Tricks of banks. Raiffeisenbank, credit cards

12 months ago

Interest on balance

It's simple - 4.5% without additional conditions and restrictions on the deposit amount.

Pros and cons of Rocketbank


  • Buy from eBay, Amazon, Computeruniverse, etc.? Then you are very lucky- after all, Rocketbank exchanges dollars and euros for rubles on the same day. Plus, it does this at the exchange rate, which is not so different from the Central Bank rate. The Rocket rate changes once every 5 minutes. So the card insures the owner against situations like “the dollar was one today, but tomorrow it’s another.”
  • Convenient to withdraw cash. At any ATM in Russia, up to 150,000 per month.
  • Conveniently transfer small amounts to other banks. Up to 30,000 per month - free, beyond 1.5%. And according to the details - without commissions it will be up to 1,000,000 rubles!
  • Cool account analytics- everything is very convenient and clear.
  • A truly powerful app for iOS and Android - Can keep general statistics on spending with a friend or split the bill at a cafe— take exactly half from your friend or the amount you specify.


  • If you do not live in one of the 29 cities where Rocketbank is located, then they will charge 350 rubles for delivery.

TheCashBack comment: Rocketbank is definitely suitable for those who buy goods abroad. But everyone else should take a closer look at the card - the conditions for both cashback and % on the balance are generally not bad.


Actually, all the benefits of the “Benefit” card can be reduced to one screenshot:

...or to the video:


Return conditions:

    • 10% on clothes and shoes:

  • 3% on Gas stations, cafes, restaurants and travel;
  • From 10% at selected partner stores (“points for purchases in selected categories”).

There are very famous brands:

  • 3% cashback on categories connected with “Benefit” points: products for children, animals, repairs, gadgets, etc.:
  • Cashback 1% on all other purchases (“base points”). Good news: it's accrued incl. for utilities, taxes and traffic police fines!

For convenience, here is a cashback cheat sheet from Benefits:

The maximum number of “basic” points, i.e. for “regular” purchases - 2,000. For “certain categories” - 3,000.

Interest on balance

Sometimes it’s better to show once than to describe it long and tediously:

Regarding the promotion: 10% for an amount up to 300,000 rubles if you issue a card online(!) until December 30 and use it to make purchases worth 5,000 rubles every month. Then, within 90 days, the bank will charge 10% on the account balance. From the 91st day - 6% on the same conditions. If you don’t swipe 5 thousand rubles on your card, you won’t pay any interest on the balance at all.

In other words, in order to receive “percentages”, you must use the card. But it's worth it - Still 10% per annum! True, the threshold for the amount here is not so large - 300 thousand rubles. Anything more will be charged only 3%.

Pros and cons of "Benefits"


  • Free issue and maintenance for the first 2 months;
  • Convenient to top up from cards of third-party banks;
  • A transfer to another bank costs only 10 rubles;
  • Supports Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay.


  • If you do not make purchases worth more than 5,000 ₽ per month, starting from the 3rd month after registration of the “Benefit”, a monthly service fee of 99 ₽ will be charged.
  • Paid SMS notifications - 59 rubles/month. Although you can turn it off, you will still receive SMS about the most important card transactions (already free of charge).

Raiffeisenbank salary card– a comfortable and reliable way to receive your monthly salary. Holders of these cards have many advantages, as well as the opportunity to use banking services on favorable terms.

According to the terms of service of the Raiffeisenbank salary card, clients must take advantage of the range of services described below. A salary card can be individual or corporate. In addition, you can apply for a Raiffeisenbank credit card for salary clients.

Service package Salary

When applying for a salary card, you will need to connect the appropriate package of services. If available, the user receives:

  • free service;
  • free issuance of three Classic cards, among which may be Visa Classic Travel, which provides for the accrual of miles for purchases on the card;
  • no commission fees when carrying out financial transactions, including payments for the Internet and housing and communal services;
  • bonuses from the Discounts for You program conducted by Raiffeisenbank;
  • increased interest rates on cash deposits;
  • benefits on credit products.

All potential clients wishing to apply for a salary card are advised to familiarize themselves with the terms of service of the Salary Project.

Salary cards from the employer

When a company concludes a comprehensive agreement with a bank, each of its employees receives a corresponding Raiffeisenank salary card with an included package of services. In addition to the benefits provided by the Salary Package, using a bank card allows you to:

Receive up to 30% discounts in companies cooperating with the financial and credit organization Raiffeisenbank.

Open a savings account “For every day” with an accrual of 5% per annum on any cash balance. Funds are credited every day, so you can earn money within 24 hours after opening an account, but interest is paid once a month. There are no limits to replenishment; it is also possible to enable auto-replenishment. You can withdraw any amount at any time without losing accumulated interest. An additional security measure to protect against fraudulent activities is that the account is opened without a card linked to it.

Take advantage of preferential rates for servicing debit plastic cards.

Receive consumer and mortgage loans at a reduced interest rate.

Apply for a loan with a minimum amount of documentation (for a consumer loan you only need a passport).

Use bonuses from international systems within the framework of issued Visa and MasterCard.

After receiving the plastic, you need to go through the process of activating your Raiffeisenbank salary card. This can be done on the official website of the organization, following the appropriate instructions.

When deciding to leave the company, you need to notify the bank. Then it is possible to block the card with its subsequent transfer to the employer or further use, provided that a transition to one of the tariffs for individuals is made. It is better for the client to notify the bank on the day of dismissal from work. If the card remains unblocked after leaving the company, it may be used by third parties. The transition to one of the standard tariffs will be made automatically after 2 months from the date of notification.

Individual salary service

If the client wishes to participate in this program, he will be connected to the appropriate package of services and his salary will be transferred to a RaiffeisenBank card.

Good to know!

According to current legislation, an employee has the right to change the bank to whose card the salary is transferred. To do this, you need to submit an application addressed to the employer, in which you must indicate new details for the monthly crediting of funds. This must be done no later than 5 working days before payday.

Individual salary service will be open under the following conditions:

  • connection to the Salary package free of charge, and for a salary of more than 300 thousand rubles - Premium Direct;
  • all benefits and opportunities for salary clients.

To activate this service, you must fulfill one of the following conditions:

  • transfer your salary to the bank yourself with a note about the transfer;
  • draw up a package of services and send to the organization’s accounting department the appropriate form for transferring salaries to RaiffeisenBank.

Every month you need to transfer at least 25 thousand rubles to your bank account.

It is under these conditions that a salary card is issued. Interesting tariffs, many pleasant bonuses and a system of benefits and privileges make receiving a salary at RaiffeisenBank much more profitable than at other financial and credit organizations. It is also worth noting that reviews of the RaiffeisenBank salary card are mostly positive.

Raiffeisenbank has implemented the first project for issuing an international bank guarantee based on blockchain. The parties to the transaction, in addition to the bank, were the Mozyr Oil Refinery, Gazprom Neft and the Belarusian Priorbank. The solution made it possible to reduce the time frame for issuing and revoking a warranty, reduce costs and increase the overall transparency of the process.

Gazprom Neft, Mozyr Oil Refinery (Mozyr Oil Refinery), Raiffeisenbank and Belarusian Priorbank (part of the same banking group) conducted a trade finance transaction using a digital bank guarantee issued on the basis of the R-chain blockchain platform. During the transaction, Gazprom Neft ensured the supply of goods in favor of the principal - the Belarusian Moscow Oil Refinery. The principal bank that issued the international bank guarantee was Priorbank. Raiffeisenbank acted as a beneficiary.

The technical solution was developed by Raiffeisenbank based on the R-chain distributed registry system existing since 2017. “Four nodes participated in the transaction, that is, all parties were fully connected to the platform. A full integration model was used, which made it possible to achieve the greatest transparency,” said Tatyana Ivashkova, head of documentary operations and trade finance at Raiffeisenbank.

Nowadays, in international trade, bank guarantees are implemented on paper or in the form of an electronic message using the SWIFT system, to which only banks have access. Clients receive from banks all the information about the process, which reduces the level of transparency of the transaction and significantly increases its duration.

In the blockchain, the results of all document approvals are available to all parties simultaneously. “We finalized the technical solution according to the wishes of our clients. There were two essential requirements: full agreement by the beneficiary with the terms of the guarantee before issuance and the possibility of its immediate termination, subject to the fulfillment of the payment obligation,” Ivashkova explained.

Initially, it was planned to issue a digital bank letter of credit, but in the end they decided to issue a payment guarantee “on demand”. According to project participants, a letter of credit involves the use of paper documents confirming the provision of goods or services, and it is not yet possible to automate the process of verifying this type of document. The guarantee can be automated using smart contracts.

Raiffeisenbank plans to use new technology in transactions within the banking group. At the same time, the bank remains an active participant in the Masterchain project, within which Raiffeisen provides an electronic mortgage through the blockchain.

The difference between Masterchain and the Raiffeisenbank project is that in the latter it is possible to issue documents for international transactions, while Masterchain is based only on Russian law.

The problem affected the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The bank officially reported that a failure occurred in the working system after updating the Internet banking systems and the Raiffeisenbank mobile application. And although bank representatives promised to fix the problems soon, there were unrest, complaints and even rumors that the bank had “burst.” However, within a few hours the problem was fixed.

As in previous periods, Sberbank leads by a wide margin among issuing banks - on average, about 48% of payments in it was online made using cards from this issuer. The peak of 51% occurred in April, followed by a slight decline. In the second half of the year, the Bank experienced several disruptions, the most serious in November and December. Perhaps that is why the credit institution ended the year with its minimum indicator of 45%. By the way, bank representatives explained the problems with making Internet payments by the large-scale transformation that many of the institution’s structures have undergone.

Thus, the sphere of payment for online purchases still remains a tasty pie for market participants. We, as an operator of electronic payments, continue to introduce you to our analytics, which we collect based on data on the use of bank cards when paying for goods and services on the Internet by payers of the Robokassa service.

The bank employees kept their promise. On the evening of February 11, the Twitter page apologized to customers for the inconvenience caused and published a message that the bank can now be used as usual. In the comments to the posts, many clients note that the updated Raiffeisen it works now even better than before the changes. So, after enduring temporary difficulties, customers were able to enjoy more complete operation of the system.

Raiffeisenbank is a subsidiary bank of one of the largest Austrian banking groups, Raiffeisen Bank International AG.

“Technical updates have occurred on our bank’s server. Due to this, ATMs for withdrawals and transfers, as well as payments at retail outlets, are not available. The online service does not work. The technical department specialists are resolving this issue. All problems will be fixed, and now you just need to wait,” the journalist was told on the RaiffeisenBank hotline.

A serious disruption occurred in the work of Raiffeisenbank, due to which absolutely all financial transactions related to this institution were suspended. By the end of the day, the problem was completely eliminated by the bank's employees, although it affected the whole of Russia.

Thus, we see that the situation with the leadership of banks in the field of online payments remains quite stable, and the most noticeable change is the rotation in the top three due to the shift of Tinkoff Bank to fourth place. The five competitors following Sberbank carry out, in total, about 11% of online payments. In 2018, the share of bank cards in the structure of payment for e-commerce transactions will increase by another 5%, but we will definitely monitor their distribution.

The registration methods described above imply obtaining full access to all financial transactions. If logging into your personal account is necessary solely to obtain information about your account status, you can register with Raiffeisen connect through the official website of the credit institution. To do this, you need to select the “Internet Banking” tab and, following the prompts, create your own account.

Possibilities of the Raiffeisen system online. Latest events.

Raiffeisenbank clients may encounter difficulties when conducting transactions using bank cards. A corresponding warning appeared on the Twitter account credit organizations.

Let us remind you that on the morning of February 11, RaiffeisenBank clients began to complain about the inability to use online banking services, as well as withdraw money using terminals. Problems were observed throughout Russia.

At a press conference on the results of the third quarter of Raiffeisen Bank International, Herbert Stepic said that he does not rule out that the Raiffeisen group will curtail its activities in one or more countries of its presence. Could Russia be on the list of these countries?

The Russian bank is one of the strategic divisions of the Raiffeisen group; there are no plans to wind down its business in Russia.

The Austrian regulator demanded to limit the growth of assets of Austrian banks in Central and Eastern Europe. Will this affect the bank's activities in Russia?

No, it won't affect it. The restrictions will affect banks that are overly dependent on parent funding. The dependence is assessed based on the ratio of loans to deposits and refinancing in the domestic market. If this indicator exceeds 110%, then the issuance of loans by a subsidiary bank in the domestic market should be limited.

As of September 30, 2011, the loan-to-deposit ratio of Raiffeisenbank CJSC was 96.8%. This value is the result of the principle of diversification of funding sources that the bank follows. The share of funds from the parent bank gradually decreased from approximately 30% at the end of 2009 to 11.6% as of September 30, 2011. The Bank relies on an extensive deposit base and registered ruble and Eurobond programs, which can be used as an alternative to parent funding.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, “In the last few weeks, the Bank of Russia has held a number of meetings with the heads of subsidiaries of large foreign banks operating in Russia, during which it strongly recommended more careful redistribution of liquidity in favor of the parent companies.” Did Raiffeisenbank representatives participate in these meetings?

Representatives of the bank did not participate in meetings on these issues. We also do not have facts confirming the holding of such meetings.

What is the reason for the increase in the volume of Raiffeisenbank funds placed with the parent bank?

The increase in funds in the parent bank is explained by the bank's liquidity management operations.

Given the instability in financial markets, the bank increased its liquidity cushion. The bank's conservative approach assumes that a significant part of the ruble liquidity cushion will be placed in assets with the lowest level of risk - either invested in deposits and bonds of the Bank of Russia, or placed with the parent bank through a currency swap. The choice between these two directions is determined by comparative profitability.

Thus, at the end of 2010, the bulk of the liquidity reserve was placed in Bank of Russia bonds. At the moment, the profitability of instruments placed with the Central Bank has become much less attractive than market rates on currency swaps (as evidenced, in particular, by the drop in the total volume of deposits placed with the Central Bank from 569.6 billion rubles as of December 31, 2010 to 108.7 on November 28, 2011), in connection with which fixed assets are placed in the parent bank.