Mortgage in Sberbank without 2 personal income taxes. Banks that will issue a mortgage and will not require a salary certificate

Today, many residents of our country work unofficially, or have too little “white” wages, which cannot be offered to the bank as proof of solvency. And if there is a need to improve living conditions, then such clients have a question: are there companies that will provide a mortgage without providing a 2-NDFL certificate? Let's figure it out.

Why do you need work certificates?

It is well known that applying for a home loan from banking companies involves issuing a large sum of money to the borrower. In order to approve it, the bank must make sure of the client’s reliability and his ability to pay the future loan.

In addition to reliability, the bank also evaluates your solvency. It is on the basis of your official income that the lender will be able to calculate the maximum loan amount that he can provide you, from here the term of the contract, the monthly payment and the final amount will also be determined.

It is for these purposes that the provision of a certificate of income in form 2-NDFL or in free form serves. Find out whether the bank can verify this document. As a rule, clients who cannot provide a document confirming the amount of monthly income are denied a housing loan.

The fact is that in this situation, the borrower does not confirm his solvency in any way, does not give the bank any guarantees that he will be able to return the amount issued to him, and therefore there is no need to wait for approval for such an application. An exception is made only in some cases, which we will consider below.

How can you get a mortgage without official employment?

There are several options on how you can get a home loan without necessarily collecting documents from your place of work. All of them are completely legal, so the borrower has nothing to worry about.

We have prepared a memo for you with a brief description of all available options:

1. The borrower is a salary client of the bank

In this case, he does not need to bring additional certificates; the company already has information about the amount of your earnings. An example would be obtaining a loan from Sberbank of Russia; read more about its offers in this article.

In addition, applicants who have an account with a creditor bank often receive special, more favorable lending conditions. But it is important to have a positive credit history. This link will provide you with tips on how to keep your financial record positive.

2. The borrower takes out a mortgage involving collateral property

In other words, he already owns some kind of real estate, which will be an additional guarantor of the client’s reliability for the bank. Such proposals are discussed in this review.

The property that is provided as collateral must be liquid and meet the bank's requirements for real estate. This is necessary so that the lender can quickly sell the property of a borrower who is having problems making payments.

In this case, you are not applying for a mortgage, but a consumer loan under . At the same time, you get a lower interest rate compared to other cash loans, a long repayment period, and no down payment.

Where are these offers:

  • Sberbank,
  • Gazprombank,
  • Tinkoff,
  • Absolut Bank,
  • Delta Credit, etc.

3. The client submits an application to refinance an existing mortgage loan

In this case, the bank will have collateral in the form of collateral real estate, which will serve as an additional guarantor. At the same time, if an amount is requested equal to the amount of debt, then there is no need to confirm income.

What are the advantages? You will be able to renew your existing mortgage under more favorable conditions, and at the same time extend the loan term, reduce the amount of insurance or abandon it altogether (we are talking about personal insurance).

In addition, you will be able to combine several debts into one, as well as receive additional funds for personal purposes. We tell you which companies offer refinancing for your mortgage debt

4. You take out a loan for an amount that is fully covered by the amount of maternity capital

In this case, you do not have to bring certificates; a document from the Russian Pension Fund is enough, which will confirm that you have sufficient funds in your account. You will find information on where you can apply for a mortgage with financial capital at this link.

Important: we remind our readers that maternity capital is not issued in person. The funds are kept in the Pension Fund. When you take out a mortgage that you want to partially or fully repay using the certificate, you contact the pension fund with a corresponding application.

The Pension Fund reviews your application and checks the legality of the transaction. All this takes 10-15 days. After this, the money will be transferred to the bank within another month. That is, you will have to overpay for at least a month.

5. You apply for a mortgage using 2 documents

Such programs appeared in banks relatively recently, but have already gained popularity among borrowers. Their undoubted advantage is that you need to prepare only two documents for registration - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and another one of your choice, it could be:

  • international passport,
  • SNILS,
  • driver's license,
  • pension certificate, etc.

Who is this offer suitable for? Those people who do not have time to collect a huge list of papers, as well as those who work informally, but receive good income. At the same time, the conditions will be somewhat stricter than for other clients - the amount and period of return will be reduced, and the rate will also be increased.

Where is a mortgage issued based on two documents?

Where to contact:

  1. — under the “Special Mortgage” program you can borrow without a down payment and confirmation of income, the rate starts from 8.4% per annum, the increase will be: + 1.5 percentage points. when confirming income with a bank certificate or + 0.5 p.p. when receiving a loan using two documents,
  2. Sberbank of Russia - offers a mortgage for a minimum number of securities with a contribution of 40%, a rate of 8.8% per annum when purchasing an apartment from the bank’s developer partners under a special program,
  3. I am ready to offer a similar program for the purchase of housing in new buildings from certain developers, only here you need to invest at least 20% of your own funds. Interest - from 9.25% per year, there are discounts for large families,
  4. — there is a “Turnkey” product available here, through which you can get a loan at an initial interest rate of 9.75%. It is necessary to make an advance payment of at least 50%,
  5. Delta Credit Bank - you can draw up an agreement only with your passport, making a PV of 15-20%. Your percentage - from 10.5% will be increased by 1-1.5% compared to standard programs,
  6. J&T Bank - offers to buy a new building or an apartment in a ready-made building at an interest rate of 10.5% to 10.75% per annum. Validity period - up to 25 years, you will need to deposit your own funds from 15%,
  7. In VTB 24 Bank, in this way you can get a loan for housing at an interest rate of 10.6%, a down payment of 30%,
  8. — when buying a home on the primary or secondary market, you can apply for a mortgage using one document, with the rate starting at 10.7%, and the initial funds will be requested for at least 50%,
  9. You can draw up an agreement when purchasing an apartment in a new building or a house under construction, you can take out a loan using two documents. Important: availability of an advance payment of 40%, the percentage starts from 10.99%, when purchasing a townhouse plus another 0.25%,
  10. — in principle, it does not ask its clients for income certificates; you can confirm your solvency indirectly. Lends through its partners, there are 5 different programs for the primary and secondary housing market. It is possible to obtain a loan at 6% per annum, taking into account state subsidies for “Family Mortgage”.

Please note that to be approved for such a mortgage loan, you will need to make a fairly large down payment, usually 40-50% of the appraised value of the home.

Interest rate per year:
Duration (months):
Amount of credit:
Monthly payment:
Total you will pay:
Overpayment on loan

When researching mortgage programs, many borrowers are afraid of the large number of documents that need to be collected. Taking this factor into account, banks offer loans with a minimum package of documents. Let's look at which banks provide mortgages in 2019 based on 2 documents and their conditions.

Pros and cons of mortgage loans based on 2 documents

Leading banks offer loan products with preferential terms. One of these products is a mortgage loan based on 2 documents. Such mortgage programs have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of mortgage loans issued under 2 documents:

  • less time spent collecting the required package of documents;
  • reducing the time it takes for banks to make decisions.

The main disadvantages of such mortgage loans:

  • high down payment;
  • reduction of the maximum loan amount;
  • higher interest rate compared to other loan products;
  • reducing the borrower's age limit on the estimated loan repayment date.

A mandatory document when applying for a mortgage loan is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a registration mark. As a second document, the client can provide SNILS, international passport, military ID, driver’s license, service ID of a federal government employee, pension ID. Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, VTB Bank of Moscow are banks that provide mortgages under two documents. When applying for a loan, the borrower fills out an application form in which he indicates information about his place of work and income received.

Information about income and place of work specified in the application is verified by the bank's security service. If false data or a problematic credit history of the borrower is identified, loan approval will be denied.

“Victory over formalities” from VTB24

VTB24 offers mortgages upon presentation passports and SNILS. You can take out a loan to purchase an apartment on the primary or secondary market. The decision on the loan is made and communicated to the client within 24 hours.

Basic loan terms:

  • loan amount – 0.6-30 million rubles. (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region), for other settlements of the Russian Federation - 0.6-15 million rubles;
  • maturity - 20 years;
  • initial minimum payment – ​​40%;
  • rate – 13.6;
  • The borrower's age is 25-65 years.

The client must insure the property, his life, health, and the risks of losing the right to an apartment.

“Purchase of housing under construction - mortgage according to 2 documents” from Sberbank

Sberbank has simplified some requirements for mortgage loans and is offering loans for new buildings upon presentation of 2 documents under 13% per annum. The main condition of the program is an initial payment of at least 50% from the cost of housing. Borrowers purchasing real estate built with the participation of the bank's financial resources can count on the minimum rate.

“Simple mortgage” from “VTB Bank of Moscow”

VTB Bank of Moscow provides mortgage loans to citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners upon presentation of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS or a passport of a foreigner and any other identification with personal data. Without certificates confirming income, you can take out a loan from a bank at a rate from 11.65%.

  • minimum amount – 500 thousand rubles;
  • maximum amount – 60% of the cost of the loaned apartment;
  • maturity - 20 years;
  • down payment – ​​40%;
  • interest rate (minimum) – 12.6;
  • The borrower's age is 25-60 years at the time of submitting the loan application.

It will not be possible to use maternity capital funds to make a down payment or repay part of the loan under this program.

“Simple mortgage” from Gazprombank

Under the “Simple Mortgage” program from Gazprombank, you can purchase an apartment on credit in a building under construction from a developer - a legal entity, by submitting an original passport, a copy of all its completed pages, SNILS or an official driver’s license for consideration of the application.

Basic conditions of a mortgage loan:

  • amount – 0.5 - 7 million rubles. for all cities of the Russian Federation, except Moscow, St. Petersburg, settlements of the Leningrad and Moscow regions (residents of these cities can take out a loan in the amount of 0.5-10 million rubles);
  • maturity - 30 years;
  • first deposit – 50% ;
  • interest rate (minimum) – 13,5 ;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent residence in the Russian Federation;
  • The age of the borrower is 20-55/60 years at the time of application and full repayment of the contract, respectively for women/men.

The decision to approve a mortgage is influenced by the borrower’s positive credit history.

“Mortgage according to 2 documents” from Rosselkhozbank

Rosselkhozbank offers a loan for the purchase of a townhouse, apartment, or house using 2 documents: a citizen’s passport and either a foreign passport, a driver’s license, or a service license. Borrowers who are married are additionally required to have a spouse's passport. Young people of military age must provide a military ID or registration certificate to the bank.

Basic conditions of a mortgage loan:

  • amount – from 0.1 million rubles. up to 4 million rubles for all cities of the Russian Federation, except Moscow, St. Petersburg, settlements of the Leningrad and Moscow regions (residents of these cities can take out a loan of up to 8 million rubles);
  • maximum loan term – 20 years;
  • initial minimum payment for the purchase of an apartment is 40%, a townhouse – 50%;
  • interest rate (minimum) – 12.

"Mortgage from 10.9" together with TransCapitalBank

"TransCapitalBank" can issue a loan for the purchase of an apartment under 10,9% per annum to the borrower who provided 2 documents proving his identity. The initial contribution under this financial product is at least 30% the cost of the housing being financed. The maximum loan repayment period is 25 years.

If a borrower urgently needs to take out a mortgage loan and does not have time to collect a package of documents, he can use special financial products from banks. To do this, you should determine which bank provides a mortgage using two documents on the most favorable terms for the client, submit an application and receive approval for the mortgage.

Good day, dear readers of the financial magazine “site”! Today we continue the conversation about mortgage lending And let's talk about a mortgage without a down payment: how can you get one in 2019 and which banks are ready to issue a mortgage loan without a down payment.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a down payment on a mortgage and where does it go?
  • What are the features of zero down payment mortgages?
  • What methods exist for obtaining a mortgage if there is no money for a down payment;
  • Which bank can I get a mortgage without a down payment?
  • Who can help you get a loan to buy a home?

At the end of the publication you will find answers about a mortgage without a down payment, which most applicants for such a loan have.

The article will be of interest to anyone interested in mortgage lending. We advise you to pay special attention to this publication to those who want to apply for a loan to purchase their own home, but do not have enough money to make a down payment.

As they say, time is money! So don’t waste a minute, start reading right now!

By the way, the following banks offer the best loan conditions:

Bank Max. sum Online application
in 1 hour 700,000 rub. Design!
without refusal 500,000 rub. Design!
according to your passport 300,000 rub. Design!
low percentage 200,000 rub. Design!
without certificates 200,000 rub. Design!
Now let's return to the topic of our article.

Read about how to get a mortgage without a down payment: what are the most popular methods and in which bank can you get a mortgage loan without a down payment?

Down payment when applying for a mortgage, they call the part of the cost of the purchased property that the borrower must have in order to obtain a loan from the bank.

Depending on the chosen mortgage program, the down payment may be completely absent, or may reach 90 % of the price of the purchased property.

Traditionally, sources of down payment can be:

  • cash savings;
  • consumer credit;
  • existing property that will be sold.

Borrowers should keep in mind, that if there is a down payment in an amount exceeding 70 % of the cost of the purchased apartment, a mortgage replacement scheme may be profitable consumer loan .

This approach will not only significantly simplify the procedure for applying for a loan, but will also reduce the level of necessary costs. This is explained by the fact that in consumer lending none commissions And insurance payments inherent in a mortgage.

However, the scheme described above is not suitable for everyone, because usually the decision to apply for a mortgage is made by citizens who have a much smaller amount as a down payment.

Today, banks allow you to get a mortgage with a very small deposit or even no deposit at all.

But it's worth keeping in mind that when calculating the possible loan amount, the bank takes into account the cost of the apartment, which will be determined during the analysis of the property appraiser .

If the seller has set a price for the apartment that is higher than the appraised price, then it is unlikely to be possible to get by with the minimum down payment. The bank will calculate the maximum possible loan amount based on appraised value.

The difference between the mortgage size obtained during the calculations and the market price of the apartment falls entirely on the shoulders of the borrower and must be paid as a down payment. You can calculate payments through our.

2. Features of a mortgage without a down payment 🗒

A mortgage with no down payment is risky for both the lending institution and the borrower.

Before 2008 of the year mortgage programs that do not require savings were widespread throughout Russia. At that time, real estate prices were growing much faster than it was possible to save enough for a down payment.

However, the thunderous economic crisis led to the fact that many banks had to abandon mortgage lending programs without a down payment. Moreover, this happened even despite the higher rates for such programs.

However, when applying for a mortgage without a down payment, there are high risks not only for the credit institution, but also for the borrower himself.

If solvency debtor for any reason will decrease, after the sale of the apartment he will probably you will get absolutely nothing. This is due to the fact that in the first years most of the payment goes towards paying off interest. The amount of debt remains unchanged.

If the value of the apartment decreases from the moment of purchase, there is a possibility that the borrower will remain in debt to the bank even after the sale of the mortgaged apartment.

Many borrowers believe that a mortgage is an ideal option for them, which will allow them to replace rent by paying for their own apartment.

The following circumstances should be taken into account:

  1. Typically, monthly mortgage payments are significantly higher than rental payments;
  2. You may need at least minimal savings for the period when you already need to pay for the mortgage, but you still cannot refuse rent ( For example, the apartment has not yet been decorated, renovations are underway and other reasons).

The state is making every effort to make mortgages more affordable. Therefore, lending for the purchase of housing with a minimum down payment is actively developing.

Today AHML(Housing Mortgage Lending Agency ), whose branches are open in most Russian regions, offers mortgage programs with a contribution 10 %.

But it's worth keeping in mind that such conditions provide conclusion of additional insurance contracts. Quite naturally, this increases the amount of the final overpayment.

Most banks do not welcome a mortgage without a down payment, since the lack of savings may indicate low income, as well as insufficiently well-organized financial discipline.

Experts advise future borrowers to check the reality of mortgage payments. To do this, it is enough over a long period ( at least six months ) set aside a sum of money in a separate bank account in the amount of the planned loan payment.

If no problems arise with this, and the remaining funds are sufficient for living, you can safely apply for a mortgage loan. In this case, the accumulated funds can be used as an initial fee or how financial reserve in case of any problems.

Finding a mortgage program with no down payment can be difficult. Therefore, those who do not have the means to pay for it have another mortgage optionreceive funds for a down payment through consumer loan . We have already talked about how in one of the previous articles.

In this case, you should keep in mind that the rate on such a loan is much higher. But it will be possible to pay it off in a much shorter time.

For those who choose this method of obtaining a mortgage, worth keeping in mind that in the first years the payment will be significantly higher, because you will have to pay off two loans at once. That is why you need to especially carefully evaluate your financial capabilities.

Popular options for obtaining a mortgage without a down payment

3. How to get a mortgage without a down payment - TOP 7 design options 📝

The economic crisis has led to a decrease in the popularity of mortgage lending in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. Statistics show a significant drop in demand for mortgages over the previous two years almost on 20 %.

Experts suggest that in the absence of changes in the economic situation in Russia, the decline in mortgage lending will continue. In such conditions credit institutions are forced to treat potential borrowers more loyally, and also to develop more attractive mortgage programs.

At the same time, banks cannot afford to reduce the rate to the level 10 %. In conditions of current inflation, this will lead to unprofitability of mortgage lending.

In times of crisis, credit institutions do not welcome issuing mortgages without a down payment. Nevertheless, there are several ways that allow a borrower to apply for a mortgage loan without having sufficient savings. We wrote about this or that housing earlier.

Basic ways to get a mortgage loan without a down payment

Option 1. Preferential mortgage programs

For vulnerable categories of citizens The state has developed several programs whose goal is to help improve living conditions. You can find out what programs are in effect today in the applicant’s place of residence in local authorities.

Most often, benefits are provided military personnel , young families , and young teachers . Mortgages for the first category have a different implementation scheme, so we will consider it separately.

Can be used by citizens whose age does not exceed 35 years. To participate in the program, you must contact local authorities to confirm the need to improve your living conditions.

If the decision to participate in the project is positive, the applicant will be put in line to receive housing certificate. Once assistance is provided, there are several options for using it. The most popular is to send subsidized funds to pay the down payment.

note, which is usually the amount of subsidies does not exceed 10 % of the cost of housing. Therefore, when banks develop mortgage programs with government support, they set down payments at exactly this level.

There is one more important condition - limited validity period of the housing certificate. It amounts to 6 months , it is during this time that you should select a bank, find suitable housing and complete the deal.

Important to keep in mind that only those banks that are partners have the right to work with social mortgages AHML.

Option 2. Military mortgage

This option is ideal for those who decide to take out a mortgage without having the funds to make a down payment. But this method is available exclusively to military personnel.

To obtain a military mortgage, you must go through several steps:

  1. Become a participant in the savings and mortgage system;
  2. Through 3 years from the date of registration in the program, submit an application to Rosvoenipoteka;
  3. When obtaining permission for a mortgage, in the previous step, find a bank that works with military mortgages;
  4. Select a suitable residential property, which can be located in any region of the country;
  5. Sign the necessary documents and become the owner of an apartment or house.

The advantage of a military mortgage is that for program participants Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation contributes not only an initial fee, but also subsequent ones monthly payments.

But there are limitations:

  • the right to a subsidy is subject to the conscientious performance of official duties;
  • the maximum amount of subsidies is 2,2 million rubles.

It should also be kept in mind that until the mortgage loan is fully repaid, the housing will be encumbered double pledge – on the part of the bank and the state.

This means that you can dispose of real estate at your own discretion ( For example, sell or donate) the serviceman will not be able to.

Option 3. Mortgage with maternity capital

Maternal capital is one of the ways to get help from the state. The subsidy is provided to families with a second child.

Using maternity capital funds as a down payment on a mortgage loan

One of the areas for using the subsidy is making a down payment when applying for a mortgage loan.

Today the amount of maternity capital is 426 thousand rubles. On average, this amount allows you to cover about 20 % of the cost of housing. Therefore, maternity capital is usually enough to pay the first installment.

An important circumstance is the fact that when applying for a mortgage, you can use maternity capital immediately after the birth of the child (unlike other use cases where you have to wait 3 of the year).

Before the subsidy is transferred to the credit institution, the applicant will need obtain permission from the Pension Fund, which is issued before 2 months.

Taking this into account, the algorithm of actions for the borrower will look like this:

  1. Search for a developer or owner of a finished apartment who agree to sell real estate using maternity capital;
  2. Obtaining permission from the Pension Fund to use maternity capital to purchase housing;
  3. Search for a credit institution and, accordingly, select a mortgage program , in which you can get a loan to buy a home using maternity capital as a down payment;
  4. Applying for a mortgage loan ;
  5. In case of a positive decision, signing of contracts , making a first payment with a state certificate, registration of housing ownership with the imposition of an encumbrance.

By the way, those who already have a mortgage loan have the right to use maternity capital to pay off the principal debt under the contract.

Option 4. Marketing promotions

Today, many banks are developing various mortgage promotions, including its design with zero down payment . Most often, such promotions are carried out jointly with developers who seek to increase sales.

This option cannot be called reliable enough. You will have to wait quite a long time for the promotion to be launched. In addition, the choice of real estate under such programs is traditionally limited.

Option 5. Mortgage secured by existing real estate

Another mortgage option if there is no money for the down payment - use existing real estate instead.

Most banks easily agree to this, since such a scheme is beneficial for them. For borrowers, this option carries significant risks.

There are a number of conditions for real estate that is planned to be pledged:

  1. possibility of use for living;
  2. high liquidity of the property;
  3. location in a designated banking area.

Something to keep in mind, that the amount usually does not exceed 70 % of the real value of the property.

Option 6. Additional collateral

Additional security that will replace the down payment can be pledge of any valuables.

This can be not only real estate, but also the following assets:

  • automobile;
  • land plot;
  • precious metals;
  • securities.

Credit institutions usually accept as collateral highly liquid profitable investments. Banking specialists are well versed in investing, so they are unlikely to agree to accept dubious assets.

Option 7. Receiving a down payment through a consumer loan

The previous options are not available to everyone. Many citizens do not own expensive property and are not entitled to government support.

In this case, some decide to processing a consumer loan, which is subsequently sent to payment of the down payment. Sometimes credit institutions even offer special programs. In a separate article, we have already written how and where to get a loan without refusal.

In this case, you first need to apply for a mortgage, and only apply for a consumer loan after her approval. We have already talked about this in the previous article.

Statistics show that most problems with paying a mortgage are associated precisely with the need to pay off several loans at the same time.

Thus, even if you do not have the funds to make a down payment, there is a chance to get a mortgage. It is important to explore all existing options and make the right choice.

Review of banks where you can get a mortgage without a down payment

4. Which banks give mortgages without a down payment - TOP 5 banks with the best conditions 🏦

In the struggle for clients, more and more banks are developing mortgage lending conditions that provide absence down payment . However, not all programs can be considered beneficial for borrowers.

To understand which conditions are the most favorable, you will have to not only study, but also compare the programs of different banks. It is quite natural that the best interest rates can be found in the largest credit institutions in the country.

The table below shows the interest rates in the 5 best of them:

Credit organisation Program Rate (% per annum)
1. Alfa Bank Mortgage secured by residential real estate 12,3
2. Sberbank Mortgage lending with maternity capital 12,5
3. VTB 24 Military mortgage 13,0
4. Delta Credit Consumer loan for a down payment on a mortgage 15,0
5. Zapsibcombank Mortgage loan without down payment 16,0

5. Brokers’ assistance in obtaining a mortgage loan without a down payment 📊

Finding the best mortgage program can be difficult. There are a huge number of offers on the market today that should not only analyze, but also compare.

Difficulties in choosing a mortgage program become even greater if the borrower does not have the funds to make a down payment, as well as the right to receive government subsidies.

They help to facilitate the search procedure and also save time on its implementation. mortgage brokers. These are specialists who are well versed in all the intricacies of credit products operating on the market.

It is quite natural that brokers charge commission . But given the fact that they often achieve the most favorable conditions for the client, the borrower ultimately wins.

Large cities usually have quite a lot brokerage companies. In small towns, professionals most often operate on the basis real estate agencies.

It is important to choose brokers with an impeccable reputation.

In the capital, the leaders in the mortgage brokerage services market are:

1) Royal Finance

The employees of this broker have extensive experience working in various credit institutions.

Therefore, they are well versed in all the intricacies of mortgages.

2) LK-credit

Despite the fact that the company is new to the brokerage services market, it has already managed to win the gratitude of a huge number of clients, as well as an impeccable reputation.

There is no requirement to make any advance payments, and all commissions are charged exclusively in accordance with the agreement.

3) Credit laboratory

The company's employees have extensive experience accumulated over many years of fruitful work.

This helps prepare the borrower for the most extraordinary requests from banks.

Thus, there are a huge number of mortgage brokers operating in Russia. When choosing who to collaborate with, The main thing is not to fall for scammers .

The main feature that distinguishes them from conscientious assistants is requirement to pay a fee before anything is done.

6. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) 🔔

- not an easy task. It gets even more complicated if you don't have the funds to make a down payment.

It is quite natural that this process raises a huge number of questions. We will try to give answers to the most popular of them below.

Question 1. Is it possible to take out a mortgage without a down payment and collateral of property?

In order for the bank to agree to issue a mortgage, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • availability of a reliable guarantor;
  • there is a right to government subsidies;
  • the presence of valuable property with a sufficiently high level of liquidity.

Only in these cases It is possible to find programs that provide for no down payment.

Some mortgage applicants naively believe that the collateral of the purchased home is sufficient to obtain approval for their application. But this is fundamentally not true.

Encumbrance for an apartment is a mandatory condition of mortgage lending and cannot cancel the need to make a down payment. It turns out that the pledge is issued without fail.

Question 2. Is it possible to get a mortgage from a developer without a down payment?

Developers are fighting with all their might for every buyer.

To speed up the sales of apartments in houses under construction (new buildings), construction companies often enter into agreements agreements with banking organizations, which offer various unique programs to attract borrowers. In addition, in some cases, you can apply for a loan directly from the developer.

In the first case, the mortgage is issued through the bank . In this case, a number of advantages can be identified compared to the situation when there is no agreement with the developer.

Let's list them:

  1. more favorable lending conditions;
  2. most often, the developer’s employees provide consultations, help to collect a package of documents, which they themselves submit to the bank;
  3. expedited consideration of the application;
  4. higher probability of a positive decision.

Feature of the second option reveals that no need to go to the bank . The loan agreement will be concluded directly with the construction company.

This option has significant advantages:

  • no need to submit income documents;
  • failure is unlikely;
  • there is no need to take out insurance.

But there is also an important minus– the contract period usually does not exceed 1 of the year. In very rare cases, developers agree to register it on 2-3 of the year.

It turns out that such an option is regular installments .

Read about how in one of our articles.

Question 3. Is it worth taking out a mortgage for a secondary home with a zero down payment and is there any benefit to it?

Many who dream of purchasing their own home do not have the money to make a down payment. In these conditions mortgage without down payment may be the only solution. But it is best to try to find an opportunity to make at least some amount as a down payment.

The fact is that in its complete absence, the rate is traditionally higher by at least 3 % . Given the long terms and amounts of the mortgage loan, the overpayment can be huge.

The loan amount when making the first payment will be significantly less. This leads to a reduction not only in overpayments, but also in the size of the monthly payment.

Many young families dream of acquiring their own home, but at current prices, accumulating the required amount is out of the question. Mortgage lending programs provide the opportunity to buy a new home or improve your conditions by selling your existing living space and using a mortgage to add the required portion of the amount.

Those who have a permanent job can count on the favor of banks, since one of the main documents that will be asked to receive a loan will be a certificate of income, Form 2, personal income tax. What if a person does not have a permanent job and earns money by completing private orders? How can such borrowers get a mortgage without a 2nd personal income tax certificate? We will tell you what to do in such a situation.

Mortgage Loans - Rules and Regulations

To get a profitable mortgage loan, you must not only submit a package of necessary documents to the bank, but also pay a down payment for the chosen apartment. You can find out where it is more profitable to take out a mortgage loan. Many banks accommodate mortgage loan applicants halfway and do not insist on the mandatory presentation of a 2nd personal income tax certificate. In the attached table we have collected the following banks where you can get a loan:

It is possible to do without a personal income tax certificate 2 from the employer. If the borrower earns money through entrepreneurial activity or has a private practice, the 2NDFL certificate will be completely replaced by a tax return. If the borrower has income from renting out real estate or other property, the bank can be presented with a rental agreement signed by the parties.

In today's conditions of fierce competition, many credit institutions do not include the presentation of a certificate of income at all in the list of requirements, but the borrower needs to be prepared for very inhumane interest on the loan and a short term.

True, any bank becomes much more accommodating when it comes to the size of the down payment on a mortgage. The fact is that, under the terms of the loan agreement, the apartment is pledged to the bank and with the size of the down payment, the risks of non-payment of the loan are reduced. When a borrower expresses a desire to pay half the cost of housing, lenders are ready for a constructive dialogue without a certificate or other formalities.

A real estate pledge is an effective way to get your issue resolved. However, it is worth considering when all other attempts have failed. A positive aspect can be considered low interest rates and the absence of bank requirements for collecting certificates and other documents, since the presence of collateral in itself encourages trust.

The disadvantages of this method of obtaining a loan are the low valuation of the real estate pledged as collateral - about half of the real price. Also, if the borrower fails to repay the loan, there is a serious risk of remaining not only poor, but also homeless, because the collateral will be sold by the bank in order to repay the debt, and inexpensively. Whether it is worth the risk is up to the borrower to decide.

Is there any other way to get a loan? A good way to find a loan on favorable terms is to contact a bank brokerage firm. Local specialists, as a rule, have extensive experience working in credit institutions and, for a fee, will find the right bank, prepare documents and, to the extent of their connections and authority, contribute to the successful resolution of the issue.

This method is good for everyone, but there is a possibility of encountering criminals or scammers. You need to choose a brokerage company by carefully studying the information. We described in detail earlier how to get a consumer loan without certificates and guarantors, you can read about it.

When deciding to become a borrower for many years, you need to be prepared for high interest rates on the loan, the bank’s picky attitude towards the chosen property and the personality of the client himself.

Dmitry Argunov

Can I get a mortgage without a down payment and proof of income?(With)

Anyone who strives to improve their living conditions considers various mortgage options. After all, buying a new home without using borrowed funds is an impossible task for most. However, there are people who do not want to be content with the crazy overpayment that arises under the lowest cost conditions (10-20% down payment, term 20-30 years).

In addition, not everyone likes endless collection of certificates and frequent refusals. We also note that the last point involuntarily pushes many citizens to fraudulent actions, most often related to income confirmation - such as, for example, falsifying a 2-NDFL certificate and other gray schemes.

Why did they come up with a mortgage based on 2 documents?

In order to somehow simplify the procedure for obtaining a mortgage, offer more favorable conditions, and at the same time attract that part of the population that has significant capital (40-50% of the cost of housing), some banks have introduced such an interesting product as “ mortgage on 2 documents" This product has interested many citizens, because, in fact, you always have at least 1-2 documents in your pocket, and therefore, you can try to go to the bank at any time and try your luck.

The introduction of a mortgage using two documents created time savings for both the client and the bank. All kinds of certificates remained in the classic mortgage. Less paperwork allowed for faster processing of applications. We also note that such a mortgage product may be of interest to such a category of citizens who do not have an official income, but who are able to bear mortgage obligations.

However, for those who are thinking about purchasing real estate using a mortgage based on 2 documents, they should understand its mechanism, because any seemingly simple thing, such as the topic of the article in question, can have its pitfalls.

What is the complexity of a mortgage using 2 documents?

You can take advantage of a mortgage using 2 documents even if you already have a significant amount on hand. Banks ask for a down payment of 40-50%. It is this point that is the main obstacle for the majority. Note that many banks (but not all, for example, this is not the case at VTB24) allow clients to use maternity capital as a down payment. Again, not everyone has it, not everyone has children yet. Such a high down payment that banks require is their compensation for the risks. (by the way, is it real? Read the expert’s opinion)

Do I need to confirm income?

A mortgage without a down payment allows you not to confirm your income. Indirectly, income is confirmed by a high down payment. If you want to get the very best conditions for an express mortgage, then your income is gray, then you can fill out an income confirmation form according to the banks’ form. Everyone understands everything perfectly.

There are some differences in the specifics of the “mortgage with 2 documents” and “mortgage without proof of income” products. They are approximately identical: neither one nor the other requires official confirmation of income. But, still, a “mortgage without proof of income” is less profitable, since in this case there is already a possibility that the client’s salary in the envelope is gray and his reliability is not high, accordingly, the bank gives a higher interest rate (by 2-3 points higher than in the classic one) in order to reduce your risks, and also increases the down payment. In a mortgage according to 2 documents, the bank is often limited to only a high down payment and less often to a minimum increase in the interest rate, and then by 0.5-1%.

In addition, a mortgage without income verification is not a separate bank product. This is rather one of the loyal conditions. Some banks have a mortgage under two documents as a separate mortgage product.

What documents do banks require to obtain a mortgage using two documents?

Although when applying for a mortgage, the bank carefully checks the borrower for his financial capabilities, a mortgage without a down payment has significantly simplified all the paperwork.

Well, if the first document is a passport, everything is clear with it, then the second document can be any of the list (it varies from bank to bank):

  • driver's license;
  • military personnel identification card;
  • identification card of a federal government employee;
  • military ID;
  • international passport;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • documents for movable or immovable property.


In general, what conditions do banks offer for mortgages based on 2 documents? In general, the conditions are similar to a classic mortgage, with the exception of the first two points:

  • down payment – ​​40-50%;
  • required documents – passport and any from the list above;
  • loan term – up to 30 years;
  • borrower age 21-65 years;
  • the ability to use co-borrowers;
  • compulsory real estate insurance;
  • no loan fees;
  • early repayment without restrictions;
  • real estate objects - primary, secondary market of apartments, house with plot.

Mortgage according to 2 documents: list of banks

Mortgage under two documents - which banks issue it?

At the time of writing this article, only a few banks offered this format for obtaining a mortgage loan. Over time, hopefully, the list will expand. Let us remind you that you can NOT confirm your income in these banks.

Mortgage according to 2 documents from Sberbank


  • The minimum loan amount is 45,000 rubles;
  • Maximum loan amount:
    — 15,000,000 rubles for loans for facilities located in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
    — 8,000,000 rubles for loans for other objects.
  • Minimum down payment – ​​50%;
  • Provided for the purchase of housing under construction and finished housing.
  • Possibility to use maternity capital.

For clients who do not have a salary project at the bank or an open deposit, the interest rate increases by 0.5% from the rates on classic housing loans.

Mortgage according to 2 documents VTB24 “Victory over formalities”


  • Loan amount - from 600 thousand rubles. up to 30 million rubles
  • Loan rate - check with the bank;
  • Loan term up to 20 years;
  • Mandatory documents - passport and SNILS;
  • Mandatory insurance;
  • Down payment - from 40%.

Mortgage under 2 documents from VTB Bank of Moscow “Simple Mortgage”


  • Interest rate – check with the bank;
  • Loan term - up to 20 years;
  • Down payment from 40% in rubles;
  • No fees for registration, issuance and early repayment of the loan.
  • The use of maternity capital is not provided.

The loan decision is provided within 24 hours. This mortgage product allows you to purchase an apartment on the secondary housing market.

Mortgage according to 2 documents from Rosselkhozbank


  • The minimum loan amount is 100,000 rubles;
  • Maximum loan amount:
    — 8,000,000 rubles for loans for facilities located in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
    — 4,000,000 rubles for loans for other objects.
  • Minimum down payment – ​​40% (50% for a residential building with a plot)
  • Interest rate – check with the bank;
  • Loan term – up to 25 years;
  • Provided for the purchase of housing under construction, financed by a bank, finished housing, as well as a residential building with a plot (including a townhouse)

Mortgage “Loan according to one document” from DeltaCredit


  • Just a passport is enough;
  • Interest rate - check with the bank
  • Maximum loan term – 25 years
  • Purchased real estate - apartments, rooms on the secondary market and in new buildings, a finished house and a house under construction (including a townhouse), garages, apartments.