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The first results of an experiment within the framework of a savings-mortgage system for providing housing for military personnel have been published: 218 participants in the experiment (according to the terms of the mortgage, these are young officers) purchased apartments. This was stated by the head of the Federal Directorate of the Savings and Mortgage Housing System for Military Personnel (FU NIS) of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Alexander Rylsky.

The geography of purchases is from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk. A third of military personnel purchased apartments not at their place of service, but in other cities, because an officer can be a participant in a military mortgage, regardless of whether he needs housing or not. Moreover, even a lieutenant who has a mortgaged apartment is not excluded from the list of those in need of official housing. However, based on the amount of funds allocated, the participants in the experiment were forced to purchase cheaper housing on the secondary market. Of the 218 apartments, only 14 were purchased initially.

The law on the savings-mortgage system for the purchase of housing by military personnel came into force on January 1, 2005. Its essence is this: the state transfers funds to the personal account of the military mortgage participant, which are either accumulated there and used by the serviceman to purchase an apartment at a convenient time for him, or are used to pay off a mortgage loan for which housing has already been purchased.

At the same time, only military personnel who have entered into a contract with the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies for service no earlier than January 2005 can be mortgage participants. In other words, now these are lieutenants and senior lieutenants.

Since the beginning of 2005, the Ministry of Defense began transferring military personnel funds allocated from the budget to trust management of companies that won the tender, and prepared by-laws. And in February of this year, an experiment was launched that is designed to identify the weaknesses of the law.

The Ministry of Defense assesses the first results of the experiment as generally positive. However, during the six months that the experiment lasted, many “blank spots” in the current legislation were revealed. A meeting held in the military department was devoted to correcting the errors. Amendments to the legislation proposed by its participants are expected to expand the rights of military personnel to use mortgage funds, namely, to allow them to be invested in housing already at the construction stage, which will reduce the price of a future apartment.

In addition, management companies operating in the mortgage market, in order to obtain higher income, must receive the right to invest mortgage funds in a larger number of financial instruments, for example, as proposed by the Federal Service for Financial Markets, in shares. (Management companies have already received income in the amount of 134 million rubles, which is distributed among the accounts of military personnel.)

It was also decided to expand the list of categories of military personnel participating in mortgages. We are talking primarily about servicemen of the FSB and SVR. These are, as a rule, graduates of civilian educational institutions who received their first military rank upon entering service in their “special organizations.” The list also includes contract soldiers, graduates of junior officer training courses and those who receive their primary officer rank while still studying (for example, students of the FSB Academy, Military Medical Academy).

When using savings, preferential calculation of service life will now be taken into account for pilots, submariners, and military personnel who have passed through hot spots. Usually they become eligible for a pension without even having 20 years of service. According to the current law, military personnel in this category, leaving so early, had to repay the loan themselves for the remaining years before a “normal” pension. Just like those who retired from the Armed Forces due to illness. Now these people will become full participants in the military mortgage.

Another proposed innovation will affect the procedure for processing mortgage documents: real estate services, loan processing, services of an appraisal organization, and an insurance company when registering an apartment will be paid for by a serviceman not from personal funds, but from a targeted housing loan.

The President instructed to amend the law on the savings-mortgage system for purchasing housing for military personnel at the autumn session of the State Duma. The bill has already been agreed upon with all law enforcement agencies and is in the Ministry of Justice. It should be submitted to the government soon.

However, not everyone is happy with the savings-mortgage system for the military. Senior officers come to General Rylsky and say: we have served for decades, we don’t have an apartment, but yesterday’s graduate of a military school already owns his own square meters, which he can even rent out. Indeed, it turns out that today a lieutenant who bought housing with a military mortgage may well rent out his apartment, including, for example, to a colonel without an apartment.

Today, more than 47 thousand military personnel participate in the savings-mortgage system (NIS). About 4 billion rubles are recorded in their personal accounts. In the budget for 2008-2010, 34.2 billion rubles were allocated to finance the NIS. The amount of the savings contribution of one participant for this year is 82.2 thousand rubles. (based on the cost per square meter of 26.1 thousand rubles), for 2008 - 89.9 thousand rubles. (28.3 thousand rubles per meter), for 2009 - 96.3 thousand rubles. (30.3 thousand rubles per meter), in 2010 - 102.8 thousand rubles. (32.4 thousand rubles per meter). These contributions do not take into account geography. The conditions for the allocation of funds are the same for all military personnel, regardless of the different costs of housing by region.

Comments on the article

2016-01-28 10:11:05
Please tell me I have 2 years of conscript service in the army and have been serving for 13 years under a contract; it’s going on for about a year and a half. I took out a military mortgage in 2012. The mortgage term is 8 years. The contract ends in 2018 and that’s 21 years of service. Tell me what I need to pay for the mortgage myself if I leave the army at the end of the contract.

2014-11-14 13:16:14

2014-11-07 07:53:37
I WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER to a question that has already been asked to you: In the event of a delay in payment by the Department of Defense to my account at the bank transferring the money to the mortgage fund, I am required to pay late fees. But according to the agreement, the Bank can, after a late payment... generally oblige me to pay the loan in full. What should I do? Or I'm wrong?

2014-10-02 16:37:24
Good day. Question:
1. When will family composition be taken into account? The amount is the same for one or for 5 family members.
2. When will the regional coefficient be taken into account?
For example: an apartment in Vladivostok costs the same as 2 in Kaliningrad.
Thank you.

2014-07-30 11:42:48
Good afternoon! I want to get an apartment under the military mortgage program, who knows in what area apartments are issued?

2014-02-24 18:22:34
They are still under construction, but they place a special emphasis on infrastructure. There are kindergartens, schools, and parking lots there. Seems like an interesting option.

2014-02-22 12:50:23
Thank you, in general we are considering all options.. What can you say about the residential complex there?

2014-02-21 11:57:29
The bank connection definitely gives military service to the residential complex from the augur. We are considering these options ourselves. This is in new Moscow, just southwest. Or did you mean within the Moscow Ring Road?

2014-02-19 17:59:41
Please tell me which banks provide military mortgages? I am more interested in the southwest of Moscow.

2013-09-10 14:13:58
Good afternoon. Please tell me whether in the near future (a year or two) any changes will be made to the military mortgage system related to the payment of amounts of money depending on the composition of the family? If so, where can I read this kind of information? Please provide a link. Thank you in advance.

Military mortgage is a special government program for purchasing housing for military personnel.

If we substantively consider the issue of providing military mortgages, based on the conditions of 2019, we can highlight a number of government programs that make it possible to provide military personnel with housing on preferential terms.

Fundamental State Regulations

The starting document, which laid the foundation for the consolidation of state guarantees for the provision of housing for military families, was Federal Law No. 76 of 1998. An additional law that was adopted in 2014 was a new one regulating the mechanism of the savings-mortgage system that provides housing for military families. It was here that the principles of housing provision were predetermined.

If the previous interpretation of the law stipulated the conditions for the unalternative provision of apartments to employees, then in the new version people can be selective in choosing suitable real estate. Among other things, the changes also affected subsidiary benefits for citizens in public service in the Russian Armed Forces, which significantly expands the legal functions of the latter.

A military man, as a mortgage borrower, can rely entirely on his choice of housing stock in any subject of Russia. Amendments to the law, which were made back in 2011, regarding the applicant’s participation in shared construction, provided the opportunity for officer families to acquire land plots for the construction of their own houses.

The most recent amendments to the law date back to 2013, and received legislative force in January 2014. The changes affected the provision of a one-time cash payment or subsidy, which is provided to the borrower for the purchase of housing.

Speaking about the current regulations, it can be noted that there are no fundamental changes in military mortgages in 2015-2016. Here we can only mention the improvement in the functioning of the entire system, thanks to which it has become much easier for military citizens and their families to solve their housing problem, since it has become possible to cancel the queue for real estate.

What are the salient features of the program or how does a military mortgage work?

  1. First of all, it should be noted that There are no restrictions on the cost of housing. In other words, borrowers of funds can reasonably make a choice of expensive real estate by independently reporting the funds missing according to the limit. An important advantage is the ability to use maternity capital funds.
  2. According to the program, an employee who has taken out a loan and is in military service will the loan is repaid from the state fund, without its direct participation. If a serviceman does not take advantage of the right to provide a subsidy during his service, then its size increases. It turns out that length of service in the army directly affects the increase in payments after leaving the reserve.
  3. Credit institutions that have an accreditation license to participate in the Military Mortgage program have the opportunity to offer the borrower the best conditions by offering Low rates and no application fees. This factor has a positive effect on the final cost of housing, differing from the price of standard products.
  4. You can become a home owner only after three years, namely from the moment the borrower entered into the mortgage savings program. Contributions for an employee of the military forces of the Russian Federation, taken into account as mortgage repayments, will be received from the state only within the period specified in the contract service of the military citizen. The loan repayment period can be extended up to 20 years.
  5. Funds contributed by the state can only be taken into account to pay off the purchase of real estate, and only by a participant in the subsidy program. An exception may be the death of a citizen or his dismissal due to length of service. Then the funds will be available to the closest caste of relatives.
  6. Those military personnel whose retirement period has reached the 10-year period, as well as those who are recognized as being of limited fitness or have reached the age limit, can take advantage of the right to preferential lending. The funds available to the borrower can be used as a down payment on the mortgage program, but the loan itself will be issued on a general basis.
  7. In a situation where a serviceman decides to leave service before reaching 10 years of continuous service, he does not have the right to payment of savings. In a situation where he has decided to resign, but is still a participant in the program, he must return to the state treasury the funds entrusted to him in full, allocated for the purchase of housing. The apartment or house remains the property of the citizen, but the former military employee assumes all obligations to repay credit debts.

What methods of providing housing are relevant?

According to the current regulations, several specific methods can be distinguished:

  • Initially, a serviceman who arrives at the disposal of the unit, in order of priority, but no more than 3 months after arrival, receives service housing at his disposal. The option of applying for a subsidy is concluded and he (the borrower) receives state support if the citizen’s contract service was concluded before January 1, 1998, and if this citizen really needs living space.
  • Military families with three or more children in their care have special advantages for the right to receive payments. An important condition is the one-time choice of housing, that is, only once. Moreover, if the residential property is located in another region, then the money will be allocated only for its purchase.
  • If the option of receiving a housing payment or purchasing residential premises is not acceptable, then a military employee can always count on social rental housing.

What does the cash payment calculation scheme look like?

Based on the content of the law, one-time financial support is calculated taking into account the existing living space standards, which amount to no more than 18 sq. m. per family member. The right to receive additional square meters can be used by officers who have reached the rank of colonel, as well as commanders of military units with honorary military degrees and titles, teachers, and those dismissed from service due to illness.

The cost of one square meter is determined and established by order and approved by the Ministry. However, it is known that price limits may vary depending on the region, which is especially true for Moscow and other megacities. That is why the average cost per square meter included in the legislation does not always reflect the real market reality.

When forming the correct calculation of the monetary payment, the factor of the urgency of the military service will be taken into account, which determines its correction factor. Taking into account the fact that the employee already owns housing under a rental agreement or has personal property, the available square meters will be removed from the area required by law.

The payment (EDV), carried out by the state under a special program for the military, helps improve living conditions and relieves employees of the need to wait in line to receive an apartment. This is especially relevant; even today, families have been waiting in line for housing since the 90s. EDV money will be generated in the employee’s personal account for 3 years. At the end of the term, the employee has the opportunity to use the money to pay for housing for himself and his family in any region of the country.

In the future, it is expected that by 2023, mortgage support for military personnel will become the only sure way to motivate and provide for citizens. In the meantime, it is expected that in 2019 the Ministry will undergo a correct recalculation of the service fund.

You can become a participant in the program by contacting the Housing and Mortgage Insurance Agency, or apply for compliance with a number of commercial banks that have the appropriate accreditation. In any case, the state assumes the function of a supervisory authority, which guarantees the similarity of the mechanism for providing a loan in any of the representative offices.

Which banks work with military mortgages?

  1. Sberbank has the opportunity to provide a loan for a contract soldier for a period of no more than 20 years or for a military employee who has not yet turned 45 years old. The formed primary payment is 10% of the housing cost. The annual percentage ranges from 9.5 – 10.9%. The loan is provided exclusively for the purchase of housing (house or apartment) from the secondary market.
  2. Gazprombank relies on military personnel who plan to purchase housing from the secondary and primary markets under the program. The actual down payment will be at least 10% if the apartment is ready, 15% if the housing is in the primary fund reserve and 20% if it is planned to purchase a residential building. The loan duration is limited to 25 years. In this case, the maximum permissible loan amount is 1.7 million rubles. On the bank's website you can find a list of risks. The interest rate ranges from 12.5 to 13.1%.
  3. Bank VTB 24 similarly works with real estate in the primary, secondary and home markets. The loan payment must initially be repaid in the amount of 10% of the total cost of housing (apartment); in the situation of buying a house, you will need to pay at least 30%. The maturity of the loan is determined by the age of the borrower up to 45 years. The interest rate starts from 9.4% per annum. A mandatory criterion for concluding a transaction is insurance against the risk of loss of housing.
  4. Rosselkhozbank works in the secondary housing market, providing the opportunity to receive a maximum loan amount not exceeding 1,580,000 rubles (apartment) and 2,050,000 rubles (own house). The length of the loan is no more than 22 years, until the borrower turns 45 years of age. Contribution of at least 10%. The rate is 10.5% in relation to the apartment and 11.5% in relation to the decoration of the house. Insurance against accidents and loss of housing is mandatory.

In general, summarizing what has been said, it can be noted that caring for military personnel in our country has become significant and significant than for civilians. The state undertakes to bear the lion's share of costs, while monitoring adequate interest rates and the work of third-party financial institutions. It is clear that such conditions are definitely worth accepting!

Video: An interesting scheme for buying an apartment with a military mortgage

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Most housing market experts advise not to wait until the amount of accumulated funds in the account grows, but to take advantage of the right to a housing contract as quickly as possible, but at the same time wisely choose the object of purchase of housing - an apartment in a new building on a military mortgage or on the secondary market, or even a house on land plot - and the region of its location, since there are quite a few really high-quality residential properties in terms of their subsequent liquidity in the current market compared to the large number of illiquid apartments and houses.

The law allows the use of CZH funds after three years of participation in the NIS program, but after the expiration of the specified period, servicemen have accumulated less than 1.0 million rubles in their personal account, and therefore they have to resort to using a mortgage, which entails the need to pay interest on it and, as a result, there is a significant decrease in the efficiency of the investment behavior model in NIS. In this connection, Military Relocation recommends a very balanced approach to resolving this issue, since any incorrect action within the framework of this system is reflected in the final outcome - i.e. on what the serviceman will be left with alone by the end of his service, and the difference can ultimately amount to several million rubles between a liquid option purchased with an optimal loan and illiquid housing purchased under an unfavorable lending program.

An example of calculating the amount of savings for a military mortgage

For example, a serviceman decided to obtain an NIS certificate in July 2016, at the beginning of the three-year period of participation in the NIS program. The calculation under such conditions will be as follows:

The amount of half of 2013 (this is 111,000 rubles) + the amount of the full year 2014 (this is 233,100 rubles) + the amount of the full year 2015 (this is 245,880 rubles) + 6 months of 2016 (this is 122,940 rubles).

The total amount allocated from the Russian budget for 3 years will be equal to 712,920 rubles.

In addition to those funds allocated from the budget, do not forget that if timely included in the NIS, the state program participant receives quarterly, which will also be included in the amount of the accumulated amount.

The amount a serviceman can expect on a military mortgage

It is the amount of savings and investment income that will be provided as a down payment under the military mortgage program if the serviceman nevertheless decides to buy an apartment or house using a military mortgage.

The full amount of savings will be indicated in the NIS Participant Certificate, which must be received by those wishing to purchase an apartment with a military mortgage after writing the appropriate report. But this amount will be slightly less than the actual amount, since it will be directly related to the month the Certificate is issued, and its implementation usually occurs after 3-5 months, for which additional monthly contributions are taken into account in the serviceman’s personal account. Next, the bank loan should be added to this amount.

Each bank has its own maximum loan amount. The features of the current loan programs of banks working on military mortgages can be found at, where a military mortgage calculator is also posted.

Knowing this data, the serviceman will be able to find out the amount to expect on a military mortgage. But in order to make the most correct decision, which will allow you to remain in a favorable position in the medium and long term, we recommend that you seek advice from Military Relocation specialists.

The Government of the Russian Federation has long been raising the issue of quality housing for defenders of the Fatherland and their families. It is the housing issue, which has surpassed even pension reforms and wages in terms of demand, and is called the most pressing issue among military personnel. In recent years, the housing problem has been addressed by a military construction program. One of the ways of such assistance was the provision of preferential housing on a first-come, first-served basis. However, this method forced people to wait ten, twenty or more years, which did not completely solve the problem of housing provision. In 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to completely curtail the construction program. Now, from January 1, 2014, the Russian military will receive government cash subsidies (EDS) instead of living space. And in order to reduce the “waiting mode” and at the same time slightly reduce the list of military personnel in the queue for housing (at the end of 2013 there were more than 60 thousand military personnel in the queue), deputies supported a law according to which Russian military personnel can receive a mortgage loan and, as a result, quickly get an apartment or house. To help the military there will be a cash allowance from the EDV. Thus, the Ministry of Defense plans to fully satisfy the requests of the entire queue by the end of 2019.

Let's look into the details of a military mortgage in the current 2019: what is EDV?

EDV is a sum of state aid money, the intended purpose of which is the acquisition or improvement of housing conditions, intended for distribution to each military personnel who has just received the right to this allowance next year.

The amount of assistance is determined by the length of service, rank, number of dependents and the presence of honorary merits or insignia: from 3,000,000 rubles for military personnel without a family, whose service life is from three years to 13,500,000 rubles for military personnel with over 25 years of service and three dependents.

The emergence of such state subsidies for a large segment of the population could not but affect the state of the real estate market. Capital realtors, in particular, are afraid of an artificial rise in housing prices. However, against the background of small and stagnation, market fluctuations are insignificant.

Military personnel can still take advantage of the preferential mortgage program for the purchase of housing, where EDV will also play an important role.

Military mortgage: essence and advantages

In short, the essence of a mortgage for the military is that the bank issues a loan for three years at a set interest rate (from 8.5% to 11.25% per annum), and every year participants in this program are credited with a certain amount of funds from outside states. Upon expiration of the banking contract, the accrued funds can be used to repay the housing loan or pay off the down payment. At the moment, Sberbank of Russia and VTB-24 Bank are recognized as the most responsible credit institutions participating in the mortgage program for military personnel. They offer the most optimal rates, which are also approved at the state level.

The advantages of a mortgage for military personnel are:

  • transition to preferential lending from the “natural” method of providing housing. Due to the fact that this is extremely beneficial for the state, in the foreseeable future the provision of housing for the Russian military may completely switch to this system;
  • independent choice of housing. If until recently military personnel could not choose an apartment or house of their choice (the state did this for them), now the choice lies entirely with the participant in the mortgage program: you can settle in a new house or outside the city - as your heart desires. Moreover, the conditions are such that each borrower can even choose the region of residence at his own discretion;
  • expanding the list of employees who can participate in the program and, as a result, receive funds from the state to pay for a new apartment;
  • government payments that are the same for all levels and ranks, indexed every year. Since the beginning of the program, the amount of state assistance has increased six times, moving ever upward.

Mortgage size for military personnel in 2019

So, for all military personnel in the current year 2019, there is a fixed amount of the savings contribution. Its size is 245,880 Russian rubles. Compared to 2016, this figure increased by 5.5 percent. This is not a very large increase, and financiers note that in all 11 years of the mortgage program, the current year in terms of growth in military mortgage ratios is one of, oddly enough, the most unsuccessful. From the table below it follows that growth below this level was observed only in 2010.

Disadvantages of a military mortgage

Like any other program, mortgages for military personnel have several disadvantages:

  • you need to wait three years until you are given the opportunity to get a mortgage for your home;
  • the list of program participants is somewhat limited, although it concerns a fairly wide range of military personnel;
  • The state limited the maximum possible loan amount. This means that taking out a mortgage does not always make it possible to buy real estate of a given quality or the area the family needs.

Who can participate in the program (take out a military mortgage?)

List of participants military mortgage quite extensive. This:

  1. Russian employees who received the first rank after the law came into force, that is, in 2005;
  2. military personnel who served under contract before the specified date;
  3. warrant officers, officers and midshipmen who entered service from the reserve and whose service life after the adoption of the law is more than three years;
  4. soldiers, sailors, petty officers and sergeants who, after 2005, entered into a contract to enter the service and, accordingly, expressed a desire to take part in the loan program.

Mortgage innovations for military personnel in 2019 (report)

Every year, some points change in the military mortgage system: banks set new interest rates, the state, that is, civilian, side also dictates new conditions for the provision of services. Since 2014, the program has undergone a number of changes:

  • It is in 2014 that the state intends to finally abandon the distribution of real estate in kind. New buildings or Khrushchev buildings, private houses or apartments - all this will now be chosen by a military family;
  • funds accrued by the state for a new mortgage can now be spent at your own discretion;
  • The size of payments will change depending on the region and the chosen area of ​​housing. At the same time, the creditors' report states that the amount of the bank loan will remain the same. The loan size will be a maximum of 2.4 million rubles, a minimum of 300 thousand.

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These are the conditions mortgages for the military Russian Federation in 2019.

The law on providing mortgages to citizens serving in military service came into force at the beginning of 2005, the project is designed to provide housing of adequate quality to the families of defenders of the Fatherland. The main goal of the adopted Federal Law is to stabilize the personnel flow in the army by transferring the Government’s obligations regarding the allocation of residential space from in kind to a system of preferential lending.

Pros and cons of participation in the savings-mortgage system (NIS)

The state program - apartments for military personnel on a military mortgage, is implemented through the entry of serving citizens into the program of the savings-mortgage system.

The essence of the system is the annual accrual of funds to participants determined by the Government, which, after three years of the contract, can be used to repay the first installment on an issued credit loan or directly repay an existing housing loan to a credit institution.

The advantages of the Military Mortgage program in 2014 are as follows:

  1. The final transition from the in-kind form of providing housing for employees in the military department to preferential mortgage lending. This project reflects a colossal leap in the development of the construction sector of the economy, which is part of the state social housing construction program. If previously it was possible to obtain only an apartment determined by the government, then after the adoption of the law on participation in the NIS, military personnel have the right to manage the accumulated funds independently, choosing real estate and the region of purchase at their discretion.
  2. The mortgage project has expanded the list of serving citizens who can become members of the savings program and annually receive funds that will be used to pay off the loan.
  3. Equal indexed annual cash payments for all military personnel. , in the form of a savings contribution under the state program, are set at 233,100 rubles. For comparison, in 2013 this amount was 222,000 rubles. Thus, the year increased by 11,100 rubles. Indexation of payments is carried out annually taking into account the level of inflation and on the basis of Government Resolution.

NIS participants can be:

  • military servants who received the primary officer rank from the moment the law came into force, that is, from the beginning of 2005, as well as persons who entered into contracts for service before this point;
  • officers, midshipmen and warrant officers who have returned to service from the reserve, whose total service life exceeds 3 years after the adoption of Federal Law No.
  • sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors who entered into another contract for military service later than January 2005 and wish to join the NIS.

Among the disadvantages of the military mortgage program to provide military personnel with residential square meters are:

  1. the need to wait three years for the opportunity to obtain a mortgage loan;
  2. a specified maximum loan amount, which may not be sufficient to purchase real estate of the desired size and quality.

Innovations in the NIS program - 2014

Citizens began purchasing residential space under the savings-mortgage system in 2007; over time, not only the size of payments changes, but also the conditions for the provision (purchase) of residential real estate to program participants.

Thus, military mortgages will undergo a number of changes from 2014:

  1. It is planned to completely abandon the distribution of residential real estate, its purchase and construction. The savings funds accrued to active-duty NIS participants, as well as retired contract soldiers, will be spent by them at their own choice.
  2. Military personnel in need of housing will be able to decide what type of real estate and how much financial resources from their savings they will spend.
  3. The amount of payments will be adjusted taking into account the selected residential square meters, as well as the location (region) of their location.

Military mortgages in 2014 and changes in legislation did not significantly affect the amount for obtaining a targeted housing loan from banks - it will remain at the same level, but with a slight increase. According to the loan program of the year, it is equal to 2.3-2.4 million rubles, the minimum is 300,000.

The changes made to the military mortgage program will eliminate the existing army queues for housing.

A new form of providing housing for military personnel

The Government of the Russian Federation has made changes to the existing law on providing housing for serving citizens.

According to these amendments, military personnel whose total service life exceeds 20 years and are in need of improved housing conditions, as well as military citizens discharged after at least 10 years of contract, are entitled to a one-time cash payment (LCP).

The size of this payment is planned to be adjusted by the state. The funds can be received once and used to purchase housing of the appropriate size.

When determining the size of a one-time cash payment, the composition of the serviceman’s family, length of service and the average cost of one square meter of living space in the country will be taken into account.

It is also possible that benefits will be introduced for high-ranking officers and those with scientific titles. This system is designed to solve further problems.

Meanwhile, the current program of the savings-mortgage system will not be phased out, but, on the contrary, will continue to function along with the EDV. Military mortgages and the new law on EDV will expand opportunities for realizing the right to housing.

Advantages of the proposed innovation:

  • It becomes possible for military personnel to purchase housing in a short time in any selected area, without taking into account the availability of prepared housing stock from the Ministry of Defense.
  • The recipient of the payment can independently choose the characteristics of the future living space, which relate to the location, design and area of ​​the apartment.
  • The choice of purchased residential premises is not limited, be it an apartment, a house or a cottage.
  • A housing subsidy can be used to participate in shared construction;
  • For residents of a number of regions of the Russian Federation, the amount of funds received will allow them to purchase living space of a sufficiently large size, exceeding the norms established by law.
  • The one-time cash payment can be supplemented with your own funds, borrowed from a credit institution, as well as the amount of maternity capital.
  • Subsidies will be accrued promptly and as soon as possible.
Thus, this form of providing housing to military personnel will overcome the existing shortcomings of the savings-mortgage system. The main one is credit dependence on the bank and Rosvoenipoteka.

There is currently no provision for anyone wishing to combine NIS funds for the purchase of one shared apartment.

Offers of the Morton group of companies

In 2014, successful developers in the Moscow region will continue to provide NIS participants with new square meters of real estate. The capital region is famous for the Morton group of companies, which is a leading developer in the Moscow region.

As part of the military mortgage program, Morton proposes to purchase residential premises in new buildings in the Moscow region in 2014.

The organization fruitfully cooperates with leading Russian banks, including Gazprombank, Svyaz-Bank, Zenit and VTB24.

The company sells real estate under construction and ready-made in different parts of the capital and the Moscow region; experienced consultants will help you choose the appropriate housing option. Interest rates for the purchase of apartments were reduced in 2014, which will allow more military personnel to solve their housing problem.