Deposit cash to another card. How to put cash on a Sberbank card

Depositing cash into a legal entity's current account is possible in different ways. Let's consider how replenishments should be reflected in the calculation, and what needs to be taken into account when performing financial transactions in order to avoid paying taxes on them.

Depositing money to the account of LLC

Let's see how to deposit money into an LLC's current account:

  1. The founder draws up an order document for the bank, where he is serviced or the recipient's account is opened. Basic data – TIN, name of organization, legal entity number, bank BIC.
  2. The bank performs the operation before the end of the business day following the day the order is issued.
  3. Both parties receive a notification about successful payment and crediting of funds.

Depositing money presupposes the correct reflection of the income in accounting. The grounds for the legal performance of this operation will be discussed below; they are correct if there is appropriate documentary evidence.

Popular banks

Most Russian banks offer their clients favorable conditions for replenishing cash. Among them:

  • Dot;
  • Tinkoff;
  • Sberbank;
  • Eastern Express;
  • Vesta;
  • UBRD;
  • Loco;
  • Modulbank;
  • Expert.

Replenishment of the organization's account using personal funds

The founder or director cannot simply transfer the amount they need through the cash desk - clear grounds are needed for appropriate actions, otherwise the operation will fall under the control of the tax office, and you will have to pay a fee on the money for which it has already been paid. Situations when money is urgently needed for settlements, but there is not enough money in the account, happen often to entrepreneurs. Let's look at the main ways to replenish an LLC's current account with cash legally.

Material aid

Financial assistance can be provided on the basis of a gift agreement; financial resources are contributed for any required period. Tax according to the terms of the gift agreement will still have to be paid if the share of the founder contributing money is less than 50%. The goals of financial assistance are to repay losses or increase turnover. To reduce the tax burden when transferring using this method, companies can pay dividends to their founders - the corresponding decision is made at a general meeting. Dividends are subject to 9% tax.

Property contribution

A long and complex method of replenishment, which is not always available (the corresponding clause must be provided for in the charter). If there is only one participant in the organization, he personally makes a decision on making a property contribution and confirms it with an order (strictly in writing). When there is more than one participant, each invests the amount, taking into account the size of the share. Minutes from the meeting must be required, indicate the note to the payment.

Making payments

Transfers from clients for services provided, work performed, goods sold. Replenishment options – cash received, including during collection, or a payment order. Justification – contracts concluded in accordance with all the rules and officially signed, carried out through the accounting department.

How to avoid the tax burden

The last point that will be discussed in this review is how to deposit cash into the LLC’s current account so that it is not subsequently subject to tax.


The most common procedure along with donation. Personal money is deposited with a return, at interest or just like that. An interest-free loan is simpler from the point of view of registration, but the relevant information must be contained in the accounting department in any case. Money is deposited through the cashier or by a loan, the return is carried out in the same way.


To legally increase the amount of capital, you will have to convene a meeting, write down all the issues discussed during the discussion, and also submit the edited charter to the tax office. Replenishments entail the need to redistribute shares. Changed ratios of monetary amounts, shares are reflected in the meeting. The capital must be paid in full in the future, the money is not directly returned.

Today Sberbank is considered the largest and most popular bank among Russian citizens. This situation is largely due to the advanced technologies that credit institutions annually introduce in the financial market. One of the popular services among individuals is account replenishment, and for convenience, the bank offers several convenient tools with which you can deposit money into a Sberbank account.

Is it possible to deposit money into a Sberbank account?

Today there are a large number of ways to replenish your Sberbank account. Among the existing options, we can highlight traditional ones, which do not involve the use of the latest Internet technologies. These methods include replenishment through the cash desk of a branch of Sberbank or another Russian bank, as well as through the Russian Post service. The disadvantage is the need to have a certain time to visit organizations and the operation is carried out on a paid basis.

The following replenishment methods are no less popular:

  • through a bank payment terminal;
  • ATM functionality;
  • payment systems WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money;
  • Internet banking;
  • from a cell phone number;
  • through a mobile application on your phone.

All replenishment methods can be divided into two large groups: using cash or wire transfer. The latter option is becoming increasingly popular and in demand every year.

How to deposit money into your account

One of the available ways to replenish a deposit or personal account is to carry out the transaction through the cash desk of a branch of a banking institution. When transferring funds between bank accounts, no commission is charged and funds are received instantly.

You can deposit funds using one of the transaction options:

  • by card number;
  • according to account details.

To be able to transfer funds, an individual must visit the nearest bank branch. After handing over your passport, cash, payment document with details and personal data of the payee to the cashier, the operation will be completed within a couple of minutes.

The transfer can be performed through the cash desk of any other Russian bank, performing similar steps, but in this case the operation will be classified as an interbank transaction and a certain amount of commission will be withheld from the client, the amount of which each credit institution sets independently. The duration of receipt of money in this case is on average from 3 to 5 days.

A transfer using a bank card number can be made at any branch of Russian Post. In this case, you must correctly fill out a special form, provide a passport and deposit cash. Transferring funds this way takes from 7 to 10 days.

How to deposit money into a Sberbank account through the terminal

Sberbank terminals today can be found in almost any large shopping center or store. The advantage of replenishing through a terminal is the round-the-clock operation of self-service terminals without lunch breaks. To top up your account in this way, you will need the recipient's card details or the card itself.

The sequence of actions when replenishing a card's current account is as follows:

A certain commission percentage is charged for carrying out the operation. On average, funds arrive within 24 hours, but receipts can take up to 5 business days. It is recommended to always pick up the check and keep it until you verify that funds have been received into your account, since it will not be possible to return them in the event of a transfer error without a receipt.

How to deposit money into an ATM account

It is possible to deposit money into a current account through an ATM device using a machine equipped with a function for accepting banknotes. To top up your balance with cash, follow these steps:

  • insert the plastic, enter the PIN code correctly;
  • select “Deposit cash” from the list;
  • deposit banknotes;
  • check the correctness of the amounts and click “Perform operation”.

Once completion is confirmed, the funds transfer process is initiated. The end of the operation will be when the device issues a receipt.

How to deposit money into another person’s Sberbank account

You can send funds to another person’s Sberbank account by using the capabilities of Internet banking and electronic payment services; these are the tools that have become the most popular lately. Each of these methods requires the user to undergo authorization to receive a user code and password into the system. In order to become the owner of a Sberbank Online personal account, just visit the nearest bank branch. The ability to use a mobile app for translation is available to clients who have downloaded the app to their phone. Description of ways to transfer funds to another person.

Transfer via Sberbank Online

For mobile bank users, it is possible to replenish the card through the application. Any user can top up another person’s account balance by sending an SMS message to the hot number 900.

The text of the message may be as follows:

  • the recipient’s card number is known - “TRANSFER AAAA BBBBB 1000”, where AAAA is the last digits from the sender’s owner’s card, BBBBB is the last four digits of the recipient’s card, and 1000 is the amount of the transferred funds;
  • the recipient's number is known - “TRANSFER recipient number”, where the details of the recipient are entered in the form of a ten-digit telephone number.

Important! After sending the message to the short number, the sender will receive an SMS notification to confirm the transaction.

Subscribers of MTS, Beeline or Megafon operators have the opportunity to transfer funds from the balance of their phone to a Sberbank card. For example, to send funds from an MTS account to an account, use the command<611> <номер карты> <сумма отправления>. Each mobile operator sets the amount of the commission for the operation independently. This method of replenishing funds on a card is considered one of the most expensive, and the commission fee can range from 4% to 8%.

The advantage of transferring through the Sberbank Online mobile application is the ability to transfer at any time, regardless of location. To transfer funds, it is enough to know the recipient's card number. The procedure is as follows:

After confirming the decision to carry out the transaction, the specified amount of funds will be credited to the card balance. If you have Internet access, the client can use the Sberbank Online service from a computer. The sequence of actions in this case is similar to making a transfer through a mobile application.

Transfer through payment systems.

Authorized users of payment systems with a non-zero e-wallet balance can top up their Sberbank and other bank card accounts. To do this, the plastic item must be issued in Russia, be of the Visa or MasterCard type, and a certain amount of commission will be withheld from the sender for the transaction.

The interface of the electronic wallet service may change slightly, but the essence of the transfer of funds to the card is the same. The user must select a payment subsection, a transfer category to another card indicating the recipient's details, and confirm the transaction with a confirmation code from the SMS notification.

Restrictions and limits

Restrictions and limits are introduced by Sberbank to increase the level of security in relation to transactions. In case of loss of the card or fraudulent actions on the part of third parties, the user receives a guarantee of the safety of funds on the account balance, since in this case it will not be possible to transfer an amount larger than the bank allows.

There are the following restrictions on replenishing your card account during the day:

  • when using an ATM, the limit is 300,000 rubles;
  • through a mobile bank you can send no more than 500,000 rubles and with the maximum transfer amount you will need to confirm the operation with the contact center operator indicating the code word and personal data;
  • You are allowed to send no more than 8,000 rubles via SMS command;
  • The online limit for using the service is 1,000,000 rubles.

There are no restrictions on the transfer of funds through bank specialists and transfers through the cash desk of a banking institution. When using the service, an online transfer can be made to the current account of Sberbank or another bank, but transfers to Belarus, Kazakhstan and other foreign countries are not available.

The founder's contribution to the organization's current account can be made both for the purpose of paying for the authorized capital and for other legal reasons. An example would be replenishing a legal entity’s account as free assistance. In our article we will look at how such a transaction should be formalized depending on the specific situation.

Depositing money into the LLC current account by the founder: the legal significance of correct registration

Funds are transferred to the organization's current account for a variety of purposes and from different persons. A situation is possible when the money came from the founder. However, the founder can simultaneously be an employee of the organization.

There are several options for qualifying the receipt of money from him, depending on the paperwork:

  • payment of a share in the authorized capital;
  • depositing money of the organization by an accountable person into its account;
  • making a contribution to the company's property;
  • transfer as a loan or for free use;
  • loan repayment;
  • payment for purchased goods, works, services;
  • payment for a third party.

Note! Due to inattention when preparing documents, a controversial situation may arise later. Thus, in one of the cases considered by the Moscow City Court, a former member of an LLC tried to return the money that he deposited into the company’s account. The claim was denied. At the same time, the court indicated that from the cash receipts it follows that the money was deposited not on behalf of an individual, but from the organization itself. The citizen in this case acted as its representative. No evidence to the contrary was presented to the court (appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated September 28, 2016 No. 33-37657).

Read about payment of the authorized capital with property in our article How to pay for a share in the authorized capital of an LLC? , briefly about the issues of confirming payment - in the article Contribution of authorized capital when registering an LLC in 2019.

Let's look at the main mistakes and the order of registration in the most complex cases.

Errors when paying the authorized capital

The obligation of the founders to pay the authorized capital is provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 9 of the Law “On Limited Liability Companies” dated 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 14-FZ).

Most errors when paying for the authorized capital of a company are associated with incorrect execution of documents by participants. Such errors include:

  • failure to prepare the primary document for depositing money when paying not through a bank (see resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-West District dated February 15, 2013 No. F07-8829/12);
  • lack of documentation of the assignment of the obligation to pay the share to a third party.

For example, in one of the cases the subject of consideration was the following situation. One of the founders transferred money to pay for the authorized capital to another founder, the latter contributed the full cost of the authorized capital to the organization’s cash desk. Subsequently, part of the amount was returned to him by the organization as paid erroneously. At the time of consideration of the dispute about invalidating the sale of a share by the company to a third party, the founder who transferred the money to another founder did not have documents confirming the contribution of money to pay for the share.

Important! Failure to pay for a share of the authorized capital leads to the loss of the status of an LLC participant, since the unpaid share passes to the company (Clause 3, Article 16 of Law No. 14-FZ).

In this case, the court took into account the provisions of the establishment agreement, which stated that the shares were paid at the time of establishment; no deadline was set for payment of the shares. The right to the share was recognized for the founder (resolution of the 19th AAS dated February 24, 2015 No. 19AP-5679/13).

How to deposit money into the cash register or into the current account of an LLC to pay for a share of the authorized capital

So, in order to be correctly reflected in the accounting documentation of the LLC and to provide evidence of fulfillment of the obligation to pay the authorized capital, it is necessary to perform the following actions within the period specified in the constituent agreement:

  • deposit money into the organization's cash desk indicating in the cash receipt order the purpose of payment: “Payment of the share of the authorized capital __%”;
  • deposit money into a temporary savings account at a bank (if the authorized capital is paid before the state registration of the LLC);
  • deposit money into the organization's current account on behalf of the founder, indicating the same purpose of payment;
  • transfer money to a third party (another founder, official of the organization) according to a receipt or under an agreement, which states that this person received money from a citizen of such and such to make payment to a certain organization for a certain share of the authorized capital of a certain participant (the actions of a third party are necessary in subsequently control and receive from him the bank’s primary document or cash receipt order confirming payment).

If payment of the share is made upon the establishment of the company, the payment must be indicated in the agreement on establishment. In the above case before the 19th ACA, the provisions of the contract played a decisive role in establishing the fact (given the disputed nature of other evidence), but this is not a typical case (see below).

Depositing money into the cash register and transferring it to a third party is formalized in the above manner. Let's take a closer look at the procedure for depositing money into a current account.

How to deposit cash into a temporary LLC savings account

Previously, Law No. 14-FZ required payment of at least 50% of the authorized capital of an LLC before its registration. To do this, the founders (or one of them) opened a temporary savings account in the bank.

The savings account is not subject to the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On opening and closing bank accounts, deposit accounts, deposit accounts” dated May 30, 2014 No. 153-I. The conditions for its opening are determined by the bank independently on the basis of clause 15 of the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On the Chart of Accounts for Credit Institutions and the Procedure for its Application,” approved. Central Bank of the Russian Federation 02/27/2017 N 579-P. The account is opened for a certain period on the same balance sheet account on which the organization's current account will subsequently be opened.

As a rule, to open an account you must submit:

  • founder's passport;
  • protocol on the creation of an LLC;
  • charter

Note! Funds deposited into such an account cannot be spent. Upon expiration of the period, they are subject to transfer to the current account of the established organization or are issued to the person who deposited them.

If one of the participants is entrusted with depositing money into a temporary account, then the transfer of money to this participant must be confirmed by him with a receipt for receiving the money. Otherwise, there is no evidence of payment of the share. The provisions of the founders’ agreement that the share has been paid are most often not taken into account by the courts (see resolutions of the 7th AAS dated October 23, 2014 No. 07AP-9117/14, the 10th AAS dated June 7, 2013 No. 10AP-4385/13 ).

How to deposit money into an LLC current account: current procedure

Money can be deposited into a current account either in cash at a bank branch or by bank transfer.

Methods of non-cash money transfer:

  • by payment order, collection order, etc. (for a participant - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur);
  • transfer of electronic funds (for citizen participants).

In each case, a column indicating the purpose of payment is filled out in a paper document or electronic form of the bank.

2 main ways to deposit cash into your account:

  1. Transfer money without opening an account:
  • the receipt of money in the bank is recorded in the cash receipt order in form 0402008, a copy of which is issued to the depositor of funds, or in the internal register of bank transfers;
  • a copy of the transfer order is issued, the form of which is determined by the bank independently (clause 5.7 of the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On the rules for transferring funds” dated June 19, 2012 No. 383-P).

2. Announcement for a cash contribution (form 0402001, appendices 1-3 to the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2014 No. 3352-U), which, according to paragraphs. 2.3 of the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions...” dated January 29, 2018 N 630-P is used to accept cash from clients, that is, in this case from an LLC. The form of this set of documents consists of 3 parts: advertisement, receipt and order. A receipt is issued confirming the deposit of money.

The registration should be as follows: the participant must receive from the organization a receipt of a cash receipt order for depositing cash into the cash desk indicating the purpose of payment. Then the money is given to him from the cash register according to an expenditure order for depositing in the bank according to an advertisement.

How to replenish an LLC’s current account with cash as free assistance from a participant in the form of a contribution to property

The gratuitous provision of property to the organization by the founder is provided for by law in the form of a contribution to the property of the company (Article 27 of Law No. 14-FZ).

The procedure for entering it is as follows:

  1. The obligation to make contributions must be provided for in the charter. Relevant provisions are introduced into it only by unanimous decision of the participants.
  2. The decision to make contributions is made by 2/3 of the votes of the participants in the general meeting.
  3. As a rule, the contribution is made in money.
  4. The size of the contribution can be established disproportionately to the shares (i.e., in a smaller or larger amount) only by a unanimous decision of the participants of the general meeting.
  5. Contributions do not affect the size of the share.

When depositing (transferring) money to a current account, it is necessary to indicate the basis for depositing money (number and date of the minutes of the general meeting of participants or provisions of the charter).

Important! The legislation does not provide for the possibility of returning a contribution to the property of an LLC.

Replenishment of the organization's working capital by the founder: the problem of interpreting the legal basis of the transaction

In practice, resolving an organization’s financial difficulties falls within the competence of the financial service and the legal basis for the transaction is not always analyzed. This gives rise to such entries in receipt documents as “gratuitous financial assistance from the founder,” “replenishment of working capital by the founder,” etc.

The difficulty of legal interpretation is that from such records it is impossible to determine whether this is a repayable provision of money (loan) without remuneration (i.e., without paying interest) or a provision of ownership without a reciprocal obligation (donation).

Risks! In accordance with the Recommendations for developing signs of identifying and determining the signs of unusual transactions, approved by order of Rosfinmonitoring dated 05/08/2009 No. 103 (as amended on 01/09/2014), these include multiple contributions by the founders (managers) of funds to replenish the organization’s working capital .

Fearing too much attention to transactions, when depositing financial assistance into the current account, the founders prefer to indicate the provision of a loan as the purpose. It is practically impossible to prove in the future the sham of such a transaction without formalizing the procedure for making deposits in the above order (see the appeal ruling of the Perm Regional Court dated April 11, 2016 in case No. 33-3062).

How to deposit money into an LLC current account when providing a loan

In addition to signing a 2-sided loan agreement, it is necessary to prepare primary documents confirming the provision of money, since the loan as a real agreement exists only from this moment:

  1. When depositing cash, a cash receipt order from the LLC indicating the receipt of the loan.
  2. For a non-cash transfer - an entry in the Internet Bank system (for an electronic transfer) or an order to transfer money without opening an account.

If a dispute arises, the bank that made the transfer will provide information about it. In addition, you can submit a notarized screenshot of the system page on which the operation is reflected.

Note! Often there is a situation when an organization needs money urgently, and the founder does not have the opportunity to personally replenish the current account. Then a verbal instruction is given to an employee of the organization, who deposits money into the account with the correct purpose of payment. However, this overlooks the fact that the depositor of funds is not the founder and the relationship between these persons (an order to deposit money) must be formalized, for example, with a receipt. Otherwise, the court may consider that the employee contributed funds to the organization (see the appeal ruling of the St. Petersburg City Court dated February 3, 2016 No. 33-1781/2016).

Contribution from the founder to the current account and accounting entries: legal significance

Important! Any receipt of money must be reflected in the organization’s accounting registers (Article 10 of the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

The deposit of money into the LLC's current account is completed by postings to the accounting accounts. If there is movement on the current account, as a rule, there are no discrepancies between the accounting records and the turnover on the accounts. However, if the deposit of money is formalized by a cash receipt order, then the situation when the receipt is not reflected in the accounting accounts is more common.

Note! When a civil dispute arises, decisive importance is attached to the original primary documents used to document transactions (cash receipt order, transfer and acceptance certificate, receipts and other bank documents), and not to accounting information (journals, extracts from electronic accounting systems), i.e. because the latter are designed to reflect the facts of economic activity.

However, a necessary condition in this case is the authenticity of the primary documents. If, based on a statement of falsification, an examination is carried out and the date of manufacture or the authenticity of the signatures is questioned, the court will evaluate the evidence in its system and may make a decision not in accordance with the primary documents, but on other evidence, as was the case in the case considered 19-19. m AAS (resolution dated February 24, 2015 No. 19AP-5679/13).

Thus, the deposit of funds into the current account of an organization by the founder requires the correct preparation of the primary document that formalizes the money transfer transaction. It must indicate the document (incorporation agreement, loan agreement, minutes of the general meeting of participants on making contributions, etc.) on the basis of which funds are deposited.

The easiest way to put money on a bank card is to go to a bank branch with (sometimes a passport) and ask the manager for help. Naturally, this will take some time: sometimes there are queues at the box office and you have to wait a long time for the operation to be carried out. Although recently large banks have been trying to optimize the work of their branches as much as possible, creating electronic queues, hiring additional employees, etc. You will need to provide the bank operator with your passport and card, tell them how much you plan to deposit and pay this amount at the cash desk, receiving the corresponding check.

How to put money on a card through a terminal?

If you don't want to waste extra time, try using a terminal or ATMs with a bill acceptor. In order to transfer money to a card, you need to insert it into the terminal, enter the PIN code, select the “Top up card/account” tab on the terminal screen, and indicate on the screen the amount you plan to deposit. After the terminal confirms the possibility of carrying out the operation, deposit money into the terminal. In order to deposit money on another person, you will need to enter their card number on the screen, make sure that the card belongs to the person to whom you are sending the funds, deposit the money and confirm the transaction.

How to put money on another person's card?

If you know how to use the Internet banking system and are registered in the online system of your bank, sending money to another person’s card will be quite simple. You need to log in to online banking using your username and password (as well as a one-time password, which will be sent as an SMS message to your phone). After that, in the interface, select the “Top up card/account” - “Top up another card” tab. In different systems this service is called approximately the same. Log in to the service page, fill out a special form, which indicates the card number of the person to which you want to send money, other data for the transfer, as well as the card number from which you want to send funds. The payment will need to be confirmed using a floating password.

How to put money on a card number?

Knowing the card number and the first and last name of its owner is enough to put cash on the card or send a money transfer from your own card. Be sure to check with the card owner for its exact number. By the way, in some banks, in order to put money on a card, you need to call not its number, but the owner’s current account number. In this case, it will also have to be clarified.

Contact the operator of the bank branch you need, tell him the necessary details for sending money and the amount you plan to deposit into the account. Pay for the service. The cashier will definitely ask you for the full name of the card owner so that the transfer goes through exactly to the address.

Where to put money on the card

Today you can put money on your card using different electronic payment systems. A similar opportunity is offered by WebMoney, Yandex.Money, PayPal, etc. If you are the owner of any of these electronic wallets and have title units (money) on your online account, you can always send them to your bank card. To do this, you need to find the appropriate menu in the interface of your electronic wallet, indicate which bank you want to withdraw money to, your card details, and also wait for confirmation of the transfer. It is much easier to put money on a card from electronic payment systems if the card itself is linked to the system and verified in the prescribed manner.

Deposit money via bank card without commission

Without commission, banks usually offer customers to put cash on their own bank cards. To do this, just go to the nearest terminal/ATM, insert the card into the device, enter your PIN code and select the “Put cash on card” tab on the terminal screen. The system will ask you how much you plan to deposit - you will subsequently need to insert this amount into the terminal. The bank card will be replenished instantly. Transfers between your own cards within the same bank are also carried out without commission in online banking systems or in bank terminals. But the accounts of other bank clients and their cards will have to be topped up with a certain commission.
Advice from After you have deposited cash on your card at a bank cash desk or through a terminal, be sure to take the receipt for this transaction. Do not throw it away until you are sure that the funds have been credited to your card. Otherwise, the receipt will be proof that you performed this operation.

Today we will talk to you about how to put money on a Sberbank card through an ATM. In addition, it is worth thinking carefully about what other ways we can use to achieve our today's goal. After all, replenishing your account is an important process that helps you always stay afloat.

In fact, today you can use several fairly simple ways to check your account, as well as replenish it. Which one is right for you - decide for yourself. The main thing is to know what and how to do correctly.

What you need

But before you put money on your Sberbank card through an ATM, it’s worth noting a few items that you may need in this difficult matter. Let's quickly take a look at what is required to complete the task.

So, the first thing is having a plastic card. If you don’t have one, then getting a “plastic” one will not be so difficult.

The second thing that may be required is the recipient’s card number. Yours or someone else's. Any - which one you are going to transfer money to through a Sberbank ATM.

Additionally, sometimes you may also need an ID. We are talking about a passport. It is necessary when you decide to top up your account through the cash register.

Bank details are also a pretty important thing that can help you top up your bank card account. True, not through an ATM, but in another way. We will also meet him today. You can get all the necessary information for calculations in the help window. Tell the operator that you would like to receive the details for transferring money to the card - and they will give you everything you need.

Now let's see with you how to transfer money through a Sberbank ATM. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Be patient, take the time and go implement your idea.

We translate for ourselves

Well, let's start with, perhaps, the most obvious and simple scenario. We are talking about replenishing your card account. To do this, you only need to have “plastic” and, of course, a certain amount of money.

Find the nearest ATM and go to it to complete the task. Payment through a Sberbank ATM takes place without commission, which is very important when replenishing accounts with a large amount. So let's take a closer look at this option.

Go to the ATM and insert your card into it. You will now see a screen asking you to enter your PIN. Dial the "secret" combination. Wait a little and a menu will appear in front of you. We will now begin our work with him.

In the main menu, select "top up account". True, you can also select “cash transactions”, and then click on “replenishment”. The inscriptions may differ, but the meaning does not change. If you are thinking about how to put money on a Sberbank card through an ATM, look carefully at the message after completing the steps. You will be asked to deposit bills into a bill acceptor. Follow the advice, and then click “next” or “pay”. That's all. All that remains is to wait for the transaction to be processed and pick up the check. Save it until the data is processed. Now you know how to top up a Sberbank card through an ATM. But there are several more options. Let's get to know them quickly.

Without a card

Well, there are also situations when the client does not have “plastic” with him, but still needs to top up his balance. What to do in this case? Is there really nothing that can be done?

Of course you can. If you go to the ATM and find that you forgot your card at home, then don’t be scared or panic. It's OK. A transfer through a Sberbank ATM can be carried out without you having a “card”. How to do it? Let's try to figure it out together.

So, first of all, go to the ATM. Now take a close look at the main menu. Here you should find the “transfer funds” item. Click on it and look at the window that opens. It will ask you to dial the recipient's card number. Enter the combination of numbers and click "next". Now deposit the bills and complete the transaction. That's all. You know how to put money on a Sberbank card through an ATM without unnecessary problems and without having a card.

Strangers without cash

Well, these are not all the possibilities that we can use at an ATM to transfer funds. For example, you can carry out this operation even without cash. How to do it? Let's try to figure it out!

So, if you don’t know how to put money on a Sberbank card through an ATM (not on your card) by bank transfer, then, of course, here you will need your “plastic”. And the "recipient" number. All.

This option is somewhat reminiscent of the previous method. Only in it you will have to insert the card into the ATM, enter its PIN code, and then check the balance. This procedure is optional, but recommended. In case of lack of funds to make the transfer.

After this, return to the main menu. Here select "transfer funds". A message will appear on the screen asking you to enter your bank card number. Please enter the recipient here. This is the only way you can realize your idea. Enter the combination and then click "next". Select the transfer amount, check the details, and then complete the steps. Don't forget to pick up your check. That's all. As you can see, if you approach the matter wisely, you can cope with any task. Now you know how to deposit money on a Sberbank card via an ATM and by bank transfer. Perhaps it is worth considering other ways to replenish the balance on the card.

Cash register

Well, sometimes the ATM options don't really work out. Especially if we are talking about the older generation, who have difficulty understanding how to use this “machine”. It is better for such people to follow old and proven methods of replenishing accounts. For example, with the help of a cash register and an operator in a bank.

To do this, you will need the recipient's details, as well as your passport and cash. Go to the nearest Sberbank branch, and then get in line at the cashier. Inform the employee of your intention to make a transfer. Then provide the details for replenishing the account, as well as your passport. Give the cash and wait for the bank employee to complete the transaction. After this, all that remains is to wait a while. Typically, the wait is about 3 days. The funds will be transferred to the card and you will be able to use them. Nothing complicated.

Internet translation

There is another rather interesting way to top up a bank card. So to speak, modern and cashless. We are talking about using a virtual wallet to accomplish the task.

First of all, get yourself this “little thing”. Use WebMoney - this payment system, as a rule, works best with Sberbank. After this, you will receive a so-called certificate no lower than formal. It will require confirmation of email, mobile phone and “scans” of passport data. Now you can work with this system.

Go to the so-called WMR banking. Here select "transfer" and then "bank transfer". Enter your card details, and then click "Next". Confirm the action by indicating the amount to transfer. Now wait for a message in the WebMoney system about the operation. Confirm your actions and then wait a while. As a rule, the money will arrive on the card in 3-5 days. Nothing complicated.

"Sberbank Online"

You already know how to put money on a Sberbank card through an ATM, cash register or e-wallet. But you can also use the Sberbank Online service. She will definitely help you make cashless payments.

To do this, go to the site and log in. You should have been given a login and password upon receipt of the card. Now click "operations". Enter the recipient card number in the appropriate field, and then select the desired replenishment amount. Confirm your actions and wait for the payment to be processed. Nothing complicated. Now you know how to pay your payments through a Sberbank ATM.