The mapida told us where housing will be built in the near future. Mapid told where housing will be built in the near future by JSC Mapid

(G) (I)

Yancharsky Ivan Boleslavovich


1961 - creation of house-building plant No. 1 (DSK-1) on the basis of prefabricated reinforced concrete plant No. 8.

1966 - on the basis of one of the construction departments of DSK-1, a block development trust (TKZ) was created.

1968 - house-building plant No. 2 (DSK-2) was created.

January 1976 - on the basis of DSK-1, DSK-2, TKZ and the KPD-3 plant, the Minsk Production Association of Industrial Housing Construction (MPOID) was created.

1982 - formation of general contracting construction department No. 256 (SU-256) in the structure of MPOID. Since 1990, the head of the production and technical department of SU No. 256 MPOID - Ladutko, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1997-2001 - head of the engineering training department, head of the production department for construction of MAPID "Minsk Zhilstroy").

1988 - specialized finishing department No. 192 (SU-192) was formed.

Since 2001 - Head of Construction Department No. 101 of JSC MAPID

1994 - the MAPID mini-football team appears.

Since 1998, Andrei Vladimirovich Yasyuchenya worked as deputy head of the department for organizing construction production SU-204 MAPID (in 2001 he headed the department).

2001 - The Minsk rental industrial housing construction enterprise is transformed into JSC MAPID.


Includes 17 structural divisions:

  • Industrial group (large-panel house-building plants No. 1, No. 3 for the production of products for the construction of residential buildings)
  • Construction group (general contracting departments No. 101, No. 256 and UMSR-154; installation departments No. 207, No. 246; finishing departments No. 192, No. 202, No. 203, No. 204; plumbing department No. 205, electrical installation department No. 206; production department technological equipment; management of small mechanization)
  • Group of non-core production (catering plant, housing and communal services department, agricultural department "Zagalsky").

The company's more than 9 thousand workers perform all types of housing construction work - from excavating a foundation pit to delivering an apartment on a turnkey basis.

The enterprise's capacity is 600 thousand square meters. meters of housing per year.

Competitions and awards

1973 - II degree Diploma of the USSR State Construction Committee (for technical excellence and architectural expressiveness of large-panel residential buildings built).

1992-1993 - victory in the international competition for the construction of a town for military personnel (Bereza, Brest region) - in two years, 17 residential buildings with 720 apartments, a kindergarten and a shopping center were built.


General Director (since 2002) - Ivan Boleslavovich Yancharsky.

see also

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Excerpt characterizing MAPID

- Well, drink it all! - said Anatole, handing the last glass to Pierre, - otherwise I won’t let you in!
“No, I don’t want to,” Pierre said, pushing Anatole away and went to the window.
Dolokhov held the Englishman’s hand and clearly, distinctly spelled out the terms of the bet, addressing mainly Anatole and Pierre.
Dolokhov was a man of average height, with curly hair and light blue eyes. He was about twenty-five years old. He did not wear a mustache, like all infantry officers, and his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was completely visible. The lines of this mouth were remarkably finely curved. In the middle, the upper lip energetically dropped onto the strong lower lip like a sharp wedge, and something like two smiles constantly formed in the corners, one on each side; and all together, and especially in combination with a firm, insolent, intelligent look, it created such an impression that it was impossible not to notice this face. Dolokhov was a poor man, without any connections. And despite the fact that Anatole lived in tens of thousands, Dolokhov lived with him and managed to position himself in such a way that Anatole and everyone who knew them respected Dolokhov more than Anatole. Dolokhov played all the games and almost always won. No matter how much he drank, he never lost his clarity of mind. Both Kuragin and Dolokhov at that time were celebrities in the world of rakes and revelers in St. Petersburg.
A bottle of rum was brought; the frame that did not allow anyone to sit on the outer slope of the window was broken out by two footmen, apparently in a hurry and timid from the advice and shouts of the surrounding gentlemen.
Anatole walked up to the window with his victorious look. He wanted to break something. He pushed the lackeys away and pulled the frame, but the frame did not give up. He broke the glass.
“Well, how are you, strong man,” he turned to Pierre.
Pierre took hold of the crossbars, pulled, and with a crash the oak frame turned out.
“Get out, otherwise they’ll think I’m holding on,” said Dolokhov.
“The Englishman is bragging... huh?... good?...” said Anatole.
“Okay,” said Pierre, looking at Dolokhov, who, taking a bottle of rum in his hands, approached the window, from which one could see the light of the sky and the morning and evening dawn merging on it.
Dolokhov, with a bottle of rum in his hand, jumped up onto the window. "Listen!"
he shouted, standing on the windowsill and turning into the room. Everyone fell silent.
- I bet (he spoke French so that an Englishman could understand him, and did not speak this language very well). I bet you fifty imperials, would you like a hundred? - he added, turning to the Englishman.
“No, fifty,” said the Englishman.
- Okay, for fifty imperials - that I will drink the entire bottle of rum without taking it from my mouth, I will drink it while sitting outside the window, right here (he bent down and showed the sloping ledge of the wall outside the window) and without holding on to anything... So? ...
“Very good,” said the Englishman.
Anatole turned to the Englishman and, taking him by the button of his tailcoat and looking down at him (the Englishman was short), began repeating to him the terms of the bet in English.
- Wait! - Dolokhov shouted, banging the bottle on the window to attract attention. - Wait, Kuragin; listen. If anyone does the same, then I pay one hundred imperials. Do you understand?
The Englishman nodded his head, making it impossible to understand whether he intended to accept this new bet or not. Anatole did not let go of the Englishman and, despite the fact that he nodded, letting him know that he understood everything, Anatole translated Dolokhov’s words to him in English. A young thin boy, a life hussar, who had lost that evening, climbed onto the window, leaned out and looked down.
“Uh!... uh!... uh!...” he said, looking out the window at the stone sidewalk.
- Attention! - Dolokhov shouted and pulled the officer from the window, who, entangled in his spurs, awkwardly jumped into the room.
Having placed the bottle on the windowsill so that it would be convenient to get it, Dolokhov carefully and quietly climbed out the window. Dropping his legs and leaning both hands on the edges of the window, he measured himself, sat down, lowered his hands, moved to the right, to the left and took out a bottle. Anatole brought two candles and put them on the windowsill, although it was already quite light. Dolokhov's back in a white shirt and his curly head were illuminated from both sides. Everyone crowded around the window. The Englishman stood in front. Pierre smiled and said nothing. One of those present, older than the others, with a frightened and angry face, suddenly moved forward and wanted to grab Dolokhov by the shirt.
- Gentlemen, this is nonsense; he will be killed to death,” said this more prudent man.
Anatole stopped him:
“Don’t touch it, you’ll scare him and he’ll kill himself.” Eh?... What then?... Eh?...
Dolokhov turned around, straightening himself and again spreading his arms.
“If anyone else bothers me,” he said, rarely letting words slip through his clenched and thin lips, “I’ll bring him down here now.” Well!…

In 2020, JSC MAPID, as the construction customer, plans to commission about 30 thousand square meters of housing in Minsk. In 2020, due to a shortage of plots, the volume of housing commissioning will not even reach this level. This is at a time when the enterprise, as a customer, is able and ready to build 70 thousand square meters of housing per year.

- . - says Gennady Boltik.

New buildings Mapid

JSC Mapid is one of the largest construction enterprises in Belarus. The company includes 17 divisions and more than 7,000 employees. Such a scale allows the developer JSC Mapid in Minsk to independently carry out the entire range of work - from digging a pit to putting the residential complex into operation, as well as carrying out turnkey apartment renovations. According to the official website, IC "Mapid" has been operating on the Belarusian market since 1961 - during this time more than 23 million square meters of housing have been successfully commissioned.

Mapid's specialization is the construction of apartments in multi-storey residential complexes in large-panel design (most of the objects belong to the "economy" class). In the construction of complexes, the developer gives preference to the M464-U1 (9–10 floors), M464-M (9–16 floors) and M111-90 (16–19 floors) series.

MAPID sells its apartments in Kamennaya Gorka to those not waiting for 1,900 rubles per square meter and is preparing to enter new sites

The price per square meter is quite high for citizens who do not need to improve their living conditions, taking into account the fact that the apartments in the building will be rented out with fully improved finishing. Instead of linoleum, laminate will be laid on the floor, and the ceilings will be replaced with painting. It is planned to install wooden doors, for the purchase of which the company will announce a tender. The winner will be chosen not only taking into account the price offered, but also the design. Electric stoves, toilets, and bathtubs will be installed in the apartments.

On October 17, the company's sales department began selling apartments in the building under shared construction agreements. Unlike the last residential building No. 12 according to the general plan in Loshitsa, where MAPID sold apartments from 1,295 rubles/sq.m to 1,900 rubles/sq.m, in the building in Kamennaya Gorka-3 the price for apartments for those not on the waiting list was 1,900 rub./sq.m.

MAPID sells its apartments in Kamennaya Gorka to those not waiting for 1,900 rubles per square meter and is preparing to enter new sites  10674  13

- We have already begun to implement the property rights of the owners of demolished individual residential buildings, in the place of which high-rise buildings will rise. I think that at the end of November we will begin to evaluate houses and determine the amount of additional payments. All residents of demolished buildings will be offered new apartments in our buildings. Of the 69 owners, 40 have already chosen their residential premises, says Gennady Boltik.

- So far, apartment sales are not as active as we would like and as our organization is accustomed to. To date, more than 50 shared construction agreements have been concluded. But we hope that with increasing construction readiness of houses, sales will also increase,- says Gennady Boltik.

MAPID is completing the construction of its house in Zhodino and in January 2020 will begin selling apartments for 1,050 rubles

It was necessary to look for a way out of the impasse, and it was found. "MAPID" returned to the construction site and completed the construction of a residential building at its own expense. In return, according to the contract, as an assignment of claims, the customer transferred to the general contractor 76 unsold apartments, which the company will begin selling under sales contracts in November-December of this year.

The residential building was planned for delivery in November 2020. But its construction was delayed due to financial problems faced by the customer. The general contractor had to leave the construction site due to non-payment for work performed, and the construction was frozen.

Housing is being built, but the queues are not decreasing

The measures contained in the just adopted (November 14) Decree No. 671, which simplifies the procedure for allocating land plots for housing construction, will certainly contribute to improving the situation on construction sites in Minsk and in the republic as a whole. This allocation itself - without the long procedure of obtaining “papers” from the executive committee - is a design permit. The examination of standard projects, including all series of industrial housing construction, and artificial tenders are cancelled. These and other measures, we hope, in a year or two will make it possible to commission 1-1.2 million square meters annually in Minsk. m of housing, 80% of which (versus the current 60%) will go to those in need of improving their living conditions.

And yet, in the future, the effect of this regulatory act will certainly affect the volume of shared-equity construction. In particular, because each developer is now required to fill out a declaration for each house indicating the estimated cost per square meter with all costs attributed to it and their correlation to the costs of the UKS for organizing the construction process - from 1.5% to 1.96%, depending from the departmental subordination of the developer. You understand that you won’t be able to accelerate much by less than 2%.

Mapid offers to build in Loshitsa at - 770

The object is a 132-apartment, 19-story large-panel residential building of the M111-90 series with built-in premises for the owners' association on the ground floor. Apartments intended for concluding agreements for the creation of shared construction projects with citizens who are not registered as needing improved housing conditions are built without performing the full amount of preparatory work for finishing walls and ceilings, as well as without performing interior finishing work (without wallpapering , painting, cladding), without flooring, without built-in furniture, without installing door blocks in interior partitions, sanitary fixtures and equipment (except for the toilet and water meters), without an electric stove. Walls: external, internal and inter-apartment partitions - reinforced concrete panels. The floors are reinforced concrete. Heating is central. Power supply - hidden wiring. The design and estimate documentation provides for: sewerage, hot and cold water supply, radio, television, garbage chute, elevator, loggias, glazing of loggias.

The developer has the right to change the price of the shared construction project (contract price) in cases of changes in the statistical indices of the cost of construction and installation work during the regulatory period of construction of a residential building, as well as in the absence of the developer’s fault in the failure to fulfill the deadline for fulfillment of the developer’s obligations under the contract, if confirmed by the decision of the local executive and administrative body of force majeure and other reasons beyond the control of the developer. In this case, the developer, when completing construction of the facility, has the right to apply indexation of the cost of the work performed during the entire additional construction period. A change in the price of a shared construction project is also possible in cases of changes in legislation on the payment of indirect taxes, if they have influenced the price of a shared construction project.

Belarus: MAPID in 2020

“In 2020, it is planned to ensure the commissioning of housing at the level of 300 thousand square meters. m. These are 36 houses. All contracts for next year are already at the signing stage. That is, we know where and in what volumes we will build. The order portfolio has been formed. We plan to ensure profitability and profitability indicators at the 2020 level,” noted Nikolai Miloshevsky.

“To load capacity, the vector of activity of MAPID is shifting towards private customers. We have also carried out systematic work on the construction of previously unusual objects: kindergartens, schools, etc. We recently won a construction bid on the street. Odintsovo multifunctional center,” the manager added.

MAPID: the pace of housing construction in Minsk may slow down in the next two years due to a shortage of sites

In his opinion, it is impossible to build as much housing in the reconstructed areas as in the Severny and Shchemyslitsa districts, while the cost of one square meter will be higher due to the high costs of demolition and resettlement. In addition, in the reconstructed areas there is no possibility for clear planning of construction work.

“As practice shows, if at least one house on the site is not demolished, this leads to the stoppage of the entire project, although development costs have already been incurred. In addition, legal battles with citizens living in the reconstructed territories have been going on for years,” noted Yancharsky. The main problem is related to the number of square meters of housing provided to citizens in exchange for demolished housing.

Cancellation of shared construction in 2020

For the majority of Russian citizens, shared construction remained one of the options for acquiring their own living space. At the same time, the state mortgage subsidy program contributed to the priority of such a scheme. However, the head of state Vladimir Putin decided to cancel shared-equity construction in 2020.

The amendments have already been able to establish a certain balance and reduce the number of unscrupulous dealers. Now the developer has the right to receive money from shareholders only after obtaining a construction permit. This document can be obtained in person only if you have your own and borrowed funds.

Today a rare event took place for the capital's real estate market: 8 apartments from the developer JSC MAPID were sold under the hammer. Housing in new buildings was put up for auction immediately with finishing touches. On average, a square meter of new apartments was valued at $1,000.

The geography of the apartments included three new areas: Kamennaya Gorka, Sukharevo and Loshitsa. Over the past years, panel housing has been hastily erected there, but the infrastructure has traditionally lagged behind. The apartments put up for auction have social furnishings, which allows the winners to celebrate their housewarming in the shortest possible time.

There were no empty seats in the auction hall. After the registration of participants was completed, an artistic man in a tailcoat walked onto the podium and tapped it with a wooden mallet:

Gift to our brothers, gift to the richest people of Minsk and the new Europe, good day!
Quite a few foreign citizens actually came to participate in the auction.

LOT No. 1 - three-room apartment with an area of ​​71 sq. m at the address: st. Prushinskikh, 7 (Loshitsa-9) was auctioned for Br1,140 million ($78.4 thousand). The initial price of the lot was 1,028,050,000 rubles, which is equivalent to $71 thousand at the current rate of the National Bank. The bidding consisted of only two steps.

And this is what the 10-story building in which the sold apartment is located looks like. There is a supermarket across the road, a roundabout and a public transport stop two steps away. Bonuses include the Chizhovskoe reservoir, parks and squares, which Loshitsa does not occupy.

LOT No. 2 - a two-room apartment in a neighboring house at 11 Prushinskikh St. went under the hammer for Br 1,050 million ($72.5 thousand). With a total area of ​​58 sq. m, the initial cost of the lot was 870 million rubles, which is equivalent to $60 thousand. Two applicants applied for the apartment. Below is the layout of the rooms:

And this is the landscape that can be observed today from the windows of the new building.

LOT No. 3 - another two-room apartment, but in Kamennaya Gorka. Apartment with an area of ​​53.4 sq. m was put up for auction for Br 801 million ($55 thousand), but went for Br 930 million ($64.2 thousand). Two applicants applied for the apartment.

The ten-story building at Nemanskaya, 85 looks like this:

LOT No. 4 - three-room apartment in the same building. Footage - 76 sq. m, the initial price was Br 1,102,000,000 ($76 thousand), and the auction ended at the first step at Br 1,160,000,000 ($80 thousand) - only one participant agreed to this amount.

The location of the facility is only partly convenient: the ring road is just a stone's throw away, but the metro will have to travel 5 public transport stops. Recently, the infrastructure of Kamennaya Gorka has begun to slowly catch up with housing: there is a school in the next block, the Almi hypermarket is one and a half kilometers away.

LOT No. 5 - three-room apartment in a building at 21 Nalibokskaya, which is located next to a 10-story building on Nemanskaya. The total area is almost 80 square meters. m. The initial price was Br 1,157,100,000, which is equivalent to $80 thousand, also almost. Only one participant submitted an application to participate in the auction - the same one who purchased a three-ruble note on Prushinskikh, 7 (lot #1) and a three-ruble note on Nemanskaya, 85 (lot #4). Another three-room apartment on the street. Nalibokskaya, due to the absence of the second applicant, was sold to him without bidding at the starting price, increased by 5%: Br 1,214,850,000 ($83.8 thousand).

Two more lots were located in house No. 32 on the street. Goretsky (Sukharevo microdistrict). In the photo he is in the center of the composition:

The edge of the Medvezhino forest park is visible behind. The environment is in perfect order here. The nearest metro station is 5 stops away.

On LOT No. 6 - a one-room apartment in this house with a total area of ​​40.5 sq. m. m, which the auction host dubbed “marai halassyaka”, was claimed by as many as 8 applicants. As a result, the “one-room apartment” was auctioned for Br 850 million ($58.7 thousand), although the initial cost was only Br 627,750,000 ($43 thousand). At the sixth step of the auction (Br 850 million), the participants hesitated, and the bidding continued from Br 800 million, but eventually reached an amount that not a single applicant could decide on a minute earlier.

LOT No. 7 - two-room apartment with area of ​​61.7 sq. m. m in the same house was put up for auction at a starting price of Br 925,500,000 ($64 thousand). The auction consisted of 4 steps, and the final price of the lot was set at Br 1,220 million ($84 thousand). Participant No. 19 won the auction - the same investor who did not skimp on purchasing three three rubles in residential areas.

A neighboring new building with 16 floors also took part in the auction with a 45-meter one-room building (LOT No. 8). The starting price was Br697,600,000 rubles, which is equivalent to $48 thousand. Six applicants applied for this lot. As a result, the cost of the apartment was Br856 million ($59 thousand).

The results of the auction amazed the participants: “One-room apartments” for the price of “two-room apartments”! Stunning!”, “Prices are higher than market prices!” - there were conversations in the crowd.

And one of those present expressed her dissatisfaction with the organizers about the language of the auction:

We specially came from Russia to participate in the auction. I myself am a native of Minsk. There are two official languages ​​in Belarus, why were the auctions conducted only in English?

After a short argument with the organizers, the dissatisfied woman went outside.

Panel housing can and should be atypical. What new will MAPID OJSC offer for developers and where the company intends to build houses in the coming years, a correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency talked about this with the head of the engineering preparation department of the open joint-stock company Mikhail Ryabtsev.

- Mikhail Borisovich, working with the A-100 company, your company convinced that panel housing can be different and different. Will similar cooperation with other developers continue and what are you ready to offer them?

- Our strategy is to move to large-panel housing in an individual design, that is, to create the appearance and internal content of a house for a specific customer, as is the case in Europe. There, the architect defines the concept of the building, and the house-building plant decides how to translate this concept into specific products. Experience shows: the only difficult task for large-panel houses is the curved, smooth shapes of the facades. In terms of other technical, economic and consumer characteristics, buildings made of prefabricated reinforced concrete compare favorably with other structural schemes.

Recently, we have had successful experience in transforming standard housing into individual properties in the Russian Federation, with the A-100 company, Triple LLC and other customers. We want to continue moving in this direction. We ourselves are developing an individual approach: the project group of OJSC MAPID is currently working on a project for the development of the new quarter “Planernaya Gora” in the area of ​​Sharangovich Street behind the NPO Center. The customer is our company, the expected start date is 2020. We have many ideas that we would like to implement in this territory. Thus, to improve the aesthetics of the facade, it is planned to use special matrices that imitate, for example, the texture of wood, and use fluorescent paints. There are many ways to make residential buildings beautiful, comfortable, and different from each other. I hope I can show this.

- Your company has several production series. Are you planning to change anything in them?

- Now work is underway on modernizing the M111-90 series, which, instead of the usual 19 floors, can, if necessary, grow to 23. Why is this being done? This solution will make it possible to obtain more apartments and increase the economic attractiveness of many investment sites. Together with the NIPTIS Institute named after S. S. Ataev, the load-bearing capacity of the building is being checked: perhaps the thickness of the walls of the lower floors will change, concrete of greater strength will be used.

Also in 2017, many innovations were implemented in this series: bulky engine (elevator) compartments were removed from the roof, small-sized 2-room studio apartments (45.5 m²) appeared, combined bathrooms, technological rooms were moved underground.

As for the M464-U1 series, residential buildings in this design are still in great demand and are among the cheapest in the republic. Over the years of development of this series, the company has developed many options for planning solutions with a different set of apartments. Today, such developments are able to satisfy the needs of any customer.

In the future, MAPID is thinking about modernizing M464-U1 by increasing the height of ceilings and improving the sound insulation of apartments.

- I know that the company offered options for cottage or low-rise construction from panels. What's the result?

- We calculated how competitive low-rise buildings made from our products could be. We found out that we are inferior due to the higher cost of external wall panels, since they are three-layer and labor-intensive. Therefore, we are ready to offer the construction of cottages and townhouses using single-layer external panels with their subsequent insulation during construction. This will ensure the load-bearing capacity of the building, and the owners will be able to choose the appearance of the facades based on their preferences. We are currently working on this option, we hope it will be of interest to the market..

- Where will MAPID build housing in the near future?

- In 2017, construction began on the site within the boundaries of Odintsova - Skripnikov - Pritytskogo streets. There, on the site of the former private sector, 7 houses will rise. Work is already underway on the construction of the first two 19-story buildings. In the next two years, we will begin to build housing in new microdistricts of the capital: Chizhovka-6, 6a (customer - GPO Minskstroy), Loshitsa-8.1, 8.2, 10 (customer - KUP "UKS Minsk City Executive Committee"), development in the block of Kuleshova - Shishkin streets (customer - KUDP "UKS Zavodskoy district"). The development of the territory within the boundaries of Goretsky - Sharangovich - Marshal Losik streets will continue, where it is planned to build another 65 thousand m² of housing. Including one house will be built for social categories of citizens through Chinese investments.

In addition to the capital, our high-rise buildings will appear in Fanipol, Smolevichi, Machulishchi. Construction of the residential area of ​​Novaya Borovaya will continue. In the Lyubansky district we will build a residential building and 4 administrative buildings for the Slavkaliy LLC. The export direction will receive further development: we will build residential buildings in the cities of Obninsk and Kaluga, a school in the city of Sobinka, Vladimir Region of the Russian Federation, and a hotel in Vilnius (Lithuania).

For information

Over the 11 months of 2017, the company commissioned 26 residential buildings, including 17 in the capital.