Mortgage for a young family Sberbank conditions. Mortgage and young family: what benefits can you count on from the state and which banks to choose

If there are no rich and generous relatives, then buying an apartment on credit is the only opportunity to purchase housing for those who are just getting on their feet, so it is interesting to study the terms of the “Young Family” mortgage from Sberbank for 2017.

Conditions for receiving a subsidy

Mortgage for young families from Sberbank is a subprogram that operates within the framework of federal program "Housing" calculated for 2015-2020. Its goal is to provide state support to a certain category of people recognized as in need of improved housing conditions and who have the opportunity to purchase an apartment or build a house.

The right to participate in the program must be confirmed by a certificate of government subsidy. But before you receive it, you will have to collect the necessary package of documents, take them to local authorities and wait for a positive decision from a special commission on inclusion in the queue.

So, the Young Family mortgage from Sberbank - conditions:

    at the time of the decision to issue a subsidy the age of at least one of the spouses should not exceed 35 years;

    family relationships should be officially registered(a civil marriage will not provide an opportunity to get a mortgage on special terms);

    family should not have housing or you must provide a certificate from which it follows that the available footage is less than the norm (each region has its own minimum “square meters” - from 8 to 18 sq.m. per person);

    Applicants must not have previously participated in home purchase subsidy programs.

Let's take a closer look at the nuances. Firstly, it is extremely important to maintain the permitted age interval, having calculated in advance whether or not you will have time to receive government assistance. Situations often arise when documents are submitted shortly before a birthday, and a decision is made at a time when both spouses have already crossed the permissible age limit. In this case, the certificate is cancelled.

Secondly, when calculating “squares” for each family member, not only the area of ​​the property is taken, but also the living space where the applicants are registered and live. The commission will also check whether the family deliberately worsened living conditions. If the fact is discovered, the right to participate in the program will be “frozen” for 5 years.

On a note! Residents of an emergency fund have a high chance of receiving government support.

Finally, do not forget about the financial criterion. To confirm your ability to pay a loan, you must provide a certificate from your place of official employment (form 2NDFL) or the bank’s consent to enter into a loan agreement (in some cases, Sberbank is ready to provide a mortgage without proof of employment and income).

How to proceed?

Having your marriage certificate in hand and making sure that all the stated requirements are met, you should make an appointment at housing department. During the visit, you can obtain information from the inspector about the features of the program in your region, as well as about regional measures to support young families.

On a note! Sberbank's "Young Family" mortgage payment calculator will help you understand whether you can afford to buy an apartment with government assistance or not. On the bank's official website you can calculate the amount of overpayment and the amount of monthly payments.

After submitting the documents, within 10 days the commission makes a positive decision or refuses, providing compelling arguments for such a decision. Usually no additional documents are required, but you may have to write another application. As a result, a certificate for the purchase of housing with state support is issued.

What documents are required to receive a subsidy?

Obtaining a mortgage under the “Young Family 2017” program at Sberbank involves collecting and submitting certain documents.

The standard list looks like this:

    contract for residential premises (if there are several, then for each) indicating the series, number, date of issue and name of the authority that issued the document;

    an extract from the Unified State Register certifying ownership of the apartment being purchased;

    income certificate proving that the applicant has the ability to repay the loan.

If you take out economy class housing on credit, you will need:

    agreement on opening a bank account;

    agreement with an authorized organization.

The list of authorized organizations providing services to young families is approved by the Ministry of Construction. The contract specifies the details and bank account of the company. It also prescribes the procedure for repaying the amount that is not covered by the state subsidy received for the purchase of inexpensive housing on the primary market.

If social benefits are used to repay the down payment of a housing loan (mortgage) for the purchase or construction of housing:

    agreement on opening a bank account;

    credit agreement;

    extract from the Unified State Register (upon purchase) or construction permit;

    bank certificate about the remaining amount of debt: amount of principal, payment of interest.

If a young family decides to take a cooperative apartment:

    certificate of the unpaid balance of the share contribution;

    charter of the cooperative (copy);

    extract from the Unified State Register (copy);

    decision to receive an apartment for use (copy).

If a young family needs a mortgage for building a house from Sberbank, to obtain it you need:

    certificate of ownership, perpetual use, lifelong inheritable possession of a land plot;

    building permit;

    construction contract indicating the area of ​​the building and an estimate for construction work.

Housing purchase options

Only after receiving the subsidy should you start applying for a housing loan. Depending on the number of children, as well as a number of other factors, the state compensates for:

    up to 30% of the housing price (childless);

    up to 35% (one child or more, including single-parent families);

    up to 50% - in case of purchasing housing in a house under construction.

Sberbank offers to purchase finished housing, including within the framework of the federal program to support young families, only until the end of 2016 at 10.25% per annum, although the promotion itself will end on February 28, 2017. This means that the conditions can be extended or changed, and This means that the rate can either fall or rise. The loan is provided for 30 years. A down payment of 20% of the cost of the finished home is required.

For the purchase of housing under construction with a mortgage under the state program, the bank lends money at an interest rate of 11.4%. In the case of purchasing housing in new buildings, insurance and real estate valuation are paid separately at individual rates for each borrower, and all documents are also required to be certified by a notary.

For the construction of a house, Sberbank is ready to give the same amount as for the above situations - 300 thousand. True, you will need to deposit 25%, and interest will be charged at a rate of 12.5%.

Before you start collecting documents for participation in the program, you should visit the nearest bank branch and find out exactly the lending conditions that the bank is ready to provide to a particular family.

Welcome! So, Sberbank is reducing mortgage rates in 2018 from June 9. Currently, mortgages from 6.7% have become available. For a number of items, the rate was reduced by 0.3-0.5%. At the same time, the approach to determining the final mortgage rate for the borrower has changed significantly. You will find out the current Sberbank rates after the reduction, as well as all the pitfalls below.

Since June 9, 2018, Sberbank has been reducing mortgage interest rates under a number of programs. Let's take a closer look at the changes.

New buildings

From June 9, 2018 to August 31, 2018 there is a special promotion for new buildings. Now in Sberbank's tariffs there is a limit for reducing the rate on the mortgage amount - 3.8 million rubles. If the mortgage is more than this amount, then Sberbank reduces the interest rate for the borrower by 0.4%. The final mortgage rates in a new building now look like this:

InterestBid, %Allowances
Base rates10,2 + 0.2% if PV is from 15-20%;

Subsidized rates for up to 7 years8,2 + 0.2% if PV is from 15-20%;
+1% if you refuse insurance;
+ 0.1% if you refuse electronic registration of a mortgage;
+ 0.3% if you do not have a Sberbank salary card;
Subsidized rates for a period of 7 years 1 month. up to 12 years old.8,7 + 0.2% if PV is from 15-20%;
+1% if you refuse insurance;
+ 0.1% if you refuse electronic registration of a mortgage;
+ 0.3% if you do not have a Sberbank salary card;

What important innovations appeared after the reduction in mortgage rates at Sberbank:

  • A special promotion has been launched for new buildings on applications from June 9 to August 31 to reduce the rate.
  • A threshold limit has appeared for the amount, upon crossing which the rate is reduced.
  • Electronic registration of a mortgage with Sberbank has gone from being a service that reduced the rate to almost mandatory, with a 0.1% additional rate for refusal.
  • The difference between Sberbank salary employees and non-salary employees has decreased slightly. Now the discount for salary earners on mortgages is 0.3%.
  • The surcharge for a mortgage on two documents is 0.8%.

It is important to remind you that there is a special policy for new buildings in Sberbank. Read detailed conditions in a separate post.

Secondary housing

There was also a reduction in rates for mortgages on secondary housing in Sberbank. The current conditions are as follows:

Interest ratesBase rateAllowances
Ready housing10,1
+0.2% with PV from 15-20%,

Campaign "Young Family"9,6 +0.3% - if the apartment was not purchased through the domclick website
+0.2% with PV from 15-20%,
+ 0.3% if you don’t have a Sberbank salary card,
+ 0.1% if electronic registration is refused;
+ 1% if you refuse insurance;
+0.6% on mortgages for two documents

What changes are worth noting:

  • Electronic registration has turned from a plus to a minus. For refusing it + 0.1%.
  • Mortgages for young families at Sberbank continue to operate, which is very good.
  • The discount for salary earners remained the same - 0.5%.
  • The “Showcase” promotion continues. So, when purchasing a home marked with a special sign on the domcklick website, a 0.3% discount will apply.

In addition, an important addition has appeared on the DomClick website. Ordinary individuals can now place advertisements there. Previously, this was only available to realtors. At the same time, buyers of such apartments will have a 0.3% discount on their mortgage under the “Showcase from Sberbank” promotion.

Special program with the state

A fixed base rate has been established for special programs to support the population - 9%. These programs are implemented within the framework of special agreements between Sberbank and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. According to it, preferential categories of citizens, depending on the region, can apply for a social mortgage and other special programs.

Opportunities for lowering mortgage rates

After Sberbank reduced mortgage rates to 6.7% on June 9, the majority of the bank’s borrowers had a reasonable question: “?” We wrote a whole post about this and ask you to review it.

It is possible to reduce the rate simply by submitting an ordinary application. In this case, it is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • No delays;
  • A year has passed since the mortgage was issued;
  • The balance is from 500 thousand rubles.
  • Additional factors.

You will learn detailed conditions and how to write an application in a special post.

Requirements for the borrower

A mortgage loan can only be taken out by those who meet the basic requirements of the bank:

  • The borrower's age is not less than 21 years and not more than 75 years at the time of repayment of the loan;
  • a citizen who has worked for at least a year and at least 6 months with the last employer;
  • a borrower with a good credit history who has secured a down payment.

Sberbank can provide loans to non-working pensioners and disabled people. Typically, they will have a rate 1% higher than for standard borrowers for one simple reason - they will not be able to get mortgage insurance or it will be incredibly expensive.

Current mortgage programs

Statistics show that every second borrower applies for a mortgage from Sberbank. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year the bank comes up with more and more new programs and opportunities for its clients. Especially in the last couple of years after the decline in demand for real estate due to the past financial crisis.

After June 9, 2018, the bank has the following programs for purchasing real estate with a mortgage:

  • Purchasing housing on the secondary market - purchasing a finished apartment or house;
  • A special offer for housing under construction is one of the most popular programs with a flexible interest system and a large number of ongoing promotions;
  • Providing a loan for the construction of an individual house - a loan that is gaining popularity and is relevant for those who have the opportunity to set a pledge on another unencumbered property owned during construction;
  • The program for providing loans for country real estate or the construction of a country house allows you to purchase finished, unfinished buildings or land for construction;
  • Purchasing housing on the primary and secondary real estate market with the help of Rosvoenipoteka is relevant for military personnel - participants in a special program;
  • Using maternity capital funds for the second and/or subsequent children to ensure the availability of a down payment or repayment of part of the loan.

Sberbank mortgage products as of August 10, 2017, after reducing mortgage rates

ProgramsMaximum amount, thousand rubles.Bid, %Duration, yearsDown paymentNote
Ready housing15 000 10,1 30 15 +0.2% if PV is from 15-20%,
+ 0.3% if you don’t have a Sberbank salary card,
+ 1% if you refuse insurance; +0.6% on mortgages according to two documents:
+ 0.3% if you refuse to purchase an apartment through the domclick website;
Young family promotion - base rate 9.6%
Constructionup to 85% of the property value10,2 30 15 +0.2% if PV is from 15-20%,
+ 0.3% if you don’t have a Sberbank salary card,
+ 0.1% if you refuse electronic registration;
+ 1% if you refuse insurance; +0.3% on mortgages according to two documents:
Construction of a residential buildingup to 75% of the value of the collateral11 30 25

country estateup to 75% of the value of the collateral11,1 30 25 +0.3% if the borrower does not receive salary on a Sberbank card;
+1% in the absence of a life insurance policy;
+1% if the mortgage is issued after registration of the property with the Rosreestr authorities
Military mortgage2 502 9,5 20 20
Non-targeted loan secured by real estateup to 60% of the cost12,4 20 + 0.5% - if not a salary employee;
+ 1% - if you refuse life insurance.
Mortgage for garage and parking space 11 30 25 + 0.3% if not a salary project, + 1% if insurance is refused.
Family mortgageup to 6 million in the regions and up to 12 million in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.6 30 20
Mortgage refinancing 10,6 30

As a bonus for its borrowers, Sberbank offers a credit card with a denomination of up to 200,000 rubles with or without personalization. By agreement with the borrower, the card can be issued after the mortgage is issued.

A mortgage using maternity capital as a down payment or to repay part of the loan is carried out at the same mortgage rates as the purchase of finished and under construction housing.

How can I get a loan for real estate?

After the announcement of a reduction in mortgage interest rates from January 2018, many financial companies announced a forecast of a possible reduction in bank rates by the end of the year to below 8% and an increase in the total volume of loans to a record level.

The reduction in rates carried out by Sberbank will provoke an increase in demand for real estate objects of varying degrees of completion of construction. The deadline for the rates of some existing programs until the end of 2018 gives hope for a further reduction in mortgage interest rates, according to analysts' forecasts - up to 6-8% per annum in Sberbank or other Russian banks.

Sberbank has undergone quite important changes in the terms of mortgage lending.

Interest rates on finished real estate from 10.2%

In Sberbank residential real estate on the secondary market is considered ready-made housing. But we mean not only standard apartments in multi-storey residential buildings, but also private houses, country cottages, and other residential real estate.
Lending terms:

  • Rate from 10.2%
  • Loan amount - minimum 300 rubles, maximum - 85% of the appraised value of the apartment;
  • Initial payment - from 15%;
  • Security is a pledge of purchased or other real estate;
  • Mandatory insurance of purchased housing;
  • Life insurance at the request of the client;

For borrowers who receive salaries through other banking structures, the rate will be higher.

Interest rates from 8.5% in new buildings

This promotion applies to primary market apartments that have been put into operation, as well as residential premises that are still at the construction stage.

8.5% per annum - interest rate for a special program for subsidizing mortgages by developers with electronic registration

If the borrower does not want to take out a life insurance policy, the rate increases.

Construction of a residential building - 11.6%

Sberbank offers an individual lending program for clients who want to build their own home independently or at the expense of contractors. In this case, the issuance of loan funds is intended only for the construction of a residential building on land plots intended specifically for development.
Lending terms:

  • The mortgage rate is 11.6% or more.
  • Compulsory house insurance (an insurance agreement for development land is not concluded); life insurance at the request of the client.

Suburban residential real estate - 11.1%

The program provides the opportunity to:

  • Purchase a plot of land for development.
  • Purchase a dacha or other real estate that is not suitable for permanent residence.
  • Build a dacha or other real estate that is not suitable for permanent residence.

Lending terms:

  • The initial minimum payment is at least 25 percent.
  • The mortgage rate is 11.1% or more.
  • The loan amount is a minimum of 300 rubles, a maximum of 75% of the appraised value of the property being purchased under the mortgage program.
  • Security - a pledge of the purchased property, a pledge of a building plot, the right to lease it.
  • Compulsory insurance of the purchased residential property (an insurance agreement for development land is not concluded); life insurance at the request of the client.

Mortgage program for military personnel - 9.5%

Individual lending program for Russian military personnel who are participants in the mortgage savings program.
Lending terms:

  • The rate is 9.5%.
  • Loan amount - maximum 2.502 million.
  • Down payment - minimum 15%

Possibility of purchasing new or secondary housing. There are no premiums, there is no need to demonstrate the borrower’s solvency or to issue a life insurance contract.

Applying for a mortgage loan

You can submit your application on the DomClick website. The necessary documents can be submitted to any Sberbank branch located at your place of residence.

Application form for a mortgage at Sberbank

Mortgage calculator

Payment type



Apartment cost


An initial fee



Interest rate


Mortgage "Young Family" in Sberbank - a profitable loan

In 2019, Sberbank provides mortgages to young families at relatively low interest rates. Thus, the bank is trying to help those who are just starting to build their lives buy a home.

In Russia, in 2019, there is a federal program to provide affordable housing to young families. The purpose of this program is state support in solving the housing problem of young families recognized in accordance with the established procedure as in need of improved housing conditions.

Sberbank is also participating in it. But it also has its own special mortgage product for young families, not related to the federal program. This is what we will look at on this page.

Mortgage for young families in Sberbank: conditions and rates in 2019

Sberbank’s “Young Family” mortgage program offers special lending conditions for the purchase of housing.

First, let’s consider which family is “young” in the sense of Sberbank, and, accordingly, can qualify for a mortgage under this program.

Requirements for a borrower under the “Young Family” program

On the official website of Sberbank we were able to find the following explanation:

A “young family” is a family in which at least one of the spouses has not reached the age of 35, or an incomplete family (a family with one parent and a child/children) in which a parent has not reached the age of 35.

In addition, for applicants for a mortgage for a young family, Sberbank also has a standard requirement for borrowers, according to which the age at the time of granting the loan must be at least 21 years. It is only important that the age at the time of repayment of the loan does not exceed 75 years (65 years if the mortgage is without confirmation of income and employment).

You must also have at least 6 months of work experience at your current place of work and at least 1 year of total work experience over the last 5 years (n and this requirement does not apply to Sberbank salary clients).

See also:

Sberbank secondary mortgage: interest and conditions >>

Terms of the Young Family mortgage in Sberbank

Under the “Young Family” program at Sberbank you can get a mortgage under the following conditions:

> Duration - up to 30 years.

> The minimum amount is 300,000 rubles.

> Down payment - from 15%.

Mortgage interest rates for young families at Sberbank

For payroll clients, including taking into account the electronic registration service:

As part of the "Showcase" campaign

Without the "Showcase" promotion



  • +0.2% - with a down payment of 15% to 20% (not including the upper limit);
  • +0.3% - if you do not receive your salary on a Sberbank card;

The loan can be provided without proof of income and employment (according to 2 documents).

Mortgage interest rates for young families for 2 documents

For clients who have not provided proof of income and employment in the case when the purchased property was built with the participation of Bank loan funds, subject to an initial payment of 50%. These rates in rubles are valid taking into account the use of the electronic registration service:


1% - upon refusal of life and health insurance of the borrower in accordance with the requirements of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

See also:

Mortgage in Sberbank for new buildings: interest rate and conditions >>

How to get a mortgage for a young family at Sberbank

To apply for a “Young Family” mortgage at Sberbank, you need to complete a number of actions:

Step 1. If you are planning to buy an apartment using borrowed funds from Sberbank, first soberly calculate your financial capabilities. Remember that the loan is taken not for one year, but for a long period. During this time, your income may change either up or down. Therefore, calculate your loan using a mortgage calculator. For detailed calculations, it is better to use the calculator on the official website of Sberbank. But preliminary calculations can be done using our online mortgage calculator.

Mortgage calculator

Step 2: Submit your mortgage loan application online. You can do this on the DomClick website from Sberbank. There you can register in your personal account, consult with a specialist via chat, and even get mortgage approval directly on the website.

Step 3. Choose an apartment. You can also do this on the DomClick website, where a wide range of ready-made apartments is presented. But you can look for housing yourself on classifieds websites or with the help of realtors.

Step 4. Complete the deal. If possible, it is better to do this using the “Electronic Registration Service” from Sberbank. You can sign a loan agreement and send documents for registration this way even without visiting Rosreestr or the MFC.

Is it possible to use matkapital for a down payment?

When purchasing housing on credit with the help of Sberbank, you can use maternity capital funds for the down payment (or part of it). The basic conditions and rates of mortgage programs do not change. You only have to take into account a few nuances. In particular:

1. The purchased residential premises must be registered as the property of the borrower or the common shared property of spouses and children (if desired);

2. Clients who do not receive wages into an account opened with Sberbank must provide documents confirming their financial condition and employment when applying for a loan;

3. Within 6 months from the date the loan was issued, you must contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to transfer maternity capital funds to repay the loan debt.

Documents for a Sberbank mortgage for maternity capital

To obtain a loan under the “Mortgage plus Maternity Capital” program, the following additional documents are provided in the basic package of documents:

State certificate for maternity (family capital);

Document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the balance of maternity capital (Valid for 30 calendar days from the date of issue. Can be provided within 90 calendar days from the date of the Bank’s decision to issue a loan along with documents on the property being financed).

Mortgage with state support for families with children

The best and most popular choice of bank clients when purchasing real estate is a mortgage loan. Both individuals can use a mortgage to purchase housing, and legal entities can use it to organize an office or other facilities. The large cash turnover in this area creates high competition among banks, which contributes to the emergence of many competitive offers.

Mortgage "Young Family" Sberbank, conditions 2019 - a sought-after offer from the largest state-owned bank in Russia, which has a large credit wallet. The tariff was developed in accordance with the current state program to improve financial and housing conditions for citizens. Not every family can take advantage of this offer. In this material we will consider in detail the mortgage requirements, conditions, established interest rate and features of working with Sberbank.

A mortgage has a similar principle to conventional lending, but instead of the usual guarantors, the property of the borrower or co-borrowers is used as insurance for guaranteed payment. This offer applies exclusively to secondary housing - residential real estate that has previously received the right to ownership. You should not confuse secondary housing with old houses and plots; this category may also include new buildings with pre-purchased apartments, which makes them automatically secondary. It is worth understanding this issue before you start collecting documents and applying for a mortgage, so as not to confuse anything.

The “Young Family” tariff is available for use exclusively by individuals. It is subject to the basic conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan, with some changes in several points. An individual must:

  • be between 21 and 35 years of age;
  • be officially married, the “Young Family” offer is available to a family where one of its members has not reached the 35th birthday. This option is relevant for single-parent families with one or more children, in which the parent is not older than 35 years;
  • a certificate of main and additional sources of income; to guarantee obtaining a mortgage and increasing its limit, it is recommended to find a co-borrower who is also required to provide a full package of documents;
  • work books and agreements that can prove that you have worked for more than 3 years over the past five years and have been in your current job for more than 6 months.

These documents must be included with the submitted application, after which qualified Sberbank specialists will preliminarily calculate the maximum loan amount.

Mortgage “Young Family” in Sberbank: conditions for receiving without a down payment in 2017

The “Young Family” mortgage offer from the largest state-owned bank in Russia is implemented in accordance with the bill on improving the quality of life of the population and offers additional benefits. This policy has attracted many clients, which makes such a mortgage not only in demand, but also profitable for the bank. Mortgage lending conditions have changed in 2019, it is recommended to re-examine the requirements and offers.

As already indicated in the previous paragraph, only individuals with permanent registration in Russia who have provided the necessary package of documents can use the “Young Family” service.

The bank pays special attention to the age of the borrower; he must be at least 21 and no more than 35 years old. The marriage must be documented, however, the loan can also be issued to single-parent families who meet the above requirements.

For single-parent families, it is recommended to get a co-borrower, who can be your relative or friend. The co-borrower must also submit a complete package of documents and consent to the use of his property as collateral. This increases the chance of receiving a positive response from the credit operator.

Unlike a savings account, you can apply for a mortgage only at the nearest Sberbank service office where this service is available. A complete list of such branches can be found on the official website or by calling the toll-free support number.

The terms of the family offer from Sberbank stand out for the better from their direct private and public competitors. Mortgage for a young family in 2019, the Sberbank state program offers:

  1. variable percentage depending on the amount of the down payment. If you deposit 20-30%, you will pay 13%, 30-50% - 12.7%, above 50% - 12.5%. This offer is especially beneficial if you are able to make a large down payment on the loan offer;
  2. you can lower the above percentage by 0.5% if one of the spouses has a Sberbank debit card. The minimum payment can reach 12%;
  3. There are also penalties that Sberbank may impose: if you do not open an insurance policy that meets the requirements, 1% will be added to the interest rate. If any part of your monthly income cannot be verified, you can still apply for a mortgage, but an additional 1% will be added to the final interest.
  4. you may not need to verify your income or employment for one year. Also, during this period you do not have to make the initial payment; this period is intended for the improvement of your new home;
  5. the maximum term of a mortgage loan under the “Young Family” program is 30 years;
  6. the active status of your mortgage, balance of funds, number of payments and receipt of a full statement are available in your Sberbank-Online personal account, which can be connected separately. Please clarify this issue separately with the Sberbank operator when submitting your offer.

Reduced requirements, variability in the base percentage, additional services and the ability to defer the down payment are an excellent requirement for families who have just started their journey together and need to urgently purchase a home. Sberbank uses the latest technical and software developments in its work, which has made it possible to reduce the time for processing each request to a minimum.

By receiving a mortgage, you not only become the owner of the property that is at the disposal of your family, but you can also repay the loan early, which will reduce the interest paid.

Sberbank clients have the opportunity to set up automatic debiting of mortgage funds from a debit card, which frees them from the need to go to a Sberbank branch every month.

"Young Family" in Sberbank: mortgage calculator

A special online calculator allows you to quickly calculate the maximum amount of your loan and determine the amount of the down payment and monthly payments. The solution has been revised several times, and now, in 2019, this calculator is a unique banking computing tool with a connection to a database, which allows you to automatically obtain up-to-date information about loan terms and enter them into the appropriate cells. There is also no need to manually configure it – you can manage the settings of the virtual computing service in detail.

Sberbank does not stand still and is rapidly developing its own services, increasing user demand for them. High quality of service, favorable tariff plans and availability of official bank branches throughout Russia make Sberbank the best offer today. Follow official updates by signing up for an advertising newsletter by e-mail.