Accounts used to record settlement transactions. Accounting for settlement transactions

State educational institution

Higher professional education

Faculty of Economics

Department of Accounting

Course work

discipline: Accounting (financial) accounting

on the topic: Accounting for settlement transactions of an organization


student of group 32

day department

Faculty of Economics

accounting calculation


Regulatory regulation of accounting of settlements of an organization

Types of settlements for commodity transactions

1 Settlements by payment orders

2 Settlements under a letter of credit

3 Payments by checks.

4 Payments for collection

Accounting for settlements with external counterparties and the state

1 Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors

2 Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers

3 Accounting for settlements with the budget for tax payments

4 Accounting for settlements with extra-budgetary funds for insurance premiums

Accounting for transactions on assignment of claims



All organizations, in the process of carrying out their activities, enter into economic relations with various legal entities and individuals: suppliers and buyers of inventory (work, services), financial and tax authorities, employees, etc. Economic relations between organizations imply settlements between them in cash or non-cash form. Accounting for settlements and transactions related to them is important for the proper organization of money circulation and for the efficient use of financial resources. Skillful distribution of funds brings income to the organization.

The purpose of writing this work is to consider the procedure for organizing and accounting for settlement transactions of an organization, as one of the main components of the accounting policy of an enterprise.

Job objectives:

Ø Study the regulatory documents regulating the area of ​​accounting under study

Ø Consider various forms of calculations and features of their application

Ø Study the procedure for settlements with various counterparties of the organization and their accounting

1. Regulatory regulation of accounting of settlements of an organization

The purpose of regulatory regulation of accounting directly in the organization is to ensure access of all interested users to the information contained in the accounting system.

The methodological foundations, the procedure for organizing and maintaining records of settlements in organizations are determined, like other areas of accounting, by a system of regulatory documents consisting of four levels.

The first level includes laws and other legislative acts. This is the Federal Law “On Accounting”, which establishes the principles and rules of accounting, defines the organizational basis for regulating accounting, and sets out the basics of its maintenance, starting with primary accounting documents and ending with financial statements.

The second level of the regulatory system is accounting regulations (standards) approved by the Russian Ministry of Finance. They fix the minimum state requirements for accounting, based on the needs of a market economy and world practice.

At the third level there are guidelines for accounting, instructions, and recommendations. The most important document at this level is the Chart of Accounts and Instructions for its use. The chart of accounts is a scheme for recording and grouping facts of an organization's economic activities in accounting. To account for settlements, a separate section is allocated here, accounts from 60 to 79. For example, “Regulations on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation.”

The fourth level is occupied by working documents of organizations that form their accounting policies in methodological, technical and organizational aspects. This level also includes internal instructions necessary for successful accounting in the organization’s management system and solving the problems of its functioning.

Payment transactions are also regulated by other areas of legislation. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, from a legal point of view, considers many issues of accounting work: forms of payment, the emergence and termination of obligations, etc. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation regulates settlements between the state and an organization in the field of taxation. The rules, forms, terms and standards for non-cash payments are established by the Bank of Russia in accordance with the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”. Cash payments by organizations are regulated by the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2007 No. 1843-u “On the maximum amount of cash payments and the expenditure of cash received by the cash desk of legal entities or the cash desk of an individual entrepreneur”

2. Types of settlements for commodity transactions

Settlements are monetary relationships that arise between organizations for commodity and non-commodity transactions. Commodity transactions include the purchase and sale of inventories, services, finished products, goods, etc. Non-commodity transactions are associated with settlements with research and educational organizations and institutions, with housing and communal services organizations for rent, with clientele for claims, etc. Non-commodity transactions are recorded on account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors.”

Settlements between legal entities, as well as settlements with the participation of citizens related to their business activities, can be made both in cash and non-cash.

Payments in cash can be made in an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles. The received funds go to the organization's cash desk, and then are subject to delivery to banking institutions for subsequent crediting to the organization's account.

“When making non-cash payments, payments by payment orders, letters of credit, checks, and collection payments are allowed. Payment documents are drawn up on paper on approved forms and must contain a number of mandatory details:

a) name of the settlement document and form code according to OKUD (All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation);

b) the number of the payment document, the day, month and year of its issue;

c) the name of the payer, his account number, taxpayer identification number (TIN) or foreign organization code (CIO);

d) name and location of the payer's bank, its bank identification code (BIC), correspondent account or sub-account number;

e) name of the recipient of funds, his account number, taxpayer identification number (TIN);

f) name and location of the recipient's bank, its bank identification code (BIC), correspondent account or sub-account number;

g) the amount of payment, indicated in words and numbers;

h) order of payment;

i) signatures of authorized persons and seal imprint;

j) some others."

1 Settlements by payment orders

Payment order - an order from the account owner (payer) to the bank servicing him, documented as a payment document, to transfer a certain amount of money to the recipient's account opened in this or another bank. The payment order is executed by the bank within the period provided for by law, or within a shorter period established by the bank account agreement or determined by business customs applied in banking practice.

“Payment orders can be made:

· transfer of funds for goods supplied, work performed, services rendered;

· transfers of funds to budgets of all levels and to extra-budgetary funds;

· transfer of funds for the purpose of returning/placing credits (loans)/deposits and paying interest on them;

· transfer of funds for other purposes provided for by law or agreement (for example, for advance payment of goods, work, services, or for making periodic payments).”

The payment order is issued by the payer on a standard form containing all the necessary details for making the payment (upon receiving the payment, the bank must control all information about the organization that is transferring money from its current account) and is submitted to the bank, as a rule, in 4 copies, each of which has a specific purpose:

- The 1st copy is used in the payer’s bank to debit funds from the payer’s account and remains in the bank’s documents;

- The 2nd and 3rd copies of the payment order are sent to the payee's bank: the 2nd copy is the basis for crediting funds to the recipient's account, remains in the documents of this bank, the 3rd copy is the basis for confirming the bank transaction, attached to the extract from recipient's accounts;

- The 4th copy is returned to the payer with the bank’s stamp as a receipt for acceptance of the payment order for execution.

The bank has the right to involve other banks to carry out operations to transfer funds to the account specified in the client’s order. The bank is obliged to immediately inform the payer upon his request about the execution of the order. Banks are liable for non-execution or improper execution of payment orders.

2 Settlements under a letter of credit

A letter of credit is a special account opened with a bank in which the buyer can reserve funds for subsequent settlements with sellers. At the same time, a letter of credit is not a bank account, since it is opened without concluding a special agreement with the bank and the seller will be able to manage the money transferred to the letter of credit only after fulfilling certain conditions stipulated in the supply agreement. Letters of credit can be revocable or irrevocable; covered and uncovered.

To be able to amend or cancel a letter of credit without notifying the seller, the buyer must open a revocable letter of credit. An irrevocable loan can be changed or canceled by the buyer only with the consent of the seller.

If the buyer opens a covered letter of credit, then the bank debits funds from his current account and reserves them for subsequent payments to the seller. The buyer cannot dispose of the money in covered letters of credit.

In case of an uncovered letter of credit, the seller's bank debits money from the correspondent account of the buyer's bank within the amount for which the letter of credit was opened. That is, the buyer’s funds are not debited from his current account and remain in circulation until the moment specified in the agreement. And only then the buyer’s bank debits the amount transferred to the seller from his current account.

To open a letter of credit, the buyer must draw up and submit to the bank a special legally approved form, which is filled out in 4 copies:

ü The bank returns the first copy to the buyer after making the necessary marks on it;

ü the second - remains in the bank;

ü The bank sends the third and fourth copies to the seller’s bank.

To receive money from a letter of credit, the seller must fulfill his obligations to the buyer, and then submit documents to the bank that confirm this. Their list is determined in the contract.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, “a letter of credit can be closed in the following cases: 1) upon expiration of the letter of credit; 2) at the request of the recipient of funds to refuse to use the letter of credit before its expiration; 3) at the payer’s request for full or partial revocation of the letter of credit, if this does not contradict the terms of the letter of credit.”

Reflection of the opening and use of a letter of credit in the buyer's accounting system depends on which letter of credit is opened - covered or uncovered.

Covered Letter of Credit:

a) transfer of money to a letter of credit:

Debit 55 “Special accounts in banks” subaccount 1 “Letters of credit”

Credit 51 “Currency accounts” (52 “Currency accounts”)

b) transfer of money from the letter of credit to the seller

c) if the covered letter of credit is not used, the money is returned to the current or foreign exchange account

Credit 55 “Special accounts in banks” subaccount 1 “Letters of credit”

Uncovered letter of credit

a) opening of a letter of credit:

Debit 009 “Collateral for obligations and payments issued”

b) disbursement of letter of credit funds

Loan 009 “Securities for obligations and payments issued”

c) transfer of funds to the seller’s account

Debit 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

(76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”)

Credit 51 “Currency accounts” (52 “Currency accounts”)

3 Payments by checks

A check is a security document containing an unconditional order from the drawer to the bank to pay the amount specified in it to the check holder. The drawer is a legal entity that has funds in the bank, which it has the right to dispose of by issuing checks. Check holder is a legal entity in whose favor the check is issued. Only a bank where the drawer has funds that he has the right to dispose of by issuing checks can be indicated as the payer of a check. The payer of a check is obliged to verify by all means available to him the authenticity of the check, as well as that the bearer of the check is the person authorized by it.

“The check must contain:

) the name "check" included in the text of the document;

) an order to the payer to pay a certain amount of money;

) name of the payer and indication of the account from which the payment should be made;

) indication of the payment currency;

) indication of the date and place of drawing up of the check;

) signature of the person who wrote the check - the drawer.

The absence of any of the specified details in the document deprives it of the validity of a check.”

The legal peculiarity of settlements by checks is determined by the fact that the issuance of a check does not extinguish the monetary obligation in fulfillment of which it was issued. Consequently, this fact is not reflected in any special accounting entries.

Funds specially reserved (deposited) for payment of checks are reflected in special subaccount 2 “Check books” to account 55 “Special accounts in banks”. The following accounting entries are used when recording transactions with checks:

a) depositing funds when issuing check books:

Debit 55 “Special accounts in banks” subaccount 2 “Check books”

Credit 51 “Current accounts”

"Currency accounts"

“Calculations for short-term loans and borrowings”

b) write-off of funds as checks issued by the organization are paid in the amounts of redemption by the bank of the checks presented to it (according to bank statements)

Debit 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

“Settlements with various debtors and creditors”

c) writing off amounts for checks returned to the credit institution (remaining unused)

Debit 51 “Currency accounts” (52 “Currency accounts”)

Credit 55 “Special accounts in banks” subaccount 2 “Check books”

Amounts for checks issued but not paid by the bank (not presented for payment) remain in account 55 “Special accounts in banks”; the balance on subaccount 2 “Checkbooks” to account 55 must correspond to the balance on the bank statement.

2.4 Payments for collection

“When making collection payments, the issuing bank undertakes, on the client’s instructions, to carry out actions at the client’s expense to receive payment from the payer and (or) acceptance of payment.

Settlements for collection are carried out on the basis of payment requests, payment of which can be made by order of the payer (with acceptance) or without his order (in an unaccepted manner), and collection orders, payment of which is made without the order of the payer (in an indisputable manner).

Payment requests and collection orders are submitted by the recipient of funds (collector) to the payer's account through the bank serving the recipient of funds (collector).

When accepting payment requests and collection orders for collection, the executive officer of the issuing bank checks the compliance of the payment document with the established form of the form and the completeness of filling in all the details provided for in the form.”

Payment request is a settlement document containing the demand of the creditor (recipient of funds) under the main agreement to the debtor (payer) for payment of a certain amount of money through the bank. They are used in payments for goods supplied, work performed, services rendered, as well as in other cases provided for by the main contract. In addition to the basic details, the payment request shall indicate:

a) payment terms;

b) deadline for acceptance;

c) the date of sending (handing over) to the payer the documents provided for in the contract if these documents were sent (handing over) to the payer;

d) name of the goods (work performed, services rendered), number and date of the contract, numbers of documents confirming the delivery of goods (performance of work, provision of services), date of delivery of the goods (performance of work, provision of services), method of delivery of goods and other details.

Settlements through payment requests can be carried out with prior acceptance and without the payer’s acceptance.

Without the payer's acceptance, settlements with payment requests are carried out in the following cases:

) established by law;

The payment request with acceptance by the recipient of the funds must indicate the payment period (at least 5 working days).

A collection order is a settlement document on the basis of which funds are written off from the accounts of payers in an indisputable manner. Applicable:

) in cases where an indisputable procedure for the collection of funds is established by law, including for the collection of funds by bodies performing control functions (a reference to the applicable law is required);

) for collection under writs of execution (an original or a duplicate of the writ of execution must be attached to the order);

) in cases provided for by the parties to the main agreement, subject to the provision of the bank servicing the payer with the right to write off funds from the payer’s account without his order (the collection order must contain a reference to the date, number of the main agreement and its corresponding clause, providing for the right to indisputably write off ).

3. Accounting for settlements with external counterparties and the state

1 Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors

Suppliers and contractors are organizations that supply raw materials, materials and other inventory items, as well as provide various types of services (supply of electricity, steam, water, gas, etc.) and perform various works (major and current repairs of fixed assets, etc. .).

Settlements with suppliers and contractors are carried out after the shipment of inventory items to them, the performance of work or the provision of services, or simultaneously with them with the consent of the enterprise or on its instructions.

For buyers and customers, such obligations are considered as accounts payable and are reflected in current accounting in account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors.” Records are kept for each supplier and contractor with a detailed breakdown of each element of the invoice.

After accepting invoices for delivered products (works, services), the accountant makes an entry:

Debit 10 “Materials” (for the cost of materials at accounting prices)

“Procurement and acquisition of materials” (at purchase prices)

“Main production” (for the cost of services received)

“General production expenses” (for the cost of accepted services)

“General business expenses” (for the cost of services received)

Credit 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

At the same time, the so-called input VAT is taken into account:

Debit 19 “VAT on purchased assets”

Credit 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

Payment of accounts payable can be made in any form not prohibited by law. The most commonly used payment methods are payment orders. The payer's bank debits the money from his current account and transfers it to the supplier's bank for crediting to the supplier's account. Accounting records of written-off and credited amounts are made on the basis of bank statements from the current account:

Credit 51 “Current accounts”

Repayment of obligations can also be made in cash from the payer’s cash desk:

Debit 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

Credit 50 "Cash"

Regardless of the assessment of inventory items in analytical accounting, account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” in synthetic accounting is credited according to the supplier’s settlement documents. If the supplier’s invoice was accepted and paid before the cargo arrived, and upon acceptance of the received goods and materials into the warehouse, a shortage was discovered, as well as price discrepancies and arithmetic errors were discovered, account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” is credited for the corresponding amount with account 76 “Settlements with different debtors and creditors, the sub-account “Claims settlements”.

Account 60 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” is debited for the amounts of fulfillment of obligations (payment of bills), including advances and prepayments, in correspondence with cash accounts. In this case, the amounts of advances issued and prepayments are taken into account separately.

Analytical accounting for account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” is maintained for each supplier and contractor in order to obtain the necessary data on suppliers for:

1)accepted and other payment documents for which the payment deadline has not yet arrived;

2)settlement documents not paid on time;

)uninvoiced supplies, advances issued;

)bills issued, the payment term of which has not yet arrived;

)overdue bills of exchange

)received commercial loan

2 Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers

Accounting for the enterprise's settlements with buyers and customers for goods shipped, work performed and services rendered is kept on account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”. The following subaccounts can be opened for it:

Subaccount 1 “Settlements by collection” (reflects obligations on invoices presented to buyers and customers for products shipped to them, work performed and payment documents accepted by the bank for payment);

Subaccount 2 “Scheduled payments” (used by enterprises that have long-term economic ties with each other);

Subaccount 3 “Bills received” (it takes into account the debt of customers secured by issued bills);

Subaccount 4 “Calculations for advances received” (necessary in cases where the buyer credits sums of money to bank accounts as an advance payment for the upcoming shipment of inventory items).

“Synthetic accounting of settlements with buyers and customers is organized as follows: account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” is debited with simultaneous crediting of accounts 90 “Sales” and 91 “Other income and expenses” for the amounts of shipped products, goods, other assets, work performed and services rendered as of the date of revenue recognition. Credit account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers should be in correspondence with accounts intended for accounting for cash, settlements or accounts receivable (for non-cash settlements).”

An organization's accounting policy may provide for the creation of reserves for doubtful debts. In this case, receivables that are unrealistic for collection are written off against the reserve, and if it is insufficient or absent, at the expense of financial results.

Debit 63 “Provisions for doubtful debts”

“Other income and expenses” subaccount 2 “Other expenses”

In any case, writing off debts at a loss due to the debtor's insolvency constitutes an incomplete cancellation of the debt. Therefore, it should be taken into account on the balance sheet for 5 years in order to monitor changes in the debtor’s property status:

Debit 007 “Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss”

Analytical accounting is carried out separately according to:

o to buyers (customers) and loan documents whose payment terms have not yet arrived;

o to buyers (customers) in the context of settlement documents not paid on time;

o advances received with the allocation of each legal entity and individual

o bills for which the due date for receipt of funds has not yet arrived;

o bills discounted (discounted) in banks;

o bills overdue (bills must be identified in accounting).

When making payments using planned payments, specific buyers and customers are identified in analytical accounting.

3 Accounting for settlements with the budget for tax payments

A modern organization pays a large number of taxes, fees and equivalent obligatory payments. They are the main source of funds from budgets at various levels (federal, regional, municipal). The main requirement for their proper accounting is completeness, correctness of accrual, control over timely payment, as well as the prevention of fines and penalties for tax violations.

Most taxable indicators and tax payments are determined directly from accounting data. To account for settlements with the budget, account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” is used, which is credited for amounts due under tax returns and calculations of contributions to budgets of various levels. In this case the following accounts are debited:

08 “Investments in non-current assets” for the amount of debts on taxes and fees in connection with capital investments and payment of duties for the acquisition of property rights;

10 “Materials”, 15 “Procurement and acquisition of materials” for the amount of debt on tax payments associated with the procurement of raw materials and materials;

20 “Main production”, 25 “General production expenses”; 26 “General business expenses”, 44 “Sales expenses” - for the amount of debt included in production costs

70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”, 75 “Settlements with founders” - for the amount of accrued personal income tax and taxes on participation in the organization;

90 “Sales”, 91 “Other income and expenses” - for the amount of VAT and excise taxes, for the amount of payments due from the buyer, or debt calculated from income from the sale of fixed assets payable at the expense of the financial results of operations;

99 “Profits and losses” - on the amounts of arrears accrued during the reporting year for income tax payments.

The debit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” reflects actual payments made to budgets of various levels, as well as VAT amounts accepted for offset or written off from the account of the same name, in correspondence with cash accounts.

Analytical accounting of settlements with the budget is carried out by type of tax payments. Based on its data, the amount of debt for each type of tax is determined. To ensure the correctness of this data, it is necessary to monitor all changes in the current tax legislation, the general taxation procedure, and requirements for the preparation of tax returns.

4 Accounting for settlements with extra-budgetary funds for insurance premiums

From January 1, 2010, the unified social tax was replaced by insurance contributions, on the basis of Federal Law dated July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ "On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and territorial compulsory medical insurance funds" .

This law established insurance premium rates for 2011.

“Contributions are calculated from the income of each employee and then these calculated contributions are summed up and paid immediately for all employees according to the established details. Calculation throughout the year is carried out on an accrual basis. Interest rates stop being charged when the employee's contributory income for the year exceeds a certain limit. In 2011, this limit is 463,000 rubles. In 2010 it was 415,000 rubles.”

Insurers also pay premiums for insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. These contributions are calculated based on the wage fund. The contribution rate depends on the sector of the economy that corresponds to the main type of activity of the organization. Tariffs are set in the range from 0.2% to 8.5%.

Calculations for contributions for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases in accounting are reflected in the credit of account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” in a separate subaccount “Settlements with the Social Insurance Fund for contributions for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases”.

Contributions are calculated in correspondence with the account that reflects the corresponding employee remuneration:

Debit 20 “Main production”

"Auxiliary production"

“General production expenses”, etc.

Credit 69 “Settlements for social insurance and security” subaccount “Settlements with the Social Insurance Fund for contributions to insurance against accidents and occupational diseases.”

For organizations and entrepreneurs using the general taxation system, the simplified taxation system and transferred to the payment of a single tax on imputed income, the tax burden (the sum of all insurance contributions) is 34%.

Those. if the employee’s salary is 30 thousand rubles, the organization or entrepreneur must pay:

Salary to employee in hand

Personal income tax

Pension Fund

The total amount of all insurance premiums (excluding personal income tax) will be 10,200 rubles.

Since 2011, there has been a very serious increase in the tax burden on organizations and entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system and UTII, because in 2010 this load was only 14%.

Insurance premiums are not charged for amounts of payments and other remuneration in favor of an individual (under employment or civil contracts (contracts, services)) exceeding 463,000 rubles on an accrual basis from the beginning of the billing period. Thus, in 2011, the maximum tax burden for each employee for a regular organization will be 157,420 rubles (463,000 * 34%), for organizations using reduced insurance premium rates: 26% - 120,380 rubles, 20.2 - 93,526, 14% - 64820.

4. Accounting for transactions involving the assignment of claims

In modern conditions, many organizations lack working capital. In this case, settlements between them can be carried out by non-monetary means, for example, using mutual offset, a bill of exchange or using a contract of measures, compensation. In addition, it is possible to use the so-called assignment agreement, or assignment of the right to demand the fulfillment of obligations on a reimbursable basis.

The assignment of the right of claim (cession) is understood as an agreement by virtue of which one party (the original creditor, assignor) transfers to the other party (the new creditor, assignee) the right to demand the fulfillment of an obligation by a third party (debtor, assignee), and the assignee acquires this right of claim from the assignor on conditions that do not worsen the debtor’s position.

When concluding an assignment agreement, a change of persons in the obligation must occur. This means that the parties must perform a number of necessary actions indicating a complete and unconditional change of persons in the obligation within the framework of which the assigned right of claim arose. By withdrawing from the main obligation, the original creditor interrupts any obligatory relationship with its debtor. In addition, he must transfer under the act all documentation confirming the existence of an obligation and being the basis for making claims, and provide information relevant to the implementation of this requirement. The right of the original creditor is transferred to the extent and on the conditions that existed at the time of transfer of the right, fixed in the assignment agreement.

It is unacceptable to transfer under an assignment agreement rights of claim that are inextricably linked with the identity of the creditor: claims for alimony, for compensation for harm caused to life and health.

The accounting procedure for transactions involving the assignment of the right of claim is currently not regulated by law. When carrying out operations related to the assignment of the right of claim, general rules and principles are applied, taking into account the specifics of the contract. According to PBU 9/99 and 10/99, transactions on the assignment of the right of claim should be reflected using account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

In the accounting records of the assignor, the assignment of the right of claim is reflected as follows:

For the amount of debt of the new creditor under the assignment agreement

Debit 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” subaccount “Assignee”

For the amount of sold receivables

Credit 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”

Under an assignment agreement, the assignor, as a rule, receives a smaller amount than was due from the debtor. Losses on the transaction of assignment of the right of claim are included in the non-operating expenses of the assignor. The amount of loss for tax purposes depends on the date when the assignment occurred: before the expiration of the period during which the debt for the shipped goods (work, services) must be repaid, or after this period.

If the debt is transferred before the expiration of its repayment period, then the loss is included in expenses when calculating income tax within the limits of the norms. This norm should not exceed the amount of interest that the enterprise would pay for the use of borrowed funds for the period elapsed from the moment of concluding the assignment agreement until the date of repayment of the debt specified in the purchase and sale agreement. Moreover, interest must be calculated on the sale price of receivables. The interest rate is assumed to be equal to the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia, increased by 1.1 times (the obligation is accounted for in rubles) or 15% (the obligation is in foreign currency).

If the debt is transferred after the due date for payment, then 50% of the amount of the loss is subject to inclusion in non-operating expenses on the date of assignment of the right of claim; 50% of the amount of the loss is subject to inclusion in non-operating expenses after 45 days from the date of assignment of the right of claim.

Accounts receivable acquired on the basis of an assignment of the right of claim are classified as financial investments of the assignee organization and are accepted at historical cost, which recognizes the amount of the organization's actual costs for their acquisition, excluding VAT and other refundable taxes.

The assignee's accounting records are represented by the following records:

Transfer of the right of claim under the transaction of assignment of the right of claim (in the amount of actual costs for the acquisition of receivables):

Debit 58 “Financial investments”

Credit 76 “Settlements with other debtors and creditors” subaccount “Settlements with the assignor”

Repayment of accounts payable

for the amount of receivables subject to collection

Debit 76 “Settlements with other debtors and creditors” subaccount “Settlements with the debtor”

Credit 91 “Other income and expenses” subaccount 1 “Other income”

by the amount of actual costs for the acquisition of receivables

Debit 91 “Other income and expenses” subaccount 2 “Other expenses”

Credit 58 “Financial investments”

for the amount of funds actually received

Debit 51 “Current accounts”

Credit 76 “Settlements with other debtors and creditors” subaccount “Settlements with the debtor”

The assignee who has purchased the right to claim receivables may assign it to another person under an assignment agreement. In this case, he will act as an assignor.


In the course of writing this work, I studied the main features of accounting for settlement transactions in an organization.

Payments can be made either in cash or by bank transfer. The work examines in detail the main forms of non-cash payments, such as letters of credit, checks, collections, and payment orders.

Effective organization of settlements and the use of the most convenient forms of payment in each specific situation will reduce the gap between the time buyers receive inventory and payment, eliminate the formation of unjustified accounts payable and the growth of inventory in transit.

If an organization does not have cash or funds in bank accounts, the law provides for the use of so-called non-cash settlements.

List of used literature

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 2) dated January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ (as amended)

2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part 2) dated August 5, 2000 No. 117-FZ (as amended)

Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” (as amended)

.“Regulations on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation”, approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2002 No. 2-P (as amended)

.“Regulations on the rules for organizing cash circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation”, approved on January 5, 1998 No. 14-P

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 No. 32n “On approval of the Accounting Regulations “Income of the Organization” PBU 9/99” (as amended)

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n “On approval of the Accounting Regulations “Organization Expenses” PBU 10/99” (as amended)

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2002 No. 126n “On approval of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Financial Investments” PBU 19/02” (as amended)

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n “On approval of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and Instructions for its application” (as amended)

Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2007 No. 1843-u “On the maximum amount of cash payments and the expenditure of cash received by the cash desk of legal entities or the cash desk of an individual entrepreneur” (as amended)

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Settlements of organizations with other business entities that arise when making transactions for the purchase and sale of products, goods and the provision of services in the process of economic activity are a necessary condition for the process of circulation of funds of the organization.

The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of many evaluative indicators of the organization’s activity (volume of sales of goods, profit, solvency, turnover of funds, etc.) are determined by the state of settlements. Therefore, the rational organization of settlements, which most fully meets the interests of all participants, is a necessary condition for ensuring their normal operation.

The rational organization of accounting for settlements helps to strengthen contractual and settlement discipline, fulfill obligations to supply products in a given quality, increase the responsibility of enterprises for compliance with payment discipline, reduce receivables and payables, and accelerate the turnover of working capital.

In RUE Gomselmash, accounting of settlement transactions is a separate section of accounting. The company carries out all types of settlements using forms established by law, all settlement operations are carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus.

The sources of legal regulation of non-cash payments in the Republic of Belarus constitute a system in which the Constitution plays a leading role. In accordance with Art. 136 of the Constitution, one of the most important responsibilities of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is to determine the procedure for settlements. Non-cash payments are also regulated by the laws of the Republic of Belarus, decrees and decrees of the President, Government resolutions, acts of the National Bank, the Supreme Economic Court and other regulatory legal acts.

Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus of December 7, 1998 No. 218-3 in paragraph 4 of Art. 775 establishes the general rule that settlement relations are regulated by law.

The Procedural and Executive Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses dated December 20, 2006 No. 194-Z establishes the procedure for the administrative process, the rights and obligations of its participants, as well as the procedure for the execution of administrative penalties.

The main regulatory legal act in the field of non-cash payments is the Banking Code of the Republic of Belarus dated October 25, 2000 No. 441-3, which contains both general provisions on payments and provisions regarding the implementation of non-cash payments in various forms.

The most important by-laws and regulatory legal acts when maintaining accounting records of settlement transactions include:

Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Accounting and Reporting” dated October 18, 1994 No. 3321-XII (as amended and supplemented).

This Law defines the legal and methodological basis for organizing and maintaining accounting records, establishes requirements for the preparation and presentation of financial statements, and regulates relationships on accounting and reporting issues in the Republic of Belarus.

The standard chart of accounts and Instructions for the application of the standard chart of accounts for accounting (as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated December 11, 2008 No. 187), approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated May 30, 2003 No. 89.

The Standard Chart of Accounts and the Instructions are intended for maintaining accounting records in organizations of all forms of ownership and types of activities, regardless of organizational and legal forms, keeping records using the double entry method. Based on the Standard Chart of Accounts and the Instructions, the organization’s Chart of Accounts is approved, containing a complete list of synthetic and analytical accounts (including sub-accounts) necessary for accounting, taking into account the industry-specific characteristics of economic activity.

Instructions on bank transfers, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2001 No. 66 (as amended and supplemented), defining the procedure for making payments between the payer and the beneficiary via bank transfer.

Instructions on organizing the execution of payments from current (settlement) accounts in Belarusian rubles in the order established by law, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2001 No. 63 (as amended and supplemented).

This Instruction defines the procedure for making payments for urgent needs, the procedure for transferring (issuing) funds for wages, the procedure for paying wages within the established minimum, and defines the specifics of the design and execution of settlement documents and checks; the procedure for suspending operations on current accounts of business entities and other aspects are regulated.

Instructions on the procedure for performing banking documentary operations, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2001 No. 67 (with amendments and additions).

Instructions on the approval of forms of the consignment note form TTN-1, consignment note for release and capitalization of inventory items form TTN-2 and Instructions for filling them out, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated May 14, 2001 No. 53, in the data The instructions define the rules and procedure for filling out TTN-1 and TTN-2.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 29, 2000 No. 359 “On approval of the procedure for settlements between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the Republic of Belarus” (with amendments and additions).

The procedure applies to settlements carried out on the territory of the Republic of Belarus by legal entities, their separate divisions and individual entrepreneurs.

Rules for cash settlements between individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, their separate divisions and individual entrepreneurs within the limits of the amount of cash credited to current (settlement) accounts, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated August 29, 2002 No. 169 (as amended and additions).

Instructions on the procedure for performing transactions with bank plastic cards, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated April 30, 2004 No. 74 (with amendments and additions).

The instructions on the procedure for performing transactions with bank plastic cards were developed in accordance with Articles 26, 32 of the Banking Code of the Republic of Belarus and determine the procedure for issuing bank plastic cards by banks of the Republic of Belarus and non-banking financial institutions of the Republic of Belarus, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, processing, acquiring, use of bank plastic cards by legal entities, their separate divisions, individual entrepreneurs and individuals, as well as settlements for transactions carried out using bank plastic cards.

In the process of carrying out production and economic activities, organizations are constantly faced with the need to make monetary payments both within the organization itself and outside it. The enterprise has relationships with the personnel performing the production task, which also entails settlements with the employees of the enterprise, with social security authorities and other organizations and individuals.

It should be noted that business entities of all forms of ownership are required to store their funds intended for carrying out economic activities in the institutions of the banks that serve them. Settlements between business entities must be made non-cash.

In exceptional cases, with the permission of the head of the servicing bank, settlements between organizations in a certain amount can be made in cash.

At RUE Gomselmash, cash payments are made by the cashier. For this purpose, the enterprise has a cash desk - a specially equipped, isolated room with an alarm system and a fireproof metal safe for storing money and securities.

The organization's cash desk receives cash received from accounts at the bank; returned unused imprest amounts; amounts contributed by the guilty parties to repay shortfalls and material damage; revenue from sales of products, goods, works, services, materials, etc.

Cash can be issued from the cash desk of RUE Gomselmash to employees for the following purposes:

Under the report for business and operating expenses;

In order to reimburse expenses incurred by the employee from personal funds for the needs of the organization (by decision of the manager);

For travel expenses; for payment of wages;

For the payment of social insurance benefits and scholarships;

For issuing loans, etc.

RUE "Gomselmash" submits to the bank institution a copy or extract from the collective agreement, employment agreements (contracts) indicating the terms of payment of wages, benefits when opening current current accounts and changing the terms of payments, information on the amount of these payments is submitted on time and in the manner specified determined by the contract.

The managers of RUE "Gomselmash" are obliged to ensure the safety of money at the cash desk, as well as when delivering it from the bank and depositing it in the bank, and bear responsibility in accordance with the established procedure in cases where, through their fault, the necessary conditions for the safety of funds were not created. The cash register room must be isolated, the door to the cash register must be locked from the inside during transactions. Access to the cash desk premises by persons not related to its work is prohibited. All valuables at the cash desk must be stored in safes (fireproof cabinets), and in some cases - in iron cabinets, which are locked and sealed after the cash register is closed. The keys to the safe and seal are kept by the cashier, and duplicate keys are kept in bags and boxes sealed by the cashiers by the head of the organization. Their availability is checked at least once a quarter.

Within the time limits established by the head of RUE Gomselmash, but at least once a quarter, a sudden inventory of the cash register is carried out.

To carry out an inventory of the cash register, a commission is appointed by order of the head of the organization. Based on the results of the inspection, the commission draws up an inventory report of cash and other valuables and an inventory report of cash foreign currency and other valuables.

If a shortage or surplus is detected in the cash register, the act indicates the amount of the shortage or surplus and the circumstances of their occurrence.

The cash register inventory is carried out at least once a quarter by their inventory commissions or external auditors. Control over the conduct of cash transactions is assigned to the chief accountant of the organization.

Responsibility for compliance with the rules for conducting cash transactions rests with the head of the organization, the chief accountant, heads of financial services and cashiers.

To carry out various business and other tasks, RUE “Gomselmash” issues sums of money for reporting to individuals.

Accountable funds are issued for business trip expenses, the purchase of various materials, small household, postal, telegraph and other administrative expenses. The list of persons entitled to use accountable amounts is established by the management of the organization.

The accountable person is given an advance in the amount necessary to carry out the planned activities, but only if he has no debt on previously received amounts.

After completing the order, the accountable person is obliged to submit an advance report on the expenses incurred to the accounting department within three days.

The main type of transactions for accountable amounts in RUE Gomselmash is the payment of travel expenses. A business trip is a trip by an employee, by order of the head of an organization, to another location for a certain period of time to carry out an official assignment outside the place of his permanent work.

The business traveler is reimbursed for the costs of renting accommodation, travel to and from the place of business trip, to the place of permanent work and daily allowances. In accordance with the instructions, travel expenses to the place of business trip and back to the place of permanent work are reimbursed only upon presentation of travel tickets in the amount of the cost of travel by public transport (except taxis), including insurance payments for compulsory insurance of passengers on transport, payment for pre-sale services travel documents, expenses for the use of bedding. Payment of travel expenses is made according to the standards established by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus for business trips in the Republic of Belarus, to the CIS countries, foreign countries (except the CIS).

An advance for travel expenses to the territory of foreign countries can be paid in the national currency of the country where the employee is sent or in a freely convertible currency.

The final payment based on the results of the business trip is made based on actual expenses, confirmed by documents, taking into account the established standards at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of the advance report. In the absence of documents for currency exchange at exchange offices of authorized banks, calculations are made at the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

The bank carries out non-cash payments using documents of a special form, certified by the signatures of the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant and a seal.

In addition, RUE Gomselmash has settlement relationships with personnel:

w on wages;

w for the purchase of goods on credit;

w on providing loans;

w for compensation for material damage;

w for other operations.

RUE "Gomselmash" carries out settlements with suppliers and contractors:

· for inventory, work performed and services provided, including the provision of electricity, gas, steam, water, etc., as well as for the delivery or processing of material assets for which payment documents have been accepted and are subject to payment through the bank;

· for goods and materials received, work accepted and services consumed for which payment documents were not received from suppliers or contractors (uninvoiced deliveries);

· for surplus inventory items identified during their acceptance;

· for goods and materials received, work accepted and services consumed, payments for which are made by bills of exchange, as well as in the order of scheduled payments;

· for transportation services received, including calculations for shortfalls and overages of the tariff (freight);

· for all types of communication services and others;

· for advances issued for the supply of material assets or performance of work, as well as for payment for products and work accepted from customers for partial completion.

Settlements of RUE "Gomselmash" with buyers and customers are carried out:

In the collection procedure for finished products, goods, works, services;

By way of collection from buyers for the sale of inventory items;

In collection order for the services of the mechanical detachment;

In collection order for fuel and energy resources;

In collection order for other services and orders;

In order to collect rent from buyers;

For cash;

Around the Visitors' Room;

By container;

For fixed assets;

Calculations for government procurement;

Using bills of exchange;

Settlements with buyers and customers in agriculture, etc.

In the process of economic activity, RUE Gomselmash also has settlements for non-commodity transactions with depositors, according to executive documents, insurance authorities, etc., which relate to settlements with various debtors and creditors. For example, organizations make contributions to insurance organizations. Their amount for compulsory types of insurance is determined by law. This applies to risk types of insurance, when the lives of employees of RUE Gomselmash are insured in connection with working conditions in the organization that are life-threatening. The amount of the insurance premium for voluntary insurance is determined in the contract.

Currently, RUE Gomselmash has received a short-term loan for the purchase of inventory. The lender is OJSC Belpromstroybank.

The procedure for lending, processing loans and their repayment is regulated by the rules approved by the National Bank and loan agreements.

Upon receipt of an application for a loan, OJSC Belpromstroybank in the prescribed manner checked the creditworthiness and solvency of RUE Gomselmash, assessed the capacity of the enterprise and the ability to timely repay the loan and interest on it. For this purpose, RUE Gomselmash provided the following documents to OJSC Belpromstroybank:

annual balance sheet with all appendices thereto;

balance sheet as of the last quarterly date;

Profits and Losses Report;

copies of agreements to confirm the credited transaction.

It should be noted that for long-term lending, it is necessary to additionally provide a business plan, including calculation of the economic efficiency and payback of the loaned project. Other documents may be obtained at the bank's discretion.

The loan is issued in a non-cash manner for certain purposes stipulated by the loan agreement, by paying from the loan account the accepted payment documents of the supplier or the payment documents of the borrower, drawn up in accordance with the law. The loan can be directed to the current account of the borrower - a legal entity for payment of wages and other purposes.

Taxes and fees mean mandatory deductions of funds from payers in amounts determined by law. RUE "Gomselmash" pays the following types of taxes and fees to the budget:

Taxes included in the cost of products (works, services):

· in the Federal Social Security Service - 34%;

· in Belgosstrakh for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases - 1.98%;

· land tax;

· environmental tax;

· contributions to the innovation fund - 0.25%.

Taxes paid from proceeds from the sale of products, works, services:

· VAT (rates are differentiated);

· tax on sales of goods in retail trade - 5%.

Taxes paid from profits:

· real estate tax - 1%;

· income tax - 24%;

· targeted fees (transport fee for the renewal and restoration of public transport, fee for the maintenance and development of the infrastructure of the city (district) - 3%.

Taxes withheld from the salaries of the organization's employees:

· income tax.

State social insurance is a system of pensions, benefits and payments to citizens of the Republic of Belarus at the expense of the state insurance fund - the Social Protection Fund.

The payment procedure and amount of contributions for social insurance and security are regulated by relevant regulations. The object for the calculation of compulsory insurance contributions to the Social Protection Fund are all types of payments in cash and in kind accrued in favor of employees on all grounds, regardless of sources of financing, including remuneration under civil contracts, except for those provided for in the list of types of payments for which mandatory insurance contributions are charged to the Fund, approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

Accrued amounts for social insurance are included in the costs of production of products, works, and services. Currently, for RUE Gomselmash, the amount of deductions is set at 34% of the taxable wage fund. Mandatory contributions to the Social Protection Fund (pension fund) are also deducted from employee wages in the amount of 1%.

In addition, RUE Gomselmash makes payments for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases in the amount of 1.98%.

However, accounting for settlement transactions is impossible without proper documentation and the use of synthetic and analytical accounting accounts. Therefore, in the next paragraph of the thesis we will consider these aspects of accounting for settlement transactions.

Settlements, or settlement transactions, are understood as actions caused by settlement relationships, carried out by the parties independently, related to the fulfillment of obligations between them, which are regulated by the provisions of the law.

Payments are the initial and final link in the circulation of an organization’s funds. At the same time, the continuous renewal of the turnover cycles of the organization’s funds is ensured by timely payments and receipt of funds in bank accounts, and the time of circulation of funds depends on the correct organization of accounting of settlement transactions and the rationality of the forms of payment used.

Accounting for settlement transactions faces the tasks presented in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1 – Tasks of accounting of settlement transactions

The subjects of settlement relationships for railway transport organizations are individuals or legal entities.

The objects of settlement transactions can be transactions of a commodity and non-commodity nature. Commodity transactions include settlements between organizations for goods sold, work performed and services rendered, and non-commodity transactions include settlements with the budget for taxes and payments, repayment of loans, loans and interest payments, transfer of insurance premiums, settlements with various debtors and creditors, etc.

To obtain the necessary and detailed information about settlement transactions, they should be classified according to the criteria shown in Figure 7.2.

Figure 7.2 – Classification of settlement transactions

The legislation establishes a calendar order of payments, defines a procedure for monitoring compliance by organizations with settlement and contractual discipline, and the safety of unpaid inventory items in safekeeping.

In the first place Payments are made in the following order:

    to the budget, state target budget and extra-budgetary funds;

    according to executive documents on the collection (payment) of wages, alimony, expenses spent by the state on the maintenance of children who are on state support, amounts for compensation for harm caused to employees by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health, as well as in the event of the loss of a breadwinner and compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

    for realized material assets of state and mobilization reserves;

    for the fulfillment of obligations under bank loans secured by a pledge using funds received from the sale of pledged property in accordance with the law.

In the second Payments are made in turn:

    for the received natural gas, electrical and thermal energy;

    for utilities;

    to repay debt on bank loans and interest on them;

    for the undisputed collection of penalties for unfulfilled obligations to pay consumers (except citizens) for natural gas received.

On the third In turn, payments are made for agricultural products, their processed products, food products, medicines, feed yeast, book products related to education, science and culture.

On the fourth Then all other payments are made.

Payments within the same queue are made in the order of calendar receipt of settlement documents at the payer's bank.

In organizations of the Belarusian Railway, in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the form of payment agreed upon when the obligation arises, the following settlement documents are used:

    payment order;

    payment request-order;

    payment request.

There are certain requirements for filling out payment documents, stipulated by the relevant regulatory documents (Banking Code, Bank Transfer Instructions, etc.).

Such requirements, for example, include the following:

    production of payment document forms by printing or using electronic computer technology

    compliance with the size of the fields of payment document forms

    allowing abbreviations of text in settlement documents that do not complicate (distort) its understanding

    not exceeding the allowed number of characters in the document

If a settlement document is drawn up in violation of the requirements, the banking institution has the right to return this settlement document without execution to the accounting department of the railway transport organization.

When making payments for which the payer is the initiator of the payment, payment documents such as a payment order or a payment request-order are used.

A payment order is a payment instruction according to which the sending bank, on behalf of the payer, transfers funds to the receiving bank to the person specified in the order (beneficiary).

In accordance with the Bank Transfer Instruction No. 66, a payment order is primarily a payment document used for non-cash payments in the form of a credit transfer.

Payment order submitted by railway transport organizations to the servicing bank in the number of copies determined by the bank, but not less than two copies. The first copy of the payment order is certified by a seal imprint and signatures of officials of the payer organization in accordance with the sample signatures and seal imprint submitted to the bank.

All copies of a payment order accepted for execution are affixed with a bank stamp and the date of acceptance, after which a second copy of the payment order is issued to the payer organization. The first copy of the payment order is the basis for debiting funds from the account and, after execution of the payment order, is placed in the documents for the bank.

Payment request-order is a payment instruction containing the request of the beneficiary (recipient of payment under the obligation) to the payer to pay the cost of the goods delivered under the contract, to make payments for other transactions on the basis of settlement, shipping and other documents provided for by the contract sent to him (bypassing the servicing bank).

The payment request-order is submitted by the beneficiary directly to the payer, bypassing the banks servicing them. The first copy of the payment request-order is certified by the seal and signatures of the beneficiary.

Payment request is a payment instruction containing a request from the recipient of funds (beneficiary) to the payer to pay a certain amount through the bank.

A type of settlement using a payment request is collection. Collection represents an order from the client to the bank to transfer to the payer documents, accompanied by commercial documents or not accompanied by commercial documents, in order to collect payment.

Checks and bills most common when making payments in the form of international collection.

The payment request is issued by the beneficiary (collector) and submitted to the bank serving him (recipient bank) for forwarding to the bank serving the payer (sender bank).

The payment request is drawn up on the established forms and submitted to the receiving bank in triplicate. The first copy of the payment request is certified by a seal imprint and signatures of officials of the beneficiary (collector) in accordance with the sample signatures and seal imprint submitted to the receiving bank.

All copies of the payment request are affixed with the actual date of submission and the bank’s stamp. All copies of the register indicate the actual date of submission of payment requests to the receiving bank. The first copy of the register, certified by the signature of the responsible executor, remains in the recipient bank, the second, certified by the signature of the responsible executor and the stamp of the recipient bank, is returned to the beneficiary as confirmation of receipt of the documents.

To document intra-economic settlements of railway transport organizations, an advice note is used. Advice is a written notice of changes in the state of mutual settlements or of the transfer of payments, dispatch of goods, products, performance of work, services, etc., sent by one organization of the Belarusian Railway to another organization.

The required details of the advice note are: number and date, name of the organization with which settlements are being made, content of the transaction and the amount of debit or credit to the internal settlement account, corresponding accounts, and other clarifying details. The advice note is issued in three copies: the first copy remains with the organization transferring the assets and serves to reflect transfer transactions in its accounting records; the second copy, supplemented with notes on the acceptance of assets, remains as the basis for reflecting the transaction in the accounting records of the receiving party; the third copy, with marks from the transmitting and receiving organizations, is transferred to a higher organization to make adjustments to the analytical accounting.

Letter of Credit– a form of non-cash payments in which the bank is the obligated person to the payee (beneficiary).

Mandatory participants in a letter of credit transaction are:

– issuing bank, i.e. the bank issuing (opening) the letter of credit;

– applicant of the letter of credit, i.e. a client of the issuing bank instructing him to open a letter of credit. As a rule, the orderer is the payer under the main agreement providing for the letter of credit, i.e. the buyer, customer, lessee, borrower, etc.;

– beneficiary, i.e. the person in whose favor the letter of credit is opened and payment or acceptance and payment is made;

– executing bank (advising, or confirming, or other bank), i.e. a bank authorized by the issuing bank to accept and pay if the beneficiary fulfills the terms of the letter of credit.

Bill of exchange is, on the one hand, a means of processing a commercial loan provided in a commodity form by sellers to buyers in the form of a deferred payment of debt for goods sold (services provided), on the other hand, a security that contains the obligation of the drawer to pay a certain amount of money to the holder of the bill, regardless of the grounds for issuance bills.

There are two types of bills of exchange - simple and transferable.

A promissory note (solo bill) is a written document containing the obligation of one person (the drawer) to pay a specified sum of money to a specified person (remitter or first payee) or his order when due or upon demand. A bill of exchange (draft) is a written document containing an unconditional order from one person (the drawer, or drawee), addressed to another person (the payer, or drawee), to pay a certain amount of money to a certain person (the first recipient or remitee) or his order on a specified date. term or at his request.

A synthetic account is provided to account for settlements between railway transport organizations and suppliers and contractors 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”.

Subaccounts have been opened for account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” in railway transport organizations, which are presented in table 7.1.

Table 7.1 – Subaccounts 60 accounts

Subaccount number

Subaccount name

Settlements on bills

Settlements with organizations of the main activity of the road

Settlements with other organizations are expensive

Settlements with contractors for capital investment projects

Settlements with budgetary institutions of the Republic of Belarus

Settlements with other organizations of the Republic of Belarus for goods, works, services

Settlements with organizations of CIS countries

Settlements with organizations of other countries

Calculations for advances issued to contractors

Settlements on advances issued for goods, works, services

Table 7.2 presents the correspondence of accounting accounts for settlements with suppliers and contractors.

Table 7.2 – Correspondence of accounting accounts for account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

Account correspondence

Incurrence of debt to suppliers and contractors

Acceptance of accounting for equipment for installation received from suppliers at actual cost

Reflection of actual costs associated with the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets and bringing them to a state in which they are suitable for use (when acquiring objects from outside and when creating them on our own); with the creation of an intellectual property object, research and development work; acquisition of design and estimate documentation, as well as reflection of the costs of modernization (reconstruction) when carrying out work by contract

Acceptance of materials received from the supplier for accounting; identification of excess materials received from the supplier during their acceptance in terms of quantity and quality

Issuance of a bill upon receipt of goods, works, services

10, 15, 16, 17, 41

Acceptance for payment of payment documents from suppliers and contractors for materials received (accounting is carried out using account 15)

Taking into account the amount of deviations identified as a result of reconciliation of settlements with suppliers in the current year (the accounting debt was listed as lower than the real one); using the “red reversal” method, the amount of deviations identified as a result of reconciliation of payments with suppliers in the current year was taken into account (the accounting debt was higher than the real one)

End of table 7.2

Account correspondence

Taking into account the amount of VAT on acquired fixed assets, intangible assets, material resources and transportation costs associated with their delivery, etc.

Acceptance of invoices from third parties for work (services) performed

Acceptance of the cost of goods received from suppliers into account

Filing a claim with the supplier for violation of the terms of the contract

Acceptance for accounting by a higher organization to pay debts to suppliers for material assets acquired by structural divisions of the railway

Reflection of the shortage of material assets upon their acceptance in terms of quantity and quality

Reducing the reserve for repairs of fixed assets by the amount of expenses in the amount of the cost of work performed by third parties

Reflection of expenses for uneven repairs of fixed assets (a reserve for the repair of fixed assets is not created at the enterprise); exchange rate differences on revaluation of accounts payable in cases established by law; expenses for the design of facilities provided for in construction plans for future years, when work is performed by third parties

The emergence of accounts receivable under account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

Advance payment (advance payments) to the supplier (contractor)

Reflection of the indexation of the advance paid to the contracting design organization (in the customer’s accounting); amounts of awarded (accrued) fines, penalties, penalties for violation of the terms of the agreement (accounted for by the creditor) according to a court decision

Repayment (writing off) of debt to suppliers

and contractors

Return of materials to the supplier if defects are detected

Write-off of the cost of material resources when returning them to suppliers (without posting to account 10)

Write-off of VAT amounts on fixed assets, intangible assets, equipment for installation, materials, goods purchased from suppliers and in case of their return

Reflection of the amount of markdown of goods at the expense of suppliers

Write-off of shipped packaging subject to mandatory return to suppliers

Payment to the supplier of debt for material assets received, work and services performed, etc.

The debt to the supplier is paid by the buyer (when offsetting mutual claims in cases permitted by law)

Repayment of debts to suppliers and contractors through received short-term and long-term credits or loans

Repayment of debt to the supplier by transfer of a bill of exchange

Write-off of accounts payable with expired statute of limitations

To account for settlements with buyers and customers, a synthetic account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” is provided.

The following subaccounts are opened to account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”:

62-1 “Settlements on bills of exchange”;

62-2 “Settlements with organizations of the main activities of the road”;

62-3 “Settlements with other road organizations”;

62-4 “Settlements with customers for completed stages of unfinished work”;

62-5 “Settlements with budgetary institutions of the Republic of Belarus”;

62-6 “Settlements with other organizations of the Republic of Belarus for goods, works, services”;

62-7 “Settlements with organizations of the CIS countries”;

62-8 “Settlements with organizations of other countries”;

62-9 “Calculations for advances received.”

Table 7.3 presents the correspondence of accounting accounts for settlements with buyers and customers.

Table 7.3 – Correspondence of accounting accounts for account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”

Account correspondence

The occurrence of debt in settlements with buyers and customers

Presentation of an invoice to the buyer for the amount of revenue (when accounting for revenue at the time of shipment and presentation of payment documents)

Presentation of an invoice to the buyer for the amount of proceeds from the fixed assets, materials and other material assets sold by him (when accounting for revenue at the time of shipment and presentation of payment documents)

Presentation of an invoice to the buyer for the amount of awarded and accrued fines, penalties, penalties for violation of the terms of the contract (according to the court decision); write-off of unclaimed debt by the buyer

Other business transactions reflected in the debit of account 62

Reflection of amounts for completed stages of work, the cost of which was pre-paid by the customer

Payment to customers from the organization's cash desk

amounts for the goods returned to him (which were previously sold to him in cash)

Refund to the buyer of the advance previously received from him, as well as excess funds received

Reflection of accrued payments for transportation due to foreign roads in interstate traffic

Repayment of debts by buyers and customers

Receipt of funds from buyers and customers in the form of cash and non-cash payments for goods, products (work, services) sold by them; receiving advances for the supply of inventory, performance of work and provision of services

End of table 7.3

Account correspondence

Offsetting mutual claims in situations established by law; payment of debt to the supplier by the buyer (in cases permitted by law)

Repayment of debt on a loan and interest on it by transferring the debt to another person (buyer or customer)

Repayment of debts on taxes and fees at the expense of buyers and customers (without crediting funds to the taxpayer’s accounts)

Carrying out mutual settlements with other creditors

Other business transactions reflected on the credit of account 62

Write-off of accounts receivable for which the statute of limitations has expired and is unrealistic for collection using the previously formed reserve for doubtful debts

Write-off of accounts receivable with an expired statute of limitations, if the creation of a reserve for doubtful debts is not provided for

Accounts payable were revalued when the exchange rate increased (from the moment of receipt of advance payment until the moment of shipment)

To summarize information on the status of settlements on short-term loans received, as well as loans attracted by an organization through the issuance and placement of bonds, the account is intended 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”.

The following subaccounts are opened to account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”:

66-1 “Settlements on short-term bank loans”;

66-2 “Settlements for short-term loans”;

66-3 “Settlements with credit institutions for accounting (discount) transactions of bills and other debt obligations.”

Table 7.4 presents the correspondence of accounting accounts of settlements for short-term and long-term loans and borrowings.

Table 7.4 – Correspondence of accounting accounts for accounts 66"Calculations

for short-term loans and borrowings" and 67 "Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings"

Account correspondence

Calculations for short-term and long-term loans

Calculation of interest for the use of short-term and long-term loans received for the acquisition and construction (creation) of fixed assets and intangible assets

Calculation of interest on short-term and long-term loans received for the purchase of material assets before they are accepted for accounting

Continued from Table 7.4

Account correspondence

Receiving loans in national currency by bank transfer (with funds credited to the current account)

Receiving a foreign currency loan by bank transfer (with funds credited to a foreign currency account)

Obtaining a short-term loan to open a letter of credit and a checkbook

Directing a loan received in Belarusian rubles for the purchase and sale of foreign currency

Receiving loans in a non-cash manner with the transfer of the received amounts to the accounts of third parties in payment for the supplied material assets; transfer of advance payments to suppliers and contractors at the expense of the received loan

Providing a tax credit in cases established by law

Obtaining a short-term loan to pay wages to employees of the organization with the transfer of the received amounts to the accounts of employees

Filing a claim with the bank for erroneously written off amounts

Calculation of interest on short-term and long-term loans received for the purchase of inventory items after their acceptance for accounting and in other cases established by law

Calculation of interest on overdue loans

Reflection of positive exchange rate differences on loans received in foreign currency in the event of an increase in the National Bank exchange rate

Repayment of debt on short-term and long-term loans

Repayment of debt on short-term and long-term loans and interest on them using funds from current or foreign currency accounts

Return of the unused part of the letter of credit (when closing the letter of credit) or check book to repay the debt to the bank

Repayment of debt on a loan and interest on it by transferring the debt to another person, assignment of the borrower's claim to a person who is a third party in relation to the debt

Reflection of negative exchange rate differences on loans received in foreign currency in the event of a depreciation of the National Bank exchange rate

Calculations for short-term and long-term loans

Incurrence of debt

Obtaining short-term and long-term loans in commodity form

Calculation of interest on short-term and long-term loans received for the purchase of fixed assets and intangible assets

Calculation of interest on short-term and long-term loans received for the purchase of material assets

Obtaining a short-term cash loan

Obtaining short-term and long-term loans by bank transfer in national currency or in foreign currency

Receiving a loan by bank transfer with the transfer of the received amounts to the accounts of third parties in payment for the supplied material assets; making advance payments for settlements with suppliers and creditors

End of table 7.4

Account correspondence

Calculation of interest on short-term and long-term loans received for the purchase of inventory items after their acceptance for accounting and in other cases established by law

Calculation of interest on overdue loans

Reflection of a positive exchange rate difference for loans received in foreign currency in the event of an increase in the exchange rate of the National Bank

Repayment of debt on short-term and long-term loans

Repayment of debt on short-term and long-term loans in cash

Repaying loans with cash from bank accounts

Repayment of loan debt by providing compensation for the cost of the provided property

Reflection of negative exchange rate differences on loans received in foreign currency in the event of a depreciation of the National Bank exchange rate

Calculations for accounting (discount) transactions of bills and other debt obligations

Incurrence of debt

Reflection of the amount of funds actually received by the bill holder organization from the credit institution

Reflection of the accounting interest paid to the credit institution (in the accounting of the bill holder organization)

Debt repayment

Return by the organization-bill holder of funds received from the bank as a result of discounting (discounting) bills or other debt obligations due to failure by the drawer or other payer of the bill to fulfill its obligations on the bill within the prescribed period

Write-off of accounts receivable based on notifications from a credit institution

An account is intended to account for settlements between Belarusian Railways organizations and the budget for taxes and fees. 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees.”

The following sub-accounts are opened for account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” in railway organizations:

68-1 “Taxes and deductions included in the cost of products (works, services)”;

68-2 “Taxes and deductions paid from proceeds from the sale of goods, products (works, services)”;

68-3 “Taxes paid from profit (income)”;

68-4 “Value added tax”;

68-5 “Innovation Fund”;

68-6 “Income taxes”;

68-7 “Customs duties”;

68-9 “Other taxes, fees and deductions.”

The correspondence of accounts for account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” is presented in table 7.5.

Table 7.5 – on account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”

Account correspondence

Credit for VAT subject to deduction in the reporting tax period

Transfer of taxes, fees, duties to the budget

Accrual of taxes attributable to the cost of products (works, services)

Withholding income tax from employee wages

Calculation of taxes from proceeds from sales of products (works, services)

Calculation of taxes paid from operating income

Calculation of taxes paid from non-operating income

Accrual of taxes paid from the organization’s profits, environmental tax for excess discharges (emissions), penalties for non-compliance or improper compliance with tax legislation

Transfer of accrued income tax by structural units to the Belarusian Railways Department for centralized payment

To summarize information on calculations for social insurance and pensions 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security.”

The following sub-accounts are opened for account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” in railway transport organizations:

69-1 “Calculations for social insurance”;

69-2 “Calculations for pension provision”.

Account records for account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” are presented in table 7.6.

Table 7.6 – Correspondence of accounting accountsaccording to account69 “Calculations for social insurance and security”

Account correspondence

Payment of benefits for the birth of a child, for the burial of the dead and other benefits from the Social Protection Fund in cash

Transfer of funds to the Social Protection Fund from a current account

Obtaining short-term credits and loans to pay off debts on contributions to the Social Protection Fund without crediting funds to the payer’s current account

Obtaining long-term credits and loans to pay off debts on contributions to the Social Protection Fund without crediting funds to the payer’s current account

Calculation of temporary disability benefits

Calculation of payments from the Social Protection Fund to repay debt owed to employees

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the wages of workers involved in the process of creating non-current assets (fixed assets, intangible assets)

End of table 7.6

Account correspondence

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of wages of workers attributed to the costs of main production

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of wages of employees attributed to the costs of auxiliary production

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of wages of employees attributed to general production expenses

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of wages of employees attributed to general business expenses

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of wages of employees attributed to the costs of correcting the marriage

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of wages of workers attributed to the costs of service industries and farms

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of wages of employees attributed to sales costs

Return of excess amounts transferred to the Social Protection Fund to the current account

Deductions from wages for contributions to the Social Protection Fund made at the expense of the organization’s employees

Attribution of part of the damage in connection with late payment of contributions to the Social Protection Fund to settlements with the perpetrators

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from wages associated with the sale of fixed assets, intangible assets, equipment for installation, investments in non-current assets, materials, currency values, securities; deductions to the Social Protection Fund from amounts related to the maintenance of production facilities and facilities under conservation

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of payments made to employees for work to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations

Attribution from the reserve of contributions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of vacation pay allocated from the reserve for the upcoming payment of employees of the organization;

assignment to the reserve of contributions to the Social Protection Fund from the amount of remuneration for length of service allocated to the reserve of the organization’s employees

Deductions to the Social Protection Fund from the amounts of wages of workers engaged in performing work attributable to future expenses (repair of fixed assets, etc.)

Accrual of sanctions and penalties for contributions to the Social Protection Fund

To reflect information about settlements with employees for amounts issued to them for reporting, an account is used 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”.

The following sub-accounts are opened for account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”:

71-1 “Settlements with accountable persons in the official currency of the Republic of Belarus”;

71-2 “Settlements with accountable persons in US dollars”;

71-3 “Settlements with accountable persons in rubles of the Russian Federation”;

71-4 “Settlements with accountable persons in euros”;

71-9 “Settlements with accountable persons in other foreign currencies.”

Table 7.7 presents the correspondence of accounting accounts of settlements with accountable persons.

Table 7.7– Correspondence of accounting accounts under account 71 “R”settlements with accountable persons"

Account correspondence

The emergence of accounts receivable for imprest amounts

Issuance of accountable amounts

Issuance of cash for travel expenses and monetary documents from the organization's cash desk

Transfer of funds in the appropriate currency to accountable persons located outside the organization

Other operations on the debit of account 71

Reflection of the debt of accountable persons in the amount of proceeds from the sale of products (goods) on the market

Reflection of positive exchange rate differences when revaluing accounts receivable when the exchange rate increases

Repayment of accounts receivable on accountable amounts

Acquisition of assets for the organization’s economic activities, as well as payment for services of third-party organizations

Purchase of equipment for installation and other non-current assets at the expense of accountable amounts, as well as reflection of travel expenses associated with investing in non-current assets

Acquisition of material resources using accountable amounts

Reflection of VAT amounts on purchased material assets, works, services paid from accountable amounts

Acquisition at the expense of accountable amounts of monetary documents

Payment for services to third parties through an accountable person

Payment of expenses related to the sale of fixed assets and other assets made by accountable persons

Payment of expenses for liquidation of consequences of emergency situations from accountable amounts

Inclusion in expenses of future periods of accountable amounts spent in the current period

Inclusion of relevant expenses into costs based on

advance report

Write-off of travel expenses for the costs of main and auxiliary production

Write-off of travel expenses of the organization's employees for general production costs

End of table 7.7

Account correspondence

Write-off of travel expenses of managers, specialists, employees, expenses for business needs, entertainment expenses for general business expenses

Inclusion in the cost of transportation, products (work, services) of fuel and lubricants costs incurred by a posted employee using personal transport under an agreement on the use of personal transport for business purposes

Write-off of travel and business expenses made from accountable amounts to the costs of service industries and farms

Write-off of travel expenses using targeted funding

Return of unused funds

Return to the cash desk of unspent amounts previously issued on account

Return of accountable amounts previously issued in foreign currency to the enterprise’s foreign currency account

Attribution of accountable amounts to guilty persons in case of misuse, as well as amounts not returned on time by the accountable person

Reflection of negative exchange rate differences when revaluing accounts receivable when the exchange rate depreciates

To maintain accounting records of settlements with employees of a railway transport organization for other operations, an account is used 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations".

The following sub-accounts are opened to account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”:

73-1 “Settlements for loans provided”;

73-2 “Calculations for compensation for material damage”;

73-3 “Calculations for granted loans”;

73-4 “Payments for uniforms”;

73-9 “Other calculations.”

Table 7.8 presents the correspondence of accounting accounts of settlements with personnel for other operations.

Table 7.8– Correspondence of accounting accounts under account 73 “R”calculations with npersonnel for other operations"

Continuation of Table 7.7

Account correspondence

Providing a loan to an employee of an enterprise in the form of products, material resources, fixed assets (housing), etc.

Accrual of interest for using a loan, penalties for violation of the terms of the loan agreement by an employee

The occurrence of receivables for compensation of material damage

Attribution of the cost of the identified defect to the guilty person

Attribution to the guilty person of debt for accountable amounts not returned in a timely manner

Attribution of claims amounts to the accounts of the perpetrators (employees of the organization)

Attribution of the cost of personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE) to the responsible person who did not return the PPE

The emergence of accounts receivable for payments for uniforms

Issuing uniforms to employees of the organization from the warehouse:

– for the amount of discount from the cost of uniforms

– for the remaining amount of debt for uniforms

according to other calculations

Payment of insurance compensation to an employee upon the occurrence of an insured event; compensation for the use of personal property for business purposes

The occurrence of employee debt for goods shipped, products, work performed, services provided by other structural divisions of the railway

Attribution to the financially responsible person of losses and shortages of material resources in excess of the norms of natural loss

Attribution to the financially responsible person of the difference between the recovered amount of missing material assets and their accounting value

Charging VAT on the difference between the recovered amount of missing tangible assets and their accounting value

Repayment of accounts receivable for other transactions

Repayment of accounts receivable for loans and credits provided

Receipt from the employee of amounts to repay the loan provided to him and interest on it

Deduction from the employee’s salary of amounts to repay the loan issued and interest on it

Receipt of payments from the employee to repay the debt on borrowed funds, accrued interest (if the loan is repaid to the cash desk of another structural unit); amounts for repayment of employee loans received from other structural divisions

At the expense of the organization, the loan previously issued to the employee was repaid

Repayment of receivables for compensation of material damage

Acceptance of material resources into accounting to cover the shortage by financially responsible persons

Repayment of the amount of shortage, theft by depositing cash by employees of the organization

End of table 7.8

Account correspondence

Repayment of the amount of shortage, theft by depositing funds by employees into the organization’s current account

Withholding from the salary of an employee of an organization the amount of shortage or theft of material assets

Write-off of an employee’s uncollected debt after the statute of limitations expires

Write-off of the amount of shortage or theft from the financially responsible person due to the court’s refusal to satisfy the claim for collection of the shortage

according to calculations for uniforms

Repayment by employees of the cost of issued uniforms (cash and non-cash)

Deduction from the employee's salary of the cost of issued uniforms

Repayment of accounts receivablefor other transactions

Calculation of compensation for the use of personal cars for business purposes

08, 20, 23, 25, 26

Reflection of debt to an employee for purchased fuel for refueling a personal car used for business purposes

Taking into account the amount of VAT when purchasing fuel for refueling a personal car used for personal purposes

Payment of partial payment for a trip to the cash desk by an employee of the organization

To summarize information about all types of settlements with founders for contributions to the organization’s authorized capital, for the payment of income (dividends) and other settlements, use account 75 "Settlements with founders".

The following sub-accounts are opened for account 75 “Settlements with founders”:

75-1 “Calculations for contributions to the authorized capital”;

75-2 “Calculations for payment of income”;

75-3 “Deductions regarding profits by republican unitary enterprises.”

Table 7.9 presents the correspondence of accounting accounts of settlements with the founders.

Table 7.9– Correspondence of accounting accounts for account 75 “R”settlements with founders"

Account correspondence

The emergence of accounts receivable and repayment of accounts payable for settlements with the founders

on contributions to the authorized capital

Return of deposits to founders with property when they leave the founders

01, 04, 07, 08, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 41, 58

End of table 7.9

Account correspondence

Return of deposits to founders in cash upon leaving the founders

Reflection of the participant's debt for contribution to the authorized capital of the organization in the amount established by the constituent documents (the authorized capital of the organization is announced)

Write-off of losses at the end of the financial year due to additional contributions from the founders

Origination of accounts receivable and repayment of accounts payableon payment of income

Payment of dividends to the founders in cash, by bank transfer in monetary units of the Republic of Belarus and in foreign currency

Payment of dividends to the founders from a special bank account

Withholding income tax on personal income

Payment of dividends from participation in the organization’s activities in products, goods, works, services

Origination of accounts receivable and repayment of accounts payableon deductions in part of profit by republican unitary organizations

Transfer of part of profits by state unitary organizations

according to settlements with founders

Repayment of accounts receivable and occurrence of accounts payable

on contributions to the authorized capital

Acceptance for accounting of equipment for installation and other non-current assets contributed by the founder as a contribution to the authorized capital of the organization

Acceptance for accounting of material resources from the founder as a contribution to the authorized capital of the organization

Acceptance of a work-in-progress item for accounting as a contribution to the authorized capital of the organization

Acceptance of cash for accounting on account of the founder’s contribution to the authorized capital of the organization

Receipt of funds into the current and foreign currency accounts of the organization as a contribution to the authorized capital of the organization

Acceptance for accounting of securities from the founder as a contribution to the authorized capital of the organization

The closure or disaggregation of the organization is reflected; debt of an organization to return deposits to the founders (participants) of the organization when the authorized capital is reduced (after amendments are made to the constituent documents)

Distribution of additional fund between founders

To account for settlement relationships with various business entities and individuals, railway transport organizations use an active-passive account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”. This account reflects information on settlements for transactions with debtors and creditors, property and personal insurance; on claims; for amounts withheld from wages of employees of the organization in favor of other organizations and individuals on the basis of executive documents or court decisions, etc.

The following subaccounts are opened for account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” in railway transport:

76-1 “Settlements with organizations and persons under executive documents”;

76-2 “Calculations for property and personal insurance”;

76-3 “Settlements for claims and unsafe transportation”;

76-4 “Calculations for due dividends and other income”;

76-5 “Settlements on deposited amounts”;

76-6 “Payments for goods sold on credit”;

76-7 “Settlements with the population for goods, works, services”;

76-8 “Settlements with individuals for other transactions”;

76-9 “Settlements with organizations for other transactions”;

76-0 “Calculations for the formation of the cost of fixed assets.”

Table 7.10 shows the correspondence of accounting accounts for settlements with various debtors and creditors.

Table 7.10– Correspondence of accounting accountson account 76 “Settlements by different debtors and creditors”

Account correspondence

Origination and repayment of receivables

Origination of accounts receivable

Filing claims to suppliers and contractors for failure to fulfill contractual obligations for the supply of non-current assets (short delivery identified during the acceptance process in terms of quantity and quality)

Filing a claim with the supplier for the short supply of material resources identified during the acceptance of valuables in terms of quantity and quality (according to the terms of the contract, the shortage is subject to compensation by the supplier, carrier, insurance company, etc.)

Filing a claim with the supplier for the supply of low-quality raw materials at the actual cost of the defect

Determination of parents' fees for maintaining a child in a preschool institution, subject to reimbursement by parents

Filing claims with the supplier for violation of the terms of the contract

Charging VAT on the amount of the claim issued to the supplier

Calculation of benefits for sick leave in connection with an accident at work

Calculation of insurance compensation to an employee upon the occurrence of an insured event

Calculation of interest by the lender on the loan provided

Accrual of fines, penalties, penalties for violation of the terms of the contract, subject to recovery from shippers and consignees according to presented payment documents, or for the amount awarded according to a court decision

Repayment by suppliers and contractors of the amount of the claim raised for underdelivered investments in non-current assets (underdelivery was identified during the acceptance process in terms of quantity and quality)

End of table 7.10

Account correspondence

Receipt of funds to pay off accounts receivable

Write-off of the amount of receivables that are unrealistic for collection, with an expired statute of limitations or unclaimed debts through the reserve for doubtful debts

Write-off of the amount of receivables that are unrealistic for collection and for which the statute of limitations has expired

Write-off of the amount of the claim in favor of the supplier as a result of the court’s refusal to satisfy the claim

Origination and repayment of accounts payable

INoccurrence of accounts payable

Reflection of actual costs: associated with the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets; equipment installation; for the modernization and reconstruction of fixed assets (when carrying out work by contract)

Reflection of the amounts of customs duties paid upon acquisition of assets

Acceptance for payment of payment documents from suppliers and contractors for received material resources

Taking into account the amount of deviations identified as a result of reconciliation of settlements with suppliers in the current year (the accounting debt was listed below the real one) either by regular entry or by the “red reversal” method

Reflection of insurance premiums by types of compulsory insurance included in the cost of transportation (production, work, services)

20, 23, 25, 26, 29

Reflection of insurance premiums by types of voluntary insurance according to the established list determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus

20, 23, 25, 26, 29

Inclusion in the cost of transportation (production, work, services) of the amount of deductions for compulsory insurance of workers against industrial accidents and occupational diseases

20, 23, 25, 26, 29

Accrual of debt to third-party organizations for marriage correction services

Erroneous transfer of funds by the bank to the current and other accounts of the organization

Deduction of trade union dues from the wages of employees of the organization; amounts for writs of execution; amounts of rent, fees for maintaining children in preschool institutions; salary deposit

Issuing traveler's checks to employees of the organization to pay for travel expenses

To summarize information about all types of intra-economic settlements included in the general balance of the association, the account is intended 79 “Intra-economic settlements”.

The following sub-accounts have been opened to account 79 “Intra-business settlements” in railway transport organizations:

79-1 “Calculations for income tax”;

79-2 “Settlements with structural divisions of organizations with main activities for current operations”;

79-3 “Calculations for materials of the superstructure of the track”;

79-4 “Calculations for the redistribution of fixed assets and intangible assets”;

79-5 “Settlements with the Road Administration and organizations of main activities for current operations”;

79-6 “Calculations for transportation income.”

The list of documents regulating the accounting of settlement transactions is presented in Table 7.11.

Table 7.11 – Documents regulating the accounting of settlement



Adopted by

Date of adoption, no.

Last modified date

About the means of payment of the Republic of Belarus

Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus

The procedure for settlements between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the Republic of Belarus

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus

Instructions for bank transfer"

Instructions on organizing the execution of payments from current (settlement) accounts in Belarusian rubles in the order established by law"

Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Instructions On organizing the execution of payments from current (settlement) Accounts in Belarusian rubles in the order established by law.

Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Instructions on the procedure for performing transactions with bank plastic cards

Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Instructions on penalties for violating the rules for conducting cash transactions and cash settlements in the Republic of Belarus

Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

June 27, 2003

№ 125

Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus No. 3326-XII On the means of payment of the Republic of Belarus was adopted with the aim of streamlining monetary circulation and settlements in the republic in accordance with paragraph 11 of Article 83 and Article 145 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, Article 16-1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus”.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 29, 2000 No. 359 “On approval of the procedure for settlements between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the Republic of Belarus.” In order to normalize settlements between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and strengthen payment discipline, the attached procedure for settlements between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the Republic of Belarus is approved. The decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus and their individual provisions are declared invalid in accordance with the appendix.

The resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2001 No. 66 “On approval of the Instructions on bank transfers” approves the attached Instructions on bank transfers, taking into account the comments and suggestions made at the meeting of the Board.

The Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2001 No. 63 “On approval of the Instruction on organizing the execution of payments from current (settlement) accounts in Belarusian rubles in the order established by law” approves the Instruction on the organization of execution of payments from current (settlement) accounts in Belarusian rubles in the order established by law. The following is considered invalid: Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated August 21, 2000 No. 20.1g “On approval of the Instructions on organizing the execution of payments in the order established by law” (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, No. 85, 8/ 3951).

Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2001 No. 63 Instructions on organizing the execution of payments from current (settlement) Accounts in Belarusian rubles in the order established by law, developed for the purpose of organizing the execution of acts of legislation of the Republic of Belarus, Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 25, 2006 No. 530 “ On insurance activities", the procedure for settlements between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 29, 2000. No. 359, Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of July 10, 2003 No. 302, No. 359, 267 ", 359", Regulations on the payment of mandatory insurance contributions, contributions to professional pension insurance and other payments to the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection , approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 16, 2009 No. 40, Banking Code of the Republic of Belarus.

In the process of trade and economic activities, pharmacy institutions enter into economic relations with other institutions and enterprises.

These connections, as a rule, are accompanied by monetary payments, which are carried out through the bank in the form of non-cash mutual payments. Only small payments to institutions and enterprises are allowed to be made in the form of cash payments.

The widespread use of non-cash payments is due to the fact that all enterprises and institutions store available funds in bank branches on settlement or current accounts opened for this purpose.

A current account is opened in a bank for enterprises that are fully self-supporting, endowed with their own working capital and maintaining proper balance sheet records.

A sub-account (a branch of a current account) is opened mainly to collect revenue at the location of subordinate institutions that are not fully self-supporting. The amount of money accumulated in the sub-current account is periodically (within established periods) transferred by the bank to the main current account of the parent organization.

A current account is opened, as a rule, for non-self-supporting institutions financed by the state budget. Funds in this account come from a higher organization or from one’s own self-supporting association to cover needs and various expenses.

In large self-supporting pharmacies, current accounts are opened to transfer the necessary amounts of money from the current account to various expenses for distribution costs, wages, travel expenses, etc.

A special loan account is opened only to institutions that are fully self-supporting and have the right to bank lending. This account records bank credit operations: provision of loans, control over their use, repayment of loans.

To open a current or current account, an institution or enterprise submits the following documentation to a bank branch:

1) a statement of the established form,

2) a copy of the charter or regulations of this institution or enterprise, approved by a higher organization;

3) a copy of an extract on state registration by this institution or enterprise;

4) a copy of the order appointing the manager and chief accountant, i.e., persons managing funds in the accounts;

5) power of attorney from a higher organization for the right to dispose of bank accounts;

6) special cards with sample signatures of the head and chief accountant of a given institution or enterprise and an imprint of its seal.

In the pharmacy system, non-cash banking transactions cover various payments:

1) with medical institutions and other organizations for medical goods supplied by pharmacies;

2) with suppliers (pharmacy warehouses, distribution networks, organizations supplying fuel, etc.) for inventory items received at the pharmacy;

3) with various organizations and institutions for services provided to the pharmacy: for electricity supply, water supply, repair work, transport services, etc.;

4) settlements with the state budget for withheld taxes and with the social insurance fund for contributions to this fund.

In the pharmacy system, non-cash mutual payments through a bank can be processed directly by the pharmacies themselves, if they are completely self-supporting and have their own bank accounts, as well as by higher organizations, if the pharmacies themselves do not have bank accounts.

Small-scale distribution of medical goods from pharmacies to medical and other organizations is carried out according to the requirements issued by these institutions, signed by the chief physician or head of the institution.

In the received requests, the pharmacy manager or another employee enters the quantity and price of goods sold, after which the requirements are transferred to the accountant for taxation, full assessment and issuing invoices for payment.

The completed claim and invoice are registered in the “Book of Accounting for Small Wholesale Dispensing and Settlements with Customers,” where each institution with which the pharmacy is in constant relationship is assigned an independent sheet (personal account).

To reflect random transactions for the release of goods at the end of the book, a separate section is allocated. The release of goods, as a rule, is carried out after the purchasing institution has paid the invoice or in the presence of a pre-transferred advance payment.

A pharmacy can combine several registered claims received over a week or a decade on one invoice. The invoice is issued in triplicate. One copy is given to the buyer for payment through the bank, the second is attached to the pharmacy’s monthly report, and the third copy is used to issue goods after payment.

The release of goods from the pharmacy to a representative of the purchasing institution is carried out upon presentation of a power of attorney. One copy of the request, a copy of the invoice and a one-time power of attorney remain in the pharmacy after settlements.

Transactions for non-cash payments also include the purchase of certain inventory items by the pharmacy, services provided to the pharmacy by various organizations, contributions of amounts deducted from salaries, etc. All these settlement transactions are recorded in the “Book of Accounting for Settlements with Organizations and Individuals.”

This book also reflects financial statements made to financially responsible and other persons for shortages and other debts. Entries in the “Settlements Accounting Book” are made on the basis of the relevant payment documents drawn up by the pharmacy accountant.

At the end of the month, the total amounts of transactions calculated for each personal account are transferred from the “Book of Accounting for Settlements with Customers” and the “Book of Accounting for Settlements with Organizations and Persons” to the general turnover sheet, which is sent to a higher organization along with supporting documents.

The pharmacy manager and accountant must monitor the timely execution of non-cash payments and monthly reconcile mutual payments.

Once a quarter, a complete check of all personal accounts of customers and other organizations with which the pharmacy carries out mutual settlement transactions is carried out, i.e. accounts receivable and payable are reconciled.

Accounts receivable is the amount of debt due from a debtor. Accounts payable is the amount of funds borrowed.

A debt in favor of a pharmacy is a receivable in relation to the pharmacy, and a payable in relation to a medical institution.

Pharmacies, like other institutions and enterprises, must prevent the occurrence of accounts receivable and payable. However, it cannot be completely eliminated, since in the process of settlements sometimes there is a delay in making payments; it is often necessary to round off the transferred amounts for the convenience of completing settlements or, due to certain circumstances, to issue medical goods on credit.

To reconcile existing receivables, enterprises and institutions exchange payment notices, which are sent to all debtors no later than the 5th day of the month following the reporting quarter.

The debtor is obliged to return to the creditor a written notice that he confirms the existence of the debt and undertakes to repay it by a certain date. If the debtor (debtor) refuses to confirm the existence of a debt, the creditor has the right to demand a two-way accounting audit of documentation related to non-cash payments.

Subsequent refusal to repay the debt is considered at the request of the creditor in state arbitration, which is designed to deal with the analysis of property and monetary claims arising between institutions and enterprises. Property and monetary claims arising from a pharmacy against a private person (for example, against an employee who committed embezzlement) are considered in court.

The deadline for filing such a claim is 3 years from the date of its occurrence. If claims were not submitted within the established time frame, the amount of debt is recovered from the guilty parties who committed such delays.

All costs in arbitration or in court related to the consideration of claims are paid by the institution responsible for the occurrence of this claim.

includes settlements with contractors, buyers, personnel, accountable persons, participants in business and other relationships. Let's consider the tasks and methods.

Business transactions in accounting

Such transactions, which are accounting units in accounting, characterize individual business actions and reflect the movement of funds of the enterprise.

They can affect the property of an enterprise or the sources of its formation, or simultaneously the property and its sources.

How to reflect different types of business transactions on accounting accounts

Based on the influence of business transactions on the size of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet, they are divided into 4 types. Let's get acquainted with these types using examples. accounting of settlement transactions.

Type 1 includes transactions that change the composition of property, that is, those in which one active balance sheet item increases and another active balance sheet item decreases. The balance currency does not change.


According to RKO, 20,000 rubles were issued from the cash desk of Pogoda LLC, based on an employee’s application for the release of funds in connection with a business trip. In this case, the amount under the balance sheet item “Cash” will decrease, and the amount under the item “Receivables” will increase. This operation will be reflected in the accounts as follows: on the cash account the amount will decrease, which means that account 50 is credited, and on account 71 the debt will increase.

Dt 71 Kt 50 - 20,000 rub.

Type 2 includes operations that simultaneously reduce the amount of property and the sources of its formation. The balance sheet currency for assets and liabilities is reduced by the amount of the transaction.


Employees' salaries in the amount of 15,000 rubles were issued from the cash register of Pogoda LLC. As a result of the operation, the cash on hand decreased, i.e., assets decreased. But at the same time, the debt, that is, the enterprise’s liabilities, decreased by the same amount.

The wiring will be as follows:

Dt 70 Kt 50 - 15,000 rub.

Type 3 includes operations that simultaneously increase the amount of property and the sources of its formation. As a result of these operations, the balance sheet currency for assets and liabilities increases by the same amount.


Pogoda LLC received stationery worth 10,000 rubles. As a result of this operation, Pogoda LLC's inventories of materials increased, i.e., the size of its assets became larger. But at the same time, debt also increased, i.e. liabilities increased by the same amount as assets.

Consequently, the correspondence of accounts will be as follows:

Dt 10 Kt 60 - 10,000 rub.

Type 4 includes operations that change the sources of property formation. As a result of these operations, one liability item increases and another liability item decreases. The balance currency remains the same.


Based on the results of the general meeting of participants of Pogoda LLC, a decision was made to increase the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings from previous years - 50,000 rubles.

The operation affected two liability items. As a result of this operation, retained earnings decreased, therefore, account 84 is debited, but at the same time the capital increases, account 80 is credited.

Dt 84 Kt 80 - 50,000 rub.

What is it - settlement operations

Settlement transactions are understood as actions performed by the parties that are related to the fulfillment of obligations between them. The essence of settlement operations from an economic point of view is the redistribution of monetary resources between participants in business and other relations.

The subjects of settlement relations are individuals and legal entities (suppliers and consignees, payers and recipients of funds).

The objects of these relations can be transactions of a commodity and non-commodity nature.

Commodity transactions include settlement transactions between enterprises for goods shipped or services provided. Non-commodity transactions include settlement transactions for taxes and fees, payment of credits and loans, payment of contributions to funds, settlements with founders, wages, with accountable persons, financial investments, claims, compensation for material damage and other settlements not related to implementation.

Settlements between entities can be carried out in non-cash and cash, as well as in non-monetary form.

The most common are non-cash payments, which can be issued by: payment orders, letters of credit, collection orders, payment requests.

You can read more about non-cash payments in the article.

For cash payments, the legal limit for payments between legal entities and between a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur is no more than 100,000 rubles. under one contract.

Non-monetary forms of payment are used if the enterprise has a shortage of working capital to fulfill obligations to pay debts on commodity transactions.

These include:

  • bill payments;

You can read about settlements using bills of exchange in the article.

  • barter;
  • offset;
  • trade credit;
  • compensation, novation;
  • assignment of the right of claim.


Plant LLC acquired the receivables of TNT LLC under an assignment agreement in the amount of RUB 95,000.

The following operations will be performed in the accounting of Plant LLC:

  • Dt 58 Kt 76 - 95,000 rub. — the acquired right of claim is accepted for accounting on the basis of the acceptance certificate;
  • Dt 76 Kt 51 - 95,000 rub. — the right of claim has been paid to the original creditor;
  • Dt 51 Kt 76 - 100,000 rub. — receivables were reclaimed from TNT LLC;
  • Dt 76 Kt 91.1 - 100,000 rub. — the amount of repaid debt is included in other income;
  • Dt 91.2 Kt 58 - 95,000 rub. - yThe cost of the acquired right of claim is included in other expenses.

Accounts used to reflect commodity and non-commodity transactions

The procedure for maintaining accounting records of settlement transactions reflected in accounts 60 to 79 is determined by the instructions for using the chart of accounts, accounting regulations, and accounting policies developed at the enterprise.

To summarize information about mutual settlements with suppliers, account 60 is used. Analytical accounting is maintained in the context of payment documents received from the supplier or in the context of suppliers, if the agreement provides for scheduled payments.

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors can be found in the article .

Accounting for settlements with customers is kept on account 62 in the analytics for settlement documents, for scheduled payments - for each customer.

Reflection of transactions with customers is set out in the article.

Account 76 reflects calculations for payment of the enterprise's property insurance policy, for claims, for deductions from employee salaries, for writs of execution received by the enterprise and other calculations for which accounts 60-75 are not used.

Account 71 characterizes mutual settlements with employees of the enterprise for funds received in connection with business trips or the need to make business expenses for the needs of the enterprise.

Read more about settlements with accountable persons in the article .

Accounting for settlements on credits and loans at the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the chart of accounts, PBU 15/2008 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2008 No. 107n) and other regulations and is maintained in accounts: 66 - if the loan is received for a period of no more than 12 months and 67 - for a period of more than 12 months.

You can familiarize yourself with the basic accounting records for accounting for credit transactions in the material .


Accounting of settlement transactions must be organized correctly - this helps to fulfill obligations to counterparties, reduce accounts receivable and payable, accelerate the turnover of funds, and, consequently, improve the financial condition of the enterprise.