Vacation loan: features and benefits. Is it worth taking out a vacation loan? Take out a loan to travel abroad

Surely every working person in our country dreams of spending their vacation at sea or abroad, but, unfortunately, not everyone can pay for such a trip at their own expense. But, in fact, today this is not required, because there are many commercial banks ready to provide a loan for travel or a vacation at sea. This method has both fans and opponents, and there are also all potential borrowers who doubt the benefits and feasibility of this event. Let's try to consider as clearly as possible the question of whether it is worth taking out a loan for a vacation, and if so, where exactly.

Is it worth taking out a vacation loan?

As already mentioned, a seaside holiday on credit has many advantages and a lot of disadvantages. Let's start with the fact that, undoubtedly, everyone dreams of spending their legally spent vacation in comfortable conditions on the warm sea and in a good comfortable hotel. But only a few can afford it, or they have to spend a whole year saving money for it every month from their salary.

Of course, taking out a bank loan is much easier and faster, and to be more precise, today you can get a loan in literally 15 minutes from a commercial bank. But at the same time, it is always worth considering that the loan funds will have to be repaid, and after the vacation, and here, the main thing is to immediately balance your desires and financial capabilities.

A loan will be useful and appropriate only if its amount best suits your financial situation. For example, if loan payments are equal to 50% of your monthly income, then, of course, even a seaside vacation is not worth such expenses in the future. And if it’s 10-20%, then you can think about bank lending.

Please note that on the eve of the summer season, commercial banks and tour operators offer favorable lending offers for traveling abroad; on the other hand, you can purchase a trip or tour abroad before the season at a more competitive price with a discount of up to 50% or more.

It follows that the main task is to correctly find the direction where you would like to go on vacation. The possibilities here are almost unlimited. You also need to choose the right loan amount and calculate the size of monthly payments. If you think that you can easily pay off the loan in the future, then you probably shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure and put off your vacation.

And finally, given the fact that in our country there is a huge number of commercial banks that specialize in issuing consumer loans. You can choose the most profitable offers for yourself, even if you cannot confirm your income with a certificate in form 2-NDFL, this is also not a problem, because today you can take out a loan without proof of income, albeit at a higher interest rate.

Which bank can I get a vacation loan from?

The question, of course, is very difficult, because there are a huge number of commercial banks. You can contact any of them and take out a classic consumer loan. If you are looking for the best terms for a vacation loan, you can use the services of banks such as Rosselkhozbank, Sberbank, VTB 24, VTB Bank of Moscow, Post Bank and other commercial banks.

The peculiarity of lending here is that you will need to spend some time collecting documents, since here you can get a loan on favorable terms, but only after providing a complete package of documents. The bank's decision will depend directly on your monthly income and credit history. The advantage of lending from large banks is that there is a low annual interest rate, which ranges from 14 to 18% per year.

If you are unable to confirm your employment and official salary, then you can use the services of other banks, for example, Tinkoff Bank, Renaissance Credit Bank, Home Credit Bank, Orient Express Bank. Here, for most loan programs, a salary certificate is not required, however, the annual interest can reach 69% per year, which is completely impractical, given the intended use of funds.

Please note that you can contact several commercial banks at once and submit an application, then choose the best conditions for yourself, and it is also worth considering that by writing a loan agreement you do not owe anything to the lender.

Applying for a loan through a tour operator

It's no secret that traveling is much more convenient and profitable through a tour operator. Here you need to choose the right company that sells vouchers. Moreover, it is worth considering that many companies provide vacations in installments or loans; you do not need to go to the bank and apply for a consumer loan; the entire procedure is carried out directly through the agency.

In practice, the procedure will look like this: you must find a tour operator and contact their office directly. Next, you must choose a tour that suits you and inquire about the possibility of paying for it on credit; if such a possibility exists, then you will be required to provide a number of documents, in particular, a passport; often, a document confirming income is not required.

Individual lending conditions and interest rates will depend directly on the partner with whom the travel company cooperates. The tour operator itself does not lend money to its clients, but it transfers the borrower’s data to its partner bank, which decides to issue a loan or refuses it. The borrower may be required to make a down payment.

Please note that applying for a loan through partners will be more expensive insofar as the procedure for applying for a loan is more simplified, and, therefore, the interest rate is higher.

Credit card as an alternative

As mentioned above, you can take out a consumer loan for your vacation, or you can use another option, namely, get a credit card. Moreover, credit cards have several advantages over classic consumer loans. First of all, the main advantage is that you receive a revolving line of credit, that is, the amount of your debt to the bank will be equal to the amount you spent on the card. If you take out a consumer loan, you will repay it in the amount you took out, regardless of how much you spent during your trip.

Among other things, credit cards have another advantage: you will repay the debt in small installments of only 5-10% of the amount owed, plus interest. And we can’t help but mention the grace period, that is, this is the period during which you are exempt from paying remuneration for using borrowed funds.

It must be said that, in addition to the credit limit, the credit card provides a lot of advantages to its holders, including travelers abroad can use various bonus programs from the global payment systems Visa and Mastercard. Also, if you apply for a high-level card, for example, Gold or Platinum, you have the opportunity to use insurance for free, and when traveling abroad, this insurance applies to both the borrower himself and all members of his family.

Please note that a credit card has one drawback: the interest rate for using borrowed funds is higher than for a consumer loan.

Finally, the last option for travelers is an installment card; currently in Russia you can get two cards: Halva or Conscience. It allows you to pay for your trip with a tour operator and not pay interest at all, only in installments, that is, the entire amount of the trip will be distributed in equal parts over several months up to 1 year. However, the disadvantage is that you cannot withdraw money from the card just to pay for flights and accommodation.

Thus, taking out a loan for vacation will be absolutely no problem, because every commercial bank offers a consumer lending service. This means that you can use borrowed funds for any purpose, including travel. On the other hand, each borrower must decide for himself whether it is worth taking out a loan for travel or not. Here you should draw a conclusion solely based on your financial capabilities; the main thing is that when applying for a loan, remember that it is subject to full repayment within the period established by the agreement, and, therefore, it is still not worth abusing bank money.

The holiday season is in full swing and for many of our compatriots the question of choosing a holiday arises. Everyone wants to have a great time during these long-awaited days and have a great rest from the work that has been so boring over the year. At the same time, a situation often arises when the time for a vacation has already come, but the funds so necessary for it are not available or are insufficient.

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Today, this problem is solved quite quickly and effectively, since many credit organizations in Russia are engaged in providing loans for vacations. Sberbank of Russia did not stand aside and offers to issue a loan for vacation at a rate of 14.5%. This type of obtaining borrowed funds often refers to non-targeted types of lending - a loan is issued for the implementation of various consumer purposes of the borrower, including tourism plans. At the same time, there are a very limited number of special programs for providing funds solely to pay for vacations. In most cases, borrowers take out a standard consumer loan, the conditions for which are often more attractive and, therefore, profitable. In our article we will look at a similar lending program for one of the largest Russian financial institutions - Sberbank.

Let us immediately note that this bank does not have programs called “Credit at Sea” or similar ones, which relate to targeted loans. For leisure, Sberbank of Russia offers a consumer loan without collateral or a consumer loan guaranteed by individuals. This is the practice of many banks, because most often it is easier to get a consumer loan.

Poll: are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?


Loan terms

Therefore, we will focus on applying for a standard loan. It should be noted that today Sberbank is one of the top five leading credit institutions in Russia offering various loans at the lowest interest rates. In addition, special conditions for borrowing funds apply to regular customers. In particular, so-called salary borrowers can count on a loan with a reduced interest rate. Employees of various organizations, which in turn are partners of this bank and have appropriate accreditation, can also receive borrowed funds on preferential terms.

The maximum amount of borrowed funds provided in this financial institution is quite large - the limit reaches 1.5 million rubles. This kind of money is quite enough to implement a wide variety of tourist plans and travel not to one, but to several countries at once. If a small amount is required, then the presence of guarantors and security is not required. If the borrower plans to take out a large loan, then it will be necessary to provide collateral in the form of some liquid property, as well as reliable guarantors with a good lending history and a fairly high level of income. To apply for borrowed funds, you will need a completely standard list of necessary documents: a Russian passport, a certificate of monthly income, and a document that confirms the presence of an official place of work. In some cases, Sberbank may require you to provide any additional documents, for example, a certificate of no criminal record.

Features of a vacation loan

  • No commissions
  • Loan amount – from 15,000 to 1,500,000 rubles for “Consumer loan without collateral”
  • and from 15,000 to 3,000,000 rubles for “Consumer loan guaranteed by individuals”2
  • Loan term – from 3 to 60 months inclusive
  • The application review period is 2 business days from the date of submission of the full package of documents to the Bank

If you need, say, 200 thousand rubles to implement all your plans for a great vacation, then you can take out a loan for 4 years, then the monthly payment will be about 5 thousand rubles. This is the most acceptable option, since this amount will be enough for the trip, and in addition, the regular payment will be very modest, which in turn will not greatly affect the family budget. However, if the borrower receives funds not in cash, but in the form of a credit card, then in this case, in addition to the monthly loan repayment, there are also various fees. For example, for cash withdrawals and credit card servicing. However, taking out a holiday loan in the form of a credit card is ideal because your funds will be safe while traveling and yet always at hand. Moreover, if you are planning a vacation abroad, then it makes sense to get a gold or platinum credit card, which have a number of advantages. In particular, owners of premium cards can count on receiving good discounts when served by companies that are partners of Sberbank. In addition, such credit cards have a higher borrowing limit.

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With the onset of spring warmth, many people began to think about the question: “where to go on vacation?” Naturally, everyone will decide this issue based on their financial situation. But what if you want to visit, for example, exotic countries, but have no money for a vacation? A vacation loan can come to the rescue. However, before going to the bank, you should weigh the pros and cons and decide whether such a loan is really necessary.

Among the variety of offers that encourage people to relax now and pay later, it is worth noting that some offer credit, while others offer installments. The difference between these concepts is significant and can amount to several hundred thousand rubles. It all depends on the appetites of travel agencies, banks, as well as the vacationers themselves.

Usually they can offer a holiday in installments travel companies. While you will have to pay the bank for the loan. Accordingly, the difference will be in the amount of interest that the vacationer will pay.

The main pros and cons of holidays on credit can be tracked in the table:

Advantages of holidays on credit or in installments Disadvantages of holidays on credit or installments Note
1 You don’t need to save money for a long time for your desired trip. Upon returning home, the vacationer will receive monthly payments,
while all the money could be spent
You should think about paying fees even before leaving for
2 A good rest can improve the health of a vacationer,
which has a positive effect on his future
professional career
During travel, force majeure cannot be excluded
circumstances, including the bankruptcy of the travel agency.
It is necessary to select an agency with special care, outside
depending on how much money the vacation is planned for. IN
connection with the turbulent situation in the world, the main criterion for
choosing travel agencies means reliability.
3 The debt to the bank may be repaid in a few months,
and the impressions of your vacation will last a long time
Such a decision would be unreasonable with existing loans,
since this will put an additional burden on the family
Before you use a holiday loan, you should
carefully study the offers of banks, agencies, and
choose the most profitable one.

The holiday season is a time not only for a good rest, but also a time when banking institutions can make good money by offering clients a loan for a holiday.

The programs offered by banks, in most cases, resemble the same consumer loan. The only difference from regular lending is the name of the product. The client can spend such money both on a trip and on small expenses during the trip.

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To apply for a tour on credit, just come to the bank office and provide the necessary package of documents. Below is a list of the best deals for summer 2017.

Bank's name Offer Description Note
Renaissance Credit Possibility of obtaining a consumer loan or credit card
Loan amount from 30,000 – 700,000 rubles, term up to 5 years,
rate – from 13.9 to 28%. There are no commissions. Issue in two
documents – Russian passport and a second document.
To be able to reduce the interest rate, you will need
additional documents. For example, certificate 2 personal income tax. Bank
makes a decision within a few minutes.
OTP Bank Consumer loan Loan amount up to 750,000 rubles, term up to 5 years, rate –
from 14.9% per annum. There are no commissions. Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Age from
21 to 65 years old.
When choosing a vacation loan, this offer will be
profitable thanks to an additional feature – “Transfer
date of payment." You can choose a convenient date.
Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) The bank offers loans for any purpose Loan amount from 50,000 to 600,000 rubles, term 36, 60 and 84
months, the rate is from 22 to 27% per annum. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Age from 21 to 75 years.
Issuing a loan up to RUB 300,000. possible only with a passport,
above this amount the bank will request an additional package
documents. The decision is made online within a few
TinkoffBank The bank offers a credit card for travelers In addition to the credit limit, the card can receive miles for
purchases. 1 mile = 1 ruble. You can buy with miles
air tickets.
The grace period for the card is 55 days, annual
service – 1890 rub.
Alfa Bank Credit card Credit limit up to RUR 300,000, from 23.99%. Issue on 2nd
documents: passport and any other document at your discretion
The uniqueness of the product lies in the provision
grace period up to 100 days.

The table does not contain an exhaustive list of bank lending offers, but it contains the most advantageous offers for those who want to relax on credit.

Analyzing the offers of banks, we can conclude that some offer to take out a cash loan, while others offer a card. Everyone knows the difference between these two products, but which one will be the most profitable when traveling? To answer this question, you need to compare the travel benefits of a credit card versus a cash loan.

Read also:

What is the difference between a bank loan and an installment plan?

Credit card Cash loan
1 When traveling, it is better to order a personalized card with a chip. In such
In this case, the money will be reliably protected.
It's not safe to take cash on the road, it's best to
put them on your debit card.
2 Conditions for using credit funds using a card abroad
are different. Therefore, before traveling to the bank, you must
clarify all the details.
Pay for goods and services in cash
It’s always more convenient, especially if the store doesn’t have a terminal
3 % rate when withdrawing cash abroad can be significantly
grow up.
Whatever the expenses turn out to be, the client is initially aware
the amount he must return to the bank
4 Cashless payments will not be possible in all stores When using credit funds there are no
additional commissions
5 Interest-free use is possible subject to compliance
grace period
% rate is significantly lower
6 For various reasons, card balance information may
act untimely
The monthly payment will be much less

As you can see from the table, both products have advantages, however, for travel it is much more profitable to take out a cash loan. A credit card can also be useful. But it should be used only in extreme cases, for example, when you run out of money, and upon returning home you have the opportunity to deposit money before the grace period expires.

Which bank card will help you have a profitable holiday?

As noted above, the best way to travel is don't take cash. They should be placed on the map. In order for a plastic card not to be just a wallet, but to help you have a profitable vacation, it must meet the following criteria:

  1. The card must be personalized and with a chip. The production of such plastic will take up to two weeks, so you should order it in advance;
  2. It's best if it's gold or platinum. The presence of such an option will allow you to receive a lot of pleasant discounts and bonuses abroad. For example, when refueling a car, or visiting a theater, etc.;
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the payment system. It must be remembered that VISA and MASTERCARD – two systems that not only operate throughout the world, but can also provide users with additional bonuses;
  4. Much attention needs to be paid not only the choice of the country in which you are planning a vacation, but also its currency. Many banks promise favorable conversion rates. However, situations in which double conversion is used should be avoided. For example, from a ruble to a dollar, and from a dollar to local money. In this case, the exchange will be unprofitable;
  5. It is better to take advantage of special offers from banks. Financial institutions design card products based on their usefulness during travel. For example, TinkoffBank has developed a whole line of plastic cards with which you can get round-the-clock technical support even abroad, receive discounts and bonuses, participate in promotions, and get insurance as a gift.

With the approaching velvet season and the first autumn cold, I really want to “extend” summer for at least a couple of weeks and bask in the rays of the hot southern sun. However, not every Russian can afford to buy the cheapest trip to Egypt, not to mention expensive resorts and countries. What to do in such a situation? How much does it cost to relax at sea? Is it worth taking out a loan for a vacation in Moscow? Which banks offer loans to pay for travel?

What are the difficulties associated with vacationing in another country?

Preparing for a vacation takes a lot of effort and time, but the anticipation of a great vacation allows you to close your eyes to minor difficulties and troubles, and there can be plenty of them. From the beginning of planning a vacation, you need to carefully select a country, resort and hotel to stay in, and think about the specifics of the climate. It is foolish to go to Thailand or Malaysia if a person cannot stand the extreme heat, stuffiness and exotic cuisine. You should familiarize yourself with the standard food ration of local residents in advance, especially if you are not going to eat in restaurants and cafes at the hotel.

The choice of a tour operator is perhaps 50% of a successful holiday in a foreign country. Many people still remember the mass closure of the country’s largest tour operators several years ago and tourists abandoned abroad. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose an operator very carefully.

You can get into serious trouble at customs control. Many goods that can be easily transported in our country are strictly prohibited for import/export to other countries. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the customs regulations of the country of arrival in advance.

Problems may also arise with documents for vacation: from obtaining a foreign passport to a visa to another state. Some countries require a huge package of documents to issue a visa. Therefore, documents should be completed long before the start of your vacation.

Prices for trips in 2016

For example, a week's rest in an average hotel in Cyprus will cost 50-70 thousand rubles for two. A trip to the Dominican Republic for 11 nights will cost one vacationer 80-90 thousand rubles on a last-minute tour, and for 5 nights in Greece you will need to pay 25-35 thousand per person.

A vacation in a new subject of the Federation (Crimea) with a voucher will cost an average of 50 thousand rubles for 7 days of staying at the hotel + excursions to significant places. But accommodation in a 3-star hotel in Turkey with the all-inclusive function will cost no more than 30,000 rubles this year. in 10 days.

Is it worth taking out a vacation loan?

Of course, you can take advantage of interest-free loan offers. Such lending programs are provided by banks together with a travel agency for a short period of up to 6 months. A mandatory requirement for an interest-free loan for a vacation in Moscow is the provision of a down payment in the amount of 30-50% of the cost of the trip.

However, it is important to remember that upon arrival from vacation you will just have to make the first payment on the loan, and, as a rule, borrowers do not have money at this moment. It can help in such a situation, which is issued without leaving home within 15 minutes. In many microfinance organizations you can get your first microloan without interest.

If we talk about an interest-bearing loan for a vacation in Moscow, it is better to save up funds during the year than to take out a trip using a bank loan at interest. As a rule, vacation loans in Moscow have a high interest rate, about 35-55% per annum. Ultimately, the overpayment will be significant.

The ideal option would be to accumulate your own funds and make them as a down payment on an interest-free loan.

Which banks provide loans for vacations in Moscow?

There are practically no banks in Russia that provide special targeted loans for vacations at any travel agency in the city. Most often, the bank directly cooperates with one or more tour operators and lends only to their clients. But even such options on the market are not enough to satisfy the requirements of all borrowers who want to take a vacation on credit.

One of the few banks that works closely with many travel agencies is Credit Europe Bank. For example, together with the operator “I want to go on vacation”, the bank developed 2 credit programs: “Vacation for Pleasure” and “Great Trip”.

Under the first program, you can buy a trip on credit in the amount of 15,000 to 300,000 rubles for a period of 4, 5 or 6 months. The amount of the client's mandatory contribution must be at least 30% of the cost of the tour. Only under these conditions can you get an interest-free loan for a vacation in Moscow through the tour operator “I want to go on vacation.”

The second lending program is interest-bearing, but without a down payment. The borrower can purchase a trip for an amount from 10 to 300 thousand rubles. at 39% per annum. The loan period has fixed intervals: 3, 6, 12, 15, 18 or 24 months.

To receive one of the loans, the borrower only needs to provide a passport, and the loan is processed at the tour operator’s office. If you need to buy a trip worth from 100 to 300 thousand rubles, you will have to take with you a second document of your choice (passport, driver’s license or Taxpayer Identification Number).

Alfa-Bank cooperates with another large Russian tour operator PEGAS Touristik. Their loan program is somewhat different from Credit Europe Bank. For example, a borrower can buy a trip in interest-free installments for 3 months with a down payment of at least 50% of the cost of the trip. The maximum loan amount is 99 thousand rubles.

You can buy vouchers on credit through Alfa-Bank without a down payment for a period of 6 to 24 months. The maximum amount will be 300 thousand rubles, and the interest rate will be approximately 1.7% per month (20.4% per year).

Alfa-Bank also cooperates with another well-known agency, Natalie Tours, offering a loan for a vacation in Moscow under other conditions.

Options / Banks

Alfa Bank

Credit Europe Bank

Alfa Bank

Credit Europe Bank

Up to 300 thousand rubles.

300 thousand rubles.

Up to 99 thousand rubles.

Up to 300 thousand rubles.

6-24 months

4, 5 or 6 months

From 3 to 24 months

Down payment

An alternative option for taking out a loan would be to take out a standard consumer loan for urgent purposes. The loan amount in this case will be significantly larger, and the interest rate will be slightly lower.

True, the bank will have to submit a complete package of documents, including a 2NDFL salary certificate, a scanned copy of the work book and other documents. It is also worth preparing for the fact that consideration of a loan application will take at least 3-5 business days, in contrast to the instant decision on a loan in the offices of tour operators.

If you don’t have enough money for a trip, but want to relax, you can take out a vacation loan or get a credit card. Several banks provide this service, but each of them has individual conditions that must be taken into account when drawing up an agreement. In addition, there is a way to go on vacation by taking out an installment plan without overpayment.

Bank lending: types and features of programs

In most cases, a holiday loan is a regular personal cash loan. For such products, banks do not establish a clear purpose for using funds and often recommend them as a way to organize your vacation.

All financial institutions usually set the same requirements for clients: age from 18 – 21 to 60 years, permanent place of employment, Russian citizenship. There are also separate programs that are available for pensioners, where an increased age threshold applies:

  • "Sovcombank", "Money Credit". Term – up to 12 months, from 12% per annum, maximum amount – 100,000 rubles. Limit: up to 85 years of age.
  • Interprombank (available only for residents of Moscow and the region). Issued for a period of up to 3 years, age limit – 75 years, maximum loan size – RUB 1,000,000. Overpayment percentage from 12% per annum.

Loan from Interprombank

Amount of credit

up to 1 million

loan terms

until 3

loan rate

from 12%
per annum

* - the loan is available to borrowers in the Moscow region under the age of 75

You can also highlight other lending programs intended for young people over the age of 18:

BankInterest rateMaximum amount (RUB)Loan termsConditions
Sberbank "For any purpose"From 12.9%5 000 000 Receipt is possible only with the guarantee of parents
"Pochta Bank" Cash loan for any purposeFrom 12.9%1 000 000 According to two documents
"Tinkoff"From 12%1 000 000 36 monthsRegistration by passport
"Opening"11,9–20,9% 2 500 000 60 monthsFor any purpose
"Renaissance Credit" For urgent purposes*19,9–25,7% 100 000 24–60 monthsAccording to two documents
"Touch Bank"From 12%1 000 00 60 months/indefinitelyCard with delivery

* from 20 to 24 years old.

Most loans require an online application and pre-approval. When the request is approved, the borrower will be issued a plastic card where the required amount is transferred, or the money will be issued in cash at the lender's cash desk.

Now let’s talk about whether it’s worth taking out a loan. Applying for a loan is justified if the borrower finds himself in one of the following situations:

  • There is no money for vacation, but I feel extremely tired from work and want to take a break to travel.
  • Funds will appear, but in 1–2 months, but the trip is being planned now.

At the moment, the most favorable conditions are offered at Sberbank, and significant concessions on interest rates are provided for salary clients. Tinkoff Bank also has an excellent offer - a card with a credit limit is delivered to your home or office in a short time.

Holiday Credit Card

In addition to a cash loan, you can order a credit card and use the funds available on it for a trip to the sea. Now a number of banking organizations provide cards with an increased grace period and, if you comply with the conditions, you will be able to use the loan without interest.

The following banks offer the best conditions:

There are also credit cards with bonus miles that can be used to purchase airline tickets or travel agency services. Such products are produced by Alfa Bank, VTB, Avangard, Rosbank, Tinkoff, Vostochny Bank, Russian Standard and Sberbank. In most cases, for every 30–60 rubles spent. 1-2 miles are credited to the account.

Applying for a loan at a travel agency

If you want to buy a ticket without overpayments, it is best to contact a travel agency that provides its services in installments. This is much more profitable than a regular consumer loan for several reasons:

  • You don't have to overpay on interest.
  • The decision is made in 15 minutes.
  • A down payment is usually not required.

This payment method also has its drawback - all additional expenses, such as buying things, souvenirs and paying for entertainment, fall on the borrower.

Which travel agencies work in installments or issue loans for travel:

NameTermInterest rateAmount (rub.)An initial fee
"Pegas Touristik" 0% installments, 25–32% on credit300 000 Not required
1001 roundUp to 4 monthsInstallment plan 0%200 000 From 35%
Up to 36 months23–27% (lending)300 000 From 0 to 90%
Tez Tour (installments)Six months0% Absent
"Coral Travel"Up to 6 months installment plan0% From 20 to 50%
Up to 24 months loan39% Absent

The procedure for applying for a loan for a tourist trip at the agency is very simple:

  1. The client contacts the company with a package of documents.
  2. A travel agency specialist fills out an application and sends it for consideration to the bank with which a cooperation agreement has been concluded.
  3. If the loan amount is small, the application is processed automatically and a response is received within 5 minutes. For trips costing from 150,000 rubles. this takes up to half an hour.
  4. If the application is approved, a loan agreement is drawn up with the client and the documents necessary for the trip are drawn up.

If a travel agency issues travel packages in installments, it usually acts on its own behalf and not on behalf of the bank. In this case, only one contract is drawn up.

Some banking companies and travel agencies provide loans for trips to the sea or on tours in various countries. After weighing all the pros and cons, you can choose the most profitable program for yourself and relax using borrowed funds without overpayments.