Sberbank insurance return application form. Sample application for refund of loan insurance at Sberbank

Credit insurance is a targeted measure to minimize existing risks, additional protection of the interests of the creditor from an unreliable debtor, from non-repayment of debt for any reason. The terms of insurance are fixed by the loan agreement or special additions to it.

Let's consider the case of early repayment of a loan. There is clearly a basis for a full or partial refund of the insurance premium, since the insurance service was not actually used. Or they used it partially - it all depends on the time that elapsed from the date of conclusion of the agreement until the registration of the application submitted for return from the borrower.

Filling out an application to Sberbank

Sberbank of Russia is also an insurer when lending, so in this case the application is written to the bank. The easiest way to do this is on a standard form, which can be easily downloaded from the website and printed. You will need to enter specific numbers, namely:

1. loan agreement number,
2. the total documented amount of the contract,
3. one-time compensation of insurance premiums,
4. the amount received by the borrower,
5. the amount of the insurance premium (the difference between clause 2 and clause 4),
6. the amount of compensation claimed by the borrower,
7. the date when the last loan payment was made,
8. method of communication, contacts,
9. account number for transferring funds.

The application must be completed in two copies.

Further actions

  • 1. Contact the bank in a timely manner with an application. You must have with you the original loan agreement (a copy is possible), a debt repayment document indicating the date of the last payment, and a passport. As an option, use registered mail with notification.
  • 2. The bank must register the application with the employee responsible for incoming documents. A second copy must remain on hand indicating the date of receipt and the signature of the person who accepted the application.
  • 3. After the period allotted for consideration has expired, you should contact the bank. As a rule, after a decision is made and recalculation, the balance of funds is credited to the account specified in the application.

Refund of insurance depends on the timing of registration of the application. So:

  • the loan is repaid and the application is registered within 30 days from the date of signing the contract - this is the best option: all insurance is refundable.
  • if the application is registered not within 30 days, but within three months, you should expect only half the amount of money, approximately 50% will be returned.
  • if three or more months have passed, then the amount to be returned is calculated in proportion to the time during which the loan was used.
  • If the client made an application after the loan was closed, then the insurance may not be returned, but the borrower has the right to go to court to consider the issue.
  • The 13% income tax is non-refundable.

Judging by the reviews, if the client applies in a timely manner, Sberbank returns the insurance premium in whole or in part. Insurance may be refunded subject to individual conditions. One way or another, you should start by filling out an application. Download and fill out in peace of mind. A sample is attached.

Refund of loan insurance in Sberbank sample

Insurance and money

An application for refund of loan insurance from Sberbank and a sample can be found on the bank’s website. What is it for? So that in a force majeure situation you do not find yourself in a difficult situation. And you didn't have to pay a ton of penalty interest.

Let's figure out how everything happens

So you came to the bank, took the required amount for one year. They made payments regularly every month, but then ended up in the hospital or lost their job. And therefore you cannot pay the remaining amount.

Then the worst begins. For every day, penalties begin to accumulate. And your debt skyrockets. You have the money to repay, and the bank starts calling you demanding that you return the entire amount with a fine. As a result, the case goes to court, and you will most likely lose it because you refused to defend yourself. And you will have to pay for the loan, and for court services, and all the penalty interest.

Without registering with the appropriate company, all obligations fall on your shoulders. Based on this, it is not recommended to neglect the insurance company. Application for refund of loan insurance at Sberbank (a sample can be downloaded on the official website) - shows all the visual conditions. The services of an insurance policy are inexpensive, but they can protect you from unpleasant situations when the bank starts demanding money, and you will not be able to pay it.

This clause is often found in a banking agreement. If you stop depositing funds into the account, the obligations are transferred to your relatives. As a result, you add problems to your family. And it often turns out that they cannot pay either. And then it comes to collectors or the court. And all this is due to the fact that the client decided not to take out insurance.

What kind of insurance is there?

Like any financial transaction, insurance also varies. Loans are issued for a variety of purposes, and there are many advantageous offers. Also, don't forget about credit cards.

You can choose both the type of loan and insurance. If you have a dangerous job, you may be able to insure your injury at work. You have the right to make a claim for illness, job loss, insure your health and much more. The option that you consider most suitable is the one you should choose. You can register several at once - there are no restrictions.

How the contract is concluded

When you apply for a loan from a bank, you are offered to immediately obtain insurance. The bank itself or a third-party insurance company can act as an insurance agent. This process is not required, but is highly recommended. This is why some large banks have introduced mandatory insurance. This way, they make the transaction safer, not only for themselves, but also for you.

How to get back the money invested in insurance

Those who have already taken out insurance are wondering if there is a possibility of a return on the invested funds? There really is such a possibility. If the amount was paid once, then you can try to collect the rest of that amount before the expiration of the contract. Those. if the insurance was for 12 months, and six months have passed, then you can return the funds for the remaining six months.

First, you should look at the application for the return of loan insurance from Sberbank (a 2016 sample is available on the bank’s official page). Another option is to contact the bank at your place of registration, where they will tell you everything in detail and provide you with the necessary document. To write an application, you will need a passport and all documents related to contracts (both credit and insurance). It would be a good idea to make a copy of the document.

Key points in the statement

  1. Registration
  2. Loan and insurance agreement number
  3. Account details for transferring finances

You can indicate the details of the bank where you are repaying your current loan. This does not interfere with the possibility of filing an application.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It is enough to spend a few minutes filling out all the data. However, in some cases additional data may still be required. It all depends on the specific bank and insurer.

In such cases, you can either run around and collect the documents yourself or resort to financial companies that will do all the work for you for a small fee.

You have every right to withdraw your money if you feel that you no longer need the services. In most cases, the procedure is simple and does not present any difficulty. Only occasionally do you have to face unpleasant situations.

If you are planning to take up this matter and return the money, then you should look at the application for the return of loan insurance from Sberbank (the form is available on the Internet resource of this bank in the public domain).

How to get money back for insurance on a Sberbank loan

Given that all banks are actively imposing loan insurance on their borrowers, information on how to correctly refuse insurance after receiving a loan, how to return insurance if it has already been imposed, and how to return insurance in case of early repayment becomes no less important for Sberbank clients loan.

All about this in this article.

What is loan insurance

Loan insurance is an insurance product, exactly the same as compulsory motor liability insurance or property damage insurance, aimed at insuring the life and liability of the borrower to the lender (bank).

In accordance with this, if the insured borrower lost his job or disability, or life, the insurance company will be liable for his obligations to the bank.

Naturally, the cost of insurance increases in proportion to the increase in the loan amount. The insurance and banking systems as a whole are designed in such a way that none of them will remain at a loss, even if all the insured borrowers become incapacitated.

What can you insure your loan against?

  • getting disability
  • serious illness
  • job loss
  • deterioration in financial condition
  • death of the borrower

If you take out a consumer loan of any type (including a car loan), you will only insure your life and liability. If you take out a mortgage from Sberbank or any other secured loan, you will insure not only your life, but also the mortgaged property against damage.

Why do you need to insure your loan?

It is clear that every bank is trying to protect itself as much as possible from non-payment of loans. Especially when we are talking about Russia, where debt discipline is at a very low level, and therefore banks sell insurance of all types and other additional services to all clients. But the situation is even more cunning!

All large Russian banks themselves open their own insurance companies, which automatically become part of their holdings. And why?

The insurance business is also a very profitable business. Thus, the bank takes two skins from one client - both the loan interest for using someone else’s money and the amount of insurance for a service that is dubious from the point of view of usefulness.

Is credit insurance beneficial for the borrower?

No, it’s not profitable - the full cost of the loan immediately increases by the cost of insurance, but otherwise its usefulness is in question.

Loan insurance at Sberbank can be divided into the following types:

  • from receiving 1st, 2nd and other disability groups
  • from job loss
  • from the death of the borrower
  • property damage insurance

Cost of insurance, terms

Perhaps the most important question, besides the question of how to return insurance on a Sberbank loan, is the question, how much does all this happiness cost and for how long is the insurance issued?

The term of the insurance policy is absolutely identical to the term of the loan agreement, that is, if the loan term is 3 years, then the insurance policy is issued for 3 years.

Sberbank has both its own insurance company (Sberbank Insurance) and another 30 insurance partner companies. You can obtain a complete list of companies directly from Sberbank.

All insurance companies have completely different tariffs and interest rates, but we will focus on the Sberbank Insurance company, since it is the company that Sberbank will impose on you in the first place. You must take into account that you have the right to choose any other insurance company you like, with which Sber does not even cooperate.

  • accident insurance from 0.30 to 1% of the loan cost per year + many paid add-ons to the base tariff
  • life insurance from 0.30 to 4% of the loan cost per year + paid additions to the base rate
  • cancer insurance from 0.10 to 1.7% + paid extras
  • collateral insurance from 0.70% per year of the loan amount + paid additional fees to the base rate

Accordingly, the amount of insurance directly depends on the interest rate for the service and the size of the loan. The larger the loan amount, the more expensive the insurance will cost you.


Sber does not and cannot have any requirements for the borrower who wants to take out insurance for a loan from Sberbank. Well, what can you demand from the borrower in such a matter?!

But the bank has many requirements for a third-party insurance company (this is in case you do not want to use the services of Sberbank Insurance or any other of the 30 partner companies).

Well, that's understandable! Who wants to give a client (his money) to a company with which you do not have a mutually beneficial relationship (you give me - I give you).

A short example of requirements for a third-party insurance company:

  • 3 years of experience in the insurance market
  • compliance with the norms and laws of the Russian Federation
  • availability of a state license
  • the company has no debts to the budget
  • absence of lawsuits against the insurance company, which entail a decrease in equity capital by 10% or more
  • and so on

Documents for insurance

What documents are needed to obtain insurance from Sberbank when receiving a loan?

All you need is:

  • passport
  • real estate documents

How to get insurance

In order to insure a loan from Sberbank, you don’t need to be smart; this is not the same as returning insurance after paying off a loan from Sberbank. Everything is much simpler here!

What the process looks like:

  • choose a loan product at Sberbank
  • at the stage of negotiations with the credit manager, you express a desire to purchase insurance (and the entire process of loan approval is immediately simplified)
  • receive approval from the bank for your candidacy
  • choose one of Sberbank’s partner insurance companies or Sberbank Insurance, and you also have the right to attract a third-party insurance company
  • sign a contract with her
  • pay for the service
  • The bank employee attaches all this to the loan agreement

Pros and cons (features)

  • obtaining insurance when applying for a consumer loan from Sberbank is not mandatory
  • but otherwise, Sberbank has every right to refuse to issue you a loan (this is the main contradiction between legislation and life)
  • and in the case of a mortgage, you are required to insure the property against damage (this is the law)
  • you have the right to return the Sberbank loan insurance ahead of schedule, without waiting for the end of its validity, but if more than 30 days have passed, then only 50% of the cost of the insurance will be returned to you or the refund amount will be recalculated based on the remaining days
  • the return of insurance on a Sberbank loan occurs in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • you have the legal right to refuse loan insurance, even after receiving a loan within 1 month from the date of signing the agreement, and to “return” the service without changing the terms of the loan

Sberbank imposes insurance when applying for a loan, what to do

What to do if Sberbank imposes insurance when applying for a loan? Is this legal?

It is illegal! And in this case, you need to be guided by Article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 958, which states that banks do not have the right to impose life and health insurance on the borrower, do not have the right to fine borrowers in case of refusal and apply other sanctions. Otherwise, sanctions may be applied to the bank itself.

It also follows from the law that the borrower has the right to return the full cost of the insurance if more than 30 days have not passed since the loan was issued, and if more than 30 days have passed since the loan was issued, but the validity of the insurance policy has not yet expired, then only 50 are returned % of the cost of insurance.

But if we are talking about collateral lending (mortgage), the law obliges the borrower to insure the mortgaged property (Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 102, Article 31), and it will not be possible to refuse insurance. Read more about this in the article - is it possible to return insurance after repaying the loan?

How to get money back for insurance

Question: Do they refund money for loan insurance at Sberbank?

Answer: they refund if no more than 30 days have passed since the loan was issued; if more than 30 days have passed, but the policy has not expired, then only 50% of the cost can be returned, and the money for insurance can also be returned in case of full or partial early repayment of the loan (which does not affect the provisions on the return of the cost of insurance).

And now about how to return insurance on a Sberbank loan.

How to return insurance:

  • take a piece of paper and write an application for the return of insurance on a Sberbank loan in two copies addressed to the insurance company that provides you with the service
  • collect the necessary documents (more about them below)
  • submit the application and documents directly to the insurance office, and if you are served by Sberbank Insurance, you can also do this through a Sberbank branch
  • make sure the employee marks your application form
  • and wait for some movement from the insurance company
  • if your application is not accepted, they tell tales that they cannot do something, then start complaining to all authorities (start with the head of the Sberbank branch or with the director of the insurance company, then there is Rospotrebnadzor, the Prosecutor and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation)
  • if your application was accepted, but they still don’t want to return the money, then again start complaining to all departments

Waiver of insurance after receiving a loan

You have the full and legal right to express your refusal of insurance after receiving a loan from Sberbank, and if everything is done in accordance with the law, then no one will be able to “take away” the loan issued from you, and even no one at the bank will look askance at you.

It's simply a matter of returning a product that doesn't fit, just like with clothes.

As written above, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 958 gives you the right to refuse insurance after receiving a loan, as in any other bank in the country, within 30 days after receiving the loan, if more than 30 days have passed, then you have the right to return 50% of the cost of insurance, and if the insurance policy has expired, then there is no subject left for discussion.

Return of insurance upon early repayment of a loan at Sberbank is much more likely to be relevant compared to other cases of insurance returns (read the article - all about early repayment of a loan). This is understandable - you have repaid the loan ahead of schedule, you no longer need the insurance policy, and there may be another 12 months until the end of its validity. Of course, I would like to get my money back for a service that is no longer needed.

How to do it:

  • read your loan agreement, preferably together with a lawyer (in some cases, the agreement is drawn up in such a way that it circumvents Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and it will not be possible to return the insurance even through the court)
  • if the contract is ordinary, then find out the name of the insurance company where you purchased the insurance
  • write an application for the return of insurance addressed to this insurance company (we will provide a sample application below)
  • attach the necessary documents for insurance return
  • you send all this either by mail with return receipt requested (if you live in a remote region), or it’s better to personally submit these documents to the insurance company’s office
  • Be sure to make sure that the insurance employee has marked receipt on the application
  • if insurance employees refuse to accept the application, then write a complaint addressed to the director of the company with reference to Law 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • if the director of the insurance company does not want to accept the application or the company does not return your money at all, then write a complaint against this company to Rospotrebnadzor, the Prosecutor's Office and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (it is he who issues licenses to insurance companies)

Insurance return documents

In order to return the insurance after repaying the loan from Sberbank, of course, you need to provide the insurance company with some documents proving the fact of receiving the loan and the fact of purchasing insurance.

Documents for the return of insurance (both in the case of a regular refusal of insurance within 30 days, and in the case of a return of insurance upon early repayment of the loan):

  • application for return of insurance on a Sberbank loan in any form addressed to the insurance company
  • copy of the passport
  • loan agreement (copy)
  • certificate of absence of debt in the form of a bank

How much can I get back?

Summarizing everything that is stated in this article and the conclusions from the legislative framework, both in the case of a regular return of insurance (well, you didn’t like the product), and in the case of a return of insurance upon early repayment of a loan from Sberbank, it follows:

  • if you write a return application within 30 days from the date of registration of the loan agreement, then you will be refunded the full cost of the insurance
  • if the application is submitted between 1 month and 3 months, then you should expect a refund of 50% of the cost of the insurance policy
  • if the application is submitted much later than 3 months from the date of conclusion of the contract, then the cost of returning the insurance will be calculated in proportion to the days during which you used the insurance services
  • in any case, you will lose 13% income tax on the cost of the insurance policy

Insurance return application

Let's start with the fact that you can submit an application for the return of insurance on a Sberbank loan at any time and at any time during the validity of the loan and insurance agreement (the law allows you to do this). And as stated above, the timing of filing will only affect the amount of the refunded amount.

The application should be submitted to the company that provides insurance services. NOT TO THE BANK! Sberbank will not understand this issue and will most likely refuse you.

It’s a different matter if the insurance contract was concluded with a subsidiary of Sberbank (“Sberbank Insurance”), but even in this case you need to understand that this is a different company and an application for the return of insurance on a Sberbank loan should be written in its name, mentioning its details.

Also, the application should be written in two copies - you give one to the bank, on the other the bank employee marks its acceptance and gives the application to you.

  • in the back right corner, write “TO” (name of the insurance company, actual address, details)
  • in the upper right corner below write “FROM WHOM” (your full name)
  • in the header write “Application for refund of insurance on a Sberbank loan”
  • in the text of the application, describe your situation, mention your loan agreement number, when it was concluded, when it ends, and so on
  • indicate the size and cost of loan insurance
  • indicate your wish (to return the cost of insurance), indicate the reasons and grounds for your wish, refer to the law
  • indicate your account number to receive a refund
  • Finally, under the text, indicate your contact information, address, postal code
  • sign and decrypt

Read more about the rules and features of submitting an application for insurance return to all banks in Russia here.

Sberbank - loan insurance

Drawing up an insurance contract for lending is a voluntary procedure. But banks, taking advantage of clients’ legal illiteracy, force them to spend extra money. Is it possible to return insurance on a Sberbank loan, and how to do it - read the article.

Is it possible to refuse loan insurance at Sberbank?

Loan insurance at Sberbank is a service that, although costly for the borrower, can sometimes be useful. The amount of insurance depends on the type of loan and the rates of the insurance company cooperating with the bank. The amount reaches 15% of the loan amount.

If circumstances arise that prevent the borrower from repaying the loan on time, the insurance payment allows the debt to be repaid. Insured events include:

  • Documented job loss. A certificate from the employment center and a work book with a record of dismissal are provided.
  • Long-term illness or death of the borrower. A certificate from a medical institution or a death certificate is required.
  • An accident that resulted in long-term treatment. Documented.
  • Natural disasters, property theft.

In 2015, loan insurance from Sberbank is taken out voluntarily, with the exception of mortgages and car loans. When issuing consumer loans, bank managers offer to join an insurance program, but do not insist on it. If the client is confident in his future and does not want to insure himself, no one will force him to do so.

Refund of Sberbank loan insurance: step-by-step instructions

In the case where the recipient of a consumer loan has already become a participant in the Sberbank insurance program, the opportunity to return the money still exists.

What you need to do to get a refund:

1. Contact the bank at the place where the loan was issued with your passport and loan agreement.

2. Fill out an application for the return of insurance on a Sberbank loan in 2 copies.

3. Register the application with a bank employee, indicating the date of receipt and the signature of the person who accepted the documents.

4. Keep the second copy of the application.

5. In case of early repayment of loan funds, provide a certificate of closure of the loan account.

6. Wait for the insurance to be recalculated and the balance of funds to be credited to the account specified in the application.

Sberbank: is it possible to return insurance on a housing loan? This question worries all borrowers, since the size of the annual insurance premium is quite significant. In connection with the pledge of real estate, the bank has the right to guarantee its safety. Refund of insurance is possible if the loan is closed ahead of schedule. The situation is similar with car loans, when the car is pledged.

How to return insurance on a Sberbank loan if it is not necessary

If you have ever taken out a loan from a bank, then you already know about such an additional service as loan insurance. For those who have encountered it, the question of the possibility of returning the insured amount becomes relevant. That is why, in order to help you sort out all the difficulties, we will consider all aspects of assigning the sum insured and the conditions for its return.

Why do you need to insure a Sberbank loan?

Credit insurance is an additional voluntary service that the bank offers borrowers to obtain when concluding the main consumer or other type of lending agreement. Taking advantage of the legal illiteracy of their clients, bank employees impose insurance as a mandatory service, without which issuing a loan would be impossible.

The main areas of Sberbank's insurance services are:

  • insurance in case of loss of ability to work (disability);
  • loss of income (dismissal from main job);
  • insurance of purchased property against damage;
  • death of the borrower.

However, if we take into account the statistics in which an insured event occurs extremely rarely, then by paying for such insurance, which is not so little, you are simply giving your money to insurance companies for free.

Cost of insurance, terms

The very first question is: what is the cost of the insurance policy? After all, there is no single price for this service. It all depends on the company you choose as your insurer. The main nuance is that the term of the insurance policy is a priori equal to the term of the loan being issued. That is, if you took out a loan for 1 year, then you will have to pay for insurance throughout the year.

When taking out a loan from Sberbank, you can take out an insurance policy either from your own Sberbank Insurance Insurance Company or attract a partner insurer; Sberbank has about 30 of them. You can also attract your own company, but it must meet the standards set by the bank.

If we consider average prices, the cost of the policy for the year will be:

  • from 0.3 to 1% (of the loan value) - accident insurance (excluding additional services to the starter package);
  • from 0.3 to 4% - life insurance;
  • from 0.7% - insurance for collateral property;
  • from 0.1 to 1.7% - in case of cancer.

Pros and cons of Sberbank loan insurance

No matter how profitable a banking product is, you can always find pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  • this service is optional - if the client does not want to take out insurance, he can refuse it, but this does not apply to insurance of collateral;
  • if desired, the insurance can be returned in full or in part, if you do not wait until the end of the contract;
  • if an insured event does occur, the insurer will repay the loan for you;

The disadvantages include the following points:

  • the bank may follow the principle and refuse to approve a loan without purchasing insurance;
  • if the insured event did not occur, you wasted your money;
  • It is impossible to return the money after the end of the insurance period.

Refund of insurance after loan repayment

Everyone wanted to return their insurance premiums in full or at least in part if the insured event did not occur. However, you need to understand that no insurance company wants to lose its profits, and when signing an insurance contract with them, you must read the entire agreement in full, because particularly cunning companies prescribe the conditions under which they can refuse to pay you your insured amount .

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 958, each client can refuse life and health insurance when applying for a loan, and also has the right to demand reimbursement of the previously paid insurance amount if the term of the loan and insurance agreement has not yet expired.

It is important to understand that the conditions for the return of insurance premiums for each type of lending vary:

- Consumer loan- provides for the legal possibility of returning the previously paid insurance premium both during the first 14 days and throughout the entire loan term, under certain conditions. Therefore, by contacting the bank, if you were insured by Sberbank Insurance, or directly to the insurance branch, you ask for a form to draw up an application for the return of the insured amount. Fill it out in 2 copies, one for the company, one for you, and ask the manager to mark the acceptance of your application. If the insurance company refuses to fulfill its obligations, you can go to court with your copy.

- Mortgage- it implies 2 types of insurance: life and health, as well as collateral (apartment or house). If you have the right to refuse the first insurance, citing Article 958, then refusal to insure property is prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation. Therefore, you can only hope for the return of the insured amount if you repay the loan early.

- Car loan- in its essence is completely identical to mortgage lending. Consequently, if the borrower can refuse his own insurance, he simply does not have the right not to insure his car. And it will be possible to return part of the insurance only in case of early repayment of the debt, and only in an amount equal to the number of days remaining until the end of the insurance contract.

Sample application

To be able to return the insurance amount, you need to submit a written application to the bank branch where the loan was previously issued. The form is standard for all financial institutions:

  • in the header of the application the name of the institution, address and full name of the bank or insurance manager, as well as the details of the insured (full name, address and telephone number);
  • the main application indicates the grounds for the return of the insurance amount;
  • borrower's passport details;
  • payment card details for crediting funds to it;
  • number of the loan and insurance agreement, their execution and expiration dates;
  • date of application and personal signature.

You hand over the first copy to the authorized manager, and take the second copy for yourself, first giving it a mark of acceptance.

How much can I get back?

Depending on the type of lending and the terms of the insurance policy, the client has the right to return his money paid in the form of an insurance premium. You can request payment only in a few cases:

  • during the first 14 days after concluding the contract, you can submit an application for full reimbursement of the insured amount due to refusal of insurance;
  • if the term of the contract exceeds 14 days, then you can only count on 50% of the previously paid insurance premium;
  • If you repay the loan early, you can request a refund of the insurance, but in an amount calculated for the remaining insurance period.

Refund of insurance upon early repayment of loan

Most requests for the return of loan insurance premiums occur precisely in cases of early repayment of debt. After all, if the contract was drawn up for 3 years, and the loan was repaid in 2 years, then why overpay for an unnecessary service. Then you need to submit a written application to the bank or insurance company, asking for a refund of the previously paid insurance amount and to terminate the insurance contract due to early repayment of the loan.

If the insurance company refuses to reimburse you for the insurance premiums paid, and this is contrary to the terms of the contract signed by you, you can legally demand the return of the funds paid.

Refund of insurance within 14 days

After applying for a loan from Sberbank, if an insurance agreement was imposed on you, you have the right to refuse it without loss to yourself within 14 days. That is, if you managed to submit an application for termination of the insurance policy within this period, the bank guarantees you a full refund of the paid insurance premium.

However, if the insurance was issued by a partner company, then they may have a deduction from the insurance premium in the amount of 13-20%.

Arguments for protecting your rights

Perhaps the most pressing question for most borrowers is: “What arguments should be given in order to be able to get their money back?”

The most significant will be:

  • Imposition of the service - if the client can prove that he was not notified of the opportunity to refuse the insurance being taken out, or was forced to take out it in order to approve the necessary loan;
  • If the bank included the service of connecting to the insurance program in the total loan amount, it deliberately increased the amount of the commission. This is a violation of consumer rights and is subject to legal challenge;
  • If the borrower has repaid the loan, he has the right to refuse other services provided (in our case, insurance), if their term has not yet expired at the time of full repayment of the debt.


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The number of loans issued has been growing in recent years, even during the period of ruble devaluation, which leads to an increase in the number of insurance issued.

Most borrowers do not take advantage of the opportunity to return the insurance portion of the loan, due to the fact that they do not know in what cases this is possible.

But in reality, it is not difficult at all and takes very little time. In the article we will consider in detail the options in which a return is possible and the procedure itself.

What is the insurance part of the loan?

Insurance part of the loan- a value-added service designed to minimize the borrower’s risks to the bank in the process of repaying the debt. It is important to understand that the insurance contract is offered by the Bank, but is concluded by the insurance company. It is usually proposed to insure property, transport or life and health of the borrower. The policy period is equal to the term of the loan payments and its cost is usually distributed proportionally between monthly installments.

Banks often resort to one trick - they include in the cost of a consumer loan an amount that consists of an insurance premium (what is transferred to the insurance company) and an insurance commission (what the bank keeps for itself). And it could easily turn out that The bank commission is several times higher than the insurance premium.

To avoid such a trick, read the entire contract carefully- this determines how much of the insurance portion of the loan you can repay, because, as a rule, the Bank does not return commissions.

Many borrowers do not read the contract carefully, or simply do not know that concluding an insurance contract is not an essential condition for granting a loan. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, insurance only of the collateral is mandatory; all other types of insurance are voluntary, and you have the right to refuse them when receiving a loan.

But few people know that loan insurance You can refuse even after the conclusion of the contract. Remember, everything that managers tell you when concluding a loan agreement is just words. The rights and obligations, including the insurance part of the loan, are clearly stated in the agreement, and you need to carefully read it before signing.

In what cases is a return possible?

First, let's look at situations where Refund of the insurance portion of the loan is not possible:

You have repaid the loan in full in accordance with monthly payments.
In this case, the insurance contract is considered to have expired with your last payment. That is, the entire term of the loan agreement has passed, during which the risks were insured. For a paid Sberbank loan, insurance cannot be returned. The insurance contract signed by you states that early termination is not possible.
Yes, this also happens. This means that the insurance company was lying and you did not carefully read the terms of the contract.

Now, let's take a closer look at situations where the borrower may withdraw the premium paid for insurance:

You have entered into a loan agreement and an insurance agreement. But after a few days they realized that insurance was imposed on you, or they realized that you do not need it.
Take your contract and find a clause that will indicate within what period you can terminate the insurance contract without penalties. For most banks this period is 30 days. Sberbank sets it in 14 days. It means that You can get the full cost of your insurance back under a loan agreement concluded with Sberbank, within fourteen days after its signing. You repaid the full cost of the loan ahead of schedule.
This means that the insurance period for the loan you took out should be reduced proportionally. That is, if you repay the loan for 2 years twice as fast, you are required to return 50% of the insurance premium. It is important to know that the loan agreement may stipulate that it is impossible to return less than 50% of the insurance.

In any case, you can only understand exactly what part of the insurance you can return carefully reading the terms of the agreement. If your situation fits one of the above conditions, read about the return procedure below.

Instructions for refund of insurance premium

We prepare the necessary documents. If less than 14 days have passed since the conclusion of the loan agreement, you will need:

passport loan agreement insurance policy

If you have already repaid your loan early, then in addition to the listed documents:

receipts, checks confirming monthly loan payments, certificate of early repayment of the loan Fill out the application to return the insurance portion of the loan. An example statement is attached to the article below. With prepared documents and completed application contact the Sberbank branch. The loan manager is required to accept the application and endorse it with a signature, seal and date. If the manager refuses to accept the application - require a written reasoned refusal. The review period is no more than 30 days. When a positive decision is made on the application, the unused bonus will be transferred to the details specified in it.

Sample application to Sberbank for insurance refund

To download the document to your computer, please follow the link download sample in format MS Word

Also, the return application can be downloaded from PDF format

If the Insurer under your loan agreement is LLC IC "Sberbank Life Insurance", then you must fill out a special application form for termination of the insurance contract. Download form in PDF format.

Repayment of the loan insurance is guaranteed to you in the event if this possibility is specified in the contract There are often situations when a bank manager tries to delay the deadline for accepting an application as much as possible, citing the busyness or absence of the person in charge. Immediately, on the first day, require a written refusal. Most likely, the responsible person will be found immediately. Do not rush to terminate the insurance contract after early payment. You can return the remainder of the insurance premium only under a valid contract

The described steps for returning insurance on a Sberbank loan can also be applied to loans from other banks. It is only important to remember that You need to read the contract carefully before signing. Everything you have the right to is stated in the document.

To keep abreast of the movement of funds in your Sberbank account, connect Mobile Banking or register with Sberbank Online. How to do this:

Also, you may be interested in a video from an expert about the return of insurance premiums:

Nowadays, many people use loans and very often banks offer clients loan insurance. But not all citizens understand why it is needed and whether it is needed at all. And also, not everyone knows that insurance can be returned after repaying the loan. This is exactly what we will consider in this article.

Why do you need insurance when lending?

Today, a huge number of loans is growing, and, accordingly, the number of insurances. But first, let's figure out what insurance is.

Insurance is an additional service that makes the borrower's risks to the bank minimal. The main thing here is to take into account one nuance - this is that the insurance contract is concluded by an insurance company, not a bank. As a rule, insurance covers property, transport, and the life of the borrower.

Typically, an insurance contract is concluded for the period of the loan. But sometimes banks also include the amount of the insurance premium and the bank commission in the loan, and often the commission exceeds the insurance. But few people know that insurance can be returned. Therefore, you need to read the contract before signing it.

After all, bank managers don’t talk about this, but if the loan was taken out together with insurance, you need to know your rights and obligations so that if a controversial situation arises, you will be armed.

But still, many people have a question: is insurance needed at all and why? As it has already turned out, insurance is issued by an insurance company, which, if an event occurs that fits the insurance policy, helps repay the loan to the borrower. Of course, there are different situations that apply to insurance.

Namely: health problems in the person who took out the loan, loss of work, natural disasters. But that's still not all. It’s not so simple because the bank indicates a number of cases in its agreement, so you need to read it very carefully. For a bank, loan insurance is a definite guarantor.

Because if the borrower does not repay the loan, the insurance company will be forced to repay it themselves. Based on this, there are two loan insurances - liability insurance for non-repayment and non-repayment of the loan itself. In the first type, the contract is concluded by the borrower and the insurance company, but in the second case, the policyholder and the bank.

Moreover, the percentage of compensation by insurance ranges from 50-90% of the amount of the unclosed loan. Each loan has its own insurance. This is not just like that, because the life and solvency of the client are subject to insurance.

Of course, you can get life insurance, but it is far from cheap and sometimes interest rates reach 30% of the loan amount. Therefore, in principle, you can refuse insurance and no one can force you to do the opposite. But if the property is pledged, you still have to pay.

Some banks even refuse loans to those who do not take out insurance. Some banks increase the lending rate or even increase the loan fee, so they can compensate for losses due to this. Anyone who does not agree with the rate increase cannot be forced to take out a loan.

How can a bank impose insurance without being noticed?

When applying to a bank for a loan, managers can impose insurance, explaining that it is required to obtain a loan. But let's consider whether they have the right to do so. There are some situations when insurance is simply necessary and is an integral part of lending.

These include:

With a mortgage loan, there is also a danger of losing the apartment in case of non-payment; because of this, it is better for the borrower to take out insurance. Buying a car on credit. The car is pledged to the bank and in order not to lose it you need to insure it.

These are all cases in which compulsory insurance is required; in other cases it is voluntary. But, despite this, the bank may impose it in another case. Very often you can fall for this trick: if you take out insurance, the interest rate will be 25%, and if without insurance, then 30%.

And here the main thing is not to make rash decisions, because taking out a loan with a higher interest rate will be more profitable. Therefore, it would be a good idea to carefully read the loan agreement in a calm atmosphere and read all the terms, and you can also consult with a lawyer.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, insurance cannot be imposed, and if bank employees impose it, you must contact Rospotrebnadzor.

Is it possible to refuse insurance?

As has already become clear, insurance is a very expensive service for the borrower, but in some cases it is useful. Of course, the amount of insurance depends on the loan and prices of the insurance company that works with the bank. But if the borrower cannot pay the loan on time, then the insurance pays off his debt.

Insured events include:

Loss of a job. It is only necessary to confirm with documents that the person has been fired. Long-term illness or death of the borrower. Documents from the medical institution are also provided. Accident also needs to be supported by documents. Natural disasters.

Insurance is a voluntary service, of course, except in cases where its registration is necessary. The client has the right to refuse it and no one should impose it. Otherwise, the borrower may contact the relevant authorities for proceedings.

Refunding insurance at Sberbank: step-by-step instructions

Let's look at cases in which insurance refunds are possible.

The borrower can withdraw the insurance premium if:

We entered into a loan and insurance agreement. But they realized that there was no need for it. To do this, you need to find a clause in the contract that states the termination of the insurance contract without penalty. As a rule, this period is 30 days. But in Sberbank it’s 14 days. And then the entire amount will be returned. Another repayment case is early repayment of the loan in full. The insurance period will also be reduced. But often in the contract there is a clause where it is described that less than 50% is not returned.

But there are cases when a refund is not possible:

If the loan was repaid on time, then the insurance contract expired on the day of the last repayment. That is, the entire insurance period has been used. Then the insurance will not be returned. The insurance contract contains a clause stating that early termination is unacceptable. This happens, but it means that the insurance company deceived, and the borrower did not read the contract carefully. And then the insurance cannot be returned either.

To return insurance from Sberbank, it is recommended to follow certain instructions. When the client addresses this issue within 30 days after the conclusion of the contract, the insurance amount can be returned. If you apply after 30 days, it is possible to return about 50% of the amount. You can apply for a refund within up to 3 months.

To return you must complete the following steps:

Contact the bank where the loan was issued with an agreement and passport. Write a return application in two copies. Register the application with the bank, but it must have the date of acceptance and the signature of the employee who accepted it. The second copy must remain on hand. If the loan was repaid early, you must provide a certificate indicating that the amount has been paid in full. The final stage is waiting for the recalculation and crediting of the balance of funds to the account, which must be indicated in the application.

To return the insurance, you need to repay the loan ahead of schedule and, of course, carefully read the contract and understand every point.

Sample application

The return application must be submitted to the company with which the contract was concluded. There is a specific application template that must be filled out. The application, like any other document, has a “header” where the name of the bank, the address of the branch, and the details of the citizen from whom the application is given are indicated. Then the actual text of the statement.

And the text indicates when the agreement was concluded, for what loan, and also indicates the loan amount and the amount of insurance. Next you need to indicate how much money was issued. If the loan was repaid ahead of schedule, the repayment period is indicated. Well, naturally there follows a desire for the balance of the insurance funds to be returned.

The conclusion usually states that the application will be considered and a response will be issued within 10 days.

Insurance will be returned if it is written in the contract, so it won’t hurt to be careful when reading it. It occurs when bank employees independently begin to delay the deadline for accepting an application. Usually the pretext is the busyness of the employee who is doing this. Therefore, in this case, you need to immediately demand a refusal. And with a high probability, a responsible employee will be found and will accept the application. There is no need to immediately terminate the insurance contract after repaying the loan. Since it can only be returned according to the contract. You can choose an insurance company yourself. It will take a little time, but you can already find out the positive and negative sides of different companies and choose the one that is more suitable. It is very important to cooperate with banks whose services have already been used several times. So very often there are various discounts and bonuses for being a regular customer. You can also participate in various promotional programs, because there is competition between insurance companies, and many are starting to offer favorable conditions and offers.

To protect your loan, you need to choose a good insurance company. It should provide a large selection of offers and allow you to choose the right ones. The insurance company should not impose; it can only clarify questions that are unclear to the client. Of course, it is good and even necessary to insure your loan in some situations.

After all, anything can happen and no one wants to get on their nerves. And the insurance company will help you repay the loan without unnecessary stress and worry.

Drawing up an insurance contract for lending is a voluntary procedure. But banks, taking advantage of clients’ legal illiteracy, force them to spend extra money. Is it possible to return insurance on a Sberbank loan, and how to do it - read the article.

Is it possible to refuse loan insurance at Sberbank?

Loan insurance at Sberbank is a service that, although costly for the borrower, can sometimes be useful. The amount of insurance depends on the type of loan and the rates of the insurance company cooperating with the bank. The amount reaches 15% of the loan amount.

If circumstances arise that prevent the borrower from repaying the loan on time, the insurance payment allows the debt to be repaid. Insured events include:

Documented job loss. A certificate from the employment center, a work book with a record of dismissal is provided. Long-term illness or death of the borrower. A certificate from a medical institution or a death certificate is required. An accident that resulted in long-term treatment. Documented. Natural disasters, theft of property.

In 2015, loan insurance from Sberbank is taken out voluntarily, with the exception of mortgages and car loans. When issuing consumer loans, bank managers offer to join an insurance program, but do not insist on it. If the client is confident in his future and does not want to insure himself, no one will force him to do so.

Refund of Sberbank loan insurance: step-by-step instructions

In the case where the recipient of a consumer loan has already become a participant in the Sberbank insurance program, the opportunity to return the money still exists.

If you apply within 30 days after signing the loan agreement, the entire insurance amount is returned to the client. If more than 30 days have passed and the contract with the insurer has already been concluded, the money will be returned minus approximately 50% of the amount. You can apply up to 3 months from the date of signing the agreement. After 3 months, the amount of return insurance is calculated in proportion to the time you used the loan. If you apply after closing the loan, the funds are not returned, but the client always has the opportunity to defend his interests in court.

What you need to do to get a refund:

1. Contact the bank at the place where the loan was issued with your passport and loan agreement.

2. Fill out an application for the return of insurance on a Sberbank loan in 2 copies.

3. Register the application with a bank employee, indicating the date of receipt and the signature of the person who accepted the documents.

4. Keep the second copy of the application.

5. In case of early repayment of loan funds, provide a certificate of closure of the loan account.

6. Wait for the insurance to be recalculated and the balance of funds to be credited to the account specified in the application.

Sberbank: is it possible to return insurance on a housing loan? This question worries all borrowers, since the size of the annual insurance premium is quite significant. In connection with the pledge of real estate, the bank has the right to guarantee its safety. Refund of insurance is possible if the loan is closed ahead of schedule. The situation is similar with car loans, when the car is pledged.

Refund of insurance on a Sberbank loan: sample application

Due to low awareness, only 5% of clients return their loan insurance. If insurance is returned after 30 days, 13% income tax is withheld from the amount. Collateral insurance is required.

  • Category:

Payment in the event of an insured event occurs only after the documentation issue has been resolved. One of the main tasks is to correctly fill out an application confirming the current situation and interest in providing financial support from a specialized company.

Time frame for resolving an existing issue

SK Sberbank LLC considers any insurance cases on an individual basis, using a standard scheme defined by law. For this reason, the deadlines for informing about the event that occurred and submitting the established package of documents must be observed.

If an incident occurs, you should contact Sberbank within three working days. At this time, you need to submit an application for insurance payment to Sberbank Life Insurance. The written statement should set out all the real circumstances and features of the situation.

As a matter of urgency, not only Sberbank, but also the competent authorities should be informed about an insured event (diagnosed fatal illness, serious injury or death). Moreover, when an appropriate case occurs, a number of requirements must be met, on which the possibility of receiving financial support depends. Such requirements are established in the insurance policy, which defines the rights of each party, the insured and the insurer.

Within fifteen days, you should collect the established package of documents and transfer it to specialists. Before making a payment, it is mandatory to draw up an act confirming the possibility and expediency of transferring a certain amount.

Getting your Sberbank loan insurance back is not at all difficult if you take the right steps. From the article you will learn how and what to do.

Obtaining credit funds from banks of the Russian Federation is often associated with the imposition of additional services in the form of life insurance, health insurance, property insurance, and other things. The average person may not know, but every borrower has the right to either refuse insurance or, within a specified period, return the premium amount in part or in full. This material will tell how to return insurance on a Sberbank loan.

The lender was not chosen by chance. This is one of the largest players in the credit services market, directly connected with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the number of policies issued to citizens in this company significantly exceeds those of other organizations. And it is these people who are more often interested in the issue of returning funds obtained through not entirely honest means.

Issues of insurance for clients of banking institutions are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and, first of all, by special instructions of the Central Bank of Russia. Moreover, in different cases it is advisable to use different methods and algorithms of action.

Refund of Sberbank insurance after registration of the policy

If, at the time of signing the loan agreement, the client did not react and did not have time to legally refuse insurance, “ ” comes into force. It lasts 14 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement and can be used to legally terminate the contract with the insurance company. To do this, it is enough to write the appropriate application in the prescribed form, attach documents confirming the fact of payment for services and the policy itself. It will take several days to consider the issue, after which, as a rule, funds are transferred to the specified account number.

If the bank or insurance company gives a negative answer, it must explain it. If the client is not satisfied with the motivation, he can appeal to higher authorities, for example, by writing a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Rospotrebnadzor, or defend his rights in court.

But as noted earlier, if you do everything correctly and are guided not only by the Instructions of the Bank of Russia, but also by the internal regulations of Sberbank, following their recommendations, then problems with the return of the insurance premium, as well as the “fee for participation in the insurance program,” should not arise.

Is it possible to return insurance from Sberbank after early repayment of the loan?

As a rule, an insurance policy is issued for a period similar to the validity of the loan agreement, and the one-time payment made for using the services is divided into equal parts by the number of months until the client repays debt obligations. However, practice knows many cases when, due to a sharp improvement in financial situation or other circumstances, the borrower has the opportunity to close the debt to the bank ahead of schedule. Thus, the policy period is also reduced and this leads to the interest of the client to claim part of the balance of the insurance premium.

Unfortunately, today insurers in the contract directly indicate the impossibility of returning insurance after termination of the agreement. And when trying to defend one’s rights in court, this authority takes the side of the defendant, except in rare cases.

Insurance return mechanisms at Sberbank, depending on divisions

Special instruction of the Central Bank No. 3854-U established that lenders do not have the right to put forward additional demands on borrowers intending to return the funds spent on insurance. De jure, this means the possibility of submitting a free-form application with a request to terminate the insurance contract. In practice, things are different. To speed up the process and receive money in a short time, you must follow the requirements of Sberbank, which has established various application forms for its insurance divisions.

Return of insurance to Sberbank Insurance LLC

This division provides insurance of property, bank cards and other aspects involved in the relationship between the lender and the borrower. In order for the refund event to be completed successfully, you must attach an application in the Insurer’s form:

You can download the application form for the return of insurance to Sberbank Insurance LLC here: (downloads: 2068)

In addition, the following list of documents will be required:

  • insurance policy;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment for the insurance company’s services;
  • copy of the passport.

After the application is reviewed by the responsible official, the client will receive a notification of the decision made. If the answer is positive, the funds will be returned to the details specified in the application.

It should be noted that the established application form of LLC IC Sberbank Insurance does not quite comply with the requirements of the Directive of the Bank of Russia, in particular, the application requires indicating “the reason for termination of the insurance contract,” while the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation states that the return of the insurance premium must be carried out based on a written application from the Policyholder, without indicating the reason for termination of the contract.

But we would not recommend finding fault with the proposed format of the application, or providing it, in the case of Sberbank structures. All this can only lead to a delay in the return of insurance.

Return of insurance to Sberbank Life Insurance LLC

The second branch of the largest lender, engaged in providing services to the population, specializes in issuing policies related to the life and health of borrowers. It is worth remembering that in order to get a refund, you must fill out an application in the form approved by this particular Insurer. An example of it can be found below.

You can download the application form for the return of insurance to LLC IC LLC IC "Sberbank Life Insurance" here: (downloads: 1745)

The list of additional documents required to start the procedure is similar to the above.

Refund of Sberbank insurance under a collective insurance agreement

The third common format, actively imposed on Sberbank clients, is voluntary collective life and health insurance. Unlike the previous two, the working mechanisms here are different, since the Bank is the insurer, and the client is only the insured person.

This time, Sberbank PJSC acts as the main authority for proceedings and appeals, where you must submit your application. It is also drawn up in the form of a bank, similar to the previous example.

It should be remembered, that according to clause 4.1 “Conditions of participation in the borrower’s voluntary life and health insurance program (applied to Insured Persons accepted for insurance starting from February 4, 2018) - hereinafter referred to as “Conditions of Participation”” for the return of “fees for participation in the program..." the client must personally contact the bank branch and there write a statement in the prescribed form. It is specifically stated that “ Submitting an application by mail or using other communication channels is not permitted.».

We have great doubts about the validity of the above thesis, since it limits the client’s rights to notify the bank of his refusal by mail. What about citizens who, for one reason or another, cannot “personally visit” a Sberbank branch and write an appropriate application for refusal to participate in the insurance program? Or what to do in a situation where bank employees do not want to provide an application form for refusal of insurance, or do not want to accept an application from a client?

You can read the full text of the “Conditions of Participation” on the Sberbank website, at.

Or you can download the “Terms of Participation” here: (downloads: 74)

Is it possible to return Sberbank loan insurance after 14 days?

As noted above, when receiving a loan from Sberbank, you can be insured by concluding an insurance contract directly with the Insurer (Sberbank Insurance LLC, Sberbank Life Insurance LLC), or sign an application and be insured under a collective agreement insurance.

In the first case, you act as the Insured, and, therefore, there cannot be any discrepancies in the instructions of the Central Bank of Russia. You are given 14 calendar days to cancel insurance and return the insurance premium in 100% amount, unless a longer period is provided for in the insurance contract ( but it is not provided). Of course, you can try to return the insurance after 14 calendar days, but the result of consideration of your application may disappoint you.

Additional information on insurance refunds after the cooling-off period.

In the second case, you are simply an “insured person”, the Insured there is the SBRF. Of course, you can refer to judicial practice and the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and indicate that you must be the Insured under this agreement. But, as you will probably agree, there is no need for this, because... Sberbank does not create obstacles to the return of the insurance premium and describes in detail how and what needs to be done.

And so, according to clause 4.2 of the “Conditions of Participation”, the 14th day begins to count from the day following the day the loan was issued, and also that if the 14th day falls on a non-working day, the application can be submitted to the next working day.

In these cases the “fee for joining the insurance program” will be refunded in full. If you apply for a refund of insurance after the expiration of the period described above, Sberbank may also make a positive decision to return the connection fee. The refund amount is determined on an individual basis.

Insurance return options for clients: what you need to know

Practice shows that the commission charged by the bank for obtaining insurance can be several times higher than the face value of the insurance policy. In essence, it is a kind of reward to the lender for popularizing the services of a particular insurance company. Naturally, modern companies specializing in issuing loans and selling other banking services do not want to lose their money. Therefore, when attempting to request a refund of your insurance premium, you may encounter significant resistance. Employees' excuses vary greatly, depending on their imagination and instructions issued by management. For example, it could be:

  • there is no responsible official on site;
  • Processing the application will take a lot of time, since the state is very busy;
  • The database does not work or there are problems with the equipment.

All this sounds natural, and an ordinary client without experience may well believe and abandon his intentions. But if you persist and ask in writing to justify the refusal to accept the application, in almost 100% of cases all obstacles and interfering factors magically disappear, the equipment is instantly repaired on its own, and the person responsible for processing applications materializes at the workplace like a real magician .

Our return practice

Our company’s specialists have repeatedly faced the task of returning an insurance premium at the request of clients, including helping to return insurance on a Sberbank loan. We have practical experience and possess some unique knowledge that allows us to resolve this issue in favor of the applicant in a short time. For example, if an application to Sberbank Life Insurance was sent in free form, but the department requires a specific one, you can do without a visit to the bank by sending the updated version by email. But such manipulations are effective only for this division, since the Insurer is obliged to be guided by the Instructions of the Bank of Russia, which, in particular, notes the fact that the return of the insurance premium must be made on the basis of a written application from the policyholder and without indicating the reason for refusal of insurance - application form for Refund of insurance may be arbitrary! But, nevertheless, we recommend that you comply with the “requirements” of the insurer and provide documents for the return of insurance in “their form.”

If you don’t have the time, energy and desire to fight the system, challenge wrongful insurance refund decisions and stand in lines for hours, just turn to the experts. Based on proven and effective algorithms, we will find a way out of this situation and return the money that legally belongs to you.

Which leads to an increase in the number of insurance issued.

Most borrowers do not take advantage of the opportunity to return the insurance portion of the loan, due to the fact that they do not know in what cases this is possible.

But in reality, it is not difficult at all and takes very little time. In the article we will consider in detail the options in which a return is possible and the procedure itself.

What is the insurance part of the loan?

Insurance part of the loan- a value-added service designed to minimize the borrower’s risks to the bank in the process of repaying the debt. It is important to understand that the insurance contract is offered by the Bank, but is concluded by the insurance company. It is usually proposed to insure property, transport or life and health of the borrower. The policy period is equal to the term of the loan payments and its cost is usually distributed proportionally between monthly installments.

Banks often resort to one trick - they include in the cost of a consumer loan an amount that consists of an insurance premium (what is transferred to the insurance company) and an insurance commission (what the bank keeps for itself). And it could easily turn out that The bank commission is several times higher than the insurance premium.

To avoid such a trick, read the entire contract carefully— this determines how much of the insurance portion of the loan you can repay, because, as a rule, the Bank does not return commissions.

Many borrowers do not read the contract carefully, or simply do not know that concluding an insurance contract is not an essential condition for granting a loan. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, insurance only of the collateral is mandatory; all other types of insurance are voluntary, and you have the right to refuse them when receiving a loan.

But few people know that loan insurance You can refuse even after the conclusion of the contract. Remember, everything that managers tell you when concluding a loan agreement is just words. The rights and obligations, including the insurance part of the loan, are clearly stated in the agreement, and you need to carefully read it before signing.

In what cases is a return possible?

First, let's look at situations where Refund of the insurance portion of the loan is not possible:

  • You have repaid the loan in full in accordance with monthly payments.
    In this case, the insurance contract is considered to have expired with your last payment. That is, the entire term of the loan agreement has passed, during which the risks were insured. For a paid Sberbank loan, insurance cannot be returned.
  • The insurance contract signed by you states that early termination is not possible.
    Yes, this also happens. This means that the insurance company was lying and you did not carefully read the terms of the contract.

Now, let's take a closer look at situations where the borrower may withdraw the premium paid for insurance:

  • You have entered into a loan agreement and an insurance agreement. But after a few days they realized that insurance was imposed on you, or they realized that you do not need it.
    Take your contract and find a clause that will indicate within what period you can terminate the insurance contract without penalties. For most banks this period is 30 days. Sberbank sets it in 14 days. It means that You can get the full cost of your insurance back under a loan agreement concluded with Sberbank, within fourteen days after its signing.
  • You repaid the full cost of the loan ahead of schedule.
    This means that the insurance period for the loan you took out should be reduced proportionally. That is, if you repay the loan for 2 years twice as fast, you are required to return 50% of the insurance premium. It is important to know that the loan agreement may stipulate that it is impossible to return less than 50% of the insurance.

In any case, you can only understand exactly what part of the insurance you can return carefully reading the terms of the agreement. If your situation fits one of the above conditions, read about the return procedure below.

Instructions for refund of insurance premium

  1. We prepare the necessary documents. If less than 14 days have passed since the conclusion of the loan agreement, you will need:

    • passport
    • loan agreement
    • insurance policy

    If you have already repaid your loan early, then in addition to the listed documents:

    • receipts, checks confirming monthly loan payments
    • certificate of early repayment of loan
  2. Fill out the application to return the insurance portion of the loan. An example statement is attached to the article below.
  3. With prepared documents and completed application contact the Sberbank branch. The loan manager is required to accept the application and endorse it with a signature, seal and date. If the manager refuses to accept the application - require a written reasoned refusal. The review period is no more than 30 days. When a positive decision is made on the application, the unused bonus will be transferred to the details specified in it.

Sample application to Sberbank for insurance refund in 2018

In order to download the document to your computer, please follow the link in the format MS Word

Also, the return application can be downloaded from

If the Insurer under your loan agreement is LLC IC "Sberbank Life Insurance", then you must fill out a special application form for termination of the insurance contract. in PDF format.

  • Repayment of the loan insurance is guaranteed to you in the event if this possibility is specified in the contract
  • There are often situations when a bank manager tries to delay the deadline for accepting an application as much as possible, citing the busyness or absence of the person in charge. Immediately, on the first day, require a written refusal. Most likely, the responsible person will be found immediately.
  • Do not rush to terminate the insurance contract after early payment. You can return the remainder of the insurance premium only under a valid contract

The described steps for returning insurance on a Sberbank loan can also be applied to loans from other banks. It is only important to remember that You need to read the contract carefully before signing. Everything you have the right to is stated in the document.

To keep abreast of the movement of funds in your Sberbank account, connect or register to Sberbank Online. How to do it:

Also, you may be interested in a video from an expert about the return of insurance premiums: