How is the cost of living determined? What is a living wage

The cost of living in Moscow will rise to almost 12 thousand rubles from January 1, 2018 for pensioners. The corresponding resolution of the capital's government was adopted at a meeting of the Moscow City Duma in the fall of this year. It is expected that the pensioner’s monthly income in Moscow will be 11,816 rubles.

Living wage and benefits for pensioners in Moscow

In the second quarter of 2017, the cost of living in Moscow increased to 16,426 rubles. This was officially announced in September with reference to a government decree signed by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. According to the document, compared to the first quarter of this year, the monthly average in the capital increased by 6.1%, or by 949 rubles in monetary equivalent.

Comparative table of the established living wage in Moscow:

According to government data, 42,370 people live in Moscow (data as of August 2017), who are entitled to a social supplement up to the subsistence level in the region. Along with the increase in the monthly salary, pensions will also be increased. It is expected that next year the average size will be 14,329 rubles, and by 2020 – 15.5 thousand rubles.

  • medical devices and prescription drugs; specialized medicinal food products for disabled children;
  • provision of vouchers to health and sanatorium-resort institutions for the prevention of major diseases;
  • provision of free travel on suburban railway transport, compensation for travel to the place of treatment and back (on intercity transport).

These benefits are provided in the form of cash payments.

Increasing the minimum wage

A document was also prepared to increase the minimum wage. The author of the bill was the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. The minimum wage is expected to be 9,489 rubles.

The adoption of the bill will partially reduce tensions with citizens working for low pay, experts say. At the same time, they express their concerns, including the transition to “gray” employment and a possible rise in prices in the country.

Important! According to the Russian Government, in 2016 there were about 12.1 million people in the country classified as “working poor.” As a percentage – 16.8% of the total working-age population.

The term “poor working Russians” was used by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, saying that such a phenomenon was observed in the country. The official noted that in order to solve the problem, the authorities, together with business representatives, need to pay attention to those enterprises where wages are below the established subsistence level. She is supported by Maxim Sokolov, who holds the position of associate professor at the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov: “ The increase in the minimum wage from January 1, 2018 to 85% of the subsistence level, and from January 1, 2019 to 100%, is a serious step towards solving this problem».

The subsistence level differs from the minimum wage in that the former is calculated for all categories of the population, while the minimum wage is calculated only for able-bodied citizens. This approach neutralizes the situation in which a family of several people provides monthly maintenance expenses for a child and dependent non-working pensioners. Some experts express the opinion that this trend can be corrected by increasing wages in the public sector, specifically for that category of workers whose wages are below the subsistence level.

If a person lives in Moscow, then before applying for benefits, you should be fully aware that there is such a thing as a living wage for children in Moscow, because the amount for the Moscow region will be different. Of course, any adult wants to receive decent payments, since the amount can be set differently. Knowing the cost of living is necessary not only if you want to apply for alimony, but also when applying for disability.

Who can apply for benefits?

It is worth noting that the cost of living in Moscow per child may depend on a variety of factors:

  1. These are additional payments for the birth of a child in a young family.
  2. Certain payments as compensation if the child is adopted.
  3. Payments calculated per child, which are made monthly.
  4. Cash assistance for mothers raising children alone.
  5. Financial assistance to certain categories of citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation with a child in their arms.
  6. Low-income students can also receive a social scholarship.

These are not all the reasons why you may need knowledge about the cost of living in Moscow.

What are social payments of this kind in Moscow?

The cost of living throughout Russia has different sizes and is calculated quarterly. Municipal authorities make calculations based on who such payments are intended for. Once the cost of living is established, it is printed in official documents. All citizens can familiarize themselves with this document. To date, the cost of living for a child in Moscow in 2017 increased by 6%.

What is the minimum requirement to live in the capital?

Moscow cannot be compared with other regions of Russia; here the cost of living will be slightly higher. Today the figures reach 14,000 rubles, but we can say that these figures are slightly lower than in Magadan and Chukotka. In the near future, these same indicators are going to increase by 10%, which means that the cost of living will be 15,000 rubles.

In 2017, the government tried its best to raise these payments by making various allowances. The indicator is calculated taking into account all the needs of the child, for example, it includes the average cost of food, school supplies that the child may need if he is a student, the cost of clothes and shoes, as well as necessary medications. In this regard, the cost of living per child in the city of Moscow is not so low.

How is the minimum value calculated?

The amount that will be paid monthly is determined based on the price of food, travel and other necessary services and things for the child. If a pension is calculated for a disabled child, the indicator may fluctuate depending on the group that was established during a special medical commission. It is worth noting that toys that can even be classified as non-essential items are not taken into account, therefore such things are not taken into account when calculating the minimum for life. The cost of living for children in Moscow is calculated by local authorities, but the law is the same throughout Russia.

The legislation contains Federal Law No. 134, according to which the following points are taken into account in calculations:

  1. The standard of living in the region or city is taken into account.
  2. The amount of the benefit depends on who exactly it is paid to, it can be a disabled child, vulnerable citizens, and children who are low-income and have not reached the age of eighteen.

Each year has its own budget. At the same time, they try as much as possible to take into account all citizens who should receive payments. The cost of living per child in Moscow cannot be less than it was established by law.

What influences the increase in payments?

To accurately formulate a living wage for any small citizen of the country, the government may take into account additional factors:

  1. Economic.
  2. Ecological.
  3. Social.

Taking into account all these indicators, you can calculate the living wage, and it should be such as to fully provide the child with everything necessary.

The indicator for a child should be increased, because special fortified food products are required for its growth and development, and the fact that a child needs more clothing than an adult is also taken into account.

Who calculates the cost of living?

The cost of living for a minor child in Moscow is calculated based on the results of the past year. This indicator is established not only throughout Russia, but can also be regulated separately for some regions. All documents are developed in accordance with the law, and only competent authorities deal with all calculations. For this purpose, special commissions can be created, just such a commission exists in Moscow.

What are the deadlines?

The fact is that it is almost impossible to establish a living wage for children in Moscow on a permanent basis, since prices for food and essential clothing tend to rise, so it is very difficult to survive on the payments provided by the state.

If suddenly the fluctuations turn out to be strong, then the cost of living is adjusted, but taking into account the increase in prices. The government calculates the cost of living not from minimum prices, but from average prices. Once every five years, the commission reviews essential goods that a child may need, according to which changes can be made to the consumer basket, which falls on one person. And the cost of the set itself is directly indexed once every twelve months.

The commission is obliged to analyze market prices quarterly and compare them with the cost of products. Depending on the results, the cost of living per child may increase or decrease, which is extremely rare.

Living wage and alimony

The minimum cost of living for a child in Moscow is also taken into account when calculating alimony. Most often this happens in the following cases:

  1. If the person who acts as the payer is unemployed at the time of accrual.
  2. If the payer receives wages not in rubles, but in any other currency.
  3. If the common child was declared incompetent after he became an adult.
  4. When a wife is pregnant with a second child, but is divorced from her husband and is already raising a child from her first marriage.

In cases where the spouse refuses to pay child support, the cost of living in Moscow is more than the amount he pays, the woman has every right to sue him. In court, the man’s salary will be taken into account, and 25% may be withheld from it. The law indicates that even if the parents are divorced, the child himself must be supported by both parties. In order not to bring the matter to court, parents can enter into a special agreement, where it will be written that the father undertakes to make monthly payments to his child.

State assistance to the poor

It should be noted that the state is trying to cover almost all categories of children, so children who are left without a father, that is, have lost their breadwinner, can count on additional payments. In this case, social assistance is also assigned in the amount of the subsistence minimum. As for orphans, a separate law has been developed for them, according to which they will also be provided with additional auxiliary payments. It should be remembered that no payments can be lower than the subsistence level.

How did the cost of living change in the capital in 2017?

At the beginning of 2017, the following indicators were announced:

  1. The government has calculated that for disabled children living in two-parent families, the cost of living will increase by almost 3%.
  2. The cost of living was measured quarterly, the basket of necessary things for a child was compared, and according to this it was concluded that the amount paid for children is quite enough to provide for the child at an average level.
  3. The Prime Minister himself controlled the rise in prices for food and other consumer goods that are necessary to provide for a child, which made it possible to reduce citizens' expenses, but at the same time the cost of living did not decrease.

After analyzing last year, this year the government proposed making new changes that should improve the lives of the youngest citizens in the country and in Moscow as well.

Promotion plans for 2018

This year, the cost of living for children in Moscow may increase by no more than 4%, taking into account all indicators that may be related to inflation. It should be noted that the situation in Moscow is not as dire as in other regions of Russia, for example, in some places the cost of living is only 8,000 rubles. In fact, experts do not recommend relying heavily on payments, since too much increase is not expected this year, but the government is working hard in this direction and, perhaps, next year the situation will change for the better. The cost of living in the state can only increase by the percentage by which inflation will grow, and no more. In 2018, the cost of living per child in Moscow will not increase significantly, since this year the President of the Russian Federation paid special attention to the demographic situation in the state, so the bulk of the funds will be spent on the implementation of this idea.

To sum up, we can say that the cost of living in Russia, including in Moscow itself, compared to other countries, remains very low. If we take America for comparison, the amount of payments is determined by the amount of $400, and the basic necessities basket per child has twice as many different items. But there is no need to despair, since the current government is striving to increase this figure, and is also doing everything possible to achieve this. Of course, to increase your performance, you will have to work hard. It will be possible to reach the level of America only if the cost of living is almost doubled. Perhaps in 2019 the state will have enough funds to increase payments by at least half, especially since there are already certain positive prerequisites for this.

In order to measure the standard of living of the population of any country, various indicators are used. One of these indicators is the cost of living in Russia. Material issues occupy an important place in modern life. After all, without most of the goods that can be purchased with money, a significant number of Russians cannot even imagine their lives. What does the cost of living in Russia in 2017 consist of and what does it affect?

Features and amount of the living wage

According to Russian legislation, the cost of living varies for different regions. It is accepted quarterly in every region of the Russian Federation. It is not surprising that Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Far East are leaders in minimum standards. The lowest rates are in the Non-Black Earth Region and the North Caucasus.

What does the living wage include and how is it determined? The physiological and social components are taken as a basis. Physiological – on average it accounts for 90% of the total figure. It includes a consumer basket and everything necessary for the normal functioning of a person. The rest is the satisfaction of minimal spiritual needs.

So, what is the cost of living today? The average cost of living is as follows:

  • Per capita – 10,329 rubles.
  • For the working population – 11,163 rubles.
  • For pensioners – 8506 rubles.
  • For children – 10,160 rubles.

Prices are rising rapidly, and frequent revisions of the PM should help increase it to cover inflation. But in practice this practically never happens.

The cost of living also affects social benefits and pensions. Therefore, the government, by increasing it, contributes to an additional burden on the budget. Many experts argue that indicators are deliberately underestimated so as not only not to overload the budget, but also to save a little.

The law prohibits employers from paying their employees less than the established minimum. But, as practice shows, about 20% of the population continues to work for lower wages. Therefore, what is the current living wage does not always help in obtaining a decent salary.

What is the current living wage and is it enough to meet basic human needs? The law states that everything that helps a citizen live a full life should be included in the consumer basket. These are not only food products, but also non-food products.

So, the composition of the consumer basket:

  • Bread, bakery products, cereals - a little more than 120 kg.
  • Potatoes – 1 kg.
  • Fruits – 60 kg.
  • Vegetables – a little more than 100 kg.
  • Meat – 58 kg.
  • Fish - almost 20 kg.
  • Eggs – a little more than 200 pcs.
  • Milk – almost 300 l.
  • Sugar and fats.

This is the food part. Non-food items include clothing, shoes, medicines, expenses for transport, utilities and cultural entertainment. But the vast expanses of Russia are vast and the needs of people in different regions differ. Therefore, it so happened that each region itself calculates the PM in its territories. This needs to be taken very seriously, since the cost of living is calculated, which can affect a large number of people. This indicator applies to the working population, pensioners and children.

There is a crisis in the country now, so citizens are closely monitoring what the cost of living is in Russia and whether an increase is expected. Independent experts in the field of economics claim that the PM figures are underestimated by no less than 2 times.

Living wage for pensioners

Every Russian who is on a well-deserved retirement is interested in what the cost of living is in Russia in 2017. After all, their pension cannot be less than this figure. If for some reason it is still lower, the state or local authorities pay the difference. If the actual pension is less than the national minimum, then this is the responsibility of the state. And if it is lower than local, then the payment will be made from the federal budget. The size of the monthly pension for pensioners is calculated once a quarter. And just like the national one, the amount of the cost of living for 2017 per year per pensioner may change in different regions. What is equal to:

  • Kamchatka is the leader, here the cost of living for a pensioner for one month is 14,500 rubles.
  • Moscow is not too far behind – 11,428 rubles.
  • Bryansk region – 9223 rubles.
  • But in the Voronezh region, many pensioners have to survive on 8,000 rubles.
  • Mordovia is even less - 7985 rubles.

Just like the national one, the PM for pensioners is based on the consumer basket. Vegetables, cereals, meat, fish, milk and others. As well as non-food items such as clothing, shoes, medicines, utility bills, etc.

The main points of the living wage for a family

How to calculate the cost of living for a family and why is it needed? Everything is simple if the total family income is less than the total subsistence level for the family (for the calculation, plus the minimum wage established for each family member).

This greatly helps families with only one breadwinner. Or when there are many children or there is a person with a disability. It is clear that we are not talking about quality nutrition and education, but if this is a temporary measure, then it is difficult not to notice its benefits.

Low-income families not only receive financial support, they are assigned low-income status. And this provides a number of preferences.

Based on the fact that the current year has passed quite quietly, without any special reforms or innovations, the minimum cost of living in Russia is unlikely to change much.

To submit documents, you should contact the social security service to fill out an application. It needs to provide information:

  • About the number of family members.
  • Name, age and status of each of them.
  • Income of all family members.
  • Movable and immovable property owned by the family.

The data used to calculate the basket is long outdated and requires revision. But the government stubbornly ignores this problem.

Living wage for a child

Many parents bend over backwards to provide a decent future for their children. But the level of wages leaves much to be desired, and life sometimes brings unexpected and not always pleasant surprises.

The current minimum subsistence level for a child allows him to buy only the essentials. Those children who are forced to start earning their bread at the age of 14 can count on a little more than ten thousand rubles from next year. Employers most often ignore this point and flagrantly violate the law. The living wage for children is a very important indicator, because it allows them to raise a worthy future for the country.

PM for children by region:

  • Kamchatka – 18,667 rubles.
  • Yakutia – 15043 rubles.
  • Astrakhan and region – 8476 rubles.
  • Belgorod region – 7564 rubles.

The state does not leave children unattended and helps all families who need financial support. Children from low-income families have the right to:

  • preferential tuition (this also applies to universities);
  • food in schools and kindergartens;
  • free pass.

Unanswered problems

Cost of living prices are high and do not stop rising. But the cost of living is not encouraging. You don't have to be an expert or analyst in economics to do the math. Over the past 2 years, inflation has been no less than 12%, but the increase in the PM over these years has been only 5.5%. Continuing the analysis, every Russian will understand that this year a greater increase in the indicator is not expected.

A certain abyss is being created, which is growing every year. What is the current cost of living per person and what will the increase be? Will saving for the poor bring big revenues to the treasury? These games of officials are quite tired of those who live from paycheck to paycheck and are looking forward to a promotion.

The good news was the mandatory increase in the minimum wage to the minimum wage. What will it give? The number of social benefits will decrease, and wages will increase. Whether employers will follow these standards remains to be seen.

The size of the minimum and maximum pension in Russia

The average cost of living is a value that has a conditional value, which is necessary in order to calculate the minimum budget expected to maintain a normal standard of living of the population. This indicator is calculated in each country separately and is based on the daily needs of a person. Taken together, the money spent on support forms the minimum amount that must be paid to citizens. What is the average cost of living in Russia?

What is a living wage?

The cost of living per capita is a unit that determines the standard of living in the state as a whole. To exist normally, you need a certain amount of food and non-food products. Their total price gives this indicator.

The indicator is quite important for organizing the country’s social policy. In the Russian Federation, all the subtleties of the process of calculating and distributing the living wage are enshrined in a regulatory legal act dating back to 1997. This is Law No. 134, which is called “On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation.” The content of the law is to fix the amount of money that should cover all priority expenses of citizens.

Why is this indicator needed?

The cost of living and the cost of the consumer basket are calculated by government agencies not only for analyzing statistics. This data is included in the implementation of the following indicators:

  • assessment of the quality and standard of living of Russian citizens in certain regions;
  • establishing wages and social benefits for residents;
  • forecast and formation of the country's budget;
  • grounds for the development of social programs and projects to help the population.

The last point is to identify certain layers and categories of the population that require additional support from government authorities in the form of financial assistance. The latter has several types, depending on the purpose and purpose. These may be benefits, subsidies and allowances.

After the cost of living has been calculated, the population can assess its security. Depending on what value the state sets for this indicator, people can determine the possibility of participating in social programs. Knowing his rights, a person really deserves financial support. And now you just need to decide which services and structures to contact.

What is a consumer basket?

What is the cost of living per person in the Russian Federation? The calculation of this concept is impossible without one more term - the consumer basket. It is its price that forms the basis for establishing this indicator. The consumer basket is formed from a certain set of goods, which, in turn, is officially established by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. This list was last updated on January 29, 2013. The next time the procedure will be carried out in 2018.

After numerous discussions, Decree No. 56 was issued, which defined the existing integral elements of human life. These include a list of the most necessary food and non-food products. A special place is given to the service sector. The state also took into account the fact that every citizen must make certain contributions to the budget and pay taxes. The basket may have a different value for each person. This is determined by the socio-demographic group to which the citizen belongs.

What is included in the food basket?

The cost of living in 2016 is largely determined by the set of food products. A normal diet is the key to human health, that is, the nation as a whole. The state believes that a person needs to eat the following foods:

  • grain products (flour, pasta and bakery products, cereals and legumes);
  • vegetable crops (among them a special place is given to potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage);
  • fruits;
  • confectionery;
  • protein products (meats of various origins, fish, milk, fermented milk products, eggs);
  • sunflower and butter;
  • flavoring goods (such as tea and spices).

What does the non-food part of the consumer basket mean?

Of course, the cost of living in 2016 could not do without manufactured goods. This part of the consumer basket is mostly occupied by textile goods. The first category is clothing. Every resident of Russia should be provided with warm clothes, light summer clothes, as well as hosiery and haberdashery. The cost of shoes is also included in the basket. Separately, office supplies and household goods are distinguished. Citizens are provided with personal hygiene products. It is impossible to imagine the non-food category without medicines.

What service offerings does the shopping cart pay for?

Certain categories of the service sector also pay a living wage. The family is allocated payment for entertainment and cultural events, as well as travel for all types of transport. This part of the consumer basket also takes into account the payment of utility services by citizens of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that a person uses a complete list consisting of rent, heating, electricity, gas, water (cold and hot) and sewerage.

That is, these elements should be present in the daily routine of all people. The cost of the consumer basket varies depending on who it is intended for - children, citizens of working age or the elderly.

How is this indicator calculated?

The average cost of living is calculated in several stages:

  1. Determining the volume of consumed goods, drawing up a consumer basket.
  2. Calculation of the share that a person needs for one calendar month.
  3. Multiplying the number obtained at the previous stage by the average cost of this product.
  4. Data summarization.

From this consistent line it is clear that predicting this value will not give accurate results. Therefore, for a more careful and accurate calculation, such a number is displayed once every three months.

In addition to the valuation of the consumer basket, current inflation rates, the price level in the country, as well as the amount of tax fees and contributions to the state budget are taken as the basis for determining the average cost of living.

Who is responsible for establishing this indicator?

Due to the difficulties in the geographical location of the Russian Federation, the cost of living is established separately for regions. This value varies, although not significantly. After all, every corner of such a large state has completely different needs. Several groups of factors contribute to the calculation. These include:

  • climate zone;
  • environmental situation of the region;
  • price lines.

To more accurately formulate the subsistence level, in each part of Russia there is a commission that carries out calculations. Since this indicator is revised once every five years, representatives of various services are convened exactly at this time. These include people providing data from the Ministry of Labor, social security services and statistical organizations.

After collecting the necessary information, the work of the commission is aimed at analyzing and counting it. It is these people who determine those important factors in a person’s life, without which he will not be able to maintain a normal standard of living. That is, a person must eat normally, not get sick, be protected and develop.

At the end of the work, the commission must highlight three numbers that characterize the cost of the consumer basket for three socio-demographic groups. When each region has calculated its values, the average cost of living is formed throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. This number is only a general economic guideline, which may decrease or increase from quarter to quarter. This mainly depends on the availability of seasonal products and events occurring throughout the year.

How to calculate your own cost of living?

To understand whether it is worth contacting social protection organizations and whether to count on financial support from the state, you need to know how to independently determine the cost of living. This will help determine the level of income in the family and understand which socio-demographic category you can classify yourself into.

To do this, you must first divide your family into three categories. The first will include children, the second - able-bodied people, and the third - elderly family members. Afterwards, in each category you need to sum up the total, that is, the number of people in each group. The next step is to multiply each value obtained at the previous stage by the subsistence level of the region of residence. These indicators are presented separately for residents of Moscow and the Northern capital - St. Petersburg.

The average cost of living in Moscow is higher than in other regions of Russia and amounts to 15,092 rubles. This number is a generalized indicator of this value for working-age residents (17,219), children (12,989) and pensioners (10,715).

The average cost of living in St. Petersburg is 10,526 rubles. It combines the value of the indicator for able-bodied Leningrad residents (11,568), children (10,144) and elderly residents (8,419).

Representatives from three categories at the same time are not always part of the family. If someone is not included as a member of a social unit, then she is simply omitted from the calculations. The formula for determining the total budget consists of the sum of the income of the entire family divided by the number of people. If this value is lower than the per capita subsistence level established by local authorities, then this gives the right to receive the status of a low-income family.

What is the assistance from the state?

In the event that individual family members do not have the opportunity to find a job or their financial condition does not reach a certain level established by the state, these people have the right to receive benefits. Additional payment up to the cost of living may vary.

Special services, based on the documents provided, which are confirmed by certificates of income of the husband, wife, children, disabled and incapacitated members, render their verdict. The following types of financial payments are calculated:

  • scholarship;
  • pension;
  • benefits;
  • compensation;
  • tuition assistance;
  • all types of rewards;
  • unemployment benefits;
  • alimony;
  • income from rental housing;
  • payments for harm caused to health by the enterprise;
  • wage;
  • profit received from the sale of housing and real estate.

To apply for the status of a low-income family, you must attend an appointment with the relevant authorities who are competent to carry out this procedure. This is primarily done by the Labor and Social Protection Service.

Persons of retirement age, disabled citizens, low-income or large families, unemployed people, and students are eligible for priority receipt of additional payments. Able-bodied residents of Russia can count on financial assistance only under certain conditions.

In order to monitor compliance with your own rights and prevent their violation, you need to take insurance and carry out calculations yourself.

Elderly people most often have no other sources of income other than pensions. But, for example, a one-time payment by the state is not taken into account in the calculation. The calculation itself is carried out depending not on the region of actual residence, but on registration.

The process for issuing additional payments to the working-age population is standard. However, the state is not always obliged to do this. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is necessary to carefully study the legislative framework.

For disabled people, a special feature of the procedure is a set of specific documents, including medical certificates, opinions of various specialists, medical history, and so on.

Not everyone, but only certain groups of citizens fall under the category of unemployed. For example, these are women on maternity leave who previously worked at liquidated enterprises. Persons registered with the labor exchange are also officially considered unemployed.

Only those students who study full-time are entitled to receive additional payments. The entire registration procedure goes through the dean's office.

Some people are mistaken when they believe that the cost of living is a monetary value that exists only in our country. In fact, living wage- this is the minimum level of income that is required to maintain a certain standard of living in the state.

The standard of living is made up of the needs that we experience every day. It is easier to divide them into food and non-food needs. TO food refers to the minimum food set necessary to ensure and maintain human life, to non-food- goods and services that do not include food, but are also an integral part of human life. These include, for example, clothing, hygiene items, as well as mandatory government payments and fees.

The cost of living in the Russian Federation


September 8, 2016
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a bill, according to which new living wages came into force: 9956 rubles(per capita), 10,722 rubles (for the working population), 8,163 rubles (for pensioners), 9,861 rubles (for children).
PeriodPer capitaAble-bodied citizensPensionersChildrenNormative act
II quarter 2016 9956 10722 8163 9861 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 6, 2016 No. 882
I quarter 20169776 10524 8025 9677 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/09/2016 No. 511
IV quarter 20159452 10187 7781 9197 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2016 No. 178
III quarter 20159673 10436 7951 9396 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2015 No. 1291
II quarter 201510 017 10 792 8210 9806 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2015 No. 902
I quarter 20159662 10 404 7916 9489 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2015 No. 545

The subsistence minimum is essentially intended to justify the value and is equated to the value of the consumer basket.

Consumer basket 2016

At its core, the subsistence minimum is the minimum cost of the so-called “consumer basket,” which includes food and non-food products.

Which ones are determined by the evaluation commission. Suppose, if you think that visiting a SPA salon is a necessary procedure for carrying out your life activities in the state, believe me, these visits will not be included in the consumer basket in any case. It brings together exclusively those goods and services, the absence of which could affect the health of citizens.

Roughly speaking, in order for a person not to get sick and die, he needs this, this and that. At the same time, even the moral and cultural needs of a person are taken into account. For example, the basket contains an entry to a cinema or some exhibition. True, you will have to visit such establishments once a month if you set a goal to fit your budget into the living wage determined by the state.

Like the cost of living, the consumer basket varies depending on the category of citizens: the working population, pensioners and children. According to our state, pensioners eat the least. It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, but the cost of the consumer basket for them is always calculated lower than for the other two categories of citizens.

From this table it is easy to calculate that, for example, panties alone should last you about 4 months, and fish and other seafood products on your table should be 50 grams per day. These calculations were made for the working population (i.e., for a full-fledged working man), for children and pensioners, of course, these figures will be lower.

How to live?

Is it possible to live on a subsistence level by eating exclusively the products offered by the consumer basket? We offer you a very interesting experiment showing the peculiarities of life on the means of the consumer basket. How hard or easy it is - everyone will evaluate for themselves individually.

Living wage for a pensioner

Pensioners in our country, according to those who compiled the consumer basket for them, consume the least. Therefore, in absolutely every region, the cost of living will be lower than that of children or the working population. On the one hand, there is a rational grain in this, on the other hand, the pensioner is deprived of any income other than a pension, which in turn will directly depend on the cost of living.

In other words, the pension cannot be lower than the pensioner’s subsistence minimum, but the size of this pension is determined by the subsistence minimum.

That is, the amount of bread, fish and butter that a pensioner is allotted per month will entirely depend on the consumer basket, because the accrued pension is generally identical to the subsistence minimum.

The size of the living wage for a pensioner in the Russian Federation as a whole and by region.

Living wage per child

A separate column highlights the cost of living required to support a child. However, there is no proper division by age. It is assumed that for children of primary preschool age and for teenagers, the parent must meet the minimum amount determined by the state. It is assumed that the cost of diapers at a young age balances the cost of trousers for a school child, and vice versa.

The cost of living for a child in the Russian Federation as a whole and by region.

Table of living wages by regions of Russia

In each region of Russia, the cost of living has its own personal meaning. This is due to the income of the population, as well as the cost of the food basket that differs in each region. The values ​​in the table are given in rubles.

Note: The table below shows the values ​​of the cost of living in the Russian Federation for the second quarter of 2016, the information is current as of September 2016. You can also download an XLS file with data for previous periods.

Download data on the cost of living for the second quarter of 2016, the first quarter of 2016, the fourth quarter of 2015, the third quarter of 2015 in a single file xls

Table of values ​​for the second quarter of 2016. All amounts are in rubles.

Subject of the federation Per capita Able-bodied citizens Pensioners Children
Federal cities
1 Moscow 15382 17561 10883 13259
2 Saint Petersburg 10356,5 11375,7 8294,2 9986,2
3 Sevastopol 9809 10503 8056 10375
4 Adygea 8722 9302 7142 8866
5 Altai 9634 10019 8033 9832
6 Bashkortostan 8839 9363 7167 9018
7 Buryatia 9628 (Q1) 10005 (Q1) 7607 (Q1) 10074 (Q1)
8 Dagestan 9145 9425 7220 9250
9 Ingushetia 9041 9309 7123 9145
10 Kabardino-Balkaria 11266 11596 8650 12560
11 Kalmykia 8522 8907 6835 8651
12 Karachay-Cherkessia 8823 9305 7072 9030
13 Karelia 12985 14064 10958 12334
14 Komi 12128 12914 9827 12336
15 Crimea 9794 10456 8033 10405
16 Mari El 8996 9576 7342 9266
17 Mordovia 7985 8555 6557 8218
18 Sakha (Yakutia) 16095 16974 12880 16704
19 North Ossetia Alania 8942 9501 7161 9115
20 Tatarstan 8141 8686 6656 8097
21 Tyva (Tuva) 10193 10510 8036 10656
22 Udmurtia 8510 9017 6926 8560
23 Khakassia 9233 9727 7398 9776
24 Chechnya 8926 (Q1) 9700 (Q1) 8701 (Q1) 7717 (Q1)
25 Chuvashia 8434 8922 6873 8596
The edges
26 Altai region 8956 9572 7275 9011
27 Transbaikal region 10775,98 11259 8572,88 11140,87
28 Kamchatka Krai 19192 19965 15239 20641
29 Krasnodar region 9958 10764 8219 9603
30 Krasnoyarsk region 11111 11746 8641 11708
31 Perm region 9594 10251 7857 9754
32 Primorsky Krai 12767 13459 10226 13860
33 Stavropol region 8407 8916 6810 8742
34 Khabarovsk region 13174 14010 10664 13674
35 Amur region 11852 (Q1) 12487 (Q1) 9471 (Q1) 12505 (Q1)
36 Arhangelsk region 13346 14319 11118 12877
37 Astrakhan region 8987 9414 7220 9783
38 Belgorod region 8221 8826 6822 8150
39 Bryansk region 9223 9889 7659 9068
40 Vladimir region 9398 10183 7856 9495
41 Volgograd region 9216 (Q1) 9898 (Q1) 7477 (Q1) 9331 (Q1)
42 Vologda Region 10506 11337 8642 10382
43 Voronezh region 8317 8990 6938 8277
44 Ivanovo region 9650 10429 8026 9697
45 Irkutsk region 10146 10753 8171 10370
46 Kaliningrad region 10223 10965
8382 9914
47 Kaluga region 9429 10124 7842 9345
48 Kemerovo region 9032 9545 7267 9516
49 Kirov region 9276 9943 7598 9318
50 Kostroma region 9345 10112 7780 9262
51 Kurgan region 9333 9962 7707 9841
52 Kursk region 8456 9060 7015 8562
53 Leningrad region 9068 9624 7901 8877
54 Lipetsk region 8523 9144 7092 8721
55 Magadan Region 18575 19455 14576 19716
56 Moscow region 10916 (Q1) 12082 (Q1) 8178 (Q1) 10697 (Q1)
57 Murmansk region 13731 14281 11439 14223
58 Nizhny Novgorod Region 8891 9531 7329 9204
59 Novgorod region 9936 10778 8223 9909
60 Novosibirsk region 10614 11281 8516 10995
61 Omsk region 8787 9294 7071 9065
62 Orenburg region 8467 8942 6920 8750
63 Oryol Region 8967 9604 7435 9035
64 Penza region 8522 9151 7003 8960
65 Pskov region 10648 11550 8786 10481
66 Rostov region 9734 10337 7869 10281
67 Ryazan Oblast 8930 9647 7424 8905
68 Samara Region 9810 10755 7751 9785
69 Saratov region 8384 8983 6886 8672
70 Sakhalin region 13938 14650 11037 14773
71 Sverdlovsk region 9675 10309 7976 9964
72 Smolensk region 10599 11392 8696 10541
73 Tambov Region 8403 9096 7031 8385
74 Tver region 9747.25 (Q1) 10468.37 (Q1) 8052.75 (Q1) 10215.7 (Q1)
75 Tomsk region 10753 (Q1) 11303 (Q1) 8588 (Q1) 11203 (Q1)
76 Tula region 9212 9854 7926 9113
77 Tyumen region 10285 10803 8229 10630
78 Ulyanovsk region 9029 9678 7403 9285
79 Chelyabinsk region 9538 10184 7857 9881
80 Yaroslavl region 9095 10078 7454 9354
Autonomous region
81 Jewish Autonomous Region 12794,50 13509,19 10224,53 13482,66
Autonomous okrugs
82 Nenets Autonomous Okrug 19493 20270 15821 21076
83 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra 15072 15652 11855 14514
84 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 18576 19032 14325 19387
85 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 15993 16567 12519 15763