How to properly conduct an inventory of fixed assets. Inventory of fixed assets

As a rule, enterprises have a large number of fixed assets (hereinafter also referred to as fixed assets). In relation to them, there is a need for periodic inventory. Inventory of fixed assets at an enterprise is, firstly, checking their actual availability and functional condition, and secondly, monitoring the correct reflection of information about fixed assets in accounting accounts. During the inventory process, the actual availability of fixed assets is compared with accounting data and, if necessary, the relevant information is clarified (the necessary corrections are made to the records).

Carrying out an OS inventory

You can find out exactly how the inventory of fixed assets is carried out from the Recommendations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 N 49 (hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations).

Let us note that the inventory in question can be carried out not annually, but once every three years (clause 1.5 of the Recommendations).

The specific frequency of the inventory of fixed assets is approved by the head of the enterprise.

There are three main stages in conducting an inventory of fixed assets:

  • determination of the composition of the inventory commission, the period for carrying out the inventory and the reasons for its implementation. All this must be written down in one document - the manager’s order to conduct an inventory of the organization’s fixed assets (form INV-22);
  • establishing the fact of availability of fixed assets. This stage includes identifying the names of fixed assets, their condition, quantity, numbers assigned to them, and market value. This information is reflected in the inventory INV-1;
  • comparison of the information established as a result of the above verification procedure with the information contained in the accounting registers. Based on the results of these actions, the INV-18 statement is drawn up.

Procedure for conducting OS inventory

As part of the above stages, the commission visually inspects fixed assets and reflects the necessary information about them in the inventory.

If a fixed asset is faulty and is being repaired during the inventory period, it is reflected in a separate document (Form INV-10).

In the general order (i.e., along with the others), an inventory of leased fixed assets is also carried out. However, it must be taken into account that information about such operating systems must be included in a separate inventory.

If fixed assets are identified that are unsuitable for operation, the commission must also draw up a separate inventory in relation to them.

Identified fixed assets that were not previously taken into account are not included in the general inventory. A separate document is also drawn up for them.

As follows from the rules for conducting an inventory of fixed assets, it is necessary to indicate reliable data about fixed assets in the inventories, regardless of how exactly these data were previously reflected in accounting.

When valuing fixed assets, market prices must be used.

Based on the results of the inventory, inconsistencies identified during the reconciliation of actual data with accounting data must be eliminated. This is done by entering corrected and updated data into the records.

The purpose of conducting an inventory of fixed assets

The main goals of conducting an OS inventory are:

  • establishing the fact of the presence of operating systems at the enterprise and clarifying information about them;
  • comparison of established factual information with information reflected in accounting registers;
  • bringing accounting registers into conformity with the information established by the inventory commission.

It is important to consider that in addition to the “scheduled” check, the reasons for inventorying fixed assets may be:

  • transfer of OS for rent;
  • change of persons responsible for the OS;
  • damage, loss of property, consequences of emergencies;
  • reorganization or liquidation of a legal entity.

In the event of the occurrence of these events, the OS inventory is carried out unscheduled.

Please note that starting from 2013, it is not necessary to use unified forms of primary accounting documentation. In order to take into account the results of the inventory, the organization has the right to develop and approve its own documents indicating all the details necessary for this operation. After this, the organization has the right to carry out an inventory of fixed assets using its own document forms.

Fixed assets of a business entity represent the majority of the means of the production process, through the use of which employees can perform their job duties in accordance with the activities of the company. The result of business largely depends on the availability, composition and serviceability of fixed assets and equipment, and therefore control over their use and maintenance is one of the main points in accounting (see →). In the article we will look at who and when the inventory is carried out at the enterprise: fixed assets (equipment), how accounting of inventory results is carried out.

The essence of inventory

Inventory of real estate and equipment involves checking the reliability of actual and accounting information by comparing them with each other. This procedure must be carried out at least once a year, as indicated in special Methodological Instructions, and implies a valid census of individual items and accounting objects, their quantity and technical condition as a whole. As for animals in agriculture, they are inventoried quarterly, and, for example, library collections must be monitored at least once every five years. The frequency of inventory counts and their number, as well as other features, must be recorded in the company’s accounting policies.

The object of accounting and control during the inventory of fixed assets is an inventory object, that is, a fully equipped item with components and accessories, isolated, capable of independently performing certain functions.

The need to conduct an inventory of fixed assets

The company's fixed assets are the material resources through which the organization can carry out its business activities, and therefore control over their availability, physical and technical condition is an important accounting procedure. An inventory of fixed assets makes it possible to identify errors or inaccuracies that an accountant makes when setting up and maintaining records, as well as to assign unaccounted fixed assets to the receipt or to write off objects that have become unusable or stolen.

In other words, inventory allows you to control the process of receipt and write-off of fixed assets in accounting, as well as competently maintain all the necessary documentation, both technical and financial.

The purpose and objectives of inventory at the enterprise

The main purpose of the inventory of fixed assets is to identify the actual presence of objects in the company and compare this information with accounting indicators. In correlation with this goal, inventory involves solving the following problems:

  • determining the actual availability of fixed assets;
  • ensuring the protection and safety of objects;
  • control over the actions of responsible employees;
  • checking the correctness and conditions of placement and storage;
  • ensuring the reliability and reliability of accounting and reporting data.

The main situations in the event of which an inventory of fixed assets is carried out are the following:

  • dismissal of a financially responsible employee;
  • preparation of annual financial statements;
  • emergency or disaster due to unfavorable climatic conditions;
  • detection or suspicion of theft or damage to any real estate.

Preparatory activities for inventory of fixed assets

Before conducting an inventory of fixed assets, the manager is obliged to issue an order (see →), which reflects the timing of the event, objects of inspection and the composition of the working inventory commission. In addition, the enterprise must draw up a schedule for conducting an inventory of various property, including fixed assets, according to which an audit will be carried out on the date specified in it.

However, an inspection can be carried out not only as planned, but also suddenly in order to more fully analyze the current situation at the enterprise. This is especially true in the case when the company experiences cases of theft or damage to property by employees - in this case, by official order of the manager, the inventory can be carried out more frequently.

Checking the availability and condition of fixed assets must be carried out in the presence of an employee responsible for their condition and storage. If the employee is legally absent, the audit period must be changed.

The audit team checks all documentation for facilities, including:


A comment

Inventory cardsThey are used to account for the availability of real estate and its movement within the enterprise. It is filled out in a single copy and maintained for each object or for a general group of accounting objects. Entries in it are made on the basis of accompanying documentation and acceptance certificates, as well as other documentation related to the processes of repair, reconstruction or modernization.
Inventory books and inventoriesThey contain information on all fixed assets available at the enterprise, indicating inventory numbers, names, quantity and quality of objects.
Technical data sheetsA document for an object of fixed assets, containing a full description and characteristics, mechanism of use, manufacturer's guarantees, as well as information on certification and disposal of the object.
Documentation for leased or deposited fixed assetsUpon receipt of an object for rent, an agreement and an acceptance certificate are drawn up for it.

The procedure for conducting an inventory of fixed assets

The procedure for carrying out an inventory of real estate and equipment involves the use of certain methods, which, as a rule, include:

  • direct inspection of property of this category;
  • checking the technical condition, correct maintenance and use of real estate assets;
  • comparison of actual inspection data with accounting information;
  • generation of documents on the inventory carried out and the formation of a comparison sheet when discrepancies are identified.

During the inspection, the inventory commission is obliged to draw up an inventory of available property, which directly indicates the name of the object, its inventory number, functional purpose, as well as the main technical characteristics and operational parameters. During an audit, a situation may arise when an object is discovered that is not reflected in the accounting accounts, or it contains false information. In such a situation, the commission is obliged to record the fixed asset object in the register, indicating all its characteristics and parameters, so that in the future the accountant can place the object in receipt or change inaccurate information.

In addition, the inventory commission is obliged to draw up an additional inventory of those fixed assets that cannot be used due to their deterioration and impossibility of repair. The document must necessarily indicate the fact and reason for the unsuitability of the property, for example, its damage due to a natural disaster or complete wear and tear.

An inventory of fixed assets involves a census of all property listed in the enterprise, regardless of who exactly it belongs to. In other words, any objects and equipment, whether they are owned, rented or in custody, must be indicated in the inventory with a note about the form of ownership of them.

Typical Fixed Asset Inventory Transactions

The inventory results must be documented with appropriate accounting entries, which vary depending on the situation:

  • during the audit, a surplus was discovered (the situation does not occur very often, but it may well occur at the enterprise)

Debit 01 Credit 91/1 real estate recorded in accounting

  • During the audit, a shortage or loss was identified, but the culprit was not found

Debit 02 Credit 01 depreciation charges for the missing object are written off

Debit 92/1 Credit 94 shortage written off as non-operating expenses

  • during the audit, a shortage or loss was identified, and the culprit was found

Debit 02 Credit 01 depreciation charges for the missing item are written off

Debit 94 Credit 01 written off residual value of real estate

Debit 73 Credit 94 shortage attributed to the account of the identified culprit

Debit 50 Credit 73 the amount of the shortfall was repaid to the company's cash desk

Example #2. Accounting for inventory of fixed assets at an enterprise

During the inventory of fixed assets at Iskra LLC, a shortage of an expensive computer was discovered. It was purchased 2 years ago at a price of 120,000 rubles, the amount of accrued depreciation charges is 20,000 rubles. The amount of VAT accepted for deduction is 24,000 rubles. The executive director of Iskra LLC was appointed responsible for the safety of property. In his explanations, he confirmed that he was guilty of the shortage and agreed to reimburse the market value of the computer - 130,000 rubles.

The accountant, based on the inventory list and the employee’s explanations, is obliged to make the following entries:


Amount, rub.


D 01/disposal K 01/fixed assets120 000 Original cost written off
D 02 K 01/disposal20 000 The amount of depreciation written off
D 94 K 01 / disposal100 000 Residual value written off
D 94 K 6818 000 The amount of VAT claimed for deduction at the residual value was restored
D 73 K 94100 000 The residual value is attributed to the guilty party
D 73 K 9810 000 The difference between market and residual value is taken into account
D 70 K 73110 000 The amount of the shortfall is withheld from the employee's salary

5 common questions about inventory at an LLC

Question No. 1. At what cost should the building be registered - cadastral or market, if it was not registered earlier and the documents for it have not been preserved?

It is best to capitalize such a building at market value, for which you should monitor the market among similar objects and calculate the average cost. You can also seek help from a construction organization or an independent appraisal company, which will check the technical condition of the object and give an expert opinion on the cost, drawn up in a legal form.

Question No. 2. If property is accounted for off-balance sheet accounts, is it necessary to conduct an inventory and with what frequency?

Objects reflected in off-balance sheet accounts are subject to verification and inventory. The frequency and process of implementing this activity are the same as for fixed assets on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

Question No. 3. Who is responsible for storing technical documentation for fixed assets, which is subsequently verified by the audit working commission?

The legislation does not establish the person responsible for storing this documentation. The enterprise must issue an order that will reflect this point, that is, it will specifically indicate who exactly is responsible for storing technical documentation.

Question No. 4. If an enterprise has several divisions located in different regions, how to conduct an inventory?

In this case, the enterprise draws up a schedule for conducting inventories, and at the same time creates one audit commission, which goes to check according to this schedule. It is also possible to create commissions in each division, and then they can begin the inspection on the same day, and submit the resulting inventory documents to the central accounting department.

Question No. 5. During the inventory, an error was identified in the name of the fixed asset item. How can I fix it?

If an error is identified in any characteristic of an object, the audit working commission is obliged to enter reliable data into the inventory. Based on this document, the accounting employee makes changes to the inventory card and to the automated accounting system.

Fixed assets are an integral part of any enterprise, and important performance indicators of the enterprise, such as financial position and competitiveness in the market, depend on the accuracy and efficiency of their accounting.

To ensure the reliability of accounting and reporting data, the company conducts property inventories. Inventory is a method of checking whether the actual availability of property in kind corresponds to the accounting data reflected in the accounts. Inventory allows you to check whether all business transactions are documented and reflected in system accounting, as well as make the necessary clarifications and corrections. Inventory is of great importance for correctly determining the costs of production, work performed and services provided, to reduce losses of inventory, prevent theft of property, etc.

Inventory is a certain sequence of practical actions on the part of members of a specially created commission in the organization to verify and document the presence, condition and assessment of the organization’s property and obligations in order to ensure the reliability of accounting and reporting data.

The purpose of the property inventory is to verify the accuracy of the balance sheet and reporting data of the enterprise. It allows you to compare in a natural way the correctness of documentation of all business transactions of the organization, to identify the actual presence and quality condition of the enterprise’s property. When conducting an inventory, one cannot ignore such negative phenomena as theft and natural loss.

The relevance of the study is expressed in the fact that in a market economy the role of accounting and control over the rational use of all resources, including fixed assets, increases.

The purpose of this work is to explore the current practice of organizing, conducting and recording the results of an inventory of fixed assets.

In accordance with the given goal, the following research objectives were formulated:

Study the regulatory, legislative and educational literature on the research topic;

Determine the essence and characteristics of the inventory of fixed assets of the enterprise;

Identify the procedure for organizing and conducting an inventory of fixed assets at Kalkan LLP;

– explore the main aspects of organizing documentation and accounting of the results of the inventory of fixed assets at the enterprise;

The theoretical and methodological basis was the works and Decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, decrees of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, monographic works of domestic and foreign scientists, economists and financiers.

1. Characteristics of inventory of fixed assets, its role and significance in accounting

Fixed assets are tangible assets that operate over a long period of time (more than one year) as means of labor, both in the sphere of material production and in the non-productive sphere.

Fixed assets include: real estate (land plots, buildings, structures, perennial plantings and other objects firmly connected to the land, the movement of which is impossible without damaging their purpose), vehicles, equipment, production and household equipment, adult working and productive livestock, special tools and other fixed assets.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Accounting and Financial Reporting” (No. 234-III dated February 28, 2007), the purpose of accounting and financial reporting is to provide stakeholders with complete and reliable information about the financial position, performance results and changes in the financial position entrepreneurs and organizations.

Inventory (from the Latin inventarium - inventory) is one of the control methods that ensures the safety of property, the quality of values ​​and, ultimately, the reliability of information included in financial statements.

Inventory is one of the accounting methods and is a reconciliation of the actual availability of property with accounting indicators as of a certain date.

It is carried out by all companies, regardless of their form of ownership, type of activity and operating hours. The main objectives of inventory are:

Checking the completeness and correctness of the reflection of inventory objects in accounting,

Checking the actual presence of assets and monitoring their safety,

Checking the condition of inventory items (their actual compliance with quality standards) and the storage conditions of such items,

Bringing the accounting assessment of inventory items into compliance with external and internal regulatory documents and relevant market indicators,

– identifying the reasons for untimely or incorrect recording of business transactions in accounting, as well as the reasons for carrying out transactions that contradict the provisions of government regulations and internal instructions and regulations of the organization, if such transactions took place.

The procedure for legal entities to carry out an inventory of property and liabilities is regulated by methodological recommendations to SBU 24.

In accordance with AS 24 “Organization of the accounting service”, in order to ensure the reliability of accounting and financial reporting data, an inventory of property and monetary obligations is carried out at least once a year.

Inventory is required to be carried out:

When changing materially responsible persons (on the day of acceptance and transfer of cases);

When establishing facts of theft or abuse, as well as damage to inventory;

In case of natural disasters, fire, accidents or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions;

During the liquidation (reorganization) of an entity before drawing up the liquidation (separation) balance sheet and in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Inventory surveys are divided according to the volume of inspection - into continuous and selective, and according to time - into planned and unscheduled.

A complete inventory covers the verification of all cash assets of an enterprise's financial obligations, without exception; it is a very labor-intensive job and therefore is carried out once a year, usually before drawing up the annual report.

Selective is an inventory in which only some (sample) values ​​are checked from a specific financially responsible person or covers one type of enterprise funds, for example, only cash in the cash register or only materials in a certain warehouse. Random inventories and control checks should be systematically carried out at the enterprise during the inter-inventory period in places of storage and processing of inventory items. They are carried out by order of the head of the inventory commission, consisting of people who are well aware of inventory, accounting and reporting.

The main task of random inventories and inspections is to monitor the safety of property, compliance with the rules for its storage, and compliance by financially responsible persons with the established primary accounting procedure. Such inspections discipline the enterprise’s employees, help uncover violations and contribute to the safety of the enterprise’s property.

Depending on the basis for the inventory, there may be planned or unscheduled. Unscheduled events are carried out suddenly; the timing of their implementation should not be known to financially responsible persons. Sometimes they can be carried out according to the requirements of the auditor, people's control bodies, financial and investigative bodies.

Scheduled inventories are carried out:

Fixed assets - at least once every two to three years, and library funds - at least once every five years;

Capital investments - at least once a year before drawing up the annual report and balance sheet, but not earlier than December 1 of the reporting year;

Work in progress and semi-finished products of own production - before drawing up the annual report and balance sheet, but not earlier than October 1 of the reporting year and, in addition, periodically within the time limits established by the relevant higher organizations;

Unfinished capital repairs and deferred expenses - at least once a year;

Finished products in warehouses - at least once a year before drawing up the annual report and balance sheet, but not earlier than October 1 of the reporting year;

Low-value and wear-out items - at least once a year;

Oil and petroleum products - at least once a month;

Raw materials and other material assets - at least once a year before drawing up the annual report and balance sheet, but not earlier than October 1 of the reporting year;

Cash, monetary documents, valuables and strict reporting forms - at least once a month;

Settlements with banks (for a current account, foreign currency account, other accounts, loans, credits, etc.) - as bank statements are received, and for settlement documents submitted to the bank for collection - on the first day of each month;

Calculations for payments to the budget - at least once a quarter;

Settlements with debtors and creditors - at least twice a year;

Other balance sheet items – as of the first day of the month following the reporting year.

During the inter-inventory period, enterprises must conduct systematic inspections. These checks and inventories are carried out by order of the manager by employees of inventory groups on the staff of the enterprise, or by special commissions.

Mandatory inventory is carried out to ensure the reliability of the data that will be used in drawing up the annual report. Thus, it is important to comply with the timing of its implementation. Mandatory inventory can be carried out by an organization only in the period from 01.10 to 31.12 of the year for which the report is being prepared.

The obligation for an organization to conduct an inventory of property capital is established by law. This is directly stated in Part 1 and Article 11 of Federal Law No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”. The same article determines that the procedure, timing and subject of inventory activities in relation to fixed assets, with the exception of mandatory inventory, are established by the organization independently.

Such inventories are carried out for various emerging circumstances that require determining the real condition of the property, including:

  • Purchase, sale or lease of fixed assets;
  • Legal transformation or liquidation of an organization;
  • Transfer and acceptance of cases when changing persons who are assigned financial responsibility;
  • Receipt of a signal about theft or damage to fixed assets, or other abuses;
  • Various situations of force majeure or accident.

Goals and objectives of inventory activities

Procedure and documentation

The purpose of any inventory, regardless of the reasons for which it is scheduled, is to establish the correspondence of the actual state and availability of fixed assets to the data available in accounting at the time of the inventory (Part 2 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ "About accounting").

Carrying out an inventory to determine compliance with the accounting status on dates other than the start date of the inventory is not permitted. To create a special permanent inventory commission, an organization order is issued. The inventory commission must consist of at least three people, including a representative of the accounting department, as well as specialists from technical services.

If the organizational structure of a company includes a significant number of divisions (shops, independent branches, production divisions, etc.), divisional inventory commissions can be appointed by the heads of divisions. In this case, the “general” inventory commission summarizes the data identified and provided by the divisional commissions.

The tasks of the inventory commission cannot include certain issues, regardless of the professional competence of its members. This is the determination of the suitability of a fixed asset for further operation, the need and possibility of restoration or repair of objects and the preparation of documentation for write-off of fixed assets.

The range of tasks that inventory commissions must deal with is as follows:

  • Preparation for inventory activities. Checking the condition and availability of accounting registers and documentation - inventories, inventory cards or books, registration certificates for accounting objects, documents for leased fixed assets. If any of the above documents are missing, take measures to compile or obtain them.
  • The actual inventory taking. Inspection of fixed assets, object-by-object entry into the inventory lists of the name, purpose, inventory numbers and main indicators.

The inventory begins with the fact that written confirmation is taken from the materially responsible person that all documents used to document the receipt and disposal of fixed assets have been transferred to the accounting department, the accepted fixed assets have been capitalized, and those disposed of have been written off.

To carry out an inventory, the presence of a materially responsible person is required. If the inventory took place in his absence, its results may be invalidated.

Responsibility for the timeliness of the implementation, as well as the accuracy and completeness of the information reflected in the inventory list, rests with the manager and the chief accountant.

To document inventory, the following are used:

  • Form No. INV 1 inventory list. Serves to enter all basic data about inspected objects;
  • Form No. INV 18 matching sheet. Filled out if deviations are detected, that is, shortages or surpluses of fixed assets in comparison with accounting registers;
  • Form No. INV 10 OS repair inventory report. Necessary to reflect data on fixed assets for which repair work has not been completed.

The commission draws up the documents in two copies and signs them together with the financially responsible person. One copy is given to the OS accountant, and the second is returned to the financially responsible person.

The financially responsible person has the right to endorse the inventory list, refuse to sign the inventory, or add his own explanations to the inventory list if he has any disagreements with the commission.

Inventory results. Discrepancies with accounting registers

If the inventory commission identifies objects that are not suitable for further use, it must draw up a separate inventory. It indicates basic data about such an object and a general description of the reasons why this object is considered unsuitable.

Subsequently, based on the data from this inventory, management will make a decision on subsequent activities in relation to such a fixed asset.

If it is revealed that a fixed asset has changed its purpose as a result of restoration, reconstruction or re-equipment, then an entry about it is made in the inventory according to its new purpose.

If it turns out that the accounting registers did not take into account the work carried out on fixed assets that was of a capital nature, then the amount of change in the value of the fixed asset is determined based on the totality of data on the cost of such work. Data about such an object is entered into the inventory taking into account the calculated changes.

If objects are discovered that are not registered, or objects for which the accounting does not have complete data or they are indicated incorrectly, all available information on them is included in the inventory list.

Capitalization of identified surpluses

The so-called “surplus”, that is, fixed assets that are not listed in the accounting registers, but are actually available to the enterprise, is a very rare phenomenon. When surplus fixed assets are identified, they are assessed according to the rules applied to revalued fixed assets, and depreciation is determined by commission based on the actual condition. Such information is documented in separate acts.

Based on the acts drawn up during the inventory, during which surpluses were identified, accounting operations for registration are carried out. The accounting entries by which identified unaccounted for items are accepted for accounting are as follows:

The most important task in identifying and describing identified unaccounted for property is determining the actual date of its receipt. This is necessary for the most accurate reflection of depreciation amounts, the accrual of which for the object will also have to be restored. It should be taken into account that depreciation calculated for the entire period of operation until the beginning of the current year cannot be attributed to ordinary cost items. Reporting, both accounting and tax, for that period has already been compiled and submitted.

The legislation provides a direct indication of the procedure for writing off losses resulting from an actual shortage of fixed assets identified during the inventory.

Such a shortage can be written off as non-operating expenses only if the guilty parties are not identified (subparagraph 5, paragraph 2, article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The absence of guilty persons must be documented by the relevant government authority (letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 03.08.2011 No. 03-03-06/1/448, dated 20.06.2011 No. 03-03-06/1/365, dated 08.11.2010 No. 03 -03-06/1/695). In other words, in the absence of a document with the content established by law, it is impossible to accept the shortage as expenses when determining the size of the profit tax calculation base.

The code itself does not say what documents are sufficient to confirm the absence of specific perpetrators. An indirect indication of this can be found in the Code of Criminal Procedure, where it is determined that in relation to theft of property, a preliminary investigation is carried out by representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs. Moreover, if the culprit cannot be identified, the theft case is suspended, and the injured party is notified about this in writing (Articles 42,151,158 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, the loss is recognized on the date when the investigator makes a decision to terminate the proceedings. The Ministry of Finance has the same position, which believes that the basis for recognizing expenses is a copy of the investigator’s resolution. At the same time, the Constitutional Court, in its ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated September 24, 2012 N 1543-O, noted that if the Tax Code does not contain specific instructions on the composition of such documents, then taxpayers themselves have the right to determine on the basis of which documents to recognize expenses. The position of the Constitutional Court in this regard is supported by decisions of arbitration courts at various levels.

If a loss resulting from a shortage of fixed assets cannot be recovered from specific guilty parties, the following accounting entries are made:

It should be noted here that in cases where the culprits are identified directly during the inventory, it is recommended to formalize the relationship to collect the shortage by drawing up claims. Otherwise, if the penalty was carried out in an internal administrative manner, it can be appealed through the court.

First of all, it is necessary to understand the question of what an inventory of property assets is. This is a procedure for reconciling accounting data with the organization’s existing assets.

The inventory of fixed assets is legally regulated by Federal Law No. 402 of December 6, 2011, methodological guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 49 of June 13, 1995, and the accounting regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 34n of July 29, 1998.

When to carry out

The inventory of fixed assets is authorized by the institution every 3 years (clause 1.5 of the Guidelines). The library collection is reconciled once every 5 years. The procedure and timing are fixed in the accounting policies of each organization.

It is best to conduct a reconciliation at the end of the reporting period, immediately before preparing the annual financial statements, with the exception of a number of cases that require immediate verification:

  • emergency;
  • sale or lease of assets;
  • reorganization, liquidation of an institution;
  • detection of loss, theft and damage to fixed assets;
  • appointment of a new head of the institution or financially responsible person.

How to take inventory

An inventory is taken of both property owned by the organization and equipment received under lease (storage) rights, which is at the disposal of the company. The audit in the company should be carried out directly at the address of the actual location of the OS objects. The financially responsible person of the organization and the manager in the case of collective financial responsibility must be present during the procedure.

There are three generally accepted stages in the procedure for conducting an inventory of fixed assets.

Stage 1 - issuing an order (INV-22) to conduct an inventory, determine its timing and the assets of the organization to be inspected and the formation of an inventory commission. Members are appointed and approved by management. Typically, the commission includes representatives of the accounting department, employees responsible for fixed assets and a manager. All members of the commission must be present during the inspection.

Before the start of the procedure, all members of the commission receive for study summary documentation and reports on the state of fixed assets in the institution, in which it is necessary to note the date, indicating “before inventory on ____.” They check documents establishing ownership of property, current accounting data, and technical registers.

Stage 2 - carrying out the procedure. All information obtained during the reconciliation is indicated in the INV-1 inventory. The commission must reflect in the act the name of the objects, the inventory number of fixed assets and the current physical condition and actual amount of fixed assets. If equipment or vehicles are being checked, it is necessary to enter the technical passport data:

  • factory number;
  • Year of manufacture;
  • power level.

If fixed assets are not available at the institution for a functional reason at the time of the inspection, then the reconciliation is carried out until the temporary absence of the object.

Download a sample of filling out an inventory list of fixed assets to make your work easier.

Stage 3 - identifying inconsistencies in the reconciliation results and accounting data. Based on the results of the inspection, it is necessary to draw up an INV-18 statement, in which all changes and discrepancies indicated by the members of the commission in the inventory list are entered. INV-18 is generated in two copies, signed and transferred to the accounting department and the financially responsible person. Responsible employees must submit an explanatory note to the commission members for consideration, which will outline the reasons for the inconsistencies that have arisen.

If any property assets were under repair during the inventory, then it is necessary to draw up an INV-10 statement for them and enter into it information about the value of the assets and repair costs. For objects that are leased (stored), a separate statement is also drawn up, which indicates documents confirming the legal fact of lease (storage) of the responsible organization.

A separate register is also formed for those objects that are not used in the activities of the institution due to the impossibility of their restoration. It is necessary to indicate in the inventory the date such operating systems were put into operation and the technical features that make the actual use of the equipment impossible.

How to reflect inventory in accounting

Accounting records are formed based on the established results of inventory reconciliation. Upon completion of an inventory check, either a surplus or a shortage may be identified.

When reflecting the results and drawing up the final entries, the accountant must be guided by clause 28 of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 34n dated July 29, 1998.

In this case, surplus is understood as a situation where property assets on the date of reconciliation are reflected at the current value of this asset on the market. The identified price relates to financial results, namely: profit included in other income for commercial companies, or income for non-profit organizations.

The shortage identified as a result is of two types:

  1. Shortage within the framework of natural loss. When it is detected, the monetary value is recorded either as costs or distribution costs.
  2. Shortage in excess of natural loss. During the reconciliation, guilty employees are identified and such shortages are attributed to specific individuals. However, there are situations when the persons who caused the shortage could not be found, therefore, there is no possibility of collecting debt obligations by court decision. Then the amount of the deficiency is written off as a loss (financial result) for commercial firms. Non-profit organizations write off losses as expenses.

According to Art. 138 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the withholding of identified amounts of deficiency from guilty employees cannot exceed 20% of the monthly salary.

If, during the inspection, the commission discovered unaccounted for property assets, then they should be carried out at the current market value on accounting accounts for fixed assets (clause 36 of the Methodological Recommendations - Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 91n dated 10/13/2013).

Let's present the entries to reflect the results of the audit in the institution in the table:

Wiring the name of the operation
Dt 08 Kt 91.1 Surplus property assets
Dt 10 Kt 91.1 Excess inventory
Dt 41, 43 Kt 91.1 Surplus of goods, finished products
Dt 94 Kt 10 Lack of inventory items
Dt 94 Kt 01 OS shortage
Dt 94 Kt 41, 43 Lack of goods, finished products
Dt 20, 25, 44 Kt 94 The deficiency is written off as part of natural loss
Dt 73 Kt 94 Writing off the shortage to the guilty parties
Dt 91.2 Kt 94 The deficiency is written off as other expenses, since the guilty employees have not been identified.