Auction documentation form 2. LLC “Independent Financial Company”

Hello, dear colleague! Today's article will talk about Form 2 for the auction and how to prepare it to ensure you are admitted to this auction. If you look at the distribution diagram of orders by procurement method from the official website for 2019, you can see that the most popular procurement method is currently.

The procedure for participating in an electronic auction itself is quite simple and understandable. However, the greatest difficulty for procurement participants is the preparation of the first part of the application in accordance with the Customer’s requirements. In fact, the 1st part of the application for the Customer has become the main tool for lobbying “their” supplier. That is, the Customer prepares the terms of reference in such a way as to make the preparation of the application as difficult as possible for the participants.

The expectation is that the participant will get confused in the requirements and make a mistake, so that one or more suppliers will be allowed to participate in the auction procedure. More than 90% of all procurement participants face this problem. This problem remains very relevant to this day. For this reason, I suggest that you look into this issue in more detail so that your applications are prepared according to all the rules. ( Note: This article was updated on 04/02/2019).

1. What is Auction Form 2?

According to Part 2 of Article 66 of 44-FZ, an application for participation in an electronic auction consists of two parts .

The first part of the application under 44-FZ is most often called “Form 2” in the professional environment, although this is not entirely true. In fact, the first part of the application consists of “Form 1” and “Form 2”. “Form 1” contains the consent of the procurement participant to supply goods, perform work or provide a service, and “Form 2” contains specific information about goods, products or materials, the supply or use of which is planned as part of the execution of the state (municipal) contract. But since “Form 1” is just a consent, which is resolved on the electronic platform by checking the corresponding checkbox, the 1st part of the application began to be called Form 2 (abbreviated F2).

Sometimes you can find the following name for Form 2 - “Information on the quality, technical characteristics of the product, its safety, functional characteristics (consumer properties) of the product.”

It is worth noting that the first part of the application must be completely anonymous, that is, it should not contain any information about the procurement participant. This was done by legislators deliberately, in order to make the assessment of applications more objective and eliminate the corruption component.

However, as practice has shown, there is no smell of impartiality here. Applications from participants are, for the most part, checked only for compliance with formal requirements and can be rejected for lack of the required comma, and information about participants is often “leaked” by operators of electronic platforms, both to the Customer himself and to potential competitors.

2. Contents of the first part of the application under 44-FZ

So, according to Part 3 of Article 66 of 44-FZ, the first part of the application for participation in the electronic auction must contain the following information.

Upon delivery of goods:

  1. Agreement for the supply of goods or their equivalent on the terms provided for in the documentation (Note: Such consent is given by the participant using the software and hardware of the electronic platform itself);
  2. Specific product indicators , corresponding to the values ​​​​established in the technical specifications (Note: Specific product indicators must be indicated in several cases. The first case is that there is no indication of a trademark in the technical specifications. The second case is when the participant offers for delivery an equivalent product with a different trademark);
  3. Trademark (Note: The trademark must be indicated if available. Some goods may not have a trademark, in which case the following wording can be written in the application - “There is no trademark”);
  4. (Note: Law No. 44-FZ requires the indication of the name of the country of origin of the goods in cases where the Customer has established conditions, prohibitions, restrictions on the admission of goods originating from a foreign state, in accordance with Article 14 44-FZ. I recommend that you always indicate the country of origin of the product in your application.)

When performing work (providing services) under the conditions specified in the documentation:

If the Customer is making a purchase to perform work or provide services that do not require the use of goods, then the participant in the first part only needs to give his consent to perform these works (render services). As mentioned above, such consent is given using the technical means of the electronic platform. There is no need to attach any additional documents.

When performing work (providing services) using goods:

  1. Agreement to perform work or provide services under the conditions provided for in the documentation (Note: Consent is given by the participant using the technical means of the electronic platform);
  2. Specific product indicators , which will be used by the participant when performing work (providing services) and which correspond to the values ​​​​established in the technical specifications (Note: In relation to specific indicators in this case, the same requirements apply as for the delivery of goods);
  3. Trademark ;
  4. Name of country of origin of the product (Note: In relation to indicating the country of origin of the goods, in this case the same requirements apply as for the delivery of goods).

According to Part 4 of Article 66 of 44-FZ, the first part of the application for participation in the electronic auction, provided for in Part 3 of Article 66 of 44-FZ, may contain sketch, drawing, drawing, photograph, other image of the product for the supply of which a contract is concluded.

Note: According to Part 2 of Article 67 of 44-FZ, the period for consideration of the first parts of applications under 44-FZ cannot exceed 7 days from the deadline for filing these applications. And in the event that the NMCC does not exceed 3 million rubles, the consideration periodshould not exceed one working day .

3. Sample Form 2 for auction under 44-FZ

Form 2 is a table consisting of several columns, as a rule, these are: name of the product, unit of measurement, values ​​​​established by the documentation and values ​​​​offered by the participant. However, this form does not have a specific type.

Each Customer attaches recommended forms for filling out the application in the auction documentation. But I want to draw your attention to the fact that these are recommended forms, not mandatory. According to Part 2 of Article 64 of 44-FZ, documentation on the electronic auction can not contain requirements for the design and form of an application for participation in the auction.

But from personal experience I can say the following. If the Customer provides a recommended form as part of the auction documentation, then it is better to use it. You will ask why? But because by doing so you will demonstrate respect for the work of the Customer. What do you think is easier, checking 10 applications completed in the prescribed form, or the same 10 applications completed in different forms? I think the answer is obvious. Therefore, do not once again provoke the Customer and do not create a reason for rejecting your application.

There are suppliers who prefer to provide information about goods (products, materials) and their characteristics in plain text. I am an ardent supporter of tables. And that's why:

Firstly, the information provided is more clear.

Secondly, the information is systematized.

Third, this reduces the time for preparing and checking the application.

Fourth, the likelihood of making a mistake is significantly reduced.

Fifthly, the likelihood of an application being admitted to participation in the electronic auction increases.

There are quite a lot of samples and options for Form 2, so below for your convenience I have placed a file with the three most common options.

Form 2 for auctions under 44-FZ (doc, 9 Kb) - download samples

4. Description of the procurement object and Customers’ tricks

Almost every auction documentation contains a “Technical Specifications” section. This is the section in which the Customer describes the procurement object (goods, works or services). The rules for describing the procurement object are established in Article 33 of 44-FZ. In addition to the rules established by Article 33 of the 44-FZ, the Customer must also be guided by the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition” and the legislation on technical regulation.

According to clause 1, part 1, article 33 of 44-FZ, the description of the procurement object shall indicate the functional, technical, quality and operational characteristics of the procurement object (if necessary).

Important! SHOULD NOT include requirements or instructions regarding:

  • trademarks,
  • service marks,
  • brand names,
  • patents,
  • utility models,
  • industrial designs,

name of the country of origin of the goods, requirements for goods, information, works, services, provided that such requirements or instructions entail a limitation on the number of procurement participants.

ALLOWED use of an indication of a trademark in the description of the procurement object, provided that such indication is accompanied by the words "or equivalent" either subject to the incompatibility of goods on which other trademarks are placed, and the need to ensure the interaction of such goods with goods used by the Customer, or subject to the purchase of spare parts and consumables for machines and equipment used by the Customer, in accordance with the technical documentation for these machines and equipment

Customer Tricks

As I said earlier, most Customers want to see “their” supplier (contractor) as the executor of the contract. Therefore, they use various tricks to weed out unnecessary participants. These tricks are contained both in the auction documentation and in the technical specifications and they can be divided into three groups:

  1. Visual tricks (attention tricks);
  2. Conceptual tricks;
  3. Technical tricks.

Visual tricks (attention tricks)

This is the simplest group of tricks, which is designed for the inattention of the participant and the banal human factor. For example, this is a technical task in an unreadable form, a task in the form of continuous text, indication of numerical indicators in words, typos and inaccuracies in the text, etc.

Conceptual tricks

These are tricks of the second level of complexity, also designed to allow the procurement participant to make an error in compliance with the Customer’s requirements. And such tricks include confusing instructions, various conjunctions, prepositions and punctuation marks, range values, etc.

Technical Tricks

These are tricks of the third, highest level of complexity, designed to ensure that the procurement participant provides false information (information). These include ineffective GOSTs, arithmetic errors, voluminous technical specifications and excessive requirements for goods (materials), missing documents, inclusion of several interrelated characteristics in one position, etc.

I discussed in more detail how to recognize and, most importantly, competently bypass such tricks of Customers in my practical manual for suppliers, which is called “Punch Application. Get admission to any auction.” It does not contain unnecessary information, but contains only the concentrate necessary to prepare applications that will provide you with guaranteed admission to auctions. You can find out more about this manual and purchase it.

If you want to learn how to prepare the first parts of applications without errors, then our practical workshop can also help you with this: “Form 2: How to prepare the first part of an application for participation in an electronic auction so that it is not rejected.” A recording of this workshop is available at this link.

5. Reasons for rejecting applications

According to Part 4 of Article 67 of 44-FZ, a participant in an electronic auction is not allowed to participate in it in the event of:

  1. failure to provide information provided for in Part 3 of Article 66 of 44-FZ, or provision of false information ( Note: This may not include specific indicators, product manufacturer, trademark, etc.);
  2. inconsistency of the information provided for in Part 3 of Article 66 of 44-FZ with the requirements of documentation about such an auction ( Note: In this case, the participant’s application is rejected for non-compliance with the information provided by the participant as part of the 1st part of the application, the requirements of the auction documentation, and in particular the technical specifications or instructions).

Important point! If a participant's application is rejected, the Customer must refer to the clause of the law on the basis of which this application was rejected. In the absence of such an indication, the rejection of the application is not justified. And this, in turn, is a reason to submit.

6. Rules for filling out Form 2 to participate in the auction

Below I have listed the basic rules that must be followed when filling out Form 2.

Rule #1 - Carefully review all auction documentation

Many suppliers make one very serious mistake. They study only the technical specifications and do not read the rest of the documentation, which is fundamentally wrong. You need to study all the documentation, otherwise you risk losing sight of important nuances and requirements of the Customer.

Rule No. 2 - When preparing an application, follow the Instructions

According to clause 2, part 1, article 64 of the 44-FZ, the documentation for the electronic auction must contain requirements for the content and composition of the application for participation in such an auction in accordance with parts 3 - 6 of article 66 of the 44-FZ and instructions for filling it out . An instruction is a document containing a description of how the supplier should interpret certain requirements of the Customer (punctuation marks, conjunctions, prepositions and ranges). If there are no instructions included in the auction documentation, then this is a reason to file a complaint with the FAS.

Rule No. 3 - Send requests for clarification of the provisions of the auction documentation

If something in the documentation and requirements of the Customer raises questions or doubts in you, then send the Customer a request for clarification of the provisions of the documentation. The request is sent to the Customer no later than 3 days in advance before the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the auction.

Important point! The customer can make changes to the electronic auction documentation an unlimited number of times. And the procurement participant can send no more than 3 requests for clarification of the provisions of the documentation. Based on this, I recommend that you study the documentation as deeply as possible and submit a request for all controversial and unclear points. Otherwise, you may reach your request limit and still not get all your questions answered.

Rule No. 4 - When preparing an application, indicate the real characteristics of goods (products, materials) and real manufacturers (suppliers)

Sometimes suppliers try to cheat when filling out Form 2 and indicate non-existent parameters or parameters that do not correspond to the products of the specified manufacturer. Sometimes such applications are allowed to participate in the auction, but at the acceptance stage the supplier may have problems.

Important point! Be sure to indicate in Form 2 the name of the country of origin of the goods.

Rule #5 - Track changes and clarifications of documentation on the site

According to Part 6 of Article 65 of 44-FZ, the Customer has the right to decide to make changes to the documentation about such an auction no later than two days before the deadline for submitting applications for participation in such an auction. The website also contains explanations for requests received from procurement participants. Thus, you should carefully monitor all changes and clarifications published on the EIS website. Otherwise, you risk not taking something into account in your application, and it will be rejected.

Rule #6 - Check it several times before submitting it

Be sure to review your application before submitting it. This is especially true for large applications. The human eye tends to get blurry, so there is a high probability of missing something or filling it out incorrectly. I check my applications at least 2-3 times.

Rule No. 7 - Don’t be afraid to appeal the illegal rejection of your application to the FAS

Sometimes Customers reject participants' applications unreasonably and many participants (especially newcomers) meekly agree with this state of affairs. If you are sure that your application was rejected unreasonably, then send a complaint to the FAS. There is no need to be afraid of this. You need to be able to defend your rights and legitimate interests.

7. Form 2 - your pass to participate in the electronic auction

Without exaggeration, I can say that a well-prepared Form 2 is your ticket to participate in an electronic auction. After all, if your application is rejected, then all your labor costs on searching for information, studying and analyzing documentation, as well as preparing the application are automatically reduced to zero.

Preparing an application yourself or entrusting this task to specialists is your choice. One thing I can say for sure is that there is nothing super complicated in preparing Form 2. Yes, this requires certain knowledge, time and care, but absolutely everyone can do it. Moreover, it is worth understanding that not every tender specialist can be as competent in your field as you are. Do you want to learn how to prepare Form 2 without mistakes? Then you.

How much does it cost to prepare Form 2 for an e-auction?

The price for preparing Form 2 for participation in an electronic auction depends on the volume and complexity of the technical specifications, as well as on the time for its preparation. Prices on the market for preparing one such application start from 3 thousand rubles. The more voluminous and complex the specification, the more expensive it is.

If you need my help preparing Form 2 for the auction, you can leave your request below. In the form, indicate your name, e-mail, subject of the letter (Form 2) and in the text field indicate the purchase registration number or link to the auction.

Video instructions for ordering a service:

Form 2 of financial statements is a profit and loss statement known to all accountants. More recently, it changed its name, but the essence remained the same. Where can I find the current form? How to fill it out correctly? How to check for errors? We will consider the answers to these and other questions using an example in the material below.

Accounting statements: forms 1 and 2

Accounting statements are prepared and presented in accordance with the forms approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n. Accounting statements - forms 1 and 2 - are submitted by all organizations. In addition to forms 1 and 2 of the financial statements, there are appendices to them (clauses 2, 4 of the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n):

  • statement of changes in equity;
  • cash flow statement;
  • Explanations to the balance sheet and income statement.

For small enterprises, as part of the annual reporting, it is mandatory to submit only Form 1 of the financial statements and Form 2.

Have you encountered difficulties in filling out financial statements? Ask on our forum! For example, experts advise forum members on how to reflect a major transaction on the balance sheet.

Form 2 of the balance sheet: one report - two titles

Form 2 of the balance sheet - by this name we traditionally mean a reporting form that contains information about the income, expenses and financial results of the organization. Its current form is contained in the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n, in which it is called a report on financial results.

In the Law “On Accounting” dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ, which was in force until 2013, this form was called the Profit and Loss Statement, and in the law that replaced it dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, it was called the Financial Results Report. At the same time, the form itself began to bear this name quite recently: the “Profit and Loss Statement” was officially renamed to the Financial Results Statement only on May 17, 2015, when Order No. 57n of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 6, 2015, which introduced changes to the reporting forms, came into force .

By the way, now Form 2 is not the official, but the generally accepted name of the report. It has ceased to be official since 2011, when the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n, which approved the previous forms of accounting, which were called: Form 1 “Balance Sheet”, Form 2 “Profit and Loss Statement”, Form 3 “Statement of changes in capital.”

Form 2 of the balance sheet is a table above which are given:

  • reporting period and date;
  • information about the organization (including codes OKPO, INN, OKVED, OKOPF, OKFS);
  • unit of measurement (most often it is expressed in thousand rubles).

The table with reporting indicators consists of 5 columns:

  • number of the explanation to the report;
  • name of the indicator;
  • line code (it is taken from Appendix 4 to Order No. 66n);
  • the value of the indicator for the reporting period and the same period of the previous year, which is transferred from the report for the previous year.

The indicators of the previous and reporting year must be comparable. This means that if the accounting rules change, last year’s ones should be transformed to the rules in force in the reporting year.

Statement of financial results - decoding of lines is carried out according to certain rules. Let's look at how to fill out individual lines of the report.

1. Revenue (line code - 2110).

Here they show income from ordinary activities, in particular from the sale of goods, performance of work, provision of services (clauses 4, 5 of PBU 9/99 “Income of the organization”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 32n).

This is the credit turnover of account 90-1 “Revenue”, reduced by the debit turnover of subaccounts 90-3 “VAT”, 90-4 “Excise taxes”.

To find out whether it is possible to judge the amount of revenue from the balance sheet, read the article “How is revenue reflected on the balance sheet?” .

2. Cost of sales (line code - 2120).

Here is the amount of expenses for ordinary activities, for example, expenses associated with the manufacture of products, the purchase of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services (clauses 9, 21 PBU 10/99 “Organization expenses”, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n).

This is the total debit turnover for subaccount 90-2 in correspondence with accounts 20, 23, 29, 41, 43, 40, 46, except for accounts 26 and 44.

The indicator is given in parentheses because it is subtracted when calculating the financial result.

3. Gross profit (loss) (line code - 2100).

This is profit from ordinary activities excluding selling and administrative expenses. It is defined as the difference between the indicators of lines 2110 “Revenue” and 2120 “Cost of sales”. The loss, as a negative value, is reflected hereinafter in parentheses.

4. Selling expenses (line code - 2210, value written in parentheses).

These are various expenses associated with the sale of goods, works, services (clauses 5, 7, 21 PBU 10/99), that is, debit turnover on subaccount 90-2 in correspondence with account 44.

5. Administrative expenses (line code - 2220, the value is written in parentheses).

The costs of managing the organization are shown here if the accounting policy does not provide for their inclusion in the cost price, i.e. if they are written off not to account 20 (25), but to account 90-2. Then this line indicates the debit turnover for subaccount 90-2 in correspondence with account 26.

6. Profit (loss) from sales (line code - 2200).

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities is shown here. The indicator is calculated by subtracting lines 2210 “Commercial expenses” and 2220 “Administrative expenses” from line 2100 “Gross profit (loss)”; its value corresponds to the balance of account 99 in the analytical account of profit (loss) from sales.

7. Income from participation in other organizations (line code - 2310).

These include dividends and the value of property received upon leaving the company or upon its liquidation (clause 7 of PBU 9/99). The data is taken from the analytics for the loan of account 91-1.

8. Interest receivable (line code - 2320).

This is interest on loans, securities, commercial loans, as well as interest paid by the bank for the use of money available in the organization’s current account (clause 7 of PBU 9/99). Information is also taken from the analytics on the loan of account 91-1.

9. Interest payable (line code - 2330, value written in parentheses).

This reflects interest paid on all types of borrowed obligations (except those included in the cost of an investment asset), and the discount payable on bonds and bills. This is analytics for the debit of account 91-1.

10. Other income (time code - 2340) and expenses (code - 2350).

This is all other income and expenses that went through 91 accounts, except those indicated above. Expenses are written in parentheses.

11. Profit (loss) before tax (line 2300).

The line shows the accounting profit (loss) of the organization. To calculate it, to the indicator of line 2200 “Profit (loss) from sales” you need to add the values ​​of lines 2310 “Income from participation in other organizations”, 2320 “Interest receivable”, 2340 “Other income” and subtract the indicators of lines 2330 “Interest to payment" and 2350 "Other expenses". The value of the line corresponds to the balance of account 99 in the analytical account of accounting profit (loss).

12. Current income tax (line code - 2410).

This is the amount of tax accrued for payment according to the income tax return.

Organizations in special regimes reflect on this line the tax corresponding to the applied regime (for example, UTII, Unified Agricultural Tax). If taxes under special regimes are paid along with income tax (when combining regimes), then the indicators for each tax are reflected separately on separate lines entered after the current income tax indicator (attachment to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02/06/2015 No. 07-04- 06/5027 and 06/25/2008 No. 07-05-09/3).

Organizations applying PBU 18/02 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n) further show:

  • permanent tax liabilities (assets) (line code - 2421);
  • change IT (line 2430) and ONA (line 2450).

Line 2460 “Other” reflects information about other indicators that affect net profit.

The net profit itself is shown on line 2400.

  • about the result of the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period (line 2510);
  • as a result of other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period (line 2520);
  • the cumulative financial result of the period (line 2500);
  • basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share (lines 2900 and 2910, respectively).

Form 2 of the balance sheet is signed by the head of the organization. The signature of the chief accountant has been excluded from it since May 17, 2015 (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 6, 2015 No. 57n).

Financial results report: example of filling

For clarity, we present excerpts from the balance sheet for 2018 (in rubles), generated before the balance sheet reform and necessary for filling out the financial results statement.

Account (sub-account)


Deferred tax assets

Deferred tax liabilities

Cost of sales

Administrative expenses

Profit/loss from sales

other expenses

Balance of other expenses

Profit and loss

Profits and losses (excluding income tax)

Income tax

Conditional income tax expense

Permanent tax liability

When reforming the balance sheet, posting Dt 99.01.1 Kt 84.01 will write off net profit in the amount of RUB 8,590,800.

Based on the above data, let's look at Form 2 of the financial statements - sample completion for 2018 (data for 2017 taken from last year's report):

Indicator name

For 2018

For 2017

Cost of sales

Gross profit (loss)

Business expenses

Administrative expenses

Profit (loss) from sales

Income from participation in other organizations

Interest receivable

Percentage to be paid

Other income

other expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Current income tax

including permanent tax liabilities (assets)

Change in deferred tax liabilities

Change in deferred tax assets

Net income (loss)

Indicator name 2)

For 2018

For 2017

Result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period

Result from other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period

Total financial result of the period

For information

Basic earnings (loss) per share

Diluted earnings (loss) per share

Where to find Form 2 Balance Sheet

Form 2 of the balance sheet can be downloaded from our website.

Also, templates for all forms of accounting and tax reporting are available on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in the section "Tax and accounting reporting".


Form 2, or a report on financial results, is created on a standard form and is subject to certain filling rules. Its data shows from what type of income and expenses net profit is formed in the reporting period.

To participate in an electronic auction, you will need to follow 5 basic rules for preparing Form 2:

  1. Always study auction documentation for a specific tender and monitor the tender deadlines. Pay attention to the requirements for the composition of the first and second parts, the list of works, and most importantly, find the list of materials that are required for delivery. This information is key to filling out construction Form 2.
  2. Be sure to fill out the tender application in accordance with GOST requirements. The customer is obliged to indicate the entire list of required regulatory and legal documents as part of the auction documentation. The specified characteristics of the goods must not only meet the Customer’s requirements, but also comply with the current versions of GOSTs.
  3. Learn and follow instructions for completing construction Form 2. According to 44 Federal Laws, the customer, as part of the tender documentation, is obliged to prescribe the rules for filling out the tender application, which contains the rules for reading signs, features of the interpretation of symbols, designation of ranges and all other information that will help the URZ fill out construction Form 2 in accordance with the norms of 44 Federal Laws. If there are no instructions, then you need to file a complaint against the auction documentation, since the Customer, by not posting the material, violated the law.
  4. Submit requests for clarification of documentation. If, when filling out Form 2, you do not understand the Customer’s requirements, then submit a request in free form using an electronic signature and the official website. This will allow you to understand what the Customer requires from you in this or that point and can serve as an argument in case of unlawful rejection of the first part of the auction application.
  5. Always indicate the manufacturer of the product and its place of origin. Indicate actual manufacturers and the region in which they are located. Do not use the phrases “for all goods the place of origin is the Russian Federation” or a BMW car manufactured by Nika LLC. This is a reason for rejection, since Nika LLC is not the manufacturer of the car, but is a dealer.

We present to your attention the algorithm by which we have been compiling for many years quality construction Forms 2 for electronic auctions.

  • read the instructions for filling out construction Form 2, terms of reference, deadlines for submission and consideration of the first parts of the application, auction documentation;
  • select a GOST database on specific materials;
  • fill in the indicators strictly according to current GOSTs and in accordance with the Customer’s instructions;
  • compose and submit requests for clarification of auction documentation. Include in requests for clarification all materials for which you find it difficult to fill out indicators;
  • compose and submit complaint about auction documentation, if the answer to your request is not satisfactory. If such a complaint is recognized as justified, the FAS will reassign the auction and order the Customer to bring the documentation and Form 2 into compliance with the norms of 44 Federal Laws;
  • put down manufacturers and indicate the place of origin of the goods(see explanations above);
  • submit first part of the application participation in an electronic auction.

After filling out the application, it is necessary to verify the correctness of filling out Form 2 in construction:

  1. After filling out the application, 2 days later, selectively check the materials according to GOST;
  2. Pay attention to the interconnection of materials. The form must not mislead the Customer;
  3. We recommend passing several materials on to a colleague for review; a fresh look will help you find inaccuracies;
  4. Study carefully again instructions for filling out the application.

When participating in construction tenders and submitting Form 2 in construction, our clients are interested in the procedure for filing a complaint with the FAS and the likelihood of a positive outcome for themselves. Here are the main stages, the passage of which will help you defend your interests in the FAS;

  • In the complaint, indicate the details of the contract, the reason for non-admission with a quote from the letter from the site, your full details and contact information;
  • Briefly outline the arguments of the complaint (indicate that your application complies with 44 Federal Laws and the tender documentation submitted by the Customer), attach excerpts from GOSTs to the text of the complaint;
  • Specify the requirements for the commission (check all applications, allow you to participate in the tender, fine the Customer, audit tender documentation, etc.).

GC "Tender Solutions" will be happy to help you in all matters related to the admission of your organization to tenders on construction topics. Construction Form 2 is our strategic product. The rules for completing Construction Form 2 given in the material are not mandatory for your application to be successful, but they help us achieve success in our work over the course of five years.

If you learn to compose it correctly or correctly recognize the real specialists in its compilation, then your efforts will pay off in direct proportion to your ability to secure applications.) For many, this phrase will cause a contradiction, but believe me - it is so.

The term “form 2” does not exist in the legislation; it is a slang name that has remained since the days of 94-FZ. Form 2, as a rule, is a table indicating the customer’s requirements for materials established in accordance with the law. In turn, the participant must, in contrast to the requirements for the characteristics of the customer’s materials, offer their own specific characteristics - this is Preparing Form 2(we'll look at it in more detail later). At first glance, everything seems simple, but look at the protocol for considering the first parts of applications. Of the 9 companies, only 1 (one) passed the auction...

...that is, there was actually no trading,

and she took the order maximum price.

This is a fairly classic situation, since

“Form 2” is almost the only way for the Customer to push through “his” supplier and get a kickback.

In connection with the above, a whole market of consulting services has grown.

But, unfortunately, many companies are trying to make money fraudulently by preparing Form 2.

How to identify fraudsters among companies that offer consulting services in the field of government tenders?

  • If a company declares that they have 100% completion of all bids at auctions or guarantees this to you, you should know that these are 100% scammers or these are companies that have no experience in participating in government auctions.
  • They ask to pay the bill several months in advance. Run away from such companies. They know that in the first month you will understand that you have been deceived. They will not return the money you paid several months in advance.
  • They promise you mountains of gold if you sign a contract with them for services in the field of tender support. Ask them right away: do they prepare Form 2 (material requirements)? What is the maximum volume? Is there an extra charge for it?
  • many act honestly at first glance. They take money in advance. But at the same time, they fill out the application at random and look, maybe it will pass, if it passes, as a rule, in such cases everyone is allowed in, they receive their money, and if not, then they simply return it to you. As a result, in any case, you will not receive anything good, since if the application is successful, then, as a rule, the customer accepted everyone and there will be a big reduction.
  • they ask for an advance, but at the same time stipulate that the advance is non-refundable if the form is not completed, or they do not stipulate anything at all

Advice: if a company or specialist assures that he has 100% completion of any applications or forms, he is a scammer. Do not deal with such a company.

In any case, it’s your money, even if you don’t pay anything for Form 2


You “freeze” your money to secure the application. Therefore, preparing Form 2 is an important topic and it is better to understand this issue in detail.
Today, to win a tender you must:

  1. carefully study all tender documentation
  2. prepare an application for participation
  3. support it with all the necessary documents

If the documentation is simple, then do not be under any illusions, you will run into one of two results:

  1. a huge reduction in which you will complete the order at best cost.
  2. Initially the procedure is absolutely not profitable

The fight for the most expensive and profitable contracts presupposes very high requirements on the part of the customer for the correctness of filling out applications.
Today, as I wrote in the main tool for bringing in “your” supplier is Preparing Form 2 on the part of the Customer.

Accordingly, special attention is paid to the correctness of Form 2.

Preparation of Form 2 for auction by the Supplier

Correct preparation of Form 2 involves a description of the technical characteristics of the tender item, which:

  1. must fully comply with current legislation
  2. letters, recommendations of the FAS and the Ministry of Economic Development. If you are well versed in these documents, you will have great opportunities not only to correctly draw up applications, but also to force the customer to change the documentation and submit justified complaints to the FAS
  3. must comply with current GOSTs and at the same time meet customer requirements
  4. must comply with the instructions for filling

What should you consider when filling out Form 2?

  1. All the above documentation
  2. Letter from the FAS dated July 1, 2016 N IA/44536/16 On the establishment by the customer of requirements for the composition, instructions for filling out an application for participation in the procurement
  3. Letter from the Ministry of Economic Development dated August 12, 2016 N OG-D28-9996 Providing the customer with the ability to search and copy fragments of text contained in the UIS information. Some customers still post Form 2 in the form of jpeg files, scans and photographs, which makes filling out Form 2 much more difficult.
  4. Another letter from the MED on the same topic: Letter from the MED dated June 17, 2016 N D28i-1521. On the availability of procurement documentation posted in the Unified Information System.

There are a lot of documents on this topic, but these reflect the most common violations of customers, and with their help you can force customers to change the documentation and place it in accordance with the law. You can download these letters below:

As mentioned above, preparing Form 2 (requirements for materials) is a labor-intensive and complex process, so its competent preparation requires the work of several specialists, since, as a rule, Form 2 includes descriptions of materials from completely different areas.

First, technical specialists work, in some cases it is necessary to involve technologists, chemists, and engineers.

Lawyers complete the work, coordinating all edits with technical specialists due to the fact that the descriptions of some values ​​may seem to lawyers to be contrary to the law, but in fact they contradict the technology of performing the work and the properties of materials.

For example: settlement of the concrete cone. This is a specific value, which in fact is not a range value. In accordance with GOST, for one of the concrete grades it should be equal to 1-4 cm. Accordingly, the lawyer, focusing on Art. 66 44-FZ indicates a specific value, say 2 cm, but a technician will immediately correct it, indicating that we are technologically unable to bring concrete to the site with a specific value, since this test depends on many factors and is done if necessary, as a rule, on a construction site and its value may fluctuate within the specified limits.

There are a lot of such nuances.

My colleague also talks about these nuances in the video clip Preparing Form 2

Contact us for advice, we will advise you and will be very happy to cooperate. We prepare all documentation for bidders and customers.

Let's analyze the documentation.

We will analyze the Customer.

We will write if necessary for clarification.

We will file a complaint with the FAS (if necessary) about the provisions of the documentation from our company, so as not to expose you to the customer. This is in case you win! (You can also file a complaint to the FAS yourself. Two very detailed articles with examples and analysis have been written on this topic:

We will prepare all the necessary documents and submit them to the site.

If necessary, we will train you to work on site.

We will file a complaint with the Federal Antimonopoly Service against the unjustified refusal.

We will help you conclude a contract and provide legal support for its implementation.

Contact us via the form or through the website or through a group in

General Director - Niva LLC

We are very grateful to the MLBC company for their assistance in obtaining a license. The lawyers took the assigned work responsibly and fulfilled the necessary obligations within the specified time frame. A competent approach at every stage of the work ensured an excellent result. We are very pleased with the results and look forward to continuing our relationship in this area!

Pozdnyakov P. A.

General Director - Agroresurs LLC

We express our gratitude and appreciation to the company for the professional conduct of the tender. The competition rules and requirements for tender documentation were prepared at the highest level, the company’s specialists provided assistance at all stages of the tender, which undoubtedly had an impact on our victory in the tender.

Shomakhov A.Kh.

General Director - LLC KARINA

We express our gratitude to the employees of the MLBC company for the high-quality provision of services within the framework of the concluded contract. I would especially like to highlight the high level of training of lawyers, their competence, and competent approach at all stages of work. We hope for long-term cooperation.

Albakova N. A.

General Director - LLC "Success"

I would like to thank the lawyers of your company for their qualified assistance. They helped us resolve all issues regarding contracts and licenses. We place special emphasis on professionalism even in the smallest details, a competent approach at all stages of cooperation, excellent business acumen and competence.

Zakharenko D. V.

General Director - Morozko LLC

I would like to especially thank the employees of the MLBC company for conducting seminars regarding the tender rules and the preparation of all required documentation. I would like to express special gratitude to the staff of the support center and legal service. Gained invaluable experience in participating in auctions. Ready for further cooperation!

Kelin V.V.

General Director - Victoria LLC

We would like to thank you very much for your highly professional assistance. Providing accounting services is one of the strongest areas of your company’s work; your specialists cope with the assigned tasks and goals perfectly. Good luck and prosperity to your company, may all planned projects bring only profit!

Pronin A.V.

General Director - Progress LLC

We were very pleased with the cooperation. We hope for further fruitful work in obtaining the certificate. All terms of the contract between our companies were observed, therefore, it is very pleasant to do business with your company. It is worth noting the speed of provision of services and their reasonable cost.

Galeev V. P.

General Director - Spectr LLC

For all the competent work done, for legal services and advice, we would like to thank the employees of your company. You have fully justified our trust; your professional approach to business and strict control over your work are worthy of the highest praise. We will definitely turn to you for help in the future!

Mikhalchenko P. A.

General Director - Mayak LLC

We thank the lawyers of the MLBC company for the quality accounting services provided. Everything was great. We quickly passed government audits and identified some shortcomings in our accounting. Most likely, we will cooperate annually, since the lawyers do their work professionally and efficiently.

Tustkbaev M. Kh.

General Director - Dom Stroy LLC

We have contacted this company more than once. For the first time, it was necessary to obtain SRO approval. We were pleased with the cooperation. Therefore, we have now decided to order accounting services. And this was not the last time we collaborated together. Thank you very much for your professionalism and acceptable deadlines.

Mikov O. A.

General Director - Symbol LLC

We express our deep gratitude to the employees of MLBC for their assistance in obtaining a license. I would like to note the competence and responsibility of your lawyers in carrying out their work. We are pleased with the results of the work. It’s a pleasure to cooperate with you, we hope to continue our business relationship in the future!

Daguzhiev Kh. S.

General Director - Domino LLC

We would like to express special gratitude to the lawyers of the MLBC company. They do their work quickly, efficiently and clearly according to the terms of the concluded contract. We will only turn to here for professional legal services.

Efimov V. G.

General Director - Nachalo LLC

Lawyers of our company noted that joining an SRO will take a lot of time, since it is necessary to draw up a whole package of documents. But when we turned to you for help, we immediately realized that professionals in their field would do everything very quickly. Thank you for your services. We were fully satisfied with the terms of cooperation, as well as convenient payment.

Kirillov D. A.

General Director - RSR LLC

On behalf of the founders of our company, we thank your firm for the legal services provided; all the work was done on time and with skill. Without your professional lawyers, we would not have resolved a very complex and important task for our company. We trust your team and look forward to further cooperation!

Zhuravleva O. S.

General Director - Pobeda LLC

We would like to thank the specialists of your company for their help. They helped us obtain SRO approval in a very short time. We were pleased with both the cooperation itself and the low payment for services. Now we know which specialists work in our city. Therefore, we will only contact you.

Abgaryan G.V.

General Director - Asia LLC

Thank you very much for your fruitful and productive cooperation in our matter of obtaining a license. I would like to note the high professional training of the employees and the competence of the lawyers. The specialists are careful in their work and attentive to each client. We hope that our companies will be able to work together more than once.

Senchurin A.V.

General Director - LLC PROFUPACK

We express our deep gratitude for the competent and qualified assistance in the agreement between the companies. It is very pleasant to work with those who know their business and show their professionalism even in the smallest details.

Patunin A.V.

General Director - Iris LLC

Thank you very much to the employees of the MLBC company. They provided their services in terms of obtaining a license strictly within the framework of the concluded agreement. We look forward to maintaining business relations in the future. I wish you fruitful work, grateful clients and great professional growth in a short time. If necessary, we will contact you again and again.

Magomedov K. Ch.

We thank the company’s employees for the competent conduct of the tender. The purpose of the tender is to make trading and procurement activities for the tender as convenient and cost-effective as possible - the company has fully implemented it. Professionalism, competent approach to business and competence are the style of the company's employees. We are pleased with the cooperation!

Evstratov V. A.

General Director - Aeroprom LLC

We thank the MLBC company for the individual approach and search for a suitable tender for our company. The focus on results and responsibility in the work of your employees helped us conclude a profitable contract. We hope for mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation. We wish your company further growth and prosperity.

Nikitina I. S.

General Director - Soyuz-M LLC

We would especially like to thank the lawyers of your company for the legal services provided. We liked the competent drafting of the contract and its strict implementation. I was also pleased with the reasonable cost and fast turnaround time. Every lawyer we have worked with here is distinguished by their professionalism and reliability.

Ivanenko V.V.

General Director - Spetsavtotrans LLC

The management of Spetsavtotrans LLC expresses its deep gratitude for the timely assistance and support in the work of our company. The legal services provided showed the professionalism and competence of your employees. We value a responsible approach to doing business and hope that our cooperation does not end there.

Malchenko A.V.

General Director - Dialog LLC

We express our gratitude to your employees for their assistance in obtaining the necessary certificate and preparing documents for our company. The diligence and professionalism of your company’s specialists deserves approval. We would like to note that working together with your company leaves only the best impression and we look forward to further cooperation.

Zagorskaya O. N.

General Director - Epoch LLC

We express our deep gratitude to the employees of MLBC for providing assistance in preparing documents for participation in the tender. Largely thanks to your skill and well-coordinated work, we won. We wish you economic and financial prosperity and success in the future. We hope to continue mutually beneficial cooperation.

Zhukov D. S.

General Director - Horizont LLC

Our company thanks you for making it possible to quickly and easily obtain SRO approval. The professional attitude and tight deadlines were very satisfying. We wish you stability, prosperity and career growth. Undoubtedly, if necessary, we will contact you again and again.

Panov S. V.

General Director - Soyuz-4 LLC

On my own behalf and on behalf of the firm, I express my gratitude to the employees of the MLBC company for the provision of legal services. Registration of the SRO permit was completed in a short time, which allowed our company to win a major tender. The work was carried out taking into account all the nuances, without any complaints on our part. We wish you further development and professional success.

Titova O.A.

General Director - LLC BIZNESPROMT

I would like to thank the MLBC company for their assistance, which helped resolve all issues under the agreement between the companies. I would like to say that real professionals work here. Lawyers are very responsible and attentive to their work. From now on we will only contact you!

Samoilov N. I.

General Director - Istochnik LLC

Thanks to the law firm "MLBC", we quickly and easily received a certificate for our activities. All terms of the concluded agreement were observed to the last point, so we will continue to cooperate. It is especially worth noting the high professionalism of the employees and their dedicated attitude to their work.

Joke M.V.

General Director - Kolos LLC

We really enjoyed our cooperation with the MLBC company. We wish you successful development and rapid achievement of your goals. We hope for further fruitful work. All legal services that we ordered were performed efficiently and on time. The management of our company was satisfied.

Frankov V. S.

General Director - LLC "Chance"

We express our sincere gratitude to your company for its responsible approach to performing the work. The set goals and objectives were completed on time, your specialists dealt with complex issues and assignments without effort. We will continue to turn to your company for professional accounting services.

Kovriga I. V.

General Director - Vodny Mir LLC

Thanks to the specialists of MLBC, we successfully passed the quarterly accounting audit. It is worth noting the high qualifications and professional training of employees. They were attentive and careful with the smallest details. Therefore, we will order accounting services only from them.

Shanin V.V.

General Director - Edelweiss LLC

We thank the employees of your company for their assistance in obtaining a quality certificate; thanks to you, our company will be able to develop and operate fully. Completion of work on time and under suitable conditions is highly appreciated by us. Our company looks forward to active collaboration.

Blinnik S. B.

General Director - Agro Invest LLC

The team of Agro Invest LLC sincerely thanks for the attention and assistance in obtaining a tender loan. We would like to note the prompt response of MLBC employees to problems that arise during collaboration and their interest in achieving success. We hope to develop our existing partnerships in the future.

Sudiyan V.V.

General Director - Alex LLC

We would like to sincerely thank your company for the accounting services provided. Your employees took the task at hand with a serious and competent approach. The accountants did a tremendous amount of work during the audit; all documentation was brought into proper form. We look forward to further cooperation with your company!

Zabora Z.N.

General Director - Cascade LLC

Let me express my gratitude for your cooperation with the lawyers of the MLBC company. I consider one of the successful transactions to be obtaining an SRO permit. The company manager conducted a detailed consultation and obtained admission in installments. It is worth noting the attentiveness and responsibility of the company’s employees. Success and new achievements.

Zelenenko F. N.

General Director - Alkor LLC

We express our gratitude from the company’s management for the legal support of our company upon joining the SRO. All controversial issues were quickly resolved, which speaks of the competence and professionalism of the lawyers. Separately, it is worth noting the efficiency in processing documents. We are planning further cooperation.

Kolysheva A. G.

General Director - Infinity Group LLC

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the MLBC company, which helped in obtaining a license. The lawyers' competence is at the highest level, qualified specialists responsibly fulfilled all their obligations, we are satisfied with the results obtained. We look forward to continuing cooperation with your company in the future!

Semenov Yu.A.

General Director - LLC TEKHNOGRAD

We thank the employees of MLBC for the services provided under the agreement between our companies. We are pleased to note the qualifications and professional competence of the lawyers, attentiveness and accuracy when preparing documents. We look forward to further cooperation with you!

Potapov E. A.

General Director - Investzhilstroy LLC

Investzhilstroy LLC, represented by the General Director, expresses its deep gratitude to the managers and employees of your company for their assistance in obtaining certificates. Taking into account the competence, professionalism and mutual agreement in the implementation by your company of all the tasks set by us, we look forward to further fruitful cooperation!

Nguyen T.Ch.

General Director - SAIGON LLC

Thank you for your effective cooperation! It turned out to be very fruitful. We hope to maintain business and partnership relations and continue cooperation that is beneficial for both parties. We wish you to actively develop and achieve new successes in the professional field.

Nebolsin V.V.

General Director - Vector LLC

We wish you successful prosperity, development of your company and grateful clients like us. The lawyers of the MLBC company helped us obtain a certificate for our activities in a very short time, which was very inexpensive. We will undoubtedly contact you again.

Trofimova L.G.

General Director - DK-Trans LLC

We express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for your fruitful cooperation. We believe in maintaining existing business and friendly relations, and hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation in the future. We wish you successful development and achievement of new heights in business.