Deadline for insurance payments to military personnel for injury. What is the amount of insurance payout for serious injury? Documents required for the insurance company

Lawyer's answer (Varvara Vitalievna Ganotchenko)

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Hello! Yes maybe.

Lawyer's answer (Zheleznov Alexander Leonidovich)

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Hello. In relation to the essence of your question, I can explain the following. Compensation payments are assigned based on the results of passing the military military qualifications, in the event of a serviceman being dismissed for health reasons. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 306-FZ of November 7, 2011 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them”:
12. When a serviceman is dismissed from military service or a citizen called up for military training is expelled from military training due to his being declared unfit for military service due to a military injury, he is paid a one-time benefit in the amount of:
1) 2,000,000 rubles - to a military serviceman performing military service under a contract;
2) 1,000,000 rubles - to a soldier undergoing military service upon conscription, or to a citizen called up for military training.
13. If a serviceman or a citizen called up for military training, during the period of military service (military training) or after dismissal from military service (expulsion from military training or the end of military training), is diagnosed with disability due to a military injury, he is paid a monthly monetary compensation in compensation for harm caused to his health in the amount of:
1) 14,000 rubles - for a disabled person of group I;
2) 7,000 rubles - for a disabled person of group II;
3) 2,800 rubles - for a disabled person of group III.
According to clause 5 2. Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 52-FZ “On compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system":
Insurance amounts are paid upon the occurrence of insured events in the following amounts:
- in the event of the death of the insured person during military service, military service or military training or before the expiration of one year after dismissal from military service, service, after expulsion from military training or the end of military training due to injury (wounds, injuries, concussion ) or illness received during military service, service or military training - 2,000,000 rubles to beneficiaries in equal shares;
- if the insured person is diagnosed with disability during military service, military service or military training or before the expiration of one year after dismissal from military service, service, after expulsion from military training or the end of military training due to injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or diseases acquired during military service, service or military training:
disabled person of group I - 1,500,000 rubles;
disabled person of group II - 1,000,000 rubles;
disabled person of group III - 500,000 rubles;
- if the insured person receives a severe injury (wounds, injuries, contusions) during military service, service or military training - 200,000 rubles, a minor injury (wounds, injuries, contusions) - 50,000 rubles;
- in the event of the dismissal of a serviceman undergoing conscription military service from military service, the expulsion of a citizen called up to military training for a military position for which the staff of the military unit provides for a military rank up to sergeant major (chief sergeant major) inclusive, from military training in connection with recognition by a military medical commission as unfit for military service or partially fit for military service due to injury (wound, injury, concussion) or illness received during military service or military training - 50,000 rubles.
The amount of these insurance amounts increases annually (indexed) taking into account the level of inflation in accordance with the federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period. The decision to increase (indexate) the specified insurance amounts is made by the Government of the Russian Federation. The specified insurance amounts are paid in the amounts established on the day of payment of the insurance amount.
If during the period of military service, service or military training or before the expiration of one year after dismissal from military service, from service, after expulsion from military training or the end of military training, the insured person is re-examined at a federal medical and social examination institution due to the conditions specified in this paragraph reasons, the disability group will be increased, the amount of the insured amount will increase by an amount equal to the difference between the insured amount due under the newly established disability group and the insured amount due under the previous disability group.
“Military injury” is a wound, contusion, injury or illness received while defending the Motherland, including those received in connection with being at the front, serving abroad in states where hostilities took place, or while performing other military service duties ( official duties). A more detailed description of the concepts you are interested in is indicated.
II. Determination of the causal relationship of injuries, diseases in military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel (officials) of bodies, citizens who served in military service (military training), service in bodies
40. During a medical examination of military personnel, private and commanding personnel (officials) of bodies, citizens called up for military training, the military medical commission determines the causal relationship of the injuries or diseases they received, except for cases when the specified citizens who received injuries or diseases , are under investigation or a criminal case in respect of which has been transferred to court.
The military medical commission in absentia (based on documents) determines the causal relationship of injuries and diseases in citizens who have served (are undergoing) military service (military training), service in the authorities, in the event that:
a) during the period of military service (military training), service in the authorities, the citizen was examined by a military medical commission, or was undergoing treatment, or was dismissed from military service (service in the authorities) for health reasons;
b) the citizen has obvious consequences of bodily injuries received during participation in hostilities;
c) injury, disease received by a citizen during military service (military training), service in the authorities, or injury, the disease was detected before the expiration of one year after the citizen’s dismissal from military service (end of military training), service in the authorities, provided that the receipt injuries, the onset of illness, including those leading to death, can be attributed to the period of military service (military training), service in the authorities.
(clause “c” as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2004 N 886)
The nature and duration of existing obvious bodily injuries are established by a forensic medical expert.
41. The military medical commission issues conclusions on the causal relationship of injuries and diseases with the following wording:
a) “war trauma”:
- if the injury was received by the person being examined while performing military service duties (official duties);
- if the injury or disease was received by the examinee while performing military service duties (official duties) as a result of injuries caused by exposure to radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation, rocket fuel components and other highly toxic substances, toxic chemicals related to chemical weapons, sources of electromagnetic fields and laser radiation, microorganisms of pathogenicity groups I and II;
- if the injury or disease was received while the person being examined was in the active army during the Civil War, the Great Patriotic War, on the Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929, during the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939 - 1940, during the fighting in the Western Belarus and Western Ukraine in 1939, in the battles near Lake Khasan in 1938 and on the Khalkhin Gol River in 1939, during the war with Japan in 1945, as well as in military operations to eliminate the nationalist underground (banditry) in the territories of the Ukrainian SSR, Byelorussian SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR and Estonian SSR in the period from January 1, 1944 to December 31, 1951 (with a certificate of war participant), while in captivity (if the captivity was not voluntary and the serviceman, while in captivity, did not commit a crime against the Motherland), or if the disease that arose before these events, during the period of participation in them reached a degree of severity that changed the category of fitness or led to the unfitness (including temporary) of the person being examined for military service, service in the authorities Committee of State Security of the USSR (Ministry of State Security of the USSR) and the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR), or if a chronic, slowly progressing disease is confirmed by medical documents allowing the onset of the disease or exacerbation of the disease to be attributed to the period of participation of the person being examined in these events;
- if the disease arose in the person being examined during the performance of tasks in a state of emergency or during armed conflicts (subject to preferential calculation of years of service for granting a pension - 1 month of service for 3 months), or during military service in the state where hostilities took place , either during his stay on intelligence and counterintelligence work abroad, or if the disease that arose before these events, during the period of participation in them, reached a degree of severity that changes the category of fitness or leads to the unfitness (including temporary) of the person being examined for military service , service in the authorities, or if a chronic, slowly progressing disease is confirmed by medical documents that allow the onset or exacerbation of the disease to be attributed to the period of participation of the person being examined in these events;
- if the disease with viral hepatitis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or HIV infection occurred in the person being examined while undergoing treatment as a result of surgical intervention (medical manipulation), and in the person being examined from among the medical personnel - as a result of an injury received during the performance of military service duties ( official duties); if the injury or disease occurred in the person being examined during the performance of military service (official duties) as a result of an insect, reptile bite or bodily injury inflicted by an animal;
b) “the disease was acquired during military service”:
- if the disease arose in the person being examined during military service (military training), service in the authorities, or during the specified period reached a degree of severity that changes the category of suitability or leads to the unfitness (including temporary) of the person being examined for military service, service in the authorities, as well as for chronic, slowly progressing diseases diagnosed before the expiration of one year after dismissal from military service, service in the organs, if the onset of the disease can be attributed to the period of military service (military training), service in the organs;
- if the disease arose in the person being examined during military service (military training) in military units or service in bodies that were not part of the active army, or before his departure to the state where hostilities were taking place, and service in this state did not have an impact on the existing disease and the category of fitness for military service, service in the authorities;
- if the injury or disease was received by the person being examined as a result of an accident not related to the performance of military service duties (official duties);
- if the injury or disease was received during military service (military training), service in the authorities, but at the time of the medical examination there are no documents about the circumstances of the injury or disease;
c) has become invalid. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 N 886;
d) “a disease caused by radiation was acquired while performing military service duties (official duties) in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant” - if the disease was acquired by the person being examined as a result of radiation exposure while performing work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant;
e) “general disease”:
- if an injury or illness occurred in the person being examined before his conscription for military service (military training), entering military service under a contract, service in the authorities and during the period of military service (military training), service under a contract, service in the authorities did not reach the degree , which changes the category of suitability of the person being examined for military service or service in the authorities;
- if the disease arose in the person being examined after dismissal from military service, when the onset of the disease cannot be attributed to the period of military service or service in the authorities;
f) “a radiation-related disease was acquired during the performance of military service duties (official duties) in connection with direct participation in the actions of special risk units” - if the disease was acquired by the person being examined as a result of radiation exposure during the performance of military service duties (official duties) associated with direct participation in the actions of special risk units.
(clause “e” was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2007 N 46)
42. The causal relationship of injuries, diseases and disabilities with the effects of radiation factors due to the direct participation of military personnel, private and commanding personnel (officials) of bodies, citizens who served in military service, service in bodies, in the actions of special risk units is established by interdepartmental expert councils and military - medical commissions.
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2007 N 46)
The causal relationship of diseases, as well as deaths of citizens who served in military service (military training) and were directly involved in the work to eliminate the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association, as well as those employed in work on protective measures and rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated areas along the Techa River in 1957 - 1962, with the consequences of radiation exposure is established by interdepartmental expert councils.
43. The military medical commission issues a conclusion on the causal relationship of the injury or illness on the basis of a certificate of injury issued by the commander of the military unit (head of the body) in which the citizen served in military service (military training), service in the authorities at the time of injury. The certificate indicates the circumstances of the injury. The form of the certificate is determined by the relevant federal executive body.
44. When examining citizens who have undergone military service (military training), service in the authorities and received an injury during military service (military training), service in the authorities, but do not have a certificate of injury, the military medical commission may make an opinion on the cause connection of the injury or illness based on the consideration of other documents reflecting the circumstances of the injury or illness. Testimony about the circumstances of a citizen's receipt of injury or injury can be taken into account by a military medical commission only if he has obvious consequences of bodily injuries received during hostilities, and provided that the testimony is given by 2 or more witnesses who served in military service ( military training), service in the authorities together with the person being examined during the period of bodily injury. The fact that witnesses have undergone military service (military training), service in bodies together with the person being examined must be confirmed by the commander of the military unit (head of the body) in which the person being examined served in military service (military training), service in bodies, or the military commissar at the place of residence of the witnesses.
Witness testimony is not the basis for establishing the fact that a citizen who served in military service (military training), military service, suffered illness or concussion.
45. The causal relationship of injuries and diseases in citizens who served in military service (military training), service in the authorities, is determined by the military medical commission on the basis of appeals from citizens, social protection authorities, military commissariats, and bodies providing pensions.
The procedure for issuing a conclusion on the causal relationship of injuries, diseases, revising a previously issued conclusion on the causal relationship of injuries, diseases and its cancellation in the presence of newly discovered circumstances of injury, disease and their connection with the performance of military service (service in the authorities) is established by the federal executive body , in which the law provides for military service (service in the authorities).
46. ​​A citizen who does not agree with the conclusion of the military medical commission on the causal connection of injuries and diseases with the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as with the impact of radiation factors due to direct participation in the actions of special risk units, has the right to appeal to the interdepartmental expert council with a request for re-examination of the relevant issue.

Lawyer's response (Duty lawyer)

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Yes, the cost of insurance will increase, since insurance is carried out in relation to a specific car and car owner. In this case, the fact that another person is driving the car will not be significant.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, insurance payments to military personnel and their relatives are made in two cases: firstly, upon death while performing military duty; secondly, in case of partial loss of health as a result of service, injury or illness. Insurance is paid only if the military has not violated the Law of the Russian Federation and the procedure for service. Compensation will not be paid if the military man at the time of injury was:

  1. Under the influence of drugs.
  2. Under the influence of alcohol.
  3. Under the influence of potent medications.

Insurance will not be issued if a person intentionally caused injury or injury to himself. When a military man commits suicide, insurance will be paid if the fact of incitement to suicide is proven through the court or if the armed forces member served in the military for more than 6 months. If an injury occurs, the insurance payment can be received either by the military man himself or by members of his family upon his death.

Relatives can act as beneficiary:

  1. Wife.
  2. Mother and father of the person who was insured.
  3. Elderly guardians of a service member on a fixed-term or contract basis in the military if they have provided care for him for more than 3 years.
  4. Adoptive mother and father, if a member of the armed forces lived with them for at least 5 years.
  5. Children of conscripts or contract soldiers.

The list of injuries for insurance payments to military personnel is interpreted by the Law of the Russian Federation. Injuries, injuries and concussions can be severe or mild. All of them are described in the Federal Law “On Insurance Payments to Military Personnel”. If the injury is of a combined nature, then the severity will be determined as increased. A military employee must be issued a certificate of completion of treatment, which will describe injuries and mutilations.

This certificate is attached to the general package of documentation important for obtaining insurance. If there is no certificate, then it will be extremely difficult to prove the fact of injury during the period of service.

A certificate about the circumstances of the occurrence of an insured event must be issued by the commander of the military unit where the serviceman is serving. Along with a certificate of the severity of the injury, an application for payment of the insurance amount to the serviceman and the rest of the documentation necessary to receive compensation must be submitted.

The serviceman must submit a report to the commander of the military unit. The report must set out in detail all the information about the injury, mutilation, contusion, and must attach medical documents that confirm the occurrence of the insured event. The Law of the Russian Federation clearly states all the rules for obtaining insurance, so no problems arise.

The state guarantees compensation to all military personnel who were injured, mutilated, concussed, or to relatives of military personnel in the event of the latter’s death.

Today, there are fewer and fewer controversial issues regarding compensation for injuries; the system works clearly and efficiently.

There are several reasons for applying insurance payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when they are injured. Such circumstances are called insured events and are subject to mandatory payment. The main ones include:

  • injuries to a police officer during his service (during the period of time when the employee was involved in work);
  • concussion or injury to the face, as well as receiving other damage, the severity of which is not more than average;
  • when, as a result of completing the assigned task, an injury was received that resulted in the citizen’s disability;
  • the insured person died due to an injury received during work.

Attention! If the death of a person or assignment of disabled status to him occurred within a year after the citizen’s dismissal from the internal affairs bodies, then there is a chance to receive insurance payments from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 855 contains a list of injuries for insurance payments to police officers. There are two categories of illnesses that entail payments to the victim. Namely:

  1. Disorders that were received as a result of an insured event and are its integral consequences (wounds, mutilations of any severity).
  2. Consequences that occurred as a result of the damage received (dismissal from service, loss of ability to work, disability, death).

The amount of insurance payments to police officers depends on the severity of the injury received, as well as the consequences of the damage. Typically, the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the title and rank received do not affect the amount of monetary compensation under insurance.

Table “Nature of damage and procedure for making material payments”

If during the year after the occurrence of the insured event, the consequences for the victim worsened, then the insurance company will have to pay an additional amount under the contract.

Insurance payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in case of injury in 2018 are compensated to the victim himself. But in the event of the death of the insured person, the funds are transferred to the relatives of the deceased. Recipients include:

  • spouses;
  • parents;
  • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
  • minor children;
  • disabled children.

The insurance company is obliged to compensate for damage caused to life or health in the event of insured events for military personnel, such as:

  • Death of a citizen during military service or participation in training camps;
  • Determination of disability, which was a consequence of performing military duties;
  • Receiving injuries in the form of injuries, concussions or wounds during service.

If the insured person dies within a year after dismissal, and also if during the same period his disability is established, and a special medical commission confirms that the reason for this was participation in training camps or military service, then the citizen will also receive his due he is paid according to the law.

Currently, a special government decree has come into force, which lists diseases and injuries that provide for financial compensation to the military.

As for the amount of insurance payment to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or military personnel, it is determined by the severity of the harm caused, which only a special medical commission is authorized to establish.

The amount that a citizen performing military duties will receive after the occurrence of an insured event depends on the severity of the damage caused to him.

At the same time, the basic amounts of insurance are prescribed in legislative acts.

Death of a serviceman

If a citizen dies during military service, training, or within 1 year after dismissal from injuries received while performing official duties, then his family will be paid 2 million rubles.

Determination of disability

If the damage caused under the same circumstances did not result in death, but in the establishment of disability, then the payments will be: for the first disability group - 1.5 million, for the second - 1 million, for the third - 0.5 million rubles.

In the future, the amount of monthly compensation will be 14 thousand rubles for disabled people of the first group, 7 thousand for the second group and 2.8 thousand for the third group.


Insurance against severe injuries or concussion received by a military personnel during service provides for the payment of 200 thousand rubles. For minor injuries, the insurer will pay 50 thousand rubles.

Baseline coverage values ​​are adjusted annually for inflation. In this case, the recalculation is carried out exactly on the day of payment.

For this purpose, the Government establishes an indexation coefficient, which is certified by the relevant resolution.

According to mandatory state insurance rules, a military member can receive payment under the following circumstances.

For a conscript employee, the insured event may be his dismissal from service before a predetermined period, the reason for which was concussion, injury, physical injury or a complex, long-term illness. In this situation, the person will receive a payment in the amount of five of his salaries.

If an employee is seriously injured, then he has the right to receive ten salaries; if it is light or moderate, then he will be paid five salaries. Payment of insurance to a military personnel in case of injury is carried out if he was injured during service or at the end of it, when no more than 12 months have passed from that moment.

  • Who is entitled to compensation?
  • Difficulties in collecting documentation
  • Payment for injury
  • What injuries are insurable?

State insurance payments to military personnel are carried out and are required according to the Law of the Russian Federation in the event of injury, mutilation, disability or death. Insurance payments to military personnel are a compulsory type of government insurance. Regulates payments of the Federal Law “On Compulsory State Insurance of Military Personnel”.

Who is entitled to compensation?

According to the law of the Russian Federation, insurance payments to military personnel and their relatives are made in two cases: firstly, upon death while performing military duty; secondly, in case of partial loss of health as a result of service, injury or illness. Insurance is paid only if the military has not violated the Law of the Russian Federation and the procedure for service. Compensation will not be paid if the military man at the time of injury was:

  1. Under the influence of drugs.
  2. Under the influence of alcohol.
  3. Under the influence of potent medications.

Insurance will not be issued if a person intentionally caused injury or injury to himself. When a military man commits suicide, insurance will be paid if the fact of incitement to suicide is proven through the court or if the armed forces member served in the military for more than 6 months. If an injury occurs, the insurance payment can be received either by the military man himself or by members of his family upon his death.

Relatives can act as beneficiary:

  1. Wife.
  2. Mother and father of the person who was insured.
  3. Elderly guardians of a service member on a fixed-term or contract basis in the military if they have provided care for him for more than 3 years.
  4. Adoptive mother and father, if a member of the armed forces lived with them for at least 5 years.
  5. Children of conscripts or contract soldiers.

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Difficulties in collecting documentation

To obtain insurance, close relatives must collect the following documentation:

  1. A personally written application for insurance.
  2. Medical certificate issued by the military commission. The certificate contains information about your health status. If a person has died, then a death certificate is needed.
  3. Documentation or copies certified by a notary that will prove that the military member is a relative of the beneficiary.
  4. A copy of the order from the military unit, which states that the person is no longer included in the organization’s lists.

In some cases, obtaining insurance compensation can be difficult. Typically, problems can arise if a conscript or contract soldier died or became disabled after leaving the army; if the service was completed more than 12 months ago.

Proving a cause-and-effect relationship in this case will be very difficult, almost impossible.

If the insurance company refuses to pay the insurance, the disagreeing party may challenge the decision in court and may request a medical examination. If a conscript or contract soldier died due to improper therapy carried out during the performance of military duty, then relatives have the right to demand payment from both the insurer and the medical institution. If problems arise with the evidence in court, then the best way out is to seek help from an experienced lawyer.

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Payment for injury

To insure people paying military debt to their homeland, the state allocates huge sums of money. With basic knowledge, a military man can guarantee compensation if he is injured during his service. The Federal Law of November 7, 2011 states that an employee who was injured in military service may qualify for monetary compensation upon dismissal or expulsion from the ranks.

Compensation is paid if the injury was sustained while on duty. The amount of insurance paid to military personnel is determined by law: for example, a contract soldier upon dismissal will be able to receive 2 million rubles, and a conscript - 1 million rubles. If an employee who was called up for military training lost his health during the period of service and was diagnosed with a disability, then upon dismissal in this case, monthly transfers of funds are due.

The period for payment of insurance to a military personnel is determined: for life.

The amount that will be issued to an employee with a recognized disability who is injured during service depends on the group:

  1. Group III - 2,800 rubles.
  2. Group II - 7,000 rubles.
  3. Group I - 14,000 rubles.

The disabled person's benefit is paid monthly, and it does not depend on whether the person receives any other payments. The benefit will not be issued if the person has already received payment for this injury under any other federal law. The amount of compensation increases every year as inflation increases.

It doesn’t matter what the severity of the injury is, an insured event still occurs. Today, legislation provides for compensation for loss of health not only during military service, but also after transfer to the reserve or deduction from the army.

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What injuries are insurable?

The list of injuries for insurance payments to military personnel is interpreted by the Law of the Russian Federation. Injuries, injuries and concussions can be severe or mild. All of them are described in the Federal Law “On Insurance Payments to Military Personnel”. If the injury is of a combined nature, then the severity will be determined as increased. A military employee must be issued a certificate of completion of treatment, which will describe injuries and mutilations.

This certificate is attached to the general package of documentation important for obtaining insurance. If there is no certificate, then it will be extremely difficult to prove the fact of injury during the period of service.

A certificate about the circumstances of the occurrence of an insured event must be issued by the commander of the military unit where the serviceman is serving. Along with a certificate of the severity of the injury, an application for payment of the insurance amount to the serviceman and the rest of the documentation necessary to receive compensation must be submitted.

The serviceman must submit a report to the commander of the military unit. The report must set out in detail all the information about the injury, mutilation, contusion, and must attach medical documents that confirm the occurrence of the insured event. The Law of the Russian Federation clearly states all the rules for obtaining insurance, so no problems arise.

The state guarantees compensation to all military personnel who were injured, mutilated, concussed, or to relatives of military personnel in the event of the latter’s death.