Template for estimate for electrical installation work. Rules for drawing up estimates for electrical work

  • Where to start renovating an apartment

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    Before starting wiring

    The most important and significant thing is the planning stage; in a private house or apartment, you need to carefully consider in advance:

    • location of lighting fixtures, chandeliers, sconces, lighting, etc.
    • location of household appliances and estimated power
    • convenient options for connecting mobile and stationary devices
    • placement of sockets, switches and much more

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    Overhaul of electrical wiring

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    Where to start repairs

    High-quality electrical installation

    High-quality installation of electrical wiring is necessary to ensure safety and reliability. Coziness, safety, comfort - these are the basic requirements for a future living space. If you miss such an important point when overhauling an apartment or building a private house, then in the future a lot of problems may appear that will be difficult to eliminate without significant financial costs. Poor quality electrical wiring can cause a fire and deprive not only property, but also life.

    Saving on electrical work

    Saving on electrics is unacceptable. Electrical installation work must be carried out immediately in full using high-quality electrical materials, then the apartment’s wiring will last for many years. By purchasing low-quality electrical materials, you risk in the future facing large financial costs for finding and eliminating faults in the electrical network of your home.

    Electrical wiring in a new building

    As a rule, electrical wiring from the developer is always carried out to the minimum, without taking into account modern requirements. Owners of apartments in new buildings should take care of upgrading the existing wiring to connect powerful household appliances - washing machines and dishwashers, air conditioners, water heaters, etc.

    Electrical installation from the developer

    In most cases, the electrical wiring from the developer is made of low-quality materials in violation of the current SNIP and PUE requirements in Russia. It is almost impossible to check the quality of electrical installation work performed in a new building. Electrical wiring is laid in the walls and ceilings of the building. There is a high probability that after renovating the apartment, the lights will stop turning on and the sockets will stop working. It's a shame? Therefore, before starting expensive repairs, it is necessary to carry out electrical installation work to eliminate possible defects in the electrical wiring of a new building from the developer. Find out about the main electrical disadvantages in a new building.

    Electrical in a new building
    Electrical installation of turnkey apartments
    Installation of wiring in an apartment along the floor
    Laying electrical wiring on the ceiling

    Rough electrical installation in a new building

    Installation of socket boxes in plasterboard
    Photos of our work

    Photos of a one-room, two-room, three-room apartment, a private house in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) and Len. areas where we carried out turnkey installation of electrical wiring. Electrical installation work was carried out according to electrical and design projects, according to technical requirements. instructions and wishes of customers, taking into account the current requirements of PUE and SNIP.

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  • An estimate is a calculation plan that displays all upcoming expenses for the implementation of a specific project. Preparation of estimates for electrical installation work- a very labor-intensive process that requires a professional approach on the part of the performer. Without this document, it will not be possible to find out the exact amount of expenses for the implementation of certain works. The entire process of drawing up estimates can be divided into several main stages.

    First stage. Determining the type of estimate

    There are two types of estimates for electrical installation of wiring and equipment:

    1. Comprehensive estimate. The document specifies the costs of carrying out work throughout the entire facility (in all premises of a particular enterprise, office, etc.);
    2. Local estimates. The cost of work in a separate room is taken into account.

    In simple words, if you need to calculate the costs of laying, for example, wires in one office or workshop, look for a sample of drawing up a local estimate. But complex calculations will be needed, for example, during the construction of a new facility or during its comprehensive renovation.

    Second phase. Collection of documentation

    So, before starting any calculations, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documentation, which includes:

    • a plan of the room in which installation work will be carried out (the location of electrical equipment should be marked on the diagram);
    • information from the electricity supplier about the technical features of servicing the facility;
    • permission to connect the facility to the electrical network and the corresponding act on its service areas (documents must be obtained from the Homeowners Association and the Economic Development Authority);
    • the design of electrical equipment and networks itself;
    • a contract and at the same time a technical specification for a company providing labor. The document should calculate the cost of purchasing electrical equipment (such a document-contract is usually called a work order). The paper must include information about the technical characteristics, features of the composition of the purchased products, as well as information about the manufacturer of the goods.

    It is necessary not only to collect the listed documents, but also to carefully study the information presented in them. Particular attention should be paid to the explanatory note and the power supply design diagram.

    After collecting and processing all official information about the property, the estimator must determine whether the upcoming costs are justified. A specialist will be able to answer this question only after familiarizing himself with the current tariffs for each type of upcoming work. It is also necessary to compare the actual conditions in which the electrical installation will be carried out with the information provided on the papers.

    Once equipment costs have been calculated, compare them with the amount budgeted for the project. If expenses exceed those planned, start looking for similar equipment options at a lower price.

    An important stage in drawing up an estimate is the selection of a contractor company providing electrical installation services. Your opinion about the organization should be formed not only by dry calculations of the cost of services, but also by reviews of previous clients. The costs of finding a contractor and formalizing an agreement with workers are also included in the estimate.

    Final stage. Drawing up estimates for electrical installation work: program

    After collecting and processing all the information, it’s time to draw up a final estimate, which can be of two types:

    • cost estimate (all costs are considered and checked down to the smallest detail, all kinds of expenses unforeseen by the project are taken into account);
    • brief estimate (the report is based solely on existing design diagrams and drawings).

    It is easy to guess that a better, more complete and useful estimate will be one compiled on the basis of a larger number of documents and taking into account all the nuances of specific electrical installation work.

    The range of work that should not be missed in the estimate

    Be sure to include labor costs for installers in your estimate. Without this data, information about project costs will be considered incomplete. In addition, do not forget to include the following work in the official document:

    • laying wires in an open way (the cable is attached to surfaces with staples) and closed (the electrical wiring is laid in a box or corrugation);
    • installation of plastic boxes on various surfaces (on concrete, brick or gypsum block walls);
    • equipment of openings for junction boxes and socket boxes;
    • cutting through walls;
    • laying cables along grooves (grooves) and sealing holes;
    • installation of all kinds of switches, sockets, electric bells, etc.;
    • pulling wires through channels;
    • installation of all components of the distribution board;
    • organization of grounding (external type) and connection of the installation to electricity;
    • activities to test laid wires and installed electrical equipment.

    Drawing up estimates for electrical installation work: examples

    Let's take a closer look at the structure of the local estimate for cable laying. On the title page of the document you must indicate the date of its preparation, as well as the initials of those officials with whom it was agreed upon and approved. In addition, you should indicate the name of the construction site where electrical installation work will be carried out.

    • estimated cost;
    • costs for construction and installation work;
    • the cost of the necessary equipment;
    • additional expenses;
    • standard labor intensity;
    • the total amount of funds to pay wages to workers.

    The above information should be placed in two columns, one of which indicates the base price, and the other the current one.

    You also need to indicate the date on which the prices of work and equipment were calculated. This information can be indicated, for example, with the following phrase: “The estimate is compiled in prices for June 2017.” All other information in the document will be presented in schematic form. In the so-called “header” of the table, the following columns should be indicated:

    1. Serial number of each type of work.
    2. Pricing code and resource codes.
    3. Name of work and costs.
    4. Units of measurement (pieces - if about equipment, people - if about labor).
    5. The number of these units.
    6. Price per unit (you must indicate the currency in which the calculations were made).
    7. Correction factors.
    8. Cost in prices for the current year.
    9. Item coefficient recount.
    10. Conversion factors.
    11. Cost in current prices (works or equipment).
    12. ZTR total person-hour.

    Such an estimate may consist of several sections (categories), into which all electrical installation work can be roughly “sorted”. For example, manipulations for dismantling old devices will be placed in the first section, and work on wiring and connecting the cores of new wires will be placed in the second.

    At the end of the document, you must indicate the total amount of costs for the implementation of electrical installation work, indicate the full name of the contractor and the person checking the estimate, and then certify the document with their signatures.

    As you can easily see, budgeting is a complex and multifaceted process. It is important not only to have financial calculation skills, but also to know the basics of electrical installation, otherwise the estimator will not be able to understand the entire list of works and the features of professional equipment. That is why specially trained personnel are in demand, professional estimators, whom enterprises hire to carry out various types of calculations and prepare financial statements for upcoming electrical installation work.

    Before starting construction, installation and other work, the contractor must draw up an estimate. Its task is to clearly demonstrate to the customer how much money will be needed to hold the event, how much materials will be needed, what the scope of work will be, etc. In case of disagreement between the contractor and the customer, the document can be adjusted. The estimate for electrical installation work is developed similarly to others, but there are several differences in terms of the documents attached to it. We’ll figure out how to correctly draw up such an estimate in this article.


    General information

    To prepare an estimate, the following documents are required:

    1. An exact plan of the premises where the work will be carried out. The wiring diagram must be marked on the plan.
    2. Customer's project with potential arrangement of electrical equipment. If it is impossible to place certain devices, the contractor will advise the customer on this topic.
    3. Technical conditions. This document is ordered from your electricity supplier.
    4. If necessary, permission to connect the circuit to the electrical network.
    5. Act on the balance sheet of electrical networks. Mandatory for businesses.

    Based on these documents, as well as the wishes of the customer, the contractor draws up an estimate. Next, he makes a calculation of the amount of necessary materials based on the floor plan and electrical wiring diagram. After this comes the stage of selecting materials that are more suitable in price and quality, so that the amount does not exceed the customer’s budget.

    Important! The customer himself can provide the materials. In this case, the estimate reflects only the costs of work.

    In addition to materials, tools and the price of the work itself, the estimate includes:

    • Increasing coefficients for certain types of work. Indicated in the Decree of the State Construction Committee dated 04/05/2004 No. 15/1. This may include work at heights, at high temperatures, in operating buildings.
    • Overheads. Regulated by MDS 81-33.2004 and MDS 81-25.2001.
    • VAT compensation - under a simplified taxation system. Regulated by Letter of the State Construction Committee No. NZ-6292/10 dated October 6, 2003 (For the simplified tax system, leave 20% VAT).
    • Estimated profit. You can learn about it from the Letter of the State Construction Committee dated November 18, 2004 No. AP5536/06.
    • Transport costs (not always).
    • Unexpected expenses.

    Important! If amendments are made to the estimate at the initiative of one of the parties, the other party must be notified of this. All changes and adjustments must be documented to avoid future disputes.

    We make an estimate

    In the upper right corner they indicate that the estimate is an annex to the contract (write its number and date). Below are the columns “Agreed” and “I approve”; the managers of the contractor and the customer sign and date them, respectively. This is done after a complete estimate has been drawn up.

    Next comes the name of the document, object, work and costs. Then there is a block containing information such as the estimated cost, funds for wages, and labor costs. It is filled out after drawing up the document. The date on which the prices were valid is also indicated here.

    Then there is the tabular part. Standard forms can have from 7 to 17 columns. Management decides which forms to use. Some are more convenient to use on large objects, others on small ones. These forms also differ in that some provide information in a more condensed form. The executing organization can draw up the form independently.

    The columns usually contain the following information (let’s take a simplified example):

    1. Serial number of the record.
    2. Name of work, materials.
    3. Units.
    4. Quantity.
    5. Unit price.
    6. Cost of work, materials, etc.

    The number of columns can be increased at your discretion, for example, by adding information about the tools used. The table itself can be divided into several parts: dismantling work, installation work, cost of materials, etc.

    After the table it is necessary to indicate that a slight deviation from the indicated total cost is acceptable. As a rule, it is agreed that such a deviation will not exceed 10-15% of the resulting figure.

    For your information! Today, you can create an estimate using special software or online services. You just need to enter all the data correctly. However, the employee must have relevant work experience.

    Who makes the estimate?

    The document is drawn up by the head of the division or department whose task is the direct execution of electrical installation work. This could be the head of a department, chief engineer, or foreman. The employee must have the skills to draw up such documents and know the standards for using materials necessary to complete the customer’s work.

    Important to remember! The role of the estimate is to show the customer what amounts he will have to allocate for future work. In the accounting department, on the basis of the work completion certificate and the estimate attached to it, the cost of electrical installation work, materials and tools is written off. Therefore, the estimate must be drawn up carefully so that the customer does not have any further claims against the contractor.

    Before proceeding with the installation of electricity in the house, you need an estimate for materials. This is necessary in order to calculate approximate (or even exact) costs and during electrical installation not be faced with a situation where there is not enough money for sockets or switches. Based on the prepared cost table, you can understand whether there are enough materials or whether it is better to purchase cheaper materials in order to certainly avoid problems with shortages. Next, we will tell you how to create an estimate for electrical installation work, providing step-by-step instructions with a video, as well as a sample.

    Step 1 – Prepare documents

    The first step is to prepare documentation on the basis of which an estimate for electrical installation will be drawn up. For calculations you need to collect the following documents:

    1. A floor plan showing the electrical wiring diagram.
    2. Electrical equipment placement project.
    3. Technical conditions that need to be obtained from the electricity supplier (if necessary). We talked about this in a separate article.
    4. Permission to connect to the electrical network (if necessary).

    In addition, depending on the situation and characteristics of the facility, you may need a statement of balance sheet ownership, a document on the limitation of operational liability, as well as a work order for the supply of electrical equipment. All these documents are mostly used in enterprises. As a rule, in order to draw up an estimate for electrical installation work in a residential building, it is enough to prepare the first 2 documents from the list, as well as a permit for electrical installation.

    Step 2 – Perform the calculation

    Calculating the cost of installing electrical wiring is not too difficult, but you will have to take this procedure quite seriously. The more points are indicated in the estimate, the less chance that after the electrical installation is completed, situations will arise that will require you to overpay. So, drawing up an estimate for electrical installation work consists of the following steps:

    1. Obtaining a floor plan linked to electrical appliances. You can take it to the BTI.
    2. Registration of permission to connect to the electrical network.
    3. Bringing all technical conditions to the standards.
    4. Quantity calculation based on the wiring diagram.
    5. Search for the best deals on materials.
    6. Cost calculation.

    If, after you have drawn up an estimate for the project, it turns out that there is not enough money, you will have to reconsider the project and, if possible, either remove some electrical points or purchase cheaper materials.

    This instruction is suitable for those who want to independently calculate the cost of electrical installation. If you doubt that you can correctly draw up an estimate for electrical installation work, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists, but they, of course, will take money for it. Another important point is who will do the electrical installation. Would you like to do your own electrical wiring in your own home? Then you miss this moment. If it is assumed that the electrical work will be carried out by a company or a private electrician, it is necessary to find out what the cost of electrical installation will be, as well as dismantling the old network (if the apartment is not a new building) and be sure to include this figure in the estimate.

    Please note that many companies offering electricity installation services have their own online calculators on their websites, with which you can quickly calculate the cost of electrical installation. There, as a rule, you can also find prices for the installation of certain electrical points (sockets, switches, meters), laying cables and gating walls for wiring. This information will allow you to easily calculate the cost of electrical installation work at new prices.

    It should also be noted that estimates can be comprehensive (for the entire facility) or local (for a separate room/premises).

    The best way to create a cost plan is in Microsoft Excel. All you need to do is download this program to your computer, install it and create a table in it. Next, enter all the values ​​into the table, and then make calculations based on the formulas. How to prepare an estimate for electrical installation work in Excel is clearly explained in the video example:

    Sample of calculation works

    Prices for 2019

    Well, the last thing I would like to provide is estimated prices for electrical installation in residential premises. So, in 2019 the cost of electrical installation is as follows:

    • installation of a cable channel (1 m.p.) – 120-180 rub. (depending on the material of the walls and the size of the product);
    • Open cable laying costs about 60 rubles. per linear meter, 60 for hidden electrical installation;
    • installation of a circuit breaker – 300-600 rubles;
    • installation of a shield - from 1500 to 5000 rubles;
    • connecting a wall sconce – 700 RUR;
    • installation of socket – 300 rub.

    These are the basic prices for electricians, which we recommend using as a guide when drawing up an estimate for electrical wiring work. In general, excluding the price of materials, the cost of electrical installation in 2018-2019 will be (in rubles):

    • one-room apartment: from 18 thousand if the walls are made of brick, from 25 thousand if they are concrete;
    • two-room apartment: from 25 thousand (brick), 35 (concrete);
    • three-room apartment: 40 thousand (brick), 45 (concrete);
    • wooden cottage: up to 100 sq.m. 65 thousand, over – from 95 thousand;
    • brick house: up to 100 sq.m. 75 thousand, over – from 110.

    Example price list:

    That's all I wanted to tell you about how to draw up an estimate for electrical work in an apartment or house. We hope our instructions were useful and understandable for you.

    1. Reconstruction of substation 110/35/10 kV
    Construction of the foundation for the RTDU 25000/110 reactor
    Purchase and installation of 110 kV outdoor switchgear equipment
    Purchase and installation of relay protection and automation equipment
    Diagnostics of charger and electromagnetic compatibility
    Rigging UShR RTDU-25000/110
    Transportation and rigging of CSR RTDU-25000/110-UKHO1 from the railway station to the substation at a distance of 12 km
    2. Construction and installation work of 0.4 kV overhead line, construction length 0.372 km.
    3. Construction and installation work of VLI-0.4 kV Lstr.= 0.9 km
    4. Construction and installation work of VLI-0.4 kV, construction length 2.447 km.
    5. Construction of a 0.4 kV overhead line combined with a 10 kV overhead line Lstr. = 0.2 km.
    6. Construction of overhead power lines - 0.4 kV, from the designed package substation Lstr. = 0.9 km.
    7. Installation of KTP-160-10/04 kVA with transformer TM-160 kVA.
    8. Construction of a 0.4 kV overhead line combined with a 10 kV overhead line Lline = 0.22 km.
    9. Construction and installation work of VLI-0.4 kV. Line length - 0.18 km.
    10. Construction of a 0.4 kV overhead line from the designed package transformer substation. Lstr.=0.21 km
    11. Construction and installation work of VLI-0.4 kV. Line length -0.33 km.
    12. Construction and installation work of VLI-0.4 kV. Line length -0.38 km.
    13. Construction and installation work of VLI-0.4 kW.tStr.length-0.585 km.
    14. Construction and installation work of VLI-0.4 kV. Line length -0.48 km.
    15. Arrangement of the Orenburg-Belyaevka highway with artificial lighting.
    Overhead line 10 kV
    Construction of KTPNM-63-10/0.4-97U1-V/K
    Outdoor electric lighting
    16. Collection of prices for automated process control systems and relay protection equipment
    17. Laying a 0.4 kV cable line from the diesel generator set to the data center premises
    18. Reconstruction of 0.4 kV overhead line No. 1 from KTP-206/100 kVA. Contains:
    VLI-0.4 kV
    VLZ-10 kV
    KTP-10/0.4 kV with a power of 160 kVA
    19. A set of 12 estimates for the construction of 6 kV overhead lines, 0.4 kV overhead lines.
    20. Reconstruction of 110/10/6 kV substation with replacement of 110 kV tank MVs with 110 kV SF6 circuit breakers. Contains:
    Architectural and construction solutions
    Power supply and electrical equipment
    Relay protection and automation
    Commissioning and measurements.
    21. External power supply of electrical installations of the 1st stage of construction of a residential microdistrict. Contains:
    Cable line 10 kV
    Cable line 0.4 kV
    Overhead line 0.4 kV
    PNR 2KTPNU-400kVA
    22. Reconstruction of relay protection and automation equipment of substation. Contains:
    Materials and equipment for the project "Reconstruction of relay protection and automation equipment of substation"
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Installation of arc protection at the NS-3 substation
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Installation of arc protection at the NS-2 substation
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Installation of arc protection at the NS-1 substation
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Installation of arc protection at a substation
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Installation of individual arc protection on alternating operating current
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Installation of group arc protection at the substation PO ZES Sh-33
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Installation of group arc protection at the substation PO ZES Sh-32
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Installation of group arc protection at the substation PA ZES N-22
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Technical re-equipment of substation T-11 in terms of replacing emergency oscilloscopes N-13 with microprocessor-based emergency event recorders
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Technical re-equipment of the substation in terms of installation of instruments for determining the location of damage on the 110 kV overhead line type IMF-3R
    Construction, installation and commissioning work on the project: Technical re-equipment of PS B-3. Installation of arc protection on 10 kV busbars (non-standard design 2 busbar systems of 4 sections) not equipped with high-speed protection.
    23. DC panel and batteries PS 110/6 kV
    24. Reconstruction of 0.4 kV overhead line (SIP) from KTP. Contains:
    Removal of the 0.4 kV overhead line (SIP) route L=4.729 km in situ
    Gas pipeline protection
    Reconstruction of 0.4 kV overhead line (SIP)
    25. Reconstruction of 110 kV substation (in Grand Estimate and Excel formats)
    26. Construction of a 10 kV overhead line and reconstruction of a 10 kV cell at a 110 kV substation.
    27. PNR of 110/10/6 kV substation with 110 kV cable lines and 110 kV cells. Contains:
    Commissioning works. Electrical equipment of substation 110/10/6 kV
    Commissioning works of a complex of relay protection and automation equipment for substation 110/10/6 kV
    Commissioning works. Telemechanics of substation 110/10/6 kV
    Commissioning works. Electricity measurement and accounting systems for substation 110/10/6 kV
    Commissioning of ASKUE PS 110/10/6 kV
    Commissioning of automated process control systems
    Commissioning of emergency automation at 110/10/6 kV substation
    Commissioning of lifting and transport equipment
    Commissioning of ventilation and heating systems at 110/10/6 kV substation
    Commissioning works. Security and fire alarm system of substation 110/10/6 kV
    Commissioning works. Equipment for an automated video surveillance system for substation 110/10/6 kV
    Commissioning works. Electric lighting of substation 110/10/6 kV

    Commissioning works. Communication channels via fiber optic lines at the substation site
    Commissioning works. Communication channels via fiber optic lines at the substation site
    Commissioning works. Communication channels via fiber optic lines at the substation site
    Commissioning works. Communication channels via fiber optic lines at the substation site

    Commissioning of emergency automation at 110/35/6 kV substation
    Commissioning works. Electrical equipment of substation 110/35/6 kV
    Commissioning works of a complex of relay protection and automation equipment for substation 110/35/6 kV
    Commissioning of ASKUE PS 110/35/6 kV
    28. Reconstruction of 0.4 kV overhead line
    29. Reconstruction of 10 kV overhead lines, 0.4 kV overhead lines, package substation
    30. Reconstruction of overhead line-10 kV, overhead line-0.4 kV and transformer substation 10/0.4 kV
    31. Reconstruction of 0.38 kV overhead line with installation of additional KTPK
    32. Reconstruction of 110/35/10 kV substation in Grand Estimate and Excel formats
    33. Reconstruction of PS 110/35/10. Contains:
    Vertical layout
    Fencing the territory
    Special construction work on substation
    Installation of ground loop and lightning protection
    Installation of outdoor switchgear-110 kV, switchgear-10 kV equipment
    External lighting of the substation territory
    Installation of relay protection and automation equipment
    Installation of AIIS KUE devices at substation
    Installation of HF communication equipment at substation 110/35/10
    Purchase and installation of telemechanics devices
    Double-circuit entry of 110 kV overhead line
    Removal of 10 kV cable lines from the construction area
    Installation of telemechanics equipment
    34. Reconstruction of 110/6 kV substation
    35. Reconstruction of the repair and production base of the Distribution Zone
    36. Estimates for the repair of overhead lines 10 kV, 0.4 kV, package transformer substations, electric transformer substations.
    37. Reconstruction of overhead lines-6 kV, cable lines-6 kV. Contains:
    Setting up the route
    Clearing the route of 6 kV overhead lines
    Dismantling work of 6 kV overhead line
    Construction of 6 kV overhead line
    Construction of 6 kV overhead lines and cable lines
    Retrofitting of ZTP
    Commissioning of 6 kV overhead lines, cable lines and electric transformer substations
    38. System site “110/35/10 kV substation with 110 kV overhead lines and 35 kV overhead lines”
    39. Electrical installation work in the premises of the 1st floor of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School (food store)
    40. Electrical installation work. Repair of the catering unit of the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School
    41. Power supply of the recreation center
    42. Power supply for ventilation of the medical unit, block G, laboratory.
    43. Calculation of labor costs for current repairs of substation equipment