About the Fra Mauro map, Hyperborea and the reversal of the poles. A selection of fragments of the Fra Mauro map Comments on the Fra Mauro map

Isn't it true that the second hemisphere with America is missing?

Below, on the maps there are lands in the North Pole region that disappear after 1602.

Gerhard Mercator's map of 1595

Petro Planzio 1594


Map of Yen Le Clerc of 1602

Below are maps at approximately 50 year intervals. Pay attention to the location of the equator. If at the times under consideration there had been a change in the position of the pole (for example, from Greenland to the modern one), a change in the position of the equator on the maps would have been inevitable. If we recall the ancient Indian epic, which speaks of an ancestral home in the north, where day and night last for six months and where Hyperborea is described, at least five thousand years ago, as it is depicted on the maps of Mercator 1595, P. Planzio 1594 or Ena Le Clerk 1602, then the possible reversal of the poles is pushed back even further. In fact, supporters of pole change, in my opinion, have no idea what forces there should be. are involved so that such a huge gyroscope as the Earth changes its axis of rotation. Where are the tracks? After all, all the water, of all reservoirs, from rivers to the oceans of the Earth, was bound to inevitably leave, due to inertia, indelible marks on the face of the planet. In fairness, it is worth noting that in the case when the change of poles did take place in the foreseeable past, the conclusion that maps with such a (modern) location of the equator are fake is inevitable.

Bligh's map of 1606


Paolo Forlani's map from 1565


Map of Nicholas de Caveri 1505


Map of Ptolemy, made in 1467 by Jakab D Angello (ink, parchment).

Daniel Cellarius Ferimontanus. Map of 1590 .

Based on this map, based on the works of M. Polo and his father and uncle, Kolymchanin made interesting conclusions, which have one significant drawback: perhaps this map is a fake, since it contains countries such as Greece and Italy, which arose from “written sources” significantly later than the date of the map. Actually, building some historical versions on paper (parchment) sources, in my opinion, is simply mental gymnastics. Besides
http://bio.1september.ru/article.php?ID=2 00004204 in the area with coordinates 69 o 24’N. and 148 o 25' E. Numerous Cajander larch trees grow ( Larix cajanderi), having an age of more than 800 years! and, which is located on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), on the right bank of the river. Indigirka in its lower reaches. More than ten of the larches growing here were 750-850 years old, and the record holders were two trees aged 878 and 885 years. It is interesting that trees of such a respectable age are by no means gigantic in size. Their height is only 8.5-9 m, and the diameter of the trunk at human chest level is about 25 cm. The size of larches indicates unfavorable conditions for their growth during the times described by Marco Polo.

Click to enlarge

In 1450, the Venetian monk Fra Mauro created a map that is considered the first modern map of the world. 250 years later, a copy was made, which is currently kept in the cartographic collection of the British Library.

In the Middle Ages, maps were created not only as a navigation tool, but also as a work of art. You can open the map in higher resolution and admire the stunning detailing of all the elements and find out what the world looked like in the minds of the people of the 15th century.

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On Fra Mauro's map, contrary to common custom, the south is at the top and the north at the bottom, which is why Permia is shown in the lower right corner of the map.

Permia is shown on the map near the Arctic Ocean. The Volga is named Edil or Vulga; When naming it, it was noted that this river begins in the Riphean Mountains, flows through Lake Nepro and flows into the Caspian or Hyrcanian Sea. The Oka is indicated, but the Kama and all other tributaries, as well as the S. Dvina and Pechora, are not on the map.

Permia. Fragment of the Fra Mauro map of 1459

As with other common geographical names, the word “Permia” on the map has the following inscription in Italian in extremely small petite letters:

“Merchants go to these countries in carts without wheels, drawn by six dogs, to swampy places, and buy skins from the Permiani, that is, ermines, sables, etc., as is known. Here, in winter, the ocean freezes over a distance of approximately 1,000 miles. They say there are many monsters here, which I won’t talk about because they are almost incredible. These Permians are almost wild people, they eat the meat of ermines and sables, dress in skins and in winter, when it is very cold, they retire to Russia. They are tall, white-faced, strong and courageous, but not hardworking. They live by hunting. These people have brutal customs. Further to the north they live in caves and underground, due to excessive cold.”

("Eden" from Fra Mauro's map)

Fra Mauro is one of the outstanding scientists of the Middle Ages. According to Humboldt's definition, "a Venetian scientist of almost immeasurable erudition." A monk of the Camaldulian order, he devoted himself to cartography, believing that the Earth created by God should at least be well studied by people. Contemporaries considered him an “incomparable geographer,” and indeed, what this learned monk did gave a tremendous impetus to the era of great geographical discoveries. Fra Mauro compiled a map of the world that served many future generations under the name "Fra Mauro's Planisphere."

The map included almost all the geographical information available at that time, obtained from books and reports of expeditions, from the stories of sailors and land travelers. Even the tales of random traders developed into certain versions and provided food for thought.

Fra Mauro's map of the world made such a strong impression on the Venetian nobility that it was immediately enclosed in a golden frame and declared the most valuable property of the republic. The outlines of continents, lands, islands, the twists of mighty rivers, the wavy contours of mountain ranges, similar to chains of cumulus clouds, and clear inscriptions. In addition to the names of countries, cities, mountains, rivers and other geographical names, there were also very lengthy texts.

The map of Far Mauro is a real encyclopedia of knowledge of that time about the world around us. Of course, the most interesting thing for me on it is the territory of the Eastern Europe. There is so much that is not on the map. Near Perm, for example, there is the following inscription: “A Catalan ship, loaded with leather goods, sailed this way during the years of my life and, in order not to drown, threw the cargo overboard.” Romantic, lively picture, isn't it? Obviously, this ship sailed from the south along the Volga, and further along the Kama... Cities in Eastern Europe are depicted by Fra Mauro with signs of Gothic and Renaissance architecture. This is how the Venetian monk imagined cities in Russia, close to Western European architecture.

The names of many Golden Horde cities became known to researchers only thanks to the inscriptions on the Fra Mauro map. The Volga region has many archaeological sites from the Middle Ages. Their ancient names are unknown, because no internal written documents have survived from the Golden Horde itself. The historical geography of the Golden Horde Empire has to be studied from descriptions

traveler routes and Western European maps. There are many cities indicated on the Fra Mauro map. More than one generation Researchers have tried and are trying to correlate these toponyms with traces of medieval cities known to archaeologists.

One of the first to study the Fra Mauro map was the Venetian Cardinal Zurla two hundred years ago. Unfortunately, I still have not read his book on the Fra Mauro map. It doesn't seem to exist in Russia. And in the twentieth century, in Venice, another wonderful book with color illustrations was published about the Fra Mauro map. I was able to get acquainted with this book, which is also missing in our libraries, thanks to the help of my Italian friends.

For example, there is an opinion that only on the map of Fra Mauro two cities of Sarai are simultaneously indicated - two capitals of the Golden Horde empire. There are no other sources known where two cities of Sarai are simultaneously mentioned. There are many other mysteries on the map. For example, on the middle reaches of the Volga the city of Samar is marked, obviously the predecessor of modern Samara. But what archaeological site does the inscription “Samar” correspond to? On the right bank of the Volga, above the Volga-Don Perevoloka, the city of Calmuzi Sara is marked. And isn’t Calmuzi a distorted version of the Turkic word “reed”, the predecessor of the city of Kamyshin in the Volgograd region?

It is still not known for certain what the sources of information on the map are. Books? Travel stories? Or maybe your own speculation?

The map is fraught with many mysteries, for many of which there will probably never be a solution.

The well-known seeker Mikhail Volk tried to organize a translation of the map into Russian, http://mishawalk1.livejournal.com/44113.html, but unfortunately it was not possible to raise funds. However, there is hope that the translation will soon be carried out by one of the Russian-speaking citizens of Italy, who volunteered help voluntarily, as friendly assistance to a common cause.

From the blog author- T What kind of vision of the world was there in this era, the heyday of which came during the life of Fra Mauro... All the geophysical parameters of the planet, atm, were different. pressure, air density, gravity, etc.. Therefore, the people themselves and the meanings of existence were different, not fully understandable to us, modern people
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