Get an apartment without money. Rules for obtaining housing from the state

Getting free housing can be a daunting process, but thousands of people achieve their goal every year. To get an apartment for free, you must be low-income and meet some other criteria. Or you can participate in government subsidy programs and pay off up to one third of the cost of a new house or apartment with a lump sum payment.

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Is it possible to get an apartment from the state for free?

Apartment from the state low-income citizens of the Russian Federation can receive. To do this, you need to collect documents that confirm one of the conditions:

  • Lack of own housing and living under a rental agreement;
  • The need to improve living conditions due to the unsuitability of the current place of residence;
  • Living in an apartment under a rental agreement, while the area of ​​the premises does not meet the established standards per person (varies in different regions);
  • Living in the same living space with a person (persons) who have a number of diseases that are unsuitable for living together with other people (for example, mental disorders).

All this will be a reason to receive free housing only if the person or family is recognized as low-income.

Priority when obtaining living space has:

  1. Orphans;
  2. Large families;
  3. Displaced people from the Far North;
  4. People with certain chronic diseases;
  5. Retired career military personnel;
  6. Disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  7. Liquidators of man-made disasters;
  8. Disabled since childhood.

How can a young family get an apartment?

A young family does not have the right to count on receiving free housing only if one of its members does not belong to one of the categories specified above. Otherwise, housing will be provided on a general basis.

If such a family needs financial support, then there is a federal subsidy program for young families, as well as preferential terms for mortgage lending.

Participants in the “Affordable Housing for Youth” program are offered a free social benefit for the purchase of an apartment. How to get a subsidy from the state? Find out how much you can expect under the “Youth Affordable Housing” program from the video.

A government grant is a lump sum payment that is used to pay off a home loan, build a house, or make a down payment on a home.

We invite you to download the application form for a subsidy for the purchase of residential premises: Download.

Both spouses must be under 35 years of age, and at least one of them must have a source of regular income. To become a participant in government support, you must contact your city’s housing committee or youth affairs department.

List of documents for application:

  • A certificate of the established housing standard for 1 person (can be provided at local governments);
  • Copies of passports of all family members, including for children upon reaching the age of 14 years;
  • An extract from the state real estate register for each spouse (to analyze the history of purchase and sale of housing in the past);
  • Copies of children's birth certificates (if there are children);
  • A copy of the marriage certificate (if the young family does not consist of one parent and child);
  • Certificate that the family is registered as in need of improved housing conditions;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • for current housing or housing for purchase;
  • Certificate of registration at the place of residence of both spouses and their children (or 1 parent and child in a single-parent family);
  • An extract from the personal account of the house register for each family member, including children.

What options are there for a single mother?

A single mother does not have official privileges when receiving a free apartment from the state. An exception may be cases if a woman is raising children alone and

  1. the family has many children;
  2. the mother herself is disabled;
  3. has a disabled child.

Otherwise, housing can only be obtained on a general basis or with the help of a state subsidy, as mentioned above. If a woman has not reached the age of 35 and has one or more children, then she can receive a financial payment from the state in the amount of up to 35% of the cost of housing.

What does a large family need?

Each region has the right to independently decide on the provision of living space for one or another category of citizens. A large family should first contact the social security authority in their region and find out exactly what privileges they are entitled to.

Depending on the program, new housing, land to build a house, or a one-time financial payment will be provided. The administration will make a decision based on the current living conditions and financial condition of the family.

To get an apartment, a family must apply to the social security authority and obtain the status of a large family. You will then need to confirm your low-income status. You also need to have documents for your own apartment or a rental agreement.

List of required documents(may vary by region):

  • Passports of guardians or parents;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Birth certificates for each child;
  • When children reach 14 years of age, a passport of each of them;
  • Marriage or divorce certificate;
  • Certificate of all income for the last six months;
  • A document confirming the availability of your own home (if any);
  • Social tenancy agreement (if you do not have your own housing).

The state guarantees housing for orphans

The main laws regulating the right of orphans to receive housing are No. 159-FZ “On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children without parental care” and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

An orphan can count on help from the state when buying an apartment. Upon reaching the age of majority, the orphan must draw up a social rental agreement for housing. After 5 years of residence in this place, the apartment will become his property. The right to receive housing out of turn for this category of citizens was abolished in 2013 in order to reduce fraud.

Previously, this category of citizens could be accommodated in a communal apartment and just such living space. Since 2013, the use of communal apartments for this purpose is prohibited, and an orphan will apply for either a separate apartment or a house.

To obtain housing ownership, an orphan must submit an appropriate application before reaching the age of 23 years. Subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies that deal with this have the right to determine the procedure for transferring ownership of an apartment. To obtain accurate information, you must contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at your place of residence.

List of documents for providing housing to orphans:

  • A document that confirms the status of an orphan;
  • Certificate of registration at the place of residence or temporary registration;
  • Marriage certificate (if the citizen is married);
  • Birth certificate of each child (if there are children);
  • Certificate of absence of other housing assigned to the orphan;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • A document that confirms the completion of an orphan’s stay in a boarding home, completion of military service or completion of vocational training;
  • Passport and its copy.

In some regions, this list may be modified to suit local requirements. Detailed information can be obtained from the guardianship authorities.


According to the Moscow city law “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to premises”, the following may be recognized as needing residential premises:
1. Having Russian citizenship;
2. Living in Moscow more than 10 years;
3. Those who have not, within 5 years before submitting an application for recognition as needing residential premises, committed actions that resulted in the deterioration of existing living conditions;
4. Poor people.
It is important that all of the above conditions are present at the same time.

The above law also prescribes the grounds for recognizing those in need of residential premises. Such grounds include:
1. The size of the living space for each family member is less than 10 square meters in a separate apartment or less than 15 square meters in an apartment provided by different people;
2. Unsuitability of the residential premises in which the family lives;
3. Lack of indoor amenities;
4. Lack of independent right to use residential premises or right of ownership to it.

To be recognized as needing residential premises, it is necessary to submit an application to the relevant executive authorities of the city of Moscow at the place of residence. The application is accompanied by documents that confirm compliance with all conditions that allow the applicant to be recognized as in need of residential premises, as well as documents on the applicant’s identity, his citizenship and residence in Moscow. The application is signed by all adult family members of the applicant. The application is reviewed within 30 working days. If a positive decision is made on the application, the applicant is placed on the housing register.

Prepare documents for all types of property that belong to you and yours by right of ownership. This list includes: a residential building, a summer house, a car, a motorcycle, a motor boat and other vehicles, jewelry, art and antiques, products made of stones and precious metals, bank deposits, securities, land shares and currency.

Prepare documentary evidence of the difficult financial situation in the family. To do this, obtain a declaration from the tax office. You can use other documents if the tax authorities cannot provide the necessary information.

Prepare documents confirming difficult living conditions. Housing can be obtained from only if the residential property does not meet the registration standard, is unsuitable for permanent residence, is a communal apartment and there are seriously ill people in the family. Also, those who do not have one of the types of amenities in their home can apply for the right to receive housing.

Video on the topic

The housing issue has always been and remains a very painful problem. Are there opportunities in our country to find both housing and housing at the same time? What kind of job should you look for?


When applying for a job, housing is usually provided by large enterprises, plants and factories. Contact Human Resources with a statement that you require housing and are eligible to live in the residence hall. Of course, this is not the best option, especially for a family with children, but often there is simply no other choice. In the future, the room can sometimes be purchased. If you are a valuable specialist, for example, a top manager, the company can provide you with an apartment or pay rent.

According to the law, an apartment must be provided to a military personnel or an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, in practice, you will simply be put on a waiting list to receive an apartment, and no one knows when you will receive the keys. But you can still be provided with official housing for temporary use while you are in the service.

In addition to the application, submit to the administration identification documents of all family members, a certificate of income, a certificate of the value of valuable property that your family has, an inspection report of the living space or a certificate that you do not have living space, a certificate of registration.

Your documents and application will be reviewed within 1 month and a written response will be sent by mail. If your family has been placed on a waiting list, contact the administration again to obtain a document indicating the queue number.

Every year you must certify that your family is still low-income and... Don’t be surprised that you will have to confirm everything, because even if you have priority or priority benefits, the queues of beneficiaries stretch for years, sometimes decades, so don’t expect that by submitting the documents you will be immediately granted.

Helpful advice

Familiarize yourself with the new Housing Code, with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 817, with the law on veterans, with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


  • preferential housing

There are not many categories of citizens left in Russia who have the right to free housing from the state. If we do not take into account government subsidies and certificates for the purchase of housing for young families and military personnel, the bottom line will be only the poor, disabled, large families, families of war veterans and citizens living in dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

Housing provided under a social rental agreement is, in fact, free living space for you (an apartment, part of an apartment, a room, etc.), which the city transfers to you for use for an unlimited period. In return, you must pay rent and utilities on time.

You can If new residents are registered at their place of residence, the social tenancy agreement is renewed. However, the landlord (Department of City Property) has the right to refuse to move in if the living space per each family member after the new tenant moves in is less than the provision rate per person.

">register residents there on a permanent or temporary (no more than six months) basis, rent it out or exchange it for other housing under a social tenancy agreement.

Since you do not own such a home, you do not have to pay property taxes on it, but you cannot, for example, sell it.

At the same time, housing provided under a social rental agreement is possible, after which it will be transferred to your ownership.

2. Who can receive housing under a social tenancy agreement?

The following can apply for housing in social security:

  • those who registered as those in need of improved housing conditions (that is, everyone who registered for housing before March 1, 2005);
  • those who registered as those in need of residential premises (that is, everyone who registered for housing after March 1 and was recognized Low-income citizens are residents of Moscow whose property security is less than the cost of the total living space, which must be purchased by family members to ensure the provision of living space per person according to the norm.

    Property security is defined as the sum of the value of property owned by family members and subject to taxation, and the monetary value of the income of all family members for the billing period. In this case, the value of residential premises or parts thereof owned by family members is not taken into account.


Housing is provided in You can find out your place in the queue by sending a request through the website. To do this, you need to indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, registration file number, year, district and area of ​​registration.

">in order of priority. In this case, first those in need of improved living conditions are provided with housing, then those in need of living quarters.

The following have the right to priority receipt of housing under a social tenancy agreement:

  • Muscovites whose houses are duly declared unfit for habitation and cannot be repaired or reconstructed (including residents of five-story buildings being demolished in Moscow);
  • citizens living in an apartment occupied by several families, suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases, in which living together with them in the same apartment is impossible;
  • residents of communal apartments after the vacancy of the living space occupied by their neighbors (provided that they are on the housing register or have every reason to be accepted on it). They are given vacated premises in their apartment.

3. What kind of housing is provided in social housing?

Under a social tenancy agreement, residential buildings, residential apartments, parts of residential buildings or parts of apartments located in With your consent, you may be offered housing in another area.

">your area and belonging to Moscow. However, you cannot be given non-isolated residential premises, premises for auxiliary use or common property in an apartment building.

The size of housing that you can get is calculated based on the number of square meters per person - as a result, for each family member indicated in the registration file, there should be 18 square meters. Moreover, if you already have housing on the right of use or ownership, its area will be deducted from the total area of ​​​​the housing provided. (That is, a family of four can get an apartment with an area of ​​72 square meters, provided that they vacate their own. Or they can get an apartment with an area of ​​36 square meters, provided that they keep their own, with an area of ​​the same 36 square meters).

The provision rate may be greater, but cannot exceed the following values:

  • for one person - 40 square meters (if it is a room or a one-room apartment);
  • for a family consisting of spouses - a one-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 44 square meters;
  • for a family consisting of 2 people who are not spouses - a two-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 54 square meters;
  • for a family of 3 people, which includes spouses, a two-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 62 square meters;
  • for a family of 3 people, which does not include spouses, a three-room apartment with an area of ​​up to 74 square meters;
  • for a family of 4 or 5 people - a living space with an area of ​​18 square meters per family member (the resulting size of the living space can be increased by no more than nine square meters);
  • for a family of 6 or more people - residential premises (living premises) with an area of ​​18 square meters per family member (the resulting size of the residential premises (living premises) can be increased by no more than 9 square meters).

Moreover, if there is a patient in the family who suffers from severe forms of certain chronic diseases, the apartment (or house) should have a separate isolated room.

The placement of different-sex family members (with the exception of spouses) in the same room is allowed only with their consent.

4. How to get housing for social rent?

  1. Submit your application and documents for . In the application, you need to choose the method (form) of providing housing - social rent. Everyone must sign it Applicants are everyone who is listed in your accounting file.">applicants And Family members are the spouses and minor children of all applicants.">members of their family.
  2. If necessary, provide documents for . This procedure is carried out at least once every 5 years. It must also be carried out at least a year before the decision to provide housing is made and immediately before such a decision is made. This is necessary to make sure that you still have reasons to be on the housing register. Usually the procedure is carried out without the participation of a waiting list. But if necessary, you may be asked to provide missing documents.
  3. Wait for the Department's decision. As soon as it is your turn to receive housing under a social tenancy agreement, while maintaining the grounds that allow you to apply for improved housing conditions, the City Property Department will issue an order confirming the possibility of concluding a social tenancy agreement with you, of which you will be notified by mail or by telephone.
  4. Select accommodation. You will be offered a choice of 3 living spaces. You will have to inspect them at the appointed time and within five days notify the Department employees of your consent or disagreement to conclude a social tenancy agreement. If you are not satisfied with the residential premises, the selection of residential premises will be postponed until next year.
  5. Conclude a social rental agreement. If you agree to move into the housing offered to you, you and all members of your family will need to enter into a social rental agreement. To do this you need to provide an application and You will need:
    • general civil passports of all family members over 14 years of age specified in the Department’s notification about residential premises proposed for provision under a social tenancy agreement (if a representative or authorized person applies, a copy of the passport);
    • certificate of passport replacement indicating the reason for the replacement for the period from January 1, 1991, including from previous places of residence outside Moscow, if the passport was changed after receiving a notification from the Department (may not be presented if the function is to receive and transfer documents to the registration authorities for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within Russia is carried out by the “My Documents” center, which you contacted);
    • birth certificates of all family members specified in the Department notification who have not reached 14 years of age (may not be presented if the certificate was issued by the Moscow Civil Registry Office after March 31, 2012 when registering a birth or again or on the basis of a corrected (amended) birth certificate record for the period from January 1, 1990;
    • identification documents of legal representatives and authorized representatives, and documents confirming their powers;
    • notification of the Department about residential premises proposed for provision under a social tenancy agreement;
    • written consent of all family members specified in the Department’s notification to the provision of residential premises from the Moscow housing stock under a social rental agreement (notarized or signed in the presence of an employee of the “My Documents” center);
    • a written statement from all family members specified in the Department’s notification about failure to commit actions over the past 5 years that resulted in worsening living conditions (notarized or signed in the presence of an employee of the “My Documents” center);
    • a written commitment from all family members specified in the Department’s notification to vacate the occupied residential premises (notarized or signed in the presence of an employee of the “My Documents” center) - in the case of the provision of housing with the vacancy of the occupied residential premises;
    • a single housing document, and in its absence - a copy of the financial personal account of the tenant of the residential premises or an extract from the house register (the document is provided if it is not at the disposal of the “My Documents” center to which you applied, or if your family is registered in Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow).

    Documents that the Department receives in the course of interdepartmental interaction. If they are not in the base register, you may be asked to provide them:

    • birth certificate (if the birth certificate was drawn up and issued by the Moscow Civil Registry Office after March 31, 2012. when registering a birth either repeatedly or on the basis of a corrected (amended) birth record for the period from January 1, 1990;
    • certificate of passport replacement indicating the reason for the replacement for the period from January 1, 1991 (if the function of receiving and transmitting to the registration authorities documents for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within Russia is carried out by the “My documents” that you applied to);
    • a single housing document, and in its absence - a copy of the financial personal account of the tenant of the residential premises or an extract from the house register (if the function is to calculate payments for residential premises, utilities and other services and (or) the function of receiving and transmitting documents for registration to the registration authorities registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within Russia in relation to the residential premises in which the applicant and members of the applicant’s family live is carried out by the “My Documents” center);
    • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the property;
    • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the rights of an individual to the real estate objects that he/she has;
    • documents confirming the right to receive social support (information about the current preferential category).
    ">necessary documents
    to the public services center.

Any request you make to the City Property Department is registered, as a result of which a number is assigned to it. With its help you can visit the site.

5. Do all family members have equal rights after concluding a social tenancy agreement?

A social tenancy agreement is concluded by only one of the family members, but all the others are indicated in the document and have joint rights and obligations with him. The tenant, without the written permission of the remaining family members, cannot exchange housing or register other residents in the residential premises (either permanently or temporarily), except in cases where one of the family members has minor children - no one’s consent is required for their permanent registration.

At the same time, family members, by common decision and with the consent of the landlord (Department of City Property), can renew the social tenancy agreement, indicating in it as the tenant any of the family members listed in the previous agreement. The contract must also be renegotiated in the event of the death of the employer.

6. Is it possible to keep the old living space?

Housing under a social rental agreement is provided:

  • your home is subject to seizure in connection with the seizure of the land plot on which it is located for state or municipal needs;
  • the residential premises you occupy are subject to transfer to non-residential premises;
  • your home has been declared uninhabitable;
  • as a result of major repairs or reconstruction of the house, the residential premises that you occupy cannot be preserved or if its total area decreases, as a result of which the tenant and his family members living in it may be recognized as in need of residential premises, or increases, as a result whereby the total area of ​​occupied residential premises per family member will significantly exceed the provision norm;
  • residential premises are subject to transfer to a religious organization;
  • cohabitation with children for whom you have been deprived of parental rights has been declared impossible by the court and eviction is required by the legal representatives of minors, the guardianship and trusteeship authority or the prosecutor.
  • In all these cases, If the cohabitation of citizens deprived of parental rights with children in respect of whom they are deprived of parental rights is recognized by the court as impossible, such citizens, at the request of the legal representatives of minors, the guardianship and trusteeship authority or the prosecutor, may be evicted by court from the residential premises without providing another residential premises, unless otherwise provided by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

    ">except for the last one, you must be provided with alternative housing under a social tenancy agreement, regardless of whether you are on the housing register or not.

    In addition, you can be evicted by court if you fail to pay rent and utilities for more than 6 months without good reason. In return, you will be provided with housing under a social rental agreement, the size of which corresponds to the size of the living space established for moving citizens into a hostel.

    Schedule. Help desk specialists answer general questions daily.

    To determine how you can improve your living conditions, you can also use the Moscow City Property Department. You can also check out the website about improving living conditions.

    The right to housing for Russian citizens is guaranteed by Art. 40 of the Constitution. Our state, fulfilling its obligations, continues to provide free municipal housing on a first-come, first-served basis to those citizens who need it. However, many categories of citizens who previously had the right to receive housing have now been removed from the list.

    The rest will have to be patient and have convincing documents that indisputably prove their rights. Residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock can be obtained by citizens who need residential premises and who have been recognized by local governments as low-income in the prescribed manner. It should be noted that when recognizing citizens as low-income, the income per family member and the value of property owned by family members and subject to taxation are taken into account.

    At the same time, each region adopts its own criteria for financial insolvency. In addition to proven financial insolvency, potential applicants are subject to an additional number of very stringent requirements.

    Thus, in Moscow, in order to register, you must have citizenship of the Russian Federation; reside at the place of residence legally for a total of at least 10 years; not to commit, in the five years preceding the submission of the application, actions that resulted in the deterioration of living conditions, as a result of which they may be recognized as in need of residential premises.

    Who is eligible for free housing

    The following categories of citizens have the right to free housing:

    • people living in emergency housing (they receive housing out of turn);
    • military personnel;
    • liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • low-income citizens and those in need of housing.

    Residents of communal apartments can expand their living space faster. If housing suddenly becomes vacant in a communal apartment, then first of all it is provided to the tenants and (or) owners living in this apartment. That is, neighbors are offered to occupy the housing. If one of them is already recognized as low-income and is in line, then he will receive a room under a social rental agreement.

    In the absence of such tenants, the vacated residential premises may be provided under a purchase and sale agreement. And only if none of the neighbors wants to buy this room, it is occupied in the general manner on the basis of a social tenancy agreement, that is, one by one.

    What documents will need to be collected?

    • application for housing registration written from all family members (adults);
    • passports of the applicant and family members living together;
    • birth certificates of minor children with photocopies;
    • marriage (divorce) certificate with photocopies;
    • income certificates of all family members with photocopies;
    • TIN of the applicant and family members indicated in the application (with photocopies);
    • certificates of property subject to taxation (with photocopies);
    • certificate of apartment plan from the BTI;
    • an extract from the house register and a copy of the personal account;
    • documents confirming residence for at least 10 years in the territory of the locality (for cities at the federal level);
    • originals and photocopies of documents on the right to receive benefits (if any).

    It should be taken into account that during the registration process, government agencies may require you to provide additional documents and certificates, depending on the specific situation. The package of documents is submitted to the local housing authority, for which it is advisable to receive a receipt containing a list of all documents indicating the date of submission.

    The application is reviewed within 30 days, after which an extract is issued indicating housing registration or refusal. The refusal may be challenged in court.

    Who is provided with housing out of turn?

    The Housing Code provides for three categories of citizens who are entitled to housing out of turn. Thus, among the poor, first of all, the following will receive social housing on the basis of a social tenancy agreement:

    • citizens whose residential premises have been duly declared unfit for habitation and cannot be repaired or reconstructed (residents of dilapidated houses, victims of natural disasters and other emergencies);
    • orphans, as well as children left without parental care (after finishing their stay in special educational institutions, foster families or family-type orphanages);
    • citizens with severe forms of chronic diseases that pose a threat to the health of others.

    What size of living space can I claim from the state?

    According to clause 1 of Article 75 of the Law “On Housing Relations”, housing from the state can be provided in an amount of no less than 15 square meters and no more than 18 square meters of usable area per person, but not less than a one-room apartment or dorm room.

    If there is a person in the family suffering from the diseases mentioned above, then he is provided with a separate room. Also, the area of ​​the apartment you receive may be larger if there is a pregnant woman in the family with a pregnancy of more than 22 weeks.

    According to Article 76 of the Law “On Housing Relations”, the housing provided must be comfortable, located within the city and taking into account the necessary amenities for the disabled. According to Article 12 of the Rules for registering citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in need of housing from the state housing stock or housing rented by the local executive body in a private housing stock, the Akimat annually updates the waiting lists for housing.

    It is important to provide information about yourself annually to confirm that you need housing.

    In what cases can they refuse to put them on the waiting list for housing?

    You may be denied registration for housing if it is established that the citizen has become needy as a result of the deliberate deterioration of his or her living conditions over the past 5 years by:

    • exchange of residential premises;
    • alienation of a habitable dwelling that belonged to him by right of ownership, regardless of whether it was located in the same or another locality of the Republic of Kazakhstan, except in cases where the dwelling was acquired by a local executive body in accordance with Article 98 of the Law “On Housing Relations”;
    • destruction or damage to the home through his fault;
    • leaving a dwelling, while living in which he did not need housing from the state housing stock or housing rented by a local executive body from a private housing stock;
    • placement of persons other than the spouse, minors and disabled children, as well as disabled parents.

    In what cases can they be removed from the housing queue?

    According to Article 73 of the Law “On Housing Relations”, the akimat can remove you from the queue for housing if:

    • the grounds for providing housing have disappeared;
    • you decided to move permanently to another locality or resigned from a state enterprise or government agency;
    • the information provided about the need for housing when submitting documents is not true;
    • you received a plot of land and completed the construction of your own home or the purchase of housing.

    Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as single-parent families in need of housing and registered before receiving housing, cannot be removed from the queue. You must be notified of deregistration in writing within 10 days after the decision is made, indicating the grounds for deregistration.

    It is important not to forget about the need to provide annually from April 1 to December 1 the same list of documents submitted when submitting documents with the exception of the application.

    Any person who does not have his own property will not refuse to acquire housing without spending a penny. The RIA Real Estate website reviewed the most “free” ways to get the coveted square meters.

    Free of charge, that is, for nothing

    It is quite possible to get an apartment for free and on legal terms, although there are not many options. There are examples when apartments are donated. Such a generous act is decided by parents who want to congratulate their growing children on their transition to adulthood, says Svetlana Birina, head of the city real estate department of the NDV-Real Estate company. It happens that owners who have no heirs bequeath or donate square meters to strangers in gratitude for their care and help, the expert notes.

    Experts urge not to “gift” Russian people on the waiting list with housingConstruction of housing for people on the waiting list in Russia at the expense of the budget is futile, and non-market mechanisms for providing free housing to individual lucky people on the waiting list do not help the development of the real estate market at all, according to experts interviewed by RIA Novosti.

    However, even in the case of donation, not everyone gets real estate absolutely free. As Mikhail Kulikov, director of the secondary market department at Inkom-Real Estate, notes, property received as a gift is not taxed only if the donor and recipient are close relatives: spouses, parents, children (including adoptive parents and adopted children), grandchildren, grandparents, brothers and sisters (including half-siblings, that is, having a common father or mother). The rest must pay tax at a rate of 13% of the value of the income received.

    You will follow us

    You can become the owner of free housing with the support of the state. “For the majority of the population, there are two ways to get housing for free, without coming into conflict with the Criminal Code: to privatize the one in which you live under a social tenancy agreement, or to stand in line as a low-income person in need of changing living conditions,” says Kulikov.

    As for privatization, you need to remember that not all residential premises can be transferred into ownership. “Housing in disrepair, in dormitories, in houses of closed military camps, office premises are not subject to privatization. The exception is the housing stock of agricultural enterprises, residential facilities of stationary institutions for social protection of the population,” notes the Inkom-Real Estate expert.

    Now, too, not everyone can get in line to receive social (free) housing, but only low-income citizens or those in need of improved housing conditions, the agency’s interlocutor emphasizes. Among them there are some “out-of-turn”: veterans of the Great Patriotic War, orphans (upon reaching 18 years of age), Chernobyl survivors, displaced people from dilapidated dilapidated houses, as well as people suffering from a severe form of any chronic disease.

    Working for an apartment: three sure-fire strategies for getting free housingThe older generation of Russians still remembers how they did not buy apartments in the USSR, but received them one by one for free, but in modern Russia, which has long been on the market track, only certain categories of citizens can count on free housing. The RIA Real Estate website will tell you who to go to work to get an apartment.

    The criterion by which citizens are recognized as low-income is determined based on the total family income and the value of joint property. And people living in premises whose size is smaller than that established by law can apply for improved living conditions, explains Kulikov. In Moscow, for example, the norm for registration is 10 square meters per person for individual apartments and 15 square meters for communal premises, and the norm for providing housing is 18 “squares” of total area per person.

    How soon a citizen will receive a new apartment is an open question. The waiting period most often stretches for decades, Kulikov clarifies.

    According to him, military personnel can also apply for free housing if they are recognized as in need of housing or improved living conditions after 20 years of service or 10 years of service upon dismissal on a preferential basis. At the same time, the law allows a person to choose his future place of residence. In addition, if a serviceman serves in a city in which he does not have his own housing, then he is required to be provided with a service apartment.

    Free, but for money

    Another conditionally free way to obtain housing is rent. In this case, the buyer of the home does not have to buy living space in the usual sense of the word, but before receiving the property, he will certainly incur certain, largely unpredictable expenses, Kulikov emphasizes.

    When drawing up a rental agreement, as a rule, with the owner of the property (most often these are elderly single people), a lifelong maintenance agreement with dependents is concluded. In accordance with it, the pensioner transfers his residential house, apartment, land plot or other real estate into the ownership of the payer, who in turn undertakes to provide his lifelong maintenance, explains Svetlana Matveeva, Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs of Miel-Network of Real Estate Offices.

    A pensioner can transfer his property either under the condition of lifelong maintenance, or for an additional payment (such annuity is called “redemption”). In the latter case, a certain amount of money, determined by the contract, is added to the obligations for periodic payment of rent, adds the agency’s interlocutor.

    The rent amount must be transferred to a bank account, and not just handed over personally; this must be spelled out in detail in the contract. Payments can be monthly or for some other period as agreed. It is impossible to fix the total amount in advance, since we are talking about a lifelong maintenance agreement, and no one knows how long the owner will live, warns Kulikov. In addition, the payer will be able to dispose of the apartment in full without the consent of the pensioner only after his death. Therefore, before concluding such an agreement, you need to think carefully about everything.