Current account in otp bank. Acquiring for business in OTP Bank Connecting acquiring in OTP Bank

A bank card is one of those inventions that were created to make human life easier. Over time, the list of functions initially included in it has expanded significantly, and now the card is used by a much larger number of people. Over time, acquiring arose - a method of performing an operation involving a plastic card and a reading device. At the moment, the terminal often plays the role of this device. This way, the merchant or teller can contact the bank to complete the transaction.

Bank and acquiring

The Central Bank of Russia defines the concept of an acquiring bank as follows: An acquiring bank is a credit organization that carries out settlements with trade or service enterprises for transactions made using payment cards and/or issues cash to payment card holders who are not clients acquiring bank.

A financial institution of this type may perform other functions:

  • emission;
  • acquiring;
  • issuance of plastic cards.

The basis for this is the internal bank rules established in accordance with current legislation. However, everyone is switching to cards not only because it is convenient.

Buyers1. Simple calculation method.
2. Eliminating the possibility of incorrect delivery.
Organization1. Eliminating the risk of counterfeit banknotes.
2. Savings on collection.
3. Increase in sales volume (card holders are more prone to spontaneous purchases).
4. Receiving additional banking services, participating in discount programs.
5. Obtaining a more prestigious status in the eyes of clients.
6. Free staff training.
Bank1. Expansion of opportunities due to greater cash flow.
2. Increasing the number of regular customers.

As you can see, conducting a transaction using acquiring is beneficial to everyone. As for this service from OTP, you can also add to the listed benefits for companies:

  • free installation of terminals or other equipment;
  • free provision of consumables and advertising materials;
  • the possibility of re-training staff if necessary (it is free, like the first);
  • fast deposit of funds;
  • tariff flexibility;
  • providing advice in case of difficulties;
  • no payment for using terminals.

OTP Bank tariffs for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

OTP Bank offers clients cooperation within the framework of trade acquiring. Organizations that strive to achieve the goal of accepting cashless payments can look forward to the above-mentioned benefits. Service tariffs are calculated based on the company’s monthly cash turnover. Newly arrived users will receive a basic fee for each card transaction with a fixed volume. The manager representing the financial institution will transfer you to standard conditions in the future. This takes into account the duration of cooperation and changes in the organization's turnover.

The following indicators were recorded:

Regardless of the turnover, the monthly payment for the service will be at least 4 thousand rubles. If transaction fees are less than this amount, at the end of the month the bank will write off the remaining amount of funds from the client. The rule applies to each terminal installed by bank representatives.

At the moment, OTP Bank does not provide mobile acquiring services.

Terms of cooperation can be downloaded from the official OTP website. To do this, go to the website

Open the "Business" tab.

Click on the "Small Business" button.

Scroll down and click on the “Acquiring” button.

We can say for sure that acquiring is a convenient and simple service that benefits everyone who uses it. Banks are expanding the circle of their users, companies receive high-quality comprehensive services, and customers do not have to run to the ATM one more time. The terms of cooperation are easy to find on the website, all that remains is to wish its clients the same ease of use.

What is acquiring? Acquiring is payment by cards. Acquiring services include cafes, shops, online stores, delivery services, taxis, and concert ticket sellers.

In regular stores, customers tap their card on the terminal and pay for their purchase. To pay on the website, the buyer enters card details and sends them to the store. In both cases it is an acquiring system.

There are three types of acquiring:
Internet acquiring - for payments on websites and social networks;
trade acquiring - for shops and cafes;
mobile acquiring - for mobile points and couriers

Acquiring is payment by cards. Acquiring services include cafes, shops, online stores, delivery services, taxis, and concert ticket sellers.

In regular stores, customers tap their card on the terminal and pay for their purchase. To pay on the website, the buyer enters card details and sends them to the store. In both cases it is an acquiring system.

There are three types of acquiring:
Internet acquiring - for payments on websites and social networks;
trade acquiring - for shops and cafes;
mobile acquiring - for mobile points and couriers

Who needs acquiring services? Retail outlets with a turnover of 60 million rubles per year and more. Such stores are required to accept cards for payment. This is a legal requirement.

Online stores. If you sell online, acquiring will help you accept cashless payments. This will help fight the cash gap: you don’t wait for the delivery service to collect cash payments from customers and send them to you, but receive the money immediately into your account. Without acquiring, it is difficult to pay for a purchase with a card: you need to go to the Internet bank and fill out the store details. The money will arrive in three days. Acquiring will save time for you and the buyer.

Regular store or cafe. If you only accept cash, sellers will have to find change and buyers will have to find a nearby ATM to withdraw money. Acquiring eliminates this problem: the buyer pays by card and the seller issues a receipt.

Delivery services. If the courier carries an acquiring terminal with him, he does not need to carry change with him and worry about the safety of cash while he is on the road.

Retail outlets with a turnover of 60 million rubles per year and more. Such stores are required to accept cards for payment. This is a legal requirement.

Online stores. If you sell online, acquiring will help you accept cashless payments. This will help fight the cash gap: you don’t wait for the delivery service to collect cash payments from customers and send them to you, but receive the money immediately into your account. Without acquiring, it is difficult to pay for a purchase with a card: you need to go to the Internet bank and fill out the store details. The money will arrive in three days. Acquiring will save time for you and the buyer.

Regular store or cafe. If you only accept cash, sellers will have to find change and buyers will have to find a nearby ATM to withdraw money. Acquiring eliminates this problem: the buyer pays by card and the seller issues a receipt.

Delivery services. If the courier carries an acquiring terminal with him, he does not need to carry change with him and worry about the safety of cash while he is on the road.

Why is it needed? Acquiring helps stores increase revenue, make customers more loyal, deal with queues and establish cooperation with the bank.

With acquiring there are more chances to increase revenue. Imagine that there are two buyers: Andrey and Marina. Andrey pays in cash, and Marina - by card. If the store does not have acquiring, only Andrey will make the purchase, and if there is, both will make the purchase.

Payment by cards is faster than cash. The cashier does not ask the customer to find smaller money and does not look for change, which means he serves faster. This is how acquiring deals with queues.

With acquiring, the bank sees account turnover. If the store needs a loan, this will help the bank make a positive decision.

Acquiring helps stores increase revenue, make customers more loyal, deal with queues and establish cooperation with the bank.

With acquiring there are more chances to increase revenue. Imagine that there are two buyers: Andrey and Marina. Andrey pays in cash, and Marina - by card. If the store does not have acquiring, only Andrey will make the purchase, and if there is, both will make the purchase.

Payment by cards is faster than cash. The cashier does not ask the customer to find smaller money and does not look for change, which means he serves faster. This is how acquiring deals with queues.

With acquiring, the bank sees account turnover. If the store needs a loan, this will help the bank make a positive decision.

How much do acquiring services cost? If you connect acquiring in Modulbank, you only need to pay commissions on purchases, there will be no monthly fees. If you sell not on the Internet, but in real life, you will also need a terminal.

Banks often rent out terminals. Then the seller pays a subscription fee every month, and the bank can take away the terminal if the store’s turnover decreases. This is especially inconvenient for those who have seasonal sales, for example, an ice cream truck or goods for the garden.

In Modulbank you receive ownership of the terminal: pay for it once, and the terminal is yours. We won't take him away.

The commission on purchases depends on the type of acquiring and the tariff that the client has subscribed to. The minimum commission on a purchase is 1.5%, the maximum is 2.3%. The simplest terminal for acquiring costs 13,000 rubles, the most expensive - 27,000 rubles.

If you connect acquiring in Modulbank, you only need to pay commissions on purchases, there will be no monthly fees. If you sell not on the Internet, but in real life, you will also need a terminal.

Banks often rent out terminals. Then the seller pays a subscription fee every month, and the bank can take away the terminal if the store’s turnover decreases. This is especially inconvenient for those who have seasonal sales, for example, an ice cream truck or goods for the garden.

In Modulbank you receive ownership of the terminal: pay for it once, and the terminal is yours. We won't take him away.

The commission on purchases depends on the type of acquiring and the tariff that the client has subscribed to. The minimum commission on a purchase is 1.5%, the maximum is 2.3%. The simplest terminal for acquiring costs 13,000 rubles, the most expensive - 27,000 rubles.

How to connect acquiring?

For online acquiring, we will send you an SMS code with which you sign an application to add an online store. We tell you the steps you need to take to embed acquiring on your website. Typically, embedding acquiring on a website takes no more than 20 minutes.

If you are already a client of Modulbank, write to us in the chat. We will send you a form: we will fill out some of it for you, and you will fill out some of it yourself. We will check your application - this takes one business day. After this, we will send you an acquiring application. After this, you need to conclude an agreement.

For merchant acquiring, we will send you the terminal ourselves.

For online acquiring, we will send you an SMS code with which you sign an application to add an online store. We tell you the steps you need to take to embed acquiring on your website. Typically, embedding acquiring on a website takes no more than 20 minutes.

Are you looking for a simple solution to increase the competitiveness of your business and attract new customers?

OTP Bank offers favorable conditions for connecting merchant acquiring to accept non-cash payments using stationary POS terminals.

Advantages of acquiring from OTP Bank for individual entrepreneurs and enterprises

Having equipment that allows you to accept plastic cards from popular payment systems is a prerequisite for successful business development. In this way, it is possible to reduce collection costs, reduce the risk of receiving counterfeit banknotes and increase turnover.

OTP Bank offers its clients the following guarantees:

  • prompt consideration of the submitted request to connect the service;
  • provision and setup of POS equipment free of charge;
  • no requirements for a minimum turnover of funds to obtain a terminal;
  • prompt crediting of proceeds to the current account;
  • Availability of 24-hour support service;
  • free training for employees to use the devices;
  • flexible acquiring rates;
  • free provision of promotional products and consumables.

By contacting OTP Bank, you will be able to accept plastic cards with payment systems Visa, MIR, MasterCard, UnionPay and JCB.

It is worth noting that training in working with POS equipment is provided free of charge. In this case, the client has the right to order training more than once. For this purpose, you need to submit a corresponding application to the bank office.

Tariffs for acquiring at OTP Bank for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Currently, the bank provides only merchant acquiring services. For clients wishing to accept non-cash payments, stationary POS equipment is provided and configured free of charge. In this case, we are not talking about rent, because the bank does not charge a subscription fee for using the terminal.

Tariffs for trade acquiring at OTP Bank depend on the monthly turnover of the applicant (individual entrepreneur or company). New customers are given a base commission rate for each card transaction made, which has a fixed amount.

In the future, it can be changed to the standard rate by the decision of the bank manager. The specialist takes into account the terms of cooperation and the growth of the client’s turnover.

Regardless of the turnover of individual entrepreneurs or organizations, they must pay at least 4,000 rubles for trade acquiring within a month.

For example, if transaction fees for a month are less than this amount, the bank withholds at least 4,000 rubles from the client. This rule applies to every terminal installed by the bank.

For example, if during the month 3,500 rubles were written off from you for all transactions carried out through the device, at the end of the reporting period the bank will deduct an additional 500 rubles from you.

OTP Bank does not currently provide Internet and mobile acquiring services. Clients can receive exclusively stationary equipment for accepting non-cash payments using cards of popular payment systems. Thus, it will not be possible to find out the conditions for connecting to mobile and Internet acquiring and tariffs at OTP Bank.

Connecting acquiring in OTP Bank

This service can currently only be activated in bank offices. For this purpose, a client who has one will need to contact the manager with a passport and some other documents.

The specialist will provide an up-to-date acquiring application form and other forms, if necessary, after which the corresponding agreement is concluded.

If you do not yet have an account, you will first need to open one by providing a certain package of papers to the office. You can apply online through the bank's website. Registration of the account is carried out as soon as possible. In this case, the client has access to the service of booking account details.

Would you like to know as much as possible about the service before activating it? Contact a bank specialist at toll-free number 8-800-100-55-55 or 0707 (for MTS, Tele2, Beeline and Megafon subscribers), contact the nearest office or write to the bank by filling out the electronic feedback form .

You can find out the location of the nearest branches for working with business clients using the corresponding online map on the OTP Bank website.

Documents for acquiring acquisition at OTP Bank

The list of documentation depends on the status of the applicant, the presence or absence of a current account with a given bank and some other factors.

You can find out what papers will be required in your case to connect acquiring, from the support service or from a specialist in the office.

The minimum set of documents to receive the corresponding service is required to be presented to clients who have an active account with OTP Bank. As a rule, additional services and options are activated immediately after concluding an agreement on opening an account.

Reviews about acquiring at OTP Bank

Ivan Vasilievich, Tomsk

A good bank that provides quality services. I connected to merchant acquiring a couple of months ago, the rate is simply excellent. And the terminal was provided completely free of charge; you don’t even need to pay a subscription fee for use. It turns out to be very beneficial for business.

Georgy, Krasnoyarsk

I have been cooperating with OTP Bank for a year now, so I can definitely say that the quality of service here is excellent. A couple of months ago I connected acquiring, the terminals work smoothly. At the same time, the bank provides many services free of charge - they issued the equipment and set it up without problems, provided training materials, and advised employees on the operation of the devices. Great bank!

Alla, Yaroslavl

Equipment for accepting plastic cards is expensive, but OTP Bank provides it for free! Moreover, he takes a low commission from each transaction! Somehow the terminal started to freeze, I contacted the manager, and they quickly fixed the problem. This is the kind of service you count on when you open a bank account. Everything for business development.

Are you going to open a current account?


Check out bank offers
RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 10 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free payment cards – up to 20 pcs./month.
  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 5 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 490 rubles/month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration of salary cards is free;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Free opening of account in 10 minutes;
  • The first 2 months are free of charge;
  • After 2 months from 490 RUR/month;
  • Up to 8% on account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account - 0 rub.;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free “Sberbank Business Online”;
  • Lots of extra services.

RKO in VTB. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account – free of charge in 5 minutes;
  • 3 months of service 0 rubles;
  • Transfers and cash transactions - 0 rubles;

More about the current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuing a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budget payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. account maintenance if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free;
  • 3 months of service free of charge;
  • after 3 months from 490 rub./month.
RKO in LOKO Bank.

OJSC OTP Bank has been operating in Russia since 1994, offering individuals and legal entities favorable terms of service. It is a subsidiary of the banking group OTP Bank Plc., which is active in investment activities in Central and Eastern Europe. A wide range of services provided allows many people to contact a financial institution and receive high-quality and complete service. Many people open a current account with OTP Bank because it is convenient and practical, especially since the conditions are quite favorable. Individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to activate Internet banking, which allows them to manage their account and conduct transactions remotely. The institution has representative offices in all major cities of Russia, so anyone can sign a service agreement.

Advantages of opening a current account with OTP

By choosing OTP Bank, the client receives the following advantages:

  • the ability to choose the desired package of services based on the type of business and its level;
  • when paying for the full package of services – free current account management;
  • manage your funds 24/7;
  • accrual of interest on the account balance (daily):
  • within the framework of the “Foreign Economic Activity”, “Trading” and “Maximum” service packages – free preparation of a salary project;
  • both receiving and issuing cash within the framework of the cash settlement service package (cash settlement services) is free of charge;
  • receiving bank details within 1 minute.

As can be seen from the above, every legal entity that enters into an agreement to open a current account receives many significant advantages.

Tariffs for cash settlement services at OTP Bank for 2018

How to open a current account in OTP?

Opening a current account at OTP Bank is as simplified as possible, and you can submit an application remotely by filling out the necessary fields on the website. This is convenient, since a person does not have to immediately submit documents to the branch to assess the capabilities of the account.

Opening an account online

To remotely open a current account, a legal entity (small business representative) must perform the following actions:

  1. Follow the link and click on the “Small Business” tab.
  2. Fill in the fields “Contact person” and “Telephone”, click on “Open account”.
  3. Select the form of the enterprise and indicate its full name, then send the application.

After the above steps, you should wait for a call from a bank employee, who will clarify a number of data on the documents, then open a current account with OTP. Everything happens within a few minutes.

A package of documents for opening a current account in OTP for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

There is a clear list of documents that must be provided to open a current account for a legal entity. person depending on its organizational and legal form.

For individual entrepreneurs:

  • application for the creation of a settlement account;
  • information about the individual entrepreneur in the form approved by the bank;
  • USRIP information;
  • civil passport identifying the individual entrepreneur;
  • a card with samples of personal signatures of the director and chief accountant, as well as a seal impression;
  • patent (license) to conduct business activities.

For LLC:

  • application for opening a personal account;
  • information about the LLC in the form approved by the bank;
  • official documents about the establishment (charter, minutes);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a sheet with stamps and seals, sample signatures;
  • information about financial position: tax return or accounting. balance;
  • license for a specific activity.

Thus, to open a personal account at OTP Bank, a minimum package of documents is required, on the basis of which a bank employee has the opportunity to carry out all the necessary operations.

Advantages of OTP for individual entrepreneurs

By contacting OTP Bank, an applicant can easily open a current account for an individual entrepreneur, receiving a number of significant advantages, the main ones of which are the following:

  • remote access to the account for management and control via Internet banking;
  • low maintenance costs;
  • preferential lending for individual entrepreneurs;
  • support 24 hours a day.

Thanks to various service packages, everyone can choose the option that suits them best.

Advantages of OTP for LLC

The Russian representative office of OTP Bank allows you to open a current account for an LLC at any time and in any place where there is an official representative office of this financial institution. In this case, the legal entity receives the following benefits:

  • 24-hour support from the OTP Bank consultation center;
  • high account security from unauthorized entry attempts;
  • possibility of remote control via an online communication system;
  • no restrictions in terms of the number of financial transactions (in the “All inclusive” package);
  • high speed of crediting money to the account and performing all other financial transactions.

More detailed information about the conditions for opening an LLC account in OTP Bank can be found by calling the Call Center contact number 8-800-100-55-55.

RKO (settlement and cash services) at OTP Bank

Cash settlement services at OTP Bank have special advantages, due, first of all, to the bank’s competent policy. Here are the following advantages:

  • complete security and safety of payments;
  • decent quality of service;
  • high speed of operations;
  • consulting support 24 hours a day.

The tariffs are optimal, which makes it possible for all legal entities to contact the bank for services on favorable terms, regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise.

Currency control and foreign trade activities

OTP Bank provides a currency control service, which includes the following:

  1. The completion of currency control documents is checked.
  2. A transaction passport is signed, as well as a number of other documents in the field of control of foreign exchange transactions.

Salary project

You can submit an application for a salary project remotely, for which the applicant needs to follow the link. Here you need to fill in the fields, indicating the name of the company, the number of employees in it, location (city), full name of the contact person, contact phone number and email address. By concluding an agreement on a payroll project, the company receives an advantage because it reduces the burden on accountants, while also providing convenience for its employees:

  • increased savings project due to interest accrued on the remaining amount;
  • payment by payment card for goods and services;
  • easy payments;
  • Withdraw cash from any ATM.

Security should also be added to the above, since OTP Bank has developed one of the best protection systems in the field of information and economic security.


OTP Bank also provides an acquiring service, which provides the ability to accept payment cards from the world's leading systems for payment for services and goods. The advantages of acquiring at OTP Bank include:

  1. Free installation of POS terminals.
  2. Short deadlines for crediting funds to the company's current account.
  3. Free collection.
  4. Individual tariff policy.
  5. Free training for your specialists to work with the POS terminal.
  6. Lack of subscription fees for installed equipment.

As we can conclude, the acquiring service is very beneficial for all legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership.

Additional features

OTP Bank is a modern financial institution that provides both individuals and legal entities with a number of additional advantages, including remote management of their account.

Internet banking

To remotely manage your account, a person must already have an open account with the bank. Next, the client follows the link, where he downloads the necessary drivers and the “Bank-Client” program.

Mobile bank

There is a special mobile application “OTB Bank” that allows you to easily track the movement of funds in your account and even perform the necessary financial transactions. For help setting up a mobile application, you can contact the nearest branch of a financial institution.

  • expanding the customer base through payment card holders and, as a result, increasing trade turnover;
  • improving the quality of customer service: providing customers with a convenient payment method, reducing the time it takes to receive payments;
  • reducing costs and risks associated with the collection, recalculation and storage of cash;
  • free training and consulting for your staff on issues related to accepting bank cards;
  • provision of equipment, software and consumables necessary to complete payment transactions;
  • operational deadlines for reimbursement - no later than two business days following the day of transfer of settlement information on transactions performed to the Bank;
  • 24/7 telephone support.

Retail: standard payments

For situations where the client pays for goods and services immediately.

The product is designed for supermarkets, restaurants, pharmacies, beauty salons, gas stations and other businesses.

Hotel business

Possibility to book hotel rooms by phone or fax and pay for accommodation when leaving the hotel. Payment can also be made if the client leaves without paying for the services in full.

The product is designed for hotel complexes, holiday homes, and travel companies.

Car rental

For booking vehicles by clients by phone or fax, paying for rental vehicles, repairing vehicles in case of damage during rental, paying fines, etc. Funds can be written off from the card in the absence of the client in accordance with the concluded rental agreement.

The product is designed for companies that rent vehicles and hotels that provide these services.

Recurring payments

To pay for goods and services on an ongoing basis, usually for a certain period (recurrent payments).

The product is designed for mobile operators, enterprises providing cable television broadcasting services, Internet providers and other enterprises.


Multi-merchant - making payments through one terminal by several suppliers of goods and services. As part of this service, each organization receives funds into its account and reports on transactions performed. The product is designed for companies with a small turnover, operating in a single space and seeking to provide customers with the opportunity to conveniently pay using payment cards.

Internet acquiring

Selling goods and services on the Internet is a rapidly growing market segment.

At the same time, paying for goods and services online using bank cards is the most convenient and simplest method of payment.

Expanding the circle of potential clients

Fast crediting of funds to your current account

Increased security of payments using 3D Secure

Using online acquiring from VTB, online stores receive financial guarantees and quick crediting of funds to their current account, and buyers are freed from the need to visit a bank office to process a transfer of funds and can quickly pay for the goods or services they like using a bank card. Cards of payment systems Visa International, MasterCard Worldwide and MIR are accepted for payment.