Online car leasing calculator from Sberbank. Leasing conditions at Sberbank

Sberbank Leasing is a universal leasing company that has existed for 25 years and cooperates with all client segments and all types of property. It provides long-term lease of equipment or real estate with the right of further purchase.


Vehicle leasing

In 2019, this service can be used by both legal entities and individuals. As part of this car leasing program, you can purchase a passenger car (suitable for transporting up to 800 tons of cargo or transporting up to 8 people).

Under the leasing program (long-term rental) the following foreign or domestic brands are available:

  • Audi;
  • Ford;
  • Volkswagen;
  • Nissan;
  • Land Rover;
  • Mercedes-Benz;
  • VAZ (Lada);

The contract also contains a clause on compulsory auto insurance (MTPL, CASCO). The transaction process takes from 8 hours to 2 working days.

  • advance payment - from 10%;

When applying for leasing, the bank does not request the client’s credit history, so fewer documents will be required.

Read more about leasing at Sberbank in the video from the channel.

Commercial vehicle leasing

Leasing features:

  • the service is available for organizations and aspiring individual entrepreneurs;
  • it is possible to purchase commercial vehicles with a maximum weight of up to 5 tons, including microvans, pickups, etc.;
  • the contract provides for a clause on compulsory insurance (MTPL, CASCO);
  • the deal with the lessee will be concluded within 2 business days.

Conditions for leasing:

  • advance payment - from 15%;
  • financing amount - up to 24 million rubles;
  • contract term - from 12 to 37 months;
  • The financing currency is Russian rubles.

Freight transport leasing

Sberbank provides financial support to clients who want to purchase domestic or foreign-made freight transport with the right to purchase.

The machine must meet the following criteria:

  • have a permissible maximum weight of over 7 tons;
  • have no more than 41t/3;
  • have no more than 50t/4;
  • be a sponsored brand (DAF, KAMAZ, etc.).

The contract also contains a clause on compulsory insurance (MTPL, CASCO). The transaction process takes from 8 hours to 2 working days.

Sberbank Leasing JSC offers clients profitable programs on the following conditions:

  • advance payment - from 15% for foreign cars and from 20% for domestic cars and cars produced in the CIS;
  • financing amount - up to 24 million rubles;
  • contract term - from 12 to 48 months;
  • The financing currency is Russian rubles.

Leasing of special equipment

In Russia, all Sberbank clients can use this service.

Within the framework of this program, you can lease the following types of special equipment:

  • construction;
  • road;
  • agricultural;
  • warehouse

The contract also provides for compulsory insurance (MTPL, CASCO). The transaction process takes from 8 hours to 2 working days.

Sberbank Leasing JSC offers clients profitable programs on the following conditions:

  • advance payment - from 25 percent;
  • financing amount - up to 24 million rubles;
  • The financing currency is Russian rubles.

Bus leasing


  1. This service can be used by both legal entities and individuals.
  2. As part of this program, you can purchase a car. It must be suitable for carrying up to 800 tons of cargo or transporting up to 8 people.
  3. You can offer a vehicle of a foreign brand (Volkswagen, Audi, etc.) or a domestic one as a leasing vehicle.
  4. The contract contains a clause on compulsory insurance (MTPL, CASCO).
  5. The transaction process takes from 8 hours to 2 working days.

Sberbank Leasing JSC officially offers clients profitable programs on the following conditions:

  • advance payment - from 20%;
  • financing amount - up to 24 million rubles;
  • contract term - from 12 to 36 months;
  • The financing currency is Russian rubles.

Aircraft leasing

Sberbank provides financial support to companies wishing to purchase new or existing aircraft.

The program includes:

  • domestic aircraft (SuperJet 100, AN-124);
  • foreign aircraft (Boeing 737 Classic, Boeing 747-400);
  • helicopter (MI-8).

Sberbank Leasing JSC provides clients with profitable programs on the following conditions:

  • contract term - up to 12 years;
  • financing currency - Russian rubles;
  • The amount of the advance payment is determined individually.

Rolling stock leasing

This service can be used by all Sberbank clients. The fleet of rolling and traction stock leased is 50 thousand units.

Sberbank Leasing JSC can provide clients with profitable programs on the following conditions:

  • advance payment - from 5%;
  • contract term - from 7 to 10 years;
  • The financing currency is Russian rubles.

Leasing of sea and river vessels

Sberbank Leasing JSC offers favorable conditions for the purchase of sea and river vessels from domestic and foreign shipbuilders.


  • advance payment - from 10 to 20% (the interest rate is discussed when concluding the contract);
  • contract term - up to 10 years;
  • The financing currency is Russian rubles.

Equipment leasing

The company offers leasing services for the purchase of Russian and foreign-made equipment.

Sberbank Leasing JSC provides clients with favorable conditions:

  • advance payment - from 30%;
  • financing amount - from 30 million rubles;
  • the term of the contract is determined individually;
  • The financing currency is Russian rubles.

Real estate leasing

Domestic companies have the opportunity to lease real estate.

The company provides services under such leasing programs as:

  1. Returnable. The bank buys real estate from a client who refinances the debt on this property and receives it on a long-term lease.
  2. Financial. The company finances up to 80% of the market value of the property and leases it to the Buyer.

The leasing conditions are as follows:

  • the contract can be issued for a period of up to 10 years;
  • the lessee must make an advance payment, the amount of which is 10% of the market value of the property;
  • financing amount – from 100 million rubles.

Programs for medium and large businesses

Sberbank Leasing JSC offers optimal conditions for the purchase of transport and equipment for business.

Two programs have been developed for medium and large entrepreneurs:

  1. "Standard". The purchase of special equipment worth up to 300 million rubles is financed. The decision is made within 10 working days. The interest rate is set individually for each legal entity. The duration of the contract is up to 7 years.
  2. "Project". This is a special option that involves structuring the transaction for individual clients. Financing is provided in the amount of up to 1.5 billion rubles with an individual interest rate.

The video describes the Project program in detail. The video was taken from the Sberbank Leasing channel.

Leasing for the largest business

The registration of a leasing agreement for this category of business is carried out under the “Project” program. Representatives of Sberbank review applications from applicants whose activities are carried out within the framework of investment projects. They must qualify for a purchase worth up to 1.5 billion rubles.

The Lessor undertakes:

  • structure the transaction individually for the applicant;
  • allocate a leasing limit for a year;
  • provide a personal approach to setting interest rates.

Leasing at Sberbank for major businessmen can be calculated for the following objects:

  • transport;
  • aircraft;
  • rolling stock;
  • sea ​​and river vessels;
  • equipment and special equipment;
  • real estate;
  • communications and telecommunications.

Online calculator

Thanks to the online calculator, you can calculate the cost of leasing. You just need to enter the parameters, and the program will automatically calculate the amount of the monthly payment.

The purchase of expensive machinery, equipment and machinery remains inaccessible to small companies, and therefore rental and leasing services for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs have become popular. Sberbank has several programs for various types of equipment that will contribute to the development of small businesses.

What is leasing?

You can draw up a leasing agreement at Sberbank for a car, truck or commercial vehicle for a period of 12 months. According to the bank's terms, special equipment is provided for at least 21 months.

Leasing is a type of agreement under which the lessor (leasing company Sberbank Leasing) leases property to the lessee with or without the right to transfer ownership.

After both parties fulfill their obligations, the ownership of the leased asset is transferred by the leasing company to the lessee. The transfer of rights is formalized by an act of termination of the contract, which must be signed within 5 days from the end of the leasing period.

If the lessee does not sign the deed within the specified period, the lessor has the right not to transfer ownership rights to him. If the lessee has paid all lease payments, but has not fulfilled any other obligations (for example, has not paid fines or paid the redemption price), the ownership of the leased asset does not pass to the lessee.

If the lessee has lost the right of ownership or the right to operate when claims of third parties (competent state bodies, as a result of arrest, confiscation) are identified in the absence of the lessor’s fault, the lessee is obliged to unconditionally pay the closing amount of the transaction and compensate for losses within 10 days from the date of sending the claim lessor.

Terms of leasing for cars

To obtain a leasing agreement for a passenger car, a minimum down payment of 20% of the total cost of financing will be required. The maximum loan amount under the car leasing program is up to 24,000,000 rubles or up to 300,000,000 on an individual basis. After submitting the application, the bank makes a decision within 1-2 business days. The borrower can choose a payment schedule convenient for him: annuity, decreasing, differentiated or seasonal - and receive installments from 12 to 36 months.

You can lease either one passenger car or an entire fleet of vehicles at once. However, model range restrictions apply. More than 20 car brands are available under this leasing program, including Audi, Volvo, Volkswagen, Skoda, Citroen and others.

Leasing of commercial and passenger vehicles in Sberbank

up to 24 million rubles

from 12 to 36 months

* - interest under the agreement is set individually

Leasing of commercial vehicles in Sberbank

For the purchase of vans, pickups, minibuses and other types of vehicles under the Sberbank Leasing, Commercial Vehicle Leasing program, you can receive financing of up to 24,000,000 rubles or up to 300,000,000 according to client's request, an advance payment of 20% will be required.

Let's assume that a legal entity needs to lease a car worth 1,900,000 rubles. If you draw up an agreement with installments for 36 months and make an initial payment of 20% of the specified amount, then the monthly transaction will cost 55,717 rubles, and the overpayment will be 485,812 rubles (1,900,000 - 20% = 1,520,000 rubles went to leasing; total amount of payments: 55,717 * 36 = 2,005,812 rubles; 2,005,812 – 1,520,000).

Interest rates for each individual lease financing agreement may vary.

On the official website of Sberbank Leasing, using a special loan calculator, you can calculate the monthly payment based on the total cost of transport, the term of the contract and the amount of the advance payment.

Leasing of freight transport and special equipment

The conditions for registering freight transport under a leasing agreement differ from the conditions for passenger and commercial vehicles. To take a truck manufactured in Russia or one of the CIS countries, you will need a minimum advance payment of 20%, and a foreign-made one - from 15%. The agreement can be signed for a period of 1 to 4 years.

The maximum financing amount, decision-making time and payment schedule for truck leasing are the same as in the two programs described above.

To expand the fleet of special equipment, you cannot do without a down payment - at least 30%, and the term is up to 3 years. Under this program, you can lease construction, agricultural, road and warehouse equipment.

Leasing of freight transport and special equipment in Sberbank

up to 24 million rubles

from 12/21 to 48/36 months

* - conditions depend on the type of transport and equipment,
the amount can be increased to 300 million rubles

Is insurance required for a leasing transaction?

One of the main requirements for concluding a leasing transaction with Sberbank is mandatory car insurance. OSAGO and CASCO insurance policies must be valid throughout the entire term of the leasing agreement.

Not every insurance company's policy will meet the bank's requirements - only those included in the list of partner companies (or its subsidiaries). Among them:

  • "RosGosStrakh";
  • "VTB Insurance";
  • "VSK";
  • "AlfaStrakhovanie";
  • "Sogaz";
  • "Reso-Garantiya";
  • Liberty Insurance;
  • "InGosStrakh";
  • "Subsidiary" of Sberbank "Sberbank Insurance".

Insurance is mandatory for any leased vehicle.

Features of leasing financing at Sberbank

In 2017, new rules for leasing agreements were approved, however, little has changed in them. As before, when making changes to the agreement at the initiative of the lessee, he will have to pay 15,000 rubles in favor of the lessor. The temporary owner of the leased asset is obliged to independently ensure that the vehicle undergoes an annual technical inspection, registration and bears other expenses. Payment of transport tax is made by the party to the transaction in whose name the property is registered under the leasing agreement.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Leasing is one of the financial assistance options that allows you to first rent a car and then become its owner. The popularity of this banking service is steadily increasing. After all, not every person can pay a lump sum amount equal to the cost of the car, and then you will have to either borrow or save for a long time. A loan received from a financial institution is associated with a large overpayment. In addition, there is also paperwork, as well as a long processing time. Therefore, the best alternative is car leasing from Sberbank.

Advantages of leasing from Sberbank

This area of ​​financial activity is handled by the subsidiary of this credit institution, Sberbank Leasing. It works with representatives of small, medium and large businesses; branches are open in most major cities of Russia. The volume of its leasing portfolio, according to data for last year, amounted to 500 billion rubles.

Among the advantages of cooperation with Sberbank Leasing, experts highlight:

  • reliability. The international rating agency Fitch Ratings has repeatedly confirmed the impeccable business reputation of this company;
  • territorial accessibility. Residents of 64 Russian regions, as well as citizens of Belarus and Kazakhstan can use the services of Sberbank Leasing;
  • efficiency. An application for any of the company’s conveyor products is reviewed within 10 working hours;
  • minimum number of documents (6 positions in total);
  • availability of special programs for the purchase of equipment from world leaders in the automotive industry;
  • no need to divert a large amount of working capital. Additional guarantees and collateral are also not required;
  • no hidden fees;
  • optimal insurance programs for the transaction.

About leasing conditions

Leasing provides an opportunity to use a company owned by it in the economic activities. The lessee can choose any domestic or imported car.

The terms of the program are as follows:

  • the amount of financing for the purchase does not exceed 24 million rubles;
  • advance payment – ​​from 10 to 49% of the cost of the car expected to be purchased;
  • you can choose the appropriate type of regular payments - differentiated, decreasing or annuity;
  • The standard duration of a leasing agreement is 1, 2 and 3 years. And the maximum duration is 36 months (for trucks - up to 48 months);
  • the lessor allows himself from 8 hours to 2 working days to complete the transaction;
  • financing currency – rubles;
  • The lessee can place the purchased car on his or her balance sheet. The second option is that the vehicle remains on the lessor’s balance sheet, which is what applies to individual entrepreneurs;
  • Insurance of the subject of the leasing agreement is mandatory (and it is necessary to purchase not only insurance, but also insurance compensation for the original cost of the vehicle).
  • Seized cars

    Not all Sberbank clients fulfill their financial obligations under loan agreements or leasing agreements. In special cases, the financial institution uses its right to collateral and seizes the vehicle from the willful defaulter.

    Sberbank's sale of seized cars under leasing terms is aimed at our average compatriot. First of all, these are price benefits. Often the value of confiscated cars is below market value. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that their maintenance requires expenses, while Sberbank seeks to obtain working capital.

    The price of a confiscated car is determined by its estimated value specified in the contract. This factor excludes the possibility of banks manipulating this characteristic of seized vehicles when selling them.

    However, there are cases when the loan debt and the amount of accrued interest are higher than the cost of the car. Then the bank will continue to demand the missing funds not only from the borrower, but also from insurance companies.

    Having decided to purchase a seized car, first carefully study the property register on the Sberbank website.

    The number of offers there is limited. But at least you can find out the estimated cost of such cars.

    Used cars

    The issue of leasing a used car has its own characteristics. Let's look at just a few of them

    Firstly, here, of course, you need to understand that the list of used cars offered by Sberbank for sale under leasing terms does not include cars sold on the city car market. We are talking mainly about cars that were not finally purchased by the lessee and remained at the disposal of the lessor.

    Secondly, the conditions for the procedure for leasing a previously used vehicle are somewhat different from the standard purchase of a car on leasing. The main differences are:

  1. There is no initial lease payment. The reason is the relatively small monetary risk of Sberbank, because the cost of a used car is low.
  2. Longer term of the leasing agreement.
  3. It takes less time to make a decision on an application for leasing a used car.
  4. In paragraphs 2 and 3 are about comparison with leasing a new car.

    And thirdly, there are restrictions on the age of the car. They are usually installed taking into account the country of origin. The maximum age for cars made in Russia, as well as in CIS countries, is no more than 3 years. For vehicles that came off the production lines of automakers from the USA, Japan, South Korea and Western European countries - no older than 7 years. Details about the various methods and conditions for purchasing a used car on lease are in a separate article.

    For companies and organizations with the status of legal entities

    In our country, leasing services are used not only by individuals, but also by legal entities. Moreover, the latter are more common than the former. It is convenient for a legal entity to lease a passenger car if it is planned to actively use it for the delivery of small cargo or as a taxi. During active use, mechanisms and components wear out quickly, but if the machine becomes unusable, it does not need to be bought back.

    Car leasing for legal entities under the terms of Sberbank is more profitable than a credit program for the following reasons:

  • It is easier for legal entities to conclude an agreement to lease a car than to obtain a loan for its purchase. The financial institution takes seriously the verification of the solvency of a potential borrower and may require the provision of financial statements for the last several years;
  • There are no additional costs for maintaining a leased car. Since the car remains the property of Sberbank, it is not listed on the company’s balance sheet. Therefore, there is no need to pay taxes on it;
  • the ability to maintain a new car in perfect condition without spending money: leasing assumes that the lessor is responsible for repairs and maintenance of the vehicle during operation.

And if the car turns out to be unsuitable for work, the contract can be terminated without any problems and the car returned to the owner.

What to choose – car leasing or car loan: Video

Today, the closed joint-stock company Sberbank Leasing is recognized by all ratings as one of the largest leasing companies operating in the Russian Federation, as well as neighboring countries.

Today, the closed joint-stock company Sberbank Leasing is recognized by all ratings as one of the largest leasing companies operating in the Russian Federation, as well as neighboring countries. Today, it is Sberbank’s leasing projects that are involved in all areas of Russian industry. The main goal of the JSC is to actively contribute to the modernization and development of the economy of our country, to help the growth of funds of key enterprises in Russia. Today, Sberbank's leasing subsidiary receives the highest level of support from its parent state bank.

Leasing calculator in Sberbank

The Sberbank leasing calculator posted on our website allows you to make the most accurate calculation of the cost of a specific leasing program chosen by an individual or corporate client of the bank. The calculator also allows the client to determine which leasing repayment scheme will be the most optimal for him. In order to use the calculator, you need to enter the following data in the fields:

  • what type of leasing object do you plan to use;
  • what should be the duration of your leasing program;
  • total cost of the leased object;
  • interest on the leasing program set by the bank;
  • down payment amount;
  • the size of the one-time commission;
  • depreciation percentage;
  • type of payment (annuity/standard scheme).

Sberbank leasing for individuals

Sberbank offers individual clients a convenient leasing program for purchasing a car. Along with a car loan, leasing a car is distinguished by its simplicity and provides an individual with a number of advantages. In particular, leasing programs allow you to avoid large initial costs and save time on registering and processing a car. In order to lease a car, you need to select the brand of the car, the car dealership where you plan to rent it, and also collect data on the car and the seller for the bank. The paperwork process does not take much time. However, please note that you will be personally responsible for the car, despite the fact that it will officially belong to the bank.

Car leasing at Sberbank

For legal entities, Sberbank of Russia offers several car leasing programs:

  • car leasing;
  • truck leasing;
  • leasing of commercial vehicles;
  • leasing of special equipment.

Sberbank's corporate clients can take advantage of car leasing under the Light and Standard programs. The first is characterized by the ability to minimize the initial costs of purchasing a car on lease. The second, in turn, ensures that clients minimize monthly payments under the contract.

Real estate leasing Sberbank

In the field of real estate leasing, Sberbank is the undisputed leader among banking institutions offering similar services. The main products of Sberbank Leasing CJSC are:

  • Financial leasing, in which a credit purchase of various real estate objects is carried out. Under the terms of the program, the bank finances up to 80% of a specific property, after which the property itself is leased to a legal entity.
  • Leaseback involves refinancing expensive and short-term loans of the pawnshop and construction type. In other words, the bank purchases a property and then transfers it to the client on a long-term lease.

The term of real estate leasing can be up to 10 years. In this case, the leasing recipient must make only an advance payment, the amount of which, as a rule, is 10% of the market value of the object. The amount of leasing financing by the bank is from 100 million rubles.

The Sberbank Leasing vehicle leasing calculator is designed to familiarize you with the features of this offer, with the help of which you can easily make calculations for monthly payments.

Leasing calculator for real estate of the Sberbank Leasing company

Sberbank Leasing Company is one of the oldest leasing services market, the year of its foundation is 1993. Over these almost 20 years, the company, the main shareholder of which is Sberbank, has taken a leading position.

The programs for motor vehicles here are quite diverse, they cover both passenger vehicles and trucks. In addition, each client is offered a choice of two programs: Light and Standard, which differ in the number of documents collected and the terms of leasing.

The Light program allows you to minimize costs due to a reduced down payment, it can be only 10%. True, there is a fairly high rate of increase in price, it ranges from 6.94%. The Standard program, on the contrary, provides for an increased initial advance (from 20%), but the rate of appreciation is lower - from 5.08%.

Leasing for passenger vehicles

This direction allows you to draw up a leasing agreement for passenger vehicles, which must meet the following conditions:

  • New cars;
  • Available at any official dealer (the exact list can be found on the company’s website);
  • The number of seats should not exceed 8.

The amount of funding for both programs is the same and amounts to 12 million rubles. The currency in which the transaction is carried out is rubles. The period can be 12, 24, 36 or 37 months. The transaction is completed within 3 business days, and the equipment can be delivered to the client within up to 90 days.

Truck leasing

Sberbank Leasing extends leasing for trucks to a variety of vehicles:

  • General purpose trucks;
  • Truck tractors;
  • Trailers and semi-trailers;
  • Dump trucks.

Among the brands of equipment: Daewoo, DAF, Iveco, MAN, Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Ford, Hyundai, Isuzu, Scania, Volvo, GAZ, KamAZ, Ural. The weight of each leased object must be more than 5 tons, but less than 50 tons.

The amount of the initial payment depends on the country of origin of the vehicle and on the selected program (Lite or Standard). Thus, to arrange leasing for trucks manufactured in Russia and CIS countries, you will need from 20% in the Light program, and from 30% of the cost in the Standard program. For a contract for transport of foreign manufacture in the Light program from 15%, and in Standard - from 25%. The minimum rate of increase in price in the Light program is 6.84%, and in Standard - 4.97%.

Leasing of both cars and trucks implies mandatory insurance of several types:

  1. Car insurance under MTPL;
  2. Voluntary civil liability insurance (VLT) with a liability limit of 600 thousand rubles;
  3. CASCO with a liability limit not less than the cost of the car.

Participants in leasing programs can be any legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. An important condition is that the period of activity of the individual entrepreneur must be at least 1 year.

Check out the table showing the main terms of the leasing agreement: