, and, unfortunately, get minimal results? Unlike your colleague, who works less, puts in less effort, and his results are much better than yours. At this moment the thought comes to you: “Why is this happening? Am I working more and getting less results? I guess I was just unlucky this month...” Of course, you can blame it on failure, but it won’t increase your productivity.

Ownership plays a much larger role in sales. sales technologies. In this article we will look at one of the basic technologies - classical 5 step sales model banking products.

This is the model that most bank branch managers use, and it is this algorithm that is discussed in basic sales training. What is the essence of this algorithm?

Before going directly to sales stages, I would like to make a small lyrical digression and say one thing important thing. Why is it so important to master sales technologies? The fact is that sales are not a spontaneous process s, depending solely on your luck. In sales, 80% depends on how professionally You can build a dialogue with the client, what tools You use how you deal with customer objections. Once you master the necessary technologies, you will be able to sell significantly more.

In this and subsequent articles I will tell you about standard (classical) sales models, and also about nuances application of various methods and technologies in the banking sector. We'll sort out most errors, which 90% of managers admit when communicating with clients. As a result, all this will allow you increase sales at your bank office and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments to customer service procedures.

Well, are you ready? Then let's take a look classic 5-step sales model.

We will consider the 5-step model, although there are modifications of this model with a different number of steps (5, 6, 7 sales stages).

The idea of ​​this approach is that the sales process can be represented as follows: stairs:

Climbing these stairs step by step, with each step you become closer and closer to your goal - for sale. When working according to this algorithm, it is important to follow all stages, move sequentially, and not suddenly jump from one step to another.

As you can see, each stage has your goal:

1.Making contact — to win over the client, create a friendly atmosphere, “favorable” soil for subsequent sales.

2. Identifying needs — it is important for the manager to understand which product will most fully satisfy the client’s needs, to find out the important and most significant points for the client.

3. Product presentation — talk about the product that is most suitable for the client in a clear language, make the client want to use the banking product or service

4. Work with objections — dispel all doubts and give reasoned answers to the client’s objections

5. Completing the deal — kindly say goodbye to the client, thank you for your cooperation and invite you to come again.

Your task, as a manager and negotiator, is, first of all, to make sure that the goal of the current stage has been achieved, and only after that move to the next level.

I often encounter this situation: a client comes to the office, the manager asks how he can help the client.

Manager: " Hello, Ivan Ivanovich, how can I help you?»

Client: “I would like to open a deposit”

Manager: “Excellent, Ivan Ivanovich. We have deposits in the bank with replenishment, some with withdrawal of part of the deposit, some with an increased interest rate, for example, for 1 year the rate will be 11% per annum, although there is no capitalization, but a plastic card is issued as a gift. What kind of contribution will we make?”

and this can go on for a long time...


QUESTION: Colleague, how do you evaluate the manager’s behavior? What moment do you think was missed? What did the bank manager do wrong?

It is very interesting to hear your opinion on this situation. And I will voice my opinion in the next article! Remember that I regularly give pleasant gifts to all active subscribers :)

In addition, in the following articles we will dwell in detail on each stage of sales, analyze the main points, typical mistakes and “little tricks” that allow you to increase the efficiency of working with clients.

Sell ​​beautifully and easily!

Sincerely, Oleg Shevelev ( be friends on VK , instagram)

useful links

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