What kind of commission is this, Euroset? In Euroset communication shops you can comfortably and quickly pay for utilities through the CyberPlat® payment system. Transfer fee.

Today Euroset is the largest network company that not only sells various electronics, communications equipment and accessories, but also makes payments and transfers. The number of people willing is huge and the question arises - how to check the Euroset payment and whether it reached the addressee?

Verification principle

The verification principle is very simple and is valid after the client completes the following actions:

  • deposit money into your telephone balance;
  • will pay for Internet services;
  • will pay for the loan;
  • transfer money to someone;
  • book tickets for entertainment events;
  • will pay for housing and communal services;
  • will pay for fines;
  • will transfer money to an electronic account.

After paying for higher-level services, there will be a need to check the Euroset payment by check to make sure that the transaction was completed successfully and the transfer reached its destination.

Verification algorithm

Checking the Euroset payment status can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. Check with the person to whom the transfer was sent(for example, requesting a phone balance, checking your account with Internet providers, etc.).
  2. Find out in the company showroom. You will need to come there with a check and ask the operator whether the transfer has arrived, telling him the check number and the date of the transaction.
  3. Check the payment on Euroset.ru. To do this, you need to go to the company’s website, go to the tab “Services” - “Accepting payments” - “Check payment”. After this, a dialog box will appear asking you to enter transaction data on the receipt issued by the operator when performing the action. The entire check will take only a minute; you just need to indicate the check number and the date of transfer.

If enough time has passed and the payment has not been completed, you should contact Euroset for an explanation.

If there is no receipt

If the check is lost for some reason, then checking the status of the Euroset payment is as follows: you need to come to the Euroset salon and try to restore the check, indicating the date of the transfer. You can also find out whether the money has been transferred by checking whether the transfer has reached the recipient. For example, you can find out whether funds have been transferred for housing and communal services by finding out the amount of debt on the State Services website.

In Euroset stores (there are now several thousand of them in the country - this is a leader in its industry) you can not only buy yourself a new smartphone, but also pay for many services of third-party companies and enterprises. In such operations, Euroset is only an intermediary and not a recipient of funds, which sometimes causes certain difficulties. A person pays money at the store, but he doesn’t know when it will reach the final recipient, and this can be a cause for concern. In 2014, a service from Euroset that solved this problem was launched. Checking a check payment (that is, the payment status) is as easy as shelling pears.

You can pay for many services on Euroset

How to check your payment online

To use this service, the user should go to the Euroset website, go to the “Services” section, here select “Accept payments”, and then “Check payment”.

After all these actions, a special window should appear with several empty fields where the user needs to enter the transaction data for the check. Any check issued by Euroset contains:

  • date and exact time of payment;
  • payment ID;
  • address and telephone number of the salon where the operation was performed;
  • the service for which payment is made;
  • size of the commission (if there is a commission);
  • amount deposited and currency used.

The user should pay special attention to the identifier (it is a combination of ten digits) and the date of payment. It is this data, as well as the captcha, that should be entered in the appropriate fields. The verification itself will take a few minutes, after which the result will appear on the screen, that is, the payment status (“completed” or “not completed”).

The option to verify payments by ID is available only in the full version of the site. When entering the site from any mobile device, at the very bottom of the page you should switch to full-format mode.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that only payments through Euroset can be checked in this service. It is absolutely pointless to check receipts for payments made through other similar organizations (for example, through Svyaznoy). It is much more relevant to check the Svyaznoy payment by check through the Svyaznoy website, where a similar service operates.

This, by the way, indicates that popular networks in Russia, operating in almost the same niche (talks about their possible merger have been going on for several years, but such a merger has not yet become a reality), are trying not to yield to each other in anything.

Sample of a communication salon receipt

Which payments can be verified online?

It is worth listing the main services for which you can pay at the checkout in Euroset and subsequently check online:

In some cases, you can clarify the payment status (check the balance) on the Internet resource of the organization to whose account the money is transferred - now many such resources have personal online user accounts. But if you make a lot of different payments, then going to many different sites is not very convenient. And when choosing payment through Euroset, it is enough to visit only one site, the address of which has already been specified. By the way, now most payments in Euroset can be made even without a commission or with a small commission.

You need to understand that the status check itself has no effect on the efficiency of its implementation. If quite a lot of time has passed and the transaction has not completed, you will have to figure out why this happened. There are several options here. A delay or error in payment may occur due to the fault of Euroset employees or equipment malfunctions, due to the fault of the payment system that was used for the transaction (for example, RAPIDA or Robokassa) or due to the fault of the recipient organization. However, the sender may also be to blame for the fact that the payment did not arrive as intended - he may incorrectly indicate the loan agreement number or some other details.

Svyaznoy’s payment is verified through the company’s official website

What to do if the receipt was not saved for some reason

Sometimes people carelessly throw away cash receipts. How to check the payment in Euroset in this case? The task becomes much more complicated, but still remains solvable. First of all, the person will have to restore this same check. To do this, he must come with his passport to the Euroset salon where the payment was made. Here he needs to explain the situation, inform him of the date of payment (this is a mandatory condition) and ask him to reinstate the check. However, “restore” is not quite the right word here; rather, we are talking about receiving a copy of the check.

The Euroset company is the largest seller of modern gadgets and various services, including making payments for various purposes from individuals in favor of third-party organizations. Currently, the company's client base is very extensive and For the convenience of users, it is possible to check the payment on a Euroset receipt (its status) in various ways. In this note, we will tell users about various ways to solve this problem, providing detailed instructions on how to perform the appropriate actions.

Being an intermediary in financial transactions between ordinary users and various organizations, the list of which is extremely extensive, the company Euroset accepts funds to pay for a variety of services.

On the Euroset you can not only purchase a modern gadget, but also make various payments

Using the services of the company, users can implement:

  • payment for the use of mobile communications and the Internet;
  • purchasing tickets on online services of the largest airlines in Russia;
  • replenishment of electronic wallets;
  • transfer of funds to a recipient in Russia and abroad;
  • making mandatory payments under the loan agreement;
  • payment for travel packages from the largest tour operators in the Russian Federation;
  • payment for housing and communal services and fines, including traffic police;
  • payment for goods from companies AmWay, Avon, MaryKay, KupiKupon, Biglion and make other payments.

Each user who has made a payment or transferred funds has the opportunity to check the status of the operation, and the payment can be verified in a convenient way for the client. The following brief instructions will help you do this correctly. Let us immediately note that it will not take you much time to complete the necessary actions, which is very convenient for every user.

Algorithm for checking payment status

To use the payment verification service, the user must go to to the official website of the Euroset company– euroset.ru. Here you need to select the “Services” tab, then go to the “Payments” tab and select the “Payment Verification” option.

Checking the payment status on the Euroset website takes a few minutes

After completing these steps the user is taken to a special form, where there are several empty fields. Here you will need to enter unique payment transaction data from the check. Each check issued in one of the Euroset company stores contains the following information:

  • date and time of the payment transaction;
  • payment identification number;
  • coordinates (address and telephone number) of the office where the operation was performed;
  • name of the service for which the payment was made;
  • the amount of the commission fee (if any);
  • the amount paid to pay for the service, as well as the currency in which the payment was made.

Important! The payer should focus on the identification number of the payment document (this is a combination of 10 digits) and the date the payment was completed. This data will need to be entered into the fields of the verification form mentioned earlier.

Direct payment verification is performed quite quickly, after which the user will see on the screen current status of the payment transaction(completed or not completed).

Payment verification requires ID and transaction date

Let us clarify that the option to verify payment by identification number is provided only in the full version of the site, when logging in from a computer or laptop. When logging into the site from a mobile device, at the bottom of the page you will need to go to the full-format version.

note that this service and the described procedure are applicable only for checking payments made in one of the Euroset offices!

A user making a payment through the Euroset cash desk should know that the completion of the transaction can be checked on the official website of the organization in favor of which the funds were transferred. Moreover, today this should not cause difficulties for users. Today, all large companies have their own websites, where it is possible to register a user’s personal account.

Although, if the user makes several payments at once, then visiting various sites for verification purposes is not entirely convenient. And, choosing to pay at one of the Euroset offices that accept payments, you only need to go to the official website intermediary.

Most payments and transfers in Euroset are carried out without additional fees

Important! Today, almost all payment transactions by Euroset are carried out without additional commission fees. For certain types of transactions, a minimum commission is charged. Detailed information can be found directly at the time of payment from a salon employee.

It is advisable to note that verification of payment execution cannot affect the speed and timing of its execution. In the event that the payment was made quite a long time ago, but the funds never arrived in the organization’s account, the user will have to find out the reason for what happened.

This can happen for several reasons:

  1. The delay/error in the transaction was due to the fault of an employee or equipment malfunction.
  2. Due to failures in the payment system that was used to carry out the payment transaction (for example, RoboKassa, etc.)
  3. Due to the fault of the company in whose favor the payment was made.
  4. Due to the fault of the sender, who incorrectly indicated payment details (account number, agreement, etc.).

Any payment made on Euroset can be tracked on the company’s official website

What to do if the receipt was not saved

We described in detail how to check a Euroset payment by ID. But very often users do not save receipts, groundlessly believing that the payment receipt will not be useful to them.

How to check the status of a payment transaction if a receipt is lost? In this case, the problem becomes more complex, but still solvable. First of all, the user will have to deal with restoring the receipt itself. Why should he contact the office where the payment was made? Here he must tell in detail about the delay in the execution of the payment transaction. After presenting your passport and indicating the exact date of the payment transaction, the employee will restore the required receipt. Let us clarify that “check recovery” is not an entirely correct definition. In this case, we are talking about a copy of the payment document that is issued to the user.

In addition, the user has the opportunity request a copy of the payment document that was received when paying for services several months ago. Since modern cash terminals and advanced software are currently used, all printed receipts are duplicated on the server, where they are stored for 6 months in accordance with current rules.

If necessary, the user can contact the Euroset salon and request a copy of the payment document (check)

But in order to avoid such complications, you should save all payment documents. In general, again according to regulations, such documents must be kept for up to three years, so it is advisable to leave a receipt at least before payment is executed and funds are credited to the organization’s account, in whose favor it was performed. This will allow you to easily resolve the difficulties that arise with the delay in the execution of the payment transaction.

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Some will say that cellular subscribers in Russia have been “overfed” with freebies. On the other hand, the subscriber “feeds” the operator not just monthly, but most often weekly, and has the right to expect some privileges in addition to his payments. One way or another, with the exception of Internet banking, the most popular method of paying for a mobile phone among citizens (on the way home, while shopping...) remained payment terminals. And not all of them, but those that are installed in the showrooms of either the “native” operator or large retail chains - in St. Petersburg these are Svyaznoy and Euroset. But this situation may change very soon.

When planning to top up your mobile phone balance in a terminal located at Euroset, our readers, fortunately, noticed in time a warning about the commission charged. It is clear that 5 rubles once is not money, but taking into account the frequency of payments, this threatens to grow into a round sum.

It turned out that Euroset terminals have been accepting payments for cellular communications with a commission since the beginning of 2016. At the call center of the retail chain, we were told that the yellow machines installed in the showrooms actually belong not to Euroset, but to a partner company, and it is he who sets the commission.

We also received an official written response from Euroset representatives: “The terminal market has changed a lot since January 2016, and many companies that own terminal networks subsequently changed the conditions for accepting payments. Therefore, commissions have appeared on some payments. In the terminals installed in our showrooms, they are the minimum on the market, up to 5 rubles, regardless of the amount of payment for mobile communications. In other networks these commissions are much higher. But in any of our stores there is an alternative: at Euroset cash desks, all payments for communication services are made without commission for subscribers.”

There are several inaccuracies in this answer. Firstly, as you can see from the photo, the commission for an amount over 500 rubles is already 10 rubles. Secondly, at Euroset cash desks you can indeed top up your account for free, but not for all operators: payments to MTS are not accepted. Thirdly, “in other networks” is not always significantly higher - for example, in the same “Svyaznoy” the commission is still not charged.

A request to Comepay, whose logo is located on the terminal, received the following response: “Good afternoon! Self-service terminals do not belong to Campei LLC. The terminals belong to third parties. The Kampei Payment System does not set the amount of the commission charged. The size of the commission may vary depending on the time of payment, the amount of payment, as well as other conditions for making the payment determined by the supplier (provider) and other participants in the settlements. You can find out information about the amount of the commission, terms and conditions for crediting payments, as well as the contractor for the Offer to accept payments in the “Information” section on the terminal screen.”

Payment operatorComepay is most often limited to routine responses.
Photo from social network of reviews

Thus, in addition to the subscriber, at least four entities can be considered “settlement participants” when paying at the terminal: the company that owns the terminal network, the telecom operator, the payment system operator (in this case, Comepay) and the actual owner of the area where the terminal is installed ( Euroset). Judging by the information provided, for some reason the commission goes to the first of them. However, it will be difficult for the average person to find out exactly where the percentage of his payment goes: information about the owner of the terminal is hidden from the eyes of the payer.

Let us add that today there are still enough ways to top up your phone balance without additional fees. Using a bank card, this can be done through Internet banking or in your Personal Account on the website of your telecom operator. “Real” money - again in some ATMs, branches of Petroelectrosbyt. Previously, this type of service was practiced even in one of the large hypermarket chains.

Euroset is one of the most popular stores of various technical goods such as tablets and smartphones and related services. Since the store’s audience is large, Euroset strives to improve its service in order to avoid service gaps. In particular, for convenient handling of their funds, clients are given the opportunity to check payment by check. Let's talk about how to check a payment on a Euroset check.

Euroset is an intermediary in terms of payment for goods between buyers and various organizations that supply these goods. The list of these companies is long.

Money is accepted in the store as payment for a wide range of services. Using the store service, the client can:

  • pay for telephone and Internet access;
  • purchase air tickets on the official websites of Russian air carriers;
  • top up your e-wallet;
  • transfer money to another person located in Russia or abroad;
  • pay the next loan amount;
  • buy a tourist voucher;
  • pay for housing and communal services;
  • pay off a fine - for example, the traffic police;
  • pay for goods from AmWay, Avon, MaryKay, etc.

After a financial transaction, any client can check the status of the payment. And there are several ways to do this. Let's look at these methods below.


To use the payment status monitoring service, the user needs to go to the official Euroset resource (euroset.ru). Next – select “Services”, then – “Accepting payments”.

“Services” item on the Euroset website

Option “Accept payments”

Then you just have to click on the “Verify payment” option.

When the user completes the above steps, the form with empty fields for filling. There you need to type in the unique payment details from the receipt. All Euroset checks contain the following information:

  • date (including time) of payment;
  • number identifying the operation performed;
  • address and contact details of the office where the payment was made;
  • Name of service;
  • the size of the commission (if there is one in this situation);
  • how much money was paid as payment;
  • currency.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the identification number on the check, which is a combination of ten digits, and the date. They need to be typed into the fields of the proposed form.

Thus, now you know how the status is checked by ID and transaction number. The process itself does not take much time. As a result, the buyer will see current payment status: completed or not.


The verification tool is available only when using the full version of the resource - i.e. when accessing the site from a personal computer or laptop. If you are using a mobile device, you will need to scroll down the page and select the full site format.

Important! The service is intended solely to check the status of a payment made in one of the Euroset stores.

You can also check the status on the website of the company in whose favor the payment was made through Euroset. This is not something complicated, because... Today, all large organizations are striving to develop their service and have websites where you can register a personal account.

True, if the buyer purchases more than one product, then it is better to use the Euroset website so as not to open several accounts at once on the resources of the selling companies.

Euroset does not charge most payments with commission. But there is still a small fee for some transactions. You can ask a store employee for this information.

Reasons for possible delay

It is important to understand that checking the status of an operation does not in any way speed up its completion. If the payment was made quite a long time ago, and the selling company has not yet received the money, you should try to find out why this situation has arisen.

Here list of reasons:

  • the operation was delayed due to incorrect actions by a Euroset employee;
  • a transaction error occurred – also on the part of the store (for example, due to a technical malfunction);
  • failure in the functioning of the system chosen for payment (RoboKassa or another);
  • the fault may lie with the organization whose service or product the client purchased;
  • the client himself provided incorrect payment information (account number, etc.).

What payments can be tracked online?

It is useful to familiarize yourself with the list of goods and services whose status is available for tracking:

  • mobile communication service;
  • loans;
  • insurance;
  • transfer to the “Corn” card;
  • transfer of money within Russia, countries of the former USSR, far abroad;
  • purchasing and booking air and railway tickets;
  • purchasing tourist vouchers and booking hotel apartments;
  • payment for housing and communal services, TV, Internet;
  • traffic police fines;
  • transferring money to Qiwi, Yandex.Money, Webmoney, etc. wallets;
  • orders from large chains like Oriflame, KupiKupon, Biglion, etc.

What to do if you lose a receipt

Very often, buyers neglect to temporarily save the receipt, thinking that everything will be fine anyway.

What if the check is lost or thrown out ahead of time? The situation, of course, is getting more complicated, but something can be done.

First, you need to restore the receipt. To do this, we go to the salon where the purchase was made. We tell the Euroset employee about the delay in payment and that the check is no longer there. If you present your passport and state the exact date of the operation, the check will be restored. At the same time, restoration means creating a copy of the old check.

It will be useful to know that, using a similar scheme, you can request a copy of the receipt received when purchasing a product or service three months ago. The law requires storing such data for six months.


To avoid additional difficulties, you need to keep the receipt for some time after purchase. This will help you understand in a timely manner and without leaving home why there was a delay in payment. When checking your payment status, please fill out the form fields carefully to ensure you receive the required information. Knowing how to track the receipt of payments, you will be aware of the progress of the transaction.

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