Conditions for opening an account with Raiffeisenbank. Settlement account for business in Raiffeisen Bank

It is important for any legal entity to receive high-quality banking services. After all, a prosperous business in the future depends on a successful start, so you need to responsibly approach the choice of a financial company where an IP settlement account will be opened. Raiffeisenbank is just such an organization.

How to open a current account

In order to open an IP current account with Raiffeisenbank, you must fill out an online application. The appeal is considered within 1 business day, after which a representative of the company contacts the client and agrees on the departure of a specialist to his office. The application and departure service of the manager is provided free of charge. Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region can use it.

After the conclusion of the contract, the client must provide the bank with a certified form with samples of the signature and seal. Moreover, there can be several signatures, depending on the number of persons authorized to sign documents.

According to the drawn up service agreement, the bank has the right to perform the following operations on the current account:

  • Transfer of funds based on the client's instructions;
  • Transfer of funds based on the order of the payee;
  • Transfer of funds on the basis of collection orders;
  • Refunds, etc.

In addition, the client has the right to dispose of the funds on the current account at his own discretion, his rights are not limited in any way. The client undertakes to monitor the account balance at the end of the billing month so that the amount is enough for all necessary debit transactions. If the amount is insufficient, the bank will cancel any payment transactions.

Open a current account for your organization in Raiffeisenbank and use a simple and convenient Internet bank for entrepreneurs Business Online

Tariffs for IP

The tariff for opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs may differ depending on the connected service package.

There are 4 such packages in Raiffeisenbank to choose from:

  • Start — 990 rubles. per month;
  • Basic - 1900 rubles;
  • Optimum - 2900 rubles;
  • Maximum -7500 rub.

The cost of opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Raiffeisenbank is included in the cost of any selected package. Payment is indicated for the month of service provision. You can make an advance payment for 12 or 24 months, in which case the client receives a discount. The cost of use includes not only opening, but also maintaining a current account, as well as using the Client Bank service.

At the Basic tariff, the cost of any payments is not included in the price, they are paid separately. For the Maximum tariff, up to 300 included payments are provided. When making various monthly financial transactions in the amount of 100 thousand rubles for the Basic tariff and up to 700 thousand rubles for the Maximum tariff, no commission is charged. When switching to any other tariff, a fee of 1000 rubles is set.


Making a current account for individual entrepreneurs in Raiffeisenbank will be a good solution not only for owners of large businesses, but also for start-up entrepreneurs. At the choice of the client, various service tariffs for any needs. Bank services guarantee the timely execution of payment orders and the ability to independently manage the account funds.

The financial and credit organization Raiffeisenbank provides support to small, medium and large businesses by providing its cash management services in any area where there are bank branches. RKO of Raiffeisenbank is a set of services, the task of which is to provide high-quality customer service and maintenance of their accounts.

RKO conditions

Settlement and cash services is a collection of various services. The client has the right to independently choose the necessary services from the proposed list or connect a package that saves financial and time resources. The RKO complex includes the following operations:

  • Opening and booking current accounts.
  • Collection. It can be held every day according to a certain schedule or by prior request. Collection services consist in the delivery of proceeds to the bank, recalculation and transfer of money to the current account before noon of the next working day Moscow time, delivery of small bills and change coins, delivery of money by check.
  • Issue of corporate cards. The presence of such cards allows you to stop the possible use of company funds by employees for personal purposes. With a corporate card, you can reduce paperwork and additional costs.
  • Remote service.
  • Operations on currency and currency exchange. It is fast and convenient for any business project.

In addition, all the equipment necessary for work is installed free of charge. Technical support is available 24 hours a day. Cards of all payment systems are accepted. All these are excellent conditions for Raiffeisenbank's CSC for legal entities.

One of the main advantages is the possibility of opening an account in Russian rubles and other convenient currencies. There is access to any cash transactions, financial transactions in Russian rubles, collection and transportation of cash and valuable cargo. The client also has access to a package of services with a certain set of operations that will be useful in the implementation of new business ideas. In addition, RKO Raiffeisenbank is suitable for an LLC.

Tariffs for the provision of settlement services

Tariffs for Raiffeisenbank cash settlement services are provided in such a way that each client can find a convenient option for doing their business. Among them:

"Start" "Base" "Optimum" "Maximum"
-743 rubles per month if paid in advance.

The set includes connection to Internet banking,

The limit on financial transactions is 100 thousand rubles for cards of individuals.

The cost of one payment is 25 rubles.

Monthly payment - 990 rubles.

-1426 rubles monthly when paid in advance.

In addition to the Internet bank, the package includes a mobile bank.

The limit when using this tariff is 200 thousand rubles for cards of individuals.

Affiliates receive 10 free payments, and the price of each after the 10th is 25 rubles.

Monthly payment - 1900 rubles.

-marked with the word "Hit" on the official website of the bank.

When paid in advance is 2175 rubles.

Internet banking, mobile banking and SMS for business are all included in the price.

60 free payments available for partners

The cost of each next - 25 rubles.

The limit on this tariff is half a million rubles.

The client receives a card linked to the current account.

Service is free.

A pleasant gift for the manager will be 1 package of services "Gold".

Monthly payment is 2900 rubles.

-tariff for those who want everything at once.

The price is 5625 rubles per month. when paying in advance

– all components of other tariffs are included.

The maximum amount of financial transactions is 700 thousand rubles.

Number of free payments = 300.

Card with free service and 2 "Gold" packages for the leader.

Monthly payment - 7500 rubles.

These RKO tariffs of Raiffeisenbank for legal entities are relevant for clients from Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other areas prices are lower. From the first day of spring 2017, a new tariff plan came into force, where some data were changed. It should be noted that there is no commission for transactions on the account if the amount of transactions does not exceed the limit on the tariff. By the way, tariffs can be changed an unlimited number of times and at any time you can switch from one to another. The amount of switching to another tariff plan is 1000 rubles.


RKO of Raiffeisenbank for individual entrepreneurs is a guaranteed high-quality and comprehensive service, together with the timely execution of any financial transactions. To make the service as comfortable as possible for customers, employees have made it remote. Now you can get the required data or documents without leaving your home or office. RKO in Raiffeisenbank receives laudatory feedback from customers, which is well deserved.

Reading 7 min. Views 73 Published on 04/29/2018

Raiffeisenbank is the largest subsidiary of the Austrian financial group, which, in turn, began its history in the nineteenth century. For several years, the credit institution has occupied a leading position in Russia, offering a wide range of financial services for individuals, representatives of small, medium and large businesses. One of the services offered by the bank is the opening and maintenance of settlement accounts for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Consider how to open an account with Raiffeisenbank for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, what conditions the bank offers.

Official website of Raiffeisenbank

Benefits of cooperation

To begin with, it is worth saying that for every entrepreneur, first of all, the reliability of a commercial bank and its financial stability matter, because we are talking about equity. That is, so that there are no problems with the return of own funds in the event that the bank's license is revoked, before opening a current account, a potential client will definitely take an interest in the ratings of banks. If we are talking about Raiffeisenbank, then here customers have nothing to worry about, for the simple reason that the credit institution ranks 13th in the rating and has a positive growth trend.

Now we will give the main advantages that the client will receive when cooperating with this organization:

  • a client can open a current account in both domestic and foreign currencies;
  • you can reserve a current account remotely on the official website of the bank before submitting documents;
  • the bank carries out settlement transactions within one working day;
  • a client can open several bank accounts, but pays only one.

Please note that you can apply for a current account remotely by filling out a short questionnaire, after which the client is assigned a current account number, which he can use before submitting documents to the bank.


Before opening a current account with Raiffeisenbank for an LLC, you need to carefully study the tariffs and conditions. It should be said right away that the cost of bank services will largely depend on regional affiliation, and to be more precise, tariffs for Moscow residents are higher than for other regions. Here is a comparative table of the cost of services, which will indicate, first, the prices for Moscow, and then for other regions.


Name of service

Start Base Optimum Maximum

Maintenance cost per month in rubles

990/790 1990/1490 2990/2490


The cost of monthly maintenance when paying for one year on an advance payment in rubles

8916/7116 17112/13416 26100/22416


The cost of monthly maintenance when paying for 2 years on an advance payment in rubles

17832/14232 34224/26832 52200/44832


Payment order cost

25 rubles First 10 free, next $25 First 60 free, next 25 rubles

First 300 free, next 25 rubles

Account opening cost For free For free For free

For free

Among other things, the bank offers to receive a plastic card as part of the current account, for the most comfortable cash withdrawal at any time of the day. It should also be noted that the credit institution does not charge a fee for opening a current account, this operation is included in the cost of service.

How to open an account

In order to open a current account with Raiffeisenbank for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, you first need to familiarize yourself with the current terms of service, for this you need to open the official website of the bank, which is located at. Click here for current offers and terms of service.

RKO tariffs

After, you can fill out the application by clicking on the "leave application" button. After some time, the manager of the financial institution will contact you, who will tell you the list of required documents and tell you the current account number. Further, you can use the account to accept payments from counterparties.

The list of documents required for individual entrepreneurs is as follows;

  • personal passport;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • a license to carry out a particular type of activity, if necessary.

For legal entities, the list of documents is somewhat different:

  • founder's passport;
  • a document confirming the appointment of the head;
  • card with samples of signatures and seals of authorized persons;
  • charter;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a license to carry out a particular type of activity;
  • tax registration certificate.

Please note that the list of documents is given for residents of the Russian Federation, for persons who are not residents of the Russian Federation, you must additionally provide a document on registration of a foreign organization.

Additional services

For some, it may seem that the cost of bank services is quite high, especially for start-up entrepreneurs. But in fact, this is far from being the case, because the concept of settlement and cash services is quite extensive, the service consists of many components, if other organizations charge for additional services, then here most of them include the cost of the tariff and there is no need to pay them separately. Here is a list of additional bank services.

Online application

Currency control

Currency control in the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of legislation, commercial banks are mandatory agents of currency control, which means that they are obliged to provide certain services to their customers. This includes advising on transactions with foreign counterparties, preparing accompanying documentation, drawing up transaction passports.

Each client of Raiffeisenbank can leave an application for opening a foreign currency account on the official website of the bank. In addition, here you can use the specialized package of services "Currency", its cost is 4100 rubles for 1 month, the rest of the services provided to legal entities that carry out transactions in foreign currency with foreign partners. The fee is only charged for the implementation of settlement transactions in the form of a commission fee.


The Bank offers its clients the service of collection and transportation of valuable goods. The main advantage of a financial institution is that here the client can individually draw up a collection schedule for his organization, as well as order the delivery of change coins and banknotes, salaries to employees and other accompanying services.

Corporate cards

Plastic cards within the framework of settlement and cash services are provided free of charge. With the help of them, the leaders of the organization can most effectively control the expenses of their subordinates, pay the expenses of seconded employees, facilitate the work of accounting, eliminating paperwork.


Today, acquiring services are used by most enterprises in the field of trade and services. RaiffeisenBank offers the service on the most favorable terms, there is no fee for the installation of equipment, among other things, there is no fee for equipment maintenance. The cost of settlement and cash services includes staff training and round-the-clock technical support.

Important! Commission for money transfers is 1.79%, funds are credited to the current account on the next working banking day.

By the way, if the company has an official website and provides services remotely, then its owners can use the Internet acquiring service. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to accept payment from bank cards on the official websites of the organization. The cost of such a service is 2.9% of the transfer amount.

Additional services for LLC and IP

Remote Services

Finally, remote service, in particular, Internet banking, is important for the client. RaiffeisenBank offers current account holders a bank-client - a convenient and functional online service that allows you to get round-the-clock access to your account to control turnover and make payments.

Please note that online banking is free of charge.

To summarize, opening a Raiffeisenbank current account will not take much time for the client and will make doing business easier and more comfortable. Among other things, the Bank's great advantage is that technical support works around the clock, so customers can receive consulting services at any time of the day or night, without interrupting their usual business.

Updated December 2019

Detailed information on opening a current account with Raiffeisenbank for individuals and legal entities. What documents are required for registration, the cost of opening and servicing. How to fill out an online application for cash settlement for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs on the website - a visual guide. Tariffs offered by the bank, with a list of services provided.

information Acquiring Salary




Opening speed:

From 1 business day


3292 dated February 17, 2015

Internet bank:

Mobile bank:

SMS informing:


Passport, OGRN / OGRNIP, TIN (+ decision, charter, order of the general director, location of the company for LLC)

Cash acceptance:

Cash withdrawal:

Salary - 0, for other needs - from 1%


Types: trade and Internet; cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, MIR, AmEx; commission: up to 1.79%; terminal rental: up to 1,990 rubles/month

Connection terms:

Up to 7 business days



Enrollment deadlines:

During the day

Account management

Resident Operations Agent:

0.15% if registration is not required - 0.14%

Registration of the contract:

Free, urgent - 4,900 rubles.


Issuance of certificates:

  • Fast registration with the departure of a specialist
  • Account details after application
  • Inexpensive payment orders
  • Overdraft up to 1,500,000 rubles
  • Merchant acquiring with free service
  • Internet banking interacts with programs from 1C



The Start tariff from Raiffeisenbank offers a current account with fast registration, low-cost maintenance and convenient features. You can use all the services of the bank - arrange an overdraft, connect an acquiring or salary project, conduct a foreign exchange transaction. The bank often arranges promotions for customers - if you follow them, you can open an account with free maintenance in the first months.

Advantages of opening a current account for LLC and individual entrepreneur in Raiffeisenbank:

  • International service standards
  • A variety of tariffs, taking into account the individual specifics of the business
  • Discounts for advance payment for servicing a current account
  • Reservation of current account number online
  • Acceptance of payments through the online system Bank-Client "ELBRUS Internet"
  • Unlimited checking accounts at no extra charge
  • Convenient terms for the provision of payment papers for execution on the current banking day
  • Payroll projects
  • Remote account management
  • Departure of a personal manager to your office to issue an account (except for Moscow and the Moscow region)


Start Base Optimum Maximum
Cost per month, rub 990 1 900 2 900 7 500
Money transfers in electronic form 25 rub/payment 10 payments for free, then 25 rubles payment 60 payments for free, then 25 rubles payment 300 payments for free, then 25 rubles payment
Acceptance of cash, collected money to the account 0,25% 0,25% 0,25%
Withdrawal of cash from customer accounts From 1% (as agreed), for salary payment - 0% From 1% (as agreed), for salary payment - 0% From 1% (as agreed), for salary payment - 0%

For all tariff plans, Internet banking is connected free of charge.

More detailed tariffs are described in the appendix.

To open a current account with Raiffeisenbank, you need to enter the "Medium and Corporate Business" or "Small Business" section, depending on the profitability of your business. Next, select the item "Banking Services" and go down to the very bottom of the page. Here we see a yellow button that says "Online Application".

By clicking on it, we are transferred to the page for filling in personal data and information about the business.

We fill in:

  • annual revenue
  • Company name
  • contact number
  • Email
  • The site of the company
  • City
  • Service Department

We select the banking product of interest, enter the captcha and press the "Apply" button.

During the day, a personal manager will contact you and you will discuss the time and place of the meeting in order to settle all the formalities. Usually the manager comes directly to your office.

In the active menu of the Raiffeisenbank website, located on the left side of the page, there is a separate button "Online application". If you are familiar with the terms of service, then after entering the site, you can immediately start filling out the application by clicking on it.

Required documents

To open a current account, an individual entrepreneur will need:

  • A completed application form
  • Account opening application
  • Bank account agreement
  • Identity documents
  • Certificate OGRNIP
  • TIN certificate
  • Licenses (if any)

For LLC, the package is somewhat wider, but not by much:

  • A completed application form
  • Account opening application
  • Bank account agreement
  • Charter
  • Notarized card with samples of signatures and seals
  • Documents confirming the powers of CEO
  • Documents confirming the powers of persons entitled to sign
  • OGRN certificate
  • TIN certificate
  • Extract from the list of participants
  • Licenses (if any)

Forms of all necessary agreements and questionnaires are freely available on the Raiffeisenbank website. They can be downloaded, studied and filled in advance.

You will learn how to enter your personal account on the official website of Raiffeisenbank online. Detailed instructions for convenient and quick access to with screenshots and video instructions. A visual guide to recovering a forgotten password to a personal bank account. We provide only the most up-to-date information.

About bank

Raiffeisenbank is a large universal bank with foreign participation. Founded in 1996 as the Russian branch of the Austrian bank of the same name. In 2007, he took over IMPEXBank, which at that time acted as a bridge for the Russian Credit bank. In 2015, there were rumors about the sale of Raiffeisen to Alfa-Bank, but these rumors were quickly refuted.

Now all shares of the bank are controlled by Raiffeisen Bank International. The head office of the Russian Raiffeisenbank is located in Moscow. The branch network includes five branches - in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar and Nizhny Novgorod - and more than 170 offices. The Bank operates on the basis of the General License of the Central Bank No. issued on February 17, 2015.

In total, the bank serves more than 80,000 corporate clients. Raiffeisen offers them cash settlement services, loans and guarantees, deposits, corporate and payroll cards, acquiring, currency control, investments and other services. The bank also serves private clients - loans, deposits, credit and debit cards, money transfers and insurance services are available to them.

Services for business from Raiffeisenbank

Raiffeisenbank is actively developing the services needed by businesses, both small and large. Here you can connect a payroll project or acquiring, go through currency control or order collection services. You will learn about these and other popular offers from Raiffeisen below.

Raiffeisenbank has well-organized services for those involved in foreign economic activity. Any client of the bank can open a currency account, exchange currency or pass currency control. The bank has its own platform for converting R-Dealer - here you can buy or sell currency without commission at a rate close to the stock exchange. Raiffeisen works with many major currencies - from US dollars and euros to Norwegian kroner and Kazakhstani tenge.

Currency control in Raiffeisenbank is available to both residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation. With it, you can correctly register a transaction with a foreign company without violating Russian laws. For a fee, the bank will provide advice on foreign exchange transactions and help prepare the necessary documents. All transactions are carried out remotely through the Internet Bank. For more convenient payment of customs duties, a customs card is provided - it is issued separately.

Tariffs for services for foreign economic activity:

Maintaining a currency account

$25 per month

Payments in foreign currency

0.1%, minimum $40

Access to the R-Dealer system

1 500 rubles

Currency control

For transactions that do not require registration of a contract - 0.14%, at least 290 rubles

Urgent registration of the contract

4 900 rubles

Cancellation of the contract

3 900 rubles

Issuance of copies of documents from the currency control dossier

Issuance of certificates on currency control

1200 rubles for each

Preliminary examination of documents

1 000 rubles

Checking currency control documents

500 rubles per document

Currency Control Consulting

1 000 rubles

Raiffeisenbank has its own cash collection service that will help you quickly and safely transport large amounts of cash, precious metals, securities and things. The cash collection service uses modern protection and security technologies that ensure high reliability and safety of the cargo. In cities where the Raiffeisen cash collection service does not work, you can use the services of partner companies.

To use cash collection services, leave a request through the Internet bank, at a branch or by phone. The specialist will help you agree on the date and time of delivery of the valuables you need. The collection fee is calculated individually for each case. Transfer of cash to the current account is paid separately.

A corporate card is an additional tool for more convenient money management on a current account. With it, you can pay for various expenses of the company, deposit and withdraw cash. The card is used as a regular credit or debit card. If you wish, you can set separate limits for any operations for it.

Raiffeisenbank offers several specialized corporate cards:

    Business 24/7 - designed to make it easier to deposit and withdraw cash to the account. She has uniform rates for cash transactions for all ATMs - it is not necessary to look for a Raiffeisen device to deposit or withdraw money

    METRO is produced jointly with the METRO Cash&Carry chain of wholesale stores. With it, you can pay for any purchases, like a regular bank card. Additional discounts are available at METRO chain stores. You can apply for a credit card for up to 250,000 rubles and for up to 12 months with a deferred payment of 45 days

    Business trips 24/7 — designed for convenient payment of travel expenses. It can be issued in the name of one of your employees. The card offers free SMS notifications, free replenishment at Raiffeisenbank ATMs and discounts from partners

You can order the issuance of any corporate card through the Internet bank. Here you can also manage transaction limits and track the status of your accounts.

The salary project at Raiffeisenbank will help you transfer salaries to your employees faster. You can connect it at any branch of the bank - it is enough to conclude an agreement and provide information about employees. Raiffeisen himself will issue and deliver the required number of salary cards.

The transfer of salary through the Internet Bank is fully automated. It is enough to form the register once and create the corresponding payments. You can create several payments for employees with different salaries. Money is transferred immediately after sending the register.

As part of the payroll project, the bank issues debit cards in Visa, MasterCard and MIR payment systems. They are issued and maintained completely free of charge, offer discounts at Raiffeisen partner stores and free cash withdrawals at partner network ATMs. Managers have access to "Gold" and "Premium" service packages with extended privileges from the bank and payment systems.

Raiffeisenbank offers its clients merchant and Internet acquiring. With the help of them, you can accept payments from bank cards of popular systems. The Bank uses its own processing center, which provides high security for all transactions.

When connecting merchant acquiring, the bank provides all the necessary equipment for rent. Its cost depends on the size of the turnover at the outlet. The Bank will deliver and connect the terminals free of charge, conduct staff training and consult on controversial issues. You can also participate in the discount program of the bank.

Internet acquiring is connected free of charge - the bank will help to embed the payment module on your website. Raijfeisen supports popular CMS and provides an API for web developers. Internet acquiring commission is fixed and does not depend on turnover or payment methods. The buyer will receive an electronic check in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law-54.

Tariffs for acquiring:

Electronic Services

For remote banking, Raiffeisenbank uses its own development - the Elbrus client bank. It offers convenient tools for managing a current account, a customizable interface and high security of all transactions. To enter the bank and confirm transactions, you can use SMS passwords or a USB key.

The Internet bank provides all the necessary functions - managing a current account, receiving and sending payment orders, exchanging documents with the bank, processing applications for other services. It is compatible with programs from 1C - you can import and export documents at any time. In the online chat, you can contact the bank's support service - it works from 9:00 to 18:00 Moscow time. If you have several Raiffeisen accounts, you can use a common login for them.

Since July 2019, a built-in accounting service has appeared in Raiffeisenbank's Internet bank. It connects for free at any tariff.

So far, the service can only calculate and pay taxes, and remind about payments. Its functionality will be gradually supplemented in accordance with the tax calendar - for example, tools for creating and sending electronic declarations will be added by the end of the year.

For operational account management, Raiffeisenbank provides a mobile application for devices based on iOS and Android. With it, you can track account transactions, make payments and send details to counterparties. To enter the mobile application, the same data is used as for the Internet bank.

The implementation of settlement and cash operations is an integral part of every business, for every entrepreneur, the speed of opening an account, the availability of a range of necessary services at affordable prices are important. RKO Raiffeisenbank tariffs for individual entrepreneurs start from 990 rubles per month, which is very attractive for small businesses. Also, the bank can offer a full range of services for large companies.

RKO from Raiffeisen Bank provides for the opening of a current account, its maintenance. As well as a whole range of services that are necessary for both small businesses and large companies:

Why legal entities choose cash settlement services from Raiffeisen Bank:

  • This is a large and reliable international bank, included in the TOP10 in the Russian market;
  • Payments are made quickly, without delay;
  • It is possible to book an account number after filling out an application on the site;
  • Opening an account is provided in any currency;
  • There is no additional fee for opening multiple accounts;
  • The Bank can collect and transport money/valuable goods;
  • Acceptable cost for Raiffeisenbank for small business cash management services, as well as comprehensive satisfaction of all needs of LLC;
  • Updated Internet banking is available to everyone, through their personal account, users can view the balance and transaction history, sign payments using SMS and USB tokens, create templates and import payments from 1C, create reports and upload them to 1C.

What you need to connect the service. Terms and documents

It is quite simple and fast to issue a cash settlement at a bank, you can fill out an application on the Internet in 10 minutes, book an account number and get details.

The procedure for issuing an RKO:

  1. On, select the cash settlement section and click Open an account;
  2. Fill out an online application (example in the figure below): phone number, company name, TIN, type of organization, full name, e-mail, city, branch No.;
  3. You can order a call for an additional consultation, a specialist will contact you within 10 minutes;
  4. After agreeing on the conditions, the account will be booked (available for residents of the Russian Federation and individual entrepreneurs), and the details will be sent to e-mail;
  5. The obligatory stage is the activation of the account, this can be done at the bank branch or agree with the manager on departure.

List of documents for signing the contract:

  1. For IP:
  • Statement;
  • A copy of the entrepreneur's passport;
  • Extract from the EGRIP.
  1. For residents of the Russian Federation:
  • Statement;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Samples of seals;
  • Decision on the appointment of the head, his passport;
  • Confirmation of the authority of persons that can sign documents, their passports;
  • License.
  1. For non-residents, you additionally need a Certificate of registration of a foreign organization and possibly other documents at the request of the bank.

Tariffs and service fees

Raiffeisenbank offers its customers complex tariff offers that can meet the needs of each company.

Tariffs may vary slightly in different regions. On the site you can select your region and download a detailed tariff book, please note - from 05/28/2018. updated version is in effect.

Raiffeisenbank RKO tariffs for legal entities (Moscow):

  1. For beginners - Start - 990 ₽ / month;
  2. Basic - 1900 ₽ / month;
  3. Optimum - 2900 ₽ / month;
  4. Maximum - 7500 ₽ / month.

Tariffs differ from each other in the number of free payments to counterparties - from 0 to 300 transactions, each transaction over the limit is paid separately - 25 rubles per piece. The limit of the amount available for transfer to cards of individuals also varies - 100-700 thousand rubles.

All tariff plans provide for opening a current account, access to the Internet and mobile banking, only in the starter package for mobile banking, if desired, you need to pay 190 ₽/month. The two most expensive packages include the SMS service for business, as well as the opening of corporate cards and privileges for the head - the Golden service package (5% cashback at gas stations, free account opening and travel insurance).

Only one tariff plan can be selected for all company accounts with Raiffeisen Bank. You can change it without restrictions at any time, the cost of such a service is 1000 rubles.