Was the page useful to you? Loan secured by an apartment: bank conditions Real estate secured by existing housing.

If you need to get a loan secured by real estate on favorable terms and in a short time, contact Derzhava Bank. In order to use our services, you do not need to look for guarantors and collect a large package of documents. You can count on a successful resolution of your issue, even if you have a negative credit history and have debts under the FSSP. After receiving the loan, you will remain the owner of the collateral property and will be able to continue to use it.

Real estate requirements

Derzhava Bank considers various objects as collateral. You can get a loan secured by private and commercial real estate. Below are the main requirements for the property.

Loan secured by any real estate

Information is provided for Moscow and the Moscow region. For information for other regions, please call.

Below are the main requirements for the property.

Requirements Residential Properties Non-residential real estate
Types of objects
  • apartments in multi-apartment buildings (including unfinished ones in new buildings);
  • residential buildings with land plots;
  • cottages;
  • townhouses;
  • apartments.
  • office rooms;
  • warehouses;
  • detached buildings;
  • technological premises;
  • trading platforms.
  • Moscow and the Moscow region, but no further than 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road (any of the specified objects);
  • St. Petersburg (only apartment or townhouse with land);
  • Leningrad region (only apartment up to 30 km from the Ring Road);
  • Samara (apartment only);
  • Kazan (apartment only).
Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Kazan.

General requirements:

  1. The premises must be put into operation without violating sanitary, fire and construction standards.
  2. The object must fully comply with the technical documentation in terms of area, layout and other parameters.
  3. The property must be suitable for full use. The necessary communications must be present in the house or industrial building.
  4. If the property has several owners, then all of them must act as co-borrowers.
  5. The collateral is subject to insurance for such items as the risk of loss and damage. The bank client enters into an agreement with the insurance company.

The following are not accepted as collateral:

  • objects with encumbrances in the form of arrest or long-term lease;
  • summer cottages, garages, shares in premises, rooms in communal apartments, land plots without residential buildings;
  • objects owned by minors.

If you need to borrow money against real estate that is mortgaged or is not listed on this page, contact our manager to clarify the situation.

Requirements for the borrower

  • age - from 18 to 80 years (at the time of loan repayment);
  • compulsory life and health insurance against accidents (the agreement with the insurance company is concluded privately by the borrower).

Required documents

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • legal documents for real estate;
  • income certificate (2-NDFL, 3-NDFL or according to the bank form);
  • technical passport for the property;
  • expert opinion on the condition of the premises (paid by the borrower).

Stages of receiving bail money

  1. Leave a request for a loan secured by real estate by calling us by phone or filling out the online form.
  2. Wait for the bank's decision on cooperation. Your application will be reviewed within 1 hour to 24 hours.
  3. Prepare documents for execution of the contract. A bank employee will provide you with a list of them during a personal meeting or telephone conversation.
  4. Visit our office or invite our specialist to sign documents.
  5. Get a cash loan at the bank's cash desk. This will be possible immediately after registering the mortgage.

Advantages of obtaining a loan secured by cash from Derzhava Bank

You will remain the owner of the property being pledged. You will not have to check out of your apartment or house; you will have the opportunity to continue renting out commercial premises.

You can get a loan secured by real estate without intermediaries. Bank "Derzhava" has been providing services to clients since 1994, all transactions are concluded directly with our organization and go through Rosreestr, which is a guarantee that your interests are respected.

You do not have to prove your solvency. If you are unable to provide income certificates in form 2-NDFL or 3-NDFL, you can fill out the bank’s questionnaire so that we can consider your situation privately.

You can get a loan even with a bad credit history. If you have a debt under the FSSP, and other credit organizations refuse to issue a loan, contact us. If the amount of debt does not exceed 30% of the requested loan, we will be able to help you.

You can get a loan for any purpose. You do not need to report on the investment of the funds received. You will be able to use them to develop your business, improve your living conditions, study, and relax. In this case, it is possible to repay the loan early without penalties.

We are ready to answer your questions regarding the terms of issuing a loan secured by real estate by phone

A loan secured by an apartment may be required when a person needs a large sum of money in the near future. The main advantage of this type of loan is a lower interest rate compared to programs that do not require collateral. Accordingly, the overpayment on the loan will be less.

The main nuance of obtaining a loan is the imposition of an encumbrance on the pledged property when signing the loan agreement. This imposes additional restrictions on the homeowner; until the loan is fully repaid, the apartment cannot be sold, exchanged or rented out without the permission of the lender. The second feature is compulsory real estate insurance.

Bank conditions may differ in each specific case, but there are standard criteria:

  1. The loan amount depends on the value of the property. As a rule, it cannot exceed 60 - 80% of the cost of the apartment. Also, when determining the loan amount, the liquidity of the property is taken into account, i.e. the apartment must be in demand, this is influenced by its condition, location, area.
  2. Long debt repayment period - up to 30 years.
  3. The apartment should not be encumbered.
  4. The property must be located in the same region as the credit institution.
  5. The borrower must be permanently registered in the same area as the bank branch.
  6. The client must meet the bank's requirements and provide the required package of documents.

For what purposes can you take out a loan secured by an apartment in 2019?

Let's look at the most common lending cases:

  • Buying a property. Mortgage is the most common type of loan. The purchased object must be used as collateral; it is also possible to register existing real estate as additional collateral. Down payment required.
  • Buying a car. If a car loan is secured, some banks can take it out without a down payment. The application is submitted at a bank branch or car dealership.
  • Loan secured by a share of an apartment. In practice, this option is extremely rare due to the complexity of registration and the lack of liquidity of the property. Only those whose share is alienated by law can apply for such a loan, for example, they own a room. In addition, other property owners must give their consent to the encumbrance.
  • Loan secured by property without proof of income. This option is suitable for borrowers who cannot officially confirm their income. As a rule, such offers provide less favorable conditions (higher interest rates, shorter loan term, large down payment) for customers.
  • Non-targeted loan secured by an existing apartment. The property must be owned by the borrower.

In the latter option, money can be obtained for any needs, and there is no need to report to the bank about where the borrowed funds were spent. Let's consider what bank offers for this type of lending currently exist.

At Sberbank, a non-targeted loan with collateral can be taken from 12%. The bank positions this loan as an alternative to a mortgage for those borrowers who do not have cash for a down payment. However, of course, borrowed funds can be spent not only on the purchase of real estate, but also for other purposes - there is no need to report to the bank. The loan term can reach 20 years.

Other terms and conditions for the loan product:

  • the loan is issued in rubles;
  • minimum amount - 500,000;
  • the maximum amount cannot exceed 10 million rubles. or 60% of the cost of the apartment, which remains as collateral;
  • Life and health insurance is required; if refused, the rate increases by 1 point;
  • the borrower can be a Russian citizen over the age of 21;
  • There are requirements for work experience and income.

The procedure for obtaining a loan is no different from other offers. After the application is approved, a loan agreement is concluded and a mortgage on the apartment is issued.

VTB 24

VTB 24 only accepts apartments in a multi-storey building as collateral. Moreover, the client does not have to be the owner of the property; it can be his relative who will be the guarantor for the loan.

Credit terms:

  1. Loan term - up to 240 months;
  2. Rate - 12%;
  3. No down payment required;
  4. The maximum loan amount is up to 15 million rubles.

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has a stable official job and income sufficient to repay the loan can become a borrower. Information about your financial condition must be confirmed with relevant certificates.

A secured consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank has lower interest rates compared to a regular loan. Funds can be received for a period of up to 10 years, the maximum amount is 10 million rubles. The required amount can be obtained not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency.

Loan repayment is carried out in differentiated payments, while most banks use annuity payments. This type of loan repayment is an advantage for the borrower, since the total overpayment will be less.

The interest rate on the loan depends on the loan term:

  • up to 1 year - from 16.5%;
  • 1-3 years - from 16.75%;
  • 3-5 years - 19%;
  • over 5 years - 19.5%.

Minimum interest rates are set for salary clients and borrowers who have a good credit history with Rosselkhozbank when applying for comprehensive insurance. The client must be over 21 years old and need to confirm his income; co-borrowers are allowed.


A special feature of providing a loan from Raiffeisenbank is that not only a Russian citizen, but also a foreigner can become a borrower. However, he will need to have an official income and confirm the legality of his stay in Russia. The interest rate on the loan is from 17.25%. In each case, the bank sets the final percentage individually, this is influenced by the following factors:

  • loan size;
  • no bad credit history;
  • availability of other loans;
  • financial condition of the borrower;
  • condition and value of the collateral object.

The maximum loan amount is 9 million rubles or no more than 60% of the cost of the collateral apartment. Only the client’s spouse can act as a co-borrower on the loan, provided that the marriage is officially registered. An apartment owned by the borrower or his spouse is accepted as collateral. No strangers, including tenants, should live in the apartment.

In addition to the basic requirements for the borrower regarding work experience and income, Raiffeisenbank also imposes requirements for the availability of other loans. If a client has more than two mortgages, he will be denied a loan. Another requirement is to have a valid telephone number (home or mobile). The maximum loan term is 15 years.

You can also receive money secured by real estate from this bank without confirming the intended use of the funds. The most favorable conditions are provided to existing clients. The maximum loan amount is 30 million rubles. The bank sets the final loan amount after assessing the property; the cost of the loan cannot be less than 30% of the value of the collateral. Loan term - up to 15 years, Interest rate - from 11.75%, set individually for each client.
Alfa Bank

The bank has standard requirements for borrowers and documents. You can receive funds for up to 30 years. The minimum loan is 600 thousand rubles, at the same time, the loan size cannot exceed 60% of the cost of the apartment if the money is taken to purchase real estate or renovation, or 50% if the funds are used for consumer needs. Rate - from 13.99% per annum. Alfa-Bank also offers quick loan processing: it takes 3-5 days to review the application and the same amount to draw up a loan agreement.

Loan application procedure

There are loan calculators on the official websites of banks that will help you make a preliminary loan calculation. So, by calculating a loan from several banks, the borrower can choose the optimal conditions for himself. Once a credit institution has been identified, you must submit an application for funds. The completed application form must be supported by the following documents:

  1. passport (copies of all pages are required);
  2. documents confirming work experience (copy of work record book or employment contract);
  3. income certificates;
  4. certificate of ownership of the apartment and other real estate documents (extract from the Unified State Register, purchase and sale agreement, deed of gift, deed of transfer);
  5. extract from the house register;
  6. certificate of absence of rent arrears;
  7. documents from BTI.

It usually takes up to seven business days to process your application, depending on the bank. If the decision is positive, the next stage is appraising the apartment. It must be carried out by an independent appraiser; the borrower can find an expert himself or choose a company from those offered by the bank. As a rule, each credit institution has a list of accredited companies involved in assessment.

Then the collateral must be insured. Just as with the assessment, the client can choose the company offered by the bank or find an insurer on his own. However, not all insurance companies are suitable; they must have an appropriate agreement with the bank.

At the last stage, a loan agreement is concluded and an encumbrance is placed on the property.

A loan secured by an apartment in Moscow is a type secured by property. It is also possible to build another apartment using the existing one as security. The loan has favorable conditions because the bank is confident that the money will be returned to it.

Features of a loan for an apartment in Moscow

The main advantage of the loan is the low interest rate. Terms – up to 20 years. The loan amount depends on the appraisal of the apartment. Typically this is no more than 60 percent of the appraised value. Where to get a loan in Moscow? This question will not arise, because there are many proposals. You can even get a loan secured by a share in an apartment, but such an offer from Moscow banks is more difficult to find.

Until the debt is repaid, it will not be possible to sell, exchange or donate the apartment. Without the bank's permission, no one can be registered as collateral.

Banks that provide loans secured by an apartment have requirements for real estate:

  • it must be located on the territory of Moscow or the Moscow region;
  • should not be on the demolition list;
  • the borrower is the sole owner of the property;

How to get a loan?

  1. You must fill out a preliminary application form. This can be done either at a bank branch or online on the website. Attach documents (scanned or paper): passport, documents confirming financial solvency. This is not necessarily 2-NDFL. The conditions for a loan secured by an apartment are more favorable. You can submit to the bank a certificate from the Pension Fund, an author's agreement, a real estate lease agreement, etc.
  2. Get bank approval for a loan. The application is not processed urgently, on average – 4 days.
  3. Bring documents for the collateral property to the bank and get approval for the property. You will have to pay for the appraisal of the collateral and insurance of the apartment out of your own pocket.
  4. Signing a loan agreement.
  5. Registration of collateral.
  6. Receiving money in cash or to a bank account.

Taking out a loan in Moscow as collateral for real estate is not difficult. There are many banks in the capital offering mortgage and unsecured loans. Moreover, to securely complete the transaction, you can contact private investors or pawnshop banks. Some programs are aimed at working with property in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In order not to suffer at the stage of choosing a lender and an advantageous offer, you can turn to the help of companies that provide assistance in obtaining a loan secured by real estate in Moscow. Many accept applications online - it’s convenient and allows you to quickly find a lender and conclude a loan agreement with him. A loan in Moscow as collateral for real estate (apartments, houses, businesses) can be obtained on favorable terms through the company. Let's consider the basic conditions.

First of all, the amounts. The company offers large loans: the minimum amount is 500,000 rubles, the maximum is 100,000,000 rubles. The approved value is directly affected by the market value of the property. Since Moscow has the most liquid property compared to other cities of the Russian Federation, up to 90% of the appraisal value will be given here. This is the maximum value in the credit market.

The interest rate is 11%, the loan term is up to 30 years.

Attention! Only now there is a promotion - loans secured by property in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region are issued at a record minimum 6.5%.

In addition, an advance payment of 60% of the approved amount is possible.

What you will need to apply for a loan secured by real estate in Moscow

The company guarantees favorable rates; the borrower is required to have Russian citizenship and an age ranging from 18 to 79 years.

Of course, a property that is registered as collateral and meets the following conditions:

  • normal technical condition and minimal repairs;
  • working communications;
  • location in a promising area of ​​Moscow or a city in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (applies to residential buildings);
  • ownership is documented (there is a registration certificate; a full list of documents indicated in the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate; title papers).

Important! The property should not be under a mortgage or under an encumbrance (seizure, prohibition of registration actions).

5 best offers of 2019

Bank Percentage per year Sum Term Lending regions
From 13.9%200 t.r. - 30 million1-10 yearsRegions of presence of the bank
From 12.6%1 million - 30 million1-15 yearsAll Russia
MOIZALOG24 company low percentage From 9% 500 t.r. - 90 million1-29 yearsMoscow, Moscow region
2% per month250 t.r. - 10 million1-10 yearsUfa, Samara, Ulyanovsk
11,99% 450 t.r. - 25 millionup to 20 yearsSt. Petersburg, Volgograd, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Omsk, Chelyabinsk,
ZALOGOVIK24.ru 12% 200 t.r. - 45 millionup to 30 years oldSt. Petersburg, partly Leningrad region
from 10%1 million - 15 million15 yearsVoronezh, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Yekaterinburg,

To obtain a loan in Moscow as collateral for real estate, you will need two personal documents (a passport, and the second at the client’s choice), as well as certificates from the Moscow BTI and the maintenance service.

Is a loan available as collateral for real estate without proof of income?

Having analyzed the banking market of the Russian Federation and many collateral offers, we can say that not a single bank, when a borrower independently applies to it, will lend without proof of income. Even the options where it is immediately written “without certificates, according to 2 documents”, in small print or in additional conditions, have the column “confirmation of income from 2-personal income tax or another source.” A stable monthly “white sample” income is required.

The MyZalog company does not require certificates of income, work experience or other bureaucratic delays in order to obtain favorable rates for its clients. Also, there is no need to involve guarantors.

How to get a loan in Moscow as collateral for real estate with a bad credit history

The bank does not need a borrower with a damaged credit file. Perhaps you can close your eyes to some things, but banks will not turn a blind eye to executive discipline. A person with a bad credit history is unlikely to be able to get a loan on his own. And using the connections and privileges in banks from the MoyZalog company, getting a loan secured by property in Moscow will not be difficult. This will not affect the consideration of the application in any way.

For reference! 99 out of 100 applications are approved.

Who needs a loan as collateral for real estate in Moscow?

A loan secured by real estate involves obtaining a large amount, for which simple consumer loans are not available. In addition, liquid property allows you to get some relief in the interest rate. So, for what purposes can you use money:

  • Reduce the rate. If you contact the bank yourself, the interest rate will be set to the maximum possible for the borrower’s situation. If the bank issues a minimum interest rate of 12.5%, then through the company you can reduce this amount to 10% (or even 6.5%).
  • Purchase a property using existing property as collateral.
  • Refinance open loans. You can combine several loans into one. You receive money, close the debt you have in different banks. Now you have one loan with a reduced rate.
  • Close debts in MFOs. While some banks offer to refinance consumer loans and mortgages, there are no options for refinancing microloans (even worse if they are in arrears). A loan in Moscow as collateral for real estate will allow you to close debts with microfinance organizations and reduce overpayments by 20-40 times.
  • Invest money in opening or growing a business.
  • Close temporary financial holes for owners.
  • Remortgage of property. If you cannot pay off an existing loan secured by real estate, transfer the property again. It's possible here!
  • Other large purchases, investments.

Video: How to get cash secured by real estate?

If you are employed

  • Copy of passport (all pages)
  • Documents confirming income:
    certificate in form 2-NDFL or certificate in bank form
  • A copy of the work record book certified by the employer (all completed pages)

If you are the owner or co-owner of a business

  • Application - Questionnaire of the Borrower/Co-borrower/Guarantor
  • Copy of passport (all pages)
  • Certificate of registration of the organization and changes in the constituent documents in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Certificate of registration with the tax authorities, Copy of an extract from the register of shareholders (for joint stock companies)
  • If your company has a general taxation system: Copies of Forms No. 1 (balance sheet) and Form No. 2 (financial performance report) for the previous reporting year and for the past quarters of the current year for all affiliated companies with a mark from the tax office certified by the chief accountant and the company seal , or documents confirming the submission of reports
  • If your company has a simplified taxation system: Tax return for the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system for the analyzed period with a mark from the tax inspectorate, or documents confirming the submission of the declaration, Receipts confirming payment of income tax for the analyzed period, certified by the chief accountant and seal company copies of Forms No. 1 (balance sheet) and Form No. 2 (financial performance report) for the previous reporting year and for the past quarters of the current year for all affiliated companies, Notification of the possibility of applying the simplified taxation system.
  • Extracts from the Bank on cash flows on the current account with average monthly turnover
  • Military ID (for a potential Borrower/Co-borrower of military age)

If you are engaged in private legal practice or notary activity

  • Application - Questionnaire of the Borrower/Co-borrower/Guarantor
  • Copy of passport (all pages)
  • To confirm income:
    1. Tax return on payment of personal income tax in form 3-NDFL.
    2. Receipt for payment of tax fees for the last reporting tax period.
    3. Certificate from the bank(s) about the presence/absence of a credit history and current loans, as well as the absence of category No. 2 on the current account.
    4. Payment documents confirming tax payment or a certificate from the Federal Tax Service indicating the absence of debt to the budget.
    5. An extract from the bank(s) on the movement of the current account(s) with the bank’s stamp for the past year and the past months of the current year (monthly).
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authorities (Original or copy)
  • Certified copy of work record book
  • Additionally for lawyers: A lawyer's certificate, a document confirming the establishment of a lawyer's office, an Agreement on the provision of legal assistance in a lawyer's office.
  • Additionally for notaries: License for the right of notarial activity. A document confirming membership in the notary chamber, lease agreement(s) for office space, or other documents. Explaining the actual location of the office at this address
  • Military ID (for a potential Borrower/Co-borrower of military age)

Consent to the processing of personal data

I give my consent to Alfa-Bank JSC (107078, Moscow, Kalanchevskaya St., 27) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) to process my personal data provided by me to the Bank in the application form on the bank’s website, using automation tools , including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data and other actions provided for by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” for the purposes of: attracting participation/participation in surveys, questionnaires conducted by the Bank to study and research the opinions of potential clients and other individuals about the services offered by the Bank; about the quality of service; processing of my appeal, including: checking the circumstances stated in the appeal, conducting an investigation into the transactions I disputed, actions/inactions of Bank employees, as well as contacting me to provide information about the results of consideration of my appeal.

Personal data provided to the bank through the application form is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of the specified processing goals or if the need to achieve these goals is no longer necessary. I understand and agree that in order to stop the Bank’s use of my personal data, I need to contact the Bank to withdraw the Consent to the processing of my personal data.